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Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 May 1965, p. 6

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Eee ne neortheoerhelhd Aelaa [Three Locals 'Claremont Area Oshawa Jr. Legionnaires ON MILLION -DOLLAR LINE Help Huntsville pu Soltball Dates 'Tyounce East York Boys 7 t 7 ¥ y Posen and Port Perry vs 0 1rs in May 31 -- Brougham-Bay fidees ss X- ey I i e I aw S Sea '; am y ; Goodwood and Greenwood vs Claremont. Oshawa Junior "Legion-| They added two in the third a ' b a eee eee j Brock rd., and Bay Ridges vs Claremont, naires' chalked up a one-sided|on singles by Ken Werse and Huntsville Hawks and Brook- g | f j pied wears, * tf q : % ee igham-Pickering vs Port therfor w lin Merchants were winners| 7 f fg i Perry and Bay Ridges vs Brougham. triumph over East York Kins- ye song ig ayia : ae June 3 -- Claremont-Goodwood vs Port)men, 17-6 here at the Kinsmen, e fourth, Steve & | Saturday in Ontario Lacrosse} 7 j ' 'Perry and Greenwood vs Pickering ees ih IS {Hackett opened with a single, Association Senior A games ey, Wile 4 june 7 -- Brougham-Bay Ridges vs'C:vic Memorial Stuadium, on pitcher Garry Hawkshaw also For the Hawks, who defeated j 4 7 j j "i Brougham and Claremont vs Brock y : rd. June 8 ~ Claremont-Claremont vs Pick- Saturday afternoon, in a regu-isingled, Fred Norman walked onimants ; Brampton Ramblers 14-6, it Bing 4 sii : . REGINA (CP)--Murray. Bal- ' i , om Hershey Bears of the American) was He tinal ania atten tues da: i me | ip ae emia hee a a Junior Baseball! Feel ggrethegel got on, scoring four, 28, the original right" 4 League, playing 18 games for/feats and moved them into a re te Bravaham ve, Port Perry. Paw ae ot wey ap i oe winger on Chicago. Black them before the illness struck.|third-place tie with Port Credit, , A Brock 'rd, and Port Perry vs Bay Ridges., . Itty Nekkers started on the barks ai . ot inning, on Hawks' Million Dollar Line, ' , An aggressive, hard-checking|pe terborough and St. Cath- te je ae i4 -- Brougham-Goodwood vs mound for Oshawa and gave, back-to-back hits by Braitwaite died in, hospital Sunday. y winger, Balfour had a mixture ayines Sah ea rs : ta roi ag "a pempcoer Bonet em. way in the fourth inning when} and Werse, plus a costly outfield The rugged 178-pound for ; of good and bad luck in his NHL. Three members of the team ; i kills" in 25 birds. Right por perry and Pickering vs Bay Ridges. East York threatened a big|bobble. This was the only run ® le ennnnne j ] -areer _ the Oshawa Skeet Club's on his heels in the bid for June 16 Brougham-Claremont vs rally, Gary Newitt took over|allowed by Newitt ward, who played six seasons career were recruited for Saturday's ' ih Salle oe 'as Bob McCoy Brougham and Goodwood vs Brock rd. PhS Me ae in the National Hockey League, Pia 5 He suffered a succession of game from Oshawa Green first open tournament of the laurels was 'ob McCoy june 17 -- Claremont-Goodwood vs Pick..and kept the visitors' bats al-| Oshawa scored two in the first, was recuperating at his par- 4 serious injuries, beginning with! Gaels of the Junior A series the season, which was con- (eft) of Brooklin, who broke ering and Greenwood vs Bay Ridges mos* entirely silent. Nekkers re- lon Wayne Cookson's walk, E c tai home trom anv " la badly broken arm that ie ducted on the international- 22 and in third place with June 21 Brougham-Brougham turned to the. mound to start the| Peterson was hit by a_ pitch peration wy es Recruit Phil Clayton scored kolo Oh Ge atitic saw 31. was Allen Wood (right) Brock rd. and Claremont vs