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Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Jun 1965, p. 1

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a ay ---- ot a rr Home Newspaper Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bow- manville, Ajax, Pickering and neighboring centres in On- tario and Durham Counties. « VOL; 94 -- NO. 138 "ge Per iesk Home "Delivered 7 OSHAWA) ONTARIO, MONDAY, JUNE 14, R65 The Oshawa Time ized as Second Class Mall Post Office payment of Postage . Author! Ottewa and for *Weather Report Tuesday mainly sunny and cold. Light winds tonight. Low tonight, 48. High tomor- row, 68. ~ Department TWENTY PAGES Vinh airfield. It is the main airfield for the Dong Xoai area where heavy battles have raged during the past week. Dong Xoai itself was Men of the U.S. 173rd Air- borne Brigade leave C123 transport plane following ar- rival yesterday at Phouc RCMP NAB AT QUEBE " | & i | IN VIET NAM CRISIS Pearson, Shastri Hopeful Of Truce OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Min-)cific aggression in the Kutch by|--and his first to North Amer- ister Pearson and Prime Min-|Pakistan a few weeks ago. He|ica--as a vehicle for a stinging ister Shastri of India still arejsaid Pakistan would have tojattack on Pakistan. hopeful that a cease-fire ar-|withdraw its troops before any His speech to the Indian gath- rangement can be worked out|settlement could be reached. ering Saturday left little doubt in Viet Nam, leading to a ne-| The same day, Pakistan hit|that the high commission's gotiated settlement guaranteed/pack with a charge that Indian|newspaper ad the day before by the international commu-|troops were massing along its|was a deliberate move to gen- nity. 'border threatening war. erate the fuss. issued| "India can't reported quiet but braced for. more trouble from the Viet Cong. --(AP Wirephoto by radio from Saigon) joint. communique the communique allow even a \ 1850 Troops Mass 2 mmm sya isa , | 9 today at the conclusion of the|reported that Mr. Pearson and|small point or post to remain } { A ' if i In N. Saigon Area Indian leader's five-day visit to|Mr, Shastri had "expressed con-|under the continued occupation Canada also emphasized their|cern at the increasing tendency|of Pakistan," said Mr. Shastri. tions peacekeeping machinery|of disputes. . . J z : Mohammed Ayuk Khan of Pak- and their "deep regret and con-| On Viet Nam, it said: istan said in Rawalpindi that cern" over China's nuclear) «The prime. ministers exam-\[ ndian troops were massed the Viet Cong has;found about 100 bodies .of gov: tests. ined the situation in Viet Nam along his country's border and (Reuters) -- Some 1,850 South! planned to overrun several im-|¢rmment troops. ' However, Mr. Shastri's sur-and considered the measures|(hat India was using "imagin- Vietnamese and American portant centres in the Dong| Other Ranger and_ infantry|prising attack against Pakistanjopen to them to try to bringjary pretexts' to threaten war. troops took u sitions in this 7 " battle zone #0 'mis north of|X0ai-Phuoc Vinh area. Saigon as intelligence reports} No CONTACT YET indicated the presence of Per-| More than 1,000 South Viet- haps 8,000 Communist Viet Cong), 4 mese paratroopers were guerrillas. /flown today to an airstrip at An About 80 U.S. paratroopers|Loc, 20 miles northwest of Dong of the 173rd Airborne Brigade|Xoai. Thus Dong Xoai now is are dug in around the vital/flanked on the north and south Phuoc Vinh airstrip 20 miles}py South Vietnamese and Amer- south of Dong Xoai. The Americans are manning pying airstrips. a perimeter 1,000 feet deep! - Little contact with the guer- ican paratroopers OCCU-\caned Sunday's units conducted patrols around|over the Rann of Kutch terri-|peace to that country... . Dong Xoai as U.S. and South | torial dispute between the two) "They were convinced that a Vietnamese aircraft made re-|nations overshadowed other purely military solution was peated air strikes on suspected/eyents of the visit. neither practicable nor desira- Viet Cong concentrations. | It was not mentioned in the|ble. f scl Mis: ates Ww echillabed is s formal communique, but the in- "They hoped that it mig alee as HUNDREDS LOST cident touched oft a full-scale|well be possible for the comba- hold a press conference here Military sources said a totalldiniomatic row that astonished|tants to curtail hostilities or to/¢@tly today 'before leaving for of 