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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Jun 1965, p. 12

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oro eeepc ain mermona ne Pyar tion's ships were idled at Atlan- tic coast and Gulf of Mexico ports by a strike of the deck officers' union and the engine room officers' union. More than one-fourth of the American mer- chant marine of 900 ships was involved, Automobile production contin- ued its booming pace this week with an estimated 206,300 cars bing assembled, compared with 206,746 last. week and 175,- 117 a year age. The week's out- put brought production for the year to an estimated 4,835,7 cars, : with another strong advance in| Car sales also maintained a ery heavy trading. jhot pace in the first 10 days In other news, the Senate andjof June, when 249,912 units were House of Representatives: con-|sold, a record for the period. ference committees agreed on|The total was 16 per cent above excise tax reductions of more/|the 215,287 sold in the compar- than $4,600,000,000. The cuts will|able 1964 period. effect a long list of consumer! Steel production last week de- items and services and are ex-|clined for the first. time in four' pected to result in a drop in|weeks. Output totaled 2,692,000 the cost of living in July. tons, off 2 per cent from 2,747,- A big percentage. of the na-'000 tons the previous week. Dougas Plays Down Politics On First Rural Quebec Visit 'ST. JOSEPH DE BEAUCE,|Robert Cliche, St, Joseph law- Que: (CP)--T, C. Douglas, Newjyer who is the NDP Québec © Democratic- Party Leader, alchief, to Ottawa as "French _ veteran of rural politics in his}\Canada's spokesman in the native Saskatchewan, walked|New Democratic Party." ' down Palace street in this) He doesn't expect them to -- mixed farming town of 4,000/have the chance for another * : ; ear, he told reporters, since it -- south of Quebec City Friday to ary take that ae 'cas z ; timid greetings from its! the ridings of Canada on the French - speaking citizens. basis of -1961 census figures. Politics was played down. in| The NDP leader 'had a break- Mr. Douglas' first visit to rural fast date with Premier Jean | French Canada, but he did tell Lesage in Quebec today, @ the two dozen parish dignitar- Seurtesy cal | Sale ears ies gathered in St. Joseph's all the cooler for Mr, Douglas' reproof Friday for the pre- combination cinema and_ city hall he hopes they will send mier's recent attack on -inter- TTTTITTILITIILLILLLL national trade unions. KING ST. W., OSHAWA 'GOLD RUSH. OSHAWA'S FINEST NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT LBJ Reassured America That Economy Was Okay to get better." Gardner Ackley, chief eco- nomic adviser to Johnson, pre- dicted that 'continued, solid ad- vance is still ahead of -us throughout the balance of 1965 and into 1966--which is as far ahead as we think we can rea- sonably look." The stock market responded Market Will Change Ties For Britain HAMILTON, Ont. (CP) -- George Drew, former Canadian high commissioner. in London, said here the majority of people in Britain and Canada haye no idea what Common Market really means. They have engaged in the "remark- able delusion" that it is not a political association. Mr. Drew, addressing the an- nual conference of the Feder- ation of Advertising and Sales Clubs, said it is for the British people to decide whether they wish to join the Common Mar- ket' "but it would be folly to pretend that if they do, the re- lationship within the Common wealth will remain the same.' Referring to a recent debate|very heavy trading. in the British House of Com-| Treasury Secretary Henry mons, Mr. Drew said that '"'one| Fowler followed up with a state- thing that was very noticeable|ment that there's nothing on the was the fact that for the first)economic horizon "that would time it was clearly recognized,|indicate any difficulties for| as far as I can recall, that the|1966," and that he expects a} Common Market is a political) healthy upturn through the bal-| as well as an economic organ-|jance of 1965. | ization." Earlier that same day the Quoting from Hansard, he re-|stock market had experienced Sensuous Sights ferred particularly to a state-|a terrific selloff in extremely) ment by Prime Minister Har-| heavy trading. But after the| ! "RITUAL lold Wilson that the market's statements, the