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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Jun 1965, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, June 22, 1968 HERE and THERE _At the annual meeting of the Oshawa Centre of the » Royal Canadian College of > Organisis held recently at the Centre Street United = Church Ronald Kellington was re-elected chairman. + Other officers elected were John Robertson, vice chair- » man; G. A. Turton, treasur- s er; Mrs. G. K. Drynan, * gecretary; and F. A. Ree- s gor, T. Park and Richard Walker as directors. Dur- 'ing the past year members of the Centre visited To- ronto on two occasions to »* hear organ recitals by Gor- * don Jeffry and Barry Ca- bena and to look over the + CBC. studios where mem- bers saw the Juliette show going on the air. Preced- ing the annual meeting members were entertained with the showing of two films 'William Shake- speare" and 'Pioneer Vil- lage." Forty-one music students at MCVI were taken on a three - day tour of New York's World Fair by teach- er Michael Crosbie last week. . Progress made by the Fed- eration of Ontario Cottagers Association will be discuss- « ed by the Cartwright-Lake- shore Ratepayers' Associa- + tion at their second annual meeting and election of offi- cers June 26, in the Cae- sarea town hall, at 1.45 p.m. The .Oshawa Red Cross branch will be holding its July blood clinic on Thurs- day the 8th. The local branch is well below its quota for the first six months of this year. At Jeast 500 bottles are needed from the July clinic to meet the holiday demand. Red Cross swimming . classes will be held for chil- . ; dren and adults at the Sim- + coe Hall Boys' Club and : the municipal pools during » July and August. The local * Red Cross now has avail- » able the film "I'm No Fool * In The Water." Any organ- ization which would like to * loan the film should call ! 723-2933. There is no charge * for the loan of the film. The Homemaker Service of the Oshawa Red Cross Society now has 19 trained homemakers. Last month they serviced 81 families and 35 senior citizens, The homemakers are qualified to go into a home when the mother is ill and take full "sponsibility he family. The homema...rs also serve in other emergencies. Re- cently the service has been extended to senior citizens. The number to ring for help is 723-7073 or 723-2933, Oshawa City Council is to erect floodlights on one baseball diamond at the North Oshawa park, mem- bers of the North Osh- awa. Neighborhood Associa- tion were told recently. The annual inspection of the Oshawa Divisions of the « St. John Ambulance will be : held Tuesday evening in St. i Gregory's Auditorium, Sim- « coe st. n..at 8 p.m. * a teed es Pes eeean * a 7 ? - * * t ae, eet eeanace A government grant wil! allow. the North Oshawa Neighborhood Association to complete and equip its com- munity centre. The comple- tion will allow recreation fa- cilities for adults as well as children. Members of the Rotary Club of Oshawa, at their Monday meeting, accorded M. McIntyre Hood a stand- ing ovation.-Stanley Lovell, club president, eulogized Mr. Hood for his many con- tributions to Oshawa Judy Macdonald, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Macdonald, told members of the Rotary Club of Oshawa of her impressions of the Adventure in Citizenship program at Ottawa in which she participated. Miss Mac- donald, a student at O'Neill Collegiate 'and Vocational Institute, was sponsored by the local service club. She spoke for the Ontario dele- gates at the wind-up dinner. Monday was the first day Need some extra money of summer and the holiday season was officially opened with Rotarians from JNor- ida, Ohio' and Oregon mek- ing up their attendance at the Oshawa Rotary Club meeting. Approval of a $9,197.50 grant to the Otonabee Con- servation Authority has been announced by Russell D. Rowe, MPP for Nor- thumberland. The grant is for land acquisition for the Squirrel Creek Conservation Area, some 230 acres in South Monaghan township eight miles south of Peter- borough and