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Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 May 1965, p. 1

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Home Newspape! Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bow- manville, Ajax, Pickering and neighboring centres in On- tario and Durham Counties, VOL 94--NO, 126 ng B0e Per Week Home Delivere Weather Report Mainly sunny Tuesday. Con- tinuing cool Weather. Low tonight, 45. High Tuesday, 65. he Oshawa Times OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, MAY 31, 1965 10¢ $i Authorized os Second Class Moll Post Office Department TW TY % Ottewe and for payment of Postage in Cash, EN PAGES le Copy TORONTO POLICE drag tion broke ot a man to the paddy wagon Critical person at a time. of reporters who went Mr Grigorovich's office to ask him to Mr | about charges in the | press that the embassy here has/been found "bugged' with mic- H been "bugged." rophones. "I'm always followed, when I; "I've seen t go fishing or when I take my|myself," he wife and three-year-old out for ice cream, "Sometimes I'm followed by had been found "Tt it he said would be better But for in Toronto's midtown Allan Gardens Sun- day afternoon. A crowd, esti- Russian Attache Of RCMP "I'm followed all the time,/t0 make sure no windows get night and day," he told a group| broken and that sort of thing.' FOUND MICROPHONES Grigorovich repeated the Soviet|assertion that the embassy had microphones he baby! wouldn't say how or where they oul one police car, sometimes byjrelations not to give details," to stop| he said, three. Sometimes I hav and ask them the way Peace Unit Can Use Palace Dominican Junta Agrees SANTO DOMINGO (AP)--The force "as quickly as possible."') Dominican junta agreed Sunday In a letter t night to let the inter-American eign ministers 0 the in | A reporter remarked that theiis nothing new," he added. OA Sfor- Washington, peace force occupy the national|rebel Foreign Minister Jotin palace, scene of several recent'Curry said the presence of the ceasefire violations. foreign troops violated the OAS Dr. Jose A. Mora, secretary- Charter prohibition against mil- general of the Organization of itary interventic American States, said junta chief Brig yn." "So far no one has been able Gen: Antonio Imbert !0 establish the difference be Barrera agreed to the move "'in/tween the (U.S.) intervention principle' at a meeting ists and the Organization of Military sources s Brazil American States," Cury said fan troops would occupy the The force is made up of 18,- palace, which is in no man's 400 U.S. troops and 1,500 from land between the international Latin America safety zone and rebel territory. ATTACKS MORA It now is held by 400 junta Cury also attacked Mora troops. whom he called "partial to Rebel chief Col. Francisco the United, States and to the Caamatio Deno agreed earlier rival junta. The junta also has for the peace force take-over of|criticized Mora wh om Presi- the palace. It is no longer the dent Johnson described as the seat of government The rebels meanwhile principal called Dominican Rept peacemaker ublic in the for the withdrawal of the peace' Several thousand persons No Justice In His Case Released Fawcett Says 4,000 TAKE PART ANTI-NAZI RIOT 7 i ~ |Eight Arrested On Sunday US. Raids , In Wild Melee At Toronto Quang Nga | By VOLKMAR RICHTER _ |By 1:30 about 2,000 people had TORONTO (CP)--Eight anti- gathered, including many nazi demonstrators and a self-/former prisoners in German | | | . | ar-|War-time concentration camps. styled Nazi leader were : From AP-Reuters presence of two battalions of rested Sunday during a riot Others milled around the mated in the thousands, SAIGON (CP) -- US. jets North Vietnamese tropps in the/after more than 4,000 péople-- fringes of the park. broke up what cer -- shes struck at Communist positions | 4rea. some armed with clubs--gath-| Six youths arrived but were nounced as a Nazi rally ek lin Quang Ngai Province today) An estimated two regiments|&?ed to protest a scheduled Nazi|turned back by police. As they lafter three days of hard fight- of Communist fighters battled rally in a midtown park, headed back to the street 8 ing in which.an estimated 500|\the government forces hefore| The crowd rushed six youths|™0b followed them, then with they thought were members of /Shouts of 'kill them" and "'get the recently-formed Canadian mg -- beating four of e youtns breaking off the action at noon Brig.