: mae arta and Asian leaders assembliffg for a prime ministers' conference here want a clear-cut declara- tion dissociating the British Commonwealth from U.S. action in Viet Nam and the Dominican Republic. Informants reporting this to- bring majority rule to the white- dominated country where Prime Minister fan -Smith's govern ment rules over . Negro major- ity.» Wilson is pasted to plead for forbearance to see whethe his present «constitutional dia- logue" with Smith will produce any results, Africa, Asia Chiefs Want Clear Decision 1. The India-Pakistan fight over Kashmir and the Rann of -|Kutch. the East African Economic ion by Kenya;- Tanzania r| Uganda. regime. 2. Last week's dissolution of 3. Malawi's charges that Tan- zania is harboring opponents of Prime Minister Hasting Banda's ay Magna Carta Day Marked LANGTON, Ont. Simcoe. Un-}- sy Langton, June 15, 1215. (CP)--More than 10,000 persons attended the celebration Sunday of Magna Carta Day in this community of 300 about 15 miles southwest of The community celebrated the anniversary because Stephen then Archbishop of Canterbury, was credited with helping to persuade King John to accept the great charter on THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, June 14, 1965 "13 Opening Slated For Big Festival STRATFORD, Ont, (CP)--A full dress rehearsal of Henry IV was the main activity amid the Sunday quiet as Stratford prepared to launch the Shake- spearean Festival's 13th season with a gala opening tonight. opened the community's centen- An international audience: in-| cluding several ambassadors and other prominent visitors from abroad, headed by Pre- mier and /Mrs. John Robarts, has been invited to the opening. a jnial project, a new community|' centre. | About 4,000 scouts, guides, cubs and brownies staged a tournament of 13th - century sports, Bishop G. E. Carter of the {Roman Catholic diocese of Lon- He will certainly promise, sources said, not to weaken on the basic principle that Britain will not give Rhodesia independ- ence until majority rule is as-|poiich troops and some Aus- sured. ; ; jtralian forces. A further problem that Wilson) 5 The exchange of angry hopes to thrash out during the| words between Ghana and Ni- day said African leaders are also seeking a showdown with Britain on the issue of bringing independence to white - ruled Rhodesia. The leaders of one-quarter of the world's population are ar- riving for Thursday's opening of a conference of Commonwealth prime ministers at a timé when the 21 countries are perhaps more profoundly and seriously divided than ever before. Fourteen of the 21 members Attending the festivities were! Ontario Premier John' Robarts federal Transport Minister Jack Pickersgill, Provincial treasurer James Allan and John Rox- burgh, member of Parliament for Norfolk. |don blessed the new Sacred| t About «4,000 marched in: the; t parade to the community! uring ren, pote ogee te grounds. where Premier Robarts 'church. 4. Malaysia's demand for Commonwealth backing in its struggle with Indonesia, which has already drawn in 50,000 She used to be and tired feeli that irritation of the urinary tract tan result in and tired feeling, she took Kidney Pills. seat jb gw Dodd's Pills stimulate the k' relieve i i ae othe backache and ' . Soon she felt better -- renal better If oo are by backache, Dodd's Kidney Pills may help window in i you, too. You can gent on Dodd's. "OPEN DAILY *10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Except Sunday i PIG'S LIVER ATTACHED TO WOMAN'S BOSTON--Doctors work Hospital. Dr. William V. Mc- attaching a pig's liver to Dermott, professor of sur- keep a 34-year-old woman gery at Harvard medical with an. acutely diseased school who headed a team of liver alive in the Boston City 12 doctors and technicians THIS WEEK ONLY! LOOK WHAT ONLY 25° WILL BUY who hooked up the woman's circulatory system said "'if the patient continues to live it will.mark a major break- through in' medical and sur- | gical research. SUPERMARKET lowing and conflict have been|Problems where the United/the request of its government.|of Viet Nam should 'solve their| absent because~ Congress, with aca gel put most of its ef-|But the question is being asked:!own problems its heavy Democratic majori- fort, the picture isn't clear and|what government? at ideas Sada. ties bas dae along with Pres-|the solution is not in sight. South. Viet Nam has had eight|, 0" the other was Prime Min . J ' ister Sir Robert Menzies of Aus- ident Johnson's requests and}. The Dominican reolution is\different governments in 20|) 319 senior states of the| pressures. far from settled. Where the| months. The last one gave up|.o cali a id He ne | This alone would make 1965) United States is going in Viet/several days ago when the wealth." ite $0 morte' US: pol wana butythe com arative| 2m isn't clear st: all, and president