two miles east of Highway 28. It is bound- ed on the northeast by the Otonabee river. All member municipalities will bear the- Authority's share of the cost. Members of The Ganar- aska Region Conservation Authority during the v eek- end discussed the advis- ability of acquiring more property in the Ganarasg- ka watershed. Considerable acreage near Kendal is under consideration. Increased promotion of the Christmas tree industry at the Royal Winter Fair. was urged Saturday by Paul Rennick, a farm forester with the department of lands and forests. He told the annual Christmas tree growers meeting at Ponty- pool, that growers in the united counties should make greater efforts to show off their wares in the competi- tion, Arthur Cox and his Port Perry rink captured the Foxhall Trophy in jthe Dis- trict 14 Benevolent Fund tournament at Peterborough on Sunday with a total score of 32 plus 4. Mrs. Cox and Fred DeNure were the other members of the winning team, Entries were on hand from Whitby, Bowmanville, Port Perry, Port Hope and Cobourg. Peterborough Merchants shutout Bowmanville ban- tams 4 to 0 in EOBA action in the Liftlock City Satur- day. Jim Dunlop, who pitch- ed a no-hit game for the winners, fanned 11 batters. Aerial spraying of Christ- mas tree plantations in the United Counties was advo- cated Saturday at a meet- ing of growers in Pontypool. Warning of the serious na- ture of the sertifer sawfly invasion, David Paul of PCO Services, urged grow- ers to take co-operative ac- tion in hiring aircraft to spray Scotch pine planta+ tions, He said the heavy in- festation of the "insect in Durham and Northumber- land counties warrants im- mediate action. A prediction that Ameri- cans will buy more Christ- mas trees this year than ever before was voiced Sat- urday by Wilfred Richard- son, Pontypool, one of the few full-time growers of Scotch Pine in this area. Foreseeing no improvement in market conditions in Can- ada, he urged Christmas tree growers to look to the United States. He predicted that by selling to the U.S. market growers may re- ceive pes to 10 cents more than they received last year for each tree, Longer vacations for all city employees were formal- ly approved Monday night by. city council. The vacation bylaw was amended to. provide: --One day per month ser- vice up to 10 days; two weeks from. one year's serv- ice to six years inclusive; three weeks from seven to nine years"s service; three and one half weeks from 10 to 14 years inclusive; and four weeks for 15 year's service and over. Harvey Gabona of Jury and Lovell Ltd. 317 Brock st. s., Whitby, has just re- turned from.a 10-day con- ference at the Eastman Kodak Company's sales training centre in Roches- ter, N.Y. He was one of 34 sales personnel from 12 states, Canada and Panama attending the conference. You can borrow $50 for 2 weeks for just 47¢ -++just one example of many "payday loan" plans to meet your needs. SUPERIOR FINANCE 17 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-6541 Don Rees, Manager The fastest growing all-Canadien Loan Company UBC GRAD Charles. Edward (Ed) White, son of Mrs, Charles R. White, of, 349 Marland av. and the late Charles White, received his BA from the University of British Columbia. He will continue his studies in September at the United Theological Col- lege, McGill University in Montreal. He attended O'Neill' Collegiate and Vo- cational Institute 'Nazi-Aiding Lawyer Hit | Via Parents | TORONTO (CP)--The | by phone calls. | the world | that Legal court" when Aide Director John Weisdorf said Monday the calls} have gone to his parents since he appeared as a "friend of the Beattie was Tories Push Medicare In; | Grits, NDP Battle To End TORONTO (CP) -- The On-|provide a medical care insur- proval Monday, night the 0% grous. 'The province wil pay ance bill after a 2%-hour de-|the full cost of premiums for bate on the third reading. |persons or families that have no The Progressive Conservative|taxable income. | majority defeated the combined) For those with low rates of Liberal and New Democratic|taxable income--up to $500 for Party opposition, 53 to 20. an individual and up to about The legislature also: $1,200 for a family--the govern- --Heard Lands and Forests|ment will provide subsidies to- Minister Kelso Roberts an-|wards premium costs, The nounce a six-day tour of North-|amount of the subsidies will de- ern Ontario for 45 members,|crease as taxable income in- creases. "This bill will never become law in its present form,' said Elmer Sopha (1---Sudbury). He said the government will amend it in face of a groundswell of protest. Ken Bryden (NDP--Toronto Woodbine) said the government will withdraw the legislation after it becomes aware of pub- lic resentment. and --Heard Stephen Lewis (NDP --Scarborough West) propose that licensing of nursing homes in the province come under one government body. The medical care insurance legislation is to go into effect June 1, 1966, Health Minister Matthew Dymond said earlier. It. provides that all insurance companies or other groups that are in the medical care insur- vig business must sell stand-\yyEwS SAME ard government physicians') goth Liberals and New Demo- jcare contracts to all would-be| rats have called for a univer-| purchasers, whether sick 0F| .4) government - operated com- |well, old or young. |pulsory medical - care scheme ISETS MAXIMUM that would bypass the private The government will set the imsurance companies altogether. maximum premiums that the Opposition Leade r Andrew insurance carriers may charge.|Thompson cbjected to an in- It will not be compulsory for.come test necessary for marti- anyone to buy medical insur-|nal-income families to receive ance, but contracts will be|government subsidies, and to a available from the private car-|provision that bad risks--the riers for anyone who can af-|sick and the aged--would pay ford the premiums, lhigher insurance premiums The government itself willithan others. WEATHER" FORECAST Sunny And Seasonable; Rain Possible Tonight par-| ents of a Jewish lawyer who} | spoke up in court Friday for a | self-styled Nazi leader, John | Beattie, have been threatened TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts | issued by the weather office at}today and Wednesday. Light 5:30 a.m.: | winds and not much change in| Synopsis: Sunny weather is) temperatures. cloudy with scattered showers charged with violating a city) forecast for southern Ontario zoning bylaw by using a house/but showers and cooler temper-| as party headquarters although/areas of the province. | the area was zoned residential. Forecast Temperatures |Low tonight, high Wednesday: Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie,/wWindsor .. 83 Mr. Weisdorf said many of| Niagara, Lake Huron, southern|<; -phomas.. the callers spoke Yiddish and|Georgian Bay, Haliburton, had been critical of his parents) Windsor, for "raising such a boy."' Some| Hamilton: London London, Toronto, |Kitchener ve Mostly sunny with have warned that "we're going| light winds and near normal/Mount Forest. to get him, to kill him." "I have all the sympathy i for these people, in court, Nazi Claims leader William his Jewish tion Police confirmed they had re- ceived the report and will in- vestigate. Mr. Beattie said in a a Pentecostal minister, ical rounds". The men implied they were| police officers said, physical | characteristics race,' Mr. Beattie charged n| nesday. Chance of one or two} »| isolated thundershowers tonight. said Mr. Weisdorf, who lost Winds light. |more than 5 relatives in con- | centration camps. "But I'm afraid they miss the | whole point of my appearance) I'm against Beattie | (who was fined $25) and every- thing he stands for." Jew 'Kidnap' TORONTO (CP) -- Neo - Nazi) John Beattie, | 23, filed. a complaint with Tor- {onto police Monday charging "Christian adviser," | Rev. Charles Philip Thompson.| | 28, was abducted Saturday by a} underground organiza-| tele- | phone interview three men in a car approached Mr. Thompson, | as he| was about to make his '"'cler- and had Mr.| Thompson step into the car, he! They threw him to the floor.| . covered him with burlap and drove him to an interrogation by about 20 persons "with the only found on the basic Jewish MR. JACK GRAHAM Guide Realty is pleased to on- nounce that Mr. Jack Graham has recently qualified himself having successfully completed I] the course set by O.A.R.E.B (Ontorio Association Reo! Est- ate Boards) -- to assist you in all your real estate require ments. Mr, reached at GUIDE REALTY LTD. (REALTORS) 16 Simcoe St. S. _ 723-1121 Graham. may bé temperatures today and Wed-wingham {Hamilton .... St. Catharines... Northern Georgian Bay, Ti-\Toronto . magami, North Bay, Sudbury!|Peterborough .... Sunny with a few cloudy inter-|Kingston .... vals today and Wednesday.|Trenton ne Widely scattered thundershow- |Killaloe " ers tonight. Little change injMuskoka . |temperatures. Winds southwest/North Bay.... to westerly 10 to 20. Sudbuty .... Algoma, Cochrane, Whit e/Earlton abe River: Sunny with a few cloudy|Sault Ste. Marie.. periods today and Wednesday. | Kapuskating A few scattered showers. Winds| White River.. Moosonee ... westerly 10 to 20; tario legislature gave final ap-jance service for low - income|} Schoo, KSA GRAD Robert Larmer, son of Mr. . Larmer of 94 Roxborough av., graduated from the Kemptville School of Agriculture June 5. He at- tended O'Neill Collegiate and McLaughli» and Mrs. S. C R. § EMERGENT MEETING Aged TORONTO ical or needed, the zens of called jgovernment - up at age 65. ment. Spokesman Public ivided strictly About Cost Of Sickness ARAB MOVIE BANNED 'albed throughout Tay. "Bi zens worry most about whether they'll be able to pay for med- hospital ture's select committee on ag-) ing was told Monday. | With this comment, the 25,- 000-member United Senior Citi- Ontario for a jcare plan that would be paid The group said both the pro- vincial and federal governments have a responsibility to sée that ---- medical care insurance is avail- able to all Canadians at retire- Ti ition strayed from services pro- RED DOCTORS CHARGED PALERMO, Sicily (AP) -- Charges of raising money with- oS ae have hy laid The Ontario government was|@gains} 15 doctors on a Commu- jurged to use its influence with|nist-backed committee to send a the federal' government toward field hospital to North Viet Nam. this end. {The Communist' news paper government by recommending; an increase in old-age assist- ance to $100 a month from $75, payable at age 65 instead of 70. Worry AMMAN, Jordan (AP)--The| American movie John Goldfarb, Please Come Home has been banned here vecause "'it touched adversely on the reputation of the Arabs and forwarded Zionist propaganda."' Also banned was a French movie on slavery, with some scenes showing the Middle East. (CP)--Older citi- HELP KIDNEYS PASS 3 LBS: A DAY Most le pass shout three pints of fealty Sate ieee ite. Now, ia fob, urinary irritation "end bled: fort may follow, The result restless care when Ontario _legisla- NEED A NEW FURNACE? Corporation comprehensive, operated medical help bring relief. kidney action, help relieve the irri- Ne Down Peyment--First Payment || tated condition that causes the beck December--Coll | ache. Take Dodd's and see if you don's" better, rest better. Don't wi PERRY Ask for Dodd's Kidney Pills, at any drug ooantes. Used su lly by Day or Night . . . 723-3443 |) mil ns for over 70 years, romana RE SALE for the corpora- by the provincial WILL BE OPEN SUNDAY JUNE 20 TEMPLE LODGE AF & AM 649 All Masons are requested to attend « WESLEY R. ELLIOTT 7:30 P.M., JUNE 23 McINTOSH -- ANDERSON Ww. Arthur E. Bathe Masonic Service for our late Wor. Bro. Funeral Home Masonic Clothing . M. V. W. Bro. Owen D. Friend Sec. All Sizes Priced from TAKE ADVANTAGE NOW OF THE GREATEST TIRE BUY OF THE YEAR, FINA'S GREAT NEW EXECUTIVE TIRE, HAND BUILT, WITH DEEPER TREAD, DUAL WHITEWALLS, CANADA'S NEWEST TIRE. 100 Gallons of Ges or Boys' or Girls' Bicycle Free To Lucky Winner ! DOVE'S Fina Station 792 SIMCOE ST. S. 725-5311 C550) King St. €. SERVICE ATLAS TIRES - BATTERIES Specialized Lubrication And Undercoating 725-8507 WINDER'S Each Week 12 People Receive Passes Free ESSO on th by 12 noon R, Malachowski, 432 Julian Dr. Each week for 26 weeks there will is page the names end addresses of 12 lucky people in if your name should appeer and you locete it, ell you ere asked to do is clip the ed and present it et THE OSHAWA TIMES office. You will then receive your "4" en to Bowl at the Oshawa Bowling Lene. Passes--Must be claimed Oshawa in the edverti PP $8 Ti day following publicetion. Dd, Goguen 164 Wilson Rd. S. Oshawa at Ritson Rd. Western James Bay: Mainly|Timmins OSHAWA'S MOST CONVENIENT. COMMUNITY ALDSWORTH CLEANERS "Fabric-care Centre" 725-1812 Open & League 5 Pin Bowling © Automatic Pinsetters © Ample Free Floodlit Parking @ Year Round Air Conditioning Family Protegter. See me todayy ras MOONLITE BOWLING Every Fri. Evening et 11 p.m. $3.00 for 24 Gemes OSHAWA BOWLING LANES 723-2631 Oshawa Shopping Centre Mrs. J. Oke, 150 Bloor St. W, Oshawa ZEN WARENYCIA 203 Oshewe Bivd, N, A Oshowe 725.5841 Casualty Company Head Offiee, 36 ATHOL £. OSHAWA TAKE OUT OR 231 King W. FISHETERIA ALWAYS Halibut FISH & CHIPS Alum. oH FREE ROLL OF ALUMINUM FOIL CALL ' Whitby SUPREME WINDOW & DOOR PRODUCTS (OSHAWA) LTD. Simeoe St. , Scarborough, Ont. With Every Estimete On Siding, Windows, Doors, Awnings, Ete. Gordon Davis, 817 Green PEGGY'S Hair Styling © Tinting N. Across from Comp Semee © Heir TABLE SERVICE 725-5522 McKEEN'S USED FURNITURE "We Buy and Sell New and Used 426 SIMCOE S. M. Price, 496 Simcoe St. N. Cutting ©@ Permanent Wavin; formerly 'Gerde 364 Salon' Call 728-2641 FOR APPOINTMENT D. Garrow, 1010 Dundes Whitby Furniture" 725-5181 Oshawa LOOK NO FURTHER... -Oshawa's most CONVENIENT: commun- ity has everything you've been looking for and more! Schools, Churches and playgrourfds are all included in the area of Braemor Gardens: shopping facilities are within easy reach 'and an adequate transportation system brings the down- town area within easy access. This mod- ern community has been planned with (Gov't. Ap; @ Airc @ Charter Cherokee J. V. AVIATION LTD. Private & Commercial Flying Instruction Piper Colt, Tri-Pacer and 728- Oshawa Municipal Airport Zoltan ved School) Rentals Trips Aircrafts 3191 MAJOR REPAIRS 3 Licensed Mechanics Volkswagen Service 160 Simcoe St. $. Oshewe & Nick's SERVICE STATION 728-0051 KOMATZ DRAPERIES Made - to - Order "We will visit you at your convenience in your own home for Jemonstration of samples and free esti- mates." Call 728-8522 For Appointment G. Keoghan, 711 Hickory North _ | Whitby GILLARD CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. 725-3555 If Busy, Call 725-3562 YOU in mind... See it NOW! There's A FREE ESTIMATES Carpenter Work and All Genero! Repairs ONTARIO CONTRACTORS 728-0344 A. Ricci, 86 Brock Eost Oshi MOTOR CITY CABS © RADIO DISPATCHED CARS © 24-HR. SERVICE DAILY 725-1127 owe opposite bus termine! > Better Future For YOU In tu .) Too tired to cook? CHICKEN in He ROUGH ox GORD'S ENVOY FOOD SERVICE HOME DELIVERY Jock Stewart, 112 McLaughlin Oshawa @ FISH & CHIPS @ HICKORY SMOKED RIBS CARPETS AND FURNITURE CLEANED in your home the "'flower-fresh"' way ty Duraclean® « no messy soaking . © no harsh scrubbing for free quotation call GORD'S FOOD MOBILE HEASONABLY PRICgp @ CYCLE CENTRE Bicycle Sales end. Service Authorized C.C.M., Raleigh Dealer M, J. Selby, 120 Wilson North Oshawa 204 BOND £., 723-6344 * Compete TO: -- ©@ OFFICES e@ FACTORIES @ CONSTRUCTION SITES. 728-7321 braemor gardens (Stevenson Rd. N. at Annapolis) WALTON'S Supertest AND Snack Bar 728-0231 Fresh DAILY SPECIALS Pies and Pastries We pay special attention to children" Open 24 Hrs. A Day Every Da KING ST. &, AT PRESTONVAL Daiiy oee LEO'S ITALIAN FOODMARKET IMPORTED CHEESE ALL ITALIAN GROCERIES MEAT! GROCERIES 502 SIMCOE S. 725-4643 L, F. Campbell, 502 Henry Whitby OSHAWA'S MR. CLEAN Janitor Service Window Cleaning Employees S Bonded SHEWRING BROS. Floor and Wall Covering @ Armstrong Corlon @ Ceramic Tile CALL 728-3980 For Free Estimates FOODS DELIVERY) A, Ricci, 86 Brock East Oshawa Oshawa

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