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Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Jun 1965, p. 9

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[Legionnaires | Scugog Cleaners | Coronation School Holds | Whip Merchants 1 Oshawa Green Gaels jean yg? esr: oe Its Annual Sports Day andra Park Jast ht, as wel as claiming 16 strikeout vie ( ' . as c > m é ; oronation Public School held! Serint_-- Giris: 1. Vickie Campbell and Mast York Kinsmen squeezed|iim, to pitch Scugog Cleaners Debbie Butler, 2. Susan McKelvie and 3, ja couple of runs in the bottom 1 inning. after Oshawa doubled a 10 lead. Fred Juniors to a clear-cut 10-0 vic 9 annual field day on Friday.| Rona weist and Boys: 1. Danny Linde, 2. half of the 9th inning, to obiccases Os < he May 28. and events were con-'Biliy Versiivs and 3. David Damant out Oshawa Legionnaires 7-6 ory ver Ishawa flerchants ducted under the supervision of , Bi! Threw ~- Girls: 1. Susan MeKalvie, me fin their City and District Soft-lin. teaching staff. along. with 2. Janice Hawker and 3. Sylvia Mercer " . in their Leaside Junior Baseball ball Association leacde fixture ling A aiong, wi and Denise Hale and Boys: |, Alan Tole, Oshawa Green Gaels lastjoutsho 42 - 33, and Meryiperiod, and his team proceeded League fixture. last night at ? n jeagi xtu Tom Cotie, Physical Education!?: "ike Mesna ana 3. Danny Linde: night had to perform a feal to hall had to come up withito keep the Green Gaels off the' Hast York Memorial Park Mason faced onlv 32 batters. consultant for the City of Osh- yumor which they are unaccusfomed,\37 saves for his lowest goals-'scoresheet until the 15:45 mark Rast York scored fount sane 4 He issued three walks his mate awa Sprint . Girls 1. Donna Rae de Prato, order to keep intact theirage total of the young sea-|when Mike Lewis tallied, with|the third had, ene error ANA Bill Somos The Novice championships va Nae bene Be yg t pee ; > ¢ 1 » champ ' Vann and Boys a; Junior "A" Series un-|son. Behind a stout defence, Oshawa playing a man short.jhad taken fo open the 8th inning went to Jill Blair and grit Lowry and 3. Mark Dolishney Hd defeated streak Gary Drysdale stopped 26 at) Wayne Atkinson scored less thaniNerman singled to start off their! ars ig Mere a Fleury, while Susan McKelvie ae big Wo ant 1 Debbi Ciaorke ailing by per c 5 » of > { the ¥ . ate ? " te? rats Lie fensively erchants were never iM sa panne Esposite # ie Clarke After trailing by period scores'the other end of the bo / minutes later to give the rally, Gord Hockett singled and! bs cau die and Alan Tole walked off with|@nd Boys: 1. Butch Ritchie, 2. Mike of 2-1 and 4-3, Gaels came back, Hard, persistent checking by|homesters a slim 2-1 margin,\Ken Weese doubled, Bob Ievacll"..te picture Bantam honors. In Junior action| 'pret sume. cine, Pospnney teke sie lat reid FF eae ie hotiled the visi-\eeine i . : ¢ s0V Sar Se Pes "4 5 d road Jumn -- Girls: 1. Sharon Payne, jto take their sixth in-a-row, in he Excel ors bo ed the visi going into the second singled and so did Bob Wattie,, Menzies started on the mound)iy was noup Lean winning the 2. Nancy Bawosky and 3. Kathie Lynd the Brampton Excelsiors' own tors up, nullifying their usualls he clubs counted two apiecethen John Linfield connected fot for Merchants, was bombed for',,.. championship, while the and Boys: |. Doug Lean. 2. Mark Dolish- back yard, 