Port Perry, | | Pp April t at Harrisburg, Pa., to i knocked him out of the playoffs|three goals, Jim Higgs two, >,' ot Sompeunon, 8 oh WAS NH g cum 2 = Claremont-Ciaremont vs'9th inning and finished off the/Tony Jones walked and Gary correct a respiratory problem.) f jin 1961 and had tobe reset the!ang Dwight Davis one. Regular Bill Welsh (centre) take top of Oshawa. a Berto egld pat) rae game with three-straight batters,| Newitt singled, to score two of He entered hospital Saturday. l 'following winter. Jim Roberts scored three, Stan honors yesterday, with 23 Port Perry and Brougham vs Pickering. the last one, a strikeout victim.|his mates. A product of the Regina mi- Although he was not in a [andoni two and Tom Conlin, : | cosgwood and Claremont ve Bey Ridges | The East York boys could hit--| Legionnaires went wild in the nor hockey system, Balfour en-| 4 |class with the free - wheeling naye Lough and Ed Hutzell ° e | they collected a dozen safeties,|third, with a six-run rally, on tered professional hockey with) / |Hull as a goal-scorer--his best! one each, B ll W ] h W | lone more than Oshawa, but they| three walks, two errors and two the Montreal Canadiens organi- & output was 21 goals in the 1960- Ramblers got two goals from 1 e S ins | Ran ers Win jleft too. many runners stranded big hits, a single by Pat Watters zation in 1957. He was sold to j61 season--Balfour was deadly Mike Finigan, and one each by g a on the bases. A walk to Ianiand Ted. Lutton's triple that Chicago two years later after Z in the playoffs. "i Bruce Wanless, Jim Spicer, Kd . Braithwaite, another to Bob climaxed the outburst. playing for Montreal Royals in} ™ Of his nine Stanley Cup goals, /Q'Keefe and Wayne Thompson Still Unbeaten Leval and then a single by Bob The homesters added three in the defunct Quebec Hockey, 4 two broke up overtime games, The Merchants ran their un ee ournamen Rutherford plus an infield error, the fourth, a pair in the fifth League and Rochester Ameri- ' the first against Montreal inipoaten streak 16 four games Hogenboom "Rangers -- Boceeriaaye the Visitors their first two! and finished up with four in the cans of the poo League. uf i 1961 and the second against De-| with a 13-5 win over St. Cath As the echo of 'the last shot! Taking second place in 'the Club Saturday et defeated tun: in the first inning. seventh. John Lindfield took over winger Bobby. Hull, Baltour MURRAY BALFOUR teammates during the 1961 play pedis "tot he had ua won lin, another of the district's spits SESE Wal Oe eibageg Bp eee aap ae sepia - pd aa: er pa made up the Million Dollar Line offs, getting five goals to Hull's Oshawa Pee Wees the International atvie. skeet more active shooters. Placing Thistles outplayed Rangers in KANSAS CITY (AP) -- Kan- errata the ve Hactatt ine which brought the Black Hawks four-player deal that brought|four and Hay's two, 2 taurnaient. held at the Northithird in. the event: wan Allen the first half but had to settle|sas City Athletics announced or ual ix (ie te Pk TL their first Stanley Cup in 23' defenceman Matt Ravlich to the) Only two men -- Maurice Beat Bowmanville Oshawa fields of the Oshawa! Wood of Oshawa. McCoy scored for a scoreless He after a: {aatiF tiday te ogning a Doe wards had a try at it ' years in 1961. Hawks, Hampered by leg injur-|(Rocket) Richard of Montreal Skeet Club i is Ga eat dh Wend moving and entertaining 30 min- Mossi, veteran left-hander who ss ya GOES TO BRUINS ies, he was held to two assists|With six and Mel (Sudden| Oshawa Legion Pee Wees' Running an admirable score eg abt weit ae n Wood tak- utes Good