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Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Jun 1965, p. 15

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14 THE GonAWA Timms, ai. M\\ ly AZZ Y FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSE CAMPHOR CRYSTALS? QUESTION: Where can cam- Phor crystals be purchased? I have found cakes suitable for use in closets, bul not anything to he sprinkled in the basement. This ia to get rid of a musty odor ANSWER: Camphor flakes can) be used to sprinkle about, or use| calcium chloride. If you prefer) nw s ani | SHOP THIS PAGE FOR ALL YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENT NEEDS house. WALLPAPER HAS BAD ODOR worn ieine ons FOR THE BEST VALUES... BEST BARGAINS ... BEST SELECTION has been on for several years, but lately after a heavy rain the paper On one wall has a very MANSWER: Leakage or dam DECORATING ae WHAT S IN A HOUSE SETTING THE PACE ness in the wall may have caused the wallpaper paste to Roof Finish of application of asphalt or coal {for an adequate hot water tank You have to remember the turn sour. First locate and cor The toot sheathing is in-|oe pitch, The gravel must belin your plumbing plans. Setting exterior too; front and back rect the cause of the dampness e D e ies (alii stew he cal clean and free of all organic the tank thermostat too high to'doors and atiachéd garages will then remave the paper and wash rap r 5 4 af ie ralters are in material to prevent moss from|make up for lack of storage need electrical equipment, Extra F the wall surface underfieath place. If cedar shakes are used growing on the roof. Metal flash-/shortens the life of the tank outlets and switches can bé pro- OR OSHAWA When it is completely dry, re for a roof finish either solid|!98S must be installed at the! The publication Residential vided at very little additional decorate with wallpaper or paint 3 Broadloom sheathing -or one-inch Wy. four. 0cations shown on the plans Standards" coftains tables of cost when they are included in as desired. inch board spaced as much as ' minimum and recommended the building contract ten inches on centres could be Plumbing capacities for hot water tanks, The main item to be consider CEDAR CIASET IN CELLAR e Car ets used. For other roofing finishes) pjyumbing is installed in two depending on number of bed-ied is the service capacity pro QUESTION My = husband Pp the sheathing is applied solid separate stages rough plumb-|'00ms and other factors -- it is;vided for the whole house, which wants to build a cedar closet in which can. be 5-8" or %" boards ing anh finish p umbing 'Rita much better to have a tank/should be 100 amperes to be able the cellar. Any adviré you can or plywood of various thick-!piumbing includes the installa larger than the minimum size to supply enough. electrical give would be appreciated + Sunworthy & imported nesses depending on rafter spae Hae 6 both cold and 'hot wate shown in these tables power for all lighting needs, ré ANSWER If possible 1 ings. The roof finish is applied drainage pipes and their con 3 ceptacles, furnace, washer, dry strongly advise against building Wall apers to the sheathing and, once' ifiinection to municipal. services Electrical System er, stovey hot water tank and A p Pp place, work ide the house can| Finish plumbing ov the in Electriéity other, smaller appliances with the closet in thé cellar. No { - ter how dry a cellar oft proceed regardless of the wea-letallat ' sina is the housewife's! out overloading the system. If eia v stallation of fixtures takes| most obliging and versatile help "¢ petri q there is always a certain amount ° ther place at a later date. A good'er hecatise it does so many task the house is heated electrically, : I le it ) BEES iin carvire 4 ity ; of moistness present. Locate the & Paints Asphalt shingle and, to a plumbing system calls for in a modern home. Plans for the service capaci mur be in closet in another part of the similar degree, wood shingles proper planning right from the/the electrical system should be creased over 100 amperes house, if at all possible. To pre and shakes are normally usedjstart. Make sure there will be te t Pay ' complete from the outset. For P h vent mildew developing on for sloping roofs and built upleasy access to the connections|instance, sufficient electrical orcnes tore t ' e sphalt bas r ar bs sach fixtur pesity : a gy Ragen oedyggreg --_ meee ar baseof each fixture outlets should be provided in There are almost as many p rooting 1s used on flat or nearly) In case of repairs or renova-jevery part of the house to take|types of porches as there are as possible. Hanging moisture at roofs. Where shingles are tig; the sh sloare : ¢ ' a : ions, the plumber should be|care not only of present néeds|house designs. Like the house it absorbing chemicals in the clos 0 be insta the manufa > to get { { P f 'aa ét 'will help: Best of all is an Bcd able to get at these points with-|but also of future requirements.|self, the porch must have & urers Ins ictions t st » 1 ; : " a nu be| out having to tear out a part of|Each year electricity is calléd|solid base and piers or founda- aluminum - covered, rod-shaped obeved if good water-tight!, wall or a section of the floor.'upon to do more job tion supports should exténd be- pons ett art ibe pe is DECOR CENTRE LTD. is to result. In high wind areas| Water pipes should not be in-| Ten years from now it willlow the frost line to prevent th alt pops el tad te ree ve 107 Byron Street South, WHITBY if ine '3 pha Omposilion stalled in an outside wall in undoubtedly still furtt age. The slab porch -- or . shingle ' pbs ; iatsd ihe air, tisihg . only 'thet 1 Block weRee DELIVERY < South ning Ss be cemented down areas where winters are severe|uses. 