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Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 May 1965, p. 2

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ee eee Queen Elizabeth II 1s greeted by British Prime Minister Harold Wilson at London's Waterloo railway 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, May 31, 1965 BACK HOME AGAIN station on her return today from a state visit to West Germany. (A PWirephoto via cable from London) A group of children in their first and second year of training at the Burns School of Dancing enter- tained the residents of Hils- dale Manor recently. They presented a fine program of ballet, tap, baton and jazz mhich was well received: by the audience. The children were treated to a lunch after the show en by the Manor resident ide wil Two district s receive their Bachelor of Arts Honors Business Administration degrees in rom the University of West- ern Ontario. They are James T. Masterson, Bow- manville and Allan W. Jack- | son, Osha | During the past few weeks several residents of Clare- mont have been bothered by | anonymous calls, the majority coming during the early hours of the morn- telephone ing,- The calls haye heen attributed' to young boys. | Similar incidents in Ux- | | bridge recently resulted in a youth being sentenced to five months in jail. A meeting is to be within two weeks to gather facts to aid the United Counties Council decide whether or not to proceed with a pro- posed radio network, link- ing all fire departments in the Counties of Durham and Northumberland, Prelimin- ary indications are that the Golden Plough Lodge at Co- bourg will be the site of the network's 200-foot transmit- ter Peterborough won two out of three g nesday in tario Baseba They ¥ the E get game ono and the over Port Ajax won to 2 pee wee game Hope by 16 ta 1 the bantam tilt 5 An Oshawa man, James R, Sparling, headed the 50 students who graduated in medicine Saturday at Queen's University, King- ston. Mr. Sparling was the medallist in medicine; win- ner of the Egar Forrester prize for highest marks in final year medicine and clinical medicine; winner of the Professor's prize in pre- ventive medicine and of the Plunkett prize for profi- ciency in clinical medicine, A Port Perry resident, James Neal Gray,. was among the graduating stu- dents. A. E. John Thompson, C.A., of Toronto has been appointed special adviser on taxation to the depart- ment of finance for 18 months, it was -announced today by Finance Minister Gordon Mr. Thompson is the son Of Mr. eng Mra. 0. 6, Thompson of 71 Bagot st., Brooklin NOW THAT YOU'VE DECIDED TO DANCE.,, LEARN ALL THE NEW STEPS... Brush Up On The Old Favorites AY YOM 43s ARTHUR MURRAY FRANCHISED STUDIO "The World's Finest... by Reputation" W. Morks, Licensee, 1114 Simeee 8. Air Conditioned Studio. Open 1 to 10 p.m. Doily FOR Information Call 728-1681 HERE and THERE Congratulations are being extended to Christine Chyb of 227 Hillsdale avenue who celebrates her 13th birthday today Two members of the board of examiners of the Royal Conservatory of Mu sic of Toronto will conduct current examinations for t conservatory in Os next month. Douglas E from will) conduct exams June 14 to June ¢ and Dorothy A ae conduct iging € am on June 14 Melody Nelson, who was reported missir last Thursday when st ailed to return home a school Wednesday, came home dur- ing the weekend, her mo ther, Mrs. Gerald Nelson told The Times today A set of cuff links: and a tie bar featuring the crest of the City of Sherbrooke were presented Friday to W m Kurelo, Civic Auditorium manager. Mr. Kurelo said Sherbrooks's city engineer visited the auditorium and studied the building plans and specifications The mayor and seven members of Sherbrooke's council re- cently visited the auditor- ium, The cuff links and tie bar were presented to Mr. Kurelo by the engineer on behalf of the City of Sher- brooke Frank and Ferne Ball were singled out by Oshawa Travel Trailer Club mem bers during a recent outing for a "This is Your Life" episode in honor of their wedding anniversary. Birth- day parties were held dur ing the outing for Jeffrey Bakker, Ralph Boake and Kirk Noltie Oshawa Fire Department answered only one call over the weekend, to the home of Ben Mitchell, 249 Cordova rd., where grease in a frying pan had overheated. Dam- age was estimated at $100 to building and contents. City ambulance answered two routine house calls The current issue of The Ontario Gazetie carries the information that letters pa- tent of incorporation have been granted to Oshawa Realty (Bond st.) Limited and Michael Zygocki Limit- ed, both of Oshawa and Stonehaven Farms Limited, of Whitby The meeting of the season member's night -- will be staged tonight at E. A. Lovell publie school by the Oshawa Naturalists' Club : last ' ing the 51,000 troops on German NEED A NEW FURNACE? No Down Poyment--First Payment December--Coll PERRY Day or Night . . . 