and premier resigned icy in Asia at en air port ! Me al tillr es: pehds botther than Johnson isn't doing' much to ex: jafter four months in. office. conferenc ; ii Ss spreads plain it. | Now the problem is to get an-|" pitish ae indicated that : os TMi! ee < ie sas other one which may last nr a wee ir a | There has been very little|IT'S EMBARRASSING |while, and this time it will prob- Areal gee ypead Wilson hye try sense of American action, or| In Viet Nam uring the week-lably be all military, which to head off the expected storm leadership, except in the Domin-jend the United States, once|means the South Vietnamese|°Ver, Southeast Asia by pointing ican Republic and Viet Nam|again, was confronted with the|have had no voice in choosing|'® His efforts to bring the Viet where the United States has di-|most continuing embarrassment|jt, So it will not b elected|N@™ conflict to the conference | sul it. ot be an c b rectly intervened. jof its lorig involvement there: table. Explosive Boom Foreseen In Incomes, Labor Force conference is the question of geria, each charging the other gration into Britain. But helostablished regime, hopes to discuss this with in- . to keep it out of the open con-| Bry. B. lement | are feuding among themselves|ference, where it might em- B g. J. C | They are divided over Rho-|members that have a policy of Gets New Post \@ Vdesia, relations with South Af-|Permitting only white immigra-) OaKyILLE (CP) -- Brig. J. -- flicts in Southeast Asia and| The British prime minister|central Ontario area, has been|¥ East-West relations in general,|wants the mother countries of/named acting general officer | si providing a permanent secre-|Trinidad and Tobago, Pakistan|mand, effectivé. Tuesday. tariat for the Commonwealth. |and India, to limit the number| Brig. Clement, a native of _ |basic issue before the confer-|to Britain each year. Unconyjo's senior army commander|{ ence is British, Australian and | trolled migration, he will argue,|until the new functional. com- jican action. in Viet Nam and{on the British taxpayer. | forces is implemented, proba-; | Rhodesia. Wilson won't be the only min-|bly next year. alone of the four original Com- ltorts to patch up some of the|George Kitching who retires | a members appears to|Commonwealth feuds and dis-|from the army today after 35) the Viet Nam question:~Prine|--_------__-- Minister Pearson has been| . |] ing a let-up in U.S. air attacks | as. ington S @ar trange on North Viet Nam to create a| Twelve Commonwealth coun- C t 2 Bi k in G ( tries are said to be decanting! us omary 1C erl g one dissociating the Commonwealth| Yrom U.S. policies in Viet Nam. | 7 Assciated Press News AnalySt|the Johnson administration has|namese government. ister Kenneth Kaunda of Zam- AT PRICES YOULL LN/IOY WASHINGTON (AP--This is been roundly criticized at home| The United States has made/pia, formerly Northern Rho-| The customary bickering, bel-| And in both these foreignjhelping the South Vietnamese at!riying Sunday that the people| Ha burg Box ALLEN'S v SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH limiting Commonwealth immi-|with wanting to overthrow the dividual! delegates in an attempt or with other countries. barrass some Commonwealth | 'rica and Portuguese Africa, con-|tion. Bruce Clement, commander of| @#% and even over the question ofjimmigrants, mainly Jamaica,)commanding, Central Com- But the informants said thejof emigrants they allow to go|Chapleau, Ont., will be Ontar-|; New Zealand support for Amer-|has put an intolerable Durden| mand system for. the armed| They suggested that Canada|jster holding: private talks in ef-| He succeeds Maj. Gen.) have kept some flexibility. on|putes. Among these are: years of service among world leaders advocat-| better climate for peace talks.) a strong conference statement | are [ F000 FAVORITES By JAMES MARLOW | Both are situations in whi¢h The instability of the South Viet-| On one side-was Prime Min- a strange year in Washington.| jand abroad. |a great point of insisting it isiqesia. He told reporters on ar-/ 3 Ibs. Plants 48-02. 45° JUG ceases NEWS IN 'BRIEF - PRODUCER HONORED The Tyrone Guthrie Award of the Stratford Shakespearean Festival is spent each year on scholarships and classes for young actors: and the festival's collection of theatre books. | TREES SPRING UP pee nd comes the unpleasant) ment has done nothing to bring) If the "Aimeticans do crash about a solution since the last| the Communist guerrillas, vir summit meet- lthe South Vietnamese govern-|'"g last July A communique at the time O..J. Firestone, a leading Ca¢|more startling is likely to be|will it collapse in chaos nadian economist and formjer|the income explosion that willjcivil war, undoing all the gates of all Rhodesian parties to' special adviser to the. fedefal|take place in Canada in the) American e