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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 May 1965, p. 25

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38--Coming Events _ Central Council of Neighborhood Association Of Oshawa MONSTER Oshawa Civic Auditorium | on FRIDAY MAY 28th OVER $5,000 IN PRIZES $2,000. Special Game $750 Snowball (50 nos ($100.00 Consol $1,000 Hi-Lo Game ($300.00 Consolat 12--$50 Regular $500 Snowba $1.00 3----$150 Plus 3 early Shore the Wea Regular Games at ADMISSION ) ation) Conse oF $1.00 Special Economy Pack cludes cards for all go 2--regular 2--cards specia 1 card--3 faces Hi-Lo 1--card---3 faces S 1 cord--4 faces Availabie at door DOOR PRIZES Speciol Bus. service leaving King and Simcoe sto 1g af 6:30 p.m. ever es up to 8:30 p.r EXTRA BUSES W BE AVAILABLE AFTER THE BINGO OSHAWA LIONS CLUB BINGO WED. NIGHT $1,200 in cash prizes Jackpot Nos. 56 -- 56 JUBILEE PAVILION 50c ADMISSION Entitles you to | plus a chance on o T drown May 26th BINGO FERNHILL PARK CLUB , HOUSE WED, MAY 19th EARLY BIRD GAME-----7:30 P.M. 16 Games $6 each 1 each $10-$15-$20-$30 Share the tk Admiss ft, ee ¢ Prizes RUMMAGE SALE 1:30 PLN WED., MAY 26th George's Churct PARISH HALL (Bagot & Centre Sts 11th Oshawa P A St Anglican des Porent ee SOCIAL BINGO St. John's . Hall Cia: Sikes Ged 8 Wednesday, May 26 8 P.M. Everyone Welcome . e NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY May be $250 IN AGE SAL Ha RUMM, Es e Street BIRTHS SOLOTOROW - ma nase ° the of their 9 Tracie Nad 8 Ib 1965, at the Os senera a Special thank Ross and the at floor nursing staff O3SMOK -- Rona'd and oan nee Greer) are happy to 4 of their son, Rona Oshawa Genera! Hose Mather and son doing we Special thanks to Or. Russell and the fourth floor staff DeGUERRE -- Te and Joa ee Tuson) are pleased ann e the ar rival of their daughte ra ee, oF May 23, 1945, at Oshawa Ge r tal, weighing 7 Ibs. 15: ozs fer fo Terry-Lyr Kindnes be d P et "GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390-KING STRafT WEST TELEPHONE 728-6226 LOCKE'S FLORISTS Funere! arrangements and florel arrangements for all occasions OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE 728-6555 SERVICE 17. part DEATHS WINTER Mary Edith Entered Into rest in the Oshawa General Hospital on Tuesday, May 25, 1965, Mary! Edith Crosby widow of Arthur 8, Winter} and mother Mrs, Lester Durkee Olive), Mrs. Ernest Yurichuk (Dorothy), | George and Cer! Winter, all of Oshawa, in} her 79th year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa with funeral service in the chapel Thursday, May 27th at 2 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn Ceme-| tery, 'Oshawa of MaciNTYRE, Joseph (Mac) Suddenly at Ajax and Pickering General 4 Hospital), on Tuesday, May 25, 1965, Joseph Macintyre (of Mac's Tailor Shop,| Ajax), beloved husband of Adele LaRade| of Squires Beach, Pickering and dear} father of LeRoy of Bay Ridges and John! of Halifax, Nova Scotia. Mr. Macintyre will rest at McEachnie Funeral oma 4 Kingston' Road West, Pickering after| Thursday. Funeral on Saturday,| May 2, al 8.45 am. to St. Francis de Sales Church, Pickering for Requiem! High Mass at 9 a.m, Interment St. Fran-| cis de Sales Cemetery. (The Rosary willl be recited at the funeral home on Friday evening at 8.30 p.m.) IN MEMORIAM | MASON -- In loving memory ef my dear mother, Elizabeth Mason, who pass ed away May 26, 1956. As jong as life and memory, last We will remember you. p 0 y remembered and sadiy missed by daughter Alice and grandchildren STONEBURG -- In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Leonard C toneburg, who left us suddenly May 26 weary t best, getting t He food besid Come and r ast farewell, saw : yo He did wha ed knew it his wite STONEBURG ory of a dear dad rg y often speak of how And y atime And many a time | our tired eves are hands a God's t and tt you have longed for you eft who us died have cried. sleeping re st worked so hard for w sald good-bye to us, mem grandfather k of you sud us} } CERMS PROBED AS CANCER 4 ees CAUSE 1 |. WASHINGTON (AP) -- When , \adults ) |wantonly destroy things, have} 25 OL ay 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, May 26, 1965 'Parents Blame Parents For Difficulties Of Teens By G. K. HODENFIELD Er {parents who set horrible exam- |ples for their children. ~..