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Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Jun 1965, p. 14

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Ris PO es Pot-Luck Supper Ends Season = . ee se emg apa BLACK'S LADIES' WEAR or St. Philip's Coun A pot-luck supper highlighted A cheque was presented to SUMMER FASHIONS the final meeting of the season|Father Darby to help pay for of St. Philip's Catholic Women's|the organ purchased for St. for the League. It was held last|Philip's Church. WEEKEND TETeTITr asi 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 29, 1965 SOCIAL & PERSONAL Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor saan ec pao hg St. np ay baw After a.few comments from -|Special guests were the spiritua' Site ie heme Mie | eee wes made for a lawn chair and tke pot reg ln a chaise lounge. The winner was A. Beriault. Mrs. Raymond Blanchard, Osh- Following the supper, a short awa, Ontario. business meeting was held. It was decided to have a fall ba- |. zaar at the end of November. For All Your MR. THEODORE R. Van- Houten, chairman of the Board of Trustees for Pick- ering Township School area 2, left, is trying to keep the many papers from blowing around in the stiff breeze that prevailed at the open- ing ceremonies of the new Sir John A. Macdonald Public School in Bay Ridges, Saturday afternoon. Beside Mr. VanHouten can be seen the Right Honorable Vincent Massey, former Governor General of Can- Bay Ridges School Opening Is A Family Celebration By MARY WILLIAMS The opening of the new Sir John A. MacDonald School in Bay Ridges Saturday afternoon was a family celebration in many ways. The Right Honor- able Vincent Massey brought with him his own family, Mrs. Lang Massey and Miss Susan and Miss: Evan Massey. The members of the School Board for School area 2, were accom- panied by their spouses, as were the members of the Pick- ering Township Council. It was a gay affair with the many colored summer hats and dresses and the color guard made up of Girl Guides, Brown- ies, Cubs and Scouts and their eolorful flags. The School Area 2 band and the choir from the Sir John A. Mrs. Isabel J. Ross, Toronto, Honorary President of the Pub- lic School Trustees Association of Ontario, Incorporated, and for the past 24 years an active member of the Board of Edu- ion for the City of Toronto, the show with her humor- of her early spent in the choir of the Westminster pat their family pew, who it mond. In emphasizing the need for this type of family worship to- day, she urged the parents pres- ent to return to the idea of a family altar, stating that the Bible had all the ingredients for world peace, if it were only fol- ed. Mrs. Ross presented a leather bound Bible to the prin- cipal, Mr. R. H. Huebert, for! the use of the school. Miss Sharon Caines, a stu- dent at the school, presented Mr. Massey with a gift made by the pupils of the school to commemorate the occasion and Mr. John Williams, a member of the School Board, presented him with a suitably engraved silver trowel. were made to the principal for the school. School trustee, Mrs. Patricia Finn, brought greetings and the gift of a framed portrait of Sir John A. MacDonald, from the was unable to be present. Mrs. James . Cairns, president of the Bay Ridges Ratepayers Association present- ed a citizenship trophy; Mr. Glenn Russell, vice-president of the Kiwanis Club of Bay Ridges presented a trophy for public speaking; Mrs. E. P. Mc- Cormack, president of the newly formed Home and School Asso- ciation, a proficiency trophy; and Councillor Donald Waring, presented an athletic trophy. Reeve Clifford Laycox, brought greetings .from the Township. The honored guests and digni- taries were taken for a tour of the school and were served re- freshments in the school. Mary White Heads Classics Dept. TORONTO (CP) -- The Uni- versity of Toronto announced Friday the appointment of . get go Mary E. White of Toronto as 'oronto, where shejhead of the classics department! 4 watch two y bro-lat Trinity College. ada at the 10th annual confer-| work. Miss White, one of the found-| re the well known Mas-jers of Phoenix, the journal o sey brothers, Vincent and Ray-|the Classical Association| of Canada, is the first woman! department head.at the univer-| sity. Miss White has been. chosen to go to Oxford and Leeds uni-| persities in October under the| British Commonwealth Council interchange scheme. WIFE PRESERVER | Honorable Michael Starr, who Mrs. F. N. McCallum trav- elled to Eau Claire last week to present prizes on behalf of the Prince H. Philip Chapter, IODE to pupils at the Indian School which the chapter "adopted" a number of years ago. Messrs. Gary Minacs, Joseph Kolodzie and George Fuller are flying to London tomorrow, the first part of a 10-week vacation touring the continent. Mr. and Mrs. John Harris, Saguenay avenue, attended the Cadet Graduation Parade and Cadet Graduation Ball at the Royal Canadian School of In- fantry in Camp Borden on Sat: urday, Mr. Harris' brother, Of- ficer Cadet Robert Richardson, received his commission and was promoted to the rank of 2nd Lieutenant, Afternoon tea was served on the lawn at the Officers' Mess followed by a dance and buffet supper in the Officers' Mess later that even- ing. At the end of August, Lieu- tenant Richardson will be post- tials ada as he accepts a gift commemorating the occa- sion presented by a_ stu- dent, Miss Sharon Caines. The gift was made by the pupils of the school for the occasion, ri --Oshawa Times Photo | vice-| @ PLAN JULY WEDDING The last Saturday in July is the date chosen by Rob- ert Garry Harlock and Miss Sylvia Vera .Szikszay, for their wedling in Albert Street United Church, ac- cording to an announce- Mrs. F. S. Wotton Is Elected President Of Anglican Women Mrs, F. 8. Wotton was elected|Miss Napier urged all members president of the Oshawa Dean-jto encourage young women of ment made today by her parents, Mr. and Mrs James Szikszay, The prospective bride- groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs, E. J. Harlock, Oshawa. --Ireland Studio ery of the Woman's Auxiliaryjtalent and devotion to offer of the Anglican Church of Can-|themselves to further God's ence held in St. George's Memo-| Mrs. Robert Pepper of Ajax, rial Church, Oshawa, last Wed-jretiring president, presidéd for nesday. the business session, and ex- At the morning session Canon|pressed appreciation of the co- F. G. Ongley, assisted by Arch-|operation of her executive over deacon H. D. Cleverdon and|thé past four years. Mimeo- the Reverend R. G. Brooks, ad-|graphed branch reports were ministered Communion to about|reviewed. Plans were made for 90 Women's Auxiliary mem-|a workshop at Pickering in the bers and clergy. Special speak-|fall, and for the next annual er at this service was Capt.)meeting to be held at St. Mark's, H. H. Brown of Beverley Lodge,|Oshawa, in June, 1966. Toronto. . Attractive literature and sam- Mrs. David Hutcheon, presi-|ples of the Pakistani embroider- dent of the Evening Branch ofjies were on display and in) the WA, welcomed the Diocesan|charge of Mrs. Roger Priest- Board Officers and WA mem-|man of Willowdale and Mrs. bers of Oshawa Deanery on be-|Robert Vandenbossche of To- half of the two WA branches of ronto. | St. George's Church. |. Representatives were present) Mrs. A. E. Salter, president|from Ajax, Brooklin, Black-| of the Diocesan Board, brought|stock, Dunbarton, Oshawa, Port greetings from the board, and|Perry, Whitby, Uxbridge and| reported on the recent findings! Pickering. of study group sessions held at} The Rural Dean, the Rever- Telephone 723 - 3474 for Women's Department eb ial | After a short dedication ser-) carr 6-18 vice by the three Protestant} the Dominion board meetings in London, Ontario. She also told ministers of the area, Dr. W. A.| A rubber finger guard -- such|°f Probable changes in the Little end §. J. Armstrong, Whitby, installed the new executive as follows: president, Mrs. F. S. ed to the 2nd Battalion Prin- cess Patricia Canadian Light In- fantry in Edmonton, Alberta. Mrs. Alan Mitchell and Mrs. George Vary of Timmins are spending their holidays with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hogg, Gibb street. At least 381 delegates from 30 synods will meet Aug. 16 in Cleveland, Ohio, for the trien- Church Women. NAMED FOR TROUBLE The U.S. Weather Bureau first gave hurricanes girls' names in 1953 and now. has a standard table of four year-long cycles of | Mrs. Pearson Buys At Crafts Centre By CAROL KENNEDY LONDON (CP)--Mrs. Lester B, Pearson outdid other Com- monwealth prime ministers' wives Friday in purchases from the Commonwealth Crafts Centre in Westminster and ex- pressed hope Canada would contribute financially to-the co- operative venture which sends its profits to those who make the products. The wives of three Common wealth leaders -- from Canada;; Britain and New Zealand -- to- gether with officials of other countries and some high com- missioners' wives, crowded into the tiny shop near the Houses of Parliament to sip sherry and inspect handicrafts of all kinds from all over the Common- wealth. Mrs. Pearson arrived first and spent some time looking at goods on the glass shelves be- fore settling on her first buy-- a handwoven, lilac, silk ban- dana scarf from India, pat- terned in red and blue. Mrs. Harold Wilson bought an al most identical scarf. Mrs, Pearson also chose three dolls for her grandchil- dren in Ottawa -- a doll on al donkey from Jamaica, and two} exotically dressed dolls from) India and Pakistan, | TRIES SANDALS | Mrs. Keith Holyoake, the New) Zealand premier's wife, casu- ally took off a shoe to try on a red and gold Indian sandal. She bought two pairs, as well as a Jamaican donkey doll. Disappointed that Canada's display was so small, Mrs.| Pearson assured Lady Molly| |Huggins, store organizer, that she would talk to the prime minister about Canada contrib- uting £500 ($1,500) as five other governments and .Britain have done to help keep the centre going. Billed as "a venture in part-| nership," the Commonwealth Crafts Centre opened last December and has been moder- ately successful. But its de- voted workers fear financial hardship unless more Common wealth governments agree to jnelp. names. "Bridal Shoes" (Tinted Free) CHOOSE DANCEY'S in DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 10% DISCOUNT IF YOU BRING THIS AD- LUTHERANS CONFER convention of Lutheran "NORM" FISHER'S ¢ period iain 7 as Holiday Week Specials ! SIRLOIN 65 STEAK CHICKEN LEGS 59: and BREASTS CHICKEN WINGS _.. 29° @ ROASTS @ Boneless ROUND STEAK ROAST ........ C Boneless 75 RUMP ROAST ....... SLICED BOLOGNA _.. 39° e FREEZER SPECIAL @ BEEF 57; HINDQUARTER si le @ HOLIDAY "a waht HOURS @ "Bee dey aren day a Norm Fisher's Meat Market 22 Simcoe St. North Phone 723-3732 | sca es | SAVE NOW... on Ladies' SHOES FINAL PRICE SMASH Save now while these unbelievable prices on women's fashion footwear last! | Actually for below cost. Fall colours included. CLOSING OUR DOORS FOR GOOD SATURDAY' JULY 10th. All Women's HEELS, HIGH, MID, and STACK -- SATINS INCLUDED First to Black's and then.away you'go... confident that you have chosen your Holiday Sportswear from the finest coll- ection available at the most reasonable prices, For crisp, cool fashions... visit Black's, WEAR BLACKS ¥ 72 Simcoe North Open to 6 p.m. Wednesday Open Fridoys te 9 P.M. LADIES' buy 2 the price is right SUMMER SLACKS eR SS Se ee ers TTTrr REGULARLY 9.99 