scoring opportunities has played with several Amer- _Ted Lutton, Dave Mitchell, Balfour went to Boston Bru-|in 15 games with-the Bruins last}Eeath) Hill of Boston -with}who dropped their season's of 93-birds-out-of-25, Welsh) e,(ure WH =I by Martin Vesters, John Van-ican League clubs the last 11 Gary Newitt, Rod Williams, ins in the summer of 1964 in a'season and was sent down to|three--have scored more over-jopener last Wednesday night,|cjaimied top gun out of a field The first tournament of the:Hoof and Fred Van Enschot years At the same. time the each with a pair were the big scuceaeesaeiseatile time goals in Stanley Cup play.ja_ nip-and-tuck 1-0 thriller, in of 19 entries in the tourney Oshawa Skeet Club was keenly,were turned aside Athletics announced Tom Har- batters in 0 sha wa's 11-hit Injuries eventually cost Bal-|Ajax, climbed into the win This ic accepted as aniconte sted with gunners coming Rangers began to come on 'ison, 20, a rookie right-hander, attack. Wayne Cookson walked four his place on the Hawks'|column. in their second start in auniboaient enna the shoot-|in from outlying points to par- through the first 15 minutes of had been claimed on waivers three times and scored on each en "s ou es eam top line in 1963-64 and he was|the Eastern Ontario Pee Wee oy is held to a handicap in the "@!pate the second half but play followed 7 the Washington Senators. chance. Eric Peterson had a chiefly used in a utility role,;League, -when. they whipped International style of shoviing Among those who scored well generally the same pattern. Ap- Ma@si was a free agent similar record . picking up only two goals in 41 Bowmanville lads 10-3 here at) whore the conventional method|were Bill Rudyk breaking 21,/parently fired up by a tangle at Tie And Lose In Tsp Pla games Alexandra Park, on Sunday|or shooting skeet isto shoulder|/Max Rrown and Jon Lawrence midfield, resuting in the expul- A bachelor, he lived with his| afternoon the gun and "call" for the bird,|tied with 20 each. Stan Starr, sion of a player from each parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon) Allan Taylor pitched the win| which is sprung into the air Russ Watson and Jim Later-team, the Hogenboom club This past week, Oshawa Ten-|Benoit of T.L.T.C. struggled for|Balfour of Regina, and ran a for Oshawa limiting the visitors iimediately. the International neau, D. Hubbard all tied with booted three goals past the nis Club's men's doubles team,/an 8-6, 6-4 win over Ray Petre/billiard parlor during the off-|to five hits while chalking up 11 requires the cun to be held at 19 each, while Ron Bowman and Thistle goaltender before the in the Toronto 'C' Tennis Lea-'and Norm Davis of OTC; Bill|season strikeouts. Hits by Forsey and hip level while calling for the George Davis, E. Crowley and final whistle sounded gue, played to a draw in its Balfour and Jack Whitebread Rogers, plus a wild pitch, gave bird The bird can rea be de- B. Wilson broke 18 each. Jim) John Oortwyn counted a pair match. while the 'RB' teamiof T.L.T.< also fought hard Bowmanville their first run in laved in release, up to three Kurpita carried away 17 broken with Karel Vermeulen scoring werit down to defeat, by a 3-1/to defeat Jim Macdonald and Green Gaels the opening frame and they) ccconds, thus making it im-jbirds while N. Kurpita followed'a single. Ranger goalie Gordon margin Harvey Moyer of OT( 6-4 6-4; added two more in the third perative that the gunner be ex- up with 16. Bob Tompkins of Kea played heads-up ball to keep! On Wednesday evening, the/the Oshawa pair of Jim Suther- inning with Steven, Crough