723-3443 Royal Trip To Germany Is Praised By CAROL KENNEDY LONDON (CP)--The Queen's tour of Germany, the longest foreign visit of her reign, has Bonn republic. orial suggestions that the Royal speech-making ap- peared a bit rough and that An-| glo - German warmth } enough. The Germans must} help pay for keeping the British! army on the Rhine, one edito- rial said. "But most certainly must pay" says The Sunday Citizen, a mass-circulation bloid. | "We want £85,000,000 ($255,- 000,000) in the next two years," the London newspaper adds, in reflecting on the cost of keep- soil. The British government is trying to get the Germans to buy more from Britain to help balance the outflow of British funds on army costs The Sunday Citizen chided the Royal speech - writers for having the Queen say that "'too much" had been made. of Anglo - German differences in the past. In the observer, Neal Ascherson said.the political ad- vances of the speech-writers were Slightly crude. HE § CRITICAL He was critical that this *"crudeness" included "lightly veiled jibes at France' two weeks before President de Gaulle is scheduled to make a second visit ta Germany Yet he agreed, as did many other commentators in both countries, that the Royal trip showed that 'a triumph of af- fection was won,.an outpouring of that love and puzzled respect the Germans have never quite ceased to feel for Brit ain."' As the Royal Couple rode smiling through Germany's prosperous, rebuilt cities, the German image of the cold, hard English shattered in joyful chants of "Elizabeth, Eliza beth." Nobody has tried to predict how the glow will survive in practical form after the Union Jack comes down in Bonn, Mu nich and Cologne. All through the visit, observers were consci ous of the two levels involved-- the popular fiesta in the streets and baroque palaces and the political undertones occasionally reflected by the Queen's speech writers Some British newspapers flinched when the Queen re ferred in Bonn to Britain's whole hearted support' for Germany's desire for peaceful reunification--a word that in spires distrust in many middle aged Britons A vivid display of butter- flies, moths and spiders is a feature of the Oshawa Naturalists' Club on view at the McLaughlin Public Li- brary for the next two weeks. The specimens on display are part of a collec- tion owned by Robert Scar- lett, of ,Jasmine cres. ing Hanlon ed told at dances late girls amounted to ly $130 Bruce tion been paid in full by the: girls Magistrate (CP) and four other persons were in- jured in a two-car collision 85 miles north of here Sunday. of Montreal cars' which met |ROYAL COLLEGE OF ARMS CONCERNED | WEATHER FORECAST | Hees' Daughter, Lacks "Elasticity By HAROLD MORRISON : Seen LONDON (CP) -- The Royaljby Sir Anthony Wagner as gar-and flags won praise at home and in the cojjege of Arms is 'reported to|ter ' be concerned over the lack of\is understood that when the Ca-/how the heraldic changes are day and cloud which now cov- But with it have come edit-\elasticity" in the descriptive nadian flag design was first|to be properly described 5 which regulates want to get into a dispute with of While college officers de- of heraldic procedure. BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE and which had to be considered and ag ; clined comment, the informant|recorded at the Royal College. ¥a5 Said to lack precision in said the rigid terms in which Reese hendee ae \the new flag has been formally REGULATE SYMBOLS \described would make it more mr ** some aspects of Canadian han- tie 'a-\dling of design procedure. The Royal College is headedit some Oflqualities of the Canadian flag.|prepared, he was consulted by An informant said the college,|Canadian authorities but that)technical description of the Ca-\yitl be slightly higher in' the H heraldic sym-jhis adyice on heraldry was not nad A 1S NOtlbols for the Queen, does not accepted. The conclusion reachec |the Canadian government over among officials close to the) ministration : the issue, but there is-a feel-| royal household was that politi-| (his service and provided the| ries while a moderating tem- kay disappointment ;within| ¢ they this royal household body over| in the Canadian flag design its technical some cise in others heraldic) ficient elasticity in 'the descrip- \difficult to consider minor mod-|symbols under the Queen's ju-|tion to provide for possible mod- ifications in future years with- ridiction, the Royal College nor-|ifications to take care of chang- out legislation and a great deal mally would be consulted when-|ing tastes in future years, the lever changes are to be made inlinformant said As. regulators . of {1 Three 16-year-old girls were each given a one year suspend led Oshawa Magistrate's Court Fri day sentencing charges sentence with probation at they on appeared for wallet theft when an earlier hearing Elaine 