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Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Jun 1965, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, June 19, 1965 § Group Enjoys Successful Picnic Held PotLuck lunch By Faith Baptist Church WHITBY -- St. Mark's United) Ceyage i cm Signa »No. 3\| WHITBY -- The annual pic-|Stephen Milburn, Garry Reid, Mrs. Gordon Farndale, Bellwood) "¢ of Faith Baptist Church and nar eee : dr., at a pot luck luncheon June|Sunday School was held at| Ross Kwint was in charge of 17. Eighteen members and two) Spring Hill Park with almost MA rgb gyno Maa enjoyed a- delicious) 399 in attendance. Glen Baker, Seriais Hannah: R. Kwint's etl ieee : _|Sunday School superintendent|cjass: Lois Molyneaux, Cheryl At the business meeting which| and Elmer Andres were in|fields; Jim. Shearer's class: followed: Mrs. William Jamieson| charge of the sports and games.|Craig 'MacLeod, Eddy Simpkin; ng cue io opel gs on) Winners: of the children's|Mrs. Chas. Milburn's class: aa gol aith in God and)treasure hunt were: Cathy Cor-|Suellen MacDonald, Cathy Cor- uM bd F. Richard \ris. Kim Cruikshanks, Patricia|ris; D, Meader and Mr. C. Mil-| | ee ike tinal ichardson Pre-|Nott, Linda Wenzel' C.. John-|burn's cl : Brian Snodden, sented the fina a of the|ston, Jeffrey Powell and Leslie| Jimmy Neal. study book "God and His Pur-| macdonald. The search for "Mr. ose" and led in the discussion! x» : Barry Jones was in charge poner which. followed. |X" was won by Mrs. Irwin of Junior High and Senior Depts. inks mi Mie To . |The winners were: Mrs. |Mrs. Richardson for her work, M's. Arnold Corris was in|Baker's class: Donna Munson, las program director and ex.| charge of the races for toddlers|Kathy Deeks; J. Barnard's 4 \pressed the pleasure and thanks and Mrs. Garfield Munson con- class: Garry Gillespie How-| lof the members to Mrs. Farn-| ard Kwint; Mrs. R. Kwint's ducted the contests for begin- ldale for a delightful afternoon.|"e7s-. The winners were: class: Sharon Munson, Gail ¥ Mrs. Stewart; B. Jones class: Ken | No meetings will be held dur- Dale Mulburn's class: ling July and August, The gen-|Sandra Neal, Rhonda Harding|Nott, Paul Gale; Mrs. D./Scott's leral meeting of UCW will beland Debbie Kernahan; Mrs. Billjclass: Susan Nott, Donna Gas- \Sept 7 at 2 p.m. at the home|MacDonald's class: Jimmy Mor-|kin; Bill Wilde's class: Ray- of Mrs. Glenn Sawyer and opens|ris, Danny Powers and Nor-|mond Cross, Don Molyneaus. ithe fall season, Unit No. 3 will|man Kloke; Mrs. Fred Mac-) Nail Driving Contest: Mrs. > | meet again Sept. 16 at 2.30 p.m, |Donald's class: Ricky Fields,|Dale Milburn, Mrs. W. Holmes; 4 |- ------| Jeffrey Snodden and Pouglas|Block race: Carl Jolley, Ron |Clarke; Mrs. Wallace Holmes|Morris; Time race: Mrs. J. | Auction Planned jclass: Terry Milburn, Debbie|Shearer, Mrs. I. Cyr; Cup, toe |Reed and Jennifer Kift; Miss/and heel race: R. Morris and | By Eastern Star Barbara Stark's class: Jimmy/Mr. Vandewell: back to back, WHITBY -- The Whitby Chap- Campbell, Peter Strickland andJice cream feeding contest: Mr. Jeffrey Powers | Abramoff and Mrs. Molyneaux, jter of the Eastern Star, No. Mrs. Bill Wilde was in charge|Mr. Milburn and Mrs. Cruik- 248, held its meeting at the/of the Primary Department. The| shanks; Mummy in Egypt race: | Masonic Hal! with Sister Mary/Winners were: Mrs. Reg Moly-|Mr. and Mrs. Snodden, Mrs.; Inkpen and Brother Jeff Martin|neaux's class: Diane Wilde, Pale Milburn and Ron Morris; | presiding Debra Clarke and: Debby Reed; Spot race: Miss .K Dagow, | Following the opening drill,|/Ed. Abramoff's and Walter Kza-|Mrs. Coleman. the flag was "presented andjnoski's class: Freddie Weir,, 'The pie eating contest honored. The Worthy Matron! Robert Legge and Eddy Morris; | won by Ed Abramoff. | lintreduced Past Worthy Matrons}Mrs. Gough's class: Les lie| Following the picnic supper,) and Past Worthy Patron, Pearl! Roper, Anna Patterson, Grace| FORMER WARDEN CUEST AT PICNIC Mr. Christie, 80, is a for- and Mrs. Gibson, of Port mer reeve of Reach Town- Perry. Warden Gibson was oe Ae host at the gathering of eee me og obey Hee county officials and other former warden of the coun- guests. ty. He is seen here with --Daily Packet and Times Warden James J.- Gibson Photo by James Pauk ONTARIO CHAMBER HONORS WHITBY RESIDENT At the annual meeting of the Ontario Chamber of | Among the many guests welcomed Thursday at the Ontario County Warden's picnic at Fern Resort, near Orillia, was Grant Christie (left) of RR 4, Port Perry. St. John's WA Observes Its 70th Anniversary WHITBY -- The members ofjver spoons, given for over 2 ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. M. Smith, 8.A., 8.D. Miss tla Newton, Deaconess Mrs. J. L.. Beaton, A.R.C.T, EMMANUEL REFORMED 403 Rossiond Rood West Commerce in London, Ont., aspresentation was made by the president, D. J. McGib- bon, to Ontario Director T. R. Scott. Mr. Scott, a past president of the Whitby Chamber of Commerce, was originally nominated and elected for this area and, after serving a year, was named director at large by the executive of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce for four years. The inscription read: "Presented by the di- rectors to T. R. Scott for five years of devoted serv- ice as a director of the On- tario Chamber of -Com- merce'. --Photo by Harold Merton | WHITBY DRIVING SCHOOL New duel controlled cers. Personal courteous service. Fully licensed and insured. Dial 668-4176 J, A, OSTERHOUT, Owner was| 10:30 A.M. 11 A.M.--" The Death Penalty ENGLISH SERVICE AND Abolition?" SUNDAY SCHOOL SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 A.M.--Juniors, Intermediates Sehiors. 11:00 A.M.--Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary, Infant Core, Junior Congregation. ee WHITBY BAPTIST (Colborne Street West at Centre) Minister: Rev. John Mel Orgonist Mrs. W. €. Summers, A.T.C.M. 2 P.M. DUTCH SERVICE 7 PM. ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron et St. John Rev. W. J. S. McClure, B.A, Minister Mrs: P, N. Spratt, Orgenist 11:00 A.M. -- 'Do you have Cares?" 7:00 P.M.--"Lights Please' 9:45 A.M.--Bible School WED 7:30 P.M.--PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY BROCK THEATRE | VIC'S SPUR SERVICE STATION 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School 11:00 A.M.-- Guest Preacher Mr. Victor Turner (Grand Valley) Nursery Care and Junior Congre- » gation During Divine Worship | TO SEE THESE POPULAR PICTURES AT THE The CORNER PIZZA SPECIAL'ZING IN © PIZZA ¢ SPAGHETTI @ &AR-B-Q CHICKEN @ SPARERIBS HOME DELIVERY 668-8807 (Open 7 days @ week) 107 COLBORNE ST. W. Each week for 26 weeks there will appear in the advertisements en this page the names and addresses of 12 lucky people in this eree, If your name should appear an you locete it, all you are asked to do is clip the ad and present it at the Oshawe Times Office in Whitby er Oshewa. You will then receive your guest tickets to the Broek Theatre. oe George, Susan Holmes and Lor-|provided by the ladies of the} | 2 raine Hannah; Mrs. Roy Fal-|church, the young men finished) | Whitby Woman Blow, Louella Cook, Winnifred| : 1 | {Newton Margaret Mustard,|son; Bill -Donald's _class: game. oe | Hurt In Crash A warm welcome was given to! @aq t s reatin | {the members by Mr. Martin g Of R g WHITBY (Staff) -- One| Announcements were made onor a e ain woman was injured and exten-\regarding the auction and quilt) D h C diti I A the Women's Auxiliary of St.