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Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Jun 1965, p. 2

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eliminate silve r from US. |dimes and quarters and reduce' the content in half-dollars by 50 per cent Mr. Johnson said the decision was made because the US. running out of sil- Coin Silver Cut ' Has Been Mused OTTAWA (CP)--The govern- "PARLIAMENT |Church Board Makes Plea | . . AT-A-GLANCE | For Inter-Racial Marriage ment has been considering rns a ages THE CANADIAN PRESS TORONTO (CP)--A less se-jchurch endorse it, but that it\ducing silver content in coins, Yer lective immigration policy and| work to make it socially accept-|Finance Minister Gordon said general acceptance of inter-ra- able in the Commons Friday, cial marriage were urged by a 'It is the consensus of the However, there was no pros- board of the Presbyterian board of evangelism and social|pect of any early decision for Church in Canada Friday action that there is no theolog-ja move in this direction. ; The beard of avangeion -- ee Ray IRE ope The matter was raised by J. social action, in a report to the age, and th p : general assembly of the church, practical problems provided the| Waldo Monteith (PC Cai sig said the federal government's) parties to the marriage are suf-| Who asked whether Canada is Pigalle ud bya yer cone with|Planning any action in the light immigration policy is too selec- ficiently mature to cope with} rh ihe cent of MPs would have to ltive and does not allow un-lour un-Christian color distinc-/9f President Johnson's decision -- before a minister could | sijted persons into Canada tions "s Thursday {0 ask Congress: t0 set debate limits. It asked the church to urge) Rev. A. J: Gowland, chair-| Privy Council President Me- |the admission of unskilled per- man of the committee on inter-| Hraith argued that all Com- isons of all races and ethnic racial marriage, said; 'There's mons votes are by simple (groups. absolutely no reason why per- --8 under the constitu- | Rey, Wilbert Young, chair-sons of two races should not lon man of the board, said that al-| marry." Deputy Speaker though the policy does not dis- There is no evidence that the PERRY Lamoureux ruled the leriminate against colored per-|children of such marriages are Day or Night . . . 723-3443 ment was in order sons, it does keep colored per-|inherently inferior." = te Industry Minister Drury an- |5005 out of the country because J, S. Glenn, principal of Knox nounced the government is |they usually do not have the,College of the University of 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturdey, Jane , 1968 ee 49 CONG KILLED Old West Drama Relived: South Gets Back | Posse Hunts 'Icy' Killer On Victory Trail | BIG SPRINGS, Neb. (AP)--A|said today he still is in critical huge posse spread out across| condition. the sprawling plains of western) It was noon when the bandit Nebraska and eastern Colorado|drove up to the little red-brick today, hunting an icy-calm gun-jbank on Main Street. A deputy man who killed three bank em-|sheriff said many of the town's ployees with shots in the back'residents were on the street at and wounded a fourth. the time. Most of them were "Byery available man in 100|making their daily trip to the miles is taking part," said/post office Sheriff Floyd Stahr The killer was about 35 and) A US. military spokesman Late Friday Sheriff Stahr, ajwore his hair crew cut. He was reported' that quick action by six-foot-four man in a wide-|neatly dressed in a dark suit.!U.S. Army helicopter crews ac- brim western hat, made his) Only the senior Kjeldgaard)counted for 20 of the Viet Cong headquarters in the bank. State|and his three employers were! dead played by American troops in troopers, FBI agents, sheriff'sjin the bank. The man first) Six Communists were cap-jthe Vietnamese war came officers and police from neigh-|asked about obtaining a loan.