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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Jun 1965, p. 12

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PILOT CLUB + 'Miss Bery! Bassing! athwaighte, executive direc- *tor of the White Cross Centre, accepts a hair-dryer from Miss Mary MacLean, past president of the Pilot 12, THE OSHAWA TIMES, imondey, June 28, 1965 The Women's Auxiliary of the '|Oshawa General Hospital held PRESENTS HAIR-DRYER Club of Oshawa and Dis- trict, donated by the club for the use of the centre. slits final meeting of the season with the president, Mrs. James McCansh, president. ! The members were informed that pins for province wide dis- tribution were available for candy stripers who had given a stated number of hours of vol- unteer services. It was agreed to purchase the required num- ber of pins and an additional 7° more to be given out as they were earned. These teenagers oluntarily gave up their time and even holidays to render valuable services to the hospi- tal staff which, in these days of a general shortage of murses, was greatly appreciated by the hospital staff and the Board of Trustees. There will be an orientation class for 64 candy stripers fol- lowed by a pediatrics class, who will also help with the gift cart during the summer. Mrs. W. F. Marshall, gift 'shop convener, reported her assis- tant will be Mrs. Kennedy Mason. A substantial amount of money will be transferred to the auxiliary account at the end of \July. | The gift shop is volunteer --Oshawa' Times Photo |staffed and has shown a steady 'on ewe foe -Oshawa WEDDING ALBUM A record for your Wedding Album is provided by The Times Woman's Page. Forms are available at The "Oshawa Times office. Early publication of this wedding 'record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and 'a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as "possible after the ceremony. You are asked to submit the names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the' "social editor either before or the day after the wedding. Haslam - Cook Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Ajax, was the setting for the marriage. of Alexis Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. El- mer Finlay Cook, to David Jo- seph Haslam, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haslam, all of Ajax. The officiating clergyman was the Reverend A. C. Her- bert. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore a formal white lace gown fully lined with white satin, A satin cummer- bund held a satin train, and the bodice featured long lace sleeves buttoned on the insides, a rhinestone and sequined yt sequins and pearls held a shoul- der-length veil of tulle, and was accented by an heirloom rhine- stone pendant at the front of her hair, She carried a bouquet of white carnations and rose- buds, The matron of honor was Mrs. Gregory Blayney and the bridesmaids were Miss Fran- cette Bow and Miss Mary Jane Laverty, all of Ajax. The flower girl was Miss Lori Ogden, Ajax. Mr. William Haslam, Picker- ' ing, was the best man and the ushers were Mr. Robert Haslam and Mr. Gregory Blayney, both of Ajax. Following the reception held at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall, Ajax, the couple left on their honeymoon to Niagara MRS. DAVID J, HASLAM Falls, with the bride travelling in a pale turquoise suit and white accessories. On their re- turn, Mr, and Mrs, Haslam will reside at 9 George street, Ajax. Action Counts More Than Words Dear Roberta Roesch; Whenever I read your column, I wish that I could accomplish more and start doing lots of; things. : But something always inter- feres, and I never have enough push. I do want to start things this summer, though, so if you have the time, won't you print some thoughts about push to inspire people like me.--A. J. Dear A. J.: I can print so many thoughts anything else in the columns of this newspaper. But the final push that gives you your start is the one that comes from you. Try making your start this summer, though, by committing yourself to a goal, then driving yourself to work toward it even when things interfere. You'll find as you force yourself to "9' this you can beat interference. And when you push distractions and obstacles behind you to do what you want to do, wishing and wanting will change to actual work and you'll start accomplishing things. Dear Roberta Roesch: Can teenagers just out of about having push that there wouldn't be room enough for KEEP IN TRIM Space Weightl By IDA JEAN KAIN On earth we have to contend with the pull of gravity. In| space there is zero-gravity, so it's the effect of weightlessness upon the circulatory system -- the heart. and blood vessels -- that must be counteracted. In Gemini 4, the astronauts exercised by using an appara- tus called a bungee. This de- vice is an elastic cord, with) handles similar to those of a tire pump. With the loop around his feet, the astronaut pulled the bungee cord once a second for a half-minute. A 60-pound stretched the cord to the limit of one foot. This elastic cord acts as a spring. Held steady with the hands, the astronaut worked feet and legs. With the cord held steady with feet, he could then employment agencies?