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Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Jun 1965, p. 6

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ST. JOHN AMBULANCE GROUP TRAINED TO MEET EMERGENCIES Realistic though the above photo may seem, in reality it is merely a training drill being practised by members of the Whitby Branch, St. Mrs. John Pritchard attended WHITBY PERSONALS Grieg,. ambu- Lloyd Hanna, lance driver; Lloyd Hanna, in charge of the local brigade; and Nirsing Super- intendent Dorothy Calder are William lance driver; John Ambulance Corps. This accident didn't happen but a similiar case may at some future time. Train- ing for such an emergency Mrs. Anna Brethauer and her a dinner party in Peterborough|son, Fredel Brethauer, of West caiman vin nave ons) Qf Fuel Cell Battery Device 50th Anniversary in honor of Mr. and Mrs. John Kyle, brother and sister-in-law of Mrs. Pritchard, on the occa-|and son-in-law, sion of their 25th wedding anni-|Schneider and children of Cin By DAVE McINTOSH fence, transport and industry a ] . i LS ' » g paneer ' epar ts, Nationz ner. versary cinnati, U.S.A., are spending) gppawa (CP) -- Would you departments ; National Ene 2) serve ou e the weekend at the home of Mr.}, i ' {Board and the National Re Mrs 2 ' hee sac ilike a battery that doesn't need : Mrs. Leslie Nicks of Calgary,jand Mrs. Peter Rammler, 208 recharging or replacement? search Counci Alberta, has been a visitor at/Bowman avenue. Mrs. Bre Some government agencies| Several industrial firms have Mrs.' Charles Wickett, Osh-| Guests were received in the the-home of her mother, Mrs.|thauer and her son will extend). .4. industries are thinking of|joined in this study of applica- awa, Mrs, George Wickett, Mr./ afternoon from 2 till 5 p.m. and Edith Peebles, 1627 Charles'their visit for a few weeks you q tions of fuel batteries of various and Mrs. William G. Wickett)i, ihe ovening from:7 till 9. a street. Presently Mrs. Nicks is ; , sizes for government and com- and baby daughter' Melinda|,. 'ily a NC 1 tubes , g 5 re ae » +r The device is called a fuel cell sd i sah amily dinner was held for 30 visiting her daughter and son- Presbyterian Women Group Ne ,.{mercial use. A government use|Ann, and Mr. and Mfs. Harold) iii nc and f fond in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank|No. 3 are meeting at the home|battery and its feasibili y has) ould be in army portable field|Wickett, Whitby attended the ~~" eae weer Vallerant of Quebec City. Overj/of Mrs, D. Butts, Monday been established. The problem). 4;,. and radars. A commer-|50th wedding anniversary cele- One of the tea services used ; to get t st dor aut eae the weekend Mrs. Peebles wi ; now is to get the cost down ial-use for veny large fuel bat-|brations held in honor of Mr,| 788 3 mea frehylry meet her daughter in Ottawa Mrs. Otto Jewell is opening A fuel cell is an electro-chem-|terjes would be in electric de-and Mrs. W. E. Wickett at their a gold band tha had been given where they will be guests ofjher home to United Church|ical device like a battery which |jivery trucks residence, Little Britain to Mrs Wi kett's parents 75 Mrs. Peebles' sister and broth Women Unit No. 9 members for|can continually produce electni- Dr. Casey said commercia Over one hundred friends and 'Pastis specie and her parents used gedeiaw, Mr. and Mrs. Walterja ing lot ai and games /cal energy po the chemical/yse of fuel cells does not ap relatives called on the happy lB el pga heir 50th anni utton night on Monday. reaction of a fuel, such as ga80-|near far 'off. But-a slow start s e versary als ; ar tat a. SiOW Stat ouple who received some love ine, with oxygen from-the air.jrather than a sudden mz : py eee autifully decorated three ' an a § ass-in-ly gi ers, ¢ tulatory I é Ernest Jr son of Mr.