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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Jun 1965, p. 3

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airasiennenansonsan IPM Ponders "Backroom Boys' |, "=" "==" New Makeup Put Under Fire "oe _ By DAVE McINTOSH 'FAVREAU: THE COMET HAS BEEN STOPPED The 14Men Who Enter | To Deal, With Contempt Of Court was acting for the U.S. in Ri- . oe to ; OTTAWA (CP)--The capital's|vard's extradition hearings, OTTAWA (CP)--Chief Justice 7 alr For Cabinet small army of backroom a in- earings: |rrederic, Dorion urges the OTTAWA (CP) -- Cast of ae _ + |fluential executive - assistants|4 LESSON? 'ernment to provide By WILLIAM NEVILLE sot a come-uppance Tuesday| The disagreeable notoriety to|special ies to with characters in Chief Justice Frederic Dorion's report on po- litical influence - dispensing @mong government officials, es from Chief Justice Frederic|Lord "sh contempt of court. ANA (OF) --Frime Minls-IDorion of the Quebec Superior|exe sine seat nu Se er Pearson, faced with his\court, cutive assistants to minis-/. Commons said the 'third cabinet revision in little) He said his royal commission|*®'s and should incite them not} act should be amended by the more than two years in power,|was told that it is customary/to intervene in judicial mattersjaddition of. a section meeting) "This lack of powers with the 's comment where pr judge ai least will have the summer|Practice for a federal cabinet|whether' for the purposes of]this: deficiency." found on several occasions, j «trun thontia to ponder. the ministe: seemiaty pgp a tg he seeking bail or for other ends."| 'In the course of this ry|leads to situations that are most ontreal resort' owner en y lized E: Mi » wi rial changes prompted by the/done in the Lucien Rivard af- bhicat' aroabneer yt gh phen 8 panes Bip bd 'lwhich sme Pe Janes = é commis- resignation of Guy Favreau as fair. : y The reference was to Andre sao BA a rg che dy.|sion set _up under: the Inquirlesiduct of the if pees weinister. Letendre, executive assistant to With the adjournment of Par- eg suitice 'Minister Favreau, With easy access to a cabinet liament for the summer recess minister, an executive assistant apparently only a day or twolte ephoning Montreal lawyer naturally is pursued by MPs, 80 away Sir f Pierre Lamontagne Aug. 11 to}; ob d away, Mr. Pearson faces no ur-lracititate. the release of the|!bbyists, «+. HAS BEEN IMPAIRED | gent need to revamp his cabinet to face the daily test of the FOR YOU? A SECOND BUSINESS THAT PRACTICALLY RUNS ITSELF How would you like to owne'a sideline business that invo! no rent, "on "(R others who want to catch the ---- trafficker" ( ivard) tainiitat's on no. normal ommend, no staff or selling yet can gross $9,700 @ year Commons, Chief Justice Dorion said: "If|, Such ile actus servicing the even the busiest executive rotenone! FB geen > is Bay oye R.. such be the case, we feel not ard can wield considerable vate goecore'| min scarce spare De Go a several weeks to decide/the slightest hesitation in stat-jinfluence even in determining pocuty Aid, ment is approximately . $2,628, self-operating how wide a shuffle he, wants at/ing that it now is high time that/who the minister should seel-- teed ae Gendt iene nantiocumer ay tee highly voree this stage and how to fill any|this practice cease." from day to day. today for comeste sitertiation a y Fe aa tegprdigttaee Mr. Letendre's intervention) 'This position of influence led|[M 'adress ond telephone number." on uoe Your names n the meantime, he can|\"greatly contributed to heighten|to the downfall and dismissal of NORAMERICA GLAMOURAIDS LTD. ' : make one or two appoint-|the impression on Mr. Lamon-|Raymond Denis, executive as- He remained there until 1960,|tion and that I could help." His}ments on an acting basis to|tagne's mind that influential per-|sistant to the immigration min- Suite 4, 450 Wilson Ave., Downsview, Ont. a ameet Dene, H erecution| MY USEFULNESS . . se Re ea ie carareetraslGuy Favreau Soared High, he offered $20,000 bribe to prose- wow roan, ote Bod Hit The Ground Hard rehensibly" thought not crimi- 7 By STEWART MacLEOD | AS MINISTER OF JUSTICE an assistant, conse- nally-in using his influence as parliamentary secretary to Prime Minister Pearson to~ try to get Rivard-out on bail. He has since resigned as prime ministerial aide and as chair-jany rung. His fall man of Commons Liberal caucus. . Lamontagne: Accusation Pierre Lamontagne, 29, of Montreal, counsel for U.S. in extradition case against Rivard who made bribery accusation against his old friend Denis. had soared up night hurt him badly. "He was desperately anxiou to succeed," said a Common colleague. crushing blow." The colleague had jus' listened to Prime Minis te Favreau's personal tioned in the Dorion report, hi "This must be a OTTAWA (CP)--Guy Favreau|when a big Montreal law firm the political|sought his services. It has been ladder so fast he scarcely hadjreported that when E. Davie time to plant his feet firmly on|/Fulton, then Conservative jus- Tuesday|tice minister, heard of this he asked the firm to withdraw its s\offer "for the good of Canada." S|} But Mr. Favreau, by then as- sociate deputy minister, went, ¢|and he remained with the firm rjuntil 1963, when pressure was Pearson announce he had ac-\applied on him to try for a fed- cepted the resignation of Mr./eral seat. Favreau from the portfolio of justice minister. Although Mr.