7-5, The victory sharp passing game for two in the second frame, with Edlan. extra-base blow a pitcher five runs in the third inning) sins: title was shared by Donna widens oad ata f gave the Oshawans 12 'points, period Leskiewicz and Chris Rudge| John Madden fallered and four more in the fourth, be Rae de Pratto. Heather McCu-|!MTERMEOIATE Vs inna , al 7 ; t } ale ae 0 OF an Popeil opened the cor scoring E for 1 "~ 'ore Wi too ove Pp gave " b " Sprint Girls: 1. Janet Lean, 2. Max A atop the Junior loop ec vel "28 ere ne eee ring for Brampton before' tn the sixth, Kast York got) ore Wills vk r. He gavelig-k and Kathleen Vann, Janet ine Wilson and 3. Lyn Daniel. and Boys: Despite the win, Oshawa wasiing for Brampton in irstiKen Thompson and John Davisione run on pinch-hitter' fani¥P @ run in the 8th when King|t ean and Richard Harman won|), Richard Harman, 2. Ken Greer and 3, . ii noe tallied late-period markers Sraithwaites' opening single, an|ttipled and scored on Pipher's'ine Intermediate titles and the MRL TuRow (0 ris): 1, Sibylie Wag pe : gS pr ne a t t sirt » Siby'! a ' Chris Rudge scored hislinfield error and then a hobble *"8/¢ Senior championships went to/"@r, 2 Barbara Wood and 3. Lynda Davey TONY S WIN | second of the evening for Ex-|in the outfield In the fourth, two errors, sin-) wondy Taylor and Lewis Bruce (on gf : oes Kissock, 2. Joe Davey "els « bbe ole y Fil '. ay " 5 re, land 3 chard Harman celsiors early in the third, but Meanwhile, Oshawa Legion-|!¢8 by Elliott and Pipher, a) pocuits 'of the events were as| fread Jump -- Girls: 1, Maxine Wile from then on, it was all Osh-|naires had scored a run in the double by Gibbens and Gaskell's follows son 2 Janel Lean and 3. Lyn Daniel and awa t "hog ye : it . ade . . g ys chard Warman, 2 usty awa on the scoreboard, Dwight|third inning, on Wayne Cook-| riple made up the first big Seton and 3, Ricky MeMullen Davies netted a picture-goal to son's single . walk to Peter lrally for the Cleaners. In the NOVICE High Jump Girls: 1, Jenet Leen, 2 give sg . roves Sack Race tis: 1 | r judy Warren and 3. Lyn Daniel and o a oY o all " >, > Oshawa their first lead of|son, another to Chris Roberts. a, "¢%! inning Elliott and Pipher) pes,' tintner an Paity Boys: 1. Rusty Deion! &. Kichane Harman he night, after Gaylord Powless single by Frank Cover and. al@%4in hit singles while Ron Sib Bove: ons Werencia and and 3. David Maga had counted a pair and Rossiwalk to John Fair with the ock doubled and Paul Gibbens | jorce sanion us omers, oes Jones rounded out the scoring hases loaded tripled and scored son Mason's) Sprint vit a print -- ¢ 1. Brenda Mills and 2 for the visite 4 walk to Madden and le Single, Gibbens, with a triple ven Horn and 3. D vs: 1. Lewis Bruee, L We f 1 F sing] : % oF r Nrigh 5 if "4 : # : : Shooter'? Davis added three|hy Cookson plus hits by Dave double and single, was the bigiana 3 r c Th 1 1 wenn te 'i TORONTO Oshawa Tony's|on a solo homer, and also COM | accictc tm } af y ATT f the Pipher had! Ball Threw 4 e an Horn 'and 2. "Helen : gr teh a Sal ; ; a o his goa for a four-|Mitchell and Fric Peterson and|Mlter f ame pher had A 2 7 snick! and Boys Gor- used the age-old formula of|tributed a double. Marshall had) , qi, evening, liffing his season! pile rodeos pS singles also Filo, 2, Debbie Barker and Boys: 1. Davididon Laverty and 2. Lewis Bruce: winning hall games last night pair