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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 May 1965, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 22, 1965 | WEATHER FORECAST | Long Debate Shaping Up Ontario Pension Plan Fits HERE and THERE Clear And Cool On Way To Speed Debate Any Future Ottawa Ideas Crown Attorney Geoffrey Bonnycastle, of Cobourg, will speak on prosecutions at this Friday's meeting of the Rotary Club of Bowman- ville, The Rotary Club of Bow- manville has received $4,965 Cam- " paign. It is anticipated the will be about , for its Easter Seal final total $5,500, A display of fireworks be provided by the Rotary Club of Bowmanville at the High School grounds next Monday night, Rotarian Don Morris has been appointed by the Ro- tary Club of Bowmanville as a voting delegate to the International Convention be- ing held early in June at Bowmanville Atlantic City, Three autos, Bowmanville; Mrs. Verna Wickman, ville and Albert W buster, Bowmanville During a recent holiday in England Sergeant A. H. Bar- ker, commanding officer of detach- ment of the Ontario Provin- Wil- Oshawa the Bowmanville cial Police, met B. H. liams, a former driven residents of the Bowman- ville area, were involved in an accident on Highway 2, near Nichols Garage, Cour- tice, Thursday afternoon, No one was injured. The driv- ers were: Andy Van Dronen, Mary Bowman- will by resident, who is an inspec- tor with the Southend-on-Sea Constabulary. A tireworks display will highlight the opening May 29 of Brookside neighbor- hood park, off Rossland rd at the Oshawa creek, display will 9 p.m. Schools in Ajax and Osh- The begin around awa will be represented in the Ontario Rugger Cham- to be in plonship Monday played Peterborough. More than 300 players from 25 schools will take part. The Daily Commercial News reports 24 firms have taken out plans for site grad- ing and shore protection re- quired for the Nuclear Power Station to be built at Fairport by the Ontario Hydro Electric Power Com- mission. tions Board has The Ontario Labor Rela- certified Local 183 International Hod Carriers' Building and C mon Laborers' Union America om- of to represent con- struction laborers employ- ed by Con-Drain Limited. The order covers all the Con-Drain laborers employ- ed by the company in Osh- awa, the townships of Brock, Reach (including Scugog), Whitby, East Whitby, Scott, Uxbridge and Pickering in Ontario county, and townships of Manvers, Darlington the Cartwright, and Clarke in Durham county, Excepted are those portions of Ontario county included in the area covered by a 25- mile radius from Toronto city hall. Also excepted are non-working foremen and persons above that rank. A child playing with matches is thought to have started a fire which did $200 damage to a house yester- the home of S. Konarowski, 106 Easthaven. The fire, which started under a bed did $150 damage to contents and $50 Firemen were called to a service station at hose away gasoline which over- flowed from a tank. A kitch- en fire at the home of Mrs. did $150 damage. The fire start- ed on the stove doing $100 damage to building and $50 day, The fire was at to building. 227 Simcoe st, s, to Wright, 428 Athol st., to contents Two people were injured yesterday evening in a two- car smash at the junction of n. and Greta st RR 1, Hampton and his passenger Carol Lodwick, 640 Christie received slight bruising when their car was in collision with a car driven Coe Simcoe st George J. Konyk ave., both by Clifton G. Draper Hill, Ontario Fire did an 84 Oshawa bdivd. n. Mr. §&. estimated $350 damage to a house at last night, The home belongs to Cunningham, The fire started in an upstairs bedroom. Cause of the blaze has not been established, Miss R. J, Smith, Orono, has completed the require ments of the University of Toronto for the degree of Bachelor of Library Science. Singer Douglas Crossley, F, Lloyd Crossley, 792 Grierson street, will appear on a na- network (NBC) next Tuesday at 10 -- it is the Bell Tele- phone Hour (via Channel 2, Buffalo) with Donald 0'Con- nor as. MC. Crossley will son of Mr. and Mrs tional U.S. TV - p.m OFFER SNEEZING HELP Holland also appear Tuesday on the "Mike" Douglas Show via Channel 2 at 1 p.m., video- taped in Cleveland two weeks ago, The Bell Hour will be 'live', Mrs, Elsie Chambers teed off for the third hole at the Oshawa Golf Club Friday afternoon -- and scored a hole in one. It was the first time ever for Mrs, Cham- bers, who was partnered by Mrs, Brenda Calhoun, A meeting of the Cana- dian Mental Health Associa- tion was held Thursday in Holy Trinity Church, Ajax. E, G, MeNeely, Ontario Division vice president, spoke of the CMHA work and objectives and stressed the need for community in- volvement in the fight for mental health and the pre- vention of mental illness The TB test clinic oOp- erated in connection with the South Ontario County Tuberculosis mass survey will be held at St, Mary's- of-the-People Roman Cathol- lic Church at 8. p.m. next Thursday instead of 7 p.m as previously announced It is announced in the current. issue of The On tario Gazette that letters pa- tent have been issued to Lumber Limited, which has its head office in Oshawa, Tonight, Sunday | By RONALD LEBEL ' ic willing to spell out minimum yoRONTO OTTAWA (CP) --A long, debating periods in the guillo- Fe mick tedious debate is shaping up injtine ruie 1 protect the right of ryture federal plans and to par-| Mr, Robarts committed On-| The definition of employer the Commons over new rulesevery party to be heard on\ao) Quebec legislation was in-\tario to the Canada Pension|will be expanded to prevent troduced in the Ontario legisla- Plan last January. (CP)--A pe | Premier Robarts, who intro "ance Minister Walter G had said that, following agree- ployers. ment by the provinces, similar, federal! iegislation will bejwork for brought in to cover employees|while coming under one multi- 'under federal jurisdiction, AIMS AT STRENGTH Ontario's new legislation jaims to strengthen the system of private pensions in the prov- ince, No employer is required any longer to maintain a pen- |duced the bill, said: "Our of uniform rules regul |pensions across Canada | sight.' | The bill requires private sion plans in Ontario to be moves to another provin for pension plans, Mr. Robarts said the bil protect Ontario employees n q CP) -- Forecasts|St. Catharines ... . 4 Fi ny slg Oy wilh lige p y ee / oon 'a bof designed to shorten debates each ngiee of legislation, 5:30 am.: Peterborough ... ». 45 65 All members who spoke in As it stands now, the pro- ture Friday, : ss Gate ete... Gl 65 |the first three days of the de-| posed guillotine rule could be Synopsis: Fair and cooler anton 45 65 (pate agreed in principle thatjinvoked by any cabinet minis- weather is forecast for all re- Killaloe vi ae 45 their deliberations could stand ter to set any time limit he fons init and Sunday as alee ove = 48 \ceiin mis but mot of them chose. ipoweon a ile over southern Manitoba moves|North Bay «++ +++ +40 44 "<S ns aw ae ae ib ited to ere 9. ty business co eastward into the Great Lakes|Sudbury .., +++ +» 40 TD Fg eset splashed lr gers OAS ee veneer 7 "Bes lation 6. cvs csc 55 (40 minutes, but the rule usually mittee would try to agree on a re" go Lake Erie, Ni lgault Ste. Marie 40-69-18 waived by unanimous agree- time limit and if it failed the wake § & , Lake Erie, if b } hae me ' agara, Lake Ontario, Lakel\Kapuskasing .., ». 3 62 MOB prepagpee B wiprenge Bbcsapen eg ~e Huron, southern Georgian Bay,|TiMMINS ..- +++ + 32 60 | The discussion will continue -- one " e er re Haliburton, Killaloe, Windsor,|White River .,. +. 