effort? government, said today the'next five to-10 years." -- country faces an explosive) per capita personal income, the next five years. o projects are realized, For a For one thing, it yiil mean) statistical" family of four this another 2,200,000 mo{or vehieles| means an income level of close on the roads, bringing the total! to $10,000 a year in 1970. to 9,100,000 in 1974, istration of lack of governmental] 'ainly | Bi that the British given: "TORONTO (CP) -- Professor /ion of the early '70s. But even a es ygpeadn ot glare spoke of calling a constitutional] ' ? : and|conference attended by dele-| boom in incomes as well aS in| which was $1821 in 1964, will| additions to the labor forte in|pe $2451 in 1970 if ey Prof. ay oe , now vice- dean of social sciences at the Prof. Firestone said all avail- TUBELESS TIRES SIZE BLACKWALL _ 590 12.50 600 12.50 640 12.50 650 12.50 670 x 15 12.50 750 x 14 12.50 2 5° WHITEWALLS + u can charge it 24 MONTH GUARANTEE WORK DONE WELL 13 13 13 13 x Oniwersity of Ottawa, said Can-jable evidence points to the in- ada needs to plan for balance|come explosion taking place ' ge in meeting the effects of the|}Ganada manages her econo Man - made forests 'totalling coming - of - age of young menjaffairs wisely and effectively."|10,000,000 trees have been | and women born in the baby|The Economic Council had done planted during the last 20 years. boom at the end of the Second! good work in setting out guide- World War. He proposed that: /lines in its first annual review, PYRAMID BULKS LARGE | --The federal government|made public in January, but it The site» of: Egypt's Great prepare two budgets, its tra-inow should propose more spe-| | Pyramid is 13 acres, big enough | ditional year-by-year spend-'cific policies and actions |to contain all together the ca- ing and taxation budget, and) Ho also said Finance Minister Fegier a Milan, Jon: a new five-year planning bud-/Gordon had gone further in his |°°" ae Noe get. 1965-66 budget than any previ-; GRASS COUNTS FOR MUCH --The Ecnomic Council ofjous finance minister in declar-| Grass is the world's most val- Canada. make concrete andjing the government's determin- els vegetable. Different kinds alternative policy and action/ation to give a lead in growth|of grass control soil -erosion, recommendations which canjto achieve the nation's pdten- feed farm animals and _ give be widely discussed in Parlia-| tial seed for human consumption. ment and outside it beforé'» = hard decisions are taken by the government. Prof. Firestone spoke to the annual convention of the Auto- mobile Dealers Association - of Ontario. His address took the form of a carefully - annotated economic paper on the subject of motor cars and economic growth. Text of the paper was given to reporters in advance of de- livery. "It has become accepted practice among forecasters to speak of the Population explos- FUR Storage FREE Pick-up & Delivery Storage Cleaning Repairs Fur Cleaning SHINERIZING Fast Service Dial 723-3012 OSHAWA FUR AND COLD STORAGE LTD. x x x x x Fred Melick, milkman, got a Scotia Plan Car Loan -$1900-overnight UE UE 1M Mr. Melick needed a better car-- badly. But where could he get the money he needed to buy a newer car? Fortunately for Mr. Melick he thought of The Bank of Nova Scotia. He went to his nearest Scotiabranch and answered a few quick questions about his job, in- come and how much money he needed... OVERNIGHT Fred Melick knew he would have the money he need- ed to buy that car. And this is not an unusual case. Of course this actual customer was not named Fred Melick, but there are more and more people with all kinds of names and jobs coming to The Bank of Nova Scotia to have their money problems solved--quickly, Why don't you? If you are worrying about your old car--if you want a new car-- then get yourself a Scotia Plan Car 'Loan. The cost is low--you get life insurance at no extra cost--you get the same low cost for all makes and models of cars--and you get the speed of service that makes your money problems disappear --fast. How much money do you néed? Seotie Qernk - TUBE-TYPE SAFETY TIRES co 7. 2 5 BLACKWALL ONLY 600 x 13 640 x 13 FOR MOST COMPACT CARS! 18 MONTH GUARANTEE! REMEBER! You Can Say CHARGE IT at K-mart. ITVS Guarantee Guaranteed against all road hazerds including stone bruises, broken glass, _ . Guaranteed against defects in workmanship for the life of the tire tread. - Guaranteed customer satis- faction. Replacement allow- ence based on the regular retail price; less trade-in pro-rated over the guarantee period for the time used. Installation on all Tires 1, DE "VALENCIA" Open House 2 P.M. to 9 P.M. June 5 to 20 FREE FREE FREE 'FREE Tire Rotation every 5,000 miles Flat or Tube Re- poir Tire and Wheel Alignment Check TEOTOBIEORE Follow the Signs in.... BEAU VALLEY On HIGHWAY NO. 2 Between OSHAWA and WHITBY =Se\i' (aX (ey