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Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Jun 1965, p. 17

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THE OSHAWA Times, Somtey, 9 June 5, 199 16 "Get Extra Cash For Your Vacation By Selling Don't Needs Now' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY ; . Accountants [Bare ers JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Account-|josepn Pp. ae sonata ant, Licensed Trust 7 Bond Street) Money to loan king. Stresi East Telephone 123-48. East, Oshawa 7m-4232- LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Chartered ---- ise Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshe Shopoing Building Trades Fee ay aR ats IIR foitiatsi noes. Rania tastaaoeoae YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trustees SPRING SPECIAL Bankruptcy 64 King Stree Eas 102 D ' | '0 Viscount HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO, Face unite grace Bu! ~~ On All Orders 535% ns CA: H. E besaie ar ipl r Remodelling, carpentry, tiling, " tir r ctrical WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered) PO'NKING, Plumbing, elecirics a cranantants 4 King Street East, Osh work oofing, eavestroug awa aie FD. OW CA ng, plastering, cement work Ed d Burrows, CA 2 of all kind uminum doors BOB CLANCY'S Account Service and. windows, siding ploy Ay eres Service, ie Bond 20 skilled men ready to serve ALBERT | HOSMAR, artered Account re ay ; ant "e Street, Suite 4, Oshawa NELLIS' HOME tario Telephone 2 ITs MALL PERKIN AND CO hartered IMPROVEMENTS Accountants, 36)2 King Street East, Osh Oshowa 728-206 Sract Nawektes agg heed Peterborougt 45-2184 jail, B A Borristers HC YME GREER AND KELLY, Ba sters. Solic t 4 King Street East. Dis wh" heatelet onclet °h oat IMPROVEMENTS 25-3368; Terence V. Ke t 5832; Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB : 668-589 reliable Whitby builder MeGIBBON end BASTEDO, Barristers er nds avaliable, mort Alterations, additions age: ona! Tr Building, 32 Simcoe ee 87336 naries Ac | ¢f t zibbon, @C; Edgar F. Bastedo, Q 6 ades, carpentr HUMPHREYS. BOYCHYN and WILL brick. repairs, roofing MAN, Barriste licitors, 36% King , eet a Pte owas f H 10 rey plastering; wiring, etc B 7 ys, BA, LLB 725 Re Jences $4604; | tp Telephone 668 3283 ' "4 available JAMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB CARPENTRY r e to and. Notary id e Con al Buliding, 286 King stom bu homes. alterc Oshawa ' ta ° et parking tions repairs additions CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and bias ver VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries boards Experier ced work Bank of Commerce Buliding, 5 Simcoe monship. Free estimotes ee! ? Oshawa 446 K Creighton, @C; or residences: G. K.. A. CHRISTY CONSTRUCT Ory Q 28-8554; G Aurdoct ae'5 Q ° 23-4768 : viet 985-7115 728-2808 horigages arranged QUALITY CARPENTRY Plossified Rates i GENERAI Gardening and ind Supplies "BUG KILLERS" it Gardenal! Malathi D n yn T 5 Ornamenta AA A Diazinon K 4ith yx Te] DT far ergreen Gr gan pray 2E = Bug k Weed je een ee Pomogreen R Kolofru Tree it and Gr ib ~ygon ray ler Hitt Dus t COOPER- SMITH CO. ands e cap 9g REPAIRS Al Roofing Po io Sidine 9 9 '7 me it r T « Rer oor and Ceiling Tiles, Re MAPLE LEAF coms enero od e ad at a heseincd N p - SARDE? H. McKOY 725-8576 725-061 29-06 WELDING OHN"S Ac P A hile ' ~ ; styiene © Are @ Maleare LANDSCAPING else @ Torch Cutting SOD LAID & BIRTHS FATHS 283 DEAN: AVE DELIVERE SOCIA ES : a & Powe a $2.00 per insertion with 25 cents ad 723-6601 4 Y rREES & HEDGES ditiona orge if. not paid with-ir ' ~ days BR KLIN a THE Cer aa Oe vad a8 Worcs and' ba = 655- 5 thereafter, plus 12 per line of OR. H, CABINET CO st verse 25¢ additional charge if net ry IVE paid within 7 days 182 THICKSON RD, 'N NG CARDS OF THANKS 77 5 PEE p AWN MOWER $2.00 for the first 38 words and: Se 28-0232 E E LAWN MOWERS eoch thereatte with 25¢ additiona ne re] fo} Repoirs charge 'f not paid within 7 days Kitche abinets onities tn as -aleod COM EVENTS si 40 istom built cabinets ce ° 2.10 per inch (dispia 0 for t - - ee . ca ROOFING, con floors, fiat rooting. | ve 2 ords and Se ea ee lor specialty io a : elive ; tier. arge and small Jobs. L. and H. Resting A BY MA JES AUCTION SALE and Construction, RR 3, 725-69 42 ebec St 125-0500 $2.10: per 'inch per insertion YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner Ct : wee r : eys bi and repaired; gas linings ' ed fs rep . nei Aol Be e eens DEADLINES co nisi oe ee ering shrubs, fe Arn A FOR ROOFING, chimneys. All types of € e e day previous. ement Work. Fra McCann, RR 3 jen centre A i Oshawa. Brook 655-206 f 1 A pa er { nc | te . ate A-) CARPENTRY brick, bleck, -co - : . crete footings, etc. New work and re R42 8.9429 ae pairs of al! k Atter 5, call 728 ' HOME IMPROVEMENTS, roofing, and py br ' . gt po SI @avestroughing, carpent work, painting : es : and site! repairs B Nellis, 336 Bruce RSER BO THAT REPAIR [ob on You ¢ nones er sly 300 phone 728-584 FINISHING CARPENTER. Cusiom & chen cabinels, vanities, bar cabinets . ms Phone 44 answe NEW PLASTERING and repairs. stucco 723-9020 sidewalks, remodelling, rec-roor ee ward eviies owever lectimates. A Noods 0 f Ah AP used whethe egiigence agp ° arwise, The Times ot be re cearainia ¢ : sited ter in y wxaieed Cartage BOWLER A CITY CARTAGE moving and storing mA n A : ure; also cellar and 4 At & GA 7. He oe a we a 6 am Street v advertise é i 8.778 e « JOHN'S (Mababbel fl Storage and artage ae Reasonab at fully sured a sheeded @ ED e e be 8-366 942-202 i sad awe ine e price charge a single e etisement in | Dentistry "slbalisil AA ® ' e hedging ser a ¢ Times teserves the right [SIALEK, OC. 8., Dental Surgeo 6 9 to coe Stree : # fe hs a appointment 28-5842 or Re BRA4 ie ery coe een'* | Dressmaking BL\ s SUD e e ace , coer oe 4 kinds of 'adie GRAS * . ' @ pub- |wea , K. Call Agne ers joa eproduce all lore making ve68-bas A GRI ™N : vest cenent # |ORESSMAKING -- § oat ° sie terations ry 3, drapes qa ' ' aity ms, Whitby, 668 e sled ' ees LADIES, THINK THRIFTY! Alterations 4 A pint ei put 4 charge Rg 4 