of hits and former Osh point total to 41. Neil A ns ah son' Roberts' sacrifice, produced two » A eury, 2. Tom Greer and 3. Jerry Zahn : Broad Jump : Girls: 1 Wendy Taylor al 1. Neil Armstrong, + 6 { i : ' a Ih f ovs ewis Br in the Beaches Major Fasthal! awa city and d { , ae alinct m run the fourth John Fa MERCHANTS BANTAM hanibece akbar ates, Lt a Aly leky gh = collectir ' one ihe ae vi gans ng Z Sac ' 'eM Bes Tony's received steady|Larry Weldo +. f 'ae g m me homered in the fif 0 make Boivin, cf and 2b; Herron reutia} f Doris Wannack High Jump Girls Wendy Taylor , : : a urned in a fine perform: jt 4-4 Brve 4 \ a 4h Wills, | 2 and 3. Alice Se Kk? enda Mills and Helen Telesnick pitching from Bob Grier and|Lumber's Dave ) ther ce for the winner Age : : ryan arga, oD, Wis and Boys Mian Tole and 2. Donnie and Boys Lewis Bruce, 2. Gerden home runs by Neil McMahon/|safety Beam Ww Hor lena 1 the 7th,-Pat Watters drew and p; Solomon, s Harris f averty and 3. Jim Cobbledick ram il ig a an a we 8. tt el 4 if and Ray Suddard, to turn back) Suddard ) ' he gia AA alk, Ted Litton singled and' Menzies, p; Whiteley, cf in hroughout the game forithen a sacrifice. walk. infield tandal Roy Metals 5-1 at Kew " Jind str wie : Bramptor leading numerouserror and Peterson's hoice SCUGOG CLEANERS Sib SP Gardens pepesrter «hele Aosta 'e,4 rushes and playing a_ strong blow, produced two run lock, 3b, Gibben r Ma pe ' to put Tony's win. their third con-jboard with h 9 PUl Namee, rf; Mason p: Gaskell ecutive road. triumph, moyedidard score¢ other n the ecmns game Oshawa in front 6-5 Hick f; } if; Ell Sec ye roa jumpn \ di 1 an 1 The Gae vere ithout Fred age z ' i) ickey, ¢ King Miliott ) ryt ' Te * = them back into sole position ef 7th when he led off aw Sena Sond ' ; ' ; shoe ms si York won ga m Pipher. 2b Soe Poa Pe la RNS ALLEN OPTIONED , Greeny oe Kiwio : the 3 1 Nor r n 4 3 (CP ne AIG 5 Z \top spot, a half-game ahead ofjand raced home : H { - ; ain 1 Norma ! ' )--Bernard qin EKAPOLIS (AP) ---Min- : : apes : Ker t rd tt time out, but with a Hockett » ate (Boom Boom Geoffrion agreed npncas- ; Richmond Hill and New Toronto/Grier's hit nother two ] ee ee + tale is put second base- 'Oman Bernie Allen back on the ¥ ee +} t : '3 their line-up was bolstered by on a fly, Weese walked a id tk an y Eriday {o. sign a contrac || Richmon rere scored im'the Sih, withi(hel" line-up was ols , ked and then! BASEBALL LEADERS "day to sign @ contract to : Nor active--tist- Friday and immedi Vipond or VAL sacrifi fandall Roy's setback ke Sudard, Grice nd Ba 4 1 ( 7 ' } ayehi hy io . " se : 5 r ' nd ieorge Young oth, up man ored but Weese forgot) By THE CANADIAN PRESS American Hockey League ately optioned. him 1o Denver ? I of the Pacific Coast League to four ouiings. field doing Play himself into shape. Allen underwent knee surgery last om 1itby Lasco Steeler {o touch second base National League again next season. Geoffrion's P e-hitter whilelthe 7th 'e xt eae for the Oshawans hit by a _ pitched ball and AB RH Pet. sare ement followed conferences 4 V Ae 44 P {ween <p ar the ina bie 6 he divomkenl Panete will one Ae oe : 3 106 13 .40 .377/ Det weer ae in and the man he o Guelr owhaw with t { an ert ay i 14197 48 9408 t > Wednesda 1 ) il 1 ywha with two oul, on an error play./Aaron, Mi 4197 48 aAzemen reorrion Orme? october, but the knee did not OSHAWAN GETS BIG PICKEREL Cause with a pair of sale biows|New Toronto ~~ [at the Civic Auditorium OSHAWA LEGIONNAIRES--|Mays, San Fran. 173 38 58 335 S/ar_ with: Montreal Canadiens|heal as expected this spring. number two Randa a June 14, when they|Hockett scored the winning run Coleman. Cinci 7 tinson Charlie Marlowe 0 Home Runs--Seven player No insurance costs , , . No maintenance costs . One rate covers off loser Frank Marshal OSHAWA TONY OSHAWA GREEN GAELS --|J0Nes, 88; Cookson, cf; and 1b; |Kranepool, N.Y. 167 22. 