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Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Jun 1965, p. 1

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"OLD 6218" -- CN'S HISTORIC STEAM EN GINE -- PASSED OSHAWA TODAY HAULING EXCURSIONISTS TO KINGSTON -- OD I" Pnhyyyype dill. (isidilladdleeisié Cc OMMITT EE AT OSHAWA CN 'BYE, BYE'... 6218 DU E BAC K HERE AROUND 8: :30 P.M, TONIGHT » LOOK! LOCAL "STEAM BUFFS" FORM REC EPTIO} HERE SHE Home Newspaper Weather Report Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bow- md Clouding over tomorrow manville, Ajax, Pickering and morning with likelihood of isiuiatie conte in Ob thundershowers. Low tonight, tario and Durham Counties. 60. High Sunday, 68, VOL. 94--NO, 131 sis oc Ce Caineinn SRI ONT ARG, EO TUROMT, JUNE 9, 1968 Cs "ae oe TWENTY-SIX PAGES "| OSHAWA UNIT UNDECIDED | | Nation Facing POLICE CAPTUR | Rails Walkout RIV ARD'S BUDD of the striking railway union re to suspend Bod | Police Hope For A Lead ~ On Rivard From His Pal Gemini Flight Half-Finished By HOWARD BENEDICT j|American manned space flight HOUSTON, Tex. (AP)-- Astro-| McDivitt said that during the nauts James McDivitt and Ed-| 119th orbit he sighted-an orbiting ward White neared the halfway| object "with big arms sticking mark of their record space/out."" He took movies, but the flight today, thejr routine glaring sun prevented him iden- broken by unidentified satellites|tifying it or estimating its dis- and little league baseball scores jtance from the Gemini IV. America's newest heroes, who| There was some speculation it eracked the U.S..space endur-|was the Pegasus II meteoroid ance mark Friday night, were detection satellite launched May Don Craggs, president of paints for losing a carton . Local 328, CBRTGWU, said |freigh t, J today that it was decided | Union officials said the men! at an executive meeting Fri- |have been restive on the issue| day not to join the strike |0f the demerit system for over) immediately, He said that a |@ year. to reach the mid-point of their|? from Cape Kennedy. | rank and file meeting will | William J. Smith, president| marathon journey at 12:15 -p.m.| At a midnight press bri iefing'| vote Sunday on the issue. of the union, will meet Donald! EDT as their Gemini IV space| mission control officials said the| : ai Gordon, president of CNR, at § MONTREAL (CP) -- Thejnorth-end Montreal for an hour ship sailed high above the earth/Pegasus II was about 1,200) TORONTO (CP) -- A break-/the Montreal negotiations. l¢ small-time member of a pair ofjthen broke down the door, during orbit No, 32. miles "in the proper direction! jdown of wera a hag repre SUPPORTS STRIKERS 1} prisoners who made a sensa-\catching Durocher unawares. Mission: control reported the|t? be observed by the astro-| sentatives of Canadian National| Mr. § : : tional jailbreak three months; "He was well armed," a Mis: a Express.and The Canadian t, Smithy who originally de-| ht Friday b ber of th - craft and pilots in excellent con-/nauts. s serinad th ' ago was caught Friday but the;member of the squad said. 'We Brotherhood of Railway Work-|Scribed the strike as a breach big fish, Lucien Rivard, is. still/found three revolvers in the ers (CLC) slated for Monday|f the agreement with CNR, put in Montreal could mean a na- the union on record in support tion-wide strike by 23,000 rail-/f the strikers Friday. way employees. A stormy reception given the dition, White slept through one| Dr, Dwayne Catterson, flight attempt to give him a routine) medical expert, said he did not medical check and had to be know if an object within 1,200) awakened later in the 27th orbit! miles could be identified by the| swimming free in an under-|apartment, one hidden in the world sea. sofa, one in the kitchen and an- Montreal police expressedjother under the bed." hope that Andre Durocher, 28,| Police also found several eee ee for the exam, human eye. 