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Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 May 1965, p. 15

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HOME DESIGN No. 820 This Duplex Design gives the maximum amount of livable area for the mini- mum cost. It is economical to build, each unit being al- most square. The lower area may be used for hab- itable rooms as built as a basementless plan this level will be less than 3'-0"' below grade. On a lot which slopes to the rear a walk out from the utility area could be ar- ranged. A_ full. basement plan is also available. In this case lower floor which is 677 sq. ft. area (same as the upper) could be kept above grade Standard Blueprints this Duplex Design No. 820 cost $25.00 for the first set and $5.00 for. additional sets, They are available in Can- ada by return mail. (Ontario residents must remit 3 per cent Sales Tax.) Now ayail- able at this Newspaper Of- fice (or from address below) is our new Design Book en- titled "Suburban and Coun- try Homes designed for Ca- nadians", price $1.00 tax free. This edition includes information on Cost ° of Building and Financing in Canada, Heating, Insulation, Constructional Details, etc., plus many outstanding new designs Ranch, one and half storey, split level, two storey colonial, and duplex homes. Also included in this book are full details on how to order blueprints LOWED mone tacu unit $77 sor. 59-8 No, 820 is a DUPLEX. No, 810 has same layout but is o SINGLE UNIT for The Building Editor, Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario, CO Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send me Book of Plans entitled "HOME PLANNING GUIDE" Mali reouests 10c extra. (Please make remittance payable to The Oshawa Tires). Name PTETrriririir rire Address FIRST AID TO AILING HOME DULL FINISH FOR PEWTER) bathroom QUESTION: Is there any way|There is a water pipe running to change new polished pewter|yp inside one section of wall plate to a dark finish like Old! which causes the wall to sweat pewter? : pean The condensation runs down and ANSWER: Only suggestion 1/11, paper now on has become can offer is to try the type of mildewd in that area. Is there cleaning and polishing recom) something that can be put on mended for getting a dull fin-\that portion of the wall before ish: Rukthe pewter surface with] is papered again to prevent a paste made of rottenstone and) tic problem olive .oil. Then rinse off with ANSWER: If possible, | would clear water and wipe dry. Any suggest putting a panel of insu- readers know a way to "age lating board on this wall. The pewter quickly? area can be sprayed with a non- = a reves staining mildew-proofer, which FIRE PLACE CHIMNEY kills and prevents mildew QUESTION: I'm building aor apply a household bleach recreation room in half of my|solution for from three to four basement. I'm considering in-|minutes to kill all mold spores, stalling a fireplace and tapping}then rinse off with clear water|DARK MARKS ON PLASTER this into the one-flue chimney|to remove all trace of the) QUESTION: We moved into a from my oil furnace (forced air|pjeach. The mildewproofer is|new home six years ago. After heat),.a foot above the furnace|ayailable at many housewares', year, ceilings showed very Posing 3a sngoos Moondl proce-|and hardware dealers. dark marks, as though the ure a ; pe "4 oem dia rafters were. showing. We had furnace? LOCATING ANTS' NEST! i , ANSWER: Connecting two| QUESTION: For the past)# man come anc he applied two fuel-burning appliances to the|three months we have discov- od. rs fae tae Load lacks same flue is always regarded asjered large black ants in our|©e se ae fs Tad ne very poor practice. The draft/home. We first noticed them|4ry Pe ainaee in We Ab 1 hen from one interferes with proper near a closet door, We sprayed All t pe POUR oes "ie oe draft of the other without success. A few appear|this way. Is there anything ine in each room now. How can 1 can be done to correct this WALL. MILDEWPROOFER locate the nest and what sprays ANSWER: You don't give any QUESTION: We are planning}can be used? information about the kind of to redecorate this spring. The ANSWER ants house, but from your problem "THE HOME WORKSHOP 2.20" type. Under unheated, uninsula- Oh is to be repapered closely to see where they carry the food. Mild poisons be carried by ants back to the nest for the killing of the queen thalate ant traps, widely avail able at variety, supermarkets and housewares dealers, are ex cellent for this An excellent self-polishing wax containing an insecticide lethal to crawling insects, might be used effectively on all floors sills, etc Use a liquid hose insecticide