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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Jun 1965, p. 1

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Weather, Report Sunny with seasonahle temp- eratures. Light winds Chance of showers tonight. Low tonight, 60. High Wed- nesday, 80. Home Newspaper Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bow manville, Ajax, Pickering and neighboring centres in On- tario and Durham Counties. Oshawa Cines OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1965 Autharteed op Second Clow Mall Pow, Ofrice Otportznt RCMP Ordered In On Leak To Press Martin conceded Canada has BASAL ARES! made a reluctant retreat but) pe : : : PEKING SNEERS AT WILSON LATEST THING said it was desirable and neces-| : : y FOR YOUR CAR Bhe 10¢ Single 50c Per Week Home Delivered * VOL. 94 -- NO. 145 TWENTY PAGES Canada's Purpose: | Save UN By DAVE McINTOSH OTTAWA (CP)--Canada did a double cave-in Monday on two 'principles it had long ad- vanced in the United Nations. External Affairs Minister Action Hinges On Release. Of Full Report This Week OTTAWA (CP) -- The RCMP| Mr. Martin said he had dis- has been ordered to investigate|cussed the . subject with Mr, whether a press dispatch pur-|Justice Dorion and even he ex- porting to preview the findings|pressed no opinion on whether of the Dorion report may have|there had been a leak, sprung from a security leak of | The acting prime minister the report itself. \said he first asked Mr. Justice Acting Prime Minister Mar-|.Dorion to undertake an investi- tin, in announcing the step Mon-| gation in regard to security ar- day, told the Commons the|rangements covering his report. RCMP inquiry will be a pre-| "The chief tice did not liminary affair centred on "the wish to do so and expressed bo security of the arrangements" view that any Fran inquiry made for publication of the re- ' s ' would be inappropriate, at this port on charges of attempted stage at least. bribery and influence-peddling| a ies IN RCMP by federal ministerial aides. i He indicated further action| We agreed, however, that a will depend on whether receipt preliminary examination of the facts relating to the security of of the report itself from Chief \Justice Frederic Dorion of the prada gg could be un- It's been really grand," Miss Evelyn Found, retir- ing deputy city clerk, said Found. She started with the city in March, 1923 and was appointed deputy city clerk in 1949. She has been sec- retary of the board of police commissioners since Jan- last night about her 42 years employment with the city. Miss Found, who retires at the end of this month, was honored at a surprise party last night following the regu- officials and friends. "Miss Found is a very efficient, capable and dedicated ser- vant of the city," said Ald. Attersley. "She's been good as both morning and evening London newspapers featured re- ports that Afro-Asian leaders are privately. discussing whether British Prime Minister Wilson should be asked to step Smith to release political pris-| oners and reduce discrimina-| tory laws won support from| Prime Minister Pearson and to some extent from Sir Robert Menzies of Australia and Prime) public place. {Quebec superior court confirms I have accordingly \@ cee asked the RCMP to carry out a ' i J [that 8 leek ocourred. preliminary investigation of this Misusing Aid Mr. Justice Dorion has told the government the report will not be delivered to the cabinet |before the end of the week. kind in close co-operation with Chief Justice Dorion." Mr. Martin said that, in light |down. Wilson's chairmanship has been ridiculed in official Hanoi) and Peking publications with \the People's Daily of Peking | describing the British leader as of. speculative reports, Prime Minister Pearson, now at the London Commonwealth prime ministers' conference had asked that the official report be delivered to the government as soon as possible. . Mr, Justice Dorion had ré- plied, however, that work on translation and publication of his findings is prose eich quickly as possible. He =| whether the government cou have the report before the end to us all," said Mayor Gif- ; : ford. "The city is- going to Mr. Martin said he had seen be. the loser", said Mr. McCallum. --Oshawa Times Photo uary, 1939 and at the com- mission's request, has con- sented to continue on in this capacity after her retire- ment. Guests at the party Minister Keith Holyoake of New A 'B d M if Zealand. | a ove inumerous stories of "an al- A new assault to force British From AP-Reuters lleged leak" of the highly-confi- ier aol gg heres ha €X-| SAIGON (CP) -- South Viet/dential report in connection Saaens i he sil by. the Nam's new premier, Brig.