|saying: 'I felt something had integ-|to be done to save Confedera- rity and honesty were not ques- He was quoted at the time as s pineau was relatively easy. tion through the period imme-jment of this country were con- As minister of immigration,\iately ahead. certing their efforts to lead him| officials said Mr. Favreau was| Little definite information on|to agree to the release of Lucien) an able administrator. He made|possible cabinet changes was|Rivard on bail." decisions on controversial im-|available in the wake of Mr,| Guy Lord, special assistant to) migration matters and cut}Favreau's resignation an-/Mr. Favreau, had also tele-| through red tape: nounced Tuesday night follow-|phoned Mr. Lamontagne, been The House leadership fol-jing release of the Dorion re- | lowed, along with the switch in . A s | Joint Action On Drought rt. portfolios. For eight months he|/REMAIN MINISTER? pect that if Mr. Favreau is TTAWA CPR ene held both jobs, until he asked) But the immediate reaction of given a definite portfolio before|Quebec and federal govern- sources also indicated they ex- election victory in Montreal Pa-|carry departmental administra-|sons responsible for the govern-lister. Besides bribery attempt, was|judgment was. subjected to political pressure- Justice Minister Guy Fav- reau, 47, resigned his portfolio Tuesday night after the report criticized him for deciding on his own against prosecutions minister submitted his resigna- tion. '.. . .My usefulness as minister of justice had been im- paired by the situation which has developed," he told Mr. Pearson in a letter. and. not having depart officials pursue the case. Prime Minister Pearson said he will offer him another post. Hon. Rene Tremblay, 42, NOW|three major jobs Conduct This marked the end--tem- porarily at least--of a remark- able climb in federal politics, a climb that included holding when Mr. ae pe ~ general, who dis-\Fayreau was still a novice in lutely beyond reproach." "abs0-lthe art of parliamentary war- fare. Andre Letendre, 35, executive) MOVES UP FAST assistant to Mr. Favreau then and now, called Mr. Lamont- agne at Mr. Rouleau's instance to try to facilitate Rivard bail: His conduct "reprehensible" but without malicious intent. Guy Lord, 25, then special as- sistant to Mr. Favreau and now studying at Oxford, called the prosecutor for Mr. Rouleau: Acted imprudently but not rep- rehensibly. RCMP Commissioner G. B. McClellan, 56; Criticized on, sev- eral points for his handling of the investigation into the bribe tharge. Robert Gignac, 35, pal of Riv- erd, under charge of capital] naintain his Quebec lieutenant|¥®* concerned, sold in government book- s | murder at. time of inquiry and i OFFERED POST stores. F Pr é as a close political partner. Mr Wicreue has been offered| ae cacbaae: (Chiat or 1sons since charged with perjury as eesult of inquiry testimony; No doubt he set bribe events in mo- tion . . . "determined in his at- tempts to use corruption an Mr. Favreau had to be per- suaded to enter federal politics in 1963. But once convinced, the Montreal lawyer moved with dizzying speed. For a time he was touted as a likely successor to the prime minister. Despite constant par- liamentary difficulties -- due partly to being in a senior port- folio while a political novice-- he appeared to be churning steadily forward, until the Do- rion inquiry. Now, no one is guessing what the future holds until Mr. Pear- son announces Mr. -Favreau's new portfolio. The prime minis- ter is known to be anxious to For much of his brief political life, Mr. Favreau has shoul- dered unusually heavy burdens. - Before ever sitting in the Commons, he was appointed to tice Frederic Dorion answered some questions about the Luc- ien Rivard affair in his report to the government but he left a string'of unanswered ones on the political horizon. jbefore a clear picture emerges jof. the report's effects on the Liberal party's political future. A reaction against the minor- ers would spell trouble for the Liberals in an early election. And until the report was made public Tuesday there was strong support among Liberals here for a fall vote. Prime Minister Pearson ing Justice Minister Favreau's resignation. Would the resignation and the judge's criticisms of Mr. Fav- reau affect his political stand- ing .as the federal Liberal party's Quebec chieftain? Not) as Yar as the prime minister| another cabinet post and his} resignation letter said he was) willing to accept one. | But would he still be looked! ity government among the vot-| s ime" wo s-yeroa SOMME Questions Answered, jar une, But Whither The Liberals? OTTAWA (CP) -- Chief Jus-)Pearson when the Rivard case was first made public. cipated summer. holiday. 