containing chlordane, diazinon, dieldrin, lindane or malathion wil Watch the jted attics, plaster on wood lath sometimes develops dark marks corresponding to the laths (or rafters). This is caused by the jplaster becoming chilled and condensation for min when n con Ci] PATTERN 307 c zg tact with the cooler | |damp- plaster and | |becomes be tween laths dry out more quick ly and don't Installing | blanket type insulation between | i jrafters, on the | ™ we " iF, a vaporproof bat 1} =i = oy heated rooms Lo rect this condition and he| It adds value to a home prop- result in His bodyjerty to build a substantial out- tion by him in/door fireplace A handsome nlaster SCARECROW absorbs dus darkenec area CUT OUT ot 4 OF woop WAVES ARMS darken Hy } yur a ttic floor (witk IN BREEZE t t rier toward the Ww ll and will lessened fuel consurhp preventing heat below) cor He is cut out of wood waves to all who pass 18 inches high. Put OSS 1s the C1 GARDEN GUIDE Display of Water By A. R. BUCKLEY of Plant Research Institute grading to be done. A broken A garden landscape can often|topography can be used, h be improved by the display of ever, if you make a stream |water. You can have a water and place rocks, boulders and |lily pool in full sun, a plain flat stones in natural positions fountain in a pool with a back- along its course. A rivulet of this ground of stones or plants, a kind should not be perfectly gently trickling waterfall or a| Straight but be like a mountain series of waterfalls from over- brook with angles and curves lflowing pools: a large Jake or,down the slope, and following lswimming pool, or just a plain the contour of the land. birdbath. A pool must have a supply of You can easily make a water,fresh water. This may come garden in your landscape, com-|from a stream, clean drainage plete with falls and a pool. In|water, or the house supply fact, ready-made waterfalls of,;Sometimes a continuous trickle lfeather-weight rock with built-|from the main source keeps the lin miniature electric pumps. are Pool clean and attractive at a available at a fairly. reasonable !0 wcost, and it can be made price. Plastic water lily pools|to flow into the regular drain- can also be had from water,age system With an electric |plant specialists. It is not hard pump and storage tank the same \to build a pool operated from|water may be used over and | your home water supply _- to Over again grow the beautiful water lilies). ug ge aie en that always seem to be.60 ex- SURFAC E REFLEC if i Choose the most quisite in the Macoun Memorial) .~ : the leven AP Garden at the Plant Research place for the pool, even if you ser te must go to a little trouble in Institute, supplying it with water. The If you're thinking of having aloreatest value of a pool lies pool you must, of course, decide in what its surface'reflects. 0 first where the water supply is jplace it in front of a group of coming from and where the! njants, a rose pergola' or some water going after it fills the! architectural feature. To pro- pool, whether or not the pool should be formal, what size, and vide good reflection, the sur face of the water should be near what materials it is to be built of desirable is ground level and the pool so situated that the reflection will all other land- be seen from the house or some scape features must be if other well frequented spot such keeping with its surroundings./as the patio or wherever Jawn Sloping land with no level area chairs may be. presents the most difficult prob A pool, like A pool affords the opportunity for the culture of water plants If thése are water lilies, full sun will be necessary at least in the morning. If the pool is of any size at all, details of construc- 'Lippman Cites Three Papers is es ict tothe tant (AP)--Walter Lipp-/ You money in the long run singled out for Your main problem will be American papers With the choice of material and of the Planting. Make sure, however Dominican that the pool is at least two feei the Washing-\deep if you want water lilies York Herald Allow shelves at the edges of the New York pool fo accommodate shallow rooting plants such as arrow- js head, wild calla, watersnow- of lake frog's-bit and water- chestnut. These waterside plants add considerable interest to the LONDON toda three man praise excellent coverage tuation in the public. They are Post, the New and the 2 te ton Tribune Times Expanding Thursday on h address to the l4th meeting the International Insti tute here, Lippmann told re porters Press h wh the spondents the ground re ported, I I was getting a much more accurate account of what was going on in Santo Do mingo than I was getting from the Washington handouts "That created an atmosphere of criticism in the United States that has had an influence on policy." Escaped Cubs | Caught Again -- | I P BUFFALO, N.Y. .(AP)--Two} bear cubs from. Ontario that| roamed streets on Buffalo's east overnight were captured Thursday, one after biting a man The 15-pound cubs were dis covered a sausage factory One surrendered meekly. The Other, picked up by Murphy | Nix, nipped his finger, broke] reading at corre on felt felt In side | £7 Al at To Landscaping of Hom IMMEDIATE DELIVERY CW ALL YES THE OSHAWA TIMES, { | Soturdey, Mey 29, 1965 75 | Can Add Early Vehicle e | Built By Owner KITCHENER, Ont, (CP) -- jlem because it means a lot of:noo| and seem to tie it in better Back in 1907, when there were with an informal landscape. WATER PLANT NURSERY Get a catalogue at once from a water plant nursery and make your choice. You will find a large selection of two kinds of water lilies, hardy and tropical The hardy ones. should be planted now and the tropicals in about three weeks' time Planting is simplicity itself You will need an old dishpan and boxes or tubs. Fill these with a mixture of eight parts good garden loam and one part dried cow or sheep manure, which can be bought at your garden center. To a bushel of this mixture add a handful of 6-9-6 or 10-10-10 fertilizer, »To plant a hardy lily, wet the soil well and then press it around the root of the lily but allow the growing tip to extend above the ace. This growing tip is, very tender indeed. Be sure not to touch it. Place a flat stone over the root and cover the soil surface with sand finely crushed stone, Then submerge the container tk foot of water covers It may be necessary the container to meet Tropicals are planted in same way, but they must not be olete deeper than eight inches below nd the surface and, of course, the -- walter should be quite warm, up to 70 degrees at planting. time The beautiful tropical lilies may be obtained in blue as well as other colors and will open at night instead of closir some of the hardy water lilies have a habit of doing. So, if you have both kinds, you will have not only a variety of colors but a display by day and night only six automobiles here, 22- year - old Herbert Hambrecht wanted one but lacked the money. He decided to build his own The result was a homemade vehicle that was similar to the} 1903 Cadillac, with two speeds} forward and a reverse gear that also acted as a brake. It was chain-driven by a rear- mounted engine with water and gas tanks at the front. Mr. Hambrecht, now 80, re- calls that at first it wouldn't climb a hill he wanted to climb but that this was remedied by the installation of a larger rear sprocket. 4 skilled machinist, Mr Hambrecht was soon known to auto-makers and in 1909 began working for McLaughlin-Buick in O Ont. He was later iréd as chief engineer: for Ken-| OTOR Car Co., Preston,| , Which turned out 175 autos designed by Mr. Hambrecht before it folded He quit the 1923 and today { st in motor a reminder a model ago of the nedy Ont auto business takes more boats. But of the old he made 12 1907 car com- with movable parts, lamps radiator tubing in in he so t th at a rown to raise this e ¢ } need ha vs he he vears OUT TO SELL CANADA Canadian government em- ployees, from engineers to army officers, are being shown round Expo '67 before going to their jobs overseas. 1 JAMES 'O'MALLEY J Construction Ltd. y 723-7122 1° Homes @ Additions Z as Buying or Selling! GUIDE REALTY LTD. @ LLOYD CORSON, President @ DICK YOUNG Vice-President @ LUCAS PEACOCK Sec-Treas. 16 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA PHONE 723-1121 ! @ Offices @ Remodeling» ONE-PIECE CONCRETE @ FOR YOUR NEW HOME @ REPLACEMENT FOR OLD STEPS @ NON-SLIP SURFACE ON TREADS AND PLATFORM "YOUR FIRST STEP TO BEAUTY AND SAPETY™ 655-3311 away and was caught by Nix after a. chase The cubs escaped Wednesday) ates at the} railway express from wooden ¢ Street CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. ONTARIO terminal They were be from Unique , to the a ing shi Zoo at Game ped he RELAX IN Su ynt m at t Catskil ton skil Far N.Y DESERT: being built 2 long carry irriga tion water from the Suez sweet water canal to the Sinai Desert WATER TO e-foot pipe i TAKE 4 fir to the vegetable garden or station brick mode] with work space him by your driveway. He. is'storage cupboards, hooks and sure to bring a big smile. Pat-'shelves for utensils and slots tern 307, which gives full-size|for adjusting grills is made wtih cutting and painting guides and) Pattern 243, This pattern, which assembly directions is 50 cents, gives illustrated directions and He also is one of four actual material list is 50 cents. It also size patterns in the Yard Nov-,is in the Home Improvement elty Packet No. 40, for $1.75.) Packet No, 29 with three other Postage stamps not acceptable.) patterns, all for. $1.75. Postage Building The Oshawa stamps not acceptable, Building Time editor, The Oshawa Times FINANCING YOUR NEW HOME PIC Now Once yo you should weigh nst the J decide to buy a home and needs the desires of your fomi dunt yo feel you new addit dependent xuries ond non-essent d for a home depends d of living and h such you should sper upon your standar your fom r thumb often two-and-a-half times your annual alified, however the and by the | be able to make. Gener- ng, the higher down the more expensive a home yo ire figure should be q ving yment by n mMmunity you w Poyment you 3 can afford on Ask About Our 6 Month Oshawa BUILDERS' ASSOCIATION 369 Oshawa Blvd. N, 723-7390 & Bui Ope TABLES $94.95 Pre-cut 27" x 6' Western Cedar, complete with all hardware, unassembled price. MILLWORK 1279 Simcoe North -- 728-6291 YOUR OWN BACK cogates ARD. baad "~ Only FOR ONLY compression strength @ Steel © Standard ladder @ Over-all Deferred Payment Plan Chlorine and Test Kit Iding Supplies Ltd. n Daily 7 A.M. to 6 PLM, Friday till 9 P.M. YOUR OWN SWIMMING POOL $ LOOK AT THESE SPECIFICATIO SPECIFICATIONS:--@ Wall Thickness 812' -- Floor 6" @ Concrete 3000 Ibs. per sq. inch teed self priming pump @ Automatic surface skimmer @ Chrome on. brass main drain @ 2 Chrome brass adjustable inlets ¢ Chrome on brass vacuum fitting @ Widest width 25 ft. @ Shortest overall width 21 ft, @ Stainless Stee! Lodder @ Vacuum Cleaner @ 35 Pounds of EASY TERMS ARRANGED--FOR COMPLETE DETAILS CALL RELIABLE POOLS Built by Roth Construction 725-3974 ... LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST WI me TH Completely Installed 2875 reinforced construction @ Lovely 3 ft. walk around your pool length 40 ft. ¢ Complete filtration system with DURO guaran- - 725-9991 or WHEN BUYING OR SELLING PROPERTY ... LOOK TO - SCHOFIELD-AKER ® Residential FREE, SAFE, EASY PARKING @® Commercial @ Industrial MORTGAGES HOURS ot Ist and 2nd, A 9 A. M. till 9 PLM, ed and purch SAT. Till 5 P.M. basa CLEAN PROPERTY--$12,900.00--Rea! good older home, com- prised of L. Room, dining room, kitchen and one pc. both on main floor, 3 bedrooms and 3 pc. both upstairs, Good dry bose- Toxes than $200.00, Price includes Gorage, all drapes, drapery d T.V. Aerial, Well decorated and landscaped, Will sell fast--so coll right now, ment ess trocks or NORTH WEST--LIST PRICE $15,900.00---5 years old--6 room brick home--Owner has moved from City and is anxious to sell. 3 bright bedrooms, L separate dining room, and good size kitchen. Very hondy to public, high and separate schools, Quick possession. room Bisadhitteas isa tai We EAST END--$16,900--New homes in this area without the extras this home has, sell for more, Just a real good buy waiting for an alert 'buyer. 6 rooms--a beauty of a kitchen, 3 extra spacious. bedrooms, L-shaped living-- and dining room, a dandy big basement, nicely londscaped and decorated, Don't leave it onother moment--call one of our agents right away to inspect. LOADS OF LIVING SPACE--Brookside Acres--7 room brick home consisting of 5 bedrooms--huge modern kitchen equipped with cupboards and conveniences galore, Over 20 ft. living room with natural fireplace, separate dining room (13 x 10)--lovely family room on main floor, 2 baths including walk-in stand-up shower--artistically designed Rec, Room, plus Rumpus Room for the Children. A real good home in a fine residential area, Catt real soon to inspect. TAUNTON ROAD WEST--A lot of living for an asking price of $17,000.00, Lot size 142' x 150 approx. Extremely well built home with a well planned layout, All rooms are a generous size. A quality home for someone who likes to live in the outskirts and yet be handy. to everything. $18,750.00--7 room brick and frame home located in the east end. Possession may be arranged within 30 days. Living room, dining room and huge kitchen, plus 2 pc. bath on main floor-- 4 bedrooms and 4 pc. bath on second floor, A real good buy in a good residential orea. OPEN HOUSE This Week-end At BEAU VALLEY AT YOUR SERVICE 725-0201 ALLAN THOMPSON 728-2870 725-1726 IRWIN CRUIKSHANKS 728-5208 san vate BILL JOHNSTON 728-1066 --D. DRUMM 725-9345 725-3867 728-5868 MARGARET LEE 7 723-1358 GEORGE KOORNNEEF 7 Over a Quorter Century of Service' SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED REG AKER BILL McFEETERS MAIBLE BOUDREAU PBELL STEVE MACKO 23-2894 MARG, HALL 23-2859 360 KING WEST 723-2265 (See additional Listings Advertised Daily in Classified Section)

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