56 He had been on the inactive * . bs a/ 63 Harold street, has been It is believed to be the ars Suddard, both riding batting oo or : ab len r ¢ Gavienl Bawle PF Clayton Ib and cf; Roberts, rf and 2b tuns Rose. Cincinnati the Aces Jast season 10 eet takes fishing for pickere|, off his \ taken out of Goose : ig" ee a bic wav oro 0 ) "6 Ds 2 Goose Rav cottage, at Stur Ba He took 20 minute { Hae A AE i Sead - 4, ite : f ' : Dwigh Davie rY Hieg Madden, p; Lutton, rf in 3rd Runs Batted In---Bank Chi MONTREAL (CP) Re geon Lake about six mile land the fish. He was 1 ! Grie . EAST YORK KINSMEN ago 4; McCove San. Fran socointmanl of S¢ otty Bowman Robert Kennedy will be a ma- north of Lindsay, for the a spinning ree na Six afe knocks, including a mam-| RANDAT { METALS Dor , as coack..of Montreal Junior'. Stareholder in an organiza- he clicked, with the higges propello lug. He ac | hit for the circuit and added a/Serub , Kir F , field, 1b: Hancock, « Flude.|6 Pinse Cincinnati, ane bal! League franchise for Phil- gg 1 ri \ i ¢ F 1 \ ( 4 ~artineton. Ken. Thompsor é k Elude, 67 inson winnati Hockey League was announced £3 Z B adelphia, a reliable source told a magnificent 32-inch speci others, in less than an hour F Tony's had nine hi Marshal BRAMPTON --EXCELSIORS-- Braithwaite, ¢ in 6th Doubles Williams 1icago, |." F fd h weighing almost 11 The other three were 17 { rgest output this season i rvsdale Way } If: Kranepool ager Ol te parent National night. Joseph McCrane, general : py Q s ahi Hockey League Canadiens. This) manager of Garden State Park he had made sure the fish Oshawa Times PholO |4te accounted for their lone run.jand Gord Favereau (ba ritt d Keat Doug Swack ' ng the franchise, immediately diens, who finished fifth in the denied the report. Mark ave Rudge Rick Stolen Bases--Wills, Los An at in s ™ Pe by the finalists, Toronto M in al | SPORTS MENU Archdekir ave Wilfong, Ziggy) Gale's Lumber invaded Brook-/seles, 33; Brock, St. Louis, 21 eB cipite ales sth aan wane a ri tdey Musu lin Community Park last night itching Maloney, Cincin , ith " ! é i Ig e signings of four players to H C b \] a @_ 'lacking to the "Concretes" in an 82. 800 RARDMAS (OR ; ieee Aes By Geo. : amp Mg PRESENT NINE-BOUT CARD Monda Ni ht $ Oshawa City and District Asso Strikeouts----Koufax Lo An TOR NT (CP) Hugh Mc-/Kent, a 25-year-old halfback : SSC " : Lean of Hamilton, a former|who impressed Argo followers SPORTS EDITOR Reg Hickey . j F $ 1, Nuts' amateur boxing returns to Oshawa will fight Len McNei Lacrosse Game an = f yr gh eo ai Horto Detroi i aA : eid hibition soccer game here June|Football Conference schedule, Everything rom joup 10 | Oshawa, at the Civic Audi- of Toronto and in-the Feather or the shutout win, Hej Ho , 14 between Nottingham Forest) Also signed were import tackle whi . o peg ulif ) hR F § 3g : . , ; June 14 nn iy Keeping the homesters 7 A seit : see re " yy, ision and the