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Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Jun 1965, p. 16

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THE TIMES HOME OF THE WEEK GARDEN GUIDE Serdey one $1905 || | ic leedillcialiaiiciiapctedahies ef | | e * some of the most exciting del-;- WHEN BUYING OR SELLING PROPERTY | Giant, Showy Delphinium tisnvicecise .- LOOK TO Lutes tears! §CHOFTELD-AKER jwe see ay. ese new Horticultural Masterpiece iiinis%ita'nt%iiost 5 "Residential © Commercial © Industrial the deyphinium will become the | By A. R. BUCKLEY planted directly outside tience to wait a few years, Dr. |most versatile as well as 'the FREE, SAFE, EASY MORTGAGES HOURS | Plant Research Institute | The following spring prepareLegro of Holland will provide most elite perennial et sai of tellin et Ist and 2nd, Ar | . Of all the flowers in the peren: the ground well where the del " i 360 King St. West ed and purchi i ia OD jnial borders at the ornamental phiniums are to grow. Dig it | ' , gardens of the Plant Research eon selenide age \Institute, delphiniums are the $8 or ¢ s P HOME DESIGN No. 814 pon yg their stately Set the plants two feet apart in | |most re There is very little waste , ces the garden| sroups of three to five, or if one ee : whole bed is to be devoted to [ ' space in this compact house. |that they become the stars of pela rot Hof Yet traffic flow is excep- ae June picture, The tall flow-|them, allow three feet between UUs tionally good. The extra |oring spikes of lavender, blue|¢@ch plant ee 1256 SQFT, large kitchen has ample |anq white make it a most When delphiniums start into gree o> table space, is handy to all |catistying perennial. Delphin-|8fowth in spring the young Ae parts of the house, also to |iyms. besides being garden or- shoots are prone to damage by ~ the basement and extra lav- | yaments, can be used in a great slugs, particularly in damp "4 ) s : atory, Where services are |many floral arrangements, in| Weather To prevent this, scatte 4) available, this latter could |iarge church baskets, narrow|4 mixture of equal parts copper T R KVICHEN, : be located in the basement |yases and, by using side shoots,|SU/Phate and hydrated lime on at neat and the space used for stor- |jn dinner-table arrangements.|t%e Soil around them but don't vases a age or other purposes. De- |With very little care they can let it touch the plants. A good oe lifes. , sees | sign is for frame construc- |aice be induced to bloom in the slug killer containing meta can TE on : ipa tion with stone accent, but | fay) and then they present a very also be applied. This is a bait, Cedar Cape 0 LEIA PD ih 5 : ee "| | instructions for ge oe a + siriking contrast to the usual re 5 ik in. smal . $13,900--A real dandy 5 room --- 3 bedroom bungalow located Ae GS cried gt See err jautumn picture. , i h close to schools, bus service and shopping centre Finished with blueprints. By regen The 'uiasive, showy delphin- Old eee ae oo aan, Trellisses C airs recreation room and extra bedroom in pease. hg May be pur- the porch on the Heh BAM u of today is one of the horti- ee Gs : ies chased with substantial down payment ond monthly payments side, the house could be buiit eaitiral masterpieces from the|Shoots, which, if allowed to ma- SALE PRICED ee of only $67.00 including taxes, or may be refinonced, end | on a 50 foot lot. Construc- |reaim of plant breeding. Ameri- ture, will only give poor blooms From west coost cedar, thereby purchased for as low as $1,900 down, A good buy. The Building Editor, | tion suitable for electric 'an breeders have taken over So it is a good plan to remove Set Ansaebntad Call tack ser, oF ik WHIT ba too late. Oshawa Times, heating. 1256 Sq. Ft some of the best varieties from|a!! the weakest shoots and leave ] 15 . = Standard Blueprints for |Europe and produced new hy- about five or ney : of the e 3 49 nc! 2 find $1.00 { vhich send me Book this Design No, 814 cost (birds that tower over anything ch hed ar plan yea tow aA J Ei) Exciescd Meese find OOO Oe ee eee ne' $15.00 for the first set and {previously developed and have|YOU want very po' a Diooms for of Plans entitled "HOME PLANNING GUIDE exhibition, feed the plants with a P ; $5.00 for additional © sets individual flowers almost. as peep pr gh as 2 Maii reauests 10c extra. (Please make remittance They are available in Can- |large as hollyhocks dilution of 20-20-20 fertilizer, onc / ' e pat : paspoon to the gallon of t payable te The Oshews. Times) ada by return mail. (Ontario The main difference between phon nag ' ice t a pew: rass ee residents must remit 3 per (|the American strains and the | the pias You i o "also che cnt NAME .cccccccsseccsscesveerererereneseeegessseneseeeeses cent Sales Tax. Now avail- |European cultivars is that the i t a} ' a : : < 6 . 