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Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 May 1965, p. 12

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| | | i { \ { | 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Mey 31, 1965 2-Hour Fire Guts! OFFICE WORKERS. Car Hits Pole 16 Groce Awarded (ee a eres ors Georgian China td, one of| ers have shown that many Ca- |persons were killed and two when e overrated, an engineerin Drama Trophy, Prize cere rei les 2" ee cont es 9 \Saturday night, The company 4. D. Booth, dean of engin- |pole 22 miles west of Belle- By BRENDA LARGE + , "Dy .|ton, won scholarships to thelicized the director of the pro- 'i . aie ols 4 BROCKVILLE (CP)--A uni Schaal af Wine Ants, lductlon Mts, Paddy Malcolm.| ="? 60,000-square-foot plant, versity drama group from An- 'tigonish, N.S., was awarded the| Dominion Drama Festival Trophy for the best presenta- tion in the annual festival, which ended Saturday, The trophy and a prize of $1,000 given by the Canadian Association of Broadcasters, the festival's major sponsor, To The Xavierian Players|pro fessional productions, but} of St, Francis Xavier Univer- sity for their production of The thorne's first at the Dominion) Wakefield Cycle. Festiva! adjudicator Guy a tin? a s } | 4 7 worker, was in fact a person | ' o ath- Beaulne of Quebec City said/didn't think 1 had a chance at} | No one was injured, Cause of). ed ge (tO film Russian champion their performance was "a tre-jall, so [ didn't even buy a new| S onore the fire {s not known. whose skill at retirement ind letes Valery Brume| and Igor) ; i 1 sri-ldress for the awards night," : no greater than it was the day |, Ovanesvan for a special TV mendous theatrical experi vb Me ght, SAULT ETE. b The large factory employed! poe tert school" Ter-Ovan ' i ence." Everything about the she said in an i Tie S! / STE. MARIE, Ont about 120 persons | ' program this fall production had been done with taste, beauty and skill. A chorus of alleluias went up from the glittering final night audience as a wiry little man award He was director Frank Can- ino and the alleluias came from the young cast, nearly all fresh- men and sophomores at St Francis Xavier University earlier in the day with equal fervor in their play IS ADAPTATION The play was an adaptation of one of series of medieval mystery plays dealing with bib lical themes. It was adapted by Mr. Canino, who received the Louis Jouvet Trophy for best director - A native of Chicago who teaches public speaking at St Francis Xavier, the director said in an interview he was surprised by his group's suc cess win the regional festival ear- Dave Powers and Step |Banff IS BEST ACTRESS Best actress award Isa Pickthorne of Ott played Meg in Brenda The Hostage, pres Lakeside Theatre Pr of Ottawa She has been acting since the . idie attende » lege Of tive Ih both diehtiar and |'ation by Paddy Malcolm," he|completely rebuilt. armies of clerks Both soldiers attended the said Firemen saved a 500,000 "These computers demon- hotly school of signals in Ithe award was Mrs. Pick-|" gallon gasoline storage tank, strated that the office worker: joe on eae Drama Festival "Tl was so surprised. Why, I} The only original play in the festival Duchesne's Les Dieux (The New Gods), pre-}(ind,) on the Great Lakes was sented by 'Le Theatre de ja| honored Friday as Great Lakes ran to the stage to accept the|Place Ville Marie of Montrea!,|Man of the Year for 1964, received five awards It got the Sir Barry Trophy for the best tion of a full-length play. and its author the Massey Award for ey had been singing them|Canadian playwright at the fes-| Lakes, tival Adjudicator Beaulne although the Montreal the only Canadian work pre sented, he had been pressed by it and bel awards were merit though there was no tion LIKES EFFECTS Les ceived the Martha Al lenge Trophy for be presentation. It had fe number of unusual lighting and} which signed a contract for it set design effects, including alcrews with the rival Canadian "We didn't- even expect to|/@rge Staring eye at the rear of|/Maritime Union (CLC), brought the stage through which ab-/yjolence to Canadian and Amer Nouveaux Dieux also re-|the internal affairs of the SIl Collingwood's biggest indus- nadian office workers were 'others injured Saturday is the largest decorator of china) eering at the University of Sa- | ville shen Wes-|Theatre, The adjudicator crit-jn Canada skatchewan, told a conference Dead are Ivan Pickett of the Engineering Institute of jsoldier from Camp Shilo -'| Canada the introduction of the land Margaret Cook \for adapting the play to change (on on the outskirts of this) first computers revealed a : ' went tojthe leading character from a|'own 30 miles north of Barri¢,| surprisingly low level of skill awa, who|Man to a woman, Mr. Beaulne|W4% levelled within two hours.| among Canadian office work- n Behan's|(uestioned whether anyone had) Company President Jack! ers ented by|the right to take such liberties Brown said late Sunday the loss He said the overrated status roductions|With the work of an author would amount to $1,000,000, His) of office workers became ap- "The comedy by Max Frisch|son, Dick, vice-president of the} parent when early computer was much better than the adap-/firm, said it would have to be! models were able to replace a broken shoulder and \injuries owned by Imperial Oil Co. Lid., far from being a dignfied hu- at the height of the blaze Canadian|(CP)--The first. shipping execu- eee = * iii Shi Ma ate when a threatening wind shifted man organism when com-| FILM SOVIET ATHLETES pared with the manual NBC's Sports in Action plans} , 2, a Man..,| 15, of} |Brighton, Ont. A second sol- ldier, Richard Kregar, 23, also from Camp Shilo, is in hospital with a broken neck and Bonnie Smith, 17, of Belleville suffered pelvic Jacques|tive to buck the power of the Nouveaux Seafarers International Union John D. Leitch of Toronto Jackson| 44-year-old president of Upper presenta-| Lakes Shipping Ltd., was voted Canadian) the title in a poll of marine received| editors of Canadian and Amer the best}icen newspapers on the Great Rk. R., Latimer of Algoma said that) Central Railway' in presenting play was|Mr, Leitch with a silver bow! said the award was given not so much for his general accom plishments as for his "out standing 'single characteristic of courage." He said Mr. Leitch had shown particular courage in "having most im- leved the ed even competi lan Chal-| brought to close examination.' st visual) The dispute between the SII vatured aland Upper Lakes Shipping lier this year," heel patterns of light werejican lake ports two years ago He paid tribute to his cast of focussed, changing with every and resulted in a royal com- THE NEXT RED CROSS BLOOD DONOR CLINIC WILL BE HELD scene students, mostly freshmen, for their versatility and the hard work they put jnto the produc- tion * the time of their performance shunning many of the social activities One of the actors, 19-year-old, "elinas, said in an interview he| new. vessel is not in use yet Eric Hinton of Montreal, won a|P!ans to.use the scholarship to) The annual award was orig $200 prize as the best actor travel and study theatrical pro- inated in 1955 by the Chamber Yves Gelinas, 26-year-old setitual federal] trusteeship for designer for the Montreal play,|jakes unions was awarded the Province of} Mr. Latimer also cited M Piel Stitt ce ara" Mike' armeiacoten| © ST, GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM re design and develop a com e further study in theat Mr. Gelinas, son of famous actor-director are sp phpter grerrolver Sigg THURSDAY, JUNE 3rd, 1965. from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.. and from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Quebec's| pletely different kind of vesse Gratien|for internal water use." Thc SIMCOE STREET NORTH NEW DONORS ARE URGENTLY NEEDED under 30 years of age, pre- oe in Europe and Scandin-/of Commerce of Sault Ste @ Every day operations are being sented by La Fondation les *'" Marie, Mich, In 1963, the Cham- Tans de VAT The award for best support-|her of Commerce of Sault Ste postponed for the lack of blood. OUR QUOTA WINS PRAISE ing actor went to Richard How-|Marie, Ont., joined in the an @ Donating Blood is painless. FOR THIS CLINIC IS Mr. Hinton, who had never ard Pe Toronto for his non- qual presentation. The awards @ Type O" Negative is very short. 400 BOTTLES of BLOOD acted before, was warmly|SPeaking role in a Theatre Up-|now alternate yearly between Y 'il ba alain © lif praised by the adjudicator for|*t@t8 Production of The Cave!Canadian and American. recip - Few Will pe HeIping te neem © ee his sensitive mime performance as an angel, who appeared throughout the play. The young arts student said|SPeechless youth. The adjudica- tor called the brief role 'very | to become a physical education sensitive' and said Mr. Howard BOYS . had a great deal of talent. ™ in an interview he had planned teacher but now was thinking) of changing his plans, 'I want to study theatre this summer and see just how deep my. inter- est in it really is." The winning play also won the Besshorough Trophy, a re- gional award for outstanding echievement in the presenta-| tion of classical plays in each of the zones of the festival. The Bessborough Trophy was also awarded to La Troupe de! V'Echiquier of the University of Bherbrooke, Que., for its pres- entation of Le Barbier de Se ville (The Barber of Seville) by Beaumarchais Most other awards were given to two other plays, Les Nouveaux - Dieux by Jacques Duchesne presented by Le Theatre de la Place Ville Marie in Montreal, and A Man for a! Seasons, by Robert Bolt, pre- sented by the Plavers' ¢ i fimiter nt "beth ane, Hits Housing they deliver represents the combined labour of tions received plaques as the French and.English runners-up Citizen NAMED BEST ACTOR hip Minister Nicholson said production costs that run into the thousands of Michael Bradshaw of Burling-|Saturday "there are still far too} ton, Ont., president of the Ham- Many Canadians housed in des-| dollars. It is therefore a job that cannot be taken ilton Players' Guild, won the Perately inadequate and over Henry sborne Challenge crowded accommodation." lightly, the success or failure of the route depends Trophy for the best actor in the He said three of every 10 Ca-| festival nadian homes are more than 40! entirely on a keen sense of detail and strong inter- The .adjudicator said Mr.|Years old and more than five} ; Bradshaw's performance as Sir|Per cent require major and ex. est in business, Both strong prerequisites in today's Thomas More in A Man for All Seasons was very impressive and done with great authority year-old actor's rich voice and clear speech. Mr. Bradshaw said later he has been suffer ing from tonsilitis throughout ing situation in Canada," the festival He has real. presence and tivity and intensity. He with the director, was the sen alo the adjudicator said Another Hamilton member Sheila Zack, who played Sir/1,000 homes constructed in that Thomas More's daughter, won the award for best actress in a supporting role, given by the SHARE ACCOMMODATION About 250,000 Canadian fam Language Radio and Television ilies were still forced to share| Canadian Association of French Broadeasters, Two other Hamilton actors, Wagner Ponders Recognition Plan SHAWINIGAN, Que. (CP)-- Jusite Minister Claude Wagner of Quebec said Sunday night he century Canada, no one should is considering setting up a sys- have to spend his life in third- tem through which citizens who rate housing, in second - class co-operate with police forces surroundings whilst living in al and other authorities in the ad- min ation of justice will re ceive "the official recognition of my department In his speech to the Liberal) another, compounding the ills of} Association of Shawinigan, Mr. Wagner did not elaborate on the nature of the recognition he was considering. convinced" that the co-opera- tion of private citizens is in Dwellers by William Saroyan. | jents Mr. Howard, who also di-}---- rected the play, played a| IT'S REWARDING GIRLS! ... . After presentation of the : awards, which took ites be You Can Earn Money and Gain fore a formally audience at the Brockville Civic Auditorium, Adjudicator Beaulne said in an the festival] had been ' warding." "I think the most thing about this festiva way the audience was stimu- Before the awards were TIMES CARRIER lated by all these ances to think about and form critical opin made, the week - long festival concluded with a prod The Firebugs, by Ma of the Vernon, BC Nicholson WINNIPEG (CP) tensive repairs He told a Winnipeg sympo Slum on planning, renewal and He particularly praised the 30-| housing that in the last 10 years.| "with the aid. of the Housing Act, there has beén great improvement in But he suggested ne has been done 'In 16 years we have: only approved 12,700 public housing architect of this production," }ainits--a mere 0.7 per cent of Make Your fhe total addition to housing stock. Out period only seven we housing units." their accommodation ers "Close to one-fifth dwellings still lack bathing facilities. Fifteen per| cent of all housing uni even have such simpl mental requirements ds an or dinary toilet, "In the great wealt first-class country." Mr. Nicholson also deficiencies of slu blighted areas feed municipalitie "You certainly cann nevew! Waluable Business Experience as a most re- = sex} exciting 1 was the perform: theatre ions."' uction of! x Frisch| Little! Sturdy are the shoulders of the newspoper boy for on them rests the responsibility of bridging the gap between newspaper and the reader. The newspaper thousands of people both here and abroad, plus world of business. But few people have such an inbred instinct and the carrier's: job affords an Nationa! excellent opportunity for a young boy or girl te the hous-| learn these skills. % enough Canada's} of every lg GZ Application Now! f OSHAWA TIMES CARRIER APPLICATION te public} with oth-| of our! modern| DIGI Fei acne' bw kG Fe) er aes ts do not le, funda AGIAN 645536 eens So SH es h of nual BONO eis ic. PROMS 2 ee - Your Application Will Be Considered As Soon As A Route Is Open In Your Area, said the) ms and ipon one} Mail or Bring Your Application to the Times in Oshawa or Whitby ot expe any. municipality, saddled. with slums, bespecked with successfully for new for new jobs and for blight, to + But he said he is "profoundly be in a good position to compete % awn T industry . new op dispensable to effective law en- forcement and this co-operation unfortunately, is not found often enough, portunities." Text of Mr. Nicho marks was provided press before delivery, "te te CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT POLARITY-LINED With two Buty! Rubber tection every mo Open Daily 10 A.M, TO 10 P.M. Except Sunday LINED EXTRA pLowouT pRorection iners of fety jnnerliners a for added Pro" terial needs: FOR OUT TUBELESS 100° NYLON POLARITY-LINED EXTRA BLOW: PROTECTION WHITEWALLS SLIGHTLY EXTRA PRICE ANY SIZE 750 x 14 520x 13 670 x 15 590x 13 650x 13 640 x 13 800 x 14 520x 14 560 x 15 560 x 14 LISTED ONE LOW t GUARANTEE NO TRADE-IN Guoranteed agoinst ol! road hoz- RE UIRED ards including stone bruises broken glass. 2. Guaranteed against defects in workmanship for the life of the tread, Guaranteed customer satisfaction Replacement allowance based on Full 24 Month Guarantee "Charge it' the regular retail price; less trade- With Your K-mart in pro, rated over the quarantee pariod for the same time used. CREDIT CARD. Brake Service SPECIAL Here's whet we do: ~----Instoll Bonded lini on oll foru wheels --Completely adjust brekes to secure full eon- ik front whe be . ----Guerantee our lob for 30,000 miles, w--Cheek all lines and eylinders. only 19.08 Shep and compare this & Wheel Alignment SPECIAL Here's whet we do: Correct Caster end Camber --Correct Toe in and Toe out. Adjust Front Wheel rings. Adjust torsion bors on most Chrysler products, --Complete front-end perte inspection HEAVY DUTY MUFFLERS $7.77 FREE--1S Minute Inatell. ation. All Ford, Metedr, Chev, Plymouth, Pontiee, 49.63. Single Exheust Similer Sevings on ell Muffler and Pipes et K-mert. SET OF 2 SHOCKS $10.00 Fully queranteed--Orig- Inal Equipment Type Shocks for a Safe Sure Ride. Extend Front wear of tires, Gives a more comfortable ride, Pin Type. On Highway No, 2 Between Oshawa and Whitby

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