30 60 | Tuesday with two amendments) rym rege ae re e a vote London. Toronto, Hamilton:|Moosonee .., +++ +, 30 55 |formally before the House and @ wale vy ae : coun pC Clearing partly this afternoon [more being prepared by the) | Ueralt RO Ee aring parti) f government and the Creditistes,,Peace River) said there are iMostly clear-and cooler tonight! land Sunday, Winds shifting to northwest 15 to 20 this after- noon becoming light tonight and official birthday, Monday|'many dangerous traps" in this lthe House will not sit my poses in observance of the Queen's|proposal, 'The guillotine rule in the British Parliament was ap- ¢\Plied rarely and only by the rmanent Speaker after an ex- 'tended debate Gilles Gregoire, Creditiste intends next puse leader, said he introduce amendments --A limit of 36 days each ses-,week to make exceptions to the appropriations Sunday. Bo At UN All opposition parties have, Northern Georgian Bay, Tim 0ze expressed reservations agg pe! jagami, North Bay, Sudbury: TCHENW ' . the two major proposals in Clearing and cool tonight, KITCHENER (CP)--The On-/ government resolution intro-/WANTS EXCEPTIONS 'Sunny and cool Sunday, Winds tario chapter of the Women's| duced Wednesday by Prime! : Bes fe Christian Temperance Union; mee) The pr northwest 20 to 25:today, light)" United Ne Minister Pearson, The pro-| yy, tonight and Sunday. wants the United Nations to posals are: tc Algoma, sout hern White stop serving alcoholic. beverages ial 5A ¢ Je | 6 a ar, River: Sunny with a few cloudy/#t its New York headquarters, 110) on aii appropriation and|36-day limit on periods and cooler today, to- A resolution, approved at the supply debates, (This type of debates night and Sunday. Winds north-)provincial chapter's annual Con-' pusiness took up 90 days last) Two such amendments were west 20 today, light tonight andj vention Wednesday, says alcCo-| gagsign,) submitted Thursday night by Sunday jhol beverages are a "brain) _4 "guillotine" rule to cutithe New Democratic and Social Northern White River, ¢ och-|drug" and constitute a security off debate on controversial! Credit parties rane: Clearing and cool tonight, |Tisk legislation at an arbitrary, Mr. Gregoire opposed three Mostly sunny and coo! Sunday.! The resolution was one of 17| time to prevent fillbustersiother government proposals | Winds northwest 25 today, light|that ranged from keeping God like the 33-day flag debate' These call for a 30-minute tonight and Sunday Save the Queen as Canada's na- last year limit on the daily question pe tional anthem to asking the gov- Forecast Temperatures: ernment to call for a national| SEES AMENDMENTS Low tonight and high Sunday: \qay of repentance and confes- Windsor ... 50 68 'sion St, Thomas ... +». 50 68 Some of the other major res- London ...- pie 40 65 jolutions sought: Kitchener ... se. .45 65 ~The abolition IMount Forest +45 65 on planes, boats and trains, Wingham ... +++ +» 45 65 | --The retention of daily bible 45 60 readings in public schools, 'Hamilton ... «++ ++ ric xd, extending sittings through the dinner hour and abolishing Government House Leader|appeals from the |Mcliraith said Friday he will meet representatives of the op- ings Mr. Pearson opened Friday's position parties Tuesday in anjsitting with the traditional mo-| of drinking/attempt to soften both propos-ition to- the Queen, extending|the same date as the Canada|province'-- probably where he} als. He would then introduce birthday greetings and a dec-|Pension Plan, Jan. 1, 1966, isjhas most workers -- and still) amendments to the resolution. Jaration of loyalty and devotion|regarded as the first step to-|qualify in all, | He indicated the governmentifrom her Canadian subjects. |ward uniform Canada-wide pro-/ The new act will not require! any loss of pension rights the federal government's ada Perision Plan goes operation, Mr. Robarts mitted Ontario last Janua' take part in the federal He said he had consulted Quebec before bill and Quebec will pass lation paralleling bill and taking effect same dale. Quebec will operate a tributory pension scheme jtical with but distinct from the} Lesage federal plan. Premier gave details of the plan t Quebec house Friday, The Ontario bill requires em-| not able -- payable if the employee and sets standards of solvency) introducing the) nsion, vincial regulation tailored to fit into) pension plans. of privateyemployers to re-register their pension plans. expansion of liability through Mr. Robarts recalled that Fi- corporate reorganization. Muni- goal ating is in pen- port- ce = 1 will from when Can- into com-' ry to} Mr, with) legis- the service con- iden-| o the ployers who maintain pension) jeyel, plans for their after reaching age 45 and | pleting 10 years service. employees provide vested benefits in the ontario jform of deferred annuities for|sion will be able to make ar-| Speaker's rul-|¢ mployees who leave work|rangements with other prov-| to allow any employer} with employees in several prov-| The bill, coming into effect on|inces to register his plan in one) to com: inces sion plan fof his employers, but there are 8,100 private pen- sion plans in Ontario covering an estimated 1,000,000 persons. Robarts said that while plan, | many plans have already been amended to comply with new. standards, l|eovering 553,000 employees had the Ontario| Bee" found. not to entitle those on In addition, completely unfunded and oper-| ated on a pay-as-you-go basis funded Under the new legislation, the +4 t several jemployer pension plan, Temporary suspension of em- ployment will not interrupt = ded un service 4,359 private plans 98 plans to the Pension Commis-| the act for benefits. Members contributions ordon|cipalities are named as em- An employee will be able te employers of: pension plans will be able to designate ben- eficaries in case of death. Employees will be able te withdraw up to 25 per cent of the value of their deferred life annuity before normal retire- ment age. Aside from this employee after Jan. 1, 1965 will be locked in, although an employee under , 45 and with less than 10 years' covered to full vesting of ben-|seryice will be able fo get his efits until more than 10 years') contribytions back in lump sum if he quits work and if his pen- were sion plan permits this, $ exception, made If his plan allows, an em- BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12 Noon to 2 P.M. DINNER 5:30 te 8 P.M. FULLY LICENSED '|ployee will be able to choose a jand 76 plans were unfunded ex-|redyced annuity on early re- cept. for persons already re-|tirement, or optional annuities tired, Many other plans wereélio survivors. required! ----------_____ GOOD FOOD DINING ROOM HOTEL LANCASTER 27 King St. W., Oshewe The Canadian Government . Travel Bureau publishes nually a list of ragweed-free sones for hay-lever sulferers. aR ot... e 2 SS ere ». BARGAIN BEST LITTER ome SALE « $1.37 VALUE, NOW ONLY Set includes Heavy Duty, matched points. Reter and Con fever: AS LOW as CONTAINER BY FAR! SWINGS UNDER DASH la, WITH ATOUCH..... : ae LITTER OUT OF SIGHT REGULAR $1.57. Keep cool, keep crisp Summer Driving TUNE-UP $1.73 mmm CAR WASH BRUSH Sturdy nozzle type brush, tits easily to garden hose. Features on-off valve ond hang up tab. 97° $1.19 VALUE, NOW ONLY 97° i Bi) K-MART AUTO BARGAIN Cool Cushion Poly Cushion SEAT BELT RETRACTOR Easy to install, no tools requir- ed, Bright Chrome finish, $2.27 VALUE, s] TT NOW ONLY Make Pleasure 97° » OS i) 2 RT AUTO BARGAIN TISSUE DISPENSER Smert chrome Kieenex dis penser, Foshioned ond de- signed to swing away. Kiee- nex et your finger tips. $3.97 VALUE onty 207 SRN ONLY KITS iS . q ALL STEEL TOP CARRIER | ther rove Cle snuggley sible carrier, easy to to car rain gut- sl eel frame Install, Fostens ter. Instelled in REG, $39.95 dewn to rain Value. 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EN, lernize: drill, easy 5" headla NOW ONLY K-MART AUTO MISSLE-LITE Protects your headlamp and Q° % s with beautiful no holes to to install, fits all imps, $4.97 Value. 3.9 Za K-MART AUTO BARGAIN Makes @ Increase Easier al NOW ONLY No pre-cleaner needed, Gives your cer @ brillient lustrous wax protection, $1.43 Value TOP OIL ngines run smooth ----Gives better mileage pep end power --Eliminoted corbon build-up it weether sterting. 33° BARGAIN acerca Polyester Hardens gives strong herd finish. strong os steel, 93¢ value Body Filler Resin formule in minutes os T Dad K-MART AUTO BARGAIN TURTLE LIQUID WAX The wox thet leeves @ hard shell finish, $1.77 Value LAT Stee q) » K-MART AUTO BARGAIN ONLY ing. Size 21x36", iw Bucket SPORT SEATS Customize your car's In- terior with fens securely to seat to prevent slid- $4.37. value OPEN 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. Located On No. 2 Highway Between Oshawa and Whitby

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