'But certainly if the} : suggestion > t ; 4 ; wi ' Wie sina contrast was great enough be-| The union has put its locals sa) ger of illegality at a <i captured without a shot being)sticks of dynamite and three that 'hfe Ai racila ce aes, tween sunlight on the object and! across the country on the alert a Viduedas 3 oe a fired, would provide informa- | Molotov cocktails tied in a bun- bi year On, Hace a he : y : 2,000 sday evening seems| | id ti bout t dl ¢ ? wie .< background he, could see an ob : to be ready to support the 2, F i Sha jon about the suspected narcot-)dle. got one hit out of three time , a ; , |to have engulfed the Lomi a i i Sk thine' iat stent ' members on strike now y Fi ics racketeer whose. escape} Police detained a woman in ; at bat ina little league basebalf|Ject there and he might well see | 4 tional claims of the leadership.,| | \ j : 2 H ciktaré: BMeDivitt whe. tolt by reflection giving shape from} PRIDE OF OSHAWA union spokesman said support \ walionat aisle. ve ge : \ ; touched off a political storm. |the apartment who claimed to Y tie the arm." action could take several forms) 1) anp ¢p, would halt) § "This is the best thing we|be Durocher's wife. mission control that the little) "i Little wonder pretty Kath- Airlines in the three-day | ranging from walkouts to finan-|@ll CNR freight shipments by) 7 '* have to go on as a lead to Ri-| Following the jail escape, po- seams team ot (Bs son, eighty oeeh Hpi, Eugene Kranz) jeon Grace Simons, da contest, There were 18 en- |ojal assistance but declined to} 'a!l,and air in Canada. Air Can-| | vard," a police spokesman said.|lice speculated that Rivard got year-old Mike, also won added that all of the Space frags) as nd Mr ; trants. They were assessed |specify what would be re ada's -- and express serv-| 6 But late Friday night, police out of the country but thought Some ; ments are of American manu ees 2y on their appearance in uni- | quested, ice would be affected also be . pees, agri « . Lanwrikit / nan ' } sir + / . isaid Durocher would say noth-|him "much too clever to kee ARE IN AREA facture, Soviet satellites were, Simons of 101 Fernhill form, knowledge of airline 1 cause CN does the pick-up and ANDRE DEROCHER ihe ikent Raveid and Soe wunil a amailtine hood like that -- Mission control said the pilots put in a different track. The strike started Wednesday| delivery for the airline. - levard, looks happy - duties and current. inter- |about his own activities since! him." had reported no more sightings | , afternoon in. Toronto to protest) jr ee inte cond place Fri- ational affairs,. g¢ Z anada s K of the unidentified object McDi- PERFORM TESTS : Dent ik ane me . a sa "tae affal 4 rooming, |the demotion of a truck driver! press tte aie ae ie lthe March 2 escape from the| Durocher was in Bordeaux vit reported during the 19th or-| As Gemini IV circled dround| jatjonal Air Hostess « Men a th and = sense O°. | with five years' standing to theling customers to bring bs ale NPS Riddl @ jprovincial Bordeaux jail injtrial ward awaiting hearing on hit. Officials listed at least 11)the globe, the space twins con tage Ni Wes Natesi aM . Logiana Ele sie Plum of position of porter. to the airport thems ogee Montreal except to say he hadja_ truck hijacking charge. He earth satellites, most of them tinued to perform routine test pale pheshccis 'et enmark was the winner, "oe . t had spread to as been out of town for much of was already serving a five-year adtact Simons, an OCVI grad, re Miss Simons will tour Aus- sy evening It had spreac trucks were available. f d robb Rivard fragments or space debris, in/pilot tasks intended to f presented Canadian Pacific tralia for three weeks other Ontario centres and CNR It could also affect passenger epu y 's ome me HGR, Beinfeighaid steer tylandae Ps the general area of McDivitt's/qualify men and machinery for : bok tei ec hae : } i cut off express shipments in and service if the affect passenger ACT ON TIP bre di hin Pi je cop sighting. longer trips put 6 orornto t 1G } Pe extradition to Texas where he ub of fF o sleeping and dining car con-| BOGALUSA, La. (AP)--Gun-) yiontreal morality squad|is wanted on charges of cohspir- At 5:56 a.m. EDT Gemini IV) Business even came _ before p [ : Union officials in Toronto/ductors, porters and waiters / : men fired six bullets into the b ti tip.