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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Jun 1965, p. 19

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a THe esHAWA Time & Mendey, June 28, 1965 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Mastery' Individuel Championship Pley) ~~ FAMOUS HANDS East dealer. Both sides vulnerable. wet » Dy JULIET JONES NORTH e retry) ae ys748 "2 8 : Kx © Soes bate aii $x oa os MIL1 1657. 910876 Denes CONN hme 'ON GRE THE GIANTS AND AS FOR THE DOG-- WELL, LL A FEW DAYS LATE! REID KEEP AN EYE ON HIM WHEN HES GUT Ae NoaVan BLLae Peel A SMALL PACKAGE « THE LONE RANGER i BRVES ME RIGHT! ; 7 Yorear TO HOLLER 'FORE'/ monds, " This hand occurred in 2 match between Great Brit and the United States played in New York in 1955. At the first table, with an. American pair North - South, South arrived at six clubs i the bidding shown. West led nine of diamonds, not the in the hope that his riner. would win it and return a heart, However, declarer won the trick in dummy with. the ace, led a club and finessed the then drew trumps and the ace of hearts. When Went, showed out, declarer took &. spade finesse, losing to the. king, and thus made the slam for a score of 1,470 points, __. South's play of the hand, though successful, was not a8 o convincing as the play by de p< clarer at the second table, where the slam was reached 6p E this bidding: _ bal o (meee South West Norte = Pass 3 s@ 39 i \s@ 6 . West led the nine of dig-: br monds and the British declarer, "n Terence Reese, adopted a bet ter chance than the previous de clarer had given himself. ~~ Reese decided not to risk the club finesse, which, without see ro ing the opponents' cards, offer- I'M AFRAID TO KEEP My EYES ed very little advantage. In- OPEN WHEN YOURS J TT Tilia ]H H Soe BG a : = pin] then cashed the A-K of clubs and = bx i! ace of hearts. When West show- | -- ed out, Reese played a heart te oO ' the king, followed by the seven = { of hearts. : : East had to cover with the a | nine, which South ruffed. Reese' J 4 S| |now played a club to the queen = i and could then claim the rest o regardless of. what East elected Qa i to return. ; Whether East Binder Ao rod mond (dummy s' ace! a heart or a spade, dummy's hearts would become establisi+ ACROSS 3. Worship 21. Jum- io tie TELEVISION LOG [iwicscuaem ' ©: Bibione ag stad 20 are sie tt turned out that Reese's ' yer: 6. Ta . Com+ B Bi ertorma wi ' eer 7. One of the Com+ Estee) | Spamnet spunea | SBopeye and Pele" {method of play merely tied the 12. Derivative Bronte 23.Foot. fARISICINMEMILET] | Chensel ¢-suten 10:00 Pm 12:18 PM previous result, but it was "ofammonia _sisters sokiier ACMI yp) | Channel J-Buttele -- |"L--Th# Mery Griffin Show) #---Deer, Chariots nevertheless # well-played hand. 13. Not 8.Cardgame 25.Music (/ALICITIOM Bue ee ree 6-2--Alfred Hitchesek 12:99 PAM Kile taut like bridge note ATSIC ITIGIOIE] | Channel 1i--Harmitton, | 5-88" CARY ge [TC Firat Edition News ANNOUNCE TEAM - 14. A spree; 9. Engiish = 98. ee TRANRMEEEE) | ooar aveune | oe ek ai Bet | VANCOUVER (CP) -- Foot 8: be 15, Ween 10 Fant 27, Jewish Saturday's Answer 5:00 PM, Gilligan's island | Jogather Knows Bet | |vancouver golfers will make up, 16. Ribak ea " ovule month 36. Wynken, li---Pamity Theatre res Noe 3--Noonday Report British Columbia's Willingdon P= ERE boo <i. ene Blynken and | S-Sueermen