and!;.,mely alert for the shot Scarborough tallied last with 12. Oshawa off the score sheet, mak-| ANADIAN WHISKY '©' team played at the Oshawa/land and Ron Cox gained a s all hitting in succession, s ing the final score 3-0 : Ld Ro 2g i courts against the visiting Lea-|brilliant 8-6, 4-6, 6-1 "ors AT Toni ht for Taylor's only weak session ee a With six points in three side Tennis Club over Charlie Warren and George Larry. Buckley's single start Hd games, Rangers lead the league,| é if SKI The results of those matches|Jeryn of T.L.T.C. and finally By trouncing Etobicoke-Alder-/ed Oshawa off in the first in roo in Is. on nue are followed closely by Oshawal One of Canada's 3 Great Whiskies were as follows: Glen VanDu-|Fred Webb and Denis Kirsten|wood 23-9 at Hastings Saturday ning, Brian Rose walked, Allan Italia with five points. Oshawa! son and Manfred Rainer of Lea-|of T.1..T.C., defeated Brian Bar-\night the Hastings Juniior Le Taylor doubled then with two Italia' last year's champions | side gained a 6-2, 7-5 victory,|ker and Terry Keys of OTC|gionaires moved into second out, Frank McCabe singled, Jeff Thei r Undefeated Pace sonra oft with the Rancens in| despite a -gallant comeback bid/6-0, 6-4, although these young|place in the Ontario Junior la- Stapleton doubled, Mike Cook l an_imporant.contest for both by Jim Sutherland and Harry/jfellows nearly pulled their sec-'crosse series and set up a bat- singled and so did Dave Swin- : clubs Thursday night at 8 p.m. Joyce of OTC; Gerry Graham/ond set out of the fire afteritie for first place, with the Son. When the dust had cleared BY CLIFF GORDON their regular goalie, Bob. Mc- and John Hunt of Leaside de-| being down 5-1 league-leading Oshawa Green five runs had crossed the plate.| 'Those red-hot Brooklin fellows, ' ready, it aa ae pare feated Ralph McKendry and! All our teams must certainly|Gaels. tonight at the Os a The homesters added two in their Senior lacrosse club, did it, With two an@ single goals ] Bryce Brown of OTC 6-2, 6-4:\be congratulated on their ef-|Civic auatteni h hawa the third, one in the fourth and/again on Saturday night as they Dara Hall, Ron. Roy and Pete Boston, Connol y Ron Guiltinan and Murray Har-jforts against probably some of The Gaels have beer two more in the fifth, for their racked up their fourth win in- Berge S per of OTC defeated Stan Gold- their toughest opposition of the | away winners nai thelt fie total a-row in as many starts, as they The Brooklin team is idle until et World Marks smith and Clare Scott of Lea-|year contests to date but Coach Jim dumped the St. Catharines Ath- Thursday night, when they. will) \ionieoro, Calif. (AP) side 6-4, 8-3 and finally, the|/VISIT LEADERS NEXT Bishop is prepared for his . : : letics 15-5, at the Whitby Arena tangle with the Port Credit World records in the broad team of Keith Alderton and! The match for the 'B' team toughest competition tonight, Hastings Within in an OLA league game Credit Sailors, up in the Starch jump and hammer throw fell John Hentig of OTC, defeated! will be Thursday June 3, at the with the arrival of Billy * 'The win, while .much more Town. The same "Sailors will Saturday to veterans Ralph Alan Burke and Obrek New'Toronto Cricket Club, whose! mour and company Two Points Gaels convincing than the 1-09 win .by|be back in Whiby, to do battle 'pian and Hal Connolly in the of Leaside 6-3, 6-3 team is currently holding first} 'Rock' Batley coach of Hast the local team in the league|with the Brooklin sextet, on). California vatave Al RA LEE HERE WED. eS place in the Toronto 'B League ings, says that his club will win soouinulated (8 'oclnta mond Boston jumped 27 feet, five The next match for the '( All members will be interest-|it all this year and the. scoring the S. pe ty hii at pe ' a ; seh ated bh . m Saturday to help boost ' inches on his final leap of com team will be Wednesday even-jed to know that- another dance|record of the team is a close the Legionnaires within two 3rooklin on top of the six-team S db I | petition. C lly hurled the 16 ning, June 2 with the Aura Leelis being planned for June 11.