-Gen. Nguyen Chang Thi, government troops were killed wounded or missing > ae 7 ' ' ' : , Nazi party. Four were caught Senior South Vietnamese mili-/commander of the South Viet- : . 4 tary officers returning from/namese Army Ist Corps, told and kicked and beaten while One man who later identified the embattled northern prov-|newspaper men Sunday night|POlice in steadily increasing himself as Charles Thompson, inces said that the U.S. airjhe had asked for a battalion numbers tried to bring the mob|28, a minister, was caught and strikes appeared to havejof U.S. marines to be moved under control rboshcg gs ag Thon ne smashed a major Viet Cong of- against the Viet Cong in this; About 500 middle-aged people|, ld Ad bento eige Ostia) fensive there area -many of them eastern Euro-|Harold Adamson of the Metro- peans or members of Jewish or- politan Toronto police said he But a U.S. military spokes By DAVE McINTOSH Mr. Grigorovich, who kept|Russians themselves had super oe aos : : In Quang Ngai, 65. miles lpanizations ~ attacked the|intervened personally to wrest OTTAWA (CP) -- Vladimir)Smiling through the often hilar-| vised construction of their em-| UNRULY MEMBERS of a Sunday after violence broke {southeast of the big Da Nang/man here said today he knew|~ us while the rest of the /hompson from the attackers. Grigorovich, press attache at|ious press conference, said all/bassy here after the old one} crowd protesting a Nazi out. Thousands gathered rg . base, ( S daa oy ey of no such request crowd at Allan Gardens| "They would have decap- the Russian Embassy here, Russian diplomats here are|burned down about eight years rally at Toronto's midtown the small park following a - {Viet Cong appeared to be pull- The objective of the current|cheered them on itated him if we hadn't rescued said today he is tailed so closely|followed all the time by the ago. How could the embassy siian Gawd sat + vertisement of what was to ing back Viet Cong offensive -- the big- At the ania é the solf. him," he added. by the RCMP that a Mountie| Mounties. have been "bugged?" eee ee oe have been a_ Nazi rally The government rushed in re-|gest for several weeks--was un tvle fae hecaey ihe Nas pe ie Several bystanders were at- once followed him into a toilet], "We don't do that," he said. "I don't know," Mr. Grigoro-,_ downtown in a police wagon (CP Wirephoto) _inforcements, but a counter-at-|clear. It could be aimed at the Willia wr ' a a tacked or threatened -- one hed intended for the use of only one|'We keep some police at the|vich said tack was. delayed, apparently|city of Quang Ngai itself. The)" 2am vonn bye al | enka: he ware hack shiek r Canadian Embassy in Moscow). Might the bugging have been because of bad weather. city. is not important militarily rived and was attacked as he . are 8 . another because he had blonde hair. One youth shouted: "I'm not |stepped from his car Police rescued him from the mob and put him into a paddy an "inside job?" Mr. if to dismiss this as a possibility but its capture would boost Viet Cong prestige. The South Vietnamese offi- cers said that the Viet Cong had suffered about 300 killed in France's Alliance Role Grigorovich shrugged as too remote to consider the Quang Ngai fighting, some MAY BE FEINT wagon. Blood was streaming one of them ... I'm not one He said his embassy is doing een S ou t u OW 200 of them from the air strikes Another possibility poten-|down his face and clothes of them," as members of the everything possible to improve a a a ually more serious, according LEADER CHARGED