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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 May 1965, p. 22

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22 «THE OSHAWA TIMB, W ednesday, Mey 16, 1965 Spring Cleaning -- Make Cash By Selling Your Don't Needs Here" Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Accountants JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered A ] Licensed Trustee Bond Telephone 723-4833 ALBERT HOSMAR, Chartered Account Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshawa, Telephone 723-1221 LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Charterea Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawa Shoppir entre Street ent, 47 Ontario HOPKING, ed Acco BEADLE AND CO., Char- niants, Financial Trade Bulid Street East, Oshawa, On T Hopkins, CA; H, €.} ukow, CA "FRIEDLANDER AND €0.,/ fcensed Trustees} o Street East Beadle, CA YALE, hartered Accountants, jptey, 64 K PERKIN AND CO,, tant: Je 4 King Street East Dav 6. Perkin. ie, 967-4240; arterec Osh CA Willlerr WALL BURROWS, Charterec 9 Street East D. WwW 778-7554 J Ort \ CA mond Burrows CLANCY'S nplete pookkeeping Street West, 725-0397 $e vice Bond Accounti service Res. 72 Barristers GREER AND KELLY ier reer BA, BCL GA, LLB & Res dence °) 125-3348; Terence Kelly Thomas H. Jermyn pnd DASTEDG, Barristers 72-5832 soe MeGIBBON 89 2 Gdger F Bastedc CREIGHTON, ORYNAN, MURDOCH, and VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries 5 Simcoe K or gee HUMPHREYS MAN, Barristers, So! treet East, Oshawa 6. 5. Boychyn c mophrey Residences 61) 728-4326, toage f ts of Sale bought and sold and HILL be Ki Humph wreys WOVEHYN citors, D. Ww. BA, 18 15-4604 5133. NHA and off avaliable 1g 123 Classified Rates ORD ADS insertion of 24 words $1.08 words 4\4c¢ each; 3 con nsertions of 24 words $2.88 words I2¢ each, 6 cor neertons of 24 words $4.32 words 18¢ each cent additional within 8 days. esa than 24 words; eoch abbreviotior one number one * na ve tione 0 per net paid inting om 24 figure or $ on one word; pt two words Chorge «= | chorge if thod of co ~ unte rd, initie BIRTH OCIAL 42,00 per ditional charge if DEATHS NOTICES insertion with 25 ce not peld od withdn AEMORIAMS 00 for the first 35 thereafter, plus $6 edditiona 4 w of f mot yords ¢ 2e per | harge with jays ARDS OF THANKS $2.00 for the first 33 words ond Se soch thereafter, with 25¢ additional charge if not paid within 7 days OMING EVENTS t O per inch (display) $1.50 for the |, 20 words ond Se each there: fter ASPHALT Word F Ada A JETION SALE y $2 r inch wartior EAL INES n F OST AND FOUND m. doy of publicatic THS AND DEATHS doy of publicetior IFIED DISPLAY mi = 4 p.m larger BIRTH da = 10 ' of MBER ever day Ublicatior RENTAL -- S0¢ endeavor be mode replies to box numbers to |ROOFING ranged talled ement QUALITY carpenir Borr TOsErn ® "MANGAN, Money to Oftice 4 East, Oshawa, 726-6227 JAMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB, Bar rister and Solicitor and Notery Public The Commercia! Buliding, 784 King West Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking ave able ld é 125-4, * Building Trades SPRING SPECIAL 10% Discount On All Orders Rem oc, So jelling, carper Git fing | kind tow 20 skilled me NELLIS' HOME IMPROV EMENTS 728-206 igh 745-2 c U STOM HOME REMODELLI? NG Roofing Painting Floor and Ceiling t Rooms, Cupboards "arpentr Peterbor B4 les, Ree and Gen All era work CALL 725-8576 @ DRIVEWAYS e@ | er ARKING LOTS A ORK 2AN SCOPE ASPHALT ng Li 55973 or rer mite 942-0994 PLASTERING & ROBIN 725-0330 WELDING ene @ Arc oF DEAN 723-660} THE CABINET CO THICKSON N 728-0232 IN Acer e | rer H RD NEW PLASTERING a sidewalks, estimates 4 A, ©, Woods concrete floors, fiat pecialty New "sree and small fobs. nd Conatruc tlor and H.R 5.49 'your driveway. Reasona work fully queranteed Terms Arnold Pay Onterio ates 28-5030. YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cles eys bulit and repaired roofs repeired. F oe OR ROOFING work