|second to the Gaels this sea r walleague, with their perfect rev u ury ta la Ot ie ty pore : ieee at ; noints of the first-place Oshawa leasu tf I pound hammer 233 feet, two Tennis Club visiting in Oshawa Another reminder to all new|son, they having counted 73 G reen Gaels in the junior series 0rd of 4-0 . nches on his fourth attempt in Thursday evening, the Osh-;members that Ray Petre willjtimes against the Oshawa total . ; ] sd The scoring for the Brooklin Wins By 6-0 Count veh r attempt in pry | a oy of the Ontario Lacrosse Associ the afternoon @wa 'B' team journeyed to the|be continuing his tennis clin-jof 82 ation 'eam was once sin. well boro Lawn Tennis Club, ae on a bw / This will be a four-point game Bill Armour and Jim Grady divided, with no less than nine By THE CANADIAN PRESS which is recognized as one ofjo'clock with the possibility ofjfor both clubs -- in importance) .ocp got six goals and seven players hitting the score sheet. Sudbury Italia played -- the Pla er's 200 PROUDLY EXPORTED TO MORE THAN 50 COUNTRIES GISTILLED. MATURED AND BOTTLED IN CANADA BY CANADIAN SCHENLEY DISTILLERIES LTO Three Hastings forwards Saturday night opener, did not count any more points but if served to keep the top ranking clubs in Can-jround-robin tournaments in the/as there is little doubt to. date assists and Jim Patterson. Jerry Burrows and Doug Vi-only winning game in_ three @scw.inc. = = oh ada. near future that they are the top contend- : 20% ach, National Soccer League games -- j , a hep A Oe oe nie sei : : "scored six and got four assists|pond picked up three goals eac i ls Lag n In spite of very strong oppo Also, Ray is setting up a lad ers for the championship as Hastings whipped Etobicoke Ken Lotton (who is really flying) |during the weekend, defeating COMMERCIAL @ INDUSTRIAL sition, one of Oshawa's teamsider system of recording singles') Green Gaels will be at fulllterriers 23-9. In the only other.and Grant Heffernan, the flect- Toronto Hellas 6-0 Saturday MOSPORT gained a victory, while the other|and doubles standings, amongs!jstrength for the contest tonight junior action of the weekend, footed college star, picked up a For the Sudbury team it was DRIVEWAYS AND PARKING AREAS pee: mee oe. eee mie saat airavaept dike : and the fans will be seeing three St. Catharines Supertests/pair of goals apiece with single the second win in three starts many anxious moments, as all'challenge matches. We are cer-|16-year-olds, who moved up to tall { : pa iia . ails: ken Hivenk ' al 1 . drowned Brampton Armstrongs tallies going to Elmer Tran, Scoring for Italia were Frank J th the matches were very close.|tain this will add a lot of in-|the senior ranks, on loan to 90-12 for their first victory after Glen Lotton, Don Craggs, Bob Rosati and Ferruccio with two une The results of those matches |terest to any. member who is|Huntsville, Saturday night, in") ~ wy . nbs 'ek th ; . ; : three defeats Hanna and Don Bruce goals each. Juliano Taglialegne 7 : K terested 1 ¢ etition. > oT f > ¢ i . 