THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 29, 1965 ; versity President Claude Bisselljmendation of the executive * ¢ ' j 30 7 ber caceciiiie '(inate the Madera Engineers Ink Fig: Boe ge beeg Bone widening of the 12-lane Maateniecee Operators was $3.40 an | . se ld - Cartier Freeway ac ' Criticism of the university|tions) was approved by the against the Toronto Construc-* y _ Canada Ma Send Planes for expropriating properties on|board on June 24. Pact In Metro __|tion_Association_which had-helg.20rth Toronto, are held up, = engineers. contiffued their cae _ i : the line at a 35-cent increase, The settlement between the/*ttike against the Crane Rental , 7 sapetavilie Hess. x "the future ae 'statement said the board = Association swhieh: 646% | A RONTO (CP)--Bowing to|expansion of the college is con-|will review plans for the col-| TORONTO (CP)--The first 4UTing two years. hoisting engineers and the Steel ich provides public criticism, the University tained in a letter, dated Junejlege to determine whether they|preak in the Toronto construc-| The strikes are holding up|Ereetors Association provides sin nea . 16, from a group of owners of|should be revised. tion strike occurred Monda ial : of Toronto suspended property iat vtien ; e.: 'onday|commercial construction in Tor-jfor an immediate increase of] CHEQUES ARE NOT NEW yates tanaday tor its ono expropriated prope! . Several expropriated resi-/when a hoisting engineers' local/ontos $100,000,000 building|20 cents an hour, another 25-| ; : eg ions Monday for its p) "The éxecutive committee of|dents in the district complained|of the International Union of|boom. Projects such as the new|cent increase May 1, 1966, and 'Travellers' cheques: wore fist (CP) -- Canada|crashed a year ago when it was I being' demonstrated for the|posed Erindale College in sub-|the university board of gover-jthey had received arbitrary Operating Engineers (Ind.) set-|city hall, extension of the Gard-|an additional two per cent of/imtroduced by James C. Fargo Spanish Air Force, killing two.|U*ban Toronto Township. Spain bought 70 anyway. There's so much for you at nors reviewed this letter at ajtreatment from officials who/tled for a 53-cent-an-hour wagejiner Expressway, constructionjearnings for a vacation pay of|in 1891, for tourists in Europe of the east-west subway andisix per cent. The old rate for|with currency problems. increase. A statement issued by Uni-|meeting on June 1. A recom-|wished to buy their land. The plane still in Pe my fy the Ling- 'Temco-Vought A- Corsair. - Defence Minister Hellyer already decided, officials id, to reduce the number of} 104 nuclear jet bomber squadrons in Europe to six from eight, possibly next year. 'The RCAF has lost 27 of these 28 planes--200 combat aircraft and 38 trainers--in crashes. Authorities said NATO has too many strike planes like the) \CF-104 in Europe and too few) "tactical support aircraft like the F5. Clearance of Quality Bedspreads Two Styles ! PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY ON THIS ITEM The 'Classic' is heavy cotton jacquard woven spread finished with handsome ball fringe. Colours of white, pink, an- tique gold, turquoise, blue, sandalwood and lilac. COULD BE MAINTAINED Mr. Hellyer thus could main- tain an eight-squadron commit- ment to NATO by sending to Europe two squadrons -- 36 planes--of a type of aircraft the 'giliance commanders would prefer. Such a move' likely would in- volve acquisition of a new RCAF base in, West Germany, possibly through an exchange} arrangement. The two bases in 'Germany and one in France 'are considered too far away fromthe Canadian brigade area in the Ruhr for efficient use of tactical planes in brigade sup- The 'New England' heirloom-style spread is reversible and finished with a generous bullion fringe. White or antique white. Twin and double bed sizes in both styles. Broken size and colour ranges. SPECIAL, 1 3 oS each...... oe Caldwell Towel Ensembles In 7 Decorator Colours ! rt. PThe defence department has earmarked some $215,000,000 for a new tactical plane to support not only the brigade in Europe but the 3,500-man special force fn Canada, designed to be able to operate anywhere in the ' world. For this amount of money, the defence department could ob- tain 15 F-5s, all costs included. The object is to have the air- frame built at Canadair Lim- ited, Montreal, 'and the. engine| at Orenda Engines Ltd., Malton, t. Th. of