Eastern Canadaljlinemen Walt Radzick and John tended last night, for the first time this season, but m anaged The last time amateur bouls of Toront u le 'score-sheet. Vernie Fer-|Rall pidnieitsea ean 2 Professional Weague All-Stars,'Vilunas : ' vende if g Y eh. iy re i was in j me ins ag OA -_---- to chalk up their sixth-straight win, a 7-5 triumph right in were held in Oshawa was ir C4 1 the other bou gam el wee Oshawa walk, in four trips to the nlate, Runs--Green, Boston, 38; Si nel ike ne wh st since then, the Oshawa Box ' Ernie McPhee awk scheduled for . 1 ring epree by Sinski, the Long Bran 1 Since f ing] 1 four chances. wer alte Mantilla and yeoman scoring, spree py ad Toronto Township, to take over | ing Club has been active but 'aled ams. Monday night, at the Oshawaltne oniy twa meng es Mere a Wachingon | BUSINESS EXECUTIVES sco d place all alone, in the OLA Junior 'A ace fighters had 'to travel to To Johr Bway Auditorium," ha DON have m efi weal ee Hits--Howard 59: ( ardenal Ser! i r Brampton and ronto-and Buffalo for proper O'Connor ostponed a week to Monday : pel GF any. succes he Pe : : AND SALESMEN ' Nd j rooklin's toughes facilitie . r th thus served notice that they will ikely be B ook! Ba par Doi tks beig ct arano Hid Over 300-ringsid y ah, si boca cai 'can ngle in the first inning as the Doubles Versalles, Minne For personal use or for @ ACADIAN Other opposition for the league title, come playo ime . 106 y I a been' sold fo ane ret ' ne ) only other safety for the home: sola, -15; Ward, Chicago, 14 Company use there ore @ PONTIAC Models CLEANERS blanked Oshawa Merchant 10-0 last n ispla the hard-«work nemb ro at sters, as. Hickey struck out 11) Triples Rlasingame, Wash definite advantages when On BOB MASON pitched the win for Scugog n imp y the Oshawa Civie Auditorium : : Hg are engaged in the rather) ayy ibd { ' : Ron Jones: pitching for Brook. tied with 10 everything on one er two yeor lease items... Phone or come in snecial ceremony at Alexandra Park, Bob \ va Boxing Club will t io a at tt espect High Schoo : : g sre ak: 4 a an oe - 1964 cee t "Tt Pal Kr ht Memo revive the sport in the area ind it w felt by the manage vas tagged for a tota olen ases--Cardena ' THE winner o 1 almer Kn viem ' sp ness URS { : See 9 atrict. Sefihs ati the card on Thursda with ace and Mowhawks, that the teams could rage i ' ; we mi ee ce ee net their. | two main events. In the Wel- Auditorium Box Of take advantage of the only ey got the first run of sota, 7-0, 1.000; Grant, Minne-] pHONE 723-4634 LTD. 266 KING ST, WEST player making f ra to er ] ' " J me, and the winning one, sola, and Fisher, Chicago, 5-0 Edward 'Ted' Sills, of was "'official weighed) Butch" McMahon and Ra Met Marshal john" Davis,| Mitchell, 2b and p; Peterson,|Clendenon, Pitts, 171 32 57 .3! made his debut as a coach with) jjct since the season opened 2 Neil { , Cover, If; Fair, 3b: Watter Ma 8 ' . _ ? ; Rn tanei Armstrong Watte ( i ' p . é, Suddard oss JO rmstron BOWMAN IS BACK NEW YORK (AP) -- Senator ong ball threat, collected t Brian Thompson, Peter Vipond vorman, cf; Hackett, rf: Weese 0, 39 eight years. Last week-er vind test line and a llginch |moth ome run also|Scoltt. 2b, Smith. Ib, A Ab: lcanece 'Voune Mike Cawik: Aloe od ss; Wattie, If; Lin-| Hits--J. Alou, San Francisco.