jeboiree es 12148 PLA Cup team for 1965 to represent. aiane nected with 32, Outer Nod 3--Movie Weather and Sperte |11--Racing Forum the province in the matches at 17. Fr. island 17. Girl's garment 37. Semitic deity | S--Lloyd Thaxton <1:19 PAM, 4-uiding Ligm 4. |Winnipeg later this year, the 18, Wriggling _ name 38. Slight ae Gog oe t-Leave To, Beaver soMetre Final 'cin eigen & |B.C. Amateur Golf Associating Gr -msTime. - AN' DON'T HANG BACK...OR TIL 19. Sun god 18. High coloring pleasure: 4--Zane Grey Theatre te Pe. es announced Saturday' night. The -- 1 -_-_-- , ] DRAG YOU. WERE GOIN' DP THIS 20. Entire priest 34. Vipers Bgypt. _/ é--Look 7-4-Lete Show &--Matines four names were Johnny Johns- on ee By pAa ne J TO MY BELT] LoeNO MATTER WHERE amount 20. Man's 35. Jacob's 40. French 6100 Pa, é---Night Metre ere ton, John Russell, Bert Tice JUST 30 YOU GET LOST. LEADS, 21. Soda nickname wite article ie oa 198 Pn. 'Meet the. Millere {Hurst and Wayne Vollmer, The 24. Astor or se Jo eck aeeriee 1--Wrestling $-Mike Dougie show lalternates-- Frank Head and " Rockefeller alld Woe ad woe Chuck Healy te hee 1:90 PLM. Harry Campbell--also are from oc] 28. Candlenut TZ Teer: ee Sullivan Brothers | '7---Mid Day Matinee Vancouver. : ul 1) 6:30 PM 11:45 PLM. And First Four Races : Sg 29, tae 74 a eee ire Staion 'Oats ; i3 nse nbiie 4--As The World Turne " iret . BZ 182i wouter mae evens vw |SRLLY'S SALLIES " @-2--Huntley-Brinkley AM 33.Stannm (77 Z News Conte ages |) ee 34, Places of 17 7748 Y.GY ¥--Cheyenne i_Moment of Trem pz worshi Vp ,, '/4 Y), 6--Across Canede 9:00 A.M 4 1:00 Poe ¥--Dialing For Dovgice 2:30 PLM, 37. Crib 19 20 On 22 [25 sichowhian Giri Talk €3-The Doctors 38. Suiting VA, fe 9--My Three Sons 4--Mike's Carnival 7--Day In Cour? fabric 24 25 '26 |27 Sa Mavie. ee 2--Mickey Mouse Club &-Mavie Matinee ' ai 39. Trite 'Phil Silvers Show HesgParseg see Allen" 41. 28 GG ys Vi 30 8-No Time For 4-eove tt Te Bae 5:00 Pa . Tidal 'a Southern we ane and YA Yip 32 We 10 PM ee Sree. Coe Bebe So ZL 4 Yo Y F--Vovage 'to 'Bottom Consequences te'Tell the trum 43. Oxfords 34 [35 [3 GY Noles fe ews | or pumps on ¢3--Don Messer's Jubilee 10:18 A.M. 9:30 P.M, 44. Weaver's 38 WY 39 4--To Tell The Truth 'artoon Party 1--Hawkeye i--J reeds VA, 6:00 Pm. 10:98 A.M. 9--It's Your Move = ai WS Ni--Untouchebles Near on i sent vee he DOWN 63-Show OF The Week | 4 'ove bee $3--Public Service An- . V//)44 ; 1 M. Announceme: > 1. Salt 43 Y cad hegre' pala Rag Pp 4--Rage of Night +} bloke trast 9--Dick Van Dyke 11:00 A.M. 4:00 PLM. an} T--No Rieti for 1l--Morning p aecateale. La nto cn Sergean' @2--Concent 4--Playhouse 4Andy of Mayberry $--The Match Game = YOUR HEALTH 9:00 Pm. 118 AM. suc ocehen" Tike Mamas Seaton | gue Boney | Sane rm 4 p . Di 'Alive 11:30 Ae 3--Rocky and Hie Friends ; ancreas visease indy nde rice ie Right I gs : YOUR DAD'6 RIDING MOWER 6URE The Cucy Sho 3-Ed Alle $--Movie E NICE... BUT YA, OUGHTA SEE WHAT Can Be Dangerous he ia Path 1308 $Bou ~ Popeye * GRAN! MADE OVER AT HER $--Take A Chance Tacanire Sap yen tae 4.38. PB vercotte By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Sg aah ale J~Donne 'Reed Fithe Karly shew Dear Dr. Molner: Last winter,with fever, vomiting and. ex- tate 4 : j my mother, who is in her 70s,|treme tenderness of the abdo-| When such gall bladder con- og in ~ sek ag ang Bos was taken to hospital with almen, The patient