16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, June 19, 1965 END IS IN SIGHT MLAs Confident Raise Deserved By BOB EXELL 'TORONTO (CP) -- After 96 days the Ontario legislature is almost all talked out. On Monday, or Tuesday at the 'latest, the third session of a 27th gga house will prorogu The 107 members will return to theirlaw practices, bus- fnesses, jobs or farms, feeling confident they earned the extra $4,000 to $5,000 they voted them- selves as a raise this year. Toronto members now make $11,000 a year and members from outside the Metro area The session began Jan. 20. On May 31, in its 82nd day, it established a record as the longest session of the legis- lature in the province's history. The previous record of 81 days was set in 1922. Even though the length of the of even some of the minor de- partments, such as tourism and information, were subjected to prolonged debate. ACCUSE GOVERNMENT In the case of tourism and information, the Liberals ao cused the government of "man- aging the news" by issuing government - made radio ana television tapes. to broadcast stations. The accusations took up three days. The larger departments -- education, municipal affairs, yttorney - general, health and labor --all took several days. Still to be approved is the spending of the welfare depart- ment. When this is completed the only real business remain- ing for the house will be the wind-up of the budget debate, plus third reading and royal assent for about 70 ene bills. current session will approach It could be that the 17 mem-| BOB THOMAS IN HOLLYWOOD Audience 'Joins In Show', Perry Mason Star Feels By BOB THOMAS speaking up when something HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- What makes a television series go on and on and on and on? Each of the long-run winners such as Ed Sullivan, Red Skel- ton, Gunsmoke, Ozzie and Har- riet and What's My Line has a peculiar quality all its own. And what about Perry Mason? Barbara Hale, who has tire- lessly taken dictation from the doesn't seem right in a scene, and I have a nervous habit of clearing my throat when that happens. Ray invariably looks up and asks what is wrong. The next time we do the scene, the wwatter is corrected, and we go right on with our work. "With Bill Hopper it's en- tirely different. He loves to. gab, so he and { talk in longhand." undefeated lawyer for eight years, has her own theory: "Tt think there is a great deal of audience participation in our show. It gives the audience a chance to read into the charac- The common housefly lays 500 to 2,000 eggs, which hatch and grow into mature flies within 11 days in good weather. Opens Monday! One Week Only » LIBERACE "MR. SHOWMANSHIP" " Box Office Open 11 A.M. - 9 P.M. Eves. 8.30 Mon. - Thurs. $2.00 to $4.50; Fri. and Sat. $2.50 to $5.50; Wed. Mat. 2 P.M. $1.25 to $3.00; Sat. Mat. $1.50 to $3.50. CARROLL BAKER is THE FuRY ters whatever they want to be:| lieve. Then at the end, they get} a chance to see whether their! judgment was right." | Whatever the reasons for its longevity, Perry Mason willl soon start shooting on its ninth) season with the original cast in-} tact; Raymond Burr, Barbara,} Bill Hopper, Bill Talman and, when his health permits, Ray} Collins. One would expect the; tensions to show after a group) SATURDAY _ NIGHT DANCE OLD TIME and MODERN Dance to RUDY 100 days, it has not accom-|hers -- one seat is vacant in) plished all of the business the/the 108-seat house -- will be! government set out for it lealled back in the fall for a| BILLS HELD BACK jspecial session to consider the Législation that could have commission been brought forward by Attor- ney - General Arthur Wishart fias been put over. This legisla- tion is in the field of securities, legal aid, ambulance services Goldenberg royal report on Metro Toronto, Premier Robarts has still given no hint that he is consid-| ering two full sessions a year to deal with the expanding re-| "YEH, A LEFT-HANDED SOUSAPHONE of actors had been exposed to} each other for so long a time. VELTRI "The only thing that worries) and his me," said Barbara, "'is that we) have had no fights. We've never| NEW TORNADOS Sam Cohen, playing liis ,. stock room manager, drops left-handed Sousaphone bi ¥ everything and heads for a circus that went throug ; z Reading, Pa., recently the sawdust trail. A_ left. ago from a musician who had lost the fingers of his right hand, and had the horn even had a disagreement. Peo- ple can't believe that, but it's true. 