Brook himneys Frank ) 458-206 CARPENTRY ~ footings, atc kinds awe rete After 5 ofe jor or by 128 728-4584 MOME ea IMPROVEMENTS. estroughing, carpent nd general repairs |phone 728-584 FINISHING CARPENTER che JOHN'S MOVING, Reasor cabinets, vanities one 7234 1 forage able y 1661, Ala ates 128 942-2 CITY CARTAGE, INDEX TO SSIFICATIONS urniturer also cellar Apply 86. Willlam Street 725-262 Dentistry BIALEK OR. € eet 5842 6 ss me 48 Dressmaking DRESSMAKING THINK THRIFTY! Dressmak LADIES, ORESSMAKING aiterations speciaity. tra Gardening 'and Supplies ures DUTCH SAND & GRAVEL Call. 728-287 Spring Clean Up ka for Sgle stomobries Wantee tomobile Repo Fo -- --\ 263 Telepho HAMPTON GARDENS roto-t GARDENS 3 pia re MANURE = rower MOWER tuneup and se . makes. Pick-up and delivery pane 77 ere tele Gardening and Supplies NURSERY $00 and Heid and jaid e 0875 or Gardening and Supplies Garden Supplies Bulk Flower Instruction LEARN TO DRIVE 725-6553 RUTHERFORD'S choo f 14 "ALBERT ernme Seeds Bulbs Garden Seeds and igwering Shrubs sarden nk Bird Tools Sprayers Baths Fe ze OSk 1A V Vindmills DRIVING t M Pe NV Weed and Fee Ferti Killer izer Fertilizer -- Articles for Sale WRECKING NURSES' RESIDENCE ~ of Ajax-Pickering Hospital SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK Suprorting A POUND AMY¥i1 on ER CHEST AND LYING On A BED oF MAILS PERMIMED SEVERAL MEN fo Hit THE At. LL FORCE WH iE HAMMERS 250° ER General BUt ONE MUSICA EAA 3 HAIR | iSARUMERT, THE DRUM EY PLAY P 4 \] " VAUGHAN VING SCHOOL Greer Mitorgar Bone Mea none 723-26 Sheep Manure 79% 4 r 725-1] lé 4 Seed WHITBY ORIVING SCHOO OFFER YOUR SERVICE mes " Cooper: Smith Co. jr Janitor Service EVERYTHING assified Sect do frie TOR Oil Hardsand Landscaping Ro ATTENTION HOUSEW 4 Money To Loan J QUICK LIKE A BUNNY! IN GET 4 LOW.COST i LIFE.INSURED 66 ' Hii i1 PLAN LOAN WORTHWHILE FF BROOK! 655.38 © FOR ANY KPOSE THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA * PAYMENTS T pa 248 Quebec phone | WILL loa Rug-Upholstery Service Mortgages MORTGAGE LOANS Central Ontario rse SOD wos rust BLUE crass SOD ALL - GREEN T ISHAWA, 72 Septic Service SEPTIC DAVEY TREE. SERVICE Surveyors TELEPHONE 723 EDAR TREE SMITH Ne wton 786-2283 Collect 28 22 36 ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 8: EVERGREEN to 50° SAl E MORTGAGE LOANS MANURE EXPERIENCED gardene ' 25- ? NURSERY s 4s B64 $0D A-) FENCE BAR _ DENS FIRST AND SECOND B-ROR an + arr FREE YO TRI - E ' ee 8 PRIVATE mortgage of sale Murdock and V ctor Mortgages Optometrist y Painting and Decorating LOOK 2 < . Tarnnti ALL RE-UPHO CHESTERFIE Sales and Service GUARANTEED ANVAS Everything Gos AT ¥2 PRICE ~Radio Repairs RON' STV Experier 5) w interest Bis: + / OFFICE TV TOWERS FURNITURE \RE THE BES HARD BLA c 1 r LEE. mr RE 28-5143 Well Drilling oe WELL DIGGING » es -~Women's Column PERMANENTS Telephone 725-7514 PRIVATE SALE 404 SIMCOE ST. N E ele 2----~Personal LEN PULLAN Plumbing and Heating PLUMBING ELEC SIs TROLYS 23-4641 WANTED to Toronto y of Broad 25-6664 after 4 pr RiDm WANTED 9 TYPES remode Reaso t ; ey arriving 7.x Ride y Avenue. Tele ng no after Toronto, arr Phone 723-9 py Trail Cook's Trailer Sales North 9534 imcoe ot ('49 STERING ¢ ~] JANSSEN' EQUIPMEN Mote POWE R JACKS, ALL PARTS the best for less Mov TRAILER noms. Ga easonabie SEE THE 1965 ave! trailers os a Traller eet Eas Accesso Subw as S wi Parts. 843 K 28-9429 RISCH and plano, also chest of draw e ng West MEINTZMAN AN ery repairs to 6 cabin end service and es e Traile vo0d | 794 4" TRAILERS fo: amping trailers aaie or rent Authorized and range ee estimates onditlor good : FURNITURE BOX TRAILER t ; Telephone USED ax TANKS @ $45 f ' tn CAMPING by 468 sleep semblgs able 4m hitch Telephone TRAILERS F Sout oi; $480 © ' TYPEWRITERS. t time clocks guarantee payme pan e TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL, ture t dipped galvanized Acivding single all-channel antenne nstalled guara ear all towers at VAN 40-tt we 6----Marine Equipment We ¢ os arry