|canadiens of the Ontario Junior tion seeking an American Foot- : ak ecias caught t one and. three f tb: Meehan 9 : in 4 | { pickerel he has ever landed aug I me and cf ole aik } eehan, 2b; Churchill, 2b;'Flood, St. Louis TF "St ee a oer Psa i by Sam Pollock, general man The Associated Press Friday 2 n s. (He might have won inch, 16-inch and 14-inch nly Jack Serub managed. to Ton non 0 ) ( kiew Yan Po ' Triple Philade ' snueed iewi F ples on Aula will be Bowman's. second sea 5 "pickerel prize' if pickere t Grier with any authority.| Randall's won nnn 16 il, Bram Wilfon Dave Ster Gale S Blank phia, 6: four players tied with 4, a¢ pilot of the Junior Cana and.head of the. syndicate. seeke hamr Barry Bartlett te § B . Home Runs--Mays, 17; Mc joague standing Jast season and : . 1 rian = \rPee ane TO = ove ; were eliminated in the playoffs ARGOS SIGN FOU i and administered an 8-0 Shoj-\nati, 5-1, 883; Ellis, Cincinnati McLEAN IS REFEREE 1965 contracts, including John ciat sague fixture 106: Gibs St uis, 87 : A oe ag, ua teice Laces referee in the National Hockeyjbefore being injured prior to Afler a five vear absence terweigh rernie was the winn , League, will officiate the ex-|the start of the 1964 Fastern | ) lv five scattere. 1 avalill Cleve, 152.18 -§ an "I torium, this coming Thurs- weight, Grant O'Reilly of Osh- | e up only five scattered hits,|Davalillo eve. 152 J of the English League first div-lJohn Slafkofsky, and homebrew i g WEEKEND REVIEW: Oshawa Green Gaels were ex day, at 8:00 p.m awa will fight Martin McNeil ove ' \ zuson, with two singles and a|Mantilla, Boston 159 15 41 by ) Brampton . ST. KITTS won over Long Branch in spite ofa 1961 at the Avalon avilior lg tindon' Danr h n Gaels and Guelph Mow and Elmo. Gibson with twolAuliffe, 14 There Are Special Benefits For All PETERBOROUGH Senior won at home, ove against Hickey's slants, Hill's|Los Angeles, 58 awa citizens who have donated ' ro about by th et that ' lal 7 ' P | trophies for t fighters and vy ¢ f rember th ing some fine hitting power a the plate and stella ' trophic 0 he ans he hawa oxing bh & : membe of bott batters and issued onl two ington, and Versalles, 6 you lease a new... td BUICK Request : Pa Board of Directors, the Ost ;. fives | UMpe int task of writing exams he struck out 2 al of 16 ba a | g xan hiter and he ick ol i} . for full detoils | 3 "dae A " f 'aes 10 hits but he fanned eight Campaneris, Kansas City, 1 blematic of the 'most valuable There w be nine houts ¢ er ny by of both the Gaels and th alters and walked only one Pitching Pascual Minne ILLS T LE SE hed ner te 1 senior and intermedia competitor heduled open date at home turned out, when he)1.000 the (Grae sO he t , } ence he opened the fourth inning with a Strikeouts---McDowell, Cleve managers and coache 2s a commendable choice ' ' ~ 2c nf > e niok "morial ' ying the contest on Mon ) FOUR WINNERS of the Palmer Knight Memoria S CI S S ' trip! F tfield|/land, 84; Lopez, L ale EDUR WINNE mM mer Knight Mer I N KI I HOT i ; 'ath aihout dale -- and scored on_an outfield Lan Be Sieg ned os Angeles nitcher OSHAWA TONY'S got. fine te} from q --_ ering \ th balance of ye Gale's exploded for a-six-run MILL Vy RIGH I Bob Grier and some time tting including home-run blows ally in the sixth inning, a Satan and ay Soar o tat Rental | MEMICO Mounties Win, iv, rms ise cans sven mamers 2, Lind Mie! panteae eM RD in ba ie at Kew Hanh aarod Hickey's double and singles by horses were killed in a fire Wed We have an