THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, June 5, 1965 BRIDGE KEEP IT }' / SHOULD WHERE IT i6-- A ON YOUR HEAD &23, a A} By B: JAY BECKER ba Zz (Top record-holder in Masters' 8 Oo Individuol Championship Ploy) -- S ES . West dealer. a rr THAT WAS JUST : Both sides vulnerable. i} THE BEGINNING, }{ KEEP THAT NORTH 14 JACKIE, IN MIND, 4K1063 wis fi Ps 1073 of ? : HAQK2 ' he. a 1 ace vig Soy Rata C oe heastinieidnaelpemanasenmeapemecisonarccinieemacens estat ie aa WEST EAST f GOLD RUSH, SPARKED BY "ARMACK'6 OWN FORTUNE GOES WT THE YUKON HAS NOT FORGOTTEN HIM .TO THIS DAY 4% 19542 'Gadnoe CAMEL TURNS OUT GREATER % HIS HEAD. HE DEGERTS HIS - rs DAWSON ANO WHITEHORGE (PRESENT CAPITAL ), THE 9Q10862 WAT5SS THAN EVEN THOSE OF FRAGER VALLEY| INDIAN WAYS, AND HIS WIFE, | BIGGEST HOLIDAY OF THE YEAR 1S AUGUST /7... THE 08654 @Ak NOW WE, AND. THE CARIBOO» AND GOES TO NEW YORK. HIS & DAY GEORGE CARMACK FOUND GOLD ON THE KLONDIKE £ #953 474 KIN FACE MONEY RUNS OUT, AND HE 4 ih Ww DIES IN POVERTY. } SOUTH TH' DAY? »\ 7) "EARLY DAYS ON ' @AQi i THe YUKON', : 9K | WILLIAM OGILVIE, oQ592 JOHN LANE 5 4KI106 hed "MACLEAN 'G The bidding: P tJ West North East South i} =} Pass Pass 1@ #11NT | Em Pass 3NT SHE WAS THE GREATEST Opening lead -- six of hearts, HI | EVANGELIST OF HER DAY F Some contracts Jook impos- ee 5 | sible to make, but the wily de- = 'i ; ; ia Sai - clarer does not give up on these - XACTLY~ BUT HES TERRIBLE BUSY AN' WE AN' YOU KNOW SOMETHIN = (M : p ri ed PAR FLING FLEW HOME piper tg tyirlg ¥- CAN SORTA ROAM ROUND ON OUR OWN || KINDA REALLY LIKING ITMAYBE [itl : ALAN, DID YOU HEAR IT? hands without at Jeast giving i Ny WATCHIN' COMIN! AN' GOIN' PRETTY MUCH | WE'VE BEEN ORPHANS FOR SO 44 MEBBE STORM SOUNDED Lik A MORSE { them the old college try. re Ce' fan NAN Oeee LONG WE DON'T KNOW HOW To ¥ SOTERA, i S HERE IN SAN JUAN, ; AFTER US ~ ] : | FEEL LIKE REGLAR IDS CO ec | For example, take this hand ZERO-- BEIN' OUR 4 { td jwhere South is in three no =} ig jtrump and West leads a heart, a = |East takes the ace and refurn =] = ja heart to the king flo | Certainly declraer's outlook is | fad |dim at this point. He sees eight = |sure tricks, with not much pros- 3 |pect of getting a ninth, It j would seem that his only chance = jot manufacturing an additional Ee trick is to. lead the ace of spaces in the hope that West 7 was dealt the singleton jack ies sone? and that a fourth spade trick [it's HARD TO BELIEVE MEN 2 ~ |will thus materialize. CAN BE SO LAZY/ I THINK 5) | ° \ Sane NORE LAZY THAN | ~ LAL THE OPERATION Has) if Bur WITH "LEOPARD" |, The chance that West was HER EN ARE STUPID! Bed iz BEEN BOBGED DOWN |!| ARRIVNG SHORTLY f |dealt the singleton jack is rather od } Super-agent, TAM \ ; 100 LONG ¢ | tcansraer Tue Nt jremote, in view of East's épen- ' "Antares" ASSIGNED \ } y Hi -- ' ACTION / Se), jing spade bid, but if this actual- z Sa decodes an ANEW | 4 h 3 LD ; ay ly offered the only possibility aa important COURIER Vee ' rs i ¢ OA \ of making the contract, South ~ | Ee message U t 4.0) would have to play for it and 5 = i B ge hope for the best = o | : However, there is a much bet- ec : |ter chance of making the hand fe CMA and South should plan his play He 1 |accordingly. There is a reason- wal a able possibility that West has | © H jeither the singleton eight or nine Sr oe jof spades, in which case, with fay] mage jeareful play, a fourth spade es amy |} ltrick can be developed, i In line with this, South cashes F | the king of clubs at trick three | -SORT OF and then overtakes the jack with id | A BEGINNER! the queen. Next he leads the L | lten of spades, > f bd East must cover with the jack ee ' © and South plays the ace, catch- = i =) ing West's eight. Declarer now By A |plays the ten of clubs to the ace ' Q and returns a low spade from 1 past | jdummy, successfully finessing a x |the seven when East follows G low. = | Virtue