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Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 May 1965, p. 10

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WEDDING ALBUM A record for your Wedding Album is provided by The Oshawa Times Woman's Page. Forms are available at The Oshawa Times office. Early publication of this wedding record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as possible after the ceremony. You are asked to submit the names of out-of-town guests. attending the wedding/to the social editor either before or the day after the wedding. Kemp - Keay In a candle-light ceremony in|Don Mills. They wore gowns St. George's Memorial Church, styled' after that of the bride in '|aquamarine tanissa with elbow- Alison Marshall Keay recently length sleeves. Their head- became the bride of David) dresses were self wedding bands Michael Kemp. The bride is the| with face veils and they carried daughter of Mrs. Albert E.|cascades of white daisies with Keay, Oshawa, and the late Mr.|yellow centres. ; Keay. The bridegroom's parents} The flower girl, Miss Patti are Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W.|Closs of Riverside, Ontario, was Kemp, Oshawa. lin a formal slightly full a in Canon F. G. Ongley officiated|aquamarine tanissa with an in the choral service. The boys'joverdress of white . organza, choir directed by the organist, | short puff sleeves and a long, Mr. Alan Reesor, sang Psalm|green velvet sash. She carried 67 and the hymn "Love Divine,!a smaller cascade of similar All Loves Excelling"'. flowers. The bride was given in mar-, James P. Toohey, Dunnville, riage by. her brother, Mr, Law-| acted as best man and ushering rence M. Keay. Wearing a for-| were John A. Killer, Sault Ste." i | ie 2 I rice J. Closs, eT broidery, the bride carried a) A reception was held in the bouquet of lilies of the valley| parish hall and later the newly- centred with. yellow rosebuds.|weds left for a honeymoon in Her gown was styled with a' Florida. For travelling the bride; fitted bodice, bateau neckline'donned a multi-shaded blue and lily-point sleeves and a con- dress of Swiss cotton with a trolled, full skirt with a semi- teal blue coat; navy blue ac-| cathedral train. A self wedding! cessories and a corsage of pale} band headdress held her elbow-! pink rosebuds | length veil of bouffant silk illu-. Mr. and Mrs. Kemp will make sion. Her good luck amulet was their home at 2332 Centre road, a garter worn by the Class of|Apartment 505, Cooksville, On- 1964 Wellesley Hospital School tario. of nursing. Guests The maid of honor-was Miss| York and Anne Millar, Nashville, Ontario,| Lindsay, Nashville, Cooksville, and the other attendants were|Oakville, London, Sault Ste Miss Pamela Green, Oshawa,| Marie, Niagara Falls, Dunnville and Mrs. Lawrence M. Keay,'Toronto and Windsor, Ontario Petherick - Richardson h attended from New| Connecticut, U.S.A;/ headdress held matching veils Whitby, was the setting for the'The flower girl, Coleen Gilli- marriage of Martha Jean,'land, West Hill, wore a similar- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gil-|ly styled dress in petal pink and bert John Richardson, Whitby,'a pink floral headdress, The to James Arthur Petherick, son/bridesmaids carried crescents of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. of pink carnations and Petherick, Oshawa and the flower The Reverend John M officiated and Mrs. John Beaton, nations with a blue frill. organist, accompanied the soloist, Mrs. Ross Hall: who acted as best man and the ush- sang "The Lord's Prayer" anders were John Vandermale, "The Wedding Prayer.' Whitby, Francis Clark and Lyle The bride, given in marriage Petherick, Campellford by her father, wore a formal| For the reception held af Pic- gown, made entirely of embroi- cadilly room, Hotel dered Belgium Jace in Empire|the bride's mother style with an A line skirt,|wearing a sheath Sabrina neckline and three-\crepe with an over quarter length sleeves. The back | French ribbon lace featured. a detachable chapel|was copper tulle with train. Her