\tured and eight others taken as|shortly after marines--acting in| boring towns trooped in to re-|Then he pulled a pistol and Or-/suspects in the operation near'their present defensive role -- port to him dered the four victims to lie 00 Vinh Long: 55 miles southwestiturned back a sharp Viet Cong The 510 residents of this vil-|the floor, face down. of Saigon. Vietnamese units|attack near the important air lage 10 miles north of the Col-| Franklin Kjeldgaard continued to comb the area to-|base at Da Nang orado border were stunned by|certain what happened next |day with support of .armored| Referring to the series of ma- setting up a fund to under- | Skills required Toronto, reported on the suc the killings Friday But state authorities said the/and artillery units jor guerritla attacks over the| write research projects aimed | Mr. Young said the intention of his committee to con- "Tt have no idea why he shot|bandit looted the cash drawers' Four government soldiers re- past week, he said: "I believe! at industrial improvements. of its recommendation on inter-|verse with the Anglicans them," said County Attorney|of about $1,500, and then walked|portedly were killed and four|the important battle of the sum racial marriage is not that the!started in 1960 Robert Richards. 'They didn'tjinto the vault. He found the others were wounded along with'mer of 1965 has just» been' MONDAY, June 7 resist Mage he told =--_ Jay|safe locked a { Ss . Army ady in Fri -- : ee The Commons meets at 2:30 down on eir stomacn STARTED SHOOTING Gay 8 Clash re lime will come when p.m. to continue the rules DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH PLUS LOW $5.00 PER DAY - FRIDAY, June 4, 1965 The Commons remained deadlocked on one aspect of the government's proposed rule changes. Feet Hot...Sore... Perspiring? Daily foot care with Dr, Scholl's Foot Powder helps keep feet dry, cool, com- fortable. Special medicated protection helps prevent Athlete's Foot, dispels foot odour, and relieves soreness. From AP-Reuters ines counter-attacked, trapping the guerrillas in a stream bed Eight marines were wounded in the fighting. In a skirmish near Da Nang two marines were killed and five wounded. The marines de-| tained 43 Viet Cong suspects] following the sweep through guerrilla-infested territory BATTLE 18 JOINED _The U.S, spokesman's predic- tion on the future part to. be} SAIGON (CP)--South Vietna mese government forces, badly battered by Viet Cong ambushes in. recent days, struck back with the aid of armed U.S. heli- copters and claimed today they killed 49 Communist guerrilla in a single action Friday Conservatives offered an- other amendment to proposals that would limit debate Tho, M. Bell (PC--Saint John-Albert) proposed 60 per NEED A NEW FURNACE? No Down Payment---First Payment ecember--Coll Lucien amend- TIRE SALE wasn't cess sor were ay on the floor of s for ate P or engage oir le," he s oe Farmers mate pause Three|room and started shooting.| © he mers . whey Se ee ee adjourned until June 22 > Sta a e P ay e rriday hey were «sheriff Stahr said eight .22-cal ; tantls d the fourth': . rte. ave } five ded ins wpe and ibre cartridge shells were found ported to have killed five was critically wounded, ine Vieor 'They but 'suffered 18 dead On the political scene, Prime Minister Phan Huy Quat pected to announce shor key cabinet changes re Viet two 32 missing them is ex tly two SUNDAY JUNE 20 F red eight times ( > ont { rice s 'ty play on . The gunman fi gh He then returned to the main) Governmen forces not,American' troop will play) debate. The Senate stands MILEAGE CHARGE ong on apparently wounded and CAME AT NOON w Killed was Andreas Kjeld gaard, 77-year-old bachelor who was president of the bank; Glenn. Hendricksen, 59, the cashier; and Mrs. Lois Ann Hothan, 35, bookkeeper ) Franklin Kjeldgaard, 25 nephew of Andreas, was taken to hospital with wounds in the farmer bank the} model ere fired from an automatic pistol As the gunman walked out of bank he bumped Otto Mauser "Good morning,' into he said po litely Mauser continued into the The man got into a 1965 and drove unhur car 111 Viet selves after a Communist bat talion attacked three hamiets 265 miles northeast of Saigon The present ministers interior pected to be men previously resign crisis Meanwhile, a replaced MARINES IN ACTION seria Haper a Reuters news agency reported a platoon of U.S. marines killed Friday after pin rebel band in a bed about 400 mile sokesman Cong ning down a deep river said Friday night a