|vears of service are as follows: four-car collision on Dundas st.|Night, June 24 and the bazaar roug t on l 10n n rea y j : : A , John's Anglican. Church, Port! **\e., this week. The accident sent/on Oct. 5 r nus dace ' Scatter i versary of the organization re-|¥ck, Mrs. H. Watson, Miss M Whitby, to Oshawa General|nounced that the group would|/ace & * 8 y county had rain Thursday night. Pie t ' ditions in the 3 ; members and friends in aitend-'S. Watson and Mrs. S. Whitney. | Juries. ians for the month of June. og drought conditions in the| 4+ Brechin reported a good rain| ance. Mrs. George Nicholson assisted) The accident occured at Pi rey Pil be L. Fair, agricultural re-|but in other sections the fall| The president, Mrs, Martin|by Mrs. Ernest Vallant made|around 9.50 p.m., involving four) 10%" ot aeostival, June. 23,\Presentative for Ontario Coun-|was spotty. Gouldburn and Mrs. John Mc-|the presentation. vehicles all proceeding in a' ; , . 'Ity, said Friday that drought) 44° pair added that practic- Ernest Northam, vice-president,|The Parish Helpers, The Guild|Police Constable John Kavanagh | After the closing gy ron 7) MEP this week and if ample provided each with an anniver-jof Martha and Mary and Mrs. investigated the accident pa hllne ot Mey pi pba lrain does not fall in the nearjare experiencing drought condi- Sary program and brief history/H. Watson. One vehicle was operated by|*"@ Net comm S emoyed.riture yields from the spring|tions. Eastern Ontario and the of the WA written by Miss Mar-| Mrs, Gouldburn, on behalf of| Russell C. Goheen, 618 Tweeds-| f lack of last be affected from a lac of rain ast) Rev. John McKibbin conduct-|book for the Holy Table to St./containing the injured woman, Board Approves He said the hay crop has been year, has been hard hit. Only al ed the service of prayer and John's Church to commemorate| Was operated by Cecil H. Clark,| \hit quite hard. He estimates|small section of Western Ontario thanksgiving followed by the|the 70th anniversary. Mrs. H. G.|Of Whitby. A third car involved! there will not be more than one-|is not affected h yer.) i ry accept i in the accident' was operated WA hymn and prayer.' Robin|Perry accepted on behalf of the P BOWMANVILLE be Reading in cise totay, oe P | jven| tests wi e compulsory for a ture ¢ itions c i Following the service in the| The guest speaker, Mrs. B. p,| Porat and the last car, driven| «ade ¢ aiudents intihe Bue moisture conditions chant it church, the guests proceeded to|Smyth, of Dunbarton, gave an by Charles Bushell, 610 Dundas . ; 4i might be possible to make up the church hall. Mrs. Gouldburnjillustrated address: 'The Lite) St» Whitby. aes County. high school dis-|some of the shortage on the - ars. o | jtrict next September, i ene ~utti welcomed the visitors and mem-|and Work in Pangnirtung, Baf-| Police stated the accident, qocigey at os board meeting gag oe wy is also hitting! EACH WEEK 12 PEOPLE RECEIVE TICKETS FREE dance were read from Miss F.| Mr. McKibbin closed with| Side of the road, in front of a|" , " i - a Cooper of the Toronto Diocesan|prayer and Rey. Stanley Arm-|!arge trailer camp, is still under bea Corea wP Maiut sensi pag oligo . Board, Mrs. Loyal Pogson, past|strong, rural dean, pronounced investigation. i ' 'jnot growing back due to the lack esident, Girls Auxili "se the benedicti Bis wilted toe tn aN are designed to test the 'stu-iof moisture. This means that by 5 Auxil the "church| 'The tea table jdent's reading ability, compre-|faj] farmers will be forced to use Karen Kernahan, Carol Mun-|the day off with a baseball) M |Julia Thomas and Jeff Martin.