is rewarded when |South then plays the ace of = mn spades and leads the carefully <----nennoeemnemenreneeesian - - ~ wos -- | preserved six of clubs to the NOT ORLY WAS (ie we WING Terey soot agus Wi cane we NC THEN WHERE 1§ He eight in order to cash trick num- PANCHO KILLED, You ARMY SHOT YOUR DOWNFALL AND THE DEATH OF PANCHO, ONKSE net WANT 10 ROSS 41, Observ 18, Shake ber nine -- the king of spades, REMEMBER, BLT YOu US UP, YOUR OWN BROT ai ext ACROSS erve h GUERRILLAS DIDN'T a" F ONIN 1, Channel sap ibe Heng Se a ew? marker quantity river jrequires a certain. amount of s 5, Plunder DOWN 19. Con- |planning, but it is all quite logi- i) | 9. Maid: a dani | cal. After all, bridge is a logi- | Fr, Solom. ne's | cal game. = | 10. Arctic 2, Opening, birth- | ; a" shelter asarug place } 12. Wading 3. Single 20. Sexton | QUARTERLY OUTPUT UP BE bird unit 22. Angora March output of copper de- [~=) 13. Plait 4, Still and | | icreased while nickel production 14, Also 5. Zodiae Maltese Yesterday's Answer | was up as compared with 15. Part of ' -- gn ae an March, 1964, the bureau of "to be'? onster dweller . Window statistics reported Thursday. 16. Look 7, Palm 25. Poke sections "March totals, with last year's 17. Haunt of leaf fun at 33, Measure I tie: A cats " "ramblin' 8. Worked 26. African of figures in raga m ari : wrecks" 9, Second country? distance (38,290 tons (40,08 i ib ghia etl OUR OUTLAW FRIEND HAS GAINED 20, Varying brightest poss. 36. Devoured | 1968 tons (25,011). First quarter SOME ON US... BUT NOW HES weight: hick in 27. Chop 37. Pam- | totals of the two metals were THERE YOU ARE, BOY..... NONE THE GOIN' TO GET CARELES4.,.. BECAUSE | Ini constellae 28, Wickedly phieteer {both Above those last year. WORSE EXCEPT FOR THE DUST, HE THINKS WE ARE BURIED | 21. Ornamental tions 29, Sand Paine |Copper production totalled 116,- UNDER A COUPLE HUNDREP TONS | = ROCK garden 11, Smells chines: 38, Man's | 653 tons (115,202 last 'year), = ' plant 15, Sweetsop Eng. name | while nickel output was 68,079 5 | 22, Uncouth Tn 1s 14, Pe le Te Yy |tons (45,213). | people / tf, fe wovemetintcien ee ey = 23. Hawks ae ieee Tio m1 q , = | 3t: Pron to Z SALLY'S SALLIES | Scotch SSCs Sa si =z | names ' Y, " | < | 25. Volunteer 14 7 Y 15 4 V7 16 | _ | state: fy A, Y/, | { _, abbr. 7 16 119 7/420 27. Detestation J 30, Size of rT ) 22 rod coal A 31, Deeply VIVA AA J/\34 tf, | thoughtful GAUL Vy Yj) | i 32. Affirmative y \ THAT. WAS A )! | Ssqune ae ee ZA 38 [2 | KITCHEN | 33. Gullet 1 34. Fall from , 7713 us CLOCK! ban 6 Ai GAY AREA RUG < 35. Franco's Sy AEX) DTT By ALICE BROOKS SIZES | ¢ : . comenty x " LA Ls Aad s cozy colorful bigs = 4663 10--20 | OSs SV em: , 3 crocne an area rug 1a } | 99. Aim: d fit into any room SUMMER SAILOR Orn > | 39 A LAD Decorator favorite! Crochet By ANNE ADAMS | USS _eesesene tar se tat sen sit 2 eeacitna. G br a practical area rug of cotton' STEP LIVE in culottes; "You said my cooking doesn't o tior "AN ig ZA \-~ 4 pieces plus border, Use with a salty, sailor look -- the}, sit well with you, so let's try 4 j < € [single crochet, shell stitch, Pat: gayest, new fashion under the; it standing." = = Itern 7163; directions sun! Choose white pique, twill, vs . Thirty - five cents (coins) duck YOUR HEALTH for each pattern (no stamps, Printed Pattern 466: COLBORNE m iplease) to Alice Brook care Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, : = of The Oshawa Time Needle-20. Size 16 requires 3% yards GROCETERIA ll [WELL o@aNomar \| [ ano rPateuNne Headaches Symptom et craft Dept, 60 Front. Street 39-inch fabnic Colborne St. at Churen St. [SOUND a moor tHar \| | scnmerunte eatee | | BME toric' residents add 1 vem sateslcoe ne cee cents) inl 98.884) SHOWS HOW TO MAKE || | OUTOFA SPOOL..