-and Best wishes are offered to' pr.-E. J. Casey. formerly of troduction could be expe aig y re ade Bhar ulatory { cake with gold trimming Pr 'rnes 9 re 7 1 s ! i i cards ¢@ goo S g ling Mrs. Ernest Pegutter, is cele-/Miss Ann Mitchell, who will be|Milltown. N.B.. and now of Wine nuvchases maybe wedel ne an ae ais bahivoa an a latactabiaeiote brating his sixth birthday today.|celebrating her 19th birthday/monte, Ont., head of the De- bu:laisiepelidgdin enninng sitet and Mrs. Wicketl were) vith 'gold candlesticks and To celebrate the occasion,! June 7 fence Research Board's inter-| y nt fas batter spices married at Little Britain June) 49:3. Ernest will have' some of his Jenartmental study grotn' or a patteries as @ CON-\» 1915 and have resided at their a Valeids at & binhder par ue taunts kalicus huge departmental study group On| venience in such things as sum-| + n for 50 years. They are Guests were present from To y party St ci glican urc ce said 'in 2 » \ = . ¢ Y ars a : " z Ruth WA et Haida ae HUI fue ce a d'in an intervieW|\mer cottages, golf carts' and hoth in fairly good health, have ronto Ajax, Brooklin, Sunder St. John the. Evangelist CWL| 20" hie ' there are relatively cheap fuels|motor boats. As costs come 2%) ' Jally & : ' 1 land, Whitby, Oshawa, Oakwood mage sale and auction sale this ] ¢ a beautiful rden and are still will terminate its present sea-| 28° $4! el ; é able but that an inexpen-/down, fuel batteries can be ex-;2 DCaurN Be ; and surrounding places son with : pot luck supper June afternoon on the Chureh| sive catalyst is needed if these nected to. come into fairly wide active in the community. ' et 8 at 7.30 p.m. This will es fol jgrounds In the event of rain it! fuels are to be used efficiently spread tse "a S will fete ' Yat 3 lowed by & general mecting|" il be held the following Sat-'and economically competitive basis and the On- Ti KET chaired by newly elected Presi urday. He foresees the first commer t ' tario Council for the Arts could 5 I j cial use in Canada of fuel cells 0 A k d: finance the writing with grants dent Mrs, H. C. Munro. New! ay Saints' Anglican Chureh|iq erat n iia tyons whisk Ntarlo ASKeda: apes a Fah a SIL he members will be enrolled All Darah Guild 6 holdit x oot in small, portable type which; ' i of $15,000 a year for a 24 a aris ' re noiding PO! could be used in trailers, sum-| riod, said the Oltawa lawyer members invited to be present.)),,., J r allel period, sai a aw} Pp luck luncheon at 1 p.m. June 8 mer cottages or ground naviga nance istory The idea was supported by The CORNER PIZZA Mr, and Mrs. Harry Quist jto re its igen + Senegton tional beacons where electricity) TORONTO (CP)--The provin-Robert Nixon (lL. -- Brant), Sarnia are visiting his parents,| ei ory ea rh set * ib s not available, The fuel could) cjal government Thursday was\whose father, Harry Nixon,|| speciatizing IN Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Quist, 1600 " ry - a _conarega " ie be carried in cans and merely|asked to commission the writ-/served briefly as premier of On- © PIZZA © SPAGHETTI Brock street south cordially invited to attenc ne) poured into the cell, or con-|ing of olitical history of On- tario in 1943 hal } ng of a political history of On event is held at the parish hall.