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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Jun 1965, p. 11

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en er aa a SO . - Serta tear eg poor eS THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, June 21, 1965 4] Double-Ring Ceremonies ; Popular With Men seed into mariage. Bul most sym) ANN LANDERS Father's Affection Benetits Sons -- Dear Ann Landers: | hope you will give me straight ad- vice on a touchy subject. We've been married 11 years _ NEW FALL FASHIONS DISPLAYED -- eee * eee es eae a ss aren't they realistic? If friends are sincere about wanting to = Bir lle buy a ring help why don't they check every J ower ives as gg eager 1 few days and ask if something y j be ag gel 's a war-born- and have two sons, 10 and 8|needs to be done, Or better still, practice s continued in. years of age. My husband comes|if they would simply invite the peacetime. ; from a large, closely knit family|lonely one out for an evening it Jewelry men say it's a idea for young couples to of kissers. They kiss each other|would help a great deal. together for ring. Then the bride can choose. hello and good-bye and how are) Every woman who reads this ou. I don't mean mother-son,| lett d is fortunate.enough to you letter and is nate: enoug the style the 'prefers. ' The diamond is the overs lwhelming favorite. However, father - daughter, brother-sister|have her husband should ask kissing. I mean _ everybody|herself, "Have I done anything kisses everybody. recently to make life easier for My family is reserved. We are|a widowed friend? Have I in- friendly but not demonstrative.|vited her over--or out with us?" I have never been able to ad-|The words, 'Call me if you need just to my in-laws' kissing hab- something' are meaningless.-- its. Not So Subtle a Reminder My husband has kissed our; Dear Not So Subtle: Thank sons good night since infancy.|you for jogging us all. We need He often kisses them good-bye|to be reminded of such things |when they leavethe house. and I hope your letter moves a We read so much about homo-|number of well-meaning friends sexuality these days that I won-|off dead centre. der if this. male kissing male| Dear Ann Landers: It's been might lead to a serious prob-|said that imitation is the most lem? My husband is a devoted|sincere form of flattery, but lfather and I am thankful that|how much flattery can a person he has such a fine relationship}take? with the boys, but I worry about| My sister-in-law has copied \this kissing business. Help me,|everything I own, including my |please.--Grosse Pint spring coat and my hair style. Dear Grosse: A father who|When we built a home two) j aged sige gwd ergo er, Jane. Nearly 1000 guests |kisses ,his sons will not turnjyears ago I was proud of my| Z d j i or ec. stene FOR Re i saw Christie make a bid for |them into homosexuals. As aloriginal touches. Seven months| eg asd this year's No. 1 debutante. matter of fact, the experts telljago my sister-in-law ppilt a| | THESE ARE three of the are a three-quarter coat of it 1! Get away from it all! AP Wirephoto |us that one of the causes for|home almost identical to ours-- fashions displayed at show- turquoise. wool; a_ white any precious gem, parti : the pearl and star sapphire, is" suitable. 4 The round cut is a favorite style for engagement rings. A. small stone may be built j appear larger with "ill i and bead settings, and with smaller diamond chips on either: side. z Pear shaped diamonds are wider at one end and pointed at the other. The emerald cut, rectangular in shape, has a slen- derizing effect on the hand. The. graceful marquise diamond is oval in shape, pointed at the ends. IT'S TIME TO DANCE first dance at a lavish party tossed by her father Ralph C. Wilson, right, in Detroit. In centre is Christie's moth- Christie Wilson, 18, left, smiles at her escort, Daniel Marentette, as he pulls her from reception line for the | Self-Analysis Helps «| THE STARS SAY | By ESTRELLITA ; aie ad My a poor sie |Paage blocks away. She boaght on ai ip ag de ah aepor American broadtail shirt tionship with the parent of the| carpeting like ours and has trie ragere & s is - COl- . ' same sex. Little boys who fear|to duplicate the furniture wher- lection for 1965. From left mes? plack ne a ant and hate their fathers often turn|ever possible. ig -----, a black and wi ite chevron suit with matching stockings to their mothers for. love and| I haven't discussed this with ' ' | get 'free' insurance, if.you can} i ' fi ¥ Friction In Office By ROBERTA ROESCH Dear Roberta Roesch: Every day I have serious| problems trying with the people at work. Most and small and they relish doing irritating) an 0 of them are petty things. But despite these drawbacks, 1 like my job and want to get ahead in my work. I'd like to know what to do about this situation. The people who are being so difficult have seniority in the firm. Dear LL: Analyze the causes that add up to this bad effect. Is every cause someone else's fault? Or) MRS. are you to blamé, too, for par- ticular problems? Possibly, pletely honest with yourself, | is to keep the talk general. you'll find some of your own!) habits and attitudes could be| improved to pour a soothing|t balm on the troubled personal/to tell all. relationships in your office. For|personal ques friction to be present, you know,| yo there must be at least two)pe places of contact. | However, if the other people are really at fault all the time (which can be determined to get alongiof fight with you. Dear Roberta Roesch: : When I went back to work in |terprise. Good ideas, offered int friendly to deeply hurt the other day when I heard myself described as "too personal and too prying.' L.1.|I honestly don't know whi done to deserve such a reputa-|for yourself, and pursue tion, so I'd like to know what|conscientiously, your affairs lshould be in fine shape by this time next I can do about the situation. Dear Generally speaking, the best You should be guided much u only mea ople may think you're prying. period could bring out So, until] you find your way,|tendencies--and jeopardize you let your co-workers take the|job if not curbed. lead for a while. Then stay in} if|the FOR TOMORROW Planetary influences for Tues-| up t emotional day will be truly excellent for with her your work by moving to a Spot) socomplishment. You should be where the people with seniority| able to make notable strides in'his sons. will co-operate with you instead both job and monetary affairs --especially if you capitalize on print this letter pirit of en-,of well-meaning folks who say " © someone who has lost a loved ffice, after being away from), y5ropriate areas, could alsojone, ane for "ib pears one of thelincrease Your presse chance to make new friends.|FOR, THE BIRTHDAY |With this in mind, I tried to be B. J. Mrs, B. J.: people tell jyour initiative and s If tomorrow is your birthday, everyone, So 1 was|you should find the year ahead ja most stimulating one. \job and personal matters will "\be governed by generous influ- at I'vejences, and if you set high goals |September, While, "safety zone' set by the|may feel somewhat discourage your other co-workers all have limits of what they like to talk regarding your financial prog- trouble with them, too), you'lljabout and how far they wantlress, it would behoove you t probably get ahead faster in'to discuss their personal life. fs be patient ~~} months. Both them year. Best periods Be care-|} not but Bold action is latent at the moment, you aor for another trend along these lines during You the latter half of August, beginning Sept. iter, the planet of: opportunity land success, enters your sun- sign, you will begin a splendid two-month cycle where fiscal) an ens matters ate eoncerned. An- Dear statement r|strong a. Ww terial loss, 0 trage' but, | surance 20, when Jupi-| mother? there was support. Be glad your Forewam it your be and They grow o imitate Mama and identify It's really beautiful. Ann Landers: for the benefit aged and about - to - be | anyone but my husband. He has forbidden me to say anything to} |my sister-in-law.' I husband kisses|heart-to-heart talk believe aito insure your ring, the price of} - is the best|such a policy will be approxi- get it at no increase in cost. and black jersey and hood. If you have té pay a compan) \solution. Do you agree?--Ohio mately three per'cent of the cost} k is h +6 keen stime tra e.| lady went swimming with he here is how. to keep so! 8€-|ring on. In cold water, your dies out of your life. If you think tragedy is too} ord to apply to ma-\there was no ring. consider how you would feel if you lost your TIN8| form exact habits with regard had your presents stolen! Wouldn't dy if Please| Lou Dear talk will |sister-in-law "Tf I can do anything for|imitate you but she will be less| not of exceptional value, you do you, please call me." 1 Lou: A solve will nothing. continue .to | of the ring for three years' pro- heart-to-heart| tection. Your| WEDDING PRESENTS If your wedding presents are| obvious. She will pretend the|not need to consider insuring ing down there and she was able to lift it out. Still another young fingers are apt to shrink. When she came out of the water, If you want to keep your ring: to it. Keep the box in which it dressing table. If you ever take the ring off when you are home, with your money. If. you are You probably learned to hang on to married woman deserves a little) your purse, so your ring will be lother good period along these Setous thought. | safe. If you follow these or simi- \lines will begin in mid-January pug agREMEN on lar rules invariably, you are not land will last through mid-April. ENGAGEMENT RING __ |likely to lose your new treasure. } gyi Undoubtedly one of the great Do avoid extravagance and thrills of being engaged occurs) IN ; iG |speculation between» now and : g engas S| INSURE RING It is possible to insure your Aug. 15 and from Nov 5 on the fourth finger of your left is : hand, your engagement ring.\ring against loss and this may <goremii caso --. You will show it proudly to your|be advisable, depending on the lc pga bebrtd ers born under|friends and you will want to) value of the ring and your cir- Cancer. a1 with those born ue|treasure it alma. cumstances, Some sores eve a look forward to a really "éxcel- Of course you will mean to| year's free insurance policy lent year, but most inspiring take. great care of it, but if you with a ring. I put "free" in quo- (and profitable) periods for the| are really to keep it, you. will|tation marks because the price ° Ihave to make definite plans tojof the insurance will undoubted- Cancerian will occur between) ; : : . ' eluded he price of now and the end of July, in late -- Bee actual fact, many en-|ly be included in the pric 4 \September, the entire months of ; November, January, March and porarily 'or permanently. One May. Along. personal lines -- young laty pea hers te the ug Z 4 ; : . asin in a train on her way jo Bio (exceptionally good and glam-|"°Ve" Saw Again. Another|with a ring in another shop ' rf jyoung lady put her ring on the| which will not give you Insur- orous), between Aug. 15 andj\; : lo nile alan 4 4 Oct. 4 next. February, April| Pack of the toilet while she'ance. Obviously and May. Do not take early| August "romances" too ser- iously, however. Best periods for travel: Late July, all of September, January, April, next 4 June A child born on this day will be endowed with the talents to make an excellent musician: or surgeon; may also have a fine \aptitude for languages. find on comparative shopping that one ring in one shop, which will give you insurance, is equal- 1 FOR YOU? A SECOND BUSINESS" THAT PRACTICALLY RUNS ITSELF How would you like to owne o sideline business that involves no rent, no normal overhead, no staff or selling yet can gross $9,700 a year even at only haif its potential. This is a service business with an unlimited market Yet it requires So little actual servicing that even the busiest executive of professional man can operate it in his scarce spare time Your entire investment is approximately $2,628. for self-operating -Air Professional Hair Dryers guaran- facturer in this highly respected field, Write today for complete information and a confidential interview at your convenience, without obligation. Please include your name, full address and telephone number, NORAMERICA GLAMOURAIDS LTD. Suite 4, 450 Wilson Ave., Downsview, Ont. HANDS STILL NEEDED Oranges still have to be har- ivested by hand, since no ma- chine can duplicate the picking jaction of the human wrist. WOOLW Super Bakery Specials BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR KITCHEN! CHANGING. STYLES Two young Toronto office workers demonstrate the vast difference between of- fice attire worn. at the turn of the century. and at pres- ent. Christine Maleta (seat- ed) wears a high - collared shirtwaist with leg of mut- ton sleeves and a long full skirt that was fashionable, in the early 1900's. Sally Potter is. dressed in a suit of raw silk, the preference of to- day's female office worker --CP Photo DRY CLEANING Better Than Ever! | ° Our new ultre modern equipment and our yeers of experience continue to moke us... "THE BEST IN TOWN" RINKERS CLEANERS THE BEST IN TOWN" PHONE 725-1191 Large ... Family Size BANANA Made with Flaky Pastry LAY ER CAKE 33: 81. Two or three tier wedding cakes -- Order One Week Ahead BAKERY ORDERS. PHONE 725-3421 Delicious STRAWBARB PIE Special This Week Special This Week -------- I've heard people make this|imitation is coincidental but the|them. repeatedly know they mean it, but why! wise to her. ed Is Forearmed Protect Those Valuables Your head is in the clouds, washed out stockings in the cupational advancement: ; 7 i ati cs ; si ee , : : é for occup: ee c eet and, in your Laie a rose wn ge at sing W oe she ance against both fire and theft, when you're com-|conversational cue at the office|January and March. Just one ni rye eanio? Me say Rael ished, it was no there. Some-/assuming that he carries such admonition, however: yet, if you w eep 3 |how it had slipped into the water) insurance. by how /ful not to antagonize superiors you aboutithrough over hemselves before you ask them|ness during the latter Often when you ask|October. tions--even though|usually a Cancerian trait, n to be friendly--jadverse influences during that -sapliged paoypt i ot oa{below. Fortunately it was shin-|change your name and with it Beet ok the ground--both of them. Fore- ' warned can be forearmed, so jyour status, lchange completely. It is prob- rj able will no longer apply gifts and that if a burglar elects lto visit your residence during) the lyou may be minus gifts, Consult your father and your insurance agent and deter- a major goes, in a definite place in your mine what ought to be done. ai husband was two killed in a motor accident one You will note an up- Month after your marriage, and) go to that box and put it in, even discovered that all his in-|jf it means a trip ups was payable to his|so. And if, in addition,/ merely downtown and if, for any|W no will, you might|reason, you must remove your) ave to share his estate with) ring, put it in your change purse his family. Your new status as tairs to do jantibiotics travelling or|rations 0 have} rings care lost, tem-|the ring. Nevertheless you may} is better to) fortunate |many costly gifts, the matter of| their adequate protection will) need to be considered. As long as you are an unmarried woman living in your father's house, it is. possible that protected by your father's insur- HOGS THRIVE ON DRUGS dwen, } f Saskatchewan's animal sci- ence department. Ordinary prudence in} Ijpeople who know you both are/never leaving the house alone! will probably suffice. CHIROPRACTIC SCHOOLS If, you have been) to receive however, enough from they. may be chiropractic schools are But the moment you recognized the picture may that your father's insurance to your practic associations. ing to the Association, these that pant marriage ceremony' all crediting organizations. 544 --AP Wirephoto promoting chiropractic as 6) career, Are all chiropractic) schools accredited by recog-| nized accrediting agencies? A. So far as .we are aware, not accredited by any nationally accrediting body in the U.S. They are, self-| accredited by agencies organ- | ized by the two national chiro- Accord- American Medical agencies have not met the standards necessary for recognition by the U.S. Office of Education) of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare or voy the two national voluntary ac-} | | Q. As a vocational guidance! counsellor | receive literature! schools of chiropractic) Traveloan Take that.well-earned vacation --it's important for your family's health and well-being. An HFC Traveloan is a sensible way to pay for all the things you need to make your vacation a success: transportation, lodging, clothing, equipment. When you return, relaxed and re- freshed, you can repay conveniently. Ask about your Traveloan today at HFC, MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS AMOUNT oF so | 20 | 12 ' 1 68.81) 94.11 94,62 | 129.41 107.52 | 147.05 | 228 payments "Above inclnde = based on prompt repayment, bet de not Include the cost of life inserance. HOUSEHOLD Fi Ask about our evening hours 2 OSHAWA OFFICES Suite 208, Oshawa Shopping Ctr.--Ph. 725-1138 (northwest corner; over Fairweather's) 126 "64 King Street East--Telephone 7?' Ask about credit life insurance at low group rates (next to the Genosha Hotel) AJAX: 66 Horwoed Avenue South (ever The Advertiser) Remember -- the and treatment of SASKATOON (CP)--Hogs fed regularly in their) eat more and gain! eight faster, reports Dr. B. D.| in head of the University) personal physician. every meaning of fill RIGHT =m The big. difference your MARIE MURDUFF | prescription service is ELECTROLYSIS SERVICE. Unwanted hair permanently re- moved from face, arms and legs. Medically Approved Me- thod Over 15 Years' Experience DRUGS 28 King East PHONE, 723-4621 Open Evenings till 9 P.M. will be in Oshawa et the GENOSHA HOTEL June 21, 22, 23 - PHONE 723-4641 For appointment on these dat: 4 caearaed Free City Wide Delivery Because this is a pharmacy the word, we are always ready prescriptions RIGHT AWAY.) in our Oshawa! EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Civil Service of Canada DIRECTOR OF ACCOUNTING, registered membership in © professional Rec association and.at least twelve years' related experience, National Defence, Ottawa, $14,100-$15,100, Competition 65-869, RATES ANALYST, university graduation or professional association membership; experience in development and application of utility or transmission rates, Financial Branch, National Energy Board, Ottawa, Up to $13,800. Competition 65-671. *CHIEF, PROGRAMME PLANNING DIVISION, to formulate, recom- mend and assess the impact of immigration programmes, Citizenship and Immigration, Ottawa. $12,300-$13,800, Circular 65-765. *EMERGENCY WELFARE PLANNING OFFICERS (a) Lodging and Per- sonal Service (French language) experienced graduate in Social Work; (b) Registration, Inquiry and Clothing Services (English language); (c) Lodging Services (English language), experienced graduates in .the Social Sciences, National Health and Welfare, Ottawa, $8610-$10,050. Circular 65-635, NATURAL RESOURCES OFFICER, university graduate with five years' related experience, or non-graduate with seven years, to promote and develop use of natural resources on or near reserves, Indian Affairs Branch, Citizenship and Immigration, Toronto. $7440-$8460, Com- petition 65-761 INDUSTRIAL AND LAND USE OFFICER, university graduate with five years' related experience or non-graduate with seven years, for Indian lands and reserves, Indian Affairs Branch, Citizenship and !mmigra- tion, Toronto. $7440-$8460, Competition 65-762. RESEARCH ASSISTANT, to carry out research and related functions concerning exchange of air traffic rights, Air Transport Board, Ottawa, $7260-$8280. Competition 65-215 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT OFFICER, experienced, in property manage- ment or real estate administration, Transport, Toronto, $6840-$7140. Competition 65-T2015. BUILDING MAINTENANCE SUPERVISORS, experience in building main- tenance field, several in supervisory capacity, Transport. $5130-$5670, Present vacancies--London, Windsor, Sault % Marie and North Bay. Competition 65-T2009. Position at Windsor requires both English and French languages. *OPERATING ROOM SUPERVISOR, experienced nurse, registered in a province in Canada, with completed course in operating room tech- nique, Veterans Affairs, Queen Mary Veterans Hospital, Montreal, P.Q. $5100-$5640. Circular 65-493 *FORESTRY OFFICER, graduate in Forestry to assist Indians in' de- velopment and utilization of timber resources Citizenship and Immi- gration, Edmonton, Alta. $6180-$7320, Quote 65-1400-11 TRANSLATORS, English into French, university graduates or graduates with two years' experience, Tranlation Bureau, Ottawa $4560-$6900 depending on qualifications. Competition 65-700. ELECTRONICS DATA PROCESSOR, four years' progressively respon- sible, relevant experience, in operation of o variety of equipment, Royal Military College, Kingston, Ont $4530-$4980, Competition 65- 0-676 CHIEF DESPATCHING CLERK, with good knowledge of the loco! waters, ports and locks in the Great Lakes basin, Transport Port. Weller, 'Ont. $4410-$4860. Competition 65-T2016 HOSPITAL LABORATORY TECHNICIAN, certification (R.T.) by Cana dian Society of Laboratory Technologists or satisfactory completion of on approved course and two years' experience, or university graduation and one years' experience, National Health and Welfare, Moose Foc- tory, Ont, $3720 $4170 plus isolation allowance, Competition 65-0-682. STENOGRAPHERS and SECRETARIES, Ottawo-Hull oreo only. Steno- grapher 2 ---- $3270-$3720, Competition 65-811; Stenographer 3 -- $3810-$4050, Competition 65-812; Stenographer 3-- (Secretary) -- $3900-$4350, Competition 65-812. Closing date extended to JULY 30, 1965 non- Details and application forms at Post Offices in major centres, National Employment Service Offices ond Civil Service Com- mission Offices. For competitions marked write to the rb ee Commission, Ottawa 4. Please quote number os indicated. disease is|_ the function of the patient's UP TO $200-.°° In Cash! Enter * OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Monthly FAMILY ALLOWANCE DRAW! @ SIMPLY CASH YOUR FAMILY ALLOWANCE CHEQUE AT THE CENTRE AND ASK FOR FREE ENTRY FORMS @ DEPOSIT ENTRY FORM INTO BALLOT BOX AT FLAG POLE IN THE MALL. e@ ENTRY SELECTIONS THIS MONTH WILL BE MADE ON THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1965.

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