|ing to smuggle narcotics inte entered its 28th orbit, congratulations Friday night ale W lliam on I ump e predicted a rash of similar|who are members of the union,| members, acting on a_ tip,|ing itd As they whirled through their When McDivitt and White uate S S walkouts unless railway offi- false Gk he unlnn are employ. |home of the chief deputy sheriff staked out an apartment in'the United States. "iearly today as officers pressed seemingly endless voyage, Mc- astronaut Gordon Coop er cials give assurances that they|/ees of the railway's hotels and : ae Divitt and White were pro- Orbital record of 34 ow 26 will not take reprisals against ferrys, their investigation of a terror.) "im nounced in excellent physical Minutes, established in. May, After i orgery Conviction the strikers and deal immedi-| ist-style murder. ' ately w ion' »- SEN BLEG | : red no ap-| 1803 lately with the union's griev- Tie elites ae Chief Dputy Doyle Holliday, | NEWS HIGHLIGHTS condition. White suffered no ap A committee representing the sy. NNUAL unten vqoeqreratneenreeeaN . fter-effects m the 20 t 3h p "DT ances, i : i an grb ee Bagpaell ghee Byes -- get : = ay an V ANCOUVER (CP) Public} Mr, Justice F. Craig Munroe) aa as |brotherhood in Toronto sent eo ee Breage aia the eaneule ahortl Sawer Das cansi ommuni tions counsel Al Williamsonireversed a custody order and WANTS RETURN telegram to Prime Minister}, . Ab ser 5 plied his $8 Thursday's launching from Cape.cator at the Hawaiian tracking collapsed in the dock and was released Williamson on awn The CN has said that no Lester Pearson Friday request bs lib pistol al fl sind car * 800 Ships Ready For Gemini Re-entry Kennedy, Fla station. contacted the Gemini Iv/t@ken to hospital Friday recognizance. He was taken im- negotiations could be carried ing the appointment of a com-|°8" iS A Me HOUSTON, Tex. (AP) -- More than 800.U\S, Navy rn i radio. relaved instructions/after being convicted of forgery|mediately to hospital and later out until the men return to mission of inquiry into the la-|. The shooting came as state, sg é x But mo American has spent as oy races ea eek and readli " released their jobs. bor relations policies of the|federal and local efficers|"and merchant ships are dispersed around the world in | much time orbiting the earth for a medic al - dig ee in the celebrated case of the Use of the demerit system to|/CNR. pressed a massive investigation; Supporting manoeuvres for the Gemini IV space flight. and the medics. were on the ooh sadist lee rN ae "Dear Hal" letter He will be sentenced next punish men who break regula-! 'The telegram read: 'Railway into the shooting of Washington These vessels can be radioed at any time end asked far alert for any sign of physical or @d@ed, rather mateo aes)? | 'Trembling pale, the 60-)Thursday tions is the major. grievance.| workers, members of Canadian|Parish's first Negro deputy] assistance in bringing the Gemini craft back safely to mental deterioration might I'd also like to congratulate year-old defendant dropped a The jury, absent three hours Misdemeanors are punished|Brotherhood of Railway, Trans-|sheriff, O'Neal Moore. earth. serait from tong exposure " ms ie fa ie w American space cup of water and slumped inand 17 minutes, ruled that Wil- with demerit points graded to port and General Workers.) A white man charged in ie hostile, weightless environment. fli recore his seat moments after a Su-liamson-did in fact forge a Jet. the seriousness of the error and/driven to extreme measures of'case, Ernest R. McElveen, 1, Everything 'Go' For Full 4. Day Flight If there is trouble--and i Roger," replied McDivitt.ipreme Court jury found ¢ to Hal Dornar 1ide to the amount of cost involved in'mass work stoppage to protest!of Rogalusa, waived ex pation may not show ur fter ve got quite a few more guilty on two counts, each of Prime Minister Pearson, in the rectifying it harsh, repressive actions of|Friday and was returned to HOUSTON, Tex. (AP) -- Everything -- conditions of they return to ¢ t (orhits) to go. Thank you very), hi carries a possible 