opening in our Maintenance Depart- ¢ GALE LUMBER scored a shutor tors ay ne & his) Weldon, Piontek and Whit ' Monday, coa ] Rishon was K anc nte, PIUSinesday at Carson Park. a for ; ; ( oach Jim Bishop Wasitwe outtield bobbles, doing the wake falvacauia now Ged fot ome for a capable energetic man with a good in Brooklin last night, in the City and ( xture wit a a lanes tt ; 4 oing to go with a predoming ' ; : Reg Hick hing a fine gam Move Up Behind Gaels y Oshawa based team with tn 190: They added a run in the horse shows and stabling, The] practical mechanical and electrical background, to WHITBY "DUNNIES', World's Chan f Huntsville boys remaining at sd by fe on ap ecror and horses, owned by . individuals look after our woodworking machinery and carry going to hold a team re-union, next Sa ' 17 member home but with the new date é es single s ird Salely|were housed in a shed-type sta : : tar : n | ioe tuum that went is Wurene and beat out Russia' tar tht Ry THE CANADIAN PRESS |Mounti¢ \ ; defending! Rishon will be able to play ¢ of the game, Hickey also hadihle west of the main barn. Al out related duties. The rote for this position is open, three hits, to aid his own cause. hert Childress, trainer for the} Supply full particulars in confidence to Mr. C. GALE'S LUMBER -- Cole, ss:/Carson Park Riding Club. esti Hise: fitle, will be on hay plu muple of oft Long Branch dropped a jun Minto. Cup champior downed! full squad : e af that oR { t \H 1 ' or Onts Lacross ociaiR nton 7 x} the Moun ' utive of aS ; ' ; ntario" Lacrosse Asso Brampton pe : ° GAELS GAB season's! Keenan, If; Kornylo, 2b; Hicke who was ont t dB y ho tion decision to St. Catharinesities gained sole assession Of ioKet hold fin tha Gk y ! ? ( Ysimated the horses were worth os : ders fo ' raels'|y ; ; Py Dunlop Co. ry n \ with t m, ¢ ir tou ve Friday night, but it wasn't Bob second spot with an 7 NIGIOPY cara aut ) Veldon, ¢ Piontek 3b ' , ; is ge hi use ticket 4 for the) Mapes, rf; Carnwith, 1b; White Peers resi oaying 'ier sve shot, cogarding expones.(Bicaakls faul: fover aranta Township. Guaiph-Ouhawa game on Junctct" sabi eee SKLAR FURNITURE CO It should re area oop-tec F f i { inski scored ve atharines was | ed. bY! i4th Jim Hiess" Brian ay RONALD W BILSKY De t a . y Ube : ; Bie dea heidi pis Raped RL EE Roca Pag-lie BROOKLIN CONCRETES who covers ¢ and d i ind toda iy of them in one min id Dave | dry and Dou Thompson, Dwight Davies andiai : ONCRE ge stand as the last an te o hold the world's champ 15 seconds of the third period,/each four , uit fraun the Goatecce ay * " ss; D. Fergu onship crowr ' f nlavers have not seen each other as his tes lost. 15-42 ' } » added three ant . Ants-)son, 10 Ferguson, 3b; War : . : anc oe the nded in Canac : @ ren Ege e bee" J the al Gary Schmor two hn B le area and attending Hunts-|riner, If; Cornish, 2b; B. Mitch CHIROPRACTOR 617 Victoria St., E. Whitby, Ont. kao pene : ea ast ; ieee ; ; TE eT Pea . h School, will become |e} Batherson R. Jones, | 100 King St. € - 728-5156 eee cis ; us nS cay ag posse sige sidents of Oshawa, on!p; Simpson, rf in fill a fine tean nate 1 ' talir } 1 Gael iners wet N yocket money by ' nescor Tune 2ist. and will earn. their ne oes ere os they now e) 1 Cont nt tord caten sire , MacDonald with ty vals each yy, ae h ' ' é li ' I through-aut the sur Fred Etche ¥ ' ti . n. trainer Star \ to. widen their lead and Allan