| verter, when power is needed terio since Confederation @ BAR-B-Q CHICKEN 7 9 ~ _ --------_---- , Ss e > 'a Darlene, daughter of Mr. and Dr. Casey said the chief ad A. B. R. (Bert) Lawrence Y¥ ve cone Mrs. Conrad Racicot is celebrat-) woUsING STARTS DOWN [vantages of the first commer-|(p WHITB ing her 11th birthday on Sunday apn ge i har eaile wil be weutel Ce eae ee IVING SCHOOL syns gal : : Construction started on 6,866 aud fuel cells Bee be silence gestion to Education Minister DR 668-8807 ' and continuous feed ing . . Little Helpers of St. John's\housing units in urban centres sad Davis, saying that such a: his New dual controlled cers (Open 7 doys @ week) Anglican Church are holding its annual picnic this coming Mon- day at the home of Mrs, R Blaker, Pickering Beach meeting place is at the Churc Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mus son, 901 Crocus crescent celebrating their sixth wedding |19 441 " 4 rida anniversary today. Their friends|ponding 1964 three-month total OPment in the fuel wish them every happiness Canada May Have To Cut: Silver In Coins Like U.S. OTTAWA (CP)--Canada may have to lower the silver con tent of its coinage as a result of President Johnson's reco: mendation to Congress to cnt the use of silver in American coins, it was indicated here Thursday. Officials of the Royal Cana- dian Mint declined comment on the Washington announcement that silver is to be dropped from American dimes and quarters, and cut to 40 per cent from 90 per cent in American half-dollars. Silver is used in Canadian 10 25, 50-cent and $1 coins but the Canadian coins contain only 80 per cent silver in comparison to the American 90 - per - cent content Canadian one cent pieces are bronze, containing copper, tin and zine, Canadian five-cent pieces are pure nickel One of the long-range effects of the new U.S. policy. if adopted by Congress, may be to let the free world price of sil ver rise. Officials said that if it reached more than $1.66 an ounce in Canadian funds, it would be profitable to melt down Canadian coins for their silver content However, it is understood FOX NURSERY AND GARDEN CENTRE Brock St. N- Whitby PH. 668-4162 Everything For The Gardener Shrubs----Box Plants Trees (Shode ~- Ornamental) Roses--Vines Full line of Nursery Stock Fertilizers--Peat Moss Insecticides--Fungicides Open 9 a.m. -- 9 p.m. First Quality Canadien Grown Nursery Stock | the|per cent from March, 1964 é h,|bureau of statistics reports. The Chemical Brethauer's daughter Mr ing Mrs and Mrs INDUSTRY ENLISTED Dr. Harry Sheffer, chief su perintendent of the Defence Biological and Radi- Laboratories at nearby Bay, Ont n January of 5,000 population or more dur ing March, an increase of 24.3 the number of starts for the first}ation three months of this year, how- Shirley arejever, was down 2.1 per cent to appealed to Canadian industry and deve field His. appeal is believed to be taking effect ffer told industry new to conduct research units from the corres- cell of 19,853 representa and govern nrea of ce is more thar unless Canada left be She of . es tions and we promising acts now w i] be hind in developing technology." Government fuel cel here that President Johnson's assistance proposal is to maintain the grams are available to industry pro price of silver at its presentito help it build up a fuel Cell level, about $1.45 an ounce in capability Canadian funds, for perhaps a Government agencies looking number of years. If the price/at the problem include the de rises above this level it would be profitable to sell Arerican ee ee coins for the silver in them MONTREAL (CP) -- A gen Wr pmeee, eral decrease in silver prices ait Thursday was the Montreal sil-! ver futures market's reaction to President Johnson's recom- mendation to the United States Congress for the depletion o silver in future coins The March, 1966, orice off 3% cents to $1.3825 