'Ray Burr and I have worked together so much that we. can Toronto's | RED BARN Whenever a circus gets into sponsibilities of the provincial) |the Reading aren, Sam, a government. and consumer credit. Redistribution of the prov- handed 'Sousaphone? He picked it up about 16 years built specially. --AP Wirephoto Most Versatile Group actually speak a kind of short- hand. I'm @ little shy about Ince's electoral ridings, recom- mended early in the session by an independent three-man com- mission, was not implemented because of political dissatisfac- tion with the committee's re- IS CHIEF ARGUMENT The argument most: often made against a second regular session is a procedural one. With one session a year the government can always sched- ule debate on the estimates when the legislature finds itself with nothing else to do. If there were to be a fall ses- sion there would be no budget for consideration and no de- port. What prolonged the session was not so much the legislation introduced by the government as it was the questioning? of government spending by the opposition. The Liberals, as the official opposition party' and with a To Medicare partmental estimates to ap- By HARRY CALNEK | prove, making it difficult for| HALIFAX (CP) -- The Cana-| new leader in the person ofjthe government to regulate the/ian Medical Association ended) Andrew Thompson, were not to|business of the house when it/it; annual meeting Friday on| be outdone by the New Demo-|falls behind in its. legislation./:ne note it began Monday--op-| erats_in_querying government} Some Conservatives also feel] nocition to compulsory, tax-sup- estimates, as most observers|that a second session would|norteq medical care insurance. felt they had been during the/only lead to - repetitive debate|" The subject crept into almost last session under an acting/and provide a public sounding|,) discussions during the week- leader. jboard for the oppositionliong convention and Tuesday The result was that estimates)parties. the association general council Astronauts Sent To Paris: "i"... spe... Diplomacy In Texas Style By *\sory scheme. ®| Friday, three speakers jtouched on it. Dr. G. E. Wode- ARCH MacKENZIE President Humphrey into inter- Canadian Press Staff Writer |national orbit for the first time.| President Johnson's snap deci-| Humphrey was accompanied ihouse of Toronto reiterated. the sion to send the latest Ameri-jon his Paris jaunt by space can space heroes to Paris is heroes James A. McDivitt and | association's stand; R. B. Mac- Pherson, an economist with Du Pont of Canada Ltd. ---- also supported the stand. | The only dissenting voice was from Dr. J. M. Beveridge, pres-| lident of Acadia University. in regarded as Texas-brand diplo-/Edward H. White, the pape rage lose ge iy om macy st its biggest and best. {American to leave his space). royal commission's recomi-| One result will be to compete|ship and float in space Imendation of the compulsory! with the propaganda that the/pase TENSION lecheinie Soviet Union has harvested at) 'The visit by the vice-president] Dr. E. K. Lyon of Leaming- the Paris air show by showing | and the two astronauts will nojton, Ont., chairman of a a huge aircraft capable of Car-ldouht take some tension out of|committee studying group prac-| more than 700 people. strained French-American rela-|tice, said in a. preliminary re- Considerable interest has beenitions, as might Humphrey's|port the committee disagreed aroused as to why he sent Vice-| meeting with French Prestdent|with a statement in.the Hall] de Gaulle. royal commission report on) s There is some speculationjhealth service that supported} Miners Gal that Humphrey may be kept on|group practice | honst "weal oa another re [iS CONCERNED i a i cerned| . sponsibility to the heavy load he|, THe committee is concerned ©lthat the commission "'arbitrar-| Cash-Loss; -- ---- oe ily decided that one method of | . | The president surprised a lot So medical service is| Sta e tri e jot people last Janyary when: he|Petter than i ic aia th lomitted Humphrey' from the of-|, 1¥° Psychiatrists said the ificial American delegation to|drug LSD-25 has value in treat- NORANDA, Que. (CP) -- A\Sir Winston Churchill's funeral.|ment of mentafly-Ill pees wildcat strike started Friday|The president reacted somewhat|!® Cangerous If used indiscrimt- afternoon at the Horne mine of{testily to criticism of that omis-\"4tely without supervision td Noranda Mines Ltd., when'sion. | LSD-25, short for lysergic acid) workers did not appear for the MANY INVITATIONS \dielhylamide, expands the pa- 4 shift es i ne tient' awareness, particularly) ee i | Observers feel Johnson hasio¢ the subconscious, said Dr.| The men said they are seek-|lost hope of going abroad him-|popert Pos, clinical teacher of, ing assurance from the com-jself this year as he had planned! y.vchiatry and medicine at the| any that the Quebec govern-jbecause of the Vietnamese cri-|ty)ivercity foent will not freeze their sav-jsis, among other things. But Cg ee eA ag chairman ings when the province's pen-jhe does choose to substitute|o¢ ihe department of psychiatry oe pins goes into effect ae, Bempmrey, berths, would belat McGill University in Mont- ' 7 % 2. s s The workers are members Of) Humphrey has had a lot oflsuccessfully, 'but ig bo ie the United Steelworkers ofjinvitations but has remained) warning, America (CLC), which repre-|confined to the United States} «Certain practitioners have cote Le staged in the _-- his election as vice-presi-|peen ysing LSD-25 as a thera- a . | . | ; ' | The previncial plan will re-| Humphrey is in an interesting eats rye ge ong se ged place a plan the employees had/political situation at home. Old|qone under uncontrolled condi- and in which they had invested/admirers of the former Minne-|tions It's. disgraceful." their own money. The 1,200/sota Liberal are gazing askance|----_-- = workers in. the bargaining unit/at the dutiful and close-mouthed . want to be able to draw their|/support Humphrey has _been/ Gord 5 hee money out at any time, with-|giving Johnson through thick) out having to quit their jobs/and thin on such controversiallf | and thus lose seniority. events as Viet Nam and the! Mine Manager H. S. Berube|Dominican Republic. | told men who milled around) While Humphrey remains mine gates they will be consid-/mum as any good vice-president | ered union members waging an/should, the Senate's Robert and illegal strike unless they return/Ted Kennedy-have been moving) to work "immediately." steadily to the centre of Liberal| After receiving a letter from|discontent about Johnson. That) ve Phone Now! lof the Hougoumont Farm, held! jof Agincourt (1415) to the Battle CMA Renews The Weather Too Opposition Recalls Waterloo WATERLOO, Belgium (Reut- rs)--An altar built of drums was the centerpiece of a cere- mony here Friday to com- memorate the Battle of Water- loo 15 years ago -- held in a downpour like that which fell on the day of the combat. The rain did not deter hun- dreds of villagers and visitors from attending the service, con- ducted by three clergymen-- two Protestants and a Roman Catholic. Queen Elizabeth's cousin, the Duke of Kent, paraded with a detachment of his regiment, the Scots Greys, who took a prom- inent part in the fighting against Napoleon. His younger brother: Prince Michael of Kent, . took part in the parade with his unit. A detachment of the Dutch Army also took part in the ceremony held in the orchard e by British troops under fierce attack by the French. Regimental delegations made} a tour of the French and Allied monuments scattered around the battleground. GUESTS GAMBLE In London, more than 1,500 "GET"' THIS WEEK - AS USUAL S0c Members @ 75¢ Non-Members DRESS:--Shirt and Tie Same Piace . .. Same Time The glittering occasion was largely the work of Lady Parker, American-born wife of Britain's lord chief justice. Her aim Friday night was to raise} youth centre plan. | At Windsor Castle, 20 miles) west of London, Queen