mending and st hanging. Reasonable ISHAWA 25-9674 = rates. For appointment teleohone 728-18 on a LADIES and children's wear reasonable DAVEY & A ates Telephone Whitby 648-4945 r rc ' R ANH AD TREE SERVICE ali Classified Direct Gardening and Supplies 5, feeding 723-3492 NO. 1 TOP SOIL ' r : e oldest and larg Hardsand nae Sotcieat ( ATION [ F : TELEPHONE 361 pata andscaping 7 2--Persone ag EDAR TREE an's ay 55 Road 7 : e NHITE BIRCH ? Borter Evergreen Sale Al size e Clusters e e cleared ence d Poles ' MITH Nawtos PRIVATE. Got at ta back ard - e oy bd bab oil .'? : 84.2283 Collect oo ama tort t Reasonadie ates 8 rs " NURSERY SOD and field sod. delivered Aeris Wanted NURSERY, 200, ond eid sod, culver NO. 1 Z On?S or 723-99 R--Mole He : TAD Cc 9 * ¢ Help Wanted MANURE, we rated $4 per yard. Top TOF SOI ' ° $2.50 pe Delivery charge erties yards, 725-069 A er e tre ° NURSERY $00 and ° ong as ie] s'o Sire ee one e : Bea a age SE 10 TRIG Ce carrie ] 16] 2 -- ente t Rent down. Free es es.\ sie - Roe or Re 610 FIELD SOD delivered, cheap. Telephone &--Room and Beard POWER MOWERS tuneup and service, 72) 94 --Wented to. _ 9 all makes. Pick up and delivery. Tele GARDENS plowed and disked. Cow e for sale Leading and grad y--Auctia ry ie ee t i \ LIVE IT U cfoming' tv Cost - They Pay ime Pi 8B of your own reat se ection offered deliy in state For Sele eolumn, your ps . a 89876 B.C. PAINT Contractors, excellent « city T OWERS, a a e very reasonable prices. For estimates pairs A ork guarantesd 5 Dean telephone 728-595?, or 728-406. Avenue. Telephone 725-0506. $75. B tree NINE-PIECE wainut Telephone 725-1469 dining room suite, |era and ke imeony Rees Nor no e's. App ng Har eeded ay essentia or interview write, giving phone num ber to P.O. Box 8&6 Postal Station N Toronte 14, Ontarie. ! est ae |8----Articles for Sale 8--Articles for Sale |17---Female Help Wanted SCOTT 5 SCRAP BOOK By ' J, SCOTT Sot oir ane Se ee ee > @ Grove! @ Sand @ Stone Best ofte fe 3 hand iawn mower, $4. a | © 4°. Much © Building Moteric | SALESLADIES ' aS ogg poe : POWER reel iawn mower, 20" cul used ntl'. 'as A COMO TEXACO FUEL & STOVE O ce. Owner will trade. fo smaller | 4 on PERUVIAN Free 24-hr. Burner Service type cut, or sell to best offer, Ca Am)BuTAR £5 DF THE | Whitby's Only Loca $4940 after § For f time employment. AMAZOX age Pore Sad | pers Deoile CABIN CRUISERS, i sed | Ht ir Employees will be expected to WHICK CARRY THATCKE - E 72 feet, Quinte gh ark Seturdevs and 6 Hut$ SERVING AS HOMES Cail 668- 3524 way 2, one mile east of Deseronto. Tele ¥ on otu days and one _ Gardening and Supplies 1% WHOLE FAMILIES. | $AWDON 'ef ATED | ehone 396-2599 night per week doy, 40 OFFER YOUR SERVICE regularly in tne 244 Bro t WASHER cLery Easy, and automatic) hour week 700d opportunity business puillding marketplace e ner, @xce t condition. $100 eash sale for advancement Times Classified Section. Dial 723-3492 ephone 725-3479 and a friendly ad-writer will heip Janssen's Power 9.