|-- 5, sive damage resulted from ajdraw to be held on Birthday| cently with approximately 75/Sleep, Miss 0. Goldring, Mrs.|Hos.ital with undetermined in-|continue catering for the Rotar.|ter feed next winter as &@ Teinne section of the county north} i sts. Mrs.|' The W! ived gifts | westerly direction Whitby|from 2 till 4.30 p.m. | ; 4 i " Kibbin greeted the guests. Mrs A received gifts from conditions entered a "severe ally all sections of the provitice grain and corn crops will also Ottawa Valley, which suffered) garet Sleep, a charter member.|the WA, presented a prayer)™uir st., Oshawa, while the car Reading Tests third to a half of a normal crop, oe veo recieeesnmae Nicholson was the organist. Church. by Paul Roy, 6 Sultana ave., | FREE TICKETS «| fi 'ag |which occured on the north)... ? Som, Gepctnes Sas commeenen (a LAME, - this week. \pasture land. Cattle are eating) uxiliary and the church| The tea table was centered|Wright was in charge of social/henson and speed. When com-lthis year's hay as feed. MURPHY OIL CO, LIMITED BROCK THEATRE (WEEK OF JUNE 21st) MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY One Complete Program Each Evening--Startin; "HUSH HUSH, SWEET CHARLO With Bette Davis -- Joseph Cotten RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Also--Second Festure Attraction "NIGHT TRAIN TO PARIS" with Leslie Nielsen --- Alizia Gur. wardens. jwith a predominantly bluejgames with prizes awarded to|pleted the tests will be sent to) ¢ i i ' : sus § Cor: id s s HISTORY READ jfloral arrangement, flanked by|lucky winners. Winner of the|Toronto to be processed by IBM have notboar Gar herd due Miss Olive Goldring, past ay candelabra, featured the/draw was Alma Harper. computers hay: but they are not making president, read a ehort WA his-lrennveon Thomnayke wd suit| Mr. and Mrs, Morley Stephen-|_ Alan Strike, of Bowmanville,|the growth they should at this tory of the past 10 ye: Mehl Re eee ce and Miss)" eae vi reporting for the co-ordinating|tine of the year. This type of D years which| Olive Goldring poured tea from|$", 701 Perry st., celebrated) puidance c mi e 3 s type completed the fo hist ; : Sari i j iguidance committee, said the/crop will have to have an ample Pp rmer history,|an heirloom silver tea service,|their 20th. wedding anniversary!) ose was to discove aye ve P both written by Miss Margaret) Mrs Daniel Birbeck | June 17. jburpo: as to discover anC/supply of rain in the near future, Sleep. | Py Ss. rbeck was in asses students' difficulties, ang! Mr. Fair said. Corsages were presented to\WA. hi pacar eb POO rhe| Whitby Salvation Army Wom-|what remedial steps could be Miss Sleep and Mrs. E. A. Mac-led a WA tele 'a pcaage featur-|en's Home League is holding its|taken. : Intyre, both partis fai dincsbars lend hi wat " year 1896| meeting June 21 instead of on, Ability in reading, he said, The presentations were made by of the iedng authentic dress| ih. regular meeting date, Mrs.|Would help not only the schol- Mrs.* Seymour Whitney | The py pach : tad , |Captain Clarence Janes will |astic achievement, but also in The recipients of engraved sil-|the United ck Ghtocing 73 4 (chair the meeting which will be|the making of good citizens.) -ithe United Thank Offering Fund.