mob beat and kicked him. relations between Canada and) PARIS (Reuters) -- Fresh| The Freach apparently take LOSSES HEAVY to observers here--is that the eh ie wai tg 4 4 later Police had difficulty restrain- Russia doubts over France's futurelthe view that this periodic) .U-S. officials also reported |guerrillas are making an elabo Hcppae eo j heb Be Sig 4 ing one attacker who shouted: Did it help to have Russianjrole in the Atlantic Alliance|massive exercise in the fall oe OEE aa saben aPnelea Tale Feint bo. Grew eovernupen as are ; prose ie "My father was thrown in the Embassy officials spying, he| were voiced today as NATO de-|does not conform with NATO's!--~?? killed, 20 wounded and 100) reserves from strategically a oP ae sohe ae te --e tac ovens."' was asked fence ministers gathered for|strategic doctrine of massive missing--at the Khe Tri outpost more important centres which placed oriefly into protective : we : : Enigmatically' the attache|two days of strategy talks ininuclear retaliation against any near the border with North Viet) would then be open to massive Custody CLAIM ONE IS U.S, .NAZI Viet Cong attacks. | Charges ranging from posses-- Among those beaten was a Four platoons of U.S. marines|sion of a weapon dangerous to,man described by a Jewish were airlifted to an island off|the public peace to creating a|Source as a representative from the coast of Quang Tin prov-\disturbance were placed against|George Lincoln Rockwell's ince, just north of Quang Ngai, eight of the anti-Nazi crowd,|American Nazi party who had on a. search operation. They|Ali, including Beattie, were come to Canada specifically for killed five Viet Cong, wounded later released on dail. the rally, one and picked up six suspects,! Reaction to the The rally Nam, The Viet Cong overran jthe post Friday night. Asgov- con-lernment relief force retook it Saturday. Then the Viet Cong said the press in Canada always} Paris aggression in Europe repeats the same facts. '""There| Maurice Delarue, chief diplo- 'There was no official matic correspondent, Of thelfirmation of the reported! -- 'mass-circulation Kzaneé**/Sir,\ french move which toox many Struck WHek'™ distirsed the re said President de) Gaulle's gov-'NatO: delegations' by surprise ane daoom: anid satated alee ernment was expected to press Diblaielievobservers' felt the Recent weliet nce ktevad or a_ revisio TO " for .a revision of the NAT reported French decision under-| Senior U.S, militany sources treaty which would place all Al- riot was was to have af- lied troops in France under ti saint! No deb : poet ae | said they had confirmed the'spokesmen said quick, but confused, forded Beattie, who recently French command between France and several o F announced his intention of run- ' i, ts kev allie arious maior Jewish leaders blamed gov- A Unde a bilz i pe ! ey allies on various major Inin for Parlia nt th t nder new bilateral agree aspects of Western policy ernment authorities for not td iament in the nex ments American bases in Wie United sidtes ando Bel ants art att eS curbing the Nazis and their hate/{ederal election, a chance to France could no longer be used re nited states anc rit- literature: some members of| Present his platform to the pub- paraded along downtown streets "for American military opera-|ain now think that the allied re tha ceed: Glained the police] ic: not sponse to any attack should be Sunday in support of the rebel jons more flexible--depending on the government of which France did } y for letting the emotional tem-| Police at first denied that any The demonstrators approve |perature climb, and several|Nazis had shown up. Staff In- To Be Fought In Open in part were observing the Delarue said France would Mature of the attack--and need r 2 Is fault anniversary of the assas-'propose the changes before the Mt necessarily bring nuclear cee ane -- Fag "Our hitalligsnte altiters sination of dictator Rafael L. NATO treaty comes up for re- Weapons into action TOR ) ba cthy F a ag sa vane 7 elicit bees not spot. any of the Be. tti Trujillo newal in 1068 making clear}. Earlier this month France vir- ri RO 'TO (CI ) Pee demic climate that produc sp bag egg cee a ; Naxi dio i the sock We tan 4 U.S. military spokesman that unless they are acceptedjtually boycotted the London sreyapel Pietra bee "ued riots and protest. movements at tcanieat poder A san Teelan the park thoroughly covered " reported 15 shooting incidents she will leave the organization.