-Market Bask Le ae ae yo - ~~Market Basket EMPLOYEE SCOUNT ' ARE YOU TIRED grass Equipment Centre ; * EMPLOYEE DISCOI raking leaves, etc. T et Ne i ie ea JANSSEN'S COUNTRY @ HOSP! ALIZATION some one 36 30 timate , ES boal oer ea elated ae 1EA TH ond GROUP a ai ick sate R Service on all powe equit i 'i ready. oe easonabie 4 ° } of € f F + fruit d 7 p ih Nm, .Kouzik, Whitby, 688-3981 or 668-2906 me ensed me peat ssi x! UMM mr d WINTER App solid by the V 10 MANURE -- Gravel, Stone, Fil Any dut BL ji time. Anywhere! Dial Hampton 263-244 842 King We 8.94299 bushel, Most of imported pro- @ PROFIT SHARING BONUS : : | Instruction YES ay wiki 98.9198 caine Apply . c \ OSHAWA Voile ee 6B Weat [iOS RIC POTATOES aE ISS CHAPL DRIVING SCHOO! ; * x B all evenings. Brookiin, 685-496 SEReouiieL <UpERVIEAS r ea é 0 years teaching driving f 10--Farmer's Column actmenntle and standard ears EAR- WRIMGING 9 e.g ' Thursday and Friday Peateirincal ie OL WHEN GROWN IN ake . ng ence DEAD and crippled farm stock picked 2. 5P e a i Ot TEMPERATURES ey p At promptly. Margwill Fur Fa Tyrone $ ' 728-009 : ate hone 728-4401 higghnte Be Waetiian ashen Né whace oak ( - w y ence Bo t shi NII AAE AWE WLDERWESS, «=| ADDING machine, ? mies ior A VHERE A . . oi ADOLNG caching, typewriters, cashlers,| Sem clean oats for sale, 81 bushel. Bow ZELLER'S | \2@ 4 a et se re a . anville 623-2242 VAUGHAN 4 liraae' " J De ME PRON TY EMRE Letina aad } ew iget terms. Ne ' Bg pepe! a OW, Ie es Bill Hamilton, Ra |11--Pets and Livestock LTD, DRIVING SCHOO, NEW cusTOM BOAT sea windshields, |COZY-3 RANCH Kennels, horses, goats OSHAWA SHOPPING JUNE SPECIAL . P ay yr Pos veRe ore " Sid larites, hearer" Aahbcrn ENTRE Painting and Decorating TV--Radio Repairs bs se8 aS ss 4662, evening . m « ravelier, Sacrifice prices, 728 662, eve Po 0 es s TV rower SPECI AL ree" ywer | . oe - ¢ Dannie FR < 1 A} h antenna talled/SCRAP HARDWOOD one-toot lengths. |PRAUTIFUL baby Dudgies, hg Ae SENIOR $ Aerials Ron's TV Excellent for fireplace. $ single COrd.|Broag" Giain 4 é - " Phone 723-2696 E RAT t B after 4 ¢ vate areas : m CLERK-TYPIST Well Diilling--Diogine HONEST CAL'S Furnit age ik badian ase" teres: th f WHITBY DRIVING SCHOOL, new due @ and App sedies, good temperamer * emale) healed: Gare Mapbenal: Eouries eries WELL DIGGING by machine specializing 27°", Name Orands » ae "e f eet a 8-8586 "4 censed and Insured. 668-4176 i F tile 4 Chestnut aateries be Boilag SADDLE MARE (Bay) due to. toa ir \ ing woman who LEARN HAIRDRESSING oe a OF 668-3009.! 0g GE dea nite t ember, bred to registered. Pinto) af fi ' | ae, pay TEF "'g ; ' hindi ands high, 5 years old, good 9, is able to dea evenings ay es, pay @ R Ek = King Street We 9 ' ' sorr th 3 v ! in- earn. Carete. $oh00 faird y 1--Women's Column ea ena Noe vias Oe mech Ame | burenee "ae aod i teria and 4 4 - N d se 3 machines. We 4 per v0 18 iv < PERMANENTS on special, Page Hair t pasonable rates. Honest Cal's f t black mané, and tale be a good tvpis 2 eyes e one ' dogar be 9 go f be capdble Plumbing and Heating ess e Avenue, corner of ex 728-919 ae aa of composing letters and as- i es elec me 4 GO 4 wt ot aor ror - * . +9 . Janitor Service ALL TYPES delling PB. used, trseplece bedroom Wilel iTe-war saree te" Bora? New| sisting staff with our. soles a ear ni wees sp a Awe 66 g stable starting acres to be progra EVERYTHING ards to base ciey, 2----Personal es ding privitepes, -- Board : ? H 8 1 : ' os s he ' riculation or equivalent ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast. e . 