| 22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, gj b A" | ig ¥ SHE WINDS UP WITH FIVE G's | 6 V GOOD. TOMORROW Voosdey, May 25; 1968 LETT OULIKE TO STEP OUT eal ONE OF jose : IN THE MIDDLE FLIGHTS OFA PICTURE ' ' FOR POPCORN / BLACKMAIL MONEY FOR. NOT i WE TACKLE SUING THE CAR DEALER-AND 4 MRS, GREW, 2 SLING JHE CAR DEALER AND | BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER '(Top record-holder in Masters' 'Individuel Championship Pley) FAMOUS HANDS South dealer. North-South vulnerable. Double-dummy problem. JULIET JONES NORTH 4AQ2 @AKQI a ee -- ------ -- ; ' --_ 31098 FLAT F: OOT TOCL IAS A CHILD, THE LITTLE INDIAN PRIMESS| THE FATHER WILL CARRY G pei : 1S P PUBLIC WAR PARTY E. PAULINE JOHNSON TWIE SEES WER FATHER BEATEN. FROM THESE BEATINGS FoR °o® WEST EAST HIGHWAY ? ATTACKING!" PORTESS OF THE RED : TRADERS, WHOSE TRADE He PRONIBITED. THEYRE NOTA. weit Sti $ ia / T Z DEEP AS THE ~% 654 SCARS ETCHED ¢ 65432 ON PAULINE'S &5432 SOUTH o- ae 9109876 ak $A109876 The bidding: South West North East 1 1@ 26 Pass 2¢ Pass 4NT Pasa 6Y Pass 7° LI'L ABNER THE GIANTS [ a ; bl es, . . 7 = Opening lead ~ king of clubs. a =, | L FRAR MY METHODS WERE BUT-- HE WAS INTERFERING |e A ae BA Z nan THERE GOES OUR) | A BIT DRASTIC~YOU KNOW THAT | OUR AFFAIRS--HEHAP TO | Golly cee, a, AS THE BLIZZARD RAGES ALL AVAILABLE + UI One of the most famous prob- | Belt y 4-- | NTLE GO--- IT WAS REALLY QUITE | NTO THE FIRE* +> p ; F aw ibe coun vaRy J \ Preeen au CLIK VIOLENCE | KLIJAH, WILL a ee f ft, i lems ever composed is this one ad ee pe rely ged shown here, ,Its origin is un- m NICELY-- 7 _ . : bas 4 : 5 a ; q zs , ; ta known, and it .was probably 5 Pg | : ry mA! ' Pp aiiees 4 g never dealt, but whoever the i composer was did a really ex- 4 cellent job. The grand slam is certainly a sound contract, but with West having all the missing trumps and a void in diamonds besides, |taking thirteen tricks hecomes !quite a chore --__--____------ a SP Tiet 2 spa TER s SO SLED meade : , 2 | It is a double-dummy prob- mS Pp NY is - -- -- eereinaiapeierinrennet iherveliensorre llem, which means that you're DEC pES NGire OFFICE U GN" ANT } , ; us 3 j 4 expected and entitled to see all FICIENT ne / $ . : . 4) wcwes |IV iZ : 1 = 52 cards before trying to make E/ (OU'RE f 7 } 'yt / f the contract. It's also fair to ABSOLUTELY ; dope P you |, : 2 add that the solution is not easy. RIGHT 612! : d ( J If you feel like spending some time trying to solve the prob- lem, you should stop reading right here. THE LONE RANGER LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY SECRET AGENT X9 Declarer wins the club lead with the ace, discarding a dia- mond from dummy, He then plays a heart to the jack and discards the king of diamonds on the ace of spades, e He next ruffs a spade, enters dummy with a trump, and then ruffs the queen of spades, By now South has used up four of his original five trumps. Two were used to ruff spades, and the other two to enter dum- my. West and North, at this point, each have two trumps, South only one. ---- Declarer now plays a heart to the king and then cashes the ace of hearts, discarding the ace of diamonds, Eight tricks hav- ing been played, dummy's last five cards are all diamonds. Since South by now has gotten his A-K of diamonds out of the way, dummy automatically takes the rest of the tricks. + TM FLYING TO AN JOSE WELL, WELL! PERHAPS i . TOMORROW 70 DEMONSTRATE. A THIS GIVES US THE VERY ' : : : ah ROMS As anyone can plainly see, the PLANE, AND IT'S GONE, OPPORTUNITY WE'VE { AOROS 3. Darted Strike EIS . contract is easy to make -- ephacs ss BEEN LOOKING FoR! 1. Skiliful 4. Make Fish Bic 3 fi after you see how it's done. The ' 5. Placid edging Fortify Bae key play comes on the opening 9. Kind of . Punctuation Flowed 3 | lead when you discard a dia- lily mark Printed (SIP. : | mond instead of the more natur- 10. Hatred . Maxim mark- : E ? | a! discard of a spade. Declarer 12, Circuit . Cover ings ao _ ) ; | : then deliberately reduces his 13, Cup-like . Spinning . False aK T $ trump length so that he can A spoon jenny hair aan 4 J eventually unblock the diamond 14. Encounter . Gear . Muse 3 suit, 15. Family pet . 13th of -- . F # 16. Printer's letter: Heb. poetry | j Another easy hand tomorrow! - measure . Perish 5, Small | or | 'ine ee . Discolored Hail error : , ; 2 sf 20. Latvian Loose | ee A 3 a 'SALLY $ SALLIES river hanging y Rake 3 F 22. Pre-festival --_-- point, 37. "tf time . Grow 38, Demonstra- 45, Portion 23. Vedic sky old tive serpent . Malt pronoun 26. Grassy beverage 41, Ceremony open space in a forest 1 ye 4 > 28, Firm 30, Always Oe 31. Pale 4 VANS 32. Right con- Y duct: Taoism $3. Girl's name 37, Close to 39. Tattered cloth 40. War god: Babyl. an : "I don't . $= pepante | our anniversary. I'd like te 46. Slopes ' bs Pb a eal forget it, too." Lariat : x -- © lee Pomme Spmtinen Tan 1005. Weld DONALD DUCK BUZ SAWYER JANE ARDEN Astringent 3 t | ; ' fruit i IT'S JIFFY-KNIT ' "Down By ppl BROOKS = i JAM ES L Look glamorous! Knit a lacy | O'MALLEY'! aa ishell quickly to team with skirts, \ ne | CINCH TO SEW t Construction Ltd. Jiffy-knit shell of mohair -- : jpopcorn design against lacy} By ANNE ADAMS SOR j background, Crocheted edging Leisure - loving shift ar . YOUR HEALTH "i si bj adds smart finish, Pattern 7083: | out in the coolest way -- barely I 7 é 3 7 | 2 d ®: i| sizes 32-34; 36-38 incl. touches you!. Whip it up in for rayon, cotton for beach, bed, : ae 4 Thirty-five ce 5 | Nervous Tensions B __Thuvte-tive cents. cenins): for Om atay : Z RS ou, : @ Offices @ Remodelin i" RAT ce 'sani z s z ae ae Sa sales 'i ars Biplease) to Alice Brooks, care . ies Agri ca Misses' J ~-- : - : las © ' .|Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, Size 16| NO, You'VE Got \| [it's CAKES THAT) 3 ¢ C B T bl : f The Oshawa Times, Needle-| A CE) ARE SUPPOSED | || ; an ring rouble ; [craft Department, 60 Front st./requites 3% yards 35-inch fab- 4 i Xe | . ) MICKEY MOUSE | | | 1° Homes @ Additions t TO RISE... \w., Toronto 1, Ontario, Ontario) Tc. | § iN Ry JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD ee ere 2: ontario. Ontario TeTY CENTS (50 cents) in Oshawa's Finest m , : =) , T ' a § stamps, please) for . Mol Can ex-jnervous tensions, our bodies go,Print plainly PATTERN NUM-|Colns (no s Bear Dr ganas atigueiback to normal functioning BER, NAME, ADDRESS jeach pattern. Ontario residents Nightly Entertainment treme nervous tension or f. jadd 2 cent sales tax. Print cause dizeiness. sweating and Your letter, Mrs. D. A. C.,| 1965 eg gy tel gf ag i PT ee ciuk Un | : didn't show any return address.|ALOG -- 200 designs, IDRESS. STYLE he | shortness of breath? | am a don't know whether you live/patterns! Newest knit, erochet| PRES! dae te Ae ie | and have had this for over & nity as yn. fashions, embroidery, 25 cents." r ANNE ADAMS, in a big city or a small town lcare of The Oshawa. Times year, My doctor can find no/But I suspect, whether from) Naw!Send for elegant, neW!pattern Dept., 60 Front Street organic cause, It is getting good Nea a dust ara | wecarale with Needlecraft" West, Toronto 1, Ontario. worse instead of better. --Mrs. {hat Aone esa has suspec te 5 beautiful room" settings, 25) COMPLETE FASHION RE- hace. t at your trou ne as emotiona complete patterns for decora-| PORT in our new Spring-Sum- oe rather than physical. After all.jtive accessories in one book!|/mer Pattern Catalog plus cou- i \, af " a . . Let's put it just a bit differ he has said he can't find any|Pillows, wall hangings, cur-|non for ONE FREE PATTERN! e Fully Licensed e ae 7 lently: Tension can cause all of Organic cause tains, appliques, more! 60 cents.'fyerything you need for the| i : «» AND ALREADY IM . } licen things, and cause fatigue,| S90 what do you do now? Vaiue! Deluxe Quilt Rook--! life you lead -- 350 design ideas! T AW ONLY SEVEN FOURTEEN YEARS Too 1] t | ae ee : + 'lkely "WHAT'S BUGGING YOU?' 18 complete patterns, 60 cents.'Send 50 cents now Yes OR IIs. k 5 Woo. "Saeet hag oe a oe First you talk to him on the se i riefly, 's - at SA i | : able. If you exhaust yourself ie alee Bia ne Argo of the sit and listen to you as you tell/ber that they are just that: A from physical exertion, you'll 1960's, what's buggin' yout him what really bothers you.jhelp, not a fure | sweat. run out of. breath, and Under what circumstances dO what are the continuing angers, In your case the doctor may} may even have some dizziness,|YOU feel fine--no* sweating, NO fears, frustrations that get youjfeel that a psychiatrist will be | Beta But you soon get over them, ("izzy spells, no shortness of ai) wound up in a tense, emo-linvaluable in identifying the! When these symptoms develop\breath, no feeling of being tional knot? \basis of your tensions. But in without exertion--then look for "pooped"? After all, tension comes fromiother cases, many, many times| entra ole nervous tensions. Don't ask me. And under what conditions do something. It may not be easy|you can get at them yourself,| why our. nerves: have such you have these symptoms? to find the source, but there hasiwith the help of your doctor, King at Simcoe Sts, strong effects on us. We don't Your first sensible step is ta'to be one. See if, with vour do¢-lwho can look at your problems PARKING OFF ATHOL know why. But we know it isitalk this out, with your doctor. te: velp, you can find a clue. from the outside instead of from 'so. And if we can relieve the\Let him give you an appoint-! Sedatives and tranquilizers'the inside as you must, RRR em aciliRANRRaRManaIeES | | ment at a time at 'which he can\help in many cases, bit remem- "S King Feat MUGGS AND SKEETER Sus.