Ems Guests For Brooklin Home Opener The Brooklin Senior Lacrosse team stages the home opener at the Whitby are va tonight against the Speedy Erns of Peterbor- ough, Brooklin have moved their first three scheduled games to Whitby owing to Brooklin arena repairs. A defenceman for the Peter- borough team, Ken Ruttan, will face his former team-mates -- as he played with the local team for the past two years, Other former Brooklin players with the Speedy Erns include Roy Wood, Cy Coombes, Joe Todd, Jim Vilneff, Len Callacott, Bob Stickle, Gary Curtis, Harold Ste- venson, Larry Ferguson and manager Ted Higgins, The Brooklin team stages their first game since they lost out to the Vancouver Carlings in the Mann Cup final game) 7 last season. The line-up tonight) 7 will be goalie Pat Baker, de-| 7 fencemen Bob Hanna, Doug Vi-| pond, Don Bruce and rookie| / Jim Hinkson ; The boys will be captained)? - by Glen Lotton. Manager Bob) 7 Vesey has other top notch play- t ers, Don Craggs, Elmer Tran,! 7 Don Vipond, Jerry Burrows, Mike Gray, "Red" Crawford,| Ken Henning and Tom Cullen Crime Parley | Greatest Yet TORONTO (CP) -- What Is termed the greatest crime-pre-\ vention conference in Canada's history will be convened May 31 by the centre of criminology at will be closed doors. Sessions are being held in se cret so that discussion will not be inhibited, university officials held behind { | said | : : j | By JOHN M, HIGHTOWER The four-day affair, which| F H , will assemble provincial and rom ouse SANTO DOMINGO (AP)-- federal government officials, Diplomats seeking a peaceful s, lawyers a law offic. An Oshawa man woke up late ( ong Bs Across i country, last night to find his bed on fire| W#Y out of the Dominican civil has been called to discuss three|and thick smoke choking the war are encouraged by the mili- issues--the changing patterns of .room tary standoff that has developed crime and problems of law en Joseph Thomson, of 82 Crom-|between the two warring fac. forcement, the powers of the well ave., had retired early for tions held apart by U.S forces police and the rights of the ac- the night. His wife and children' 'There are two reasons for this cused at a trial, were away for ' holiday on the dramatic turn of events Tee Os "jeast coast and he was alone. First, the military situation With an old blanket, he tried\gy the ground makes further Mora Of OAS to'stamp out the blaze, but!\major fighting apparently im- without success possible for either side, assum- | The fire raced through the in- ing there is no change in U.S ee ruce \terior of the house doing an esti-| nolicy 9 is A niated $2,000 damage--§1,200 to Junta forces are separated WASHINGTON (AP) -- Jose the building and $800 to the con- A. Mora, named by the Organ- 'ents. x ization of American States to Pe coe BP _-- Panes Pei seek an end to the Dominican) }"0mson n Oshaw r ; f xepuitie's civil war, is a ner- reporter early this morning net ye, Jong and eight vous, quick - witted diplomat, "About all that is left is my ocks wide, who speaks the four OAS lan- best suit and the cooker: and) The 21,000 U.S. troops guard- wages with sha estures, |{reezer. The rest is all gone : ; eirhe By ticomt de + general, "1 don't really. know what I)broad security zone in the west- he was given unprecedented 4m going to do now, I am stay-\ern section of the city, are un- powers Thursday night to' seek ing at my neighbor's house atider orders from Washington to a reconciliation between the;the moment; but I suppose I)treat both sides impartially and Dominican factions in order to|Shall have.to find a room for/not allow either one to send establish a democratic govern: the time being," he said armed troops through American Mr. Thomson was. slightly| positions from the main rebel stronghold Mr, |in downtown Santo Domingo by agian American-held buffer zone ment Under norma! conditions, burnt in the blaze Second, jeaders on both sides Mora has no political powers, 'It's nothing really," he eX- agreed to a 24-hour ceasefire, He simply rules the OAS sec- plained. "Just a singe on the effective until noon today retariat of some 900 interna- leg. It is not very painful Shortly before the ceasefire tional employees from 20 hem-) ©ause of the fire has mot been pocame effective, junta troops isphere countries established. completed a successful offen- Married, with two daughters Oshawa Fire Department dis- sive against rebel units holding and a son, Mora lives with his patched four fire appliances 0 51 north of the. buffer zone, wife Susana in.a Spanish style the scene cleaning up the one area where mansion near the White House.