a troy ounce and the July, 1966, price off four cents to $1.46 a troy ounce WERE PLUMBERS OF GREAT RENOWN, 'TALK OF OUR FINE WORK 1S ALL OVER \ was Family Monuments of Creoted To \ Individue Requirements STAFFORD BROS, LTD. i MONUMENTS S &> 3 - = S 318 DUNDAS EAST BRO ; 668-3552 BROCK Evening Shows Start 7: & 9 P.M. Saturday Matinee At 1:30 (is Cary GRANT 77 V' Leslie CATON ",' For Reasons too Funny to explain 4) the Nome of the Picture is... "Father, Goose" TECHNICOLOR* <*> TReverHowary = > = ee THE STARS ARE DELIGHTFUL --- THE HUMOR HILARIOUS THE STORY SUPERB Feasibility Established WHITBY (Staff) -- A Consti-| The 100 family congregation \tutional service this Sunday will asi hice oe a NRE ERR . |ber from families in the 'no: | ' officially mark tbe founding of) Whitby and since that time has! the North Whitby United Church) heen worshipping in the auditor- jof Canada. , ium of the Palmerston School The service will be held in the} Immediately after the cere-| auditorium of the Palmerston|mony the congregation. of the} school at 2 p.m, and will be| church and their friends will be attended by Rev, Rex Norman, jattending a reception at the chairman of the Oshawa Pres-|home of Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth! bytery, Rev. R. C. White, Rev.|Hobbs, ohn Smith and Mr. Tom York,) The 11 a.m. e new church's minister. theld as usual. ) Police Break Up Midnight Party PICKERING (Staff) -- An 18- after residents complained about year-old girl, eleven youths and 11.30 p.m. Some of the teen- a 22-year-old man were all ar-jagers attending the party es- rested early this morning by|caped by wading across the Pickering Township Police fol-| Rouge river \lowing a midnight party at Mor-| Police said that the party was gan's Park near Rosebank well planned and stated that the Those arrested, all from Scar-|participants assembled at a borough, were charged with of- Scarborough shopping plaza he- ranging from being drunk|fore travelling to Rosebank in a public place, supplying/motorcade liquor to minors, minors con- A quantity of suming to having liquor in ajseized at the park place other than a residence accused are in custody and the Police said it took three hoursi/remainder were released on to round up the arrested persons! bail Overseeing the instruction is Corps Superintendent Ron Hawkins, in charge of the Ontario and Durham County | fences units ine Oshawa Times Photo liquor -- was | was |Mrs service will be! Five of the' THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, June 5, 1965 § ' St. Mark's U.C. Holds Meeting leaders by word of apprecia-jat the home of Mrs, Glen tion. 5. Support for finances for|Sawyers Sept. 2, at 2 p.m., in The general meeting of St. isiti Mark 'Onltes Church women raining workshops. 6. Visiting|the form of a picnic. held recently, President, to keep home and Church alive. M. A. Price opened the, The meeting was brought to a| BUILD EXPO DOME meeting with a poem entitled|close with benediction, Refresh-| "No Time For God", ments were served by Unit No.| The United States pavilion at 4 beautiful worship service? in charge of leader Mrs. Expo 67, part of a $900,000 was given by Mrs. D. J. Kean Robert Smith. lexhibit, is a geodesic dome de- of Unit No. 1, The next meeting will be heldisigned by Buckminster Fuller. It was reported that 35 boxes ---- ~ manent om of used clothing was shipped overseas under. the direction of! Mies HT. Falla FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH Mrs. H. T. Fallaise introduced the speaker, Miss Margaret) Smith, graduate of Covenant 419 BROCK STREET N College and at present Director) of Christian Education in St.