-Gen.|with a dispatch Friday by |' nitwit,"". The Communists! conference Friday |Nguyen Cao Ky, warned in a|George -- ¢ oe maintain they will not confer! Meanwhile, the big issue was sere inet aan r sapede ---- west dispatch listed with the mission on the grounds | how to get the peace mission| Ay zs oe ay oes a | ; at spegeta' Raggaote area that Wilson fully supports the| moving. Wilson's aides argued| "ty rr gare neon rn ty oi * ay sg ei gr sane United States in the Vietnamese] that the rebuff from Peking and "9 uC FF hye Deri: ae chi Pong cael wae. | Hanoi,' published in official nee et, --_-- sieves of as- oe --_ s report. Mr. Brim- The gloom that has spread| Communist organs, was not the mn son - tor --, oe ai bores Shey. Were sieaned throughout the Commonwealth] final word and that the British at cn "4 nd ate - ing te er sneer yi cla = conference on the prospects for| leader will await receipt of alg "Aetl ab ee eine at te cat my f thi k : : ee: ys a negotiated peace in South Viet| formal diplomatic reply to the y osha Very re act ryes aba ee leaching al ict a" (CP)--U.S. fighter-|squads. Since January, terror-\if Saigon authorities carry out| Nam contrasted with the elation| request by mission members to] past has been remarkably ac- Once it is received by. the their deepestlists have bombed the U.S. Em-|the death sentence aga instlin the African camp that Brit-| visit 'all the capitals involved in : s curate. j cabinet, it will, be tabled ip bassy. the civilian airport ter-/Nguyen Van Thai, a Communist] ain at last may be forced to| the Viet Nam war Givens Assails Mr. Martin made no. attempt] Partiament , and several bars in Sai-\terrorist condemned for taking) take action to speed the remo- An article in the People's to judge whether the dispatch] 'The report, said to run some of the U.S.) yal of repression inst 'na-| Daily of China, written, by Rall: F ped ae p teh, of the py a bse --. eo y the Viet 5 padi eggs Sigg pe Coinumumist "officis), de: YE AVOTETS jer har yet seen the Tepant " pin Pieaary. orate aston ith Gane ee ohik a net gQRONTO (CP) -- Mayor|and, antil.it is available, "none|four months of public hearings : pit re ed. as did other rencitl Philip Givens berated five coun-| of us can have even @ prelimi-|in Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec iggested, as ep cillors. Monday night for sug-|nary view" on this question. | City. : gesting that William Beattie, ; maser ae ae self-styled Canadian Nazi party leader, be permitted to hold a rally here. Mr. Givens, a Jew, told a city |ner," headlined the Daily Mail Bund Defends U S St d' feporting a six-hour Com-|from other Chinese sources : ane, Manele Melt y als an | monwealth assault Monday on| and from Hanoi that Wilson Algeria Boils With Dissent and necessary," he said. china. ' | il ting: ; mhahNGTOh (AP) Proved ona Cal's vi ih ~ iets 2." | Qver Ouster Of Ben Bella |. lar council meeting. She is sary for the preservation of the P so W te | VANCOUVER (CP) -- A The driver had stopped for debt incurred by 13 UN mem- like to see Prime Mivister| day night saying hope was ex-| appeared seconds later and peacekeeping costs must be a| | encouraging any moves to draft] of Rhodesia as a whole" was! of a raincoat sist at the September session bers in arrears for two years) pictured with former mayor leave the General Assembly in) ¢ and Mayor Lynian Gif- UN. startled truck driver pulled a red light when the woman bers, including Russia and Pearson join the floundering| pressed that a way would be) told the driver to proceed to collective financial responsibil-| {him. considered by Afro-Asian dele-| q ; DEPUTY CITY CLERK RETIRES | The Canadian leader is not) gates as only a halfway mark.