|in the form of a birthday so-|Perhaps remedial reading) in ial. Mrs. Janes will attend the|Should be started at the public) jcial WHITB |Salvation Army Home League|School level. .said Mr. Strike |Summer Camp: Tuesday at| 'but the high school could start Robin Lake for a few days. bay ue '. Ae nina oe Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sawdon. sin Santee r iscussion, the board - ' Church Wom-|agreed that except in exception- RR 1, Whitby, are celebrating|on°s Missionary Society closed/al ; " ; A P ' 7 , Grade 12 students anniversary meeting Wednes-|their 34th wedding anniversary); , soci , rie June 20. Their relatives lits season with -a-social even-|should- not be promoted ~to day were: Mrs. George Nichiol- H i | yon. fod Mrs. 4 ee ieddi wish them and ing with members playing min-|Grade 13 unless they have suc- F s m happiness. J iature golf at North Oshawa. jcessfully completed four options. Manilla; Mrs. B. P. Smy myth 'and Mrs. A. S. McLean, Henry st.,, Members met at the church and en Mrs. H. Nicholson, ' F | i tee lg tang enjoyed a lunch and AAP Mrs. FE. A. Macintyre, Toronto; |@Mtertained at her home at a an hour of fellowship Mrs. E. Draper, Miss Nancy|CUp and saucer 'Going Away"' /F WHEN YOU CALL 7:30 E" 668-3644 501 Brock N. Zoloterow 116 Stevenson North, Oshawa THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY Evening Shows Start 7:00 & 8:35 "JOHN GOLDFARB PLEASE COME HOME" In Color -- Storrin Shirley Mecisloe oS Pent Ustinov PHONE @ COLLISION CUSTOM BODY WORK @ 24 HR. ROAD SERVICE @ SATISFACTION GUARANTEED KONRAD CSER--OWNER E. Pope 324 ASH ST., WHITBY : for Matchless Living GO ELECTRIC L¢ The Whitby Public School Board OCCASION Moke it... FLOWERS by DEAN 668-3142 131 Brock $. Whitby & REPAIRS | FREE ESTIMATES 668-4278 (JIM) ELECTRIC LTD. Vv Flutter 119 Annes, Whitby invites APPLICATIONS for the position of SECRETARY to the Superintendent of Public Schools Applicants. should have Grade XI1 standing and be competent in shorthand, typing, operating duplicating machines and gen- eral office routine. Out-of-town guests attending Maine, Oshawa, RES. PHONE 668-3208 St. John's Anglican Church 70th OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE COMMERCIAL -- INDUSTRIAL AND. RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES 515 BROCK S. -- 668-5853 T. Zwegers 158 Alma, Oshowa Buying -- Renting -- Selling soe, USO TIMES ACTION WANT ADS Draper, Brooklin and Mrs, A.|Party in honor of Mrs. Arthur] White, Yorkshire, England. Volker who with her family are| leaving for Windsor, Ont., to Friends of Mrs. Harry-Beam- live. The hostess served a dainty ish, Byron st. n. are sorry to lunch. learn that she is a patient at Miss Christine Steffler is cele- brating her 14th birthday on Father's Day Unit No. % St. Mark's United A Church Women, concluded its the Oshawa General Hospital. Peter Spilchen, 224 Cochrane|season with a pot luck supper ! notavinn (Sty celebrated his birthday Fri-| at the home of Mrs. 0. Jewell, Woncen mnarew's | Presbyterian day. Dinner guests for the oc-| arthur st. This was followed by gg cp 4 Seid invited |casion were: Mr. and Mrs. Alecia brief business session when ate i Mee season, eye di Norwick and Mr. and Mrs Wisin ae goli e omee June 21 to a picnic at the resi-|jjam Cody. es Welding and pncuing it SCUGOG CLEANERS SHIRT LAUNDERERS FIRST WITH THE NEWS IN OSHAWA & DISTRICT and STORAGE WHITBY OFFICE dence of Dr. and Mrs. Donald 130 Brock W. Warne, Fairview dr. Best wishes for. a happy birth- day are extended to Mrs. Rob- ert Maguire 1016 Centre st., n., who is celebrating her birthday June 20. Roy Siute, Ajax and his son, Michael, are. both celebrating their birthdays June 21. Best Timmy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Stauffer, celebrated his third birthday Thursday, To celebrate the occasion Timmy and his parents visited his grandparents, Mr. -and Mrs Ernest Andrews