is, indeed,|ditions are not found, then use|/Dle may " nid ieht t i temperature of 104, She was/desperately ill. of a low-fat diet is helpful inj/ney; second, sp oo gh ee very ill for about 10 days and/ tn younger patients, excessive preventing recurrence of pan- mpeg geal Va R gic Hoel ; ro we were told that the pancreas|and prolonged consumption of creatitis. Yes, such attacks can yon ry af Ag a m the juices had backed up with toxic\aicohol is commonly found to|'°¥> and there is one condi-|danger of that. results. have occurred. I do not say that|"1O" which is known as ---- Both urologists favored = re-) py ANNINGA Thank goodness she recovered|this is the. cause, but it cer- Pe reg ig cog pocdith ve moving the kidney. One of tar nicely but she must watch her|tainly seems to be a factor. heaped ig 5 *Ithem leaned over backward in| @ BANQUET diet very carefully, as there is! Ym older people (although the| De®? Dr. Molner: I have a)... tavor and said you may no guarantee that this could not|same factor of alcohol may, of|kidney stone of considerable get by without surgery, Clearl © CONVENTION happen again. course, be present) a quite dif-jsize and the kidney does not); ; ble to 1 Hi taeda de j WELL, IF T CAN'T FIND ANYTHING Is it necessary for her to diet|ferent condition is frequently|function, I have nown of this ay 8 getnnle: 0 LPR IS See ® MEETING -F oe I I the rest of her life? What areldisc : i é di-| Dear Dr. Molner: What is a ' discovered: Chronic gall blad-|for eight years, and the con anc f re | the chances of recurrence?--lder disease and gallstones. -- |tion has changed very little in|Meningioma of the brain? Is it) First Class Facilities bal Mrs. W. A. Hence' it is customary (and|that time. The other kidney|CUrable 7 Ne rable? What) For 20 to 400 Guests | ~ agro a a deep|wise) to investigate the condi-|shows good function. I am 56. nae ie . . "i ; Quality Service in the abdomen behind the|tion of the gall bladder after} Since I have had four major is a tumor of the meninges i ye stomach, has two major func-|the pancreatitis symptoms haveloperations I do not want to un-jor "lining" or covering of the Experienced Staff tions. One is the production ofjsubsided. If gallstones are|dergo another. One urologist ; , z insulin. The other is to supply|found, or the gall bladder is/says I should have the kidney brain. We ge know ay suntres YOUR. . certain digestive juices, (These| functioning poorly or not at all,|removed, since leaving it in is|°?US®S tumors. However, many UNCTION NOW! drain into the digestive system|removal of the gall bladder|more dangerous. I consulted an-|meningiomas are operable and 723-4641 at a point close to that at which |gives excellent results in mini-jother urologist who said it would|in that way curable. The loca- * bile reaches the intestine from|mizing the risk of further at-|be best to have it out but that/tion and extent of the tumor HOTEL. the gall bladder and liver.) tacks of pancreatitis. (It also|I might get by without surgery. this. Meningi 2 An attack of pancreatitis, such/avoids the risks inheren( in al-\I would like your opinion.--|2°Ve™™s 'ms. Meningiomas ac- $ as your mother experienced, is|lowing a diseased gall: bladder|Mrs. E. 'D. syed about 10 per cent of (f Ri or oa) | very and is associatedito ramain.) Leaving the kidney in is alall tumors, : :

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