'analiOf the special liquid fertilizer able at this Newspaper Of- |European hybrids are clonal)" syed : rooms arr WwW ; 7 ar -,.\recommended for foliage appli fice (or from address below) varieties, which are not repro) tion Rajavel uate thee. Kol : ; is our new Design Book en- duceable from seed, These vari- aear a ait inet the bid ahows Reg. 2.00--Now Domestic Size titled '"'Suburban and Coun- leties must be propagated from) thd Completely essembled . . . try Homes designed for Ca- cuttings, which are taken inl te ee t mn in Ss nadians", price $1.00 tax (spring from young shoots ine the waver weather at ' oman 1c u 1S 9 free. This edition includes | pacyFIC GIANTS Q ' e AGMTESS cocrccccccccncscvevcccssecescovesencvesesececeess : . rives and the plants are grow oil - information on Cost. of The American strains such as ing vigorously you: will need 'to ids a van "3 ee o . a Building and Financing in the Pacific Giants have been s0| <a, Lae aka old ORTH-WEST--$] charming older home in. lovely bd : : ws stake them. For each plant use m ke I I | Canada, Heating, Insulation selected over the years that they several stout bamboo canes Contractor Style WHEELBARROW SACL ION apis ier 40 x 130 -- completely landscaped ond Constructional Details, ete., come reasonably true fromlapoyt four feet high. To leave arefully maintained. Located close to all types of schools -- plus many outstanding new seeds sold by seedsmen, but! the flower stalks looking as hat. With rubber wheels, 6 5 on ond bus ibd A style of home greatly ip demand anc Hf save . \ y --so {| real soon on one. 4s Colonial corners and Maple|high poster or canopied bed: or -- soot ag Rey '6 se neahey from tal Pidebt ural as possible, tie three shoots] Wood or metal handles ® selena ornare enka ed ; 2 Sf valf storey, spill te plants seldom produce Irst-}) aly t » bamt . D pepigr " J: ; " oosely {to ne Damboo cane Z, vinede eer spring up --_ maybe the more simple spindle) <torey colonial, and duplex |¢jass plants. This strain is, how.| carly | on cn = i Ask About Our 6 Month Deferred Payment Plan i baie, 2 retal "4 paemen PCS back A patchwork quilt or homes. Also included in this |oyer. much shorter lived than . 2 " y : ° jaround the whole plant, because ' oa ae caaaeed matching bedcover and drap- book sil lew on how 'the European hybrids and new | it pu chinplataly tpoll its heritage are becoming very\eries in one of the Colonial style! to order blue rin eeds should be get when the |heauty and the plant will look much a part of home decor to- documentary, scenic or tiny flor- ae id plants start to be less pro-| trangled day. jal print fabrics Recreatng tbe AFRICANS GRADUATE ductive Gig Pacific When the flowers have faded & Buildin Su lies Lid It is quite the fashion to feeling of the past too, vad wall The first class of 227 African Seeds of the Giant yn i cut the stems down to the level g pp t] papers with pictorials depicting strain are best sown at once iflo¢ the Jeaves. This will also pre- 'browse' around these shops, ges > students graduated in. 1965 from "fh p spies 2 = waather with a view o coving colonial scenes. On these can be) ayo. cqw's Lumumba Friendship You want plants or vent seeds from developing. Oc 1279 Simcoe North 728-6291 to set in nursery rows IS fall. jogs al tt . . easionally, us pean iy Dpen Daily 7 A.M,. to 6 P.M. P *ihung wall samplers, plaques or ,, z : complete furnishings often! Colonial prints. The whole| University Sikh tice AI Ge ake shown in complete settings down! warmth and atmosphere comes with sand and soil and planting! piogms in September Friday till 9 P.M. oe including alive in the glow of authentically\fec oom os fas or chairs, @Sithe seeds in shallow drills two) For those who have the pa wallpaper -- or just adding 8C-| styled Colonial lamps, from hur- well as sturdy. multi-colored|inches apart. Water the flat well|-- Bs a cessories which are as fascinat-)j.ane or oil in brass or opal tweeds or plain homespuns air the ceads ane Foun Mae shh beaded glass to tole, or wood lamps with) Many old world pieces find! niace it in a shaded part of the Colonial furniture embraces|Coionial print shades themselves much in modern) garden. until'the seedlings have ULTRA MODERN DUPLEX INCOME HOME--Located on @ the best in the old traditional) "Consider how, for sunroom orjusage, such as a wagon seal./formed three leaves. When the beautifully landscaped ravine lot, with double attached corport. designs, enlarged or adapted to)... room, Colonial furniture|coffee table, dough box end/pjants