Eliza-/ beth and the Duke of Edin- burgh gave a celebration ban-) quet, after which they joined) ;the Grenadier Guards at an-| other Waterloo ball. GEORGE MAHARIS is THE FORCE : 'MONDAY © IS THE EXPLOSION ! Lid FANNY HILL", HELD OVER - 2nd WEEK! Double the excitement with Double DOUBIEPSEVEN! ESTRICTED: Representatives of all the British regiments which icught at Waterloo were also among the guests. : Earlier Friday, the present! Duke of Wellington paid the Queen his rent for the house} and estates given to his illus- trious ancestor. The rent? A small silk French tricolor, a replica of the standards cap- tured during the battle IZZA | telephone 728-0192 EPI'S WOW PLAYING HARRY SALTDWAN AND fart & eneeou "HARRY SALTIMAN io ALBERT R. BROCCOL! peeserr mem, whines DR. NO un rsanc's FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE SEAN CONNERY JAMES BOND | sumsSEAN CONNERY..JAMES BOND , » [TREHMICOLOR® | eceeczxen mew wren ARTISTS [TECAMCOLORS] aconsuen mew OTD AITSTS | DAILY P.M. SHOW TIMES DR. No -- 3:50-7:40 selected guests gambled on slot} machines and drank champagne) in London's normally austere law courts Friday night to cele- brate the 150th anniversary. The revellers, dressed in cos- tumes dating from the Battle of Waterloo were also celebrat-| ing the 75th anniversary of the signing of Magna Carta, one of Britain's greatest constitutional documents Friday night's ball crowned a week of festivity in which Brit- ons have remembered two of the greatest events in their country's history. OSHAWA. DRIVE-IN THEATRE * 723-4972 ~ NOW PLAYING TONIGHT THRU TUES. Darnedest hillbilly weddiri 728-7321 the Quebec revenue department|used to be Humphrey's area. | recently, the company. sent let-/ "~~~ -- ioe ters to all its employees saying that. any employee leaving the company after Jan. 1, 1966, will have the right to receive his contribution to the pension plan} together with the company's) contribution to Dec. 31, 1965, plus accrued interest Some mine workers leading) the walkout say they have! debts they wish to settle. They want their savings now. DANCING G "WORLD OF ABBOTT ond COSTELLO" Plus -- "SWORD OF ALI BABA" in COLOR ¢ STARTS SUNDAY ° MAN MEETS WOMAN AND THE RITUAL OF LOVE BEGINS... Unbelievable .., But True! "RITUAL OF LOVE" BILTMORE '° PHONE 725-5833 ABSORBING | MOVING ! BRILLIANT ! Introducing A NEW SEX-BOMB Claudia CARDINALE "GIRL WITH A SUITCASE" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT SATURDAY NIGHTS Featuring | Voeatist | JERI JAE JORDAN DOORS SAT. & SUNDAY _ 6:30 P.M 1:30 P.M, Pai | "Td Rath Be Ri h : wx MAURICE CHEVALIER» rs ae $00 80000 coeenssoeons & UNIVERSAL MCTURE BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8:00 FIRST SHOW AP DUSK Make FATHER'S DAY Complete -- with a delicious dinner of KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN and a FREE SURPRISE GIFT for DAD with the purchase of a Family Bucket or Party Barrel of famous Kentucky Fried Chicken Treat Dad like a V-I-P. Surprise him on Father's Day with the family favourite --- a delicious dinner of Colonel Sanders' World-famous Kentucky Fried Chicken. To help make Father's. Day a great occasion, Foster's and Scott's Chicken Villas are featuring a SPECIAL BONUS -- A SURPRISE GIFT for Dad, absolutely FREE with the purchase of a Family Bucket or @ Party Barrel of Kentucky Fried Chicken ~ Take home.a ready-to-eat dinner of Kentucky Fried Chicken tor the whole family to enjoy and a FREE Surprise Gift for Dad. From either of these Chicken Villa locations: ? ¢ 295 Simcoe South 973 Simcoe North KING ST. W., OSHAWA GOLD RUSH LOUNGE and DINING LOUNGE OSHAWA'S FINEST NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT | i i i The KIMBERLEY'S H Dick and Sheila Acclaimed as one of the versatile. and entertaining acts in show business today, "The KIMBERLEY'S" present:-- Songs at the Piano, Impressions, Comedy, novel audience participation and instrumentals, You will enjoy every minute with this entertaining couple. TO-NIGHT AND ALL NEXT WEEK ° For Hilarious Entertainment | Don't miss "THE KIMBERLEY'S" '@ Enterainment Nighily at 9 P.M. @ ALLAN MacMILLAN MANAGEP ! JUBILEE PAVILION Figg 4