14-year name of Premicr W. A. C. Ben- An accumulation of 60 points|\CNR management in misuse of|Louisiana from Tylertown,| the astronauts and their Gemini IV spaceship -- today could affect the whole fi uture of much." pri : ett of British Columbia results 'in a hearing -before a demerit system. Miss., where he was arrested. pointed to successful completion of the United States, four-day, two-man trip into space. "The spacecraft systems are all go at this time," Flight Director Eugene Kranz said last night. "T don't see anything at this moment to keep us from going four days," said Mission Direcor Chris Kraft. The astronauts settled down to the routine. space travel, jovial as ever as they talked with mission control here, Just after 1 a.m. the control centre said it inten- tionally had no voice contact with the spacemen for about 90 minutes to allow McDivitt sleeping time, THE SPECTRE OF '29 STILL HAUNTS A TROUBLE WORLD Money Experts Talk Depression, Market Trembles | | | Gi By HAROLD MORRISON vom { s and current sion though some econon was battered by heavy raise the spectre 'of depression London's Economist goes .a Canadian Press Staff Writer trends du z a recent London lin are so many attack, the world's ma- are well aware that the amount step farther. It suggests that if Two nationa nonetary pane, a ission 1 W 1 he yutid-in e at. such a o mentee banking systems of world credit available to oil Marti : fe ' ps ae eae ee ai | experts have shown rather a doubling of the re ad crash cannot recur, brought to bear a n assive mone the wheels of world finance may matin Ss Sim WEs +0 hats iethosdat ats auintinw eoncern about the Dos a of 1 i st 'p PORT ARGUMENTS etary defence, For the moment, be insufficient in relation to ex- belt itening by. the U.S., par- | me THE TIMES cada wee @ WuIeUNE A iam McChesney Martin, Roth Rueff and Martin raised all national policies and goals panding world trade. And na- ticularly in. reducing the U.S, | ; sibility of widespread depres- chairman of the U.S. Federal the spectre not so much as an were set aside tional political policies can international payments deficit, | 35 Nurses Graduote At Oshawa General -- P. 11, : sion, a spectre that:still haunts Reserve Board, also raised con- immediate threat but as an Gradually during the post-war sometimes defeat the machinery the result may be the very de- | Police Hold 13 After Raid on Midnight Party -- P.5. = a relatively bi but trou- cern when he told a New York argument in support of other years machinery had been built for maintaining the strength of pression Martin is so anxious to |. . Geel's 'Just Manoge' 7:5 Victo P.8 ; hied world, Li : audience the disaster of 1929-23 issues. Rueff wants tle official up through the International avoid . oe i tron' seems was "a conseql of malad price of gold pushed to $70 an Monetary Fund, regional ar- oF The surplus of U.S. dollars Ann Landers -- 13 Obits -- 19 Fy to the tools ments born the boom of ( e; Martin nts 'to see the rangements and. bilateral But as a New York newspaper floating around the world helps City News -- 11 tts -- 8, 9 i 1930s for t the 1920 U.S ) ent iin es rer wans to beat the suggested Martin may ave finance world trade Without Classified -- 16, 17, 18 | e t 1 4 hese! : M . ' the ¢ A t mud 0 Irrency. collapse exagcerated the par: 1 be- developing som ew credit Comics 20 5 s F tue ) ad eA n { ead inwanted tion and aaway inflation and. com- veen the current situation and machin elsewhere, a redu F 3 viser to French President de ior » the New York Stock other danger petitive currency devaluations that of the 1920s in trving to tion in that irplus of dollars Editoriol ----~ ¢ 12,18 Gaulle, touched on similarities Exchange. Investors tremble at In contrast to the spectre is still are possibilities in a none- temper "boom 'talk"' by the U.S, can hurt trade expansion on i Financial --- 19 . { between the pre - Depression the thought of anothe. depres- the reality; when the British " toomerfect world, Those whe government. ' which prosperity is based. li PM eT TT m LULU

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