| Andrew's Church in Markham. Miss Smith stated that Christ- jian Education is a part of the whole' Church and suggested ways the United Church Women could help in this work. 1. Being informed. 2. Know who your leaders are. 3. Invite Christian Education representatives to the general meetings. 4. Support REV. DELOSS M. SCOTT, MINISTER SUNDAY SERVICES 9:15 A.M, -- "FAITH TIDINGS" BROADCAST, C.K.L.B. 1350 ON YOUR DIAL ~~ FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. --- MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE Pastors Sermon "A DANCING JANE AND A PROPHET'S HEAD" 12:00 NOON ~~ COMMUNION SERVICE 7:00 P.M EVENING GOSPEL HOUR roe SAWATCHERS AT THE CROSS" EDNESDAY EVE, 8:00 P.M. -~ PRAYER, PRAISE AND PASTOR'S BIBLE STUDY "| EPISTLE OF JOHN" "There's always a welcome at Foith"' 9:45 AM CALL 668-2345 | PROTECT Your Furs & Cloth Garments Insured, Ref torage valuts on ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH gerated premises. WHITBY EMMANUEL REFORMED Rev. J. M. Smith, BA, B.D CLEANERS LTD. M ss tio Nest, Deaconess 403 Rossland Road West A ang Mrs, J. t, Beaton, ARC. Whitby 10:30 A.M. ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 40th ANNIVERSARY of The FORMATION of THE UNITED CHURCH OF 2 PM, CANADA 9:30 @mm<sunior, Intermediate DUTCH SERVICE and Seniors 11:00 a.m, Nursery, Kindergarten 7PM Primary ENGLISH SERVICE Infant Care, Junior EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED Congregation BAHA'I WORLD FAITH ee WHITBY BAPTIST ST. ANDREW'S PUBLIC MEETING PRESBYTERIAN siborne Street West at Centre) Mniaters al John Tetsed Corer Byron at St. John will be held at the Orgonist Rev. W. J. 8. MeClure, B.A. Mra. W. &, Summers, A.T.C.M Minister LO.OF. Hall Brock St. $ . Mrs. P.N. Spratt, Organist Whiley. Eoaiy Sanday 11 AM--~-'CLOSED DOORS' Se ot #15 PM 7:00 P.M.--Becoming a Child 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School salad ti ' of God 11:00 A.M. --- THE SACRA- 7.00 P.M.--" Evening Service" MENT OF THE LORD'S EVERYONE WELCOME s - SUPPER" WED 7:30 P.M.--PRAYER Nursery Core and Junior Congre- AND: BIBLE STUDY gation During Divine Worship efreshme served TO SEE THESE POPULAR PICTURES AT THE Personal courteous service. Fully licensed and insured, Dial 668-4176 A, OSTERHOUT, Owner 'tory would fill. what appears to be an absolute void in this area A committee could be set up to select the historian on a 107 COLBORNE ST. w. for Matchless Living.. O ELECTRIC * ALTERATIONS \4 (QA DESTROY WEEDS TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY =|) zeal i, Notice To Property Owners MeTEAGUE UiM) &. Zeki, 933 Byron North ELECTRIC LTD. REPAIRS FREE Notice is hereby given to all persons in possession of land, in EACH WEEK 12 PEOPLE RECEIVE TICKETS FREE Eoch week for 26 weeks there will oppeer in the advertisements on this page the names end addresses of 12 lucky people in this erea, If your nome should eppear ene you locate it, off you ere asked to do is clip the ad ond present it at the Oshawe Times Office in Whitby er Oshewe, You will then receive your guest tickets to the Brock Theetre. JOE ROBINSON "Your B.P. Dealer" SERVICE STATION @ TUNE.UPS @ SERVICE CALLS @ GENERAL REPAIRS 668-4585 616 BROCK N, (BROCK, WHITBY) WEEK OF JUNE 7th MONDAY --- TUESDAY --- WEDNESDAY ONE COMPLETE SHOW EACH EVENING: STARTING 7:30 "QUICK! BEFORE IT MELTS" t George Mahan's Robert Morse--In Metrocolor Also 2nd Feature-- "THE HORROR OF PARTY BEACH" With The Fabulous----Del-Aires Rand THURSDAY --~ FRIDAY ---- SATURDAY Evening Shows et 7:00 and 9:00 P.M, STRANGE BEDFELLOWS With ROCK HUDSON ----- GINA LOLLOBRIGIDA ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Steiring WHITBY FOR