| meeting of the ministerial COUN} ttles to be fiche 7m the e ain the University of California. caused: anid. vinlance ie 6 an-k But: went f 7 aa » Mhour pel "nding Sa French NATO. delegationjcil of the sister eight-nation . : HR ven; Professor Grant religi a tie etc th < # + Nazi mbers of 8 lewish in the 24-hour period ending § : ' southe a Ceo Douglas Fisher, New Democra- » & rellgion)swer to Naziism but Sunday's|anti-Nazi group and neighbors turday midnight. All were de- Sources Sunday night disclosed/Southeast Asia Treaty Organi-ti. 'party member of Parlia-\teacher, said the new university/riot "was bound. to happen" of the Nazi headquarters told scribed as minor ey eranen iN ended to hoe zation ment for Port Arthur, said will bé concerned exclusively|Since Ottawa has not halted|reporters they had been Beat- Units of the 82nd U.S .Air- tate 6 i wis si ame Sunday with "teaching, people who are Nazi propaganda. jtie, Jack deCock, Peter Reidel, borne Division continued to ate aaa a "e Se ene U K Thousands Mr. Fisher, retiring president|cleyer at techniques to be cley-. Rabbi Gunter Plaut added:|18, and several other known leave for the United States sb Cpaigre pape ae of the Exchange for Political' erer," "The Nazi is not just another|party. members at the park. Some 1,700 are st heduled to de He actin nlp sigue cel Ch Th ) Ideas in Canada, told the or-| fmphasizing means rather citizen and this not just another! Police on horseback. and mo- part this weekend after nearly cpives maior land and ain toike eer e ueen ganization s annual 'conference jphon ends, he said. will result| Sunday picnic, |torcycles took several hours to 1 month in the Dominican Re SRE RABGTE) The senura th fot. LONDON (AP) -- The Queen ( anada should move closer t0\in creation of huge "multi-uni- The Nazi rally had beenj|disperse hundreds of bystand- public 1966 has not yet been an-came home from her trium.| 'he, United aba ee versities run by large, tough: achediled to begin Bhd dearth om tt He eda a Ps eo gi ag Poser iy tg Frosh nounced phant visit to Germany Sunday bhcuae da tees vitae minded bureaucracies." ays ah ° - -\and received a cheering wel- : ee can Peay pia in a slum section at the edge e ine tn ae yveral ence of party discipline, caucus D th Of G g N l Se Ot Santo Doiiiigo A WS mile US. Withdrawal come from a crowd of several secrecy and ministerial respon: Old Pictures @a eor e Ow an en |thousands : \sibility for every act of a de- Prime Minister Wilson, greet- eartes te oh Liberal mem- Seen Ambiguous tary spokesman said six bodies were recovered. People in the "Great Shock To Us All" 48 Hours Seen neighborhood said 11 persons Ing pe : Rdg ergy Pauline Jewett, ' Se ad NEW YORK (AP) -- .The,Was Dooe by some oO ®'ber or Northumberland, and ' = ra i gait ois -- American Broadcasting Com-\crowd. Others waved uncompli-/Gordon Fairweather, Progres- VANCOUVER (CP) -- The OTTAWA (CP)--T. C. Doug-jloss to those of us who knew nee | pany correspondent in Santo mentary banners at him. sive Conservative member for| moderator of the United Churchilas, leader of the New Demo-jhim as a colleague and fellow Tractor Victim Domingo reported today that Karlier the Queen and her|Royal' said the most interest-|°f Canada said during the week-jcratic party, today described/member and also a great loss all U.S. Marines will be with-|husband, Prince Philip wereling and exciting debates on|¢%4 ministers should stop pull-/the death of George Nowlan,|to the public life of Canada. ing their punches in giving mod-|former Conservative cabinet}. 