are large enough to 2 Apartments -- each with its own fireplace, Frig. and Stove. add strength, comfort and extra|;aie. on a sturdy look with the|table, Deacon's bench, crib cof handle easily, transplant them This duplex has many extras such as--patio, sun deck, outdoor storage for today's more relax-| hardiness of solid maple, with|fee table or loveseat either to flats or in the open borbecue, a garden house for over-night quests, washer and ed way of living. Its distinctlit; protective finish. Wall and) Woodpaneling. in a family|ground. If planted in the open dryer, broadioom. Could be used as @ private home. At present charm and personality remains,) tacking units bring Colonialjroom is a natural background|they should be. spaced six to | rents for $210.00 monthly. Call for on appointment te view however. And with the wide S€\into modern usage with attrac-|for Colonial furnishings, but ifjeight inches apart in the row this beauty lection of stylings available 10" /tive bookshelves, kneehole|the budget limits, then wall-|and between rows, and left un- 2 day, it is possible to create 4M desks, louvred door cabinets,|paper in Colonial design or just/disturbed until spring, when they| | atmosphere both folksy or for-' captains' chairs and an infinite|plain white walls give it both/should be given their final loca-) mal. variety of sturdily upholstered|charm and personality. Braided tion. Plants that have been) OLD WORLD CHARM sofas and chairs. There is even|or hooked rugs in contemporary grown in flats should be set out) Consider the old world charmja variety of Colonial inspired color combinations add bright in the early fall in rows spaced! ef a Colonial bedroom with its|patterns in Vinyl upholstery, for|accent pieces the same way as for seedlings A SIZES AS FOLLOWS 12x12 + 12x24¢ 24x24 | Everyone wins... | = : GREEN permanant oi | ae " ? CHARCOAL JUST LISTED--Ranch style bungalow with attached garage -- 4 years old. Large broadloomed living room with floor to celling | ROWE JAY AOR YOUR FREE BROOMIRE OW PATIO DESENE TAN fireplace and french doors opening to patio, Built-in stove, oven and garburetor in kitchen, separate dining room, 3 spacious 655-3311 bedrooms, large master bedroom with double wardrobes and ¢ its own 2 pc. washoom, tiled laundry room, 41 ft. playroom, i large rec, room with bar, Located close to all facilities, RELAX IN YOUR OWN BACK YARD .. .¢ a % 4] NORTH-WEST AREA--Spotlessly clean, good looking brick bungalow with 5 spacious rooms, Extra large, modern family kitchen; stone fireplace in living room, professionally finished rec. room with many extras, Close to Mclaughlin end R.C. schools, Immediate possession, pert le 7 LIFE TO THE FULLEST WITH CADILLAC AVENUE--14 yeor old -- 3 bedroom bungalow with garage. Just a real nice home in good condition inside and out. By refinancing may be purchased for as low as $1,900 down. A brand new listing so call real soon FOR Completely ae a My iis Installed MAKE IT A POINT TO COME TO BEAU VALLEY THIS No one hass to take second place when you have a WEEKEND TO SEE THE GLAMOROUS LOOK AT THESE SPECIFICATIONS... " 2 De Valencia" GAS Wa ter Heater SPECIFICATIONS:--e Wall Thickness 812 -- Floor 6 @ Concrete 3000 Ibs. per sq. ; : inch compression strength @ Steel reinforced construction @ Lovely 3 ft. walk around OPEN 2 NTIL ' There s always plenty of hot water forall the family...all your pool @ Standard ladder @ Over-all length 40 ft. © Complete filtration system with U 9 *$2.70 » month flat rete daylong... every day in the week. You get gallons and DURO guaranteed self priming pump @ Automatic surface skimmer @ Chrome on brass AT YOUR SERVICE f ' gallons for dishes. laundry ee ° . main drain @ 2 Chrome brass adjustable inlets © Chrome on brass vacuum fitting REG AKER 725-0201 ALLAN THOMPSON - 728-2870 lor - water heating ar Gahres Hau dry, baths... 480 gallons a day Widest width 25 ft. @ Shortest overall width 21 f. © Stainless Steel Ladder # Vocuum | BILL. MeFEETERS 725-1726 IRWIN CRUIKSHANKS psig recently approved by the oronly 9¢a day ) with the new flat rate for gas water Cleaner @ 35 Pounds of Chiorine ond Test Kit | MAeLS SoupTeal 728-2233 BILL JOHNSTON 728-1066 ae ee ee heating. IRENE BROWN 723-3847 ED. DRUMM 725-9345 STEVE MACKO 728-5868 MARGARET | 723-2894 For full details, call EASY TERMS ARRANGED--FOR COMPLETE DETAILS CALL MARG, HALL 723-1358 GEORGE KOORNNEER 2302889 cau Consumers' (as RELIABLE POOL | scvortecp.axer LIMITED 29 CELINA ST., OSHAWA 728-7363 Built by Roth Construction 360 KING WEST 723-2265 cr 725-3974 or 725-9991 Se oddone Lin Adve Dally bs Cd RAE | aac lil ae Rana

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