Vallille Ai Ra t Al I 1 va 4 et hate he eti, manager 1 yabin ar 1 Blair. a second place Mimicoiand Ed Trayi | ! Ie 1 | p er | ea l¢ I 1AS Gshawa: Dou Villlams and ' 'e ' ] \ ve - f - tet gu i ne S/T0¥ ip e in us Henderson Sid Sm Toronto r ' \ ecent onti \ . . i) (foronto) ° \j hans Charlie B , ari SPORTS IN BRIEFS n rutin with: the Gaels | Don McRet tekering). Eddie Redmond et | KM Treen. (Windsor. NS Harry Sinder ' ) ; Gaenon. (Dallas. Texas): Jack Donlevy, (Pe . HOWARD'S OFF LIST FORMER ARGO DIES CAMERON ¢ ae reas @ ® caw qi Lamirande. (Relles mnie Rroder +8 'r or NEW YORK (AP) Catcher, TORONTO (CP)--Clary Burt € MeKenvie. (Sudbur Wrecking Edwards. (Caledonia) r Elston Howard was taken off's4 a forme footha HOCKEY irade winds ar Ae nae ak the disabled list by New York) vii, Toronto Argonauts ' e olition UNE 10th 8:00 P M ' ee Yankees Friday. To make room ho e be ° de os} Punch Imlach has revealed that pital here Wednesda surt We Wre Anywhere--- year-old winger Ron Stewart and "'the boys" ' h for the right - handed slugger.) yiaved tackle with th Any Deseri : : F nls at \ € r y scription Cte Big dig a gy A nade Se ie ee a a 3 Special Referee: GEORGE CHUVALO a the Big Four--forerunner of the : r : ' FREE ESTIMATES Canadian Heavyweight Champion and No. 3 World's Ranking Contender " Rastern Footba Confer so wiil Stanley, rather than go to some other at this late ihe Yuteondtnal Taacie. na Si . Call 725-4285 stage... N.Y. RANGERS yesterday completed - au yn was. A member of the « TWO MAIN EVENTS FEATURING two trade w h Chicago Blac awks but John MeKenzie is option basi at won the Grey Cup in 1997 i: Write-- tte only NHI-ra king aver ; he eal, McKenzie was' li Beet he ee Te 161 lea , Oshewe ® WELTER WEIGHTS @ ® FEATHER WEIGHTS ®@ WP icacer Gey Wis Bap Calla wee on: Ge Dik me tawa. football toan Bernie Guindon vs. Leonard McNeil Grant O'Reilly vs. Martin O'Neil Of The Yea ie Win BUT Rang : en ii . wh sap tod 'ans 147 ths Oihawe Jay ths. --~ Tarente 26 thi. =~ Cahawe 136 iki, = Terante Tracy Pratt; Dave Richardson, Dick Meissner and Mel Pear. (entile, for five vears one 0 game ey > CS LB , adi em sented Pratt ars, wal trated. Sok LEARN TO... FLY | 2 SEMI-MAIN-EVENTS ... 5 PRELIMINARY BOUTS Houston Astros. of the @ Jock Guindon = .,| ®-Whithy at Newcastle |National League. Athletics : 5 NOW LOCAL FIGHTERS: + corny cateser > Tem Wemelay = Pet "O'Connor Durham Ladies Pt. Hope at Bowm seneral mana i Sasi ee ee z yw) @ Ernie McPhee 11--Neweastle at Court told . ae te : uae oan for bus ness or ple sure Softball Dates 14--< ourtice at Rowmar nine ctr : sa fully qualified, gov't approved ADMISSION: @ Ringside ...... . | Whi ane : school and instructors and @ General pivens . tous. peli ee aah oe obs a a ' modern aircraft, @ Students : 2--Courtice at Ne t 18---Whitk TICKETS AVAILABLE AT CIVIC AUDITORIUM OFFICE Bowmanville at Whitt ? wma f Pp e in , es s Oshawa FLYING CLUB AND MIKE'S PLACE DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 4--Port Hope at Courtice 3--Ne . 7--Whitby at Bowmanville Games to tai ot Ete) PROCEEDS TO RETARDED CHILDREN Newcastle at Port Hope ' §Sec'y Cathe Scott "87-4316 623-89 are also likely to be available. Kel we think etire, and Lopez to their Toledo farm 0 uae : ' Oshowo Airport (Large honger) for information call 728.1626 r Orchardview Bis 57, Praag age CeCe Cece cea

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