| It took them the best part Of/hostile forces were in direct He speaks Spanish, English, |25 minttes to douse the blaze contact. This now clearly sepat French and Portuguese in run-|and.a further hour to clear UPlates the two fronts after almost ning the OAS secretariat from| the damage and make sure the', month of confused fighting a huge, rectangular office fire was really out " As soon as the ceasefire be which has a solid desk at its This morning Mt Thomson) ame operative, representatives ¥ going through the burnt re 4 farthest end was going throug rS.. 4 i lations mains looking for anything' that of the U.S., the United Nation Mora was elected to his tax and the Organize I | ce z anization of Ameri a F e escaped the smoke 3! exempt $20,000 - a - year job in ie eset P can States undertook with the 1956, § tt all happened so sudden help of the papal nuncio here eden to build it into a permanent ly he said. 'I woke up and there were the.flames. | didn't Auckland Toys even have time to put my pants With 'Soap Box' °" AUCKLAND, NZ. (CP), ae Mavor D. M. Robinson of Auck than 45 minutes, They did not land has written to London ask were CS Of Dominican politics, is ing for the inside story of the. 4 she teial shooline of bound to represent a_ patching 'soap box orators of Hyde Park|; harged ab ag mL an ee id over of individual power strug- Leslie MacWilliams, 56-year-old gies family feuds and blood truce, Efforts were also inten sified to work out a formual for a provisional government Any government which can be formed in the next few weeks according to long-time obsery recommend mercy Schirm and Guenette bechiwtt vic sident of the Interna- Auckland wants to establish a' fade oe ae ane & hatreds growing out of the cur- similar safety valve where peo- uona irearm B - ple can make impromptu raid on the downtown gunshop : . " t last » 99 . p oy sneeches, demonstrate, and let '8 Aug » by five ms mbe 8 off steam, but first it wants to nf the Armee de Liberation du know the problems of contro! Queber and supervision The inquiry has been prompted by a group which wanted to stage a fast as a pro test against military .action in It Tekes Viet Ne It has been granted 5 spot inthe centre of the city 13 SECONDS "4 lees To Call Death-Sentence # 725-3555 For the fastest most efficient cleaning in Osh- That's To Separatists awa MONTREAL (CP)--Two members of a Quebec separ GILLARD atist organization were = con- victed Friday night of capital CLEANIT murder and sentenced to be SERVICE LTD. hanged Oct. 22. A 12-man jury found Fran cois Schirm, 33, who claims to he a former French army para- trooper, and Edmond Guenette, 20, guilty after deliberating less MIDNITE DANCE Sunday Midnite - May 23rd POLISH NATIONAL HALL 168 Banting Ave. M, ZALESKI In Person -- Regular Prices SAVING HOURS: Mon.-Thurs, 9% te 6 Fridey 909 Seturdoy 9 te S FOUNTAI FIREFIGHTERS BATTLE $2,000 HOUSE BLAZE macs enn" Fire Forces Present Standoff Fast Flight Bodes New Hope | ing this corridor, as well as ajside to await a new. opportu-| 'generation of dictatorial Your Money Earns More At CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION and on Sovinas Accounts. Paid ] end compounded quart- erly. } OF SERVICE THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 22, 1965 3 '(90,000 Will Have A Choice For Commuting To Toronto By BOB EXELL sity and an auto survey to learnjthe four-lane Macdonald-Cartier 4 what features of rail commuter|Freeway, which passes over the | TORONTO (CP) -- The {ree-\-orvice would most appeal toltop of Metro, or may feed into jway or the railway? motoring commuters. a number of major city arter- This will be the choice given' cummed up, the replies saidjies 90,000 persons who commute inp service would have to be daily to Toronto from east and west along the shore pai fares of Lake Ontario. 