589 King st. e., plead- guilty to 12 theft charges Irena Klaman, of 97 Wilson rd. s., pleaded guilty to four At theft charges and her twin sis- ter Hendryka Klaman admitted 17 theft counts All the thefts that. time held at Total money the court was took place at O'Neill Colleg- taken by the approximate- Yesterday Crown Attorney Affleck said that restitu- for the stolen money had Putting each girl on probation Frank Ebbs im posed a 10 p.m. curfew. The girls, he said, should not be out later.than this time He also ordered that the girl not see each other during the course of the probation Two Killed In Soo Crash SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont ~ Two men were killed Dead are Harold Hooper, 45 Battle Creek, Mich., and Wilon McLean, 33, of nearby River, drivers of the head-on The passengers in the Hooper vehicle, Vernon Potts, 37, and | Robert Locke, 47, both of Battle W. Gullison of Fraser av. won a quilt and Mrs. Nina Henderson received a dollie at the recent Woodview Sen- ior Citizens bazaar held in the Woodview Park Club- house, John Smith, vice- president announced today SEND ATOMS BY RAIL British scientists have pro duced a safe package for trans- porting radioactive materials by rail freight broken jaws suffered concussions and facial lacer- Creek, alions Norman Wismer, 44, of Thes salon, Ont., a passenger in the McLean car, was in serious condition with a erushed chest, multiple rib fractures, a broken leg, two broken arms and mul- tipel lacerations to the body. John Hooper, 12, the son of the dead man, was released after treatment in. hospital at Wawa, Ont ALWAYS THERE WITH READY CASH B 286 KING ST. W. NIAGARA FINANCE NF-65-4 FOR ANY GOOD REASON for vacations <> car repairs <> to pay overdue bills <> home repairs and refur- nishings <> for unexpected expenses. *50% to *2,500% OR MORE GUARANTEED PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE COMPANY LIMITED scene of an accident Ralphitoday. This allowed him t0jtion's productivity a 25-per-cent ee 3 cee _|walk out of the courthouse @ increase by 1970 vans Bell, 319 Green st., Whit lf ree man Pail wy , by, was fined $100 and costs : ela rment sources said they specifically examined pro- with a choice of one month nisl gape aide ya A sé in ail. A b L d pr « § i e industriai m +4 4 3ell Ta ea ers investment, modernize industry le court heard haw bel 8 and expand exports ; smashed into a parked car on Meet In Cairo Wilko edith: s Be : Simcoe st. n. and .then drove House ot C r as wl ia jaway. His licence number was} CAIRO (Reuters) -- Arab a 'ht eat | MALOrIY of noted by two people who saw/heads of government Sunday tg. . ty A ue taken a the accident ended their second conference Sees Of Sharp and unpopular here this veat after five days economic moves since his gov ernment took office last Oc Jers ond his knowledge constitutes | qualified, courteous service for you in any real estate problems you 728-1636 may hove. e| 116 Simcoe St, 8, and than his residence Wayne Finnie 83 Park rd. s., $25 fine with a choice of 15 days in jail patrol al Bond st at the King st Guide Realty wishes to announce the addition to their staff of Mr. Doug Trivett, a long time resident of Oshawa who was for many yeors the sales manager ot McLaughlin |Coal end Supplies Ltd. Deug was secretary of the Oshowa Builders Association for 4 yeors ond has been very active in local commun- ity affairs, i | Girls, 16, Given | | | | 1 Y P e jLeo David Beaulieu, of Bulalie | jave., -Year Probation ::::":. backdated For failing to remain at the|Beaulieu was remanded in cus- Being drunk in a public place for having wine Stanley $25 fine for the having charge Sept. 13 and publie place $10 for being drunk in a Having beer in a place other cost George a Five times and Oshawa police tried to stop a fleeing Finally the chase came to an end on Garrard rd. in Whitby Township where the car was brought to a halt Friday the driver of the car John James Sullman, of Gar-} rard rd., RR 3, Oshawa, plead-| ed guilty to a charge of dan gerous driving He was fined '$100 and costs r one month in jail Mr. Affleck explained to the court that Sullman's car was seen to run a red light at the junction of Stevenson rd. n. and did the same thing junction. The po The car City-Wide Delivery MITCHELL'S DRUGS 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 Open Evenings Till 9 P.M MR, DOUG TRIVETT He has been closely d with real estate and build- GUIDE REALTY LTD. (REALTORS) 723-1121| Canadian j informant said the Canadian ad-\in. north, It will be quite cool ignered)tonight under generally clear description] Siders jattempts to stop the car. TORONTO (CP) --Forecasts issued by the weather office in banners Toronto at 5:30 a.m the he.design of shields In such cases, Synopsis: principal king of arms. It)college could provide advice on any consequence is expected to- x ; ers most of the area should This service of providing a slowly dissipate. Temperatures ian flag was available to the south today than they government but the/sunday and slightly lower virtually sedence over heraldic quali-iapparently jarred the tradition), ocqay. 