--V. R. | . Rt Many of the jobs filled by the agencies that supply temporary employees are the kind that demand experienced personnel who can take over temporarily for the seasoned workers nor- mally holding these positions. Consequently, it's easy to see that in many cases, young peo- ple just out of school would be unable to meet these require ments. On the other hand, there are some less demanding spots filled by the temporary agen- cies in which youngsters just out of school, who meet the age requirement. (18), are used by temporary personnel services if they have office skills. For example, if teenagers come out of a commercial school, they can start off with secretarial jobs. If they have rudimentary office skills--such as typing--they can start off as typists. And if they have no ex- perience whatsoever, they can start off as clerks. Generally speaking, there's a demand for clerks at the mo- ment. So the young person jyst out of school who wants to start out as a clerk can get an intro- duction to the working world in a very practical way. And a young girl, say, can discover what businesses and industries she likes by taking a series of temporary jobs. GAVE WHOLE LIFE Helen Weigel, the East Ger-) man actress, has devoted her- self since 1924 to the plays of school get a job with temporary Bertolt Brecht, who died in 1956. WOOLWORTH'S Super Bakery Specials BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR KITCHEN! lercising Prolonged Bed Rest Like essness pull against resistance, thus ex- arms and. shoulder muscles. The routine was scheduled once a day for James A. McDivitt and three times for Edward H. White, However, McDivitt asked to be on the three-time schedule also. Weightlessness has been com- pared to bed rest, That is, long- term inactivity in a prone posi- tion is believed to approximate the effects of zero-gravity upon the cardio-vascular system. Un- der these conditions normal, varying stresses of gravity are greatly lessened. For this rea- son the heart doesn't get its needed share of work, BUNGEE EFFECTIVE The bungee was designed to provide the astronauts with a measured exercise program. Apparently the. routine was ef- fective. All things considered, the men returned in. excellent physical condition. There is a whole series of these exercises. This was an ex- periment to evaluate the effect of doing this kind of work in space. When I asked one of the doctors connected with the as- tronauts' fitness program if these exercises could be adapted to keeping fit here, he replied that the situations are not comparable, We get lots of opportunity in daily living to move about, and to work, The doctor readily agreed, how- ever, that any routine that af- fords exercise is good as long as it is within the individual's capacity. _ Research and investigation into how the body functions show that exercise plays a role in relieving stress, controlling weight, and possibly in. lower- ing blood cholesterol. Certainly exercise can add to the joy of daily living, for well-toned mus- cles definitely enhance one's feeling of well-being, There is no question that our sedentary, soft life has robbed us of the normal way to re- lieve stress and strain. The counter-shock mechanism of the body functions better to relieve stress wheh the big muscles of the body are exercised, Summed up, there is no way to get along without exercise, | Hospital Women's Auxiliary Suspends Meetings For Summer profit for over eight years. It is a valuable service to patient and staff as well as the general nublic who are looking for a small gift, flowers or a utility gift for a patient. There is more to the operation of a gift shop than meets the eye of the visi- tor as it must have back of it careful buying, expert financ- ing and, what is most impor- tant, reliable volunteers. It takes a hard working convener to supervise all phases of the project, a well chosen assistant convener and a treasurer to take care of all accounts. On the job training is given the newcomer by an experienced volunteer. Mrs. Harry Kerr, convener of the membership tea held at the Hotel Genosha recently, report- ed this was a very successful tea with many guests com- menting on the delicious re- freshments and the arrange- ments made for the comfort o' the members and friends who attended. Mrs, J. G. Carter, student nurses convener, gave a report on the recent luncheon held at |the Oshawa Golf Club, She thanked the members who do- nated food or helped with the serving of refreshment to the nurses after the bacculaureate service. convener, reported that 162 books and. 83 periodicals were distributed. She requested that members save their magazines and pocket editions of books during the. summer, Mrs. D. E. Smith, reporting on scholarships, stated seven applications have been received and suggested each scholarship receipient be given a text book; this thé members agreed to do. It was also agreed to order more supplies for the emer- gency cupboard and that Mrs. iT. W. Tite be given a sum of money to buy necessary items or small treats for patients un- able to buy for themselves. The president announced that the second vice-president, Mrs. Brian Doherty, owing to the pressure of home duties, has resigned, and that the. third vice-president, Mrs. Chas. Rob- son, has consented to take over her office. A new associate member is Mrs. Harle H. Wells. The mammoth bake sale to take place in November will be convened by Mrs. Robson and assisted by Mrs. Alfred Austin and Mrs. E. F. Cuthbertson. Volunteers for the phoning com- mittee were Mrs. Austin M. I. J. Metcalfe, Mrs. R. L. Gray and Mrs. W..J. Bone. It was 'suggested each member try to bring a prospective member when fall activities resume in September. Mrs. H. B. James presided at the tea table for the social hour. SEPARATIST WILL RUN SEPT-ILES,. Que. (CP) --| Pierre Bourgault, leader of the séparatist Rassemblement pour V'Independence du Quebec, : will be a candidate in Duplessis County in the next provincial election, He was the unanimous choice of 200 delegates at the movement's convention Sunday in this' community 320 miles northeast of Quebec. City. Harleigh Supplies (Oshawa Ltd.) Seamstresses Wanted To sew at home. . . Must have experience in Drape Making. Please Phone... (Anytime) 725-9569 or 725-3012 9:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. T RACK and FIELD PROGRAMME ~ BOYS & GIRLS 16 AND UNDER © JULY AND AUGUST ALEXANDRA PARK Monday to Friday 9 A.M. - 12 Noon Mrs. J. H. McDermid, library| The St. Christopher's C.P.T.A. were hosts recently to the Grade 8 graduating class of St. Chris- topher's school at a luncheon in their honor. Mrs, Rudy Nagel, president, welcomed the guests and stu- dents and introduced the head table. In addition-to Mrs, Nagel those adding dignity to the head table were: the Reverend A. G. Quesnelle, assistant pastor of St. Gregory's parish, the Rev- erend N, J. Gignac, pastor of St. Mary of the People Parish, the Reverend Joseph Borg, spiri- tual director of St. Christopher's C.P.T.A., Sister Mary Beatrice, principal of St. Christopher's School, Sister Agnes Therese, supervising principal of Oshawa Separate Schools, Mr. >R. G. Oke, grade 8 teacher, Mrs. Wil- fred Ottenbrite, vice-president, Mrs. Thomas Cotnam, trea- surer, Mrs, Thomas Norton, secretary. Father Gignac said Grace and proposed a toast to the Queen. Congratulations and best wishes were extended to the graduates by Mrs. Rudy Nagel. Sister Agnes Therese, super- vising principal of Oshawa Sep- arate Schools was introduced as guest speaker by Sister Mary Beatrice. Sister Agnes Therese asked the graduates to consider two questions. "Whom am I?" and '"'Whose am I?" You are yourself. God made each of us individually. Your intelligence, your talents, your life are yours. Know what you are capable of doing, work to your fullest ca- pacity and you'll be gratified in knowing you did-your best, "Whose am I?" if you know SOCIAL NOTICES |. FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Cole wish to announce the forthcom- ing marriage of their youngest daughter, Elaine Frances, to Mr. Glenn Royce Weatherbee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Weatherbee, all of Oshawa. The \ceremony is to take place on |Saturday, July 24, 1965, at 3:30 p.m. in Northminster United Church, AT HOME Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Moffatt, 388 Park road north, will be pleased to receive their friends, relatives and neighbors at their home on Wednesday, July 7, 1965 from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. on the occasion of their 50th wed- Honored By Parents, Teachers to whom you belong your con- duct will always be beyond re- proach, Be honest with yourself and concerned only in what God thinks of you. Do what is honest and just at all times and God will look after you. Father Gig- nac thanked Sister Agnes Therese. He added that the world had many problems and asked the graduates not to be- come part of the problems 'but rather solver of problems. Mrs. Rudy Nagel, on behalf of the C.P.T.A, presented pins to the members of the graduat- ing class. With the sincere wish that the class remember their wonderful years at St. Christo- pher's School, Mr, Oke, the grade 8 teacher presented the religious knowledge award to Susan Paulocik, the general pro- ficiency award to Paul Noonan, the high standing award to Slavica Benko, good conduct award to Robert Lack. Robert Bryden the class vale- dictorian expressed his senti- ments of gratitude and gave praise and thanks to all those who gave so much to their school brought the successful luncheon to a close with grace of thanks- iving. Students graduating were:| Jane Andison, Thomas Andolsek, Barbara Balogh, Slavica Benko, Nancy Breen, Robert Bryden, John Cannon, Helen Coe, Wayne Coros, James Dionne, Randolph Dittmar, Barbara Houston, Gail Thnat, Constance Jilesen, Fran- cis Koroscik, Edward Kowalec, Robert Lack, Mark Lambourne, Michael Maffei, Philip Matthews, Michael McEvoy, Brian McLaughlin, Robert Mon- aghan, Lucy. Montagano, Carol Nemeth, John Nicholls, Paul Noonan, John Novak, Harvey O'Connor, Susan Paulocik, Brian Piitz, Catherine Power, John Pdulis, Lawrence Richard, Vin- cent Serra, Jeanette Stovin, Brian Vitarelli. PAID IN "LADIES" | Pay in the royalist army of iYemen is 15 "fat ladies" monthly--that is 15 Maria The- resa dollars. | 7 SPORTSWEAR LTD, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE | STARTING TOMORROW 9:30 A.M. ~/ REDUCTIONS 10% » 50% Automatic Dryer Regular Cleaning Prevents FIRE Dial 725-8915 ding anniversary. Ka, After yoars of research, modern science h developed # remarkable new way to make false teeth fit beautifully--stop looseness, slipping, iy 4 talieve sore spots--with- out messy, old-fashioned pastes, powders and pads! It's CUSHION GRIP--amazing new soft, pliable plastic that holds false teath snug as a dentist's mold, through soothing suc jakes loose dentures fit properly again. Result is, you can talk, laugh, eat anything without discomfort or embarrassment. CUSHION GRIP is easy to use nothing to mix or measure! Simply squeeze out of tube | } Now! False Teeth Fit Beautifully! Amazing dental discovery, 'Cushion Grip'® --ends sore spots-- refits loose dentures to hold snug as a dentist's mold! Tasteless! Nothing to mix! One application lasts months! | onto dentures, then insert false teeth into mouth and bite down. Instantly, CUSHION GRIP molds to contours of mouth and gums ~provides beautiful fit~holds dentures in place with ae oe, slipping, disappear. Sore spots are qui wd relieved. One ap; lasts for months, despite nightly cleaning, yet CUSHION GRIP is easily re when desired. What's more, CUSHION GRIP actually refits, relines worn dentures. Save 73¢,..For generous trial offer send 25¢, ed name and address to PHARMACO 1635 Metropolitan Bivd., Pointe Claire, P. 0. Cleaning -- Service| PLEASE NOTE NOT ALL SUMMER MERCHANDISE |S ON SALE. at KARN'S Cologne MINA RICCL NINA RICCI Cologne +-romantic L'Air du Temps --joyous Coeur Joie Now you can enjoy an exceptional opportunity to purchase a special 3,3 ounce Lalique Flacon of fragrance. What a delightful, luxurious feeling when you splash it on after your Nina Ricci bath! This special size and special @ year, so now is the time to gift giving when you buy Nin: Once-a-year 3.3 ounce specia price is offered only once think about future a Ricci, | size $400 Commencing July 5th AT REDUCED PRICES 'Delicious . . . Home Style ALL SALES FINAL PLEASE RAISIN PIE Your Fovourite .. , Large Size Fresh Strawberry Made with Flaky Pastry SHORT CAKE rua wee AQ 63: This Week Two or three tier wedding cakes -- Order, One Week Ahead BAKERY ORDERS. PHONE 725-3421 | \ | | | | | Competent coaching staff on hand for A.A.U of C., Participants can quality hi during prog crests for s NO PHONE - C.0.D. OR MAIL ORDERS PLEASE A pilot project of the National Junior Development Plan -- AAU of C WE CARRY BY FAR THE LARGEST STOCK OF SPORTSWEAR IN OSHAWA ' SEIGNEUR'S Special This Week Registrations June 29-30 and July 2nd (fee $2.00) at RECREATION CENTRE | 100 GIBB STREET OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE \ n DRUGS 28 KING ST; EAST PHONE 723-4621

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