7 : T ware: Gord Cole and Frank'at all interested in competition oe ane Oe of Air yc pig At Hastings, Ken Henderson For St. Catharines, who were and Dan Perovic 'scored one Advance Ticket Sales @ 20 Months to Pay wight Davies and Jimmy Higgs. They proceeded to: lead scored four Legionnaire goals playing without the services of each $2.75 @ 3 Year Guarantee = ° 4 the Huntaville tes in a ike and Jim Gooley one. For Etobi- In Windsor, Ont., the home ' oronto = istric Ins : , i aa, ie tt y Shs coke, Bill Morrison scored Teutonia gained its first point|] Avsileble et... CALL AJAX 942 3786 win over Srampton, with MlgesSiippee while single goals came Inferno Stakes Saturday by holding Kitchener OSHAWA ws soalk. with two doing to Clay from Al MacNeil) Garry Ken- Schoolbo rack Meet ton and as ngle to" Davies: nedy, Fred lanizzi, Mickey Ian- Go T E D Joe Eber! scored twice for Simcoe St. N. | . r 7 5 . e ghill 4 Aria Me- ir while P Stor 9 According to observers the see Coghill and Brian M es '¢) . ay Windso while Sat stern got ORONO PAVING speed of the Junior Gaels show : ep Our Fok tLpgener aia ON One (eee eee COMPANY Canadian school records were;shot-put and George Clouthier's puntaviile' to ine vinkory. On scored four goals for the win+ hig bay horse, won the $12,000 Schablinski once BOWMANVILLE shattered Saturday, two by Tor- win in the intermediate long) iggy night: last. Gael NeiliMels and. John Bergsma, Jim/Inferno Stakes Handicap Satur-| Two Toronto teams, Olympia BRITON'S SMOKE SHOP throwers, at the Ontario Feder- talled 19 points. Tied for second);, prooklin in a win in Saint three each. Brampton's goalS'second of the season less tie Sunday ation of School Athletic Associ-/place were Windsor Kennedy|(..iho ines "e~\came from Mike Marks, with 'Taking the lead a sixteenth of pionships Schoo! Wilfong, Chris Redge and Doug and jockey Pat Remillard never Gary Kenney of Victoria' Mike Mercer of Oakville Independence Bid Swa ckhammer, with two jooked back and ran the 1 1-16- Ip * > av \ Ta leading the way with' three Kickers to a 3-3 deadlock. DAVE JACKSON'S TEXACO T 'ab . Three i 1 oh dmne rampl Doug Favell TORON' i ms Aaa » e £ 5 TORONTO (CP) Three, Hamelin in the hig ump and ed to advantaze in leading In Brampton 1 FORONTO (CP)--} Day, a Schlote scored twice and Han onto Victoria Park discus- jump, the Ottawa school to Armstrong performed on loan'; ath and Gary Schmor, had day, The victory was' only his and Abruzzi, played to a score- Bryson's Smoke & Tobaeco Shop Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa ations track and field cham- and Oakville - Trafalgar High four, and Ziggy Musial, Dave a mile from the start, > Day Park broke the Canadian Tre ar, who won the senior apiece mile distance in 1:45 1-5. Top schoolboy senior mark with a put and placed second in B NOHA Stalled Toggery and Brother Leo fin- heave of 167 ft. 11% in., while|the discus, faulted three times y ished second and third, respec- vane ; to win the jav VICTORIA (CP)--A bid from SOCCER STANDINGS P : es his. teammate, Dave Arnold,/in his attempt tively won the intermediate title with elin. One of his throws trav- Northern Ontario for branch National League Owner-trainer Pollock pock a throw of 164 ft. 1 in., a Cana- elled more than 200 ft., a dis- status within the Canadian be PRY SS eted $7,000 of the gross purse dian juvenile record tance which would have won Amateur Hockey Associa-/Hakoah 2 18 and KE. Day's backers among Dave Scorrar of Perth C.I. him the event and given his'tion has been stalled for a year|Ukrainians 3 8 2 4 the crowd of 16,055 collected was the other record - breaker school the individual champion- because