4 quivalent, Some A bh RH 1AN RI . fr e wall cleaning e e TYPEWRITER, $25.; portable, $40.) a St we eda ne gous} insurance experience is help: ode ar] e ee es 4 e Br j a e $ wo-tota , reg me s separately. 7 hone 723 ful but not c <f guaranteed. 728-7736 Rug-Upholstery Service 9 Phone Ge o Hote er, $8 typewriter, $65.; .ca Se ee bal inde ' ' 44 « ese dotes for appoir vy FRENCH POODLE for sale. Female, alary depends upon exper- Money To Loan LA v, HONDA MOTOR Sikes ewa white ature ouse broken, one year ence and qudlitications, but i WILL loan you up to $5,000 a! a rea CANICE na P 9 énida Shop, 199 King West.| roi ems, 72-7686 not less thon $60. weekly, onable rate EANE E STROLYSIS ; : BLACK male miniature poodle register Excellent employee benefits Soli BES WEN ARE oi ge . 123-4641 TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40 foot towe anil dacct a. ola. 8 Please write giving full detoils ployed and have ed elephone f ali-channe! antenna instalied,|BRITAINY spanell pup, seven weeks Ol6.; "6 a * Oshawa pp tec 4 elephone Robert Lambert. 263-2296. PAYMENTS TOO --HieNG ---- 3----Sportsman's Column say as rac 4-816 USED "English 'saddle, in excellent | District. Menager good cred end you up to $5.0 6 FISHERMEN and dealers. Reel and rod . ood used f re cathe thiol oti 0-operat > c ess ¢ 0 epairs ding and pa akes,/ 270 BPE ce bd vd Pretly KITTENS, months oid, fox-trained, | C Pete sabe Insurance sation of any we 5 pureesn ervice Centre ° e 4 e So eed & good home. Telephone 728-8806 Association sione Torantn an)see Bre ra = oi B ree hit ORIGINAL ting z rapes : s 286 King Street W., OSHAWA Pome 5__Trail yi F i | 12--Articles Wanted ier tie aswc a ortgages ' ering trailers : a waekunnds Gahan? gege es. an kends 6 Brock TEA WAGON -- Mahogany, walnut, or WAITRE RELUPHOL STERING fo 900d condition. Telephone 125-6186 she | rs GUNS Bought nded te P ate ok's Trailer Sales N I : - MORTGAGE : es i, @ Bond Stree! West. 13----Articles for Rent REQUIRED e esse Y e t North 8 i F ee hawa Cekowe OBA URNITURE a RENTAL Hours 7 to 4: 4 te 11 LOANS fer ee eco Bee CHESTERFIELDS a ° of amo So Pa e este Sait] Jum, Nath of Comp Samos, ra be Sint') OF ALL KINDS | Ate GIRL REQUIRED C | 0 . de e Stree sof ' WE BUY, sell and exchange train on soled bar. t t ¢ er es é f ture or @ 9 you have e ' F e e Stre RED NG EQU AEN entral Ontarlo aa aang, Po . 