24 Vietnamese paratroopersicanadian officials, initiate periods of cease-fire Montreal. were killed or missing. About 75 It began Friday when the In-|which might become perma- were wounded pag ay ©S\dian high commission ran a/nent; they also expressed the MP TO RETURN OBE AWARD The two leaders are to meet in London at the Common- wealth prime ministers' confer- ence which opens Thursday. UN-/full-page newspaper advertise-|hope that earlier proposals for} ment accusing Pakis-|negotiations without pre-condi-; tan of "naked« aggression" harmed. ' Government forces in the desire to strengthen United Na-ito use force for the settlement) farlier Saturday, President ) bo get Prime Minister Shastri of India tells reporters in Ottawa around the dirt airstrip. jrillas apart from sniper fire|area now comprise more than They are supported by their;was reported today as both! three battalions: the two bat- own artillery--six 105-- milli-|sides were apparently regroup-jtalions of South Vietnamese the Kutch, an almost uninhab- itable area lying between the two Asian countries, in'tions would stil! yield results. | MONTREAL (CP--Hector | WILL SEEK SOLUTION i , Dupuis, former Liberal mem- "They agreed to work for a metre howitzers, mortars and/ing for possible further clashes paratroopers at An Loc and the recoilless rifles. late, in the week U.S. military: spokesmen at) Elements of Phuoc Vinh said the paratroop-|Ranger battalion were landed a government Vinh. solution to the Viet Nam prob- lem... suitably guaranteed by) The tiny. Mr. Shastri poured'the international community." This concentration of troops)more fuel on the fire Saturday; However, the formally-worded U.S. airborne battalion at Phuoc ADDS MORE FUEL ers have a dual mission: to pro-|by helicopter at the scene ofjwas in response to intelligence|when he spoke to a gathering/communique lacked the punch tect the airstrip and to stand|Sunday's ambush of a Vietna-information that four Viet Congjof Ottawa's Indian community|of Mr. Shastri's surprising de- by to move against the Viet|mese airborne battalion. Cong if any further substantial main force regiments totalling!and referred to an alleged spe-|cision to use his Canadian visit! They were lifted out of the|perhaps 8,009 men may be op- contact is made with guerrilla area quickly again, apparently| erating in the jungle and rub- * ps . s = forces. because of large guerrilla forces)ber plantations that cover the Sh t D | B d Recent intelligence reports in-'in the area, after they had | area, U.S. military sources as Tl ec ines 1 -- | said. Pekin Scores warning Soviet Policy Sounded TOKYO (AP) -- Communist\of the Communist part of the China fired a sharp new broad-|Soviet Union have put on much side at the Soviet Union Sunday camouflage and played many charging that the new Russian|tricks, they have in no way de leaders are. more covert andjparted from their essence." To Visit White House | OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis- ter Shastri of India said today|to the Commonwealth prime |President Johnson has invited)ministers' conference opening} {him to go to Washington in the| Thursday in London and the fall but that it won't be possi-|Afro-Asian meeting starting in ble for him to accept Algiers June 29. He told a press conference he Mr. Shastri said that "event-| For | } S won't be able to go.to Washing-| yally' U.S. troops will have to| . s lton then because the Indian! pe withdrawn from Viet Nam. {parliament will. be in session. The American decision to al-| President Johnson in' the|jow U.S. troops to be thrown| He was apparently referring PINE MOUNTAIN, Ga. (AP) cunning than Nikita Khrushchev, This, it said, was "Khiush-/Senator Richard B. Russell, spring cancelled an invitation tol into the -war_would_further com: in trying to change the ways of chevy revisionism, splitting tac- chairman of the powerful Sen-| Mr, Shastri to go to Washing- plicate matters. Communism. ties and great-power chauvin- ate armed services committee,/ton in June. on grounds that he; There did not seem 'much Peking also accused the So-/ism and Soviet-U.S. co-operation viet leadership of co-operating|for the domination of -- the with the United States in seek-|/ world. ing to dominate the world. It a ne said Soviet diplomats are 'busy, MOSCOW (AP)--The Soviet in Washington, London and\Communist Party organ Pravda Paris" trying to bring about|Published Sunday a new call for peace negotiations on Viet!