| "And, of course, the 'sex- ihe as de a te saturated society' of adults was diciments that seems to have|>!@med, as was violence on TV, no end . ishoddy movies, and pornogra-} } Kids phic books and magazines--all the responsibility of the adult world." these days, they say, early sex experiences, drink, ' |steal, even use dope In their indictment of adults,| * | It all adds up to an increase|the PTA presidents were echo-| , in teen-age immorality, at least|ing charges that experts in the in the eyes of adults. field have been making for In an effort to find causes, Years. ; |Parent Teacher Association consipERED SEX presidents in cities and towns throughout the United States were questioned. The responses were near-unanimous in declar- ing adults are at fault. Not long ago the scholarly Journal of the National Associ-| ation of Women Deans and |Counsellors devoted an entire Tpical comments, from alissue to the sex standards of} » co ie ] story in a recent issue of the|COllege students. PS PTA Magazine It noted an increase in pre-| "Our society is appallingly, marital intercourse and. cited as| 4 : ie sex-saturated. ... There is ana major reason: society | | increase in. adult immorality.|which preaches strict standards |" * ., . Too many parents are n jof sexual morality, but does not "m= 4 glecting their children, and try-/practise what it preaches, a ing to. buy their love with ma Other studies have shown that terial things, , Our kids are between the ages of five and a lot better than we have any\14, the average American child right to expect them to be--if witnesses the violent destruc- we take an honest look at our- tion of 13,000 human beings on selves and our world." television The article emphasized: "If «when the good guy wins'on the younger generation IS going television, he does it by beating to the dogs, the PTA presidents joj) out of the bad guy," says said, it's the fault of the adults . Prof, William C. Kvaraceus, an if it isn't going to the dogs it'S authority on youth problems. in spite of the adults Hosén't. this prova that iG VANDALISM WORST lence pays? Sixty per cent of the local What of last year's youth PTA presidents responding tojriots at Daytona Beach, Fla.; the survey said teen-age im-|at Seaside, Ore.; that shambles morality IS increasing in their,at Hampton Beach, N.H.; teen rhaps i's lust as well Dr. Henry Mak (left) and e never ave said good-bye Lept a © one we loved so we Dr. Hans Stich inspect a But: whe look and se@ You gone, test tube containing human S remy, Qreeks my. Taare tissue kept alive for can who have a Dad him with care. herish cer research at Queen's experiments. Dr, Stich be- I ' University. Dr; Mak keeps lieves many germs can communities. They mentioned, age narcotics parties tn Yonk- a supply of living human cause cancer n this order of frequency: van- ers, N.Y.; teen-age drinking in tissue ready for Dr. Stich's (CF Photo) (dalism, teen-age pregnancies,/Darien, Conn drinking, petting, and thievery The PTA presidents seemed also mentioned enough|to be asking why parents allow you will never.know the heartache . They he fips el oi gp M4 th hing cing ur *h things to happen giy remembered and never forgot ( lt Pl other things--smoking, discour-| suc 4 f «vara we Shah Sees Canadian Role Gui OR he aaa Sets ovine T Wine cence a inc howauece I . a " spect for elders--to cast SOMC/most to moral misconduct 3 ~~ i's 43, In loving smemory ot aur n Rifle Sl ying doubt on. their appraisal. Alllamong teen-agers is weak par- , s ' . and grandmother, Ada . . : bd oh