headdress. was Cleopatra style rose St. Mark's United Chure e girl a roses received of cream blouse of Her MR. AND MRS. DAVID M. Kemp are making their home in Cooksville following marriage in St. George's Memorial Church, cently. The bride is ae re- the aap F white § Smith nosegay of white and pink car- | Robert Reynolds, Oshawa, § Genosha, © hat § copper & ajand cream flowers and match- | made of|ing accessories and her corsage 7 Belgium lace studded with seed|was of pink sweetheart roses, | pearls mounted on a wedding-' The bridegroom's mother as- & ring band and holding her dou-|sisted, wearing a pale pink silk | ble bouffant waist-length veil.!shantung dress and coat en- f She carried a cascade of ste-|\semble, pink flowered pill-box | phanotis and pink sweetheart/hat and matching accessories, roses. with a corsage of aqua carna- The maid of honor was Miss tions and white roses Hazel Bentley, Whitby and As the couple left on a trip ; bridesmaids were Miss Sharon|to Washington and New York, © Peake, Campbellford, and Miss|the bride was wearing a white Pattie Gilliland, Islington. They three-piece wool suit, brown ac- were gowned alike in formal|cessories and a corsage of gold dresses of aqua georgette over|roses. Mr, and Mrs. James taffeta in the empire style with Petherick are establishing resi sheath skirts, scooped necklines|dence in the Lusanne Apart- and short sleeves. The empire! ments waist-line was banded by a| Out-of-town guests were from matching velvet ribbon which|Campbellford, Toronto, North formed a bow at the back with|Bay, Hamilton, Windsor, Port @ panel flowing into a floor-|Perry, Scarborough and Osh length train. Their wedding ring'awa Jarvis - McGregor The Reverend Frank Ward|Sandra Harris, Whitby, wearing officiated when Nancy Arlene,|a semi-formal yellow linen dress, : white accessories, white wedding daughter of Mr. and Mrs Keith ine hipddtees, wih "a anor E. McGregor, was united in veil and a bouquet of bronze marriage to William Andrew\chrysanthemums centered with Jarvis, son of Mr. and Mrs.\yellow carnations Lester Jarvis, all of Oshawa The bridegroom's only: attend Given in marriage by herjant was his brother, Mr, Ed father, the bride was wearing ward Jarvts, Oshawa. @ semi-formal white lace sheath; Following an informal recep- with matching duster coat, ajtion at the home of the bride's matching wedding ring head-|parents, the couple left on a dress holding a short veil and honeymoon trip to Ottawa and a bouquet of gold roses and/Montreal, They have taken up white chrysanthemums. residence at 400 Grenfell street, The maid of honor was Miss\apartment 125, Oshawa. Repainting Tots' Toys Is No Trifling Matter By ELEANOR ROSS {enamel or lacquer. First, make Sometimes, an old toy, bat-/necessary repairs and sand tered and bruised, is more de- rough spots sirable in a youngster's eyes than a bright, shiny new one So its a nice idea to sort out the toy chest from time to time, let the children keep their old vorites hav hil: geting Melis pg -- ber that it is unwise to dip your them keep their favorites, but brush into the paint more than help them restore some of their one-third of its bristle length. other toys for less privileged) Always start on an unpainted youngsters. area and work toward a painted Children of all ages delight in;one when. you have just filled bright colors, especially greens| Your brush and reds, For an extra special py 7E RUS treat, let them help you select REMOVE RUST the paint. The paint, of course, must contain no harmful in- gredients, It is suggested by a national and solid ingredients are com pletely merged before applying Once the paint is ready to use, go straight ahead with the ap- plication of your color. Remem Before painting meta! toys, be sure to remove all traces of rust or corrosion by rubbing the surface with steel wool. All are metal should be given a paint and varnish association|O2" 0 we es coating of rust-inhibiting zine Cee Gales Ga sealer dust primer. As a final coat, use toys and that you read all la- interior enamel re bels carefully. It's most impor-|, 19 achieve a truly "custom tant that you apply only paint look, use masking tape when that cannot be injurious, even if painting wagons, bicycles or tri it is taken internally. cycles to get a professional two Before the job is started, | tone finish. Pressure sensitive check to see that the various masking tape is available in a accessories required are on Variety of sizes hand, Small artists' brushes|, 4 Striped. effect and round or flat sash brushes Droad--can be easily created are ideally suited for painting| With tape, the size depending small toys on the width desired. Be sure il surfaces are clean and drs SAND ROUGHNESS If applying tape over a freshly Small wooden toys. may "narrow or be painted surface, make certain it eomplptely restored by applying is both dry;and hard, so that ' : a Stir paint well so the liquid MARTHA JEAN, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Richardson, Whitby, was united in marriage to James Arthur Petherick, son of Mr daughter of Mrs Albert Keay, Oshawa, and the late Mr. Keay and her bride- groom is the son Mr and Mrs. Ralph W. Kemp: Oshawa. of --Photo By Sneyd s friends attending were Mr Wemen THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Moy 31, 1965 'SOCIAL & Jo Aldwinckig, Committee chairmen of the Oshawa Folk Festival were en- tertained at a steak barbecue Mrs. Jan Drygala, Law sreet, on Sunday. Mrs. J. A. Ald-; winckle, president, and Mr. Jan) Drygala, general chairman, to- igether cut the goodwill cake.) |Among those attending from out! of town were Mr. Ross Charles,| |Port Hope, in charge of pro- jgram advertising, and Mr. Jo- iseph Barr, Toronto, official photographer. Following the nomination meeting on Friday night, the Young Liberals Association held} a reception for Dr, Claude H. Vipond, the successful candi- date, and Mrs. Vipond at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Bruce V. Mackey, Gardenia Court, mostly for members of the press and radio Mr. and Mrs. ". L. Wilson Colborne street east, celebrated their 42nd wedding anniversary} with a dinner party, on Satur- day, at the Spruce Villa Hotel Whitby. Those relatives and! and Mrs. Bakker, and Jelle Mr / Mrs, William Wilson of Fonthill, Ont., Mr, and Mrs. George Wil- 4 son, Mrs. Leslie McLaughlin, all t\of Oshawa, Arthur Petherick, in a ceremony in Church, and Mrs. Oshawa, St. Mark's United Whitby. Ireland Studio Many Attend Annual Banquet The.14th Oshawa Guide Com pany of Kingsway District, held its annual mother and daughter banquet. recently at -Fernhill Park the form of a pot-luck supper, There was 113 mem Clubhouse, in an attendance of bers and guests The guests of honor were Mrs. J. T. Gaskell, Kingsway Dis- trict Commissioner; Mrs, J. G McCarnan, recently retired Brown Owl of the 14th Brownie ~ |Pack, and her daughter, Sharyl Grace was said by Mrs. Ken- neth Cobb, president of the Parents' Group Committee, and a toast to the Queen was pro- posed by Mrs. Cobb. After the most enjoyable dinner a presen- tation of a Browne cup and saucer was. made to Mrs. Mc- Carnan by Mrs. H, A. Earhart, s a token of appreciation A presentation of efficiency badges was made to six Brown- ies by Mrs. L. G. Yuill, Brown Owl the tape, upon removal, will not \leave a mark or pull off any paint with if Check both edges of the tape to insure against paint creep- ing under it. Now paint over the entire surface and don't worry about smearing the tape. As soon as the paint firms up, remove the tape and admire your professional paint job, and don't forget to praise the chil- dren for thelr help, however small their contribution Of 14th Guide Company After a welcome to the par- ents by leaders were presented by Mrs, Gaskell to the parents; Mrs L. G. Yuill, Brown Owl; Mrs. R. A. Sargeant... Tawny Owl; Miss Lorraine Parsons, Guide Captain and Miss Ruth Sutton, Lieutenant Mrs. Gaskell spoke briefly on the purpose of the local associa- tion and the ways it could help the guide program and its lead- ers A new slate of officers for the coming year was elected as follows Mrs. Mrs. L, G.: 8 dent; Mrs. D retary; Mrs. treasurer; Mrs F, Chase, principal; Bond, vice-presi- W. Haynes, sec- H. A. Earhart, Bruce Harrison, social -convener; Mrs. D. J Beamish, Mrs. J. M. Collins Mrs. Glynn Pearse and Mrs. J 1. Pearson. Telephone conveners: Mrs. G A. Pickles, local association group representative; Mrs. N Young, nie representative; Mrs Chase, local association representative The retiring executive was thanked for its work on behalf of the group by Mrs. H. W zant L. F guide Mrs. Cobb, the following local association Brow-| ~ Bez- | and Miss 3enson of Toronto Dorothy Those receiving at the garden tea at Stonvehaven, Whitby, the home of Mr. and Mrs, G. N. Irwin, will be the hostess as- sisted by Mrs. John Morris and Mrs. A. J. Parkhill. The tea i being arranged by the Laurel Unit of St. Andrew's UCW s Mrs. John Henry Carroll, the former Janette Theresa Patri- lcia Kelly was entertained at several showers and _ parties prior to her marriage recently, in St. Gregory the Great Ro-| man Catholic Church, Mrs. Al-| len Kelly, Willow Park drive, held a miscellaneous shower at her home; the bridal attend- ants, Miss Claudette Marcoux, Miss Lois Carroll and Mrs, Kev. in: Kelly held a linen and mis- icellaneous shower; Mrs. Kevin iKelly held a cup shower at her home on street; co-workers of the bride Elliot lelect of the West Plant office! | of General Motors presented her with a floor polisher andj steam iron; and Miss Lois Car roll entertained the bridal party at her apartment following the wedding rehearsal Summer Sandals | | Benefit The Feet | | Legs and feet are ' 65 | Really in! | Courreges and Pucci are stressing above-the-knee hem-| lines; Josef points up feet with in' for wild, sweeping at-home pants;} Vivier and Jourdan are creat ing what Vogue calls "shoes| lthat show all'; and fantasy| stockings now range brightly-colored geometric de to black velvet floral- patterns. Whatever they're hous- led in, today's legs and feet are | definitely noticed. They demand | Signs attention! With all this stress on the lower limbs' any glamor-con- scious woman must have shape- ly legs and feet. Fashion san- |dals were designed for. just this | purpose by a world-famous foot- specialist. They team. perfectly with any casual outfit, and be- cause of a scientifically contour- ed sole, they give important ex- ercises to both feet and legs. In a fashion sandal, a woman| sets every muscle in her foot working just the way nature in- tended. The sole provides a slight depression for the large toe, an exclusive gripper bar for} the other toes, a curved, ele- vator arch and a cupped heel and, from the grip-flex-relax ac- tion, the user reaps exciting, \slimming benefits in feet, an kles and calves. W00 KNITTERS !! For bi selection of quality knitting yarns, potterns, and FREE \} advice, visit... the WOOL QUEEN 205 Simcoe St. S$. 723-5371 supper at the home of Mr. and) and saucer|§ from PERSONAL Women's Editor Telephone 723 - 3474 for Women's Department Prior to her marriage in St Mark's United Church, Whitby, Martha Jean Richardson, Whit-| by, now Mrs, James Arthur] Petherick, Oshawa, was enter-| tained at a kitchen shower given by Mrs. William Bentley) and her daughter, Miss Hazel/ Bentley, maid of honof, A linen! shower was held at the home} of Mrs. Fred Craddock, Simcce) street north, Oshawa. A miscel-| laneous shower was held at the) home of Mrs. James Gilliland, Meadow Bank road, Islington Mrs. Robert Cook, and Mrs. Lewis Smith, Toronto, were co- hostess at a_ kitchen shower The mother of the bride Mrs Gilbert John Richardson enter- tained at a trousseau tea. Mrs Ross Hall and Mrs. Percy Pas coe pured tea in the after- noon and Mrs. William Bentley and Mrs. Fred Craddock, in the evening i i ll this MRS. NEILL MacLEAN (Incomiing) Gamma Epsilon New Executive At the final meeting of the} year held recently, in the form| of a pot luck supper, at West-| minster United Church, the ex-| ecutive of the Gamma Epsilon) Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi, for the year 1965-66 were installed) as follows: past-president, Mrs.| John Matthews; president, Mrs.) Neill MacLean; vice-president, Mrs. Louis McCoy; recording ecretary, Mrs, Barry Hooper, corresponding secretary, Mrs Thomas Corby; treasurer, Miss Lynda Hatfield. Sterling silver coffee spoons were presented to the following members who had perfect at- tendance for the past year: Mrs. Harold Ball, Mrs. Kenneth {Young, Mrs. Neill MacLean, Mrs. John Matthews, and Miss Gloria Irwin Silver stars were presented| to the following members who recently progressed to the Ex-| emplar Degree and will now be} affiliated with Xi Alpha Sigma chapter of Beta Sigma Phi here in the city:. Mrs. John Matthews, | Mrs. Mervin Perkin, Mrs. Harold! Ball, Mrs. John Beaupre, Mrs. Percy Bradley, Mrs. Ronald) \McEachern and Mrs. Kenneth) | Young. WHAT IS BETA SIGMA PHI? | Beta Sigma Phi has a myriad) of meanings. To leaders of com- munities it means an organiza-| tion that contributes invaluable) benefits to the well being of the people who live there--socially, spiritually, culturally and in 4 'civic: affairs j To the sick and needy it means a generous hand ex- tended, a burden lightened, a day made brighter | | To husbands it means a home 'and family life made more re-} warding because of a women} whose own life has taken on| added meaning, who has a greater understanding of, and a | VOW Members | Receive Honor OTTAWA (CP) -- Three Tor- onto members of the Voice of} Women were honored Thursday with medals for their leader- |ship in the Canadian Interna- jtional Co-operation Year cam- |paign Mrs, C. B. Macpherson, VoW president, was the only one of jthe three to receive her medal jin person from Dr. Roby Kidd) lof Ottawa, chairman of the _{national International Co-oper-| lation Year committee. | Buying a new foundation gar- |, The other two, _Mrs. a D ment? Don't about the| Pucker and Muriel Jacobson' size, and don't go on buying the jwere unable to attend the open- satie sive wear after year, Tein oe of the four-day annual VoW) wisn to ha fitted for a new enue at Carleton University. | foundation garment at least; Mrs Tucker, a co-founder once a year. If you are buying|and first president of the organ-' a style which you have not worn|ization, is working in India and) ibefore, by all means, visit the| Miss Jacobson is in Saskatche-| ititting room. The added comfort|Wan on business. The Ladies' Society of St. Hed- wig's Roman Catholic Church, held their annual Maytime in Poland Ball on Saturday in a flower-decked hall. Baskets and standards of white and mauve lilac added its sweet scent to the lilting music of Joe Jadraski Hostesses were Mrs. Edward Kotynski and Mrs. Stefan Labus; Mr. Leslie Prazmowski was master of ceremonies and introduced guests Alderman Gordon Attersley and Mrs, At- tersley; Mr, Jan Drygala, chair man of the United Council of Veterans' Associations, and Mrs. Drygala, and Mrs, J. A Aldwinckle Ai AS RECEIVES B Janet Schofield Me Intosh will receive her bachelor of arts degree from the University of Western Ontario on June 3, Mrs. Mc- Intosh, who is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Scho- field, Masson street, a eraduate of O'Neill Collegi ate and will be teaching at Ingersoll District Collegiate in September. is FIGURES CHANGE guess jobtained will be well worth the} The meeting continues today) jextra moments spent | {with business sessions. YWCA DAY CAMP July 15th to July 22nd For Girls 8 to 12 Years Old Fee $5.50 Plus $1.00 "Y" Membership Where there is more than one child in @ Family attending the camp, fee will be $4.00 plus "Y" Membership per child. Registration: 2 to 5 p.m, Tuesday, June Ist and Wednesday, June 2nd. For information call YWCA program Department 723-7625 199 Centre St., Oshawa LWORTH'S Super Bakery Specials BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR KITCHEN! haute coiffure... Modella Hair Stylist international coiffures 71 celino st oshawa, ont. Made with Flaky Special This Week DELICIOUS ... HOME STYLE PEACH PIE ag. YOUR FAVOURITE Fresh Strawberry SPONGE ROLL 63: Pastry Special This Week BAK Two or three tier wedding cakes -- Order One Week Ahead ERY ORDERS. PHONE 725-3421 'OGH Auxiliary is Represented At Conference Attending a Region number 8 spring conference in Lindsay recently of the Hospital Auxil- igtries of Ontario were Mrs. James McCansh, président of the Oshawa Auxiliary, Mrs. Harry Taylor 1st vice-president, Mgs. A. W. Armstrong, Mrs. C. R. Lunn, Mrs, C. D.. Russell, Mrs. Clare Elliott, and Mrs. Wilfred Hewitt. Mrs. McCansh served as a moderator on a panel discus- siom on candy stripers. Mrs. Armstrong gave a concisé ac- haope of the preparations and ithe many details to be consid- ered before such a program can (begin. Mrs. Lunn described the ifirsi days of. the volunteers in the hospital, their duties, uni- forras and instruction re con- duct! while on duty. Mrs, Rus- \sell, director of the volunteer the service, told of the fine work things that make up her daily|done by the volunteers, the activity. amount of time spent including To the young woman who is| holidays. She also describéd the a member, Beta Sigma Phi/mamy ways these services can means a chance to put her|be rewarded. dreams to work, to make her-| Mrs. H. Howard, occupation- self a better person through)|al therapist at the Ross Memor- life, learning and friendship. es eee) ne unclheon speaker and descr! rE Tae ete oi or methands used in teaching. pa- s 4 ients to look after themsélves te tae a Ace doce MeL. and atter serious illness or an ac- ' os : cidemt. pn a Mage gel cagh Mrs. William Smolkin, presi- non-academic sorority, Realiz- dent of the Hospital Auxiliaries ing that the problems confront- Association of Ontario, spoke on ing young women in social struc-| Servic e, volunteers and member- ture were often overlooked, be re yeh een Ao veormeinaieg Meg war scene the members to have a smooth- eds: , "|ly ran organization, She also Beta Sigma Phi has over 7 pala 2 ag alg jcorrespond with hospital re- 6,000 chapters and 145,000 mem-| sions, Henceforth the Oshawa bers throughout the world, arid|/region will be number 7, with it is growing rapidly. It is a way|\Campbellford, Newmarket and by which a member can make|Richnaond Hill being added to an art of living, whether she hasimake a total of 13 affiliated all the honors that a university| auxiliaries, can bestow or whether she has never seen the inside of a school of higher learning. RITUALS The rituals of Beta Sigma) Phi express the beauty of the organization. They are not! secret, and the organization is non-sectarian. Women of all faiths have joined in the belief) that in this movement the only| right one has is the right to be) useful, and much that one ac-| quires in skill and grace will] reflect in one's associations else- where -- in churches, 'civic pur- suits, and everyday life. Although Beta Sigma Phi was not founded as a service organ-| ization, its philanthropies are} unique in all the world. Beta) Sigma Phi was created for the| members; the members were not secured for the organization, | Nevertheless, there are few organizations that are as gen-| erous as this one. Even though) the much abused word "serv- ice' was not written into the beginning, there has been a voluntary, spontaneous and gen- erous outpouring of gifts to + in its quarter century of life. MRS. JOHN MATTHEWS (Retiring) Ch. Installs For 1965-66 deeper appreciation for MORRISON'S eae 7. Yan UNIFORMS NURSES oR PROFESSIONAL Terviene Onerpiece 2-Plece White or Colawred Beautiy Porlour Smocks and Skirts COME} IN AND CHOOSE FROM OUR FINE SELECTION TODAY MORRISON'S opposite the Armeries 48 SIMCOE ST. NORTH @Wowntown Oshews Calling All Ajax Girls Here's an opportunity to win... FAME and FORTUNE The Lions Club of Ajax Are holding eliminations for Miss Lion to compete in the MISS AJAX CONTEST Interested girls please get in touch with MR. MITCHELL 116 Burcher Rd. 942-6574 Eliminations will be held on... Sunday, June 6th GLECOFF'S suPeRMARKET >A FOOD FAVORITES | AT PRICES YOw/1L ENJOY Box Plants 39c box GREEN GIANT BEANS «: cum ; 7 10-02. rms LOO GLECOFF'S suPERMARKET 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTKI Hamburg 3 lbs. $1.00 WAXED

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