@ world Communist conference Nam. ® to discuss the Soviet-Chinese The charges were made in a) dispute. : broadcast dispatch by the New The proposal was in the form China news agency which|of a resolution adopted last quoted from an artiéle pub-/month by the pro-Soviet Portu- lished by the Peking People's|guese Communist 'Party. Daily, the official newspaper, Pravda's publication of the and The Red Flag, the Chinese/Fesolution was read by western- Communist party's theoretical/@'S here as a possible first step magazine. : in a new Soviet drive to con- Hours before, Peking -radio,Yene a showdown conference on had announced that an impor-|the split with China. tant document would be broad-. The Chinese have refused to cast. : attend any world conference ! p 1 tiv: sponsored by the Russians, But)in Viet Nam and the possibility| yj) bring North Viet Nam tojto discharge that responsibil SEE SHOWDOWN DRIVE there was some speculationjof direct or indirect interven-|the negotiating table. The broadcast followed pub-jhere on the basis of recent Rus-| lication by Prayda, the Soviet|sian and other Soviet-blog com Communist party organ, of a|ments, that the Kremlin might "f is unthinkable that hd be ' new call for a world Commu-)make Viet Nam a top item on|would scuttle and run_ fre an 1eéu S 1e nist party conference to discuss|the agenda of a world Comma-/South Viet Nam." hte giro : the Soviet-Chinese split. West-!nist gathering. would amount to virtual sur- ede : ; erners in Moscow vauek the! It wes thought the Chinese refider of Southeast. Asia to the| SAIGON (Reuters) = 'pe 3 will act in an advisory capac- Pravda article as a new drive| would hardly afford to boycott)Communists and undermine the VISHIAIBOSE paige ph 8 ity to the junta, while the ex- for a showdown with the Chi-|a conference--even one domi-|faith of allies and weaken re- have agreed, ° a op at Beli ecutive council will fulfil the nese. nated by a pro-Soviet majority|sistance to Communist" aggres-| man national leadership counci Autlon of a cabinet The broadcast dispatch from|--at which the Russians might] sion throughout the world. to rule the country, informed * Peking said the People's Daily|accuse them of bad faith and) -------------- sources said today. HEADS COUNCIL om yori i sien fighting in/would be busy with Congress|chance at present that Commu- iet Nam 1s Becoming increas-| and the Viet Nam situation. nist China would intervene di-| ingly dangerous, but at the The. Indian leader said the|rectly in Viet Nam though it| same time declared that a with-|attitudes. of the countries in-/held very strong views. | drawal of U.S. forces would be} volved in the Viet Nam conflict unthinkable. _ - have "greatly stiffened" in the REGRETS PUBLICATION The Georgia Democrat dis-|jast month or so. Mr. Shastri said he was {'very cussed the situation in Viel] There would be a better cli-/sorry" his remarks Saturday on| Nam and the Dominican Re-| mate for some kind of negotia-|India's dispute with Pakistan) public in an address Sunday |tions if the U.S. bombings of|over the Rann of Kutch border a bho -- Associa:|North Viet Nam _ stopped, he|area had been reported by the ion of Broadcasters. said. | press. Russell told the group he sup-| jt was essential that hostili-| He said he was speaking to! ported President Johnson's ac-|ties come to an end so that-an/the-Indian-community and was| tion in sending troops to the Do- international conference along not aware that some reporters minican Republic, adding it is!the jines of the 1954 Geneva|were present. He had not re-| better to receive criticism from! meeting on Indochina could. be| ferred to the dispute in his talks some quarters than to allow an-| hejd, |with Canadian officials. other Communist takeover in' Mr. Shastri said it is "just! Mr. Shastri said Saturday the this hemisphere. jpossible'" that something will|whole. territory of Kutch be- _ Russell cited the likelihood of) come out of discussions in the|longs to India and that "India increased loss of American lives! next few days and weeks which| knows its responsibility and how ber of Parliament for Mont- real -Ste. Marie riding, said today he will return his medal of the Order of the British Empire now. that the Beatles have been listed in the Queen's annual birthday hon- | ors, "I'm mailing the medal to- | day to Secretary of State Maurice Lamontagne: who is familiar with the