bet a oeeed' vent wi rr the things they listed may enis, who are afraid to say 'no S sie wend ont eed ae Growing In World Affairs STRATFORD (CP)--Jon_ Pit-\yndesirable, but they aren'tlin fear the will be disliked, KNITS IN THE NEW in avery heart, a ai, wa sentenced Tues necessarily immoral and instead say 'yes' and get This bright yellow beach shift, seamed to an A line, who answer not, " day to life imprisonment after, ,,, TA presidents also were|disrespect and heartache," said ; "9 features a is of orlon acrylic fibre. T T p nada rr Shah e It yop The PTA presiden shift by Trico ires 5 r 3 i TORONTO (CP) Canada Arriving with the Shah were), pleaded guilty in Ontario "What do you think con-|a local president in Maricopa,| Candlewick top cut to a deep m as of yor The kind, the true, the Who walk with us no m Tis hard to take the burden up, When these have laid it down They brightened all the joy of fife, They softened every frown But, OF When we are troubled sore Thanks be to God that such have been, they ere here no mor.e a he silence of the breast; 'tls good to think of them\ role in international affairs will the sweet grow more important, the Shah of Iran said at an Ontario state dinner here Tuesday "You have a mission t complish in our future world to 0 ac shape it for the preservation of peace, honor and dignity, he DY Defence Minister Paul Hellyer asked and Maj.-Gen. George Kitchen, eiecaae ti ig OE eons co tributes most to moral conduct} ( al f V in front and back. The _ oe ie (CP Photo) general officer commanding the ing of Marianne Vandervliet among teen-agers We must go back to teaching|- ~ - : army's central command in this'o;" a Kitchener school teacher. 'The answer," said PTA|that right is right, no matter FOOD Is OILY | HORSES DISAPPEAR area Miss Vandervliet was fatally Magazine, "was virtually unan-|what 'best friends' may do or A fish's dorsal meat is tel West German statistics show At the evening's dinner Lieu-icnqt in the farm home of her|imous: It's what the parents dojthink times as oily as the "white/tnore are only 373,000 horses tenant-Governor Rowe told the), -onts at Dublin, 12 miles west or don't do that makes the dif-| Angther said: meat," but the latter usually| ti at work on farms, as Op- More home-like seems the vast unknown said at have entered Since they there To follow them were not so hard, Lieutenant the - Governor dinner given W. Earl y fare Rowe at the Royal York Ho- here God Is not, tel Nhate'er betides, Thy love abides, The Shah arrived here from God, for evermore : 5 : eee Ever remembered end missed by\Montreal a beer iy ee h daughter Grace, son-in-law Bob, and hour was just ending. The roya erengnen: Hons motorcade caused momentary OWEN in loving memory of @ dear traffic problems oe ee Owen, who passed away) fil military honors greeted There's a sad but sweet remembrance, the eastern monarch and Em- There is a memory fond and true niece. Mar i hiy ife | And a token of affection, Mother, ress Farah, hi rird wife, as And a heart ache still for you a red-coated band of the Royal Ever remembered by son Roy and, . ' daughter-in-law Adeline and grandenii- Canadian Regiment' played the dren Roy, Carolyn and Colleen Iranian national anthem PRESCOTT In loving memory of a dear r, Sidney $. Prescott, who pass The Shah and }t entourag ed a ¥ 26, 195 A remembered by son Jim and occupied two floors of the Roy: daug a s c York Hotel--65 rooms STONEBURG -- In ever io memory ; sonard ¢ y May 26 een to keep always stay EVERLASTING MEMORIALIZATION most possible with the TORONTO (CP)--Three sub MATTHE BRONZE MARKER |Uurban manufacturers who spon ot we supp ond install. sored a back-to-school move 2 ment among their employees . YG AUNT LAWN now find themselves. heing MEMORIAL PARK widely imitated 3.2633 The three firms in suburhar Leaside started the plan two jyears ago. Called Project Leay CARD OF THANKS |the scheme provides workers who. lack the hig schoo! di TAYLOR -- The family of the late Mrs. nigmas with a three-subject aca sh t ess their sin)! latives and demic course for three hours sympathyi every day without loss of wage eri during their recent bereave t any floral tributes and The scheme has brought in ards. Thanks to the doctors. quiries from as far afield a aneral Hospital, The Armstrong Funeral'California and Quehec from TT a2 ee Tee Rev. business concerns which want to . The Taylor Family, develop similar plans of their BRUCE own arises ' : Philips Electronics' Industrie ati Lid., Honeywell. Controls' Ltd ok SARS 7 Y and Sangamo Co. Ltd. began the bereavement in the loss experiment with 10 employees fat, and Pastor tote each and organized tuition for 7a Motor city them in English, mathematic que adies' Aid of The On and science t 41 222, UAW, Genera : » 4 flowers, the Arm Although the men paid for al Home for their services phair , whe duilelad ne eg het red heir own materia the firms a co-operated with the Ontario and FUNERAL OF nabie Aubre Crouter Berti! MRS. FLORENCE H, WHITE Armstrong, Walter Buttle, Leo Funeral service of Mrs. Flor- "ard Warriner and Edward ence H. White, who died at ner Oshawa General Hospital last : MH ga UN : Sunday in her 77th year, wasi }UNERAL OF RAY COWAN held esday at the Armstrong Funeral service for Ray Cow- an, who died at Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital last Friday in his dist year, was held Tuesday at the Armstrong Funeral Home Funeral Home. Rev. Wesley Herbert of King Street United Church conducted}, the service ter t v the Service. Interment was in' Rev. Wesley Herbert of King Pal hoarer were ean Street United church conducted : ' y th sents +r 7 Wright, Ronald Babcock, David MounE Luce asc bi Soe ss Disney, Thomas Disney, Fred" Dathoarers were Jack Fialka Connell and. G McCam-\y..., Tel Ad ete Sere ds aha and . George McCam William Fialka, Joseph Jablon ski, Ed Weldon, Stanley. Gomme FUNERAL OF and Flurier Kiniotek CARL F, SCHOENAU . . ; ; JOSEPH (MAC) MacINTYRE , r ; Squires Beach, an. Ajax tailor rleigh ave., wh ie is a . B Gilet iy a . say . Fis for the last four years, died ge in Pcie A sue teem th jTuesday in Ajax and Pickering ; = sik i rom the! General Hospital He was in his Macinto Anderson Funeral 60th: year ' Home with. the ceremony con-| yy, MacIntyre was born in ducted by Bishoy 'a Cia eee ses ba a Churc He "4 a Gat Glace Bay, N.S. He married the at Tatar Wav Giants Go was) lormer Adele LaRade in 1932 in assisted by Elder Frank Bailey); The deceased served with the |Royal Canadian Air Force dur- ing the Second World War. He had lived in the Pickering WAS) area for the last 12 years and Aubrey worked for the T. Eaton Com pany in Toronto and Oshawa nd the Rev. G.. Kirchhofer Burial was at Oshawa Union Cemetery. Service at the cemetery 'anducted by Elder | Pallbearers were: Gordon Do-|prior to opening his own shop. ' Back-To-School Move Started By Manufacturers {stand aside in the old laissez-| Shah his visit was "keenly ap-\o¢ hore. Pitman was a_ hired ference... . | "Many parents are too spine-,Contains much more protein. posed to 919,000 in 1950. preciated" by the people of Can-lpanq Singled out were permissivelless to say 'no,' and one can- PLAY UP FAIR stl ada, and Ontario. Such visits) 11.) 'smith said Pitman told|parents; parents, the gutless|not maintain morality to any; United States newspapers car- SYRUP IS STRONG helped contribute to greater un-}i. that after shooting Miss wonders: working mothers;|degree without the ability tojried 122 items in the last week It- takes 30 to 35 gallons of derstanding among nations _ Vandervliet he struck her re-|parents who push their children|say 'no--whether to one's self/of April about Expo '67, the maple tree sap to make one gal- He also praised the monarch's)aiediy with the rifle butt into adulthood too: soon; andlor to one's children." {Montreal World's Fair. lon of maple syrup. skillfull leadership that has - : Hacc jcc disngeinaassatheucieniiaaca abe ansehen eater ntaneieeniaiinnten ipa sparked unprecedented expan sion in this country Premier Robarts noted that experts of the Ontario Hydro-| Electric Power Commission were helping to develop a $65, 000,000 power station in Lran, by. invitation of that country Winding up the Shah's eight- day Canadian tour today will be s to industries for him vis-| s to hospitals for the empress| a visit to a racetrack for Your Choice of SEVEN Headboards federal governments. ta. sponsor the rest of the program The first project graduated 5 of the 30 with Grade 12 certificates in each of the three subjects, Today there are #0 Leaside employees of all ages] 9 heing paid for attending the : es In severa case the men have gone on to better-paying jobs in their companies In Ontario alone, similar sys tem ave since been started t \lgoma Steel Corp. in Sault Ste. Marie and trohome Kitchener Dominion Flec-} Industries Ltd. in The Peterborough 3 qualify sleep sets . . Serta "Smooth Master" Smooth Top in Print Cover Resilient, 220 coil construction with heavy duty sisal peds and layeron Jayer of fluffy white felted cotton for real comfort. No buttons or tufts anywhere. Beautiful print ticking with prebuilt borders with teped edges, vented plastic turning handles. A complete outfit -- at @ special SERTA price. INCLUDES MATTRESS, BOX SPRING, HEADBOARD AND LEGS plant of Canadian General Elec- tric Co. recently graduated most of a class of 30 employees. Last fall the Leaside board of education donated a two-room portable school. room to help start Grade 9 classes | B SHADOW BOX Roger Conant, personnel and ndustrial relations manager for Honeywell Controls Ltd., said C FRENCH PROVINCIAL cently in a Toronto speech| that the main achievement is that companies across the con-| infent now are thinking of adopt { their own versions of Proj Leap Perhaps 20 years ago indus might very well have} shrugged its collective shoulders| and said the situation of these vorkers was really sad,"' Mr.| Conant said He said modern industry is) more socially conscious than it} was, Industry had become an} increasingly responsible seg-| ment of society, 'unwilling to} faire manner." A spokesman for the Ontario education department said he hoped more companies. would| adopt similar programs. If they} do, he said, "we are ready to offer all possible assistance." Mr. MacIntyre was a mem- ber of the Ajax branch of the} Royal Canadian Legion and St./ Francis de Sales Church in Pick- ering He is survived by his wife, two sons, LeRoy of Bay Ridges and John, who is in the Royal Canadian Navy, stationed at HMCS Shearwater, N.S., two sis- ters and three brothers. Rev. O'Neill will sing high re- quiem mass at 9 a.m. Saturday! in St. Francis de Sales Church.| Interment -will be in Pickering Cemetery. The rosary will be recited at the McEachnie Funeral! Home, Pickering, at 8.30 p.m. Friday. G TUPTED VINYL Serta 'Kent' - Fine Scroll Quilt in Damask There's extra comfort in this firm, 252 coil mattress and it's beautifully covered in blue and gold imported rayon damask with a luxurious scroll wilting that adds extra comfort and good looks. It has heavy-duty prebuilt bor- ders, vents and plastic turning handles. A complete out- fit. SERTA built and backed. INCLUDES MATTRESS, BOX SPRING, HEADBOARD AND Serta 'Perfect Contour" Deluxe Quilt with Foam Beautiful all-over continuous quili with cloud-like foam over 405 resilient, electrically tempered Serta inner- springs. Special levalizing layer for fiem, healthful sup- port. Beautiful gold on beige ticking, taped edge, repe handles. Our top-of-the-line best at a wonderful SERTA saving INCLUDES MATTRESS, BOX SPRING, HEADBOARD AND LEGS } TWIN SIZE TOP QUALITY BEDDING BUYS! By a maker of the famous *79.50 Serta "Pertect Sleeper" Mattress [~ 4 SHOWROOM" & FLOORS PHONE 725-3514 | FURNITURE COMPANY 63 KING ST, EAST

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