of the and economics are ex Both refused cabinet for the growing Catholic opposition settlement Two Sentenced To Be Hanged TORONTO chael Black Alexander Mackie, 19, were sentenced be hanged Sept 29 for the capital murder of in- (CP) 18 and -Robert Mi William to 725-6553 RUTHERFORD'S CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS 725-6553 14 ALBERT ST. Oshawa All Sizes Priced from $41-95 up TAKE ADVANTAGE NOW OF THE GREATEST TIRE BUY OF THE YEAR, FINA'S GREAT NEW EXECUTIVE TIRE, HAND BUILT, WITH DEEPER TREAD, DUAL WHITEWALLS, CANADA'S NEWEST TIRE, of the cabinet issue will not af- fect the Catholics' campaign to oust Quat We have gone too far to re treat,'"' he said Informed sources Quat will send his own repre- sentatives to meet Catholic leaders and other elements op posed to him in a bid to reach an agreement with them The Catholics are allied two religious the ( Dai and Hoa-Hao well as the death sentence southern leaders, including At the pronouncement some Buddhists Quat/ said loudls There has been a bad mistake made. We never put a hand on this man at all." Mackie "That is right,' neck and back. The hospital'riedly away OAS Sends In New Squad For Dominica Peace Try f surance actuary Aiden MacDon- ald, 35, who was found drowned Jan, 8 The. jury deliberated three hours to deliver the verdict and included a strong recommenda tion for mercy Mr. Justice William D, Par ker of the Ontario Supreme Court said, he would include the with'recommendation in his report ao- but had no choice but to pass northeast of Saigon The of lowed high that action fo by a spokesman might against report the Friday's ranking U.S American t soon-.take the Communist Meanwhile, the ontinued Friday han 20 | f SALES CAREER OPPORTUNITY Rapidly expanding Canadian company will select a represent- prediction oop offensive lla aerial with said today eats the ative in the Oshawa area. Will give professional individually supervised training to an industrious person over age 28 with guer 100 Gallons of Gas or Boys' or Girls' Bicycle Free To Lucky Winner ! DOVE'S Fina Station 792 SIMCOE ST. S, 725-5311 war successful sales business experience ahd who hes more management potential bombers nto North ighter Substantial starting salary with incentive for rapid growth. Group life and health insurance benefits included. Write in contidence to Box 511 Oshowa Times, giving background marines: of an original I rti neck force of 6,000 meanwhile 'can Republi The rest 12,500 paratroopers of the Airborne Division and 700 air force personnel, have been in tegrated into the newly formed inter-American force under for mal control of the OAS At Santiago, a city about 100 SANTO DOMINGO (AP) The stalemated Dominican civil war marked its sixth week day with a fresh peace team of the Organization of American States trying to win a political settlement Six previous major negotiate an agreement in failure, including those by the United States, the OAS, the United Nations and the Vatican There were reports that the new, three-nation mission, auth orized Wednesday by a special OAS conference, brought. from eather to a district sects prepared to leave the Domini over the weekend the U.S t apital of as 0 Black and experience *» marine platoon went against patroliand his government Nam's The prime minister tac support of the powerful attacked unified Buddhist hurch and The mar-|most of the military leaders into of force routine Viet ac 1 while on a 82nd near. Hue, South econd-largest city The Viet Cong band has the said efforts to ended CROWN SEES MOTIVE The Crown alleged that Black and Mackie took MacDonald to with small-arms fire MILL RIGHT GRANDVIEW GARDENS miles north of the Dominicen' WEATHER FORECAST oi igre ig ge ago | "oo capital, informed sources said to $400 they believed he We have an opening in our Maintenance Depart- unto reszaine teed "aie: Clouding Sunday Morning, "**:**» eeoiel inne wn aeonioe nage Thundershowers Likely Washington a plan for a swiftjof human rights in the Domini was pushed OAS - supervised election. But|can Republic, will ; - Santi the where look after our woodworking machinery and carry 1S. y nentiago, San Francisco de Macoris ( i i ition i OAS and U.S. govern ment/ago cisco ace