and his great- grandmother, Mrs. Mary An- drews, Oshawa Whitby Tops Club Shrinking ja dinner, during the summer |months. The remainder of the evening took the. form of a| games night and was enjoyed! by all | Chery, daughter of, Mr. and| Mrs. Alfred Reed, is celebrating} her sixth birthday today | | STEEL NEEDS ANIMALS Hours: Written received Salary will be based on experi- ence and qualifications Range: $3,800 to $4,800 8:30 to 5 Duties to commence August 3rd applications by the undersigned until 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 30th. Miss Mory A; Newman, will 668-4341 524 CROMWELL, OSHAWA THE OSHAWA TIMES @ COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS Doug Weeks 288 @ CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING e IN YOUR HOME OR IN OUR PLANT Pine--Street--Oshawa COPPING CARPET SERVICE @ GUARANTEED & INSURED, FREE ESTIMATES wishes-are-extended-to both-of viotets held its meeting with 20| Coal, oil, and limestone, the -- members attending. The leader, /essentials of steelmaking, are) Gordon Mifflin, 108 Centre st, Dorothy Gardner, chaired ajderivatives of fossilized ani- s., is celebrating his birthday Short business session. Crystal! mals and plants on Father's Day. 942-0535 "WE OPERATE OUR OWN PLANT" Secretary-Treasurer, Whitby Public School Board, 11258 Athol Street, Whitby, Ontario. HARRY'S JANITOR SERVICE 668-8873 e INDUSTRIAL © COMMERCIAL @ COMPLETE JANITORIAL SERVICE 668-8873 609 HARRIET - 701 Dundas E. Whitby a Karlee Walt COMPLETE TRANSMISSION F VICE _ os SER S BROCK Evening Shows at 7 and 9:05 WHITBY -- Saturday Matinee 1:30 COLUMBIA PICTURES presents A JERRY BRESLER Producton A&T MOTORS @ 2 Licensed Mechanics See Our Displey Of New Before their departure from) '65 RAMBLERS Bay Comeau to establish resi-! dence in British Columbia, Mr. } and Mrs..Harold Huggard their » daughter, Gill Anne, a student at Bishop's University, Lenox-} ville and son, Mark, will be} visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Saunders: 1019 Dun- das st. ¢ AN Quantity of Good Used Cars' ABNER'S ESSO SERVICE 668-5391 1003 Brock 3. W. Douglas 805 Henry Street, Whitby @ Automatic Transmissions FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 BROCK STREET N REV, DELOSS M. SCOTT, MINIS SUNDAY SERVICES 9:15 AM.--"FAITH TIDINGS" BROADCAST, C.K.L.B 1350°on your dial 9:45 A.M.-- WELCOME TO OUR BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP & PRAISE Pastor's Sermon "THE HOLY SPIRIT" -- EVENING GOSPEL HOUR SERVICE OF ""BELIEVER'S BAPTISM' Complete Tune-ups 668-2893 TRANSMISSION REBUILDERS 405 MARY ST. EAST L G. Yuill 562 Ridgeway, Oshawa > WHITBY Whitby ALTON RICHARD HES His, uo Colin - ANDERSON, J Family Monuments of Created To Individual Requirernents STAFFORD BROS. LTo, MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST. 668-3552 BEAVER LUMBER CO. LTD. "HOME IMPROVEMENT HEADQUARTERS" 668-5818 419 DUNDAS ST Et. Gary Vaughon 655. Buchanan, Oshowo WHITBY. AUTO WRECKERS @ RE-CHROMING o GRILLES @ BUMPERS e@ NEW AND USED PARTS --__@ NEW FIBRE GLASS FENDERS 'LATE MODEL WRECKS BOUGHT AND SOLD NO. 12 HWY.--1 MILE N, OF WHITBY S. Nollema 101 Craydon, oe WHITBY 668-3223 Whitby 7:00 AM BUD'S ORNAMENTAL RAILINGS @ CUSTOM WORK e INTERIOR & EXTERIOR RAILINGS (OVER 30. YEARS EXPERIENCE 5-YEAR WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEE R.R. NO. 1 PICKERING -- 942-0720 W. P. Proctor 325 Kent, Whitby SUPERIOR PROPANE "SALES & SERVICE' 668-3328 VICTORIA ST. E. -- WHITBY J. Rate R.R. No. 1 Whitby WEDNESDAY EVE. 8:00 P.M PRAYER, PRAISE & BIBLE STUDY "Frere's Always'A Welcome. At Faith'

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