the attractions of F-5 : _ F 4 Extra large sized! Extra thick and absor- production is the possibility of hoa ' f 4 t 5 bent! Firmly woven cotton terry sales to other NATO. countries. i + towels, finished with handsome dobby borders! Eight vibrant solid shades: blue, The F-5 is less expensive than the A-7 and easier to maintain Seale rye oF mo egg brown, bronze, green, rose, yellow, gold or bomb-load capacity. The RCAF has. never been and orange. overly keen on the F-5. Some fliers have referred to it as a "souped-up trainer." One PARLIAMENT AT-A-GLANCE By THE CANADIAN PRESS MONDAY, June 8, 1965 The Commons gave final approval to the government's controversial tax legislation affecting magazines and daily newspapers. Approval came after the Liberals defeated 102 to 78 an NDP motion to refer the ma- gazine clause back to commit- tee of the whole for recon- sideration. Labor Minister MacEachen announced a wage benefit pro- gram to compensate Canadian auto workers temporarily laid off because of the Canada- U.S. auto pact. Industry. Minister Drury an- nounced establishment of a $10,000,000 loan fund to help small auto parts firms to fi- nance extensions. Bath Towels, approx. 25x50" Special, each Hand Towels, approx. 16x28" Special, each Face Cloths, approx. 13x13" Special, each EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPTS. 236/436 PHONE 725-7373 Crash Deadly ~~ For Teenager BELLEVILLE (CP) -- Rich- ard Ellis, a Belleville teen- ager, died in hospital Monday of injuries suffered in a_one- car accident Sunday hear Madoc, 5 miles north of here. Larry Holland, 18, of Have- lock, Ont., and Gary Kennedy, also of Havelock, occupants of the car with Ellis, were in sat- isfactory condition. MEL KRUGER REPRESENTATIVE SUN LIFE Assurance Company of Canada HOME: BUSINESS: 723-7900 725-4563 Eo Fitted Sheets STURDY SERVICEWEIGHT COTTON Popular fitted sheets, bleached snowy white and finished with elasticized corners to ensure a smooth, wrinkle free fit. Pillow Cases to match, Twin Bed Size, SPECIAL, each Double Bed Size, SPECIAL, each ; Pillow Cases, approx. SPECIAL, pair EATON'S in Oshawa Welcomes Visitors to Oshawa ... and may we suggest that when you're shopping for souvenirs, you visit our "Canadian Gift Shop" Here's where you'll find a wealth of original Canadian craftsman- ship . . . beautiful, plaques and trays in wood from Canadian trees, handsome metalcraft; Indian crafts; plus fine Canadian Wool Blankets; in fact whatever your taste, the Gift Shop offers fascin- ating and rewarding shopping. . EATON'S MALL LEVEL Sanitized ! Feather Pillows Soft, plump pillows filled with Sanitize chicken and goose feathers are covered with attractive pink or blue floral striped cotton ticking. Pillows are approx. 20 x 26". Stock up now for home and cottage at this y] ay special low price. SPECIAL, each... . Ae Linen Tea Towels Gingham Checks ! Something a little different to brighten up your kitchen decor! Absorbent linen tea tow- els sport gay gingham checks aid have pretty floral printed borders. Shades of"red, green, black, brown or pink. Approx. 22 x 32". pit ape seen 49 6 for 2.78 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPTS. 236/436 @ z ae Flannelette Blankets Extra Large Double Bed Size Generously sized cotton flannelette blankets are approx. 80 x 100" to allow. for a good sized tuck-in and fold-back on double size beds! Creamy white with conventional pink or blue striped borders and firmly ) ay hemmed ends. SPECIAL, pair . Luncheon Cloths 2 Sizes! 2 Patterns ! Gay and pretty luncheon cloths of washable, wearable rayon-and-cotton! Kitchen pattern in predominant shodes of brown, blue or red Cloth, approx. 52 x 52" WM, a ais 1.99 Cloth, approx. 52 x 70", SPECIAL, each PHONE 725-7373 - EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 545 Stay Fresh as a Daisy SEERSUCKER SUMMER SUIT Each 6. The cool-fresh-classic favourite! Cotton seer- sucker in light candy stripes sports a trim col- © larless jacket with 2 mock pockets, button front and short cuffed sleeves with slimming sheath skirt. Easy-to-care-for-cotton in char- coal, tan, powder, light green, navy, pink, tur- quoise or yellow, all on white. Misses' sizes 12 to 20, half-sizes 16% to 24/2. Please state second colour choice. PHONE 725-7373 IT PAYS TO SHOP at EATON'S Largest Assortments © Best All-Round Values © aoous Satisfactory or Money Refunded / "4 peers: cee crear aes 'ae povmeobngey