the Crown said out related duties, The rate for this position is open, Supply full pgrticulars in confidence to Mr. C. TORONTO (CP) Forecast issued by the weather office at 5:30 a.m sources said the election is only|Puerto Plata and Moca, all in 30th Black and Mackie de Higgs. provisional government are) At UN headquarters in New, Synopsis: Some cloud noon, Light winds was in no danger one of a number of possible|the northern area aint tabling fc ian and ad other possibilities, York, Ruben Brache, the rebels'|spread across Northern Ontario| White River, Algoma: Mainly URE CO. compromise solutions under) Rebels have claimed that in his fall into the creek was an Hali The Dominican rebels already|UN representative, said Friday|and will give variable condi-\cloudy with occasional shower: consideration. these areas soldiers loyal to the accident. 'They. said they left the An OAS trusteeship, followed|junta have repressed civilians Sunday area thinking. the man had afvet have rejected an election form-|he was forwarding to the organ-jtions today while mainly sunny|or thundershowers Sunday. Not ula proposed by the to was alleged was drunk and or fell into he drowned either isit creek, Fastern Lake burton, Killaloe becoming: cloudy Ontario Sunny the by an election, and a coalition| favoring the rebels in walked out of the water and nas Kitchener Mount Fores civilian-|ization the names and addresses| weather will continue elsewhere|much change in military junta. The rebels havelof 800 persons he claimed the demanded restoration of 1963 constitution and creation of a new government election MARINES LEAVE nm before an sent Thant charges that U.S the|junta executed Brache said also that he had UN Secretary-General l soldiers the Santo Domingo violated The remaining 2,000 U.S.\ceasefire Thursday night HERE and THERE More than 75 railway ateam engine buffs were on hand this morning when the CWR's old 6218 -- Northern atyle locomotive passed through Oshawa about 9.15 EST enroute to Kingston The historic old train -- re tired from service in the 1940's -- will be back this way again tonight with a trainload of excursioners No stop was made here, nor will there be one fonight, as the train returns to Toronto Loans have been approved by the Municipal Develop- ment and Loan Board for 40 projects in 38 municipalities with a total value of $4,477 906 -- included in the list is a $94,466 loadn for Oshawa school Three Oshawa_ people were elected to office at the annual meeting in To- ronto June 4 of the Ontario Council of St. John Ambu- lance. They are I.4.-Col S. F. Wotton, dire EMO for Wilham } Ay Gordon Conant tor of County; n and Mrs Ontario There will meeting of City Monday at 7.30 p.m n Council Chambers on the fifth floor of City Hall. This 1 be the first regular will meet in June regular Council he a unemployment be Insurance filed with Unemployment _Insur ance Commissioncon the sec- claims must the ond floor at 310 Simcoe st, s June 7 and after, J. W. Rus- sell, manager of the Osh- awa office announced today Those seeking work will go to the National Employment Service on the first floor of the. same building with en trance at 314 Simcoe st. s From June 7, all unem ployment benefit payments from the Oshawa office w be mailed The Fernhill borhood Association has made final plans for the park opening for the season today. The dance held hy the association before summer will held June 19 Park Neigh last last be Children playing with matches were hlamed for two fires in Oshawa Friday City firefighters were called when a pile of lumber be- hing Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church aas se afire and later when the front porch of the Stephen Rice residence, 334 Drew st was. ablaze. Little damage was caused in both out- breaks, The firefighters also doused two grass fires, on Wilson rd. n., and Cedar st., and a fire in a tree stump on Valley cres HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS ATTENTION SAVE on Farm Tanks Why Pay More GASOLINE - DIESEL & MOTOR OILS FARMERS! Premium Quality Available CALL TODAY 668-3341 4 Wingham Hamilton St. Catharines Toronto Peterborough | Kingston Trenton temperature n the province. Warm humid!Winds south 15 Sunday