'ently were not a major consid-|day. | The province plans to begin oration, alent of four freeway ja rail commuter service late, The lakeshore cor-along the entire 52 miles of the themselves appar-|sengers an alled leling ete and gr om 1 sige ulation of 570,000, already has'that many auto commuters, jways which carry thousands 9! extensive transportation facili- - : icars into the Metropolitan Tor: sie. m FEELS COST LIGHT jonto area each day On the western section be ; To pit the advantages of railitween Burlington and Toronto,| ¥4¥s feels it is getting off easy d jcommuting against those ofi,, cnr operates a rush-hour'| driving to work from suburbia commuter service using conven- is a main reason the govern-|tionaj railway equipment, bit it ment chose this 52-mile lake-ina. never proved too popular ments shore right-of-way from aMONE)| with rommuters 'muter experiment. In compar- the 250 miles of track which, : ison, the cost. of freeway con-| feed into the city along 15 dif- PREFER ROADS ferent lines. Most commuters from Only about 90 miles. of the to-,west favor the six-lane Freder- fon 250 was estimated to belick G the 000,000 a mile in Toronto. The annual operating cost of! lone or two trains daily, without|which take them from the Ham- $1,500,000 to $2,000,000 will be p lresorting to major capital in-\ilton-Burlington area into Metro recovered through fares, That A fyestments in new trackage and'Toronto in about 45 minutes, {means the government . will jother facilities, Long - distance buses | serve ine area, and at thejup to $2,000,000 a year. FOUND SUITABLE western outskirts of Metro Tor- fxact fares have not yet been Soon it emerged that the 52\onto--Long Branch and Mimico\ determined, miles between Burlington, a--the Toronto Transit Commis-\the cost of a ticket for travel- 5 jtown of about 52,000 just eastision offers street car service.\jing the entire length of the|> of Hamilton, and Dunbarton, a Freeway transportation is not commuter right-of-way will be bi ICNR junction point just west ofjas accessible in the eastern sec-\ng more than the $1.50 cost of Ajax, would be most suitable'tor and no railway commuter!narking an auto for a day in By THE CANADIAN PRESS The rail service is being de- explode $1,500,000 in firecrack- pointsifast frequent and dependable.|signed to handle up to 6,000 pas-jers during the Victoria Day hol- hour and 15,000 aliday weekend, at least 60 per- It would take the equiv-isons are expected to die in ebrations are planned for New- lanes traffic mishaps. 1 next year along a route paral-ride, with an estimated pop-\proposed rail service to handle|Council predicts earth ong be killed on Canada's roads from 6 p.m. Friday to midnight!t9 be Ontario's department of high- Monday. 'lby making a capital outlay of|total of 64 during the holiday $7,500,000 for coaches, diesel en-|weekend was a record. Previ-|have been set up on major gines and right-of-way improve- ous high was in 1957 when 50 bec highways, with the Cana- to inaugurate the com- were killed. struction has hit a peak of $13,-| fireworks manufacturers. also have to subsidize the service at) WEATHER MIXED but it is reported Warmer send hundreds of thousands to; demonstrators Fireworks Will Play Dirge For 60 Killed On Weekend the highways, which will keep safety officials and police hop- ping in an effort to reduce fa- talities. No special ceremonies or cel- While most Canadians will foundiand, but the day holds The Canadian Highway Safety|SPecial significance for a large that total will segment of the population--the trout and salmon angling sea- uring the 78-hour celebration|so" opens, Weather is expected pes 4 . generally cloudy with jtemperatures in the low 40s-- The. council said last year's|Perfect for trout fishing. Special road safety programs dian Army operating first-aid But the festive days will be| posts along the main and sec- right for many -- particularly!ondary routes. The expected $1,500,000 spent, PLAN RALLY n fireworks, combined with! Montreal ceremonies will in- " ; i sales from events such as the|clude a rally at the Lafontaine ; Gardiner Expressway|the commuter' service will be Ce i tional Exhibition in|Park monument to Adam Dol- capable of handling more than'and Queen Elizabeth Highway,|an estimated $3,500,000 of which acer g on Omer Stam-|lard des Ormeaux, killed in will bring the total to|1660 when a fort he was defend- ling was overrun at Long Sault Rapids by hundreds of Iro- 5 quois : The over-all weather picture' oOgicials are hoping there cross the country calls for ; ; weather today with won't be a repeat of last year's howers and thunderstorms demonstration that ended in the unday and Monday followed by|arrest of 28 persons. Flags were ooler weather. burned, fires lit through the Seasonable temperatures will park and traffic was blocked by ede, bout $3,000,000 for the year. for the commuter experiment. |service exists. However, private|dqgwntown Toronto A feasibility study was begun|bus transportation is available. «6 service will be the first over the lakeshore right-of-way, Commuters in the Dunbarton), canada tailored to commuter) sd determine public scompramy ates ie Aaah ee oy along specifications. The government) shortly will call tenders for 48 light - weight, fast - unloading coaches with a seating capacity of 125 each MAY HIT 60 Ten diesel locomotives will be) of a fast-accelerating design to) reach maximum speeds of By ARCH MacKENZIE |would be more profitable. One about 60 miles an hour between! Canadian Press Staff Writer j|reaction was that he was irked'the 14 stops along the route, by opposition expressed by both! 'to further step up the speed,| ¥ siti Loyalty Important To LBJ 'And He Makes Show Of It haute coiffure... Modella Hair. Stylist international coiffures 71 celina st. oshawa, ont. $ european stylists 725-4531 rent civil war, This can still re- Loyalty ranks high on Presi-| . "a dent Johnson's yardstick and), sian leaders about American|.ome existing stations will be} »al s ity : policy fiet N a! sult in political instability and)that applies in foreign affairs.|! Bey Ie Ne eliminated and new ones built periodic outbursts of violence, It means putting a little more, ERHARD DUE in the eastern sector. Feeder for years to come spit and polish on the red car-| Right now, the White Housejbus services will be provided ? : pet for some foreign visitors to calendar is clear althoug estifor areas affected by station FAVORS MODERATES the White House German Chancellor Palas ae ananees. President Johnson went on, The U.S, president has just\hard expects to drop in briefly Aj] stations will have exten record earlier this month as|demonstrated that for President) June 3 after calling first at cive. Jow-cost parking facilities. | seeking creation of a govern-|Chung Hee Park of South Korea,' New York : aa ESAS ment of moderates, avoidingja staunch supporter of the Johnson is widely believed to either a military dictatorship or| American hard line in Viet.Nam dislike the time taken up by an eventua] Communist take-\and a symbol of the success of| state visits, especially now when over, In intervening with U.S.|the last major United States in-|he is under considerable pres- troops, he charged that Commu- tervention in Southeast Asia. _ sure, nists had captured the rebel Events at home and abroad So far this year, he has also movement, and said the U.S.|have postponed Johnson's hopes| welcomed Canadian Prime Min- would not allow a second Cuba'to visit Latin America, somelister Pearson twice, pretty in- For All Your "Bridal Shoes" (Tinted, Free) CHOOSE Why Pay More... SAVE!! ON PREMIUM QUALITY FUEL OIL Phone 668-3341 DX FUEL OIL Serving Oshawa and District in this hemisphere European capitals--and perhaps|formally, Prime Minister Sato DANCEY'S DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 10% DISCOUNT IF YOU BRING THIS AD Whatever trained "communistieven Moscow -- in 1965. Theyjof Japan, Prince. Bernhard of conspirators," as Johnson called/have reduced the flow of for-/The Netherlands and British them, were here when the warjeign dignitaries to Washington.|Prime Minister Wilson. started are -still around some-| But among those visitors,) Busy as he is, Johnson has where. Some U.S. officials be-|some such as the South Korean|demonstrated that for certain lieve many have gone under-| president have enjoyed an ex-| visitors, he can endure the dip- ground or fled to the country-|tra touch of Johnson hospitality./|omatic frills and even extend 'them at times. nity MORO GOT SAME Pa nese At the other extreme, the! Similar treatment was ac- country Aldo Moro of which: experienced a corded Premier tule Italy last month, Moro also pub- under the late Rafael Trujillo, licly endorsed American policy) lacks the traditions of self-gov.