2: | It semed likely to be months) the Commons had been ex-|is that the changes set off by {pected to adjourn until October|Mr. Favreau's resignation will jbefore the end of this week. jcorrected, The question which loomed|ment circles that the prime most immediately on the par-iminister will go outside his cur- liamentary scene was whether|rent Parliament will take the anti-|ship to recruit new ministers. But Mr. Brewin called for the|One source suggested that pos- lsession to go on until all the|Sibly two or three portfolios grave and deep matters in-|might be involved. \volved in the report had been which will leave him plenty of time for his role as Quebec Lib- eral leader and other special as- signments. At this stage, at least, there seems no suggestion in govern- parliamentary member- The immediate reaction, too, be relatively limited in scope. Mr. Pearson first shuffled his ministry early in 1964 when, g other ch Mr. Fave 'REPORT COPIES reau assumed the justice port- folio from Lionel Chevrier who became high commissioner to \to be relieved of the leadership. | Since last October, Mr. Fav. ce rage ln og Bg egg was able to concentrate On}, minister without portfolio at the justice department and Que-jjeast for the time being. These ments are considering a special agency to handle relief help for drought - stricken Ottawa Valley| farmers, Bruce Beer, parlia- ibec. party organization. mentary secretary. to Agricul- ture Minister Hays, said in the Commons Tuesday. But when pressed by Liberal backbencher J. J. Greene Ren- frew South) to say how much money will be involved and how soon a decision will be made, Mr. Beer said he was unable to answer. Mr. Beer said Mr. Hays and) the provincial ministers of agri- culture covered the problem fully in a 2% - hour meeting Monday. Fourteen Ontario and 10 Quebec counties are affected by the drought. Mr. Beer also said Mr. Hays met British Columbia repre- sentatives Tuesday to discuss raised one question in announc-| 'BEST-SELLERS' London. He made more changes|r.4.+ and other d to B.C Lavish at luncheon super at supper peachy with potluck singular with snacks big at buffets brilliant at banquets bouncy at brunch noteworthy as a nightcap and really ...s0 reasonable e2e JORDAN VALLEY RED, WHITE, STILL ROSE Table Wines CHILL IF DESIRED last February, set off by thelruit crops, and that it was de- resignation of Jean-Paul Des-| cided some help will be needed as works minister/r, farmers' losses there. for_ Personal reasons. | New Policies OTTAWA (CP) -- About 1,100 copies of the Dorion re- port were snapped up Tues- day after it was tabled in the Commons. Roughly 4,000 copies were printed, including French and English versions, and will be SPECIAL WEEKLY MESSAGE || TO MEMBERS OF The report Justice Frederic Dorion's con- clusions after an inquiry into allegations of attempted brib- ery and coercion by minis- TORONTO CP) -- Allan) Grossman, Ontario minister of) reform institutions, Tuesday re-| vealed new policies affecting) Who Says political influences." "40 ointed {to as Quebec leader and a pos-| terial aides. : k ¢ ihe tnaive put of mmr ale Suceor to Mr Peer "Quete Printer oer Du: [Ete %ceseme, women] as -- eae BL WG ONO i |son? | hamel said the furious buying |; : i ob an 4 Gu Masson: portfolio. te alse lw the| "The minority government's) probably will blow over in ; See Fae PR: Coe ies -- $e 0 303 -- aan | : . party's 'Quebec chief and the|P0Sition in the Commons does! few 'days. hea hae Xo emg 277 -- 48 m4 -- % | 000 C h government House leader, along Sesh Mes taster reaniida = "We don't think it will be |an tuterelas that the Pe har OPEN TONITE | re " f as with the justice portfolio, which aniaeity payiios paeinin unl a best-seller," he said. lof prisoners at the Guelph Re- 7 -- 9 P.M, ! he took over in February, 1964. Guy Masson, 35, Montreal Lib-| TAKES BIG WORKLOAD changed, CLOSED THURSDAY =='formatory will.be reduced. | EVENING THIS WEEK He said: All Alike: eral figure who said he told! He is credited with a oe Social Credit spokesman Ger- wits -- peers é | Denis $60,000 was available for ave. capacity for work. Aides ad Chapdelaine --(Sherbrooke) su pigs = hy bm TO NON-MEMBERS Liberal funds if Rivard beat|say his daily schedule often|t0!ld the Commons his party is ESCORTED ere than 200 adults or 125) !8 your freezer empty? extradition: "Came into the|cailed for 18 hours in the office Satisfied with the government's) raha ng aduns OF) Are you saving money? The BLACK WATCH TAR- | game . . . surmising in all prob-|and the Commons initial response to the report. eldsaaciye ies Are you using your freezer to TