Oshawa medical doctor was unopposed at the low-key Nomination meeting in JUBILANT PARTY siip- porters hoisted Dr. Claude H. Vipond on their shoulders Ist night as Ontario Rid- Henry Street high school in ing Liberals got themselves Whitby. He told some 500 a candidate for the upcom- persons majority govern- ing federal election. The ment is a major issue now TORONTO (CP) -- The On-jproval from both sides of the tario legislature gave approval! |house on second reading in principle to two government) jt was described by Kenneth measures Friday, one in an)Bryden (NDP -- Toronto Wood- unusual show of unanimity and)pine) as the most intelligent the other after opposition crit-\and constructive step the gov- icism. ernment has taken in the field The government's plan tojof transportation in living subsidize a train commuter|memory service along the shore of Lake Bernard Newman (1--Wind- Ontario between Burlington and|sor - Walkerville) wanted the Dunbarton found general | rOUn ap- | government to consider the Will Ask "itransportation problems of For Clemency other areas of Ontario, suggest- TORONTO (CP)--The lawyer ing the removal of the tax on diesel fuel to help municipal transit systems CRITICIZES BILL The government bill to make pension plans\ portable for On- ve Pico A th bi tario workers, however, was rey sittencaa' ta ge og sul criticized by Mr. Bryden as "'window dressing." possession of marcotics said ng Friday he will appeal directly E™ployers will be asked to to Justice Minister Favreau for|/Provide benefits to employees executive clemency who leave work at the age of John Hamilton, representing| #9 after 10 years of service, former convict Ray Combatley,;M!. Bryden said, but that was 45, who disappeared with his| 20 fair to workers who change wife after being told he had|/0bs before their 10 years are been sentenced to three years|"P in penitentiary, said he has al-| Premier Robarts said the bill ready prepared a letter to the /Provides a firm foundation for federal justice minister. greater private pension benefits He said he expects Combat- in future. ley will turn himself in after he} Mr. Bryden, in other bus- has had a couple of days "to |iness, called for business clos- do something for his family." |ing hours to be regulated on The former convict had been/either a provincial or regional! given a suspended sentence and " ere placed on probation Jan. 15 Second Reading Is Given Train Commuter Measure and the Riding should not be riding to prosperity on the coat-tails of Liberal support from across the counry without contributing some it- self. Dr. Vipond, who has run unsuccessfully twice be- | basis, Saying that regulation tends to tion He cited the ice station on municipal fragmenta- of a serv border be case the fore, advocated universal, comprehensive medical care and praised he auto tariff plan. He said the plan will mean 50,000 to 60,000 new jobs for Canadians --Oshawa Times Photo Fluoridation Is Approved HARTFORD, COnn. (AP) -- Connecticut Friday became the first state in the United States to require that most of its pub- lic water supplies be _ fluori- dated The house of assembly and senate passed a_ fluoridation jeral Grits Give Nod To Vipond: Do More For Workers, He Says WHITBY (Staff) -- Ontariojhealth (plan) insurance for alljI have advocated this kind of auto agreement envisages the Riding's federal Liberal candi- date is all for medicare right across the board Dr. 'Claude Hibbert Vipond, who was unopposed at last night's nomination meeting in Henry Street high school, drew an ovation from the crowd of 500 when he said: "On medical health insurance area Liberal Claude H. Vipond -- 'at Henry 'Street High School last night But he took time out to blast \the New Democrats and Tories land praise his leader, Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson "The NDP is concerned with seeing the rights of minority parties enhanced rather than the introduction of parliamen- tary reform," Mr, Greene said 'The more rights you give minority groups, the more en couragement you give to nutty (splinter) © groups The NDP wants reform (in, House rules) but not too much reform.' Mr. Greene said House re form is needed if the country's business is to be done efficient ly. He accused- the NDP of hedging on the question of limit ing debate in the House and said Stanley Knowles (NDP Parliamentary rules expert) has urged there be no debate.on the question itself. unless the ma jority of party leaders "WITH ANGELS" "They always want to be with tween the City of Toronto and|pjj] and Governor John Demp-\the Angels but often they are York Township. Its city pumps sey signed it into law only mo-!not concerned at hitching a ride had to be closed at 7 comply with a Toronto bylaw governing business hours, but the pumps in York Township} could stay open all night. CLRIFIES POWERS Municipal Affairs Minister J W. Spooner proposed an} amendment to -the. Municipal} Act last week, clarifying the powers of municipalities to set closing hours The members of the legisla- ture were told Friday that they} will lave to work longer hours beginning next week p.m, to Mr. Robarts said sessions will start at 2 p.m Thursday, instead of 3 p.m with Friday sittings at. 10:30 a.m. There will be 'three night sittings a week The increase means 274 | ulation of ments later Dr. Franklin M. Foote commissioner of health, called the action "one of the- biggest victories in public health in the 20th century." The new law requires that water companiés serving a pop- 50,000 or more shall begin fluoridation on or before an. 1, 1967. Those companies serving a population from 20,- 000 to 50,000 must begin fluori- dation no later than Oct. 1, 1967 State Foote said that by the fall of} 1967, an estimated 70 per cent of the state's 2,500,000 persons Monday to! will be drinkin g fluoridated | water About 620,000 Connecticut res idents now are Served by fluor idated water supplies Companies serving communi- with the Devil," he quipped New Democrats are always for free trade, Mr. Greene said |"but with the introduction of the auto tariff plan, which gives us access to a market of 200,000,- 000 people, they carped, com plained and wailed "They are two-faced that should be the theme of their next campaign."' Fuel Bowl Damaged A golfing enthusiast hit a long drive at the King st. w. driving range last night and clobbered hours of sittings a week, nearly|ties of 20,000 or less in popula-jthe tractor which chugs to an double the number when the/tion were exempted because of/fro across the range collecting session began last January NUMBERS DOUBLE Russian statisticians say their nation now has 73,200,000 work-| ers, as opposed to 31,200,000 in| 1940 hardships the law might work on them golfballs. The ball punctured the fuel "jbow! on the side of the tracto Queen Leaves For England HAMBURG, West Germany and the Oshawa Fire ment had to be called Fortunately there was no dam age although fuel spilled over the tractor. The name of the golfer is not known, Depart o after pleading guilty to posses Fa 0 D ' t (Reuters)--The Queen was on A car fire on Taunton rd. » sion of narcotics. The Crown m us 1onne uin S her way home today on the t before Oshawa Fire appealed the sentence' claiming royal yacht Britannia after a at see e Ag could ey to the prison was mandatory under . big sendoff by the people cal Tiastepalay hers was the Criminal Code and the On ark 31st Birthday Hamburg culminated a_ state Rene. Apne 8 y. r tario Appeal Court said Combat- visit to West Germany m 8 ley must serve three years in As the Britannia sailed down .The department had a buss penitentiary. MONTREAL (CP)--The four! Yvonne, who left a convent in the Elbe Friday night, bound|time with motor vehicles cur their 3ist birthday Friday Exchange Closes Three of the girls Marie =f Bed Yvonne and Annette --. got to British Stocks gether Friday afternoon at An-! nette's house in suburban St LONDON (Reuters) -- Uncer- Br tainty about British government ?7UNO plans for a capital gains tax oe fourth girl, Cecile caused a three-hour: shut-down Philippe Langlois of Quebec Allard Marie, Mrs. Florian Houle also lives in St. Bruno, } Emilie, the fifth of living members of the famous|Moncton. N.B., several weeks|for Portsmouth, with a friendly |'her Dionne quintuplets celebrated ago, now is making her home| escort of an armada of smail|St! with Annette -- Mrs. Germain Craft, the Queen issued a thank- out you message for "'this wonder jful departure." Earlier, at a dinner aboard the|the royal yacht, she describedjroofing call was made to Grenfell where gasoline was spilling cal | Last_ call of the day was to |the McLaughlin Collegiate where material and tarpot famous five born to Mr. and|her welcome by West Germans|caught fire on a building site farm home between Callender Mrs. Mrs. Oliva Dionne at their little|@S_ overwhelming Fireworks illuminated the Fire authorities took the best part of 40 minutes to bring the on dealings in government se-| City, was unable to make. the|and Corbeil in' Northern On- waterfront and dag the|blaze under control. curities on the London Stock|"Cunion because of nursing tario, died during an epileptic|Toyal. coat of arms when the duties Exchange Thursday, for the first time in memory Annette baked a_ three-layer The halt in activity came|Chocolate cake with white icing and decorated it candles amid a further slight decline in with 31 the price of sterling and a rise in that of gold When the market opened, dealers who normally handle up to £50,000,000 ($150,000,000) worth of securities every day stood around idly, declining to offer any prices Their diffidence was uncertainty about the method of assessing taxation conces- sions on capital gains from the sale of government stock, an- nounced in Parliament Wednes- day night by James Callaghan the chancellor of the exchequer. CENTRAL ONTARIO due to 35-Ton Crane Topples, 2 Escape ST. CATHARINES. (CP)--A 35-ton crane toppled over at Port Weller Dry Docks Lid, Fri- day, falling across stacks of steel] plates as it swung cargo on its 135-foot boom. The .almost-completed cargo ship Ontario Power, alongside, was undamaged. Operator) Gerry Begy and driver James} Jackson, both of St. Catharines jumped clear and were un- injured 'GOOD FOOD BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12: Noon to 2 P.M, DINNER 5:30 to 8 P.M. SAVING HOURS: FULLY LICENSED Mon.-Thurs. 9 to 6 DINING ROOM Fridey cue HOTEL LANCASTER Soturdoy 9 to 5 FOUNTAINHEAD 27 King St. W., Oshowe Your Money Earns More At CORPORATION 4 on Savings Accounts. Paid end compounded quart- erly. OF SERVICE seizure in 1954 The three girls went out for a private, informal dinner They turned down requests to have their photograph taken TRUST & SAVINGS on Chequing Accounts from the day the account is opened. Paid Quarter- ly on minimum monthly balance. No charge for cheques written, > when invested in our Guaranteed Investment Certificates for 6 to 10 yeors. Authorized Trustee investments. Redeemable on death. *Yeorly Rate. Hend Office: 19 Simcoe St. N. yacht sailed. It is not known what damage was caused Oshawa Tel. 723-5221 DE "VALENCIA" coming JUNE 5th We A aay i Sa si aXe -- ii aR | | _ approaching agree, | Canadians,"' lmedicare before and 1 will Dr. Vipond, who did -- again." graduate medical work in bot es eR a England and Scotland prior to HAS MD'S CONFIDENCE : coming to Oshawa in 1948, said 1" an interview later, Dr, Vi- he worked in the NationaljPond said he feels he has the Health Service in Britain and|Confidence of many doctors in helped set up the PSI (physi- the riding on this question. cians services) scheme in this And,he said, he can do more for the plant worker -- who ac- | my attitude is this -- I believe' "This is no new declaration,counts for a, large proportion of in universal, comprehensive, on my part," he said last night.| the 75,000 electorate in the rid- | ing -- than anyone either of the C k B ] G ' MP other two parties can. put up. | - rl t "I know them, I know how Tac er a e rl they live. I have been in their He homes," he said. Majority government is a) Tears Into NDP, Tories major issue in the coming elec-; ' tion, said. Dr. Vipond. Much WHITBY (Staff) -- Joe: The Tories are no great threat more could be accomplished Greene. the cracker-barrel to. the Liberals, thinks Mr. more efficiently, he said, tick- philosopher-MP from Renfrew Greene ing off the hemaggon plan, the} South, spoke in support of the sa flag, student oans and a "meas- just-named Ontario Riding fed- "YOUNG MAIDEN "e ure' of senate reform candidate -- Dr He dismissed Oposition fe called the French-English Leader John Diefenbaker as quarrel a threat to our national "the man who nearly ruined the unity PC's and said Davie Fulton is' 'Under Prime Minister Pear- the. Tory leader-\son this clash has been greatly ship contest "as timidly as a/ameliorated. He has sat down young maiden approaching the! (for discussion) in friendly con- marital bed" fidence." Praising his own PRAISES Greene said more legislation pr Vipond praised the auto has been accomplished in the tariff plan, which, he said, will last two years than many g0V- mean 50,000 to 60,000 jobs for ernments accomplish in a full Canadians. He scored the Oppo- five-year span sition's quibbling "by concen He said Mr. Pearson has done trating on the temporary dislo more to weld the Canadian mo- cation of workers" than anyone and pointed to 'The overall plan the next, major final result is the big mean a great increase manufacturing." He said party, Mr and the goal. It in the Sal Medicare as and difficult step in the Liberal will of progress" story THE OSHAWA TIMES Seturdey, May 29, 1965 3 | Windsor Fares | To Be Increased WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- Bus fares in Windsor are to be in- creased by five cents on a sin- gle 20-cent fare on vehicles op- rated by the Sandwich, Wind- sor and Amherstburg Railway, manufacture in Canada "'of what we consume. We have been consuming about 3! per cent of vehicles and parts, and have! affective Sunday be sing 7 cent. we pe sia pacino eee: High school, business school when the government had to/2nd nursing students, who for- face an Opposition so destruc-|merly paid 13 cents cash now tive, so belligerent and so irre-|will have to pay a straight fare sponsible, of 15 cents. Children under five, Dr. Vipond emphasized the) when accompanied by a guard- ace aig tthe oy Mig PA ian, will ride free. Children un- help in staffing the 298 polls in accompanied will pay 10 cents. the Riding. The fare adjustments were There were no dark-horse|announced by W. H- Furlong, candidates to oppose Dr. Vipond railway board chairman, who last night. He was the lone nom- cited increases in operating inee, his candidacy moved byjcosts as necessitating the in- Sam Hollingsworth (a provincial|crease. The company recently loser to Dr. Matthew Dymond)|signed a new collective union and seconded by Terence Kelly|agreement which granted sal- of Oshawa. 'ary increases to bus drivers. BOOKMOBILE SCHEDULE | Harmony Church Tues. June 1 & 15 & 29 2:30. 5:00 Wilson Ploze Wed. June 2 & 16 & 30 2:30- 5:00 Lake Vista Plaza Thurs. June 3 & 17 2:30- 5:30 Dr, C. F. Cannon School Thurs. June 3 & 17 6:30. 8:30 Broemor Plaze Mon. June 7 & 21 3:00- 5:00 Power Store Tues. June 8 & 22 2:00. 5:00 (North Oshawe) Thurs.June 10 & 24 2:30. 5:00 A&P 6:00. 8:30 Simcoe Plaze Fri. June 11 & 25 2:30- 5:00 Eastview Park Fri. June 11 & 25 6:00. 8:30 Rosslynn Plaze SotJune 12 & 26 10:00.12:00 1:30- 4:00 THE AIRPORT PLAZA STOP HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED, PLEASE NOTE THE NEW STOP, BRAEMOR PLAZA (Stevenson Rd, N.) portant houncement for OSHAWA area tomobile owners The PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE Co, Ltd. announce a new AUTOMOBILE RATING PROGRAMME that offers ma of the engine of a parked ny advantages IF: -- you drive less than 7,500 miles annually or, -- you do not drive to work or drive less than 3 miles to work or, -- you own two cars or, this programme offers | COSENS, MARTIN INSURANCE 67 King St. East Oshawa -- 728-7515 JOHN R. KERR 299 King St. East Oshawa--725-6184 -- you are over 30 years of age and/or, -- you are 3 years accident tree -- You are interested in finding out what advantages you, CONSULT ¥YOUR NEAREST INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENT, 0.E.D. CRAWFORD 51 King St. East Oshawa -- 723-2243 Murdoch, McMurtry & Turney Insurance Ltd. 37 King St. East Oshawa -- 728-5137 REPRESENTING = te ERED