1 considerations had taken|¢ollege with a description which) ,erature trend should begin whe ; al College con- ' ' : of what the Hawai College On| Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie , ; Lake Huron, Windsor, London: The Canadian flag description) and was over-pre- There was insuf- ways ; py BA : x milder Tuesday. Winds light. Niagara, Lake Ontario, Geor- gian Bay, Haliburton, Killaloe, Wilson Conducts Talks On Economy LONDON (Reuters) -- Prime Minister Wilson held talks Sun- day on Britain's economy that could settle the timing of Brit- ain's next general election -- widely tipped for autumn or 9 IYC-- MAY 31 His discussions with top cab- inet colleagues were centred on the Labor administration's ambitious plans to give the na- ice gave chase and made five On King st. 'an occupant of he car, he said, threw out a of beer. For driving under suspension sentenced to The sentence the time eight was when was to of almost continuous wrangling H tober over a unified political and mil Clay, .769 Cambridge ave., was itary stand against Israel Now he is arixious to present fined a total of $35 with a choice) The conference, in prepara-| '© Positive side of labor's eco of one month in jail tion for the third Arab heads|"9™Mle policy, confident that it Magistrate Ebbs imposed alof state meeting now set for will prove a vote-winner 3 in Casablanca, was or iginally scheduled to end Satur- H 7 da t with discussion on Sluggish Ki neys purif the Arab atmos phere May Bring OR Ail' YOUR DRUG STORE| Restless Nights NEEDS If you "fight the ad turn «@ through "t really know' why 4 M Phone ngs and help for sx sin an be ace to such restlessnes r 723-2245 sluggish kidney Urina ri- tation and i liscomf may follow. The re an be backache and restless nights. Thi I's Kidney Dod d's stim eve th FREE-CITY-WIDE-DELIVERY JURY AND LOVELL Dodd's Kidney suc- over 79 years, TUXEDO RENTALS We carry a complete line of $yd SILVER'S formal wear and accessories for all occa- sions Free Booklet on formal wear and wedding procedures. Pick up your copy today. "A Name For Fine Clothes' Fee 723-7974 g Until 9 P.M 2312 Simcoe South Open Fri, Evenir But Clear Tonight No precipitation of were in Clear tonight. Increasing cloudi- ness Tuesday: Cool today a little | Catherine, Weds New Flag Criticized | Continuing Cool -- PLEASANTVILLE About 60 attended of ( Fe and wedding Saturday Hees, daughter of and Mrs. Hees of (CP) relatives friends the atherine Hees George Toronto, Hamilton: Sunny with Montreal. and Wayne Philip El- a few cloudy periods today. ).. t Radeor P : x Clear tonight. Mainly sunny ree a., who is com- Tuesday. Continuing cool, Winds Pleting studies for a doctorate light at Columbia University in New Algoma, Sudbury: Mainly York city sunny today. Clear tonight. In : -- creasing cloudiness Tues day.) Cool today a little milder Tues-| day. Winds light Timagami, Cochrane, Narth Bay: Clearing during the day Clear tonight. Mainly sunny Tuesday. Cool today warmer Tuesday. Winds light. White River: Clearing during the day. Clear tonight. Increas- Cool to- Tuesday.| i ing cloudiness Tuesday day a little milder Winds light Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, high Tuesday: Windsor ...... coos 48 70 PL St. Thomas. - 40 65 | ANNING A... PONNOD cic iscceces: On 6 | @ BANQUET Kitchener ...+e06. 38 65 } Mount Forest..... 38 62 | e CONVENTION Wingham ...:.0.. 38 62 * MEETING Hamilton ... - 40 60 St. Catharines. 40 - 68 | First Class Facilities Toronto 45 65 For 20 to 400 Guests Kingston ' . a8 65 S Peterborough .... 3 65 Quality oervige TYERION Sccccceene a8 65 | Experienced Staff Killaloe .... 30 65 Muskoka on | RESERVE YOUR North Bay 3062 FUNCTION NOW! Sudbury 30 62 Earlion Pie * | 65 | 723 4641 Sault Ste. Marie.. 32 42 HOTEL Kapuskasing 30 68 fd L White River 28 65 F Moosonce .... 32 60 (f e Timmins ...... eco «628 68 Want to get longer _ hours to save by? TUESDAY AND ALL DAY WEDNESDAY SPECIALS a BLADE STEAKS Seasoned JITNEY BURGERS C each 2» $1 5-lb. Box 2-39 Small Link PURE PORK SAUSAGE Seasoned BEEF PATTIES BUEHLER'S. 12. KING ST. EAST -- 723-3633 Look into National SINCE 1898 f7'% 1898 'y National Trust has its own ideas about daylight saving time. They are open longer hours each day for your greater business convenience, Beside giving you longer hours to save by, National Trust also gives you 4% interest * on your savings, and free chequing privileges on a reasonable number of cheques..Look into National today. "nterest calculated on the miainum hali-yoarly balance, $2 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH, OSHAWA AND 12 OTHER OFFICES IN GREATER TORONTO

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