3 EQUIPMENT Apply MR. CAMPBELL Bi mo 9g belts, rowing me vi ¥ Sales and Service : 2° jammaa - ---- hikes' Kile Ghnieiies ce "atl GENOSHA HOTEL Trust BIN IUER SACKS Le PARTS, puanee tea risupe caver" 9a $6 oy -- AIRS a ball tha beat fo) lain wating PLUMBER'S TOOLS -~ pipe INTERVIEWERS a ; TRAILERS 'for sale of tent, cabin and MODEL DIS Altis-Cha actor with cleaning rods, pipe vise trie | & and SI dag f RAILBAE: Ter SAG OF FOR, COR aN ee Agu and Gta Are 'illers| wrenches, pipe cut- and SUPERVISORS CN VI See Marita Pigs bikie: wers, one used pop er. Ap dint nine 4 ' i ; Aes. Milise alle arwood sitet 4¢ 4 Fa te ae Ast reading dies, Port t me, for market research siGLiE taller Tar ealr Wie fei 3 '6 Saehe a Cac aie surveys. Write giving educa- Telephone after 5 p 28-9939, NEW BOAT: eld and. ea aside ie ' hid vb a tion, interviewing Or super- N } er TRUCK CAMPER, nen ; , . ; . did igi yah bh pedRleea asda ALE bbe Sag vising experience to Edsoll Master Marine ; n siding, Insulated, cup-yoye4 a pens ao Research Ltd., 2045 Bishop ec ding screens stee! scattoiding, compressor st M 125. W aul Aiea F PIAN ; Penang aie gis Aree | « ontrea rite Box IG) VV 997 eran 64nd 9 bee Proy gu wallpaper steam 6 Oshawa Times ey A HOA HILO" AND SILVER LINER trailers ers, tarpaulins, blow torches, See : . » e * CEMENT MIXER prope torches sata ix m Hig East Oshawa t $ c - i DE EQUIP es "LERK * 19 Simcoe ) A994 HEAVY DUTY axie hitch, $65. Mighty) '% an ME CLERK s ne 723-527 tile 4 ot of trailer RANGE ms 4 ent mixers, finishing tro- Wanted by lo -al industry for GUARANTEED airs all wringe $ el@phone 958 M . € ee! borrows, electrie permonent full or part time M rtgage Mone Bars bah ayes 9) 1964 APACHE e e ondition, |" 'i aC a Ln employment in sales depart- equippe e Apply Zolton!$ offe a ment, Prefer st h - i es - Bhs eorey bia en refer staff with typing silable ANVAS ure on pies DINING das e, six ae ai : or some transcription exper Low Interest e SMAL alle gnts and ne ence. Middle age no objec- ; ; 4 Ps burner stove, draperie ' tion. Reply to Box 7011. Osh- Septic Service z - e a) 8 Wa awa Times, Whitby. M Brokers Ass SEPT AN} ' Marine Equipment gage pil a brs aul SMALL housetrailer, 39 inch beds wit DEMONSTRATORS -- Up to $5. hour or ' = ' f ; We 1 headboaras actica € 4 $ day demonstrating famous Studie SLIM MF RI A if ) er and night table t e este Girl Hollywood Cosmetics, Your neighbor- 2. ) vens @ Crestliner fie t - five hood. No experience required. | show you SECIIRITIES Surveyors . dinette se 8 q mall. Work full er part time, rt | io pohlidad : @ Grew @ Evinrude elephone 6 Openings throughout province. For tree Nee" SONEVAN a Fi ' NN < ms Samples, and complete ceta is, 4 e ' ' ¢ TRRES PIRCE Chestortic te. colo sanders t end your name to Studio Girl. Cosmetics, sho oric 5 68 ee HAWA YACHTHAVEN | teieonene Arh ene outfits, 200 Division Helene Curtis, Inc., Dept, SA040, FIRST AND SECOND H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE te and hat alder M0 La Fleur Avenue, Montreal 32 mortgage: bale E ding es a ma tsar Caney" pag agreeme . 