'He was an outstanding mem- ern interpretations of the Bible.|minister, as "a great shock to|ber and a competent member Rey. Ernest Marshall Howse|all of us." of the previous administration "His death is a great personaljand he will be sorely missed.' drawn from the Dominican Re-|greeted by blaring ships' sirens) Parliament Hill occur in party public within 48 hours edged into Portsmouth harbor caucuses. j ST. CATHARINES (CP) -- ABC correspondent John Cas-\on the Channel coast. Miss Jewett said that if all, * - Vincent Emmet of 'Thorold,|S¢"ly said he learned of the) Philip, instead of taking the|internal party conflicts were ex-| Said that the old idea of a three- Ont., a tractor salesman, died Move from "reliable American|Royal train with the Queen,|posed to public view, "the pub-|dimensional world composed of Fatally Injured IN SOU 1Cb\ 3. ren nrouerk sk thak ps ' : F vaabon np i 8 : as aes 'hectely Sop Ainge cio se in hospital Sunday of head in- authorities " ee took a Royal Navy helicopter/lic would instantly lose confi-/earth, heaven and hell is mean-) wn 7 jst UH Ln | who was held ins menial hos. idence of delusional 'insanity *"\juries suffered when a tractor FBesery anid ne U.S. Sind and flew to Windsor Castle ot/dence" in the (party. . anIOES: "4 i ; ital fOr Aliioke fone Gente GH TWO abcuiations lad to ble dk he was showing to a customer serene sti ela take over play polo. : |. Professor George Grant of} He said Sunday school chil- NEWS HIGHLIGHTS refusing to pay taxes on hisirest and confinement in the/Suddenly went into motion ane respons) bility of all U.S _ The prince's rush to the polo) McMaster University in Hamil-|dren should not go home con- Gand, Tele HHLER wok oie elmanOiegial hedoital knocking him down. pruned Reali cues fe eee oe ae Rov Mig! wa said a new ry of Lago iia rely oe ach os . f sii Boe ee ie ce cate " ; : n : | 3 » newspaper The|sity is emerging in Canada that/as Jonah an e whale are a about by his confine Bh sl : sane at coh ie rines--4,200 of them--leave. |Sun, pro-Labor. |could lead to the sort of aca-|true. 1] Fires Burning In Ontario I think it may have done)sia Township tax assessors and GM Head ; TORONTO (CP) -- The department of lands and forests " some good in showing the peo-jshooting a hole in the tire of ba |reported a total of 11 forest fires burning in Ontario today. ple what can happen in Can-|their car in August, 1961 pe R ® | eor e OW n 1 t Located by districts they are: Tweed, five; Pembroke, add#."' said the burly, six-foot,) He was arrested a month later 0 etire three; Port Arthur, Sudbury and Parry Sound, one each. 250-pound Fawcett. He is back|by provincial police; who ac SRTROTI a : , + a' . i on his n vy Euphrasia Tos cused g 2 } IT (AP) -- General-'... ies Gig . ; " hiy Tae ; : ae, wince Fa hie 'se his Motors will a a president 'a Vito er) erorge, Now Mabe vaan ba ey ee ponindy ~ siege toatier Britain Expresses Her Regret He : i +} ees shene Gili : i : this week, but the links will = ay piney -- nae geo eee heart at aii Gu a LONDON (AP) -- The foreign office expressed Britain's ho vital fo he criminally in -- ~~ brought to court gain enottior aaliar finance minister in the former tack in December, 1962, and| Since the Liberals took office regret today at the decision of the French government to - a a cs ae ele as lO Wb See P. Gordan oll tow aa Conservative government, died/was in hospital here for some| he has been the chief opposition Say out of next year's Fallex exercise of the North Atlantic when a man' is accused of|was remanded by an Owen Tuesday in -New York when| ie suddenly in hospital here today.