EVERY OCCASION Moke It... y | MERCURY AUTO BODY.esome «2%! || FLOWERS y DEAN @ COLLISION CUSTOM BODY WORK @ 24 HR, ROAD SERVICE 668-3142 @ SATISFACTION GUARANTEED KONRAD CSER---OWNER A. Fetchison, 130 Eastmount Oshawa 324 ASH ST., WHITBY - . RES, PHONE 668-3208 Howard MsDougal!, 430 Nipigon Oshowo 131 Brock S. Whitby accordance with the Weed Control Act, 1960 Section 3, 13 and 19, thot unless noxious weeds growing on their londs within the Municipolity of the Township of Whitby are des- troyed by June 20th, 1965 and throughout the season, the Municipality may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed, charging the costs against the land in taxes; as set out in the Act. The co-operation of all citizens is earnestly solicited. i . | Don Gilchrist, Buying -- Ren TIMES ACTIO 201 Craydon OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE COMMERCIAL -- INDUSTRIAL AND RESIDENTIAL. PROPERTIES 515 BROCK S$, -- 668-5853 ting -- Selling Use N WANT ADS Whitby H. 5S. Carter, Weed Inspector Township of Whitby | SCUGOG CLEANERS Rermmard Huxter, 1625 Dufferin thy Oe VIC'S SPUR SERVICE STATION FIRST WITH THE NEWS Art's Fix-It Shop RT MOTORS Licensed Mechanics 313 Lyndeview Dr., Whitby, Ont. 668-2893 701 Dundas E. Whitby Modern Ranch Home --- 7 yeors old, attached gorage, large landscaped lot. Whitby's most desirable area. Extras include; SHIRT ¢ NOTICE wits |! IN OSHAWA & DISTRICT MURPHY mL €0 and ? STORAGE Earle Harding, 500 Drew Oshawa LIMITED 1 'Orrice ART'S FIX-IT SHOP wy! 'THE OSHAWA TIMES 668-3644 OF OSs HAWA 668-4341 501 Brock N. Whitby 524 CROMWELL, OSHAWA AERA RS RAEN Dealers in parts and repairs of rod and reel and Coleman : Products, is pleased to announce that SPORTSMAN'S CORNER Whitby, has purchased my business, COPPING CARPET SERVICE e@ COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS e@ IN YOUR HOME OR IN OUR PLANT 1 wish to extend my sincere appreciation te all my mony e@ CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING @ GUARANTEED & INSURED, FREE ESTIMATES friends and customers who patronized my business, and assure 942-0535 OWE OPERATE OUR OWN PLANT" AJAX you that you will receive the same prompt attention ond rasa courteous service by THE SPORTSMAN'S CORNER as you have i h t, 7 NV. H. Wood, 1452 Brock South n the pas ; Cc ae HARRY s V od, Whitby roe ut} COMPLETE Genwe JANITOR SERVICE See Our. Display Of New TRANSMISSION 668-8873 @ INDUSTRIAL @ COMMERCIAL @ COMPLETE JANITORIAL '6S RAMBLERS SER SERVICE Quantity of Good Used Cars' 668-4932 668-8873 ABNER'S va p R. Foley, 400 Dundas West ESSO SERVICE WHITBY AUTOMATIC 609 HARRIET ig 2% WHITBY 668-5391 TRANSMISSION REBUILDERS 1003 frock 3. Whitby 405 MARY 5ST. EAST second washroom, built-in kitchen nook, TY antenna, patio ond fence. Also included; stove, fridge, washing machine and drapes. @ RE-CHROMING To See This Home Call WHITBY AUTO WRECKERS @ GRILLES ~ Hl : @ NEW AND USED PARTS 9 NEW FIBRE GLASS FENDERS 668-5818 Asking price $20,750 | 'LATE MODEL WRECKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ob siac onsney NO. 12 HWY.--) MILE N. OF WHITBY 668-3223 D. H. Wells, 613 Henry Street A. Hughes, 945 Simcoe North Oshawa Whitby BEAVER LUMBER CO. LTD. BUMPERS "HOME IMPROVEMENT HEADQUARTERS" PATRICK G. McDANIEL REALTOR | 668-2311 | 'SA WHITBY SUPERIOR PROPANE VICTORIA $1. E. BUD'S ORNAMENTAL RAILINGS @ CUSTOM WORK @ INTERIOR & EXTERIOR RAILINGS (OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE) R. J. LeRoy, 15 Westmoreland Oshowe 5-YEAR WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEE R.R. NO. 1 PICKERING -- 942-0720 LES & SERVICE' 668-3328 -- WHITBY

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