air Is a to edge a little Forecast Temperatures the rn Great ; Lakes and a gradual eastward|winaann ent and high Sunday: spread is likely late today and] q Thomas o se Lied Sunday. With the warm 'air will London come an increase in cloud cover as well as scattered and thundershowers. Clair, Lake Windsor, London Increasing cloudiness tonight Sunday mainly cloudy with scattered showers or thunder showers. Winds light today southerly 15 Sunday Niagara, Western Lake On tario, Georgian Bay, Tim- agami, Toronto, Hamilton North Bay, Sudbury Clouding over Sunday n 2 with shower closer to west howers Lake St Lake McLaughlin Public Library SUMMER SCHEDULE ADULT DEPARTMENT Closed 6 p.m. Seturdays commencing June 6 9 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays Huron CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT Closed 5 p.m. every day commencing Fridey July 2 BOOKMOBILE -- Closed During July orn scal tered or undershow ate ternoon o KING WEST Central Hotel "s.\i- GOLD RUSH Lounge and Dining Lounge OSHAWA'S FINEST NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT KATHY rzie EDITH EATON ere for your Quebec WAYNE OZZIE WILLIAMS Williar top 4 Pianist, Orchestra leader and arrar wn for his play 1 the Chateau Fronter bands. i ger and many al te spec lation's tog dzzie has brought with him two of | DITH EATON, outstanding a dE Jay's most populer Radio and T.V. Song Stylists TO-NIGHT AND ALL NEXT WEEK °¢ Don't miss this entertaining Trio @ Entertainment Nightly at 9 P.M. @ ALLAN MACMILLAN --- MANAGER AALS TTL EL TCT a aI ES a LE a EE" en rdion und KATHY MAYS 617 Victoria St., E. Whitby, Ont. SERVICE STATIONS OPEN THIS SUNDAY 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. OSHAWA ESSO SERVICE KING ST. W., AT PARK RD, -- 728-1601 PRESTON'S SUNOCO STATION 925 SIMCOE ST. NORTH CRANFIELD'S B-A STATION '331 PARK RD, SOUTH ROBINSON'S ESSO STATION 89 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH FLOYD PRICE SUNOCO STATION 531 RITSON RD. SOUTH DON DOWN SHELL STATION 97 KING ST. EAST GANGEMI SERVICE STATION 809 SIMCOE ST. 5S. PRESTIGE HOME IN A PRESTIGE AREA at 982 Regent Drive Complete with attached garage, fireplace, beautiful handy Hollywood kitchen, large finished recreation room, three bedrooms. Truly the home seekers answer to a valuable investment. For full particulars call 725-5639 Jeannette Nugent -- Representative DON STRADESKI REAL ESTATE Call 728-1275 DRUG STORES OPEN THIS SUNDAY 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. KARN DRUGS LIMITED 28 KING ST. EAST PHONE 723-4621 RITSON DRUGS 264 KING ST. EAST PHONE 725-5370 JURY & LOVELL LIMITED 530 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 725-3546 ATTENTION GENERAL MOTORS EMPLOYEES Save Your Prescription Receipts Commencing March 1, 1965, Blue Cross Prescription Drug-Benefi will honor receipts for prescriptions from qualified and Fr red phormecists for re-imbursement under the terms of the ag' nt. Save the receipts issued by the pharmacist of your choice. He will gledly ossis* in making apoplicatic for re-inbursement as you become clig ble THE OSHAWA PHARMACISTS ASSOCIATION vou BANKRUPT SALE KAWARTHA SMALLWARES LTD. CHEMONG ROAD (1 MILE N. OF PETERBOROUGH) PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO WILL BE SOLD IN DETAIL BY AUCTION on THURS,, JUNE 10th, 11 am, SALE CONSISTS OF $15,000.00 STOCK OF SMALLWARES: Stationery and School Sup- ds: Christmas Gift Wrap and Ornaments; GI hts: Towel Sets: Sun Glasses: tte rs: Si H * bands; Costume Jewellery: Assorted Toys and Games: Giftware: Plus numerous other items. STORE FIXTURES: Smith Corona Cosh Register: Pegboard Shelving: Displey Islands: Tables: Counters: Dexion Steel Shelving: ete. OFFICE EQUIPMENT: Underwood Electric Adding Machine: F. & E. Chequewriter; Remington Typewriter: 1.B.M. Freetric Typewriter: e i Steel Executive Desk: Filing Cabinet: Secretarial Chair: Plus num- erous other items. INSPECTION: Wednesday, June 9th. 10:A.M. to 4:P.M and morning of sole. INFORMATION: Phone, write or wire the auctioneers, TERMS: Cash or certified cheque and os per posted con- ditions of sale. Sales Conducted by DANBURY SALES 1415 Bathurst St., Toronto $37-3103

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