proper chan- nels for the return of the decoration to England's roy- alty," Mr. Dupuis said. When he received his dec- oration more than 10 years ago, Mr. Dupuis was con- vinced he was unworthy of the honor. He considered it usually was conferred on out- stading statesmen, heroes and industrialists. "But now English royalty praces me on the same level as vulgar nincompoops." Mr. Dupuis said he does not want to be a member of an order which recognizes stupidity and hysteria as with the long-haired English Mer- | sey group, who will be_per- mitted to wear the MBE ribbons, .rose-pink edged with pearl grey. Mr. Dupuis said he could understand there "are always certain undesirables in any kind of orders or societies, but what I fail to grasp is that superior authorities wish to honor sorry fellows" with whom I have no desire what- ever to be. associated." He said it is up to other individuals to- remain.or not remain in the order but that is their business. "In my case, I simply re- sign." lity." tion by Russia and China. But} elem a he added: today that he has been invited by President Johnson to visit Washington in the fall, but that he won't be able to ac- cept. The reason given by Mr. Shastri for declining the invit- Four Sticks Of Dynamite Deactivated QUEBEC (CP) -- A bomb made of four sticks of.dynamite and a timing device was found on the front porch of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police build- ing in Quebec City today, but was promptly deactivated by a municipal police explosives ex- pert. The RCMP called on Officer Louis Larin -to dismantle the bomb when an RCMP constable discovered it. The RCMP has no explosives ia in its Quebec headquar- ers. The timing device on the bomb was set at four o'clock, an RCMP spokesman said. He did not know it had been in- tended to detonate the dyna- mite at 4 a.m. or 4 p.m. The explosives were taken to the central city police station at city hall where they were be- jing examined by the ballistics Staff. The RCMP said it believes jthe dynamite was slightly wet but in good enough condition to explode if detonated. Blasting caps were affixed to the explo- sives in the device, RCMP said no signature or note was found near the bomb and no reports of persons seen around the building the previr ous night had been received, Fishermen Find Getaway Plane LARDER LAKE, Ont. (CP)I Quebec provincial police said |Sunday they have found the i fi a ra ation was that the Indian Par- liment. would be in session. at that, time. Mr. Shastri today. winds up a five-day visit to Canada. On Mr. Shastri's right is William Stewart, president of the Parliamentary Press Gallery at Ottawa. (CP Wirephoto) The Oshawa Times is pleased to announce a ten- part series of vital .inter- est to every parent. Called TEACH YOUR CHILD TO SWIM, this series will start Tuesday. TEACH YOUR CHILD TO SWIM was created expressly for the YMCA by Dick Lough, director of Aquatics The series is designed so you can cut out each install- TEACH YOUR CHILD TO SWIM STARTS TUESDAY IN TIMES plane used to make a getaway after Friday's $164,000 gold rob- bery from a railway station near here. The plane was found Satur- day night by-a group of fisher- men on Grand Lac Nominigue near l'Annonciation, about .20 miles southeast of Larder Lake. A police official said Ontario police will go go the lake to look jat the plane, a single-engine Cessna-180 reported stolen Fri- day night. , Three men, wearing Hallow- een masks and carrying pistols, shotguns and rifles, burst in on station agent Thomas Tonkin, ment and follow Mr, Lough's methods with your children. Mr; Lough advises against rushing your child from one step to the next. Each step is designed to help the child become a swimmer, and you should only progress to the next step when he has mas- tered the one he's on. Your child should progress only as at Toronto's Central YMCA fast as he is capable. 44, and made. off with two branch. His lessons are Remember, for more fun (safes containing five gold bars used by all the main and enjoyment this summer, | weighing a total of 300 pounds. branches of the YMCA teach your child to swim and No trace of them had been across Canada to teach play safely in the water. |foynd since the car th swimming. Watch for TEACH YOUR . 7 to escape in was found beside Larder Lake, 17 miles west of Kirkland Lake. Clothing and a CHILD TO SWIM: and clip the series for your family. Canton Is Tense From War Nerves HONG KONG (AP)--Chinese} travellers report China's south-| ern metropolis of Canton is| tense and suffering from a bad! case of war nerves. The travellers from Canton to Hong Kong report Communist authorities are whipping up war fears and urging older Pecidanta| to move to rural areas' for| safety. | These travellers said young| men are being recruited for {military service on the Chinese jisland of Hainafi, off the coast! jof North Viet Nam in the Gulf) of Tonkin mask were found in the car. wn Hing NEWS HIGHLIGHTS Scoff At Shakeup Report TORONTO CP -- A report of an imminent shakeup in the Ontario cabinet was dismissed today as "'completely speculative' by a spokesman in Premier Robarts' office. The official, who declined use of his name, said he is sure the premier will make no statement "until there is something to be said." Laborers Quit Toronto Subway Job TORONTO CP -- Laborers walked off the job today on:the strike-plagced east-west . subway when a union of- ficial charged that contractors were attempting to have the laborers do the work of striking cement masons. | Traffic Problem Hits At Montreal MONTREAL CP -- Immense streams of traffic jam- med into main arteries and bridges today as Montreal tried to cope with a transportation snarl caused by two bus strikes. "It's rugged," a harried traffic policeman said surveying a two-mile-long jam in the Atwater Avenue area. 1] Forest Fires Are Burning and Red Flag article claims|obstructionism in the Vietna- that "although. the new leaders|mese conflict. ; " Canadian Gets Chancellor Post. Rborted Trujillo Attack Will Be Commemorated SANTO" DOMINGO (Reuters) attempt Several parties loyal to the "constitutionalist'"' cause today planned a mass rally to com- memorate an abortive anti-Tru- jillo invasion here six years LUSAKA, Zambia (Reuters) | --A Canadian has been ap- pointed vice-chancellor of the) University "of Zambia, it was disclosed today. He is Dr, Douglas G. Anglin,| professor of political science at The Dominican strongman/Carleton University, Ottawa. was subsequently assassinated) Dr, Anglin will take up his ap- in June 1961, an act that ended|pointment. July 1. more than 31 years of iron-| The new vice-chancellor has) ago. fisted rule. for many years been interested! The followers of rebel leader) The landing, which took place|in Africa and is: a member of Col. Francisco Caamano Deno|from Cuba shortly after Fiidel the permanent council of the In- will first hold a mass in honor,/Castro cam to power, ended in ternational Congress of African- pf those who died in the 1959/disaster. i" lists in Dakar, Senegal. | to overthrow dictator Rafael - Trujillo. MAJ..GEN. VAN THIE Maj.-Gen, Nguyen Van Thieu, defence minister in the former civilian government, was elected to head the council »y his fellow generals at a Sunday meeting, the sources said The meeting also agreed on the establishment of a new military - dominated _govern- ment structure to run the. coun- try in place of former Premier Phan Huy Quat's civilian ad- ministration, which handed over power to the generals: Fri- day. Under the generals' plan there will be, an administrative council and an executive coun- cil under the three-man junta. The = administrative council The man elected to head the executive council and in effect be premier was Air. Marshal Nguyen Cao Ky, air force com- mander, the sources said. He was also a member of the leadership council along with Brig.-Gen. Nguyen. Buu Con, newly-appointed chief of the general staff. Con will be responsible for the war against the Viet Cong. The .members of the execu+_» tive council will be called com- missioners nd: will receive smaller salafies and few priv- ileges than the former cabinet ministers as part of Gen. Thi- eu's austerity drive, the sources said, TORONTO CP -- The department of lands and: forests reported a total of 11 forest fires burning in Ontario today. Inn Av tunnrincrnee tenant osm ittg recess ...In THE TIMES today... Houdaille Workers Okay New 3-Yeor Contract -- P 9. Brooklin Seniors School 8th Straight Win -- P. 6. (itt sided i al Ann Landers -- ,12 Obits -- 19 2 City News -- 9 Sports --. 6, 7, 8 Hy Classified -- 16, 17, 18 Theatre -- 14 3 Comics -- 15 Whitby News -- 5 : Editoriol -- 4 Women's -- 10, 11, 12 = Financiat -- 19 Weather -- 2. : 'Buasvnn NTA a lui i By) iy | i | i j H } j j } ) H } ' £ |

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