McKay, the Reverend Barryjas secretaries wear -- will save|Helpers Department, and the/Wotton, St. George's Memoriai W. Menter, other prdsepfations McQuade and the, rorthions many a cut if slipped on each|*tudy of new thought. re small time you use the paring knife. | SOCIAL NOTICES | FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE The forthcoming marriage is) "Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Maclnally ing College in Toronto and its\John announced of Candace Jean, daughter of Mrs. Guy Campbell jwill be pleased to receive thejr|forthcoming campaign to raise|Church, Whitby; Oshawa, and the late Mr, Camp- bell, to Maxwell Harry Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown; Oshawa. The wedding is to take place on Friday, July 16, 1965, at 6.0 p.m. in orth- minster United Church. ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced! | RECEPTION friends, relatives and neighbors at the Albert Street United 29, 1965 from 7.30 to 9.30 p.m. on the occasion of their 25th wed- ding anniversary. FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. James Szikszay of Mary Annette, daughter of|Jr., announce the forthcoming Mrs. Grant Simmons, Ajax, and the late Mr. Simmons, to Mr. William Arthur Taverner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taverner, Pickering. The marriage will take place on Saturday, July 24, 1965 at 3.00 p.m. in St. Pauls marriage of their daughter, Sy!- via Vera, to Robert Garry Har- lock, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Harlock, all of Oshawa. The ceremony will take place on Saturday, July 24, 1965 at .300 p.m. in Albert Street United United Church, Ajax. Church. : ~ RUG & UP CLEANING 94 BRUCE STREET Li In Your Home .. . or Our Plant PHONE 725-9961 HAW, ig 5 EANERS ' HOLSTE DIVISION OF OSHAWA CLEANING CONTRACTORS > Yaneone i Church Hall on Tuesday, June} 1 Church, Oshawa; -- treasurer, children and: their training. Mrs. Gordon Lapp, Ajax, Holy) Guest speaker of the after-|Trinity Church; secretary, Mrs.| noon session was Miss Phyllis|A. S. Evans, Christ Memorial] Napier. Miss Napier spoke of|Church, Oshawa; educational, her role as Candidates' Secre-|Mrs. J. G. Spragge, Ashburn, tary, and told of the expansion St. Thomas Church, Brooklin; | of the Anglican Women's Train-|social service secretary, Mrs. McKibbon, St. John's! Junior Auxil-| additional funds this fall. liary secretary, Mrs, Donald] The speaker told of the dif-| Wilson, Christ Memorial Church,| ferent girl candidates, thefr|Oshawa; and little helpers' sec-| training programs, interests,/retary, Mrs. John Osborne,| -------- aims and ultimate goals in|Christ Memorial Church,| many different fields of service.|Oshawa. | FIXTURES FOR SALE e@ CHAIRS WRAPPING COUNTER CASH REGISTER Ch fliers SHOE RACKS SHOE SHELVING ALL TEENS FLATTIES -- Botty INTERIOR DECORATOR FURNITURE DRAPERIES BROADLOOM 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 79 Simcoe St, N. NOW ONLY .......... 2-99 MONIQUE FASHION SHOES LATEST | FASHION FOOTWEAR Reg. Priced 5.99 -- 6.99 JUNE 30th :00 P.M. 4 Oshawa 2 FOR THE PRICE OF 1 PLUS $1.00 Tailored from the finest English and domestic all wool yarns, dyed worsteds and flannel in pic 'n' pic, neat and plains in grey, blue grey, medium, dark brown and blues. Hook and bar fastener above zipper fly, single pleats,..continental style in- cluded, tabs on back pockets, SAVE ECONOMY EXTRA 8.95 RANGE PAIR 9.95 1.00 SAVE 13.95 DELUXE EXTRA SAVE RANGE PAIR. 14.95 1.00 16.95 SAVE - CUSTOM EXTRA 18.95 RANGE PAIR 17.95 1.00 HAND EXTRA GRADE : PAIR 19.95 1.00 OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT No Money Down -- Ne Carrying Charges OSHAWA DOWNTOWN SHOPPING CENTRE 36 King St. E. Open to 9 p.m. Friday Open to 9 p.m. Fridey Open to 6 p.m. Wednesday

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