| She was put in a patrol of the UN General Assembly on or more in their payments lose) the same situation in which it|_-- yo nd happen," he said. be among the waivers. Mr. Martin announced in the away from a traffic light in By HAROLD MORRISON § | removal of Prime Minister lan| +an out of the shadows and France, whict¥ refuse to put up Commonwealth peace mission found in which Rhodesia "could| the police garage, a half a ity of all 113 UN members. | : ¢ ' ford. Ald. Gordon Attersley, last night included members |disposed to disrupt in any way| Pressure ade ses the application of Article 19 of| their voting rights in the Gen- has been since 1963: Inability e Ce S. Smashes Further Nobody wanted to see Russia Commons a_ special $4,000,000 downtown Vancouver Mon- pledge by Canada to the UN day night with a new hood LONDON (CP)--Reports con-| Smith by force. A 4 tinued to spread that some of A relatively mild statement) a a of his their share of peacekeeping) sfe s costs. on Viet Nam but a spokesman] proceed to independence at the bl uk he Ball '| ' re ock away. Once inside the for Pearson said today he has | earliest practicable date on | garage the woman--still on Later, in the Commons ex- a ternal affairs committee, Mr. to get Britain to call tte ini master of ceremonies, pre- of council, former mayors, | the existing character of ite) a constitutional conference on| fis orgs genta the UN charter. sented a cheque to Miss recent aldermen, senior city mission, the spokesman added COULD LOSE VOTE | eral Assembly. Mr. Martin said insistence on) Foe McCallum, now a to discuss-- and eonsequently vote on--important issues. | | e leave the UN and it was the "overwhelming sentiment" of OWdar lI 1d or eT bg world body to waive Article wf 19. it--; > ; to help pay off a $108,000,000 ornament--a naked woman the. Afro-Asian leaders would) issued by the conference Mon- 4 motorcycle policeman Canada has long held that) not been approach and is not| basis acceptable to the people! jhe hood--refused the offer Martin said Canada won't in- Rhodesia, force Prime Minister) with being intoxicated in a This article says UN mem-| application of Article 19 would) pubjic Utilities Commission- "This must not be allowed to) Mr. Martin said 'Canada will SAIGON bombers made penetration of North Viet Nam today and for the first time minal 1D. ' poured bombs and rockets, into|gon. part in the ye : targets north of the "Hanoi| The Viet Cong 'ras areatehed| em 'a i ~~ "Hine." ito execute a captive American|seized ani ! i U.S. spokesman said one aid official, Gustave Cc. Hertz, jraid was against army bar-| racks 110 miles west-northwest! lof Hanoi and only 80 miles from the Chinese border. It also was) "This is a retreat, if you will,|55 miles 'from Dien Bien Phu | which we have accepted with| where 'the French Army went A 'B tP li KY F ll ' reluctance but it is desirable|down to final defeat in Indo- S es 0 Icy. 0 0 OW TORONTO (CP) -- A group of United Church minis: . ters 'began a two-day vigil at Queen's Park Monday to express their dissatisfaction with the New Ontario medical health program, The demonstrators, numbering almost 30, are carrying a petition protesting the legislation and ask- ing citizens to sign. Taxes Eat Up Marilyn Monroe Estate NEW YORK: (AP) Actress. Marilyn Monroe's estate, far frém_ providing $1,000,000 in bequests for her friends, was reported Monday to have been eaten up by taxes. The New York Post said "the heirs to her estate are being formally notified that their legacies will be completely devoured by federal income, state and estate taxes, and that there will be no significant amount for any beneficiary." tario Museum and the Women's College Hospital. followed by luncheon with Vin- cent Massey, former governor- general, at his home, Batter- Sunday she will attend service wood House, in Port Hope at St.. James' Cathedral, have The Queen Mother, one of lunch with the serving officers Britain's) most successful race- of 'her regiment and attend a horse owners, .will watch . the service at Knox Presbyterian running of the Queen's Plate Church. Woodbine. Racetrack Satur- tive of Truro, N.S., and com- manding officer of the Toronto Scottish Regiment, Lord Thom- son of Fleet, the regiment's. hon- orary colonel; | Mayor Philip Givens and' William R. Allen, chairman of the Metropolitan Toronto Council, and Mrs. Al- as to make it difficult to see the passengers. While here the Queen Mother and her party will stay at Wind- 'fields, the suburban' farm and mansion of Toronto industrialist P. Taylor. Governor - General Georges esty for the visit, told a press conference Monday. The Queen Mother, 64, has been colonel-in-chief of the Tor- onto Scottish since 1937 and the main purpose of her visit is to present it with new colors. The E presentation and ceremonial In THE TIMES today... British policy in Rhodesia. 'Afro-| was. too much a_ backer of Asian leaders demanded that| United States policy to under- the Rhodesian natives be given|take objective discussions on the vote even if this means the! Viet Nam. : The special pledges by Can-| Another group of planes at. |: s |an ve ee ' my ada and seven other countries|tacked an ammunition depot 70 idential adviser McGeorgejthis dangerous and difficult bu- . . \long, long, long time before I totalling $18,800,000 were made|miles west northwest of Hanoi, Bundy confronted critics of the!siness to the conference ron" Black Nationalist Demands" receiving hate literature in response to a British plan|the spokesman said. Johnson -- administration's Viet) Speaking for the crMics, Dr. lacross my desk as chief ma- . " advanced only last Friday, it) In all, some 60 U.S. and South = -- ---- = --_ gg oe eae professor of . . " lgistrate of this city." ancien ~ Ape wlan -- mig ei earn as was learned authoritatively. Vietnamese Air Force and U.s,|said "the policy which the| politica science at the Univer- eo) i 1 : NR B ries 7 er, . Navy planes dropped about|United States is now following|sity of Chicago, said "I wnt Majority Rule In Rhodesia ila e pana a pliodieg bi 3 troops and: police maintained a/TENSION HIGH NOT ALL GIVE 300 tons of bombs on widely |S the best policy in a difficult/our aim must be to get out of |mendation that Beattie not be rose pgeoe alert today to guard reveneen acriving "in Mar 'clacsapiie eat Britt wi llecattered targets ih North. Vietane dangerous situation." Viet Nam but to get out of it By CAROL KENNEDY _ | Rhodesian Premier Ian Smithlallowed a permit to apeak atts eee demonstrations in|seille, France, from the east Al- wanted such pledges to co-\Nam today, U.S. spokesmen That policy, Bundy asserted|with honor." He rejected the LONDON (CP)--A black na-| seizing independence illegally.|Allan Gardens July 15 support of ousted president A-|gerian city of Bone reported 10 incide with the Commonwealth|said. Targets included barracks, on an hour-long CBS radio andlidea of an immediate with-|tionalist brought to the Com-| This might let Zapu claim wider} A planned rally by Beattie mes Das nae j : pasar nefits killed during dem- prime ministers' conference in|supply depots, bridges and fer. television program, "is that weldrawal and said the United) monwealth prime ministers'| recognition as an African gov-|May 30 turned into a riot as For the second time in 24/onstrations there shortly after London. But the pledges werelries. should stay there, that we/States should seek "'face-saving| conference Monday a_ threat ernment-in-exile, it was sug-labout 1,500 anti-Nazis attacked hours, hundreds of youths took|word of | Ben Bella's ouster made only by Canada, Britain,) In Saigon, a young Vict Cong should do our part, as may be-\devices . . . (to) rectify the sit-|that an underground "'people's| gested. eettin. savers eumeortand anni. ss streets of Algiers Mon-|reached the city. Tension was New Zealand, Iceland and thejterrorist died before a_ firing eome necessary, do only what uation" such as the French) government" will be set up in| Nyandoro replied the threat of| bystanders thought to be sup- day ight 'to shout 'support of reported high tn Pine.) four Scandinavian countries.|squad today, defiantly shouting)' necessary . . . and seek con-jachieved in their withdrawal Rhodesia unless assurances are) shite --aeballi mavens porters. ae Fees Bella, deposed in a coup| Informed sources in Cairo There were no contributions!"Down with the Americans" stantly, as we have for months|from Algeria. aiven. that black-majority rule)". © éllion "is "hypothet-|" ____| Saturday said President Nasser of Egypt from any country in Asia, Af-land "Long live Ho Chi Minh." - -------- : ee will prevail there. ical" to Africans because Smith) Riot police fired repeatedly|has offered to grant asylum to rica or Latin America--or by, In the glare of television . '* George Nyandoro' secretary-|is already "satisfied' the Brit-| K Fl into the air to disperse the|Ben Bella. The sources said Al- the United States. lights, 25 - year - old Tran Van Co orations Act In | general of the outlawed Zim-|ish government will not seek | ansans ee crowds shouting Ya-hyah Ben|geria's new leaders insisted, Mr. Martin said he would be|Dang was executed at dawn in quiry | babwe African Peopfe's Union,| pitate a crisis for him Fi ih ¢ \Bella!" (long live Ben Bella) pricy that. the ousted presi- "very surprised" if the U,S.|Saigon's central market square known usually as Zapu,~hinted|" ,, ne Meccan Ra in River se the French version, '"Vivejdent must face a trial. The new doesn't make a_ substantialjas thousands of South Vietna- . that violence will be used, if But we will have an African! g g Ben Bella!" Numerous arrests|regime informed Nasser that pledge. mese watched. n erta en y rovince Inecessary, to oust Rhodesia's| government--not in exile, but in| LARNED, Kan. (AP)--Thou-|Were reported. Ben Bella. would not be exe- He added that he hiopes the| Dang was shot for trying to present white-minority regime. | Rhodesia," he added. lsands of persons fled the ram- The Pggehir tg oe scattered aren the on ging eorgy said. pledges by the eight countries|blow up a United States mili- TORONTO (CP) -- Premier| Leader Thompson's right-hand 2apu claims the support of} Later he said the underground|Paging Arkansas River today as eo oo piney President. Abdel 'Wilee hase: voun encourage other nations|'@ry billet in a Saigon suburb Robarts has assembled the fore-| man. most _politically-minded blacks) 14, would be proceeded with t continued its destructive : ee Alaina 16 Tie vi ; S\hut was caught when the ex- most legal minds in the legisla- " ne lin Rhodesia, a. self-governing] P.2" proceeded with ath across Kansas. But each time a group of dem-|to Algiers to make inquiries on to contribute and thus lead, per-| : 3 ' The New Democratic nomi-| if Commonwealth leaders failed ._lonstrators scatte red ,another|Ben Bella's behalf. Amer left haps, to negotiations among the|Plosive charge failed to go off: ture on a 10-man select com-/nee is corporation lawyer Zig) Uy : to back up We African Geipc-" torrent of water, ranging) oomed to f in th t|Monday and Col. Houari B major powers on such issues| It was the first public act of mittee to undertake a two-year| Renwick (NDP--Toronto River- Nyandoro flew from his head-) - w4< I from one to five miles wide, 8 O. form MANY Bee oa y gr yt a as net Premio Neuyen Cao Ky's new inquiry into Ontario's Corpora-|dale), highly regarded in the quarters jn Lusaka, Zambia, to) ____ |moved ponderously into Larned * i rear es ee ee He ested that Russia government, sworn in Monday. tions Act and related statutes.| field in spite pf his, socialiat lobby among the leaders of the A signed statement by Nyan-jearly today after more than Troops ringe' e govern-|strongman, saw him Oo at the je sugees : Russia,\" ky promised he would use an) As chairman of the commit-| politics ite St 51 Commonwealth countries rep-| 49P0, circulated at the press|;990 persons left their homes ment palace, the central bank/airport. which owes the UN more than)..." '¢ : ; | politics. pe ' _ ; $600,000,000 contribute $22,000,- 'sron fist' to control terrorism,|tee Mr. Robarts appointed Al-| -m), es resented here, nine of them Af-| conference, ' threatened tha tlin the southeast part of the city. | ; es acd Lee $15 sik 000, | Dlack-marketeering and specu- lan Lawrence (PC--Toronto St. ree other Conservative Jaw-) rican. British failure to meet his par-| At Great Bend, 35 miles) $15,009,000. iadon: George), a young lawyer who) Yers are on the select commit-| Nyandoro, addressing a hand-) ty s demands in Rhodesia would downstream, another 3,000 per-| Mr. Martin said that despite There were unconfirmed re- has been one of the govern- tee--Alan Eagleson (PC--Tor-| ful of reporters, charged that| "court an unfortunate situation|sgons prepared to move before} NEWS HIGHLIGHTS pick up the slack of the default-/ports that the execution of ment's most outspoken back-|onto Lakeshore), Gordon Car-| British governments, Labor andj of bloodshed whose prospect is|the crest hits there later today. . ae sates, oer catective ttre might be followed by benchers. He is a partner in ajton (PC -- Armourdale)' and|Tory, are only interested in| imminent." The flood was spawned by| ae : . ; y me pr abd -lthose of a senior military of- Toronto law firm Robert Welch (PC--Lincoln).| their own "kith and kin" and) LONDON (CP)--Prime Minis-jlast week's torrential rains in sponsibility for peacekeeping. (ficer and a Chinese busines The Liberal members on the Mr. Robarts removed Mr. Car:-| investments in Rhodesia. ter Pearson called on the Brit-|Colorado where flood damage| Ministers Picket Ontario Medicare Apart from_ peacekeeping, man accused gf manipulating committee will be lawyers El} ton and Mr. Welch from other The statement about an un-jish government Monday to|may total: $125,000,000. Canada's financial contributions|the rice market. -- mer Sopha (L--Sudbury), the| select committees on which derground government came|speed action toward providing] Adding to the havoc were to the UN and its agencies now Several other Viet Cong tet articulate criminal lawyer and| they were serving in order to| when Nyandoro was asked by a the African majority with a sub-|heavy rains in scattered parts| amount to about .$32,000,000 arorists caught this year are) union adviser, and Vernon Sin-| take part in the Corporations reporter whether the national- stantial, voice in the governmentiof the Kansas flood region year. ischeduled to die before firing! ger (L---Dow view), Opposition! Act study. ists would perhaps welcome) of Rhodesia. !Monday night. : SHE WANTS TO 'SEE, AND BE SEEN BY, AS MANY AS POSSIBLE' . ? ' Queen other Turns Down Bullet- Proof Car | TORONTO (CP)--The Queen ; Mother arrives here Wednesday for a '"'private" visit that will in fact allow her very few hours of privacy However, she has let it be known that she wants to see and be seen by aS many persons as possible and so has rejected the closed, bullet-proof car that was to be provided by the Canadian government Instead, she has chosen a big, open car almost completely surrounded by glass so that she can be seen even if rain makes it necessary {o pul the top up, It.-Cpl. Robert H. Hilborn for- mer commanding officer of the Toronto Scottish Regiment and Canadian equerry to her mai- trooping of the colors will take place Friday night at Varsity Stadium QUEEN USED IT The. bullet - proof car was used last October for the Queen's visit to Charlottetown, Quebec City and Ottawa and of- ficials that it would be used for future Visits by im- portant reople However, a number of spectators co m- plained that the car was so built said: then Vanier and Mme. Vanier will fly here from .Ottawa Wednesday to welcome the Queen Mother to Canada. Others who will be presented include; Lieutenant - Governor Earl Rowe of Ontario and Mrs. Rowe; Trade Minister Michell Sharp, representing Prime Min- ister Pearson who is attending the prime ministers conference in London, and Mrs. Sharp; Lt.-Col. J. D. Learmont, a na- len at A highlight of the Queen Mother's schedule is a banquet Thursday given by the Empire Club of Canada in honor of her regiment. Earlier that day she will have lunch with the Lieu- tenant - governor at the Ontario Legislature and visit the Red Cross Lodge. at Sunnybrook Hospital Friday she will visit the Na- tional Stud Farm at Oshawa, day After the race she will pre- sent the 50 '"'Queen's guineas" and the trophy to the winning owner and the trainer and jockey will be introduced to her. She first witnessed this racing event in 1939 during a visit to Canada with the late King George IV Also on her Saturday sched- ule are visits to the Royal On- She then will go to Univer- sity College at the University of Toronto to take the salute at a march past of her regiment be- fore leaving for Toronto airport for the flight home aboard an RCAF Yukon. Her flight to Canada will be aboard a_ regularly scheduled Air Canada flight, with the Queen Mother and her party oc- cupying the entire first-class compartment, Thomes Queries Bolahood Appointment--P. 9 Toronto Conservatory Music Results--P. 5 Geels Hammer Etobicoke For 9th Straight--P. 6 Obits-----18 Sports--6, 7, 8 Theatre--18 Whitby News--5 Women's--10, 11 Weather--2 Ann Landers--11 City News--9 Classified --14, 15, 16, 17 Comics --12 Editorial--4 Financial--16

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