|time, later returning to his}financial critic. | : something, then locked up,|Sound magistrate for a mental! an Mot a ai | He entered the Civic Hospital|home at Wolfville, N.S., for an} Mr, Nowlan was an imposing | never having been brought to examination. He was later de Nie sueéheene at aha ai der last Tuesday with what his doc- ny pee ca pap ie ome figure in the House at all times, | No Damage In Tokyo Quake Reported trial." clared dangerous and com-'chief operating officer of the| 4 tor described as a "tired heart" | Ottawa in about eight weeks fulllwhether on the government TOKYO (Reuters -- An earthquake jolted Tokyo tonight Mi Guwontk ae cammited mitted woman ty g gions a | and for a general checkup of energy and quickly resumed|benches or in opposition. He ae 4 qu s| okyo 8 mental h ital in Sep During his stay in the mental f : ae ih ree An associate said Mr. Now his full duties in the rugged fi! stood. six-feet-five with broad} bore damage was reported. The meteorological AReNCY 1981. after incidents) hospital, his mother: died. He ssi ; lan seemed in good spirits nance portfolio shoulders and rough-hewn fea-| Said it was centred about 50 miles northeast of the city. at arose fron his' refusal tolwae ndt allowed to attend. the I haven't played a round of}; when he was visited: by Mrs.|- Mr. Nowlan became minister|tures, a massive orator who| : taxes on his land funeral golf in 20 years, but I expect| Nowlan Sunday- and when he|of national revenue in the first}could charm as well as he| een Hy rH NRA The township: refused 10 pro WORK TO 00 to be out there very shortly, had breakfast this morning. He|Cabinet formed after the Con-|could scold, = vide him with a road to an iso-. "I just took into consideration "1° S84 in an interview was stricken, apparently by a|Servatives' upset election vic-| A native of Havelock, N.S.,| In THE TIMES today lated. section of land not con-\the type of people who were in| Gordon reached General Mo heart attack, and died at/tory of June, 1957. He held the|<on of Irish and French parents, |= uf ane nected with his main farm. It/the Ontario government,' he tor's mandatory retirement age| 9:40 a.m ; post .until Aug. 9, 1962, when|he was one of the first law! City Ministers To Meet On Gambling Report -- P. 9. aid that to build the road says of 65 on May 15 : The tall, gruff - voiced Novajhe was sworn in as finance/graduates from Acadia Univer-|_ at would cost more than $15,000 Meanwhile, there are broken He joined General Motors in| & Scotian had been a member of minister to succeed Donal disity at Wolfville and later es. Murray Balfour, Hockey Player Dies -- P. 6, which it said was too much for fences, fields' overgrown with 1923 just. after he received: his Parliament since 1948 and was|!'leming 'in a cabinet shuffle|tablished a prosperous practice Ann Landers -- 11 Obits -- 19 a road setving only one. re weeds farm buildings in disre-\master's degree in mechanical! one of the most popular figures|that sent Mr. Fleming to the!thore © Civ N 9 ¢ dent air and sick cattle to keep Mr./engineering from the University in the Commons justice portfolio. Mr. Nowlan was elected toi: ie es epatte: <2 6). 14.8 Mr. Fawcett med n- Fawcett busy while he prepares of Michigan, His first job. as a Mr. Nowlan visited his riding) WANTED AS LEADER the Nova Scotia legislature injz Clossified -- 16, 17, 18 Theatre 14 intatior ¢ 14 © ft inoth earl ab assistant, paid him 60 cents of Disby-Annapolis-Kings ear After the Diefenbaker govern- 1925, re-elected in 1928 and then Comics -- 15 Whitby News 5 had heen vided ¢ nk they'll probably have an hour, In 1964, his last full 7 lier this month and returned to/ment was defeated in the' Com defeated in 1933 when a Liberal Editorial -- 4 Women's -- 10, 11 farmer the -d iearing in the fall," he said. vear as General Motors presi * Ottawa complaining that he felt}mons in February, 1963, there|landslide elevated the late An- Financial -- 19 Weother -- 2 : It was his belief that a Crown "I'll probably argue my own dent, he was paid $740,000 in 4 tired. He came down with bur-|were reports that a section of|gus L. Macdonald to the pre-| . : € Grant rendered him immune to case when the time comes." lsalary and bonuses, GEORGE NOWLAN aitis and his doctor ordered himithe Conservative party wanted' miership. Aw USES LAAOT cc |

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