pletely @ Crestiiner ' @ Evinrude Ower @ Grew dD ADDING duplicators, machine chequ: YACHTHAVEN rbour Rood 3.190) CUSTOM BUILT 4esks. service New and used Raglar OSHAWA Af trade vy Low NEW CUSTOM jsteering e tter © Travel toret e Bil BOAT Hamiltor seats reat $ Sure ritice x ape e SCRAP HARDWOOD |Ex cellent for fireplace, $ Fairport, [Dial 723-228) after 4 ¢ Bay oun fers pei i work [P< eo . Best iting weight ene MARINA Street To Frenchman's juthboard motor repairs, all makes anteed work marine repair Jertaken; repairs, pick hart _- . Piano. repair Sebastian needy Hohmar Dunberter |BODY HARDWOOD ace, $ lengths, ex ngle CABIN CRUISER ' } equipped. Sleeps ¢ utboard |FOR SALE OSHAWA a and tratier plete | 28-3604 ECTRONICS frye elect er Natural ga PIANO, upright jar rown, in good SAILBOAT , 3 c ; " -- TV. TOWERS sre! = a es 6 MOTOR ed. $20¢ KITCHEN ment BOAT RANGED OSH AWA TV IMITED ST Ak SMALL her Cor alige pump. Telephone se 3a ask blowe trailer atter 468-5354, THREE ROOMS "s down payment. % Ca King West FABULOUS SAVINGS Clearance ot e 728-8 80 7-- Sues ond Borter_ PRESSURE tems, ¢ piece $ abinets eners heaters, mowers, doats H. Chinn, Hillside aths ters e hig motors, |spring-filied crit Park icarriages $19.95 iChurch Street $6.88 re-|gpace mattresses nitre "South, cars son's F re ' 723-7088. | SIAMESE " 'la GERMAN Best |" Ald Rentals. 13--~Articles for Rert RENTALS OF ALL KINDS 8--Articles tor Sale BUY AND Seu - appliances East TELEVISIONS ent at rea arin nd sew Whitby Ni tonest Ca BUYING OR Hab t ances. Cell Elmer, Hampt TYPEWRITER, $25 add regis calcy bortable, $40. two-totel cash typewriter, $65 HONDA MOTOR BIKES me »p 16-4152 TOWERS SPECIAL TV Tv Oshawa TYPEWRITERS BUY AND snd ape SEL ORIGINAL LARGE DESK STAN'S INCH CBS COLUMBIA te REFRIGERATOR PHO? 3 GONE OUT 14.---Business Opportunities VARIETY STORE + ving quarters MODERN estab OG age. erm lebse trom 9 Kent Street RESTAURANT BUSINESS, we COMMERCIAL 15----Employment Wanted SOUNTANT TELEVISION EFRIGERATOR FURNITURE 148 TIMES Mes position Ie Write Box 4) Osha Paar TRAILER iontweic SPACE HEATER i", deoth 28-5433 17----Female Help Wanted MATURE WOMAN trained es a. cook. Al 20 and 40 1 O$ supervisor n necessary so between GARDEN TRACTOR ' ondit Apply Manager Ridges 639-2735. 1867 Restraunt able fe | 401 Courtice Rd 725-8231 HAIRDRESSER CONTENTS oF Ht ag mo! | Re able. Bay QUANTITY et of stone, s reasonable, eque A and writer DOUBLE sta S$ steel 5 boy's ¢ ts jackets, shirts, pants oe reason ably priced. Tele ACCORDION Best ove MODEL halmers tractor wit DIS A ew ai roto-tillers set PET and JOS 9EPH st 5691 ER 4 [ | Whitby 668. NTERVIEWERS SUPERVISORS rket rese Telephon e undas 9--Market Basket JANSSEN'S IVE IN FRU NTRY MARKET Col T and egetables Fart tir rmeo by the rted prc NG W 28-9429 2 P.EI. POTATOES -- 7$Ib. bag evenings. Brooklin 455-4983 NO. a 10--Farmer"s Column DEAD stock pic Ke COVENTRY iho PS ill loath Osada JEWELLERY SEED clean e 6 mature, ambitior scuss exception pea ng nvestment is WO lly, 2242 nerative ond 11--Pets and Livestock WANTED 4 elephone mes twe Ajax 942-4734 pret afler r essential, for ew, in Oshow c BEAUTIFUL budgies, ready {c strain. Apply Mr Br Lee Briand Ave ill llowdale, _Ont BANQUET WwW SES Kittens, beautify fem: trained k e ki ve + 25-7616 ipoint seve: Shepherd seven months old Telephone 728-414 bos asses TRAINING Obedience commencing J sponsored by Outdoor es bershir classes Association e 9.1 1 725-4 GERMAN SHEPHERD, Teleph Brook COZY-3 RANCH kids, registered : St se male, one yea one 655 Kennels, horses, German Shepherds, boarding goats Pup rr GE NOS HA HOT TEL WAITRESSES REQUIRED evenings KITTENS, f Five male an ger, black ie cat (spay 300d oid, g y fema' home 12----Articles Wanted HONDA Super 90-150 sndition. Telephone 62 late model, goox 40 13---Articles for Rent OSHA HOTEL cosmetic WHEEL CHAIRS, " p « g machine ck roo if] Re ©. Box' 89, Station 105 Beatrice, Oshawa ° 725-9896.

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