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Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Jun 1965, p. 5

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TWO MEMBERS HONORED BY AUXILIARY In celebration of the 70th Anniversary of St. John's Anglican Church Women's Auxiliary, a special cere- mony was held in the church basement, yesterday after- noon, Two members honored at the celebration were Miss Margaret Sleep and Mrs. E. A. Mcintyre, who. is shown in the above photo cutting the large birthday cake. --Oshawa Times Photo _ WHITBY PERSONALS Peggy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Seko, is celebrat- ing her eighth birthday June 18. A pre-celebration dinner was held Jast Sunday. Guests were: Joseph Uyeno, Mr. and Mrs. Haye championship at the St. Theresa Separate School field day Tues- day. Two girls, and Angel Femia, tied for the Field Day Held At St. Theresa WHITBY (Staff) -- Earl La) won the Intermediate Linda Daigle intermediate champion- He'll Remember Portrait Gifts Give Dad a memory on Fath- er's, Day -- Aa photographic] family portrait framed for dis-|sewer at the Dr. Robert Thorn- play in his office or den. Relief From Dust Sought BROOKLIN (Staff)--The_os- sibility of erecting a barricade at one end of Hazelwood dr. in Brooklin will be studied by: Whitby Township Council. A seven-man' delegation ap- peared before the council Mon- day night, asking that Hazel- cium or a barricade be erect- ed to stop the dust problem on that road. ©The delegation also wanted to 'know, why, since they were paying road taxes, no action) had been taken on their re- quest to have calcium spread on the road. Reeve John Dryden explain- ed to the delegation that the road had not been formally accepted by the township, and was therefore a private road, and until such time as the township accepted the. road, it was up to the subdivider to pro- vide this service. The delegation then asked for a barricade to be erected at one end of the road to stop through traffic on the road, and relieve the dust problem. The following accounts were passed for payment by coun- cil: welfare, $425; general, $13,648.66; roads, $22,729.69; arena, $908.01. It was made known at coun- cil, that the final floor in the arena had been laid, and the arena would be open for busi- ness in three weeks. A motion was passed by council stating that the town- ship would install a storm |ton School to remedy a drain- lage problem if the Township ed Church will again conduct} a Summer Vacation School for children from 5 to 12 years of age. The dates and time chosen ing program Thursday evening istrations are coming in every! wood dr. be spread with cal-|da of the church's year round pro- people, etc. Older children might bring sion project. Contributions may be sent to provide Bible story booklets and packets of Bible Pictures to children who live -- such helps are not avail- able, UCW To Sponsor Vacation School WHITBY -- St. Mark's Unit- are July 5 to 9 and 12 to 15, from 1.15 to 3.45 p.m. It is planned to share a clos- with parents and friends. Reg- The vacation school is a unit gram. The theme for this sum- mer is "God's Wonderful World" -- a wonderful world of nature, color, sound, such things as magnets, collec- tions (minerals, insects, sugars), even a turtle or a gold- fish. As usual there will be a mis- Iris Show Big Success WHITBY -- An excellent June|D@Y Show of Iris was the highlight of the Whitby Garden Club's meeting in the Kathleen Rowe School. Winners of the various classes were as follows: Iris, one spike' light blue or mauve -- Miss L. Pellow, Mrs. R.