|in Viet Nam. Before that, John- which would buttress|80n had gone to considerable KARN DRUGS ernment . a democratic regime personal trouble to welcome In this situation President|President Maurice Yameogo of oO | ay ou rs Johnson may find himself faced| Upper Volta, the tiny little Af- with a progressively narrower) tican country which is a neigh- range of political choice in the| bor to Ghana Dominican Republic, with pres Yameogo for his part bitterly sure building up to back a gov- denounced Ghanaian leader ernment capable of imposing Kwame Nkrumah, his neighbor law and order rather than one| Who is a consistent critic of the which would risk new disorders, | U.S Yameogo is regarded as an African moderate. | The welcome for the Italian premier came just a few days MONDAY, MAY 24th (Victoria Day) OPEN ... MORNING Sunk Skipper 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. lafter the president postponed / Sa S Nothin scheduled visits by Indian EY ENING Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Y g Shastri and Pakistani President 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. GRAND RAPIDS. Mich. (AP), Mohammed Ayub Khan, causing On advice of counsel, the some caustic criticism at home 28 master of a sunken Great Lakes and ae. sg -- PHONE vessel refused Friday to answer the visit although as far as the KING questions, as ordered by a U.S U.S. is concerned, both visits 723-4621 Coast Guard board of inquiry, /are still on at an undetermined EAST DRUG STORES OPEN THIS SUNDAY 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. JURY. & LOVELL LIMITED ROSSLYNN PLAZA 728-4668 All Jury & Lovell Stores in Oshowe, OPEN 1 to 6 p.m., Monday, MAY 24 CENTRAL PHARMACY 211 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 723-1070 TAMBLYN DRUG STORE 6 KING ST. EAST 723-3143 ATTENTION GENERAL MOTORS EMPLOYEES Save Your Prescription Receipts Commencing Merch 1, 1965, Blue Cross Prescription Drug Benefit Plan will honor receipts for pi ip irom . qualifi an h for under the terms of the agreement. eceipts issued by the pharmacist of your choice, We will yes in making epplicetion for i as you gible, THE OSHAWA PHARMACISTS ASSOCIATION Save the gladly become until its authority is determined date by federal court Johnson, pleading preoccupa- A major issue is whether law- tions in Viet Nam and at home, yers for the Norwegian-Ameri- Said he thought later visits can Shipping Co. may. question -- ea Capt. Martin E. Joppich, skip- per of the limestone carrier Ce darville FREE CITY-WIDE DELIVERY Notice of Application by The Corporation of the Town of Whitby to dispense with a Vote of the Electors TAKE NOTICE THAT: The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to apply to The Ontario Municipal Board for. approval of the construction of Trunk Storm Sewers at an estimated cost of $158,000.00; whereof the amount of $106,000 00 shall be raised by the sale of debentures payable out of the general rate over a period not exceeding 15 years. on Chequing Accounts from the day the account le eeanad, Pald Quanar 2 Application will be made to The Ontario Municipal Board for an ly o minimum monthly order to dispense with the assent of the electors to the undertaking ee ee fer of the said works. Any ratepayer may, within twenty-one days after the first publication of this notice, send by post prepaid to the clerk of the Town of Whitby, at the address given below, a notice in writing stating his objection to such approval and the grounds of such objection. when invested in our Guorenteed = | U t - pg Pa saotaae 7 3 The Ontario Municipal Board may order pursuant to the statute that years. Authorized Trustee investments, Redeemable on death, the assent of the electors shall not be required and may approve of the said works, but before doing so it may appoint a time and place for public hearing when any objections will be considered *Yearly Rate DATED at the Town of Whitby this tenth day of May, 1965. John R. Frost, Clerk Town of Whitby, 405 Dundas Street West, WHITBY, Ontario Head Office: 19 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa Tel. 723-5221 NHEAD SERVICE STATIONS OPEN THIS SUNDAY :00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. | BISSONETTE'S SHELL STATION 381 KING ST, WEST GOOPER'S TEXACO STATION 410 RITSON ROAD NORTH SPUR OIL STATION 78 BOND ST, WEST BILL'S WHITE ROSE STATION 352 WILSON ROAD SOUTH MONTY'S B.A, STATION 284 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH ROBINSON'S B.P, STATION 574 RITSON ROAD SOUTH JIM'S B.A. SERVICE 136 KING ST. WEST DURNO'S SUPERTEST 574 KING ST. EAST BILENDUKE'S ESSO STATION 1004 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH