18 #8 OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 29, 1 'Spring Cleaning -- Make Cash By Selling Your Don't Needs Here Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY peterpan ptt 7: etd e Crestliner | PRIVATE SALE RENTALS Accountants _ | Barristers |Gardening and Supplies Gardening and Supplies SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOTT | @ Grew @ Evinrude | 404 SIMCOE ST. N. OF ALL KINDs See then >i" 7T e le vision | OSHAWA VACHTHAVEN | 2h" Gonasok Wécire "rehioe: REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- suds-saver automatic pe seharaiga' 3 belts rowing yp Frigidaire dryer? chines, bike exercises ---- ol 9% cubic ft. e $6 per month ; aT pati PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- pi JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Account| josepH Pp, MANGAN, QC, Solicitor For Evergreens, Shade SMALL BOAT Asking $75. Must be) refrigerator; single and dou- UMBER'S TOOLS pipe . 4 , : b | p ~ ' > 317 Oshawa Bivd. South or cleaning rods, pipe vise tri+ ant. Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Streetimoney to joan. Office, 144 King Sires! Mp é ; Ray ontinentel beds with a Cyst, Telephone 723-4833. East, Oshawa, 728-6232. araen Upp JES | Trees, flowering shrubs, ter- ' tiki ' } 20, PADS WIENENOS, Pie Cute desk kitchen : pipe , threading dies, Harbour Rood 723-1901 Westinghouse | tiliz etc. Visit you local 6 a5 hy ' ' ALBERT HOSMAR, Chartered Account-| jam@$ MACDONALD, BA, LLB, Bar is Ot YOU ORE Ty \ ISFT. MOULDED Paceship, 35 hp Joh : toilet auger, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking avail- : j ; i 28-1272 w.] seer vtim on i Centre Roses | "GARDEN CENTRE & $60. Telephone 728-1272 Can be seeri anytime si ladders, ladder jacks, ae sell and exchange used furr gorder r son motor, electric start. Tee Nee trailer t (9 pieces); chair and occa- ant, 47 Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshawa, rister and Solicitor and Notary Public, 'i ree ' gorden centre on motor, electric sta an : West j Two tanks, two props, jife jackets, Pe 1 tables o rtiny Ontario, Telephone 723-122). The Commercial Building, 286 King West, Bulk" Garden Seeds tA: Janssen ond Sons lad | : [two tanks, Iwo, prope, We ies r Boys' Sporting PAINTERS EQUIPMENT =< wr . ¢ i ul 1 ; Aecounter sent Oy oikavs Seapine able, 725-4716 of 125-4717 Flower. Seeds and: Bulbs 843 KING ST. W. 728-9429" | ) 116-FT, CEDARSTRIP fibregiassed boa, stepladders, oluminum exten- Accour Sui p ! 9953 1 ' . z : 2e is A HOPKING, BEADLE AND CO., Char Building Trades ca Elo Sheil | LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS" | |18%4 FOOT Weymouth cabin cruiser "with AFTER 1 P.M steel scaffolding, compressors, fered Accountants. Financial Trade Build owering. Shrubs 'open | ' horse power motor, four-wheel 7 © we BUY, sproy guns, wallpaper steam- ng, 87 King Street East, Oshawa, On 1ENCED gardener will care for) a s ture or anyth you have. The Cit ers, tarpaulins, blow torches, torts 725 fa $ 1 Hopkins, CA; H. E.| SPRING SPECIAL Garden Tools your garden and lawn, planting, sodd-| ae LOWK MOTORCYCLE WAS mALL mi ale vere ag Pritrading Post 446 Simcoe Sirol propone torches r Beadle, CA; E, Lukow, CA, | 0 ji Tonk ' ) ng, pruning, hedge trimming, etc, Rea-| INVENTED By WW, AUSTIN ca | ony gallon South. 723-1671 : "i sae | | ank Sprayers cn 725-861 Vent SK, |, pho $-8242 of can be seen at Port 3UIL ¢ j P we YALE, FRIEOLANDER AND CO. 10% Discount opray onable. 725-b614 OF YONTMROP, MASG4 IN 1868, [At sorry Yacht Clu VACUUM repairs, all makes hhses,| BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trustees | Bird Baths GARDENS -roto-tilied. Telephone 723-1977,| brushes, etc, Pick-up, de very, 942-02 cement mixers, finishing tro- » Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East On All Orders : . |7---Swap and Barter Fleming Vacuum Vice, Main Street, wels, wheel barrows electric 7-137 Baietallin coraanty. tilie Water Fountains Instruction ; / penne riekerine vibrator, oir compressot, jack Re ling, « entry, 'tiling, RE ? systems, four te ' kbs CROC. ene anak ane cor ain Kt le i Windmill , sets ea Do OWLS pf : PRESSURE systems, four piece baths ceogN TRACTOR iriding) with inr| hommers, hond trowels, woter Accountants, 36'4 King Street East, Osh painting, plumbing, e ectrica iInNamMins COME fad L ) $60, s aks. cab esa ane Bll pahag Pere s woed conaition, Telephone #as Durics: pohebia Kintank asaak awa, 725-6539; David G. Perkin, CA work, roofing, eavestrough > ' LEARN TO DRIVE / ' 2 > Wattste, cate, H. Chinn; Hl Dark | 6708 catfoldir King Street, Newcastle, 987-4240; William lactose daniank Work Peat Moss } if "13,000 BEARS ES EDS HOLD |trailers, cars. H.. Chinn, Hillside, Park : affolding, electrie generator «Tl Samm a poy Te | _ 725-6553 a acre syeapannts [ium GUARTETY onan man ent | 'Sma aye ore : : of all kinds, Aluminum doors | Weed and Feed Fertilizer 4H KAROKAL OF WATER , OR --lers, etc, reasonable, Also adding ma- p87 WILSON and A oh dy ares and window ding Kill F | RUTHERFOR D'S e FOREss Li RS, COO GALLON 8. Articles for Sale 2. and cheaue writer Telephone nmers, masonry saw, build- Accountants ng Str wid é te F ? r = x : p A RO 5 MEe 892 ing jacks mortar mi awa; Ronald F, 0. Wilson, CA 20 skilled men ready-to serve Grub Killer Fertilize Gain by f : a reer rE ixers, G. Edmond Burrows, CA, 728-7554 i¢ GOUBLE ateiniess aleel sink' w omg» \ortar x 10in- hoist, you C.I.L. 10-6 School. of Safe Driving ter sa lectric plane, to i$ Accounting _ Servic ; : 14 ALBERT ST.--OSHAWA : IVATE SALE xcellent 7% clothing, size, miter saw, electric p or BOB CLANCY'S | Accounling | Service, NELLIS' HOME a Dae ahd ey Pa iikil a ppadeatas PR sports jackets, shirts poulins, sand blaster, power Street West, 725-0397, Res, 723-7605 TS - Golfgreen |2 Parsonalived Savice : AA ¢ c : ¥ es merrmmerrenes:|: PON. fi auger, oscillating Bareletare } IMFROVEMEN) $ So-Green 7-7-7 : hohe Painting and Decorating TV--Radio Repairs 404 SIMCOE ST. N. lac CORDION, } \ wesd sanders, disc sanders, belt r f er 4 anders, floor sand t S ¢ ] Televis sanders, acety erboro 745-2) arder reen ; GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solic Peterborough 45-2184 Garden So-Greer SHAWA > MODEL DIS Aijlis-Chaimers tractor witt re é a ¢ ~ 9 seneral Electric ranc new and used Ariens reto-tilier 200 tors, etc 4 ne. See: REY are So-Green 21-7-7 DRIVING SCHOOL TOWERS 4 mowers, one used pop cooler. Ap omp electric welders 123-2278. Residenc e Phones reer e : = ' eee stops A on. Taunton Gabe QC, 725.3368) Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL HOME Milorganite 10 years teaching driving | / ) ebdees ee : ] 728-5832; Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB Bone Meal autsinetle and stomdard cove | | Westir ; sadantela "cad vinwl peat STAN'S ene welding outfits, ¢ rotessio: ' cto: erate r ny ' ¢ t ng old \ OE PON env ror elie mex| [NWPROVEMENTS ---- Wei emnsis ss re-aag FOR MODERN PAINTER 2 Years Experien ineroom ; with-records. Must sell. Telephone Sharpening & ogg ee Ltd, rete age be ge ay hg Lawn Seed 728-0091 | @ PAINTING @ DECORATING Work Guaronteed nental t 640 223 King St. W., Oshawa gages, Nationa 1s i A 3 i e | ' bag 4 7! 3 . Simcoe Street South, 728-7336; Charles C ymplete Garden Supplies ANYWHERE NYTIME e. INTERIOR & EXTERIOR : with + { r RACING BIKE, r condition p Mcoipbon, QC) Edgar F, Bastedo, QC reliable Whitby - builder F Jes A mie © FREE ESTIMATES : I "72 75? : Ph 5 piecey: 64 HONE 723-3224 ac SINCE 1909 WHITBY DRIVING SCHOOL, new dua ERDINAND SCHMIDT hoir ' j CORONADO op CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and} Alterations, additions, trolled cars Personal courtec f 3 FESTUBERT 05.98 a 4 oAM.OF e Acer Glink free arge s C s, Linens, Dish- VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, ce, fully licensed and Insured, 668-4176 4 t cis lA / BRIGHTLING f < t Coffee . : a4 eet wees ry, Glasses Bank of Commerce Building, § Simcoe' || trades, carpentry C S th C ; ; A R Lodo | ° { ; Street North, Oshawa, 723-3446; 1. K { F , OOoper- mi 0. Janitor Service ; NIC > EAS V. SERVICE + HORSEPOWER 1958 Johnson ( Punch Bowls, Bridal Creighton, QC; or residences: G. K, Dry f PAINTING AND AST T SERVICE at 5 aebend Canal Wear, Men"s Férmals, Whit: han, QC; 728-0554; G Murdoch, Qc brick, repairs, roofing, 16 Cel St EVERYTHING trom yards to basements 4 | : : 00rd. motor, in excellent condition, Re) Wer, rmols, ite 773-4768; J. C. Victor, 995-7115, Mortgages : : elina ; cleaned, Also serap taken away. Call Jo DECORATING Service Call only $2.50 Pes P P Honed end of eso x Furs, Mink Stoles and Agreements of Sale bought and sold, plastering, wiring, etc. 723-1139 at 368 2s and arranged : ; ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast, ecor NTE RIOR end EXTERIOR DOMINION pee a ae rv THREE ROOMS of furnifure, $298.50. No SARGEANT'S RENTALS HUMPHREYS, SOvcRy a. oe, "uu,| Telephone 668-3283 mics! celling, wall cleaning 6 yprsibd poniiigte apa TELEVISION Fee Sih Mure Servis vest. aa, | TO 463 Ritson Rd. S, 725-3338 MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36% King modern machine, Free estimates Vork FREE ESTIMATES . "4 King West > Street East, Oshawa; R. D, Humphreys | guaranteed. 728-7736 pate 799 GI1Ke C hit 0 FABULOUS SAVINGS on baby furniture sheik ae Q $. Boychyn, QC; W. A. Hillman, | | IODD & SOUTER 728-5154 9 a.m. to9 p.m . rance ot odds 'n ends. Strollers $7.99, CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church LLB; J, O. Jumphreys, BA, LLB, Office: | CUSTOM HOME | | _ Te Deis sao torn 414) | aiele { . q y95-1177) Residences: 725-4604; | Whitby| Money To Loan 668-5862 All work guaranteed cribs, runners, Cleve, Fox Rentals, 419 448-276); 798-4326, 723-5133. NHA and other REMODELLING WE Gir ae $5,000" at @ ren : Bos ibe eri fr enna gH Sg rib mattresses $6.88; Lioyd Simcoe Street North. Call 723-2414 ' - 'a first mortgage funds available Roofing, Painting, Siding, sonable rate of interest nsolidat bbb Le JBL td Baperheng na cone if TV SERVICE pif tule or rch Street ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to one hundree : Floor and Ceiling Tiles, Rec LAID AND DELIVEREL Ase ils ER Ss BE td other wa [nwhile Ereeman, Brooklin, 655-4977 AY OR EVENIN : GO-KART, McCullougn engine, live axle, avers os hawa Tennis Club for bane s purpose providing you are steadily em rf Y OR ENING iavad ¢ hror P vets, ti ngs, anniversarie: Rooms, Cupboards and: Gen (@ | y : rages 3 ered tires, rome and pol- | sue" lassified Rates p ~omplete Landscapin ployed "and have good cred elephone : ; ' : hed brass parts. Excellent condition. Facilities, bar kitchen, parking, Cle eral Carpentry work, All | Sanice Pind th Plumbing and. Heating 728-5286 iL hutt sali Cb Tolachene Tanater (OONabNS rates, TORGSIE, WORD ADS | Work Guaranteed PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? If you have a hes? iles Valitrw th ny Creek Furr - ° r CA good credit, 1 lend 155,600 to (eee ee ne and. Resting supplie You're J ( umn 1965 FAMOUS French Solex power assis!-| WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walk Caaknl Insertion of 24 words $1.08 CALL 725-8576 LL good cred { 000 40 | Telephone 725-3521, Herold Hi, stone Lita OSHAWA ture where they pay: te most, led bicycles now on sole, 250, miles: perl rome tunes. teil beds ponte additional words c each; 3 con- a" uw 1 payments r les: ons Piumbing, Heat and Engineering, 225 " 'i \ rT tq in. $165 full pr Telephone 668-4456 } secutive insertions of 24 words $2.68 |---- = "MAPLE LEAF" dation of any worthwhile purposes. Tele-|simese gireel South ELECTRONICS ell the cheapest. When sell- [file te information Gi pict Lib a dadldeal nll addition ords 12¢ each, 6 con- phone Toronto 481-5289 3 ying used furniture ® "Se: a tional words of 24 words $4.32, PLASTERING LANDSCAPING AND GARDEN ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, : aad "78. |USED lumber tor saie, good condition. | 14--Business Opportuniti es additional words 18¢ each : BVICE Mortgages new a ed materials. | Reasonable ie! Well Drilling--Digging 1 apr phone Apply 477 Farewell Avenue, 728-8608 | SE ( ates, Estimates free, 72 j c } tore Charge --~ 10 per cent additional New and Repairs i : WELL DIGGING by machine specializing RANGE "Chefmaster' 22" heavy duty prise ceded eh plea well estab chorge if not paid within 8 doys Ceramic tiles 725-061 ] O-inch tile. W, Ward, 204 Chestnut 6 Bond W elect f mn Wringer washer,<!! wher must retire ive to age, Method of counting -- Less than 24 Rug-Upholstery Service Street West, Whitby. 668-2863 or 668-3809 Simplicity 900d. condition, Reasonable terms, long term lease trom HEINTZMAN AND RISCH and piano or best olfers. 708-007 July 1, See for yourself at 19 Kent Street words counts os 24 words; each es } f fest, Li word, initial, figure or abbreviation D. & R. ROBINSON JOHN'S OSHAWA i. Weneh's Collins ver he _canditions alse, chest of draw. LEAVING TOWN, seling_all nearly new West, Lindsay, Ontario oun r ; phone number | : 7 = Han new lon FOR SALE -- Dry cleaning route wit eas he eS : | 725-0330 LANDSCAPING FANERS PERMANENTS on special. Page Hair- OF DES (On) EN Leis: ROmOnesiae TSC | anon Wasi BGAN tse ran ee SOD LAID a LOANS CLE dressing, 396 Pine Avenue, Telephone TYPEWRITERS, adding machines: and woman, good opportunities. For more de SOL 4 | BIRTHS DEATHS -- 725-536 ' is y rebuilll, ¢ , CEMENT MIXER, good as new, Briggs tail contact Jackie at 728-043? after § pm + Ur tery Clec f ten in g i .f SOCIAL NOTICES WELDING DELIVERED eth ty rant n uys Mest aie kOe en NT IMODERN. Beauly Salon Maat" Ofer will $2.00 per insertion with 25 cents ad- - : - f r pia in y t Sales and « be accepted as owner wishes to retire coe eee oe eee Acety! Hel oraging & Fewer Rolling Central Onte : LEN PULLAN 28-7783. Onan evenings DRUMS, Gretsch, jet black peari, Zild Reply to Box 709 Oshawa Times. 7 days | eetyleng © Are @ Heleare SHRUBS TREES & HEDGES aro CALL 725-9961 TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 40-11 ae "access ere' tue k Com IN MEMORIAMS also @ Torch Cutting | . te (English Tailor) re, hol dipped galvanized 1" tower, plele accessories, Alto Music, Simcoe $2.00 for the first 35 words and Se BROOKLIN 4c BRUCE STREET ee : oy Peed galvanized 1" towers! Stree) South 15--Employment V Wanted _ eoch thereafter, plus 12¢ per line of 283 DEAN AVE 1 t JISTOM TAILORING ¢ stalled, tax included, guaran-,REFRIGERATOR, Norge, @ cubic 25¢ additional chorge if not . * CHESTERFIELDS re-upnoistered and re teed on par; $50, See all towers at! good condition. Full price, $25 iy, ri wate 655-3866 rUS PIRLES recipes de) terotions SRLS Teerigttt 263,87 mere st goed candiin. Pu ore ACCOUNTANT : ' te. See our *| Suit ond Dress Alterations | Tole corne se, A : CARDS OF THANKS 723-6601 a : a re -covering Dalton Upholstering, invisible Maaai division, 72 deep box, 7 ft, extra spare tire, good for Requires position, Full experi- $2.00 for the first 35 words and Se CITY WIDE & Savings Corporation Eat dig ipctile ADDING machine, typewriters, cashiers, deep box, 7 ft. extra spare tire, good for! enced on full set of books to h thereafter, th 25¢ additional r RE-UPHOLSTERING by experts. Estab R r 6% ator equewr ter files, desks, camping, good condition. $45. Telephone f tharos if not paid within 7 doys, THE SHARPENING INSTITUTIONAL. FIRSTS shed 17 years. Complete range of mate 10 PRINCE ST 728-5311 chairs buy sell, rent, service and 725.2 Salis statement, Excellent REEL T' l \ ? THON IK > als. Workmanship quaranteed five years trade with budget terms, New and used references COMING EVENTS REEL TYPE LAWN MOWERS ' a vib bake a y cee : a H S00 ELECTRIC STOVE, excellent. condition 3.10 per inch (display) $1.50 for the | R. H, CABINET CO. Shamrine a Was Raasite and PRIME SECONDS Free estimates. Credit terms, Mattresses Personal Low, low prices. Bill Hamilton, Raglan, (FLECTRIC STOWE, excellent PLEASE WRITE first 20 words ond Se each there- | F bd : P MORTGAGES ond od sae NEW CUSTOM BOAT seats, windshields BOX 148 ofter 182 THICKSON RD. N sheor ors. kr salen v 4 J phoistering Company, 287 Dean Avenue. ms vats : sveral hs shears, scissors, knives, alse AGREEMENTS. Purchased ' Removal of superfluous hair |steering wheels tarps, several widths @__ Market Basket SHAWA (Word Ads. A lawn cutting. Quick' service ho ee . Murduft i po i . - - OS TIMES AUCTION SALES 728-0232 Pick-up and deliver LOANS ON MORTGAGES CHESTERFIELDS$ and old chairs, re Morie Murduff will be, in | traveller, Sacrifice prices, 728-7909 ape: surplus Sto rkansa: $2.10 per inch per insertion pig overed like new, Get the best for less at Oshawa June 7th, 8th, and (scRap HARDWOOD one-tool lengths JANSSEN'S COUNTRY _ reciasie day care for one or two ' ' SHARPENING BY MACHINES Immediate Service Aodert phoisterers, 142 Simcoe Street \ ee cre ik dat a bes 778 ain "9 : hil Kitchen cabinets Vanities 2 From: Our Mead Obi¢e Lr Bip a giti' Kroes autiain 9th. Phone Genosha Hotel Excellent for fireplace, $7.75 single cord DRIVE-IN FRUIT MARKET eilldcen in my home, $12 week. Phone DEADLINES Custom built cabinet 248 Quebec St 725-0500 4 ' on these dates for appoint Dial 725-209) after 4 hm Ne eee a vecelablax is i Al ae Mi : ; ; j lengths, % s ruil veg | WORD ADS ROOFING, concrete floors, fiat rooting 19 Simcoe St Oshawa Sales and Service ment SONGAY feo titeae Tk: ene ate Pe ee oe ee 17--Female Help Wanted 5 p.m. doy previous our specialty, New work and repair , ! F ' o sing daily. Apples sold by the a OST AND FOUND Large and small jobs. L. and H. Roofing BOWLER'S Phone 723-5221 ELECTROLYSIS ehane 1232 . Host of imported pro- and Construction, RR 3, 725-6937 ST RUME BOOT faa, Bint tae 9 ae of publication am Fe ws EP R 723 4641 must sell ephone Whit 8-53 ucts. : ASPHALT LANDS » 2 Al S ust sell. ee phone Whitby 668-5388 $5 AND DEATHS your driveway, Reasonable APING & GARDENING " : LADY'S bet? dresse asual, sem KING W pee 29 dev of publication rateas work fully, guaranteed. "Terms ar MORTGAGE LOANS and SERVICE . formal, coat riswear, size 9 = 11 843 KING W 728-942 { cep 'ec auns 5--Trailers | ining: ste ts at SIFIED DISPLAY 98.2090 SERVICE 728-778 | girs OV ROMMOnADle iGo BA; POTATONS. =o JE, ben mn = # p.m. dey previous AVAILABLE Telephone 72 all evenings, Brooklin 655-4983 PAYROLL mn or larger = 10 am, doy YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner, Chim L owns sheadsd @ SDBDED «© L . OUTBOARD MOTORS Cook's T | Sale FURNITURE, gerator, rangeties a neys -bullt and repaired; gas iinings in POWER MOTORS | OOK S Iraner sales es, ch beds etc, Re ' cr asi : WER WV ¢ St Nicat typew : J hctig A 10--Farmer's Column l IONS AND atio and flagstones. Fert ate k up and deliver yimcoe 5S orth 4 : ~ : C 'atio and fla es, Fertiliz 1p 0 y = TION f ] 3 a Us Fbrr Ad Appi and crippled farm stock picked Gey ct publication FOR ROOFING, chimneys All types of ers - tress - hedging - nursery : Oshawa, 723-9534 ance cals I a! biggest 'eiscounts UP Promotly, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone rn » 1 50, cement work, Frank McCann, RR 3, , s sth er r 0? r er. Telephone Collect Hampton, 263-2 MBER RENTAL c v anywhere. We carry Restonic and Bever . pied Oshawa, Brogklin 655-306 'haley aie balay Fingye r.| Licence 389-C-65 ' 3 le every endeavor will be made Just North of Camp Samac attire es. authe - Preferably with comptometor @s to box numbers to |A-] CARPENTRY -- brick, block, cor FEN NURS "g t ar 1 ERY zed GE dealer, ( ct Honest Cal's at SEED clean oats for sale, $1 bushel. Bow. % i as soon as possible jcrete footings, etc. New work and re : O peng Mower New and: Used Travel and 424 King Street Wes manville 623-2242 train m0: Good sorting sole ability ir s t of rs of all 4s. After 8-315 ae = R = ¢ : y | t cor b n respect of {pairs of all kinds e call 72 1 (ACK HOAR) Tent TRAILER CHESTERFIELD set, two pieces, in good SIX HIVES of bees, with or without equip. or ull range of company I O08 ilueect delan in |HOME IMPROVEMENTS, roofing, and| ' BIT : HORNER ae condition: chrome kitchen set (red) $20. ment, Telephone Whitby 68-22) poid benefits f y Weatreiohine,' Chrmenthy. Work. 'setntine nunten Rd We at pray arts and Seey Youglas Street, telephone 725-56: y replies, however and gereal raoeirar All work vanes j . ; net Pane aiter 8 P m. aia 'i ig BosONES: with supera. and foundation PI : by negligence oF |p Nellis, 336 Bruce Street, 778-2061, FREE VALUATION 725-4994 AWNINGS, HITCHES, STA- sale or will trade tor honey, Call ease contact ti Gul ae ae te } VIKING wringer washer, automatic! 728.9703 tae BILIZER JACKS, ALL PARTS; leurs' in: new "condition sin: alenes es uncalied for in | 00 THAT REPAIR joo on Your roof now Ca 728-5157 GUARANTEED repairs to all wringer ww, Hes Bure (8 aw omnaitlons pie." Talentiony = = MRS. B. KEIP, Honest 'prices. honest workmanship. Ref a £0-919/ or £30 Washer and renee Flee wnitrnaten tat We sell the best for less Ur 11--Pets and Livestock | z pa ghona 728.304 . 723-9020 SEE THE 1965 Golden Falcon and Orbit INGLIS electryc neater; bedroom suite | DUNLOP REGULATIONS wind tin ANI ADIN ~ cance . Travel trailers at Subway Trailer: Park springs, mattress; complete; Inglis wash- GERMAN SHEPHERD, male, one year FINISHING CARPENTER stom kit IVE LAN . A( TIVE Complete service. Free estimates Mel, (and Sales, 1010 Dundas Street East,jer with pump; kitchen chrome table, Old. Telephone Brooklin 455-341 | CANADA LTD hawa Times will not be re- |chen cabinets, vanities, bar cabinets hig gat : Whitby, Sales, Service, Parts, Accesso: !arge (white), 723-3953 COZY-J RANCH Kennels, horses, goats, . ble for errors, in advertise. [rec. rooms, Phone 723-4145, no answe . Jelinek anytime be 33-volum ¢ ia with kids, registered German Shepherds, pup Samiited otlerntisg tenn \rekeit BLUE REALTY. LIMITED nn CEATCRNE"V6ROIC "SP TeaT CaS "Sa en nae TOUT, ney clopedla wiih] Kidt cositered German shentorde pup wiaeay t for more than one inser- |NEW PLASTERING and repairs, alu GRASS' Septic Service lor sale or rent, cabin an advertisement, nor be tah yh i camping trailers. Authorized service and| Telephone 723-278 655-4662, evenings, stad aemer be - \sidewalks, remodelling, rec-rooms . clean romp rvice| accessories Mi ral r 1 i yrlee charge for @ single [earmance: fe medeliing, rec-rooms, ALI GREEN" SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompt service! accessorie: Miller Trajlers,, Harwood FAWCETT oll range, In good condition,| KITTENS, free to good home. Five male 668- 3361 _ the advertisement im | 729.4717 . mh hed MORTGA on calls sealres ard, 204 Chestnut Street! North, Ajax, 942-349) idea! for summer home. Apply 25 Cedar kittens seven weeks, old, ginger, black, its NURSERY SOD GROWERS West, Whilby 468-25 CAMPING TRAILERS (two) "Silver Street aboy} and grey female cal (spayed Call 725-1346 Dshowa Times reserves the right Fawntline Ni Mile North Liner leeps six, $650 each, Can fi: REFRIGERATOR and rangelle, in Good ie Fh ne wont Cartage PO oe te eo LOANS Surveyors nance No dawn payment. Apply a! No. cqnaition, ideal for cottage or apartment; LABRADOR pups for sale, male and fe p JOHN'S MOVING, Storage and Cartage Veg Highway at Celina Road, six miles's75 or best offer, Telephone 728-78 male. Telephone Bowmanville 623-2849 f r / 5 DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario : Reasonad e rates fully" insured a OSHAWA. 725-9674 ; via : Dive erinta | tant. oF Oshawa ; CHIHUAHUA, biond," malar pure' bred, 728-3661, Ajax 942-2020 st mortgages Ontario Street, 725-563 BOX TRAILER -- Sixe 40 x 60", depth BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture typ months, 'Telephone aes i01$ "atte e REQUIRED tha whic ' ed " » rtg Ligh ht, $95. Phone 7285 and appliances. Goold's Furniture, 215 J Spee han In wen SITY rer alan ce lar and Hal ae DAVEY 9 H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Oniario Land eee Dundas East, Whitby, 668-5481 WELSH CORGI puppies, seven weeks old IMMEDIATELY indo nb Lag be A earee Seared. - e Steet East, Phone COVERED twowheeler luggage trailer -----|registered, inoculated, champion -- sire,| t t h C v ha unwint hir Ww Mi roofs repaired. Free estimates Fertilized, sildewalk slabs serments matter correctly, bu 25-262 942-0117, Pickering > A "728-919 Telephone 728-9888 ty of advertisement if ru praying, feed ' t aluations : : a Vv Expe Cd ir r ae fon an Dentistry egaini ae : ve mse reainat TV--Radio Repairs DELUXE folding camp trailer, one Year|core man, sce healerr Tdeal ig; |COLLIES -- Toy, Border and Scotch, Also perienced girl fo 5 : sid, when opened, custom made <a eat "7 Labradors, some trained, $25 - $75 'deliv: an i aaa Berea Bee a - Se Miyat top New lee FOO ctiner, "Tee, {cottage, in excellent condition. Apply 214 babradors, some trained responsible position in celled before : ' 'i oe t ue Horie 725-8330 Kendall Avenue, 728-967! i ff Sea aia ede" Simcoe Stree! North, "Oshawa. For € t ' e in the ages phorie 725 eoap. cs : = <= | WANTME. Good Rewer ore tae Balt modern office. 0 appointment, 728-5842 or Res, 7 } rid fr servic INGLIS trailer for sale, three rooms, fur used, three-piece bedroom suite, cittens Telephone Ajax 942-4734 after 4 glass mirror. Telephone 655 r La Rvcnuinibeiins i 'a E 723 136] | Z SWARTZ ECONOMY "AND nished. Telephone after S$ p.m., 728-9939 cat plate pm : : GENERAL PRINTERS 5 L we , : ee CAMPING TRAILER for sale, sieeps four rs BEAUTIFUL baby budgies. ready for ACTION WANE AD DRESSMAKING - 26'4 King St. East DELUXE to Six persons, wired tor hydro, new tires auyine AD sree as Jurniture. oF AP training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. T High Agnes CEDAR TREES Oshawa, Ontario Priced 16 sult yout bodes cee ee 263-2¢ Rl I Bd 57 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH Classified. Direct Dressmaking ap T 723-4697 ee Pita sages CABIN TRAILER for sale, fully equipped. TYPEWRITER, $3 a sah al KITTENS, free, reddish and blond, for 723-3492 Saati eatin hee Se WH ITE BIRCH s TERMS ARRANGED [sleeps six, very good condition, reason: aT machine. 25.7 two-totel cash regia: 9009 "ame. Apply SOS Annapolis, 725-9660 723- 2233 mending and style changing. Reasonable able- price, Telephone 723-3322 ter, $85 scirie typewriter, $45.1. calcu-| PUREBRED Dalmatians, elght weeks: te ysters For appointment telephone ( M ator. 23-4434 male, $25; male, $35, Telephone 324-290 3 ; ortgage Money ; ; , hal Ne QSHAWA TV |S--_Merie Seuloment HONDA MOTOR BIKES -- New and used, \'"tsay aie INTERVIEWERS. INDEX TO ' Available No down payment. Open evenings HACKEY BAY MARE, three-year-old alterations, | oa . : ' ~ ~ ntl? por onda Shop, 199 King West e. Bowmanville, 623-2 CLASSIFICATIONS __*2*tiaity, Mrs. Toms. "wni ; Newtonville Low Interest SUPPLY LIMITED | CLEARANCE uniil 9 p.m.Honda Shop, 199 King ap tdi cteg ly a eee and SUPERVISORS - Gardening and Supplies 2283 Collect pees eae 361 GIBBONS ST NE W SAILBOATS TV TOWERS SPECIAL 40 toot tower SMALL black and white dog. (part Pom Port time, for market research channe fenna installed, eranian) one year old. Very gentle with) surveys. Write giving educa= 1--w 5 tak : y) i hasan . Os TV y Limited, 36 iron, $10, Well house trained, Whitby 2 terclwine OF xuaes d-Parsand : : f Rete Ves chile aA atl Ginekc portsman's Column NO. 1 TOP SOIL EVERGREEN SALE - ] 8-8] 80 309 ROSA STREET TYPEWRITERS, adding machines an vising experience to Edsall mS declan up to 50% off SUMMERLAND : PORT PERRY ks, new Pebullt, One year 12----Articles Wanted Research Ltd., 2045 Bishop ere Hardsand RT PERR and Barter 1ADE TRI nA ; c neve Pouae : guarantee _Outstand ng good buys Jen St, Montreal 25. Write Rex ot Sale : ; Begeaian SECURITIES DiPPI > GALVANIZED 985-2597 'ins Business Machines, Sales and § URGENTLY NEE | Oise a. Landscaping : faint cs 2 i i P TN TOWERS Pes EVINRUDE 28 electric, |? M. cedar- Buy AND SELL Good used furniture rip boat wiht steering wheel, contro! x on tooo i. 'ARE THE BEST! as. Thirten hundred Te. Teenad trai, ad, gpouences, One eatin gaiyfrety) GOOD USED GIRL FRIDAY 725 192) y " agreement ha old nn k YR bits 4655-350 ORIGINAL ol! paintings -- = adsenpes BICYCLES INSURANCE OFFICE nd Hen ortraitures -- also custom ctu © fra' ' " i: ~ 16 ff. mouided plywood, 35 HP fe by = S pit ; t : Ca Studio. Da' 28-0432 Shorthand preferred but not Evergreen Sale NO MORTGAGES are my business: Unlimited ae R. | ey SreUry motor, heavy duty gator, Waller. 'eves., and weekends 6684497, 325. Brock DIAL 728-4401 essential, five-day week, fap ; ¢ North, Whitby ¢ m re sted available at lowest entre, King Street West at Park Road downtown | office." Write Box Help Wanted « OWEST. PRICES R TOP SOIL GES ee oe RAN. Rares TELEVISION CUSTOM BUILT box tralier. size 4 by 8 DOUBLE stainiass steel sink With aps. I USED POOL TABLE with slate' base) 406 Oshawa. Times stating by 3 all steel frame work, Sinch | . . nirts, pants, reason. Wanted. Call 728-3702 after 6 p.m He PRIVATE. Go! a tree A © Bond and Division wheels, light weight. Best offer or will! \ phone 723-1 ee ave e se i? cut sown before y : ida Nursing Homes 798.5143 trade for acetylene cutting torch. Tele ve : USED motor cycles, good mechanical EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER small fortune, Reasonable ° a i . ( ' £0-9 . phone 723-5387 GUNS Bought, sold, traded, repaired conditio 500 ce. Phone Bowman: clientele. Apply in. person The Voge ' d Stor PRIVATE and corporate monies" ter 2359 . , BiGense om eg hte BAYTONA MARINA LTD. Fai 4 ; sc een ee Beauty Salon, \0 Simcoe Street North, a8 dae " origage: 4 agreame patients at Lyntonhurs HOUSE 1288 Whart Street, Frenchman's WOMAN to work in Dairy Queen store. Must be neat and clean and able to meet ements for Rent o 8 J ahton. | Oryne T24~-1 1612 adie rates. Tele Orone Outboard motor repairs, all makes, quar: GONE OUT of business. All kinds of gas 13--~Articles for Rent Ls C Barristers - ms for Rent Opt trist CLEANING TIME anteed work: atl marine repair work) fittings and na oe Pa ac furnaces and public. Day shift. Apply 1003 Dundas am and Boord NURSERY SOD and field sod Vered, MANURE -- Gravel, Stone, Fill ny- 'ometris' ~ ee indertaken; boat repairs, pick-up . and; no-vent wall heater, oi! burner nozzles, Street East, Whitby De Bag yee i Mg Rees ato valle pr I rg Eg he T.V. CLEANING TIME lauitvecyc vrercnts "Sansrey."" pommarionlons "fitingn, nore' agwiatte * Toleotons HALL FOR RENT Sato ao Maen 63 RICHARD BLACK, OD, 134 Simcoe A39.1742 942-6627 RELIABLE WOMAN to look aller twe fications, ete GARDENS plowed and disked. Cow Street 'North, Suite 4 Oshawa. Telephone y "7 " - - a ~ I COASS } schoo! children, live in, age between 40-45, MANURE, well rotied, $4 per yard. Top: manure for sale. Loading and. grading. 223419) a BOAT -- 14 ti" aluminum "'Longdeck"| STOVE, electric, heavy duty, 36-inch FOR ALL OCCASSIONS Tulcuhone sas ties ce care, Tee PaUvery Charge wai ae ; 'J new. Telephone 728-2164 Piano, used, upright. $ ephone days baa se fies maximum | HOUSEKEEPER for eideriy couple, siee GARDENS, \av i eady_ tor Painting and Decorating ELE N ' : : sit ximu ght household duties, $35 per week. NURSERY SOD and top wr iplanii . Pp aged ir » FT. Shepard inboard boat 20 ne Fas a oivy Hallonal Erfiniownadt. Service ona. Sih. Bivisian Riveel Yalan : fe HAVE YOUR PAINTING j a hryale quippe a wa Rite REE ce, asd Ana: ext A 2 \ r hoe anvertibie top y furniture, only $299 ™ ROOM and board, good wages for house: " si TREE TO TRIM? Cail Slim. OF \ all anytime tor tree. estimates..ciT¥ TOWERS, antennas, also re st ne: puis," bier, siren: aires Agi ; Be keeping and babysitting for working ca |MANURE, gravel. soll and sod, deliver do Free estima 5 Simpson Painting and Decorating, pa 3 d Telephon 1) after Pay only $3 wkly. Unbeatable value 723-9433 pie, two children. For interview. call @6 cheap, Telephone 723-048 '72a . P9a-P47 4, Avenue. 468-5354 aak for Bi!l Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe 5.1 1723-6183 after 7 o.m. two Vards. 725-0407