of a proposed re-align-/ Sudbury : 10: $14.00, $8.40 and $4.00 in winning the open two - mile ship ment of several branches asecrsgo 4 4 event and slicing nearly three The Northern Ontario Hockey Portuguese y ) seconds off the Canadian inter Association now operates in the Olympia y ee Ii Jere TABLE & CHAIR scholastic standard Monaco Grand Prix CAHA under jurisdiction of the) Abruzzi a Trae Sea | RENTALS The Toronto and District In-! . Ontario Hockey Association but op las 5 3 2 au okey Sue térscholastic Athletic Associa T H ll if BRM a motion before the CAHA an uagaria eee: tion won the division title, col 0 1 n nual convention here last week Azzurri 2 Sargeant's Rentals lecting 111% points. The Tor MONTE CARLO (AP)--Bri- sought independence from the Croatia 5 7 13 2iMggs Ritson S. 725-3338 onto Secondary Schools Athletic ain's Graham Hill in a BRM|OHA Windsor 4 ' i | \ssociation was a distant sec- Sunday became the first three- The motion was tabled until ond with 59 in - succession winner of the next year when the association Bob Raftis of Toronto Earl Monaco Grand Prix for For- will vote on a fact-finding com- Haiz. who holds the Canadian mula One car in a ferocious mittee s recommendations call- ® OLA JUNIOR "A" LACROSSE interscholastic pole vault rec- battle between sh BRMs ing for new alignment of On- ord and jumped 14 ft. in a re- and Italian Ferra tario and Quebec branches cent meet, was an unlucky win- Italy Lorenzo. Bandini The committee has proposed ner Saturday. Raftis won the placed second in a Ferrari, and that a new branch be formed event with a leap of 13 ft. 3 in. |BRM driver Jackie Stewart of by a merger of the Thunder but landed awkwardly on_ his Scotland placed third Bay district and the Ontario Oshawa first attempt at 14 ft. 2 in. and Hill's time was two hours, 37 portion of the Northern Ontario broke his ankle minutes, 39.6 seconds, for an district GREEN GAELS Brookfield High School of Ot-,average of 74.18 miles an hour The portion of the Northern tawa won the individual school! Bandini was timed in two Ontario district in Quebec title awarded for the first time./hours, 38 minutes, "43.6 seconds' would come. under jurisdiction Paced by the victories of ju-jand Stewart in two hours, 39 of the Quebec Amateur Hockey niors Graham Cox and Geoff|minutes, 21.5 seconds Association, BARRINGTON HITS 100 WRESTLING BIRMINGHAM (Reuters) led Ken Barrington who batted 7% a & fe a a a a E & ® a 6 B Children 50c hours for 137 before being last] & ; Tues., June { - 8:30 P.M. H SUBSCRIBERS USE ea & BR i) a a a B R AH ] a me! VE ies HASTINGS Legionairres |. \ ADMISSION Adults 1.25 Students 75¢ England once more in the first] Four Great Matches cricket test with New Zealand , é z here Friday. England was, all , mae SEAMAN ART PROFESSOR out at tea for 435 and by the| THOMAS vs. HIRO close New Zealand had replied with 59 for 1 HANDSOME JOHNNY FRED BAREND \ vs. ATKINS Automatic Dryer ALEXANDER THE JERRY Cleaning -- Service || | GREAT vs. LONDON out, provided the backbone for SERIES NO. 3 TICKETS i FREE; ¢ & $1.50 teem Picture AM. --P this calls for action! Every Program You're out of town, Your car's way, you let your fingers do the gone wrong. You need a service- walking. For anything you need, get action man--fast! The Yellow Pages! it's the quick and easy way When you shop the Yellow Pages to get the facts... and get action! the yellow ular Cleaning Prevents bak Maneaun ~~ JOHNNY FIRE Dial 725-8915 a FLANAGAN vs. vaee AUDIT ©) RIlU Me let your fingers do the walking... pages way

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