| | . bys Sate Ss itario residents add 1 cent sales coins (no stamps, please) for} bad | THINGS FROM JUNK } : 1 | ome isease SM tax. Print plainly PATTERN|each pattern, Ontario residents] OPEN = Sere a Ona eg i | NUMBER. NAME, ADDRESS. /add 1 cent sales tax. Print plain-| = Y | By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD 1965 NEEDLECRAFT CAT-ly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS,|] DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. | , . : ALOG 200 designs, 3 free STYLE' NUMBER a } Dear Dr, -- For the last, First 3 all, headache gt a'patterns! Newest knit, crochet Send order to ANNE ADAMS, | Seven Deys « Week = } 1 years I have had a severe disease. It is.a symptom. There/fashions, embroidery, 25 cents. jcare of The Oshawa Times, Pat-| ; ima hi | ihe adache eve yea 'tartingiare tension "headaches, toxic) Now! Send for elegant. new tern Dept,, 60 Front Street West, 2 rere 2 To re & | }jin December and lasting until/head aches, migraines, hista:/"poeorate with Necd! 'Toronto 1. Ontario © Vegetables © Meats around April, It occurs almostimine headaches hangovers and)s beautifu room settinus 5 COMPLETE FASHION. RE- FREE DELIVERY every morning during this pe-/a lot of other varieties, and it complete patterns for decora-;/PORT in our new Spring-Sum- riod isn't always easy to pin downitiye accessories in one book! /mer Pattern Catalog plus coupon ee | have id Many examinas|the cause in some severe Cases./pjjiows. wall han tings, curtains,/for ONE FREE PATTERN! tions, including those by a neur Yet it is gratifying to KNOW] appliques more! 60 cents Everything you need for the life ge \ Jenene hipaa how goes! . the pag recut) Value! Deluxe Quilt Book you lead -- 350 design ideas! . : 73.33 One doctor suggested histamineiring headaches can be pre-i1¢ complete patterns. 60. cents./Send 50 cents now [Z WELL, WITH THE | Po-ano we cur-@ack ) | Fe: WE MAY NOT GET To") MAES 7] Ineadache, so I received the fulllvented or erased or made lessf nn Patterns ee oe =a io< STEP-UP IN MILITARY ) * | IN THE RESERVE. y | GO TO CAMP. THIS © '{{treatment 'of injections, How-/frequent by taking the time and/The treatment depends on howjheadache in a certain season of a ASSISTANCE... | Peet j roa SUMMER! 5 yj } $) ever, the headache returned trouble to study them until the/much is necessary fora givenithe year--from winter through Y s } 3 Later I found i had an ulcerjtype becomes apparent patient. Like desensitization forispring ba i y-- ' vee */ forming in the duodenum and) First, the tearing, the pain hay fever, some people need] 2 yt seems likely, this is a A? WALL B 0 A R D wr) 4 j was told that my headache and/near one eye, and so on, strongly/more than others: some needhistamine headache, what 2" ulcer' were both products of|suggest a histamine Headache.|treatment epeated at intervals.jtouches it off? What allegy? and PLY WOODS Qa nervous tension. 'The ulcer has/So does the occurrence in the) Your comment "However,|My first suspicion is a trace of "i ibeen cured but 1 still have myjmorning. But there's significantithe headache returned indi-|carbon monoxide, from a flaw | s| |headache--severe pain over onelsentence in your letter. You sayicates that it stopped for a time lin the furnace or flue, Too much FREE DELIVERY " jeye, with tearing and a runningiyou had "the full treatment of|But if it stopped. the logicallcarbon monoxide is poison for is : 3 nose, | am 29.--M. I injections' but that the head-/course would be to repeat the!anybody; however, a trace of it It it's LUMBER, = I have an idea it yu ase.iache returned lesensitization process, perhaps may bother some people but not coll sur NUMBER" 1 T want Neen 'RULE TREATMENT in othe: Nave you lived in. the = ' "oO t i i : fixed : i ) onsiderablyjsame. piace far as long at vis) PHONE 725-112] across before | ve them to treatment" that know of. (Itidifferent, thought: The calendarjheadache has been afflicting} 53 . A ° you 'is 'a desensitization process.)'may be significant. You get this!you? If so, heed the clue. rT