'There is therefore a def-\stoop -- has no foundation and it ee equivalent of a 2s watt bulb ° ag This is done afteruniess they are properly insul-linite need for planning the elec-|should not be built unless the Z raemor Available at many housewares Phone 668-5862. Open Fri. 'til 9 p.m the roofing is in place, jated and protected from freez-\trical system wisely. The main ground beneath is firm. A heavy ' The roofer lifts the shingle tabs ing consideration in the planning|/concrete stoop on loosely pack a dealers, Paint the outside of the and spots cold asph ; ne ; pore } closet with aluminum paint, or pots cold asphaltic cement, Pipes leading to an outside)stage is that every room or arealed soil may sink substantially ; f cover with aluminum toll to act under each tab. In built up roofs|tap should have a shut-off valvelin the house requiring electrical before it finally comes to rest as a vapor barrier 5 A CALL TO OUR STORE the final pour coat, in which thelinside the house to preventiservice is adequately equipped Sinking porches can also result r DELIVERS IT RIGHT TO YOUR D gravel is embed d, must belfreezing in winter. A supply to|with the proper capacity carry-| when frozen earth is used as fill (Stevenson Rd, N. "ARPET IN DAM 00M? OOR i correct tempera-|a water closet shall be providediing wires, outlets, fixtures and Some porches require founda- and Annapolis) CARPET I P ROOM? r ' nape | / PE ' 1 nsur proper weight] with a shut-off valve. Also, allowifixtures and switches tions. QUESTION: During the win ter' we have the vaporizer run- ning quite often in our children's hee We had to cover the} walls and ceiling with an enam- a " 'on HOLLAND LUMBER C0 SI To 7 el paint hecause they often bes | Z. E I y i. E R oe] « OMC p ow OMe came wet and the rubber base, ) Cc RETAILER TO THRIFTY CANADIANS paint ran. Now we want to put al carpet in the room. Will this) dampness, ever, in time effect cottage the carpet or padding? ANSWER: Certainly don't rec MONDAY ONLY 4 Ty ommend this. Unless taken up) BUILDER' S CENTRE a) | } Vy iif and aired frequently, strong Ys il i j ; likelihood of mildew developing S - F C : A | ] a 4 ' . i tL | JOT PAINT REMOVER -- 2 amen ities e y/ : i hill 4 DISTINCT E BEAUTY: QUESTION: Is it possible to i : Ne ote eisiiaia Jf 3o: ny , poss cs te Oe oe 1 Ready. to-Hang | nt wi make my own paint and varnish remover? If so, how is it done? pa / nt with caer Gheseiats or washiad Perfect For Father's Day 7 3 to and soda and water will soften paint Wig * *- ary Ps ' \ hes ' wy 1 Custom Made -- coatings so they can be re ae ie Pid ; moved, Or a paste type remover : Le ZR mags oT, J ye ee b, can be made by mixing dry tri ALUMINUM ee Bs ee ike ¥ i AR Pratt & Lambert sodium phosphate with twice as ; Ait : j it ie much. fuller's earth or whiting don't: build , ae : Fe ai tak ad UF ca and moistening with water. This nodern design plans; expert od nd the finest products - . ' ' HOUSE PAINT is applied in a one-half inc GARDEN CHAIR ction available to make your "Do-it-yourself silding pplee ee 1 hoa thicklover and allowed to re : : ere aay Sere tod nd let us h ce th y a ' . main about a half hour. Fither r i ' : the paste or liquid remover is 5 followed by rinsing ge ag COTTAGE BUILDER'S SPECIAL FOR SPRING DECORATING tt . F bored unk titan oly w ha h 4"S d ' choose from Oshawa"s largest selection of the ay oly webt ) s 4 Sended Knottey Pine newest fabrics... smartest designs... over 2,000 STUBBORN LABEL GLUE ey ° F od's le PLYWOOD 3-95 pair ready-to-hang lined drapes at Aaa! ee ir and up .. .also the incomparable QUESTION: On an enameled AT steel shower stall that has just Full 4° © 8 sheeteech Fibergles! , heen installed I have tried to re Move the lanels t removed the] CHARGE-IT ~ NO MONEY DOWN 3 EDGAR 5 outside coating, but can't re e move the blue INSWER: Tey sme ist] OSHAWA cE HOLLAND LUMBER (0. WARD'S DECOR CENTRE hy soaking with hot water This SHOPPING SIMCOE STREET , ' . memeenly is eneien locetn CENTRE SOUTH R.R. No. 1 Oshawa at 5-Points 725-4709 Simcoe St. S, at Athol 725-1151 34 KING "Two ceed 723-7381 the glue. Or use naphtha, being very careful of the fire hazard Buying or Selling! LTD. 2 LLOYD CORSON, Cresidant MPLAZA atte S ° Curis PERCE ban Trees HOM E & GARDEN MIDTOWN DRIVE AT KING ST 16 SIMCOE ST. $,, OSHAWA ee oe acs"| DAVING CENTRE Jeers INT | HWY.NO. 2 WHITBY o A M ae For a Real Deal : ; DOMINION Commercial @ Residential TIRES : VALUES EFFECTIVE AT DOMINION 149 MIDTOWN DRIVE AND HWY, NO. 2 WHITBY UNTIL CLOSING TIME SAT, MAY 29 ALL TYPES See Don or Van : ube eine Be ASSORTED VARIETIES ot WT cc ki ee & BOXED : 3 Gg C GP PAINT Pg wid age -- phir ali Service SS itson fs i tations, Parking areas, etc. S } all DONT LU C ITE' P AMES . PHONE A PLAN 7 % RRR es JAMES 728-4661 ik a a a es es ee "The Firm You Can Trust For Paint' JOMALLEY!| el ave | cuss i|/ PATTE'S a7i22 TEAL! || MOWER PAINT and WALLPAPER @ Homes @ Additions i { @ Offices @ werene $4 YEARS AT 85 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 1290 Somerville Oshawa = -- AVAILABLE AT DOMINION MIDTOWN PLAZA ONLY Oshawa 725-3529 Cake

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