-VanHorne, Mrs. H. Brown; Iris, one spike, white -- Miss L. Pellow; Iris, one spike, yel- low -- Miss L. Pellow, Mrs: R. VanHorne, Mrs. G. D. Burgess. Iris, one spike ahy dark color -- Mrs. R. VanHorne, Miss L. Pel- low; Iris, one spike bi-color ers for the ensuing year were installed at a recent meeting of kw Scout and Cub Mothers Aux- ry. kl Scouts Paul McDermott and Mrs. Charles H. Reesor, presi- dent; Mrs. Orton Michie, vice- president; secretary; Mrs. Lloyd Short, treasurer; Mrs. ford, banquet convener; card convener; Wakeford, sewing convener and Church Women Evening Group ent season June 15 at the new home of Mrs. Norman Gibson. Hicks, order with a worship period. Mrs. G. Davies read the scrip- ture and Mrs. Elect Officers PORT PERRY (TC) -- Offic- Mrs, George Lane con-|¢p, ducted the ceremony, assisted Larry Reesor. The officers are: Mrs. Grant McDermott, past president; Mrs. John Jefford, Lloyd Wake- Mrs. friendship and Mrs, Wilbert Anne Spears, Almonds Group Plans Fall Bazaar WHITBY -- Almonds United Scout Mothers os ss: tet ae Be ---- by we William Wil: liams to Mrs. Mrs. Allan ggg THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, June v7, 1968 5 the wee past reoges pin was' committee, gave a(stressing the need for qualified group talk on the aims of scouting, |leadership. McDermott. Assistant Cubmaster Howard Hall, assisted by Charles Nel- son, John Murray, Goode and Ted Hall, explained Gregory the requirements for earning Cub badges. A demonstration of No As auaauay was given by the Cubs. Gerald Nelson, representing} | FREEMAN'S FORMAL RENTALS Made to Measure Clothes @ House of Hobberlin @ Tip Top Tailors -- uss EEVE MEN'S SHOP 129 Brock St. $., Whitby held its last meeting of the pres- BROCK Evening Shows at 7 and 9:05 WHITBY -- Saturday Matinee 1:30 The leader, Mrs. William called the meeting to Hicks gave a reading pertaining to "Father's itn, Russell Weatherall, on behalf of the members, made a presentation to Mrs. Gibson and wished her happiness in her new home. : | During the business session a date has been arranged for the fall bazaar. The event will be held Nov. 6 at the church hall with the following conveners: Mrs. Fred Otter, bake table, Mrs. Norman Gibson, apron table, Mrs. C: Barchard, white elephant table, Mrs. Howard Thayer, miscellaneous table The Whitby Public School Board invites APPLICATIONS for the position of SECRETARY te the Superintendent Rousseau's Suggest Jor Fathers. Day Or Any Day... Isc hool Board would pay the} |cost of installation. i= Mrs. H. Brown, Miss L. Pel- ---- | low. spouses, according to Harper} Miniature arrangement, Mrs. | Leiper, President of the Pro- Damages Awarded! J. N. Wilkinson, Mrs. 0. Moore, fessional Photographers of Am-) iIn Auto Crash girls' ship. In the junior division, Paul Burtinsky won the champion- ship with 13 points and Michelle Allicock the junior girls with 16 points. Mrs. Carl Pascoe, tea table con- vener. Final arrangements were made for the group to cater at a lunch following a meeting of St. John's Ambulance June 23. Tea Samuel Wakayana and family, and Mr, and Mrs. Jerry Hikida, Toronto, On Friday Peggy is en- tertaining the following friends: Donna Penney, Eleanor Smith, Brenda Craig, Marianne Harri- women gave photographic pon traits of the family to their) of Public Schools Applicants should hove Grade XII standing and be competent in shorthand, typing, operating duplicating machines and gen- Miss L. Pellow; rangement for buffet, Modern ar- Iris, to son, Dawn Ruttal, Melody Stone- burgh and Susan Jorganssen. Mrs. Jack Scott, Byron st. n., is celebrating her birthday to-|took the girls' with. 24. day, For the occasion Mrs. Scott} |nile championship with 14 points land Mary Lou Van Den Broek|to surprise Dad with a family| portrait -- with him in the mid-} portraits Frank Lavalley won the juve- Primary boys' champion. was'dle. erica, Inc. The hottest new gift idea is| Individual | are) |Court here Tuesday. His Honor WHITBY (Staff) -- Judgment |for $687.50 and costs was award- ed to Keith George Tipton by |Judge Alex C. 'Hall in County |Horne, Mrs. 0. Moore, Mrs. J. predominate -- Mrs...R. Van- |N. Wilkinson; Bouquet of mixed hostess was Mrs. Orval Barton. The next meeting will be held Sept. 21. eral office routine. Salary will be based on experi- flowers arrangement to count -- Mrs. R. VanHorne: Mrs. H. SYD SILVER FORMALS ence and qualifications. Range: $3,800 to $4,800 Hours: 8:30 to 5:00 Pryce-Jones, Mrs. J. N. Wilkin- son; Peonies, three -- any color -- Mrs. E. E. Bond; Ar- rangement using one spike Iris ba os Pg a and suitable foliage -- Mrs. R.| or Your team VanHorne, Mrs. J. N. Wilkin-| son; Pansies arranged in low bowl -- Mrs. J. N. Wilkinson. Plans were completed for the |Rose Show and Tea to be held on June 24 in the arena rotunda. Mrs. H. Pryce-Jones read an article on. competing in flower shows and hints on flower ar- ranging, which was very inter-| esting. : For Weddings Etc. | Duties to commence August 3rd Written applications will be |] received by the undersigned until 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, |] June 30th. Miss Mery A. Newmen, 'and her husband will be dinner) aqy McDonnell with 14 points| ldismissed without costs the d h b f th ests of her parents, Mr. and).nq Rosemary Stanic the girls' he " o ie ' rene oe | counter claim of George Kidd, rs. Claude Flewwelling, of |with 18. amily and given to Dad Oise of Uxbridge, the defendant Oshawa. |Father's Day with 2 portrait|/in the action. Mrs. Clinton Pascoe, 410 Dun certificate entitling him to a} The action arose out of a col- 'Plant Capacity To Be Doubled das st. w., is now convalescing itti i lision between vehicles driven home after a seven-week| sitting, compliments of his fam- een : stag at the Oshawa General Hos- ily. + Agee area wy Ty yer pital where she underwent sur- The group can be displayed to-|oriy jimits of the town of Ux- AJAX -- The capacity of aigether in the home or office. unit at Du Pont of Canada's Ajax finishes plant to process "Teflon" non-stick finish is be- |bridge, on April 6, 1963. The traditional family por-| Mr. Tipton, in evidence, said) ing doubled. The additional facilities will be in operation in it is he was proceeding east when} a ee 'he defendant turned into his : 5IM-| path. Mr. Kidd, on the other gle wall frame and displayed as|hand, said he was on his own July. Dad prefers. The move resulis from the growing popularity of cookware coated with the non-stick finish. side of the road. Du Pont of Canada began pro- "IT am reluctant to say 'tt but Mr. Kidd's observation and re- cessing 'Teflon' at Ajax in No- vember, 1964, to meet the de- flexes were an essential factor in the accident. He says he did mands of Canadian cookware manufacturers. Since then 10 not have his lights on and did not see the plaintiff's vehicle. I Centre, Bark Lake, Ont. ; companies have met Du Pont's Mr. and Mrs. William Brad-\.+andards for applying the fin- find no contributory negli- ley, of Kirkland Lake, spent alish and have been licensed to} tive finishes-and auxiliary)gence" Judge Hall said in products. 'handing down his judgment. few days visiting Mr. Cecilluse its "Teflon" certification Bradley and Mr. and Mrs. Ver-| mark. i asad -- wi OMPIVG With vatves DURING OUR , non Moore on their return from| Doubling of capacity for. "Tef-| the Firemen's Convention in) jlon" is in addition to the $3-000,- FP JUNE JAMBOREE! ' Belleville. 1000 plant expansion under way) at HAPPY HOME jinsine BIG Thursday and Friday 1 p.m. to 9: p.m. DAYS! All Day Saturday _Elegant French Provincial 4 seater CHESTERFIELD and CHAIR with quality zippered cushions -- 1 only -- a 2 §9.00 ma 7] 39.95 A Holiday Gift for Dad BEDROOM & KITCHEN SUITES in stock plus many more home furnishing fe samt ae r d double-stitched: to. ward items to make you "HAPPY". In British Brown or Charcoal 449.00 Two-sulteronly.....0.000+$29! Companion Case. ....-000.$22.95 "Don't Miss Our GIGANTIC JUNE JAMBOREE... . . PRICES REDUCED To Make You Happy" HAPPY HOME BROOKLIN Opposite Bank of Commerce LAZY-BOY CHAIR Dad will satisfy his every relaxing - mood for rocking, TV viewing or ~ comfortable napping ! Agents for... . SAINT HILL-LEVINE UNIFORMS MERCANTILE DEPT. STORE Whitby - Plaza Secretary-Treasurer, Whitby Public School Board, 1125 Athol Street, Whitby, Ontario. gery. Recent visitors at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Slute, 114 Keith st. w.. were: Mrs. Florence Col- lett and three granddaughters, Carey, Kathy and Doreen Col- lett, Galt; and a nephew, Ernie Collett, Barrie and Bert Wil- liams, also of Galt. Mrs. E. A. MacMillan, Athol st., recently attended a four-day conference for leaders sponsor- ed by the Department of Edu- cation, at the Ontario Depart- ment of Education Leadership at Ajax. The latter project, to be completed late this year, will permit increased production of interior and exterior house paints, industrial and automo- WHITBY DRIVING SCHOOL New dual controlied cars. Personal courteous service. Fully licensed and insured. Dial 668-4176 J. A, OSTERHOUT, Owner CASH YOUR JUNE BABY BONUS CHEQUE AT THE MERCANTILE Drawing will take place and winner. will 25.00 in merchandise. ro FATHER'S DAY THIS SUNDAY JUNE 20th Don't Forget LAZY-BOY ROCKER And mother will like it too... for she may select just the right style: LA-Z-BOY to complement her room decor. NOTICE! PETER VAN HEMMEN is now the new lessee deal- er at NORTH BROCK TEXACO -- Corner Chest- nut and Brock St. N., Whitby. We carry a bia selection of Gifts for Dad... @ GIFT BOXES SUPPLIED @ MERCANTILE DEPT. STORE "WHITBY PLAZA -- WHITBY Peter has 6 years experience in the service station business, and is fully qualified to-give-you expert service; Peter wishes to take this opportunity. to invite all his. friends and old customers to visit him ot his new location. Specializing in undercoating and minor repairs. NORTH BROCK TEXACO Cor. Chestnut and Brock St. N., Whitby [1] Biue Green Boucle 4 Seater CHESTERFIELD & CHAIR -- mill with reversible zippered cushions -- Reduced to . . 1 WHITBY KIWANIS | Annual JAMBOREE & AUCTION | Sat., June 19, 1965 WHITBY ARENA Auction Starts 12 Noon DANCING 9 P.M. Round and Square Dancing Square Dance Competition (Prizes) REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE TICKETS .. . 1.50 EACH Olive Green 4 Seater CHESTERFIELD & CHAIR -- walnut trim and quality zippered cushions -- yours for only LAZY-BOY RECLINER The Magical All-in-One Chair Colonial -- Traditional -- Contempor- ary or Modern . . . all have the famous Lifetime Warranty on mech- 'anisms. Reg. Price $209.00 'Special Father's Day Price 1 { Gg 00 " ROUSSEAD -HERTTAGE Oe HAUSE Ontario County's Showplace of Fine Furniture OPEN THURS. and FRI..-- Till 9 P.M. 216 MARY ST. E. WHITBY PH. 668-3483 Char-brown 4 Seater CHESTERFIELD & CHAIR -- you won't be| able to. resist this low price Phillips 'Strasbourg' STEREO-CONSOLE -- beautiful walnut finish -- 1 only reg. 599.00 NOW ..... Phillips "Stavanger" STEREO-CONSOLE -- in Swedish walnut. Reg. 549.00, Now... ee eeewee MARCONI "citation Award' -- fully transistorized -- a beautiful machine in walnut finish. 1 Only. Slashed to MARCONI -- model 4547 -- in welnut finish. 1 ONLY-- reduced to clear at Also, SIMILAR MODEL in low 60" walnut cabinet -- reduced to clear at COMMUTER:, We also have a fine selection in Ladies' luggage COLLINS SHOES © APPLIANCES FURNISHINGS Persons wishing to donate auctionable items please Phone 668-5868 -- Before Saturday, June 19th -- 10 P.M. Ph. 668-3476 119 Brock St. S, -- walter | .s Open Friday Night Til 655-3663 Cocoon eceseoseseece J | onal

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