'ased and oman aati e ¢ a t ( TYE RWRITERS:. ane TYPIST for mailing division of local and Hennick, Berristers; 91: King: Stree 688 9 . = . bee S T A N r] S printing company. Ability to work even 9 2 e ng shift an as i = TV--Radio Repairs $ $175 1 ical aki b prelerable, Grade "10 ec BM eo . ' J } 5j Rentals | Apply in person to General Printers are Money To Loan 2 " ° "ant ages] DMarpening & Rentals Ltd. | Spely. in, pereon South, to Mr. D. A. V gerat deal for cot 59 , \ a Houviden se 5 Ke \/ . BOATS K ailers ew, ltage, Telephone 728174 23 King St, W., Oshowa WOMAN + "bairy 8 ear MORT GAGE L OAN \ ( nska sto 'orner Solina Road / 0 work in Dairy @ store . " Highw a ss hawa ELECTRIC heavy duty stove 0 ch PHONE 723 3224 Jst be neat and clean and able te meet / ' Telephone days, 728-4279 f 4 < public, Day shift gery, 1003. «Dundas AVAILABI E BAYTONA MARINA LTD airport FENDER rs = -o Street East, Whitb : "tee mk tart Street, Frenchman's Ba cde ale i Read dE i ehdi, Sh lf EXPERIENCED sai required for Coach RST AND SE c - ' sa , sid, F '8 siephone A RENT Ho Restaurant. Telephone Whitby v 2 * repa ork otter § 1ALL FOR REN 68-2751 or 668-4592 ® INTEREST T AA A Ah cf er Toronto 5 Dunbarton) "NORGE" ref b gone R ALL OCCASSIONS WANTED housekeeper for family "al cot- ss ; ' condition. Reas 299 Monash bs tage, July and August. Telephone 23-9538 NO BONUS OSHAWA TV USTOM BUILT bo aller, size 4 by 8, Avenue : Kitche facilities aximurr |YOUNG WOMEN, experienced to meet ry '\ a steel frame work 5-Inch CEDAR CHEST oak brary table 100 aus Fo, the pub to train as cocktail lounge CONTACT eels ht Best offer or w 4 made d estertie te 7 f 6 ¥ waitresses, Applicant must be of goed COUN Ci 17 de f fing torch ele f nantie ock novie amera et rmation ca appearance and over 21. Reply stating : e a Ww ase A e e particulars and enclose a recent photo ACTIVE é f I ine ic ole ena | Os 723-9433 graph to Box 320, Oshawa Times, 86 W e j on Telephone |FINDLAY high shelf enamelled H - Street Eas ee My ' .4 r , sarrarc oad oal ar 1) 196, pipe cd . LEGAL stenographer, part time. Must be RE Y LIMITED /28-8] 80) onditior hine rangette, Apply 4 ables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- | experienced. Hyman. and Hyman. Tele- FREE VALUAT Sipuctal ty 7---Swap and Barter tre Stree € itlery, Glasses, Coffee phone } es ' MOVIE" PROJECTOR, 8 mm "Eumig" SMALL Kelvinator refrigerator, sis Punch Be Bride! (| @XPERIENCED HAIRORESSER with 728 f si i A. (stove, $4 ghcha 5 Telephone Wear, Men's Formals. White [clientele Apply in person. The Vogue t at a 668 Fu M Stole |Beauty Salon, 10 Simcoe Street North. | vit BATH TUBS, $10 and basins, $2.00, BUY AND SELL 30 a furniture | RELIABLE baby sitter preferably middie MOR TGA -- A i k $4 abinets; pressure system (2 Ly er @ 30010 you e 5 SARGEANT S RENTALS end eile yok, ee ene 8 +f a cruise traile are s 7 GE nn, Hillside and Park | HARLEY-DAVIDSON moto rege 463 Ritson Rd. S, 725-3338 $15, Monday to Friday, Telephone 725-2090 : BR p afte FOR LUNCH counter, waitress shift work, OANS YOUR PROBLEM 4 iifi with ock 728-7184 cers gels Mies batts walk tvs. apply Medern Grill 345 Ritson Road south. i EM ed machines, sick room supplies. re / TPhoha TEVM0E 400; & COUPON Biedaaite oh she S85. 'Talnphone. 2s an a a \18--Meale Hel w t dd sp e Brel y sek { vis mh) etter 4 ¢ : CHAIRS, d and banquet tables, chureh ne ° ba Ld oa ante Open Mo gages ce nee et oe terest © : 8--Articles For Sale THREE ROOMS of furniture, $298 50. No. street North, Call 723-2444 CLERK CADET No Bo UB ING bce Ca a s's, 404 King We of ENTERTAINING "Fifty to one hundrea " arge * a s OWEF si arriang,, beige bed. | FABULOUS SAVINGS ' cn a : ha ideranmee 3 Mortgages and Agreements F ' e Telephone 728-4426 earance ot sn end ers. $7.99 ave ee " Meee cerita me ' 9 9 r C e@s, A tehen, park S HE BE Se ae a . ser race 2g OSHAWA PC' ICE Money f se d mortgages ele e 49 3 1 es $6.88 : a --~ aah ani iee BICYCLE. boy's. Eaton Glider, In exce: ge ' 14--Business Opportunities DEPARTMENT MA F CL cntaal chet tel ddn hdl Band " ; FOR SALE! 14 unit motel and three-| L : | R } () RECORD-PLAYER arce portabie|." PEISOAIRS ee hana me Beste bedroom home, 30 miles east of Oshawa.| Applications will be received 26 ic . ae . ~ recorder ha P onths ¢ elephone 725-036 consider property Oshawa or up to and including June 2. ft ® Telephone 728-674 sronto area as part payme Nrite & © inc ah . » SNOW GENDRON age > PARKING LOT strip nine port-iBox 118, Oshawa Time h, 196 he position of f n $ C sod work > ? 15 | t Wanted adet-Cle the Oshawa . e aque e --Employmen ante Police Departme Applica- MORTGAGES are business 4 TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL 40-18 {ing e . ' REGISTERED desire osition ir t ' be obtained ds a arable at A a es. ist " pped galvanized wer! VIKING automa carr z dryer, ( sale nffice ; eas ne Alax to at the office the Chiet of haa ae f IC 19. All oe a en nN} two and years old, $200) 40 Hotpoint} + 5 bi re Police. The following qualifi ; oe Ska ft e 'Istove. -$ pleman space. heat ons ere veaui a Nursing Homes © year $50. See ail towe a Telephone 655-4486 EXPERIENCED middle-aged lady willing ations ore required , i orne i q = naby sit Monday to Friday to -- ENSED 7 a a y 8 4 TELEVISION Admire sole mode p.m. Whitby area. 668-3396 ) Male ' ed MI N'S Ps Ww « g ap be A mum hi . t patients ynto : bis ALA LOREN'S ' : ae LADY jook after 1 hildren by) * im height Sf abie rates ephone v\ , sex, etc. A home 4. Taunto 0 ' A TWO BEC : de : Na] es ea slephone MA num weight 160 {bs Optometrist ELECTROHOME : witht ' 4, Minimum education -- F. RICHARD BLACK, OD, ix and. Excellent condit jo0d |ATTENTION cottagers! B Ded 17---Female: Help Wanted the grade Stree! No te 6, Oshawa * : Fok. teehee sania bie Ded. EXPERIENCED help for coffee bar and| Typis i WEIGHT fling eq for. saie| ariety store, 5 to 11 shift. Apply Smitn's 6, Between the ages' of 17 stable bench, Ror push-up|ACCORDION, almost new. Bes olfer|Coffee Bar, 317 Simcoe South 725-3992 gad 30 ears : Painting and Decorating DOMI? ) a. kattter ba Phi hich ind casa ii aa REGISTERED nurse required tor sma a ip agree é 1S FT. BOAT sat edical centre Please eply in own hand ust M. Found COMMISSION sales agents with cara Must be bondable, to call on local farm" ars. Farm necessity. Write vicepresideny TCS, PO Box 922, Windsor. Ontaria,

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