market made} lagriculture policy "would mean an about face and mounted a OF LOVE" a levy of about 80 per cent on/|strong advance, _ : | levery ton of wheat jmported The administration continued IN COLOR ADMITIANC 9 (Quip SUITCASE 10 PeRsCms wena oF 208 OF Ove ADULT ENTERTAINMENT from Canada or Australia." to roll out its biggest economic Mr. Wilson said further: "It}guns Wednesday. Commerce PHONE 725-5833 The Johnson administration acted last week to shore up public confidence in the U.S. economy. The effort succeeded to the extent of causing the slumping stock market to turn around and score a strong gain. Reassurances by top admini- stration officials came at a time when the market had beeh in a deep slide for a month. In- lvestors were alarmed and Wall Street was jittery. The worry stemmed from un- certainty about the. outlook for business; the escalating war in Viet Nam, weakness of the British pound. and the possibil- ity of tighter money. The stock market suffered one of its worst losses Monday. On Tuesday, President John-} son told Congressmen that the} economy is in good shape, | FIRST OSHAWA SHOWINGS! NEW HITS! MAN MEETS WOMAN AND THE RITUAL OF LOVE BEGINS. ., Never Before Such Strange ABSORBING ! MOVING ! BRILLIANT Introdueii A NEW SEX-BOMB Claudia CARDINALE --in-- "GIRL with a lis a matter that canriot be|Secretary John T. Connor said lglossed over by frivolous "business is great and is going) ig OSHAWA |speeches or sloppy slogans." The British primé minister DRIVE-IN THEATRE . 723-4972-- had said he was not presen! * rk NOW PLAYING to go into the Common Market M-G-M~ on terms that would sacrifice| provers Hana they Commonwealth. | GUILTY... 100 | BUooY _ KEIR yi TIMES GUILTY Ec ertton| PRESQUE ISLE, Me. (AP)--Life is going to be ~ PANAVISION' ~~ METROCOLSS toveeveceseccecses costly for a young Cana- sawona DEE dian motorist, if he doesn't learn to read decimal poseRt GOULET Avoy WILLIAMS points correctly. om MAURICE CHEVALIER » st nam DOORS OPEN SAT. AND SUNDAY } 1:30 P.M. FRIENDLY GESTURE IN VIET NAM looks a bit apprehensive stered Vietnamese troops at about it all. The child's fa- the airstrip that served as ther is a Vietnamese soldier a staging area for the re- stationed at Phuoc Vinh. The cent fighting around Dong American paratroopers bol- Xoai. (AP Wirephoto) Pfc Dean Moon of Tecum- seh, Okla., member of the 173rd U.S. Airborne Brigade, tries to make friends with a Vietnamese youngster who More Papers Take Cuts At Proposed Press Law sono om -- sm» Barrie Examiner: This legis-jernment's proposal for main-jassistant to the president of lation is a big stick that could|taining Canadian ownership of|Ford Motor Co. of Canada Ltd.,! strike a body blow at the struc-|newspapers and periodicals will] ,; . r {ute of business itself. In a|not interfere with press free-(wed Sunday at his home here) driver from Maliseet, N.B., one-newspaper town or city it/dom. It will. after a lengthy illness. whom he did not identify, could te "havoc. A vital! »,| sent in a parking ticket en- cetactoh ta at a eles Brampton Times and Con- A member of the 'company's velope with $50 in it. ciple of freedom of the press servator:' Free speech -- twin|board of directors, Mr. King The fine was '$0.50." and of the public. Newspapers| brother of the free press--is in|... = native of Owosso, Mich.,| are the lifeblood of free people.|danger of strangulation even ei anh |though the would-be stranglers;and had joined the company at'. Oakville Journal-Record: Mr.|are men of good intent, acting| windsor, Ont., in 1956. : jwith sincere conviction. We soplaifion. ws petenye pephoy suggest that Ottawa scrap this) Mr. King entered the automo- stati rf ',»|Dill before it is too late. Surelyitive field as a trainee at the caatan ovens," ease the Canadian citizen needs 9 |General Motors . Institute in 728-0192 zines and periodicals from for- big brother' to protect him Flint, Mich. EPI'S eign control and competition. from propaganda. - : i Mr. Diefenbaker, as opposition' WANTS ONE MORE FLIGHT _"¢ 's survived by his wite em -- emia - leader, makes more sense than| HALIFAX (CP) -- "My last/Evelyn and three daughters.) . former prime minister Diefen-|ambition in life,' says Robert|Funeral service will be at 10 ao | baker: whose government orig-|McCowan, 70, a veteran of pio- a.m. Wednesday from Our Lady| John D. King, 53 | Ford VP Dies | TORONTO (CP) John D.) STARTING TONIGHT Direct from New York ond ofter e successful tour of Europe The Beautiful Sensation PETITE GROVELL Outstanding Watson E. Burlock says & Presque Isle Police Chief 900 A UNIVERSAL PICTURE telephone The KIMBERLEY'S | Dick and Sheile Acclaimed as one of the versatile and entertaining acts in show business today, "The KIMBERLEY'S Song Stylist BOX OFFICE OPENS 8:00 FIRST SHOW AT DUSK Appearing inally established the commis- sion which got-the ball rolling on this discriminatory protec- tion. neer aviation in Eastern Can- . Z + of Perpetual Help Roman Cath- me Seceat tae ty ae. fn lic Church. Burial will be in 1967, Confederation. centennial|the Holy Cross Cemetery at Nightly in the present:-- Songs at the Piano, Impressions, Comedy, novel audience participation and: instrumentals, You will enjoy every minute with this entertaining couple. year. Langstaff, Ont. HELD OVER -- 2nd WEEK! | Double the excitement with Double DOUBLED-SEVEN! | . . FINAL WEEK! For Hilarious Entertainment . . . BLUE HORSE Don't miss "THE KIMBERLEY'S" LOUNGE @ Enterainment Nightly at 9 P.M. @ ALLAN MecMILLAN, MANAGER Hotel Lancaster - Oshawa MTTTrTrTr eer nosha Hotel @ ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY e NOW UNDER THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT 2nd GREAT WEEK ' --in-- Peterborough Examiner: Mr. Gordon has, perhaps, some grounds for feeling aggrieved.' His solicitous concern for the safety of Canadian newspapers has been rebuffed by the news- papers themselves and no one has offered him any other solu- tions. The trouble is that he has never succeeded in demon- strating his case, in proving first that there is a real threat to Canadian newspapers and secondly that he has the right ideas about dealing with such a threat. GARROU. BAKER GEORGE MAHARIS Toronto Telegram: The law he (Mr. Gordon) is contemplat- ing is not only - vicious, -- but, dangerous. The government should shelve the idea. Mr. Gordon is only kidding himself when he suggests that the gov- Gord's ...: Z HARRY SALTZMAN ano ALBERT R. BROCCOL! patsewt nme wn FlomNe's DR, ux ruewinc's FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE SEAN CONNERY «JAMES BOND | sommSEAN CONNERY.. JAMES BOND meacuasen neg UNITED ARTISTS, [recumicouon: SCATLEASED Tomy UNITED APTISTS NOW LAYING °° OM RUSSIA WITH LOVE--2:00-5:40-9:25 DR. No -- 3:50-7:40 ' ld H POLL 123 JOANNE DR PETER LAMFORD-VIVECA LINDFORS: EDMOND O'BRE ALDO RAY: AN SOTHERN: LLOYD BOCHNER wip. conn rics Screenplay by SYDNEY BOEHM - nrsert.v contenu "Sn" PAUL ANKA (Pine ADDED FEATURE "RING OF TREASON" HELD OVER FOR 3rd GREAT WEEK Phone Now! 728-7321 Harry's Hideaway CANDY and CHARLIE "Candy . . « clever comedienne -- a gal who rates mention", said Walter Winchell. Very well travelled couple, Have starred in shows ond clubs all over the world, You will enjoy every minute of this greet entertainment. Starlite Lounge SHOW TIMES Adults Only Allowed Specials Beautiful and Talented DOREEN BRENNAN FR TUES. WED. O. D.H. :: OPEN DAILY 'TIL 19 -- SAT. 'TIL 6 P.M. Hove You Heard About T-J's TRIM JIMS Men's Trousers well, we have T-J's and Leoteens for men in sizes 28 te 36. AT 0.D.H, from 5 37 " Summer Heet Get You Down? See our SUMMER FANS from Torean, Seabreeze, ete. ex ample: -- 8" 4-Blode ELECTRIC FAN Compere et 9.95 FOR PRICE SAKE Little Girls' 3 to 6x Summer Shorts in attractive prints, ploins, Sanforized. : aq Young Men's Dek Style Short Pants ae FOR PRICE SAKE AT 0.D.H. poir Main Floor combed cotton in colors of wheet end bleck. Sizes 8 Compare at 2.98 pr. 1,44 ete,, NO WHERE ELSE poir Main Floor Main Floor Lower Level CAMPERS ! ! Repince those bent, broken or fost TENT POLES T-Foot 6-inches 2-piece adjustable upright STEEL POLE with large base cap. Compare at 2.50 each. ropn. Wall Main Floor Tender Care OINTMENT for baby's skin for diaper rash and minor irritations. NEW SUPER WHITE OR FLOURIDE TOOTHPASTE new from 'Kolynos'"' Toothposte tompore at 89e. 2 65 for FOR PRICE Moin Floor Boys' 100% Cotton Quelity Knit T-SHIRTS in choice of Sizes 8 to NO WHERE ELSE Each <5 Assos powder or maize. Na Compare et 1.29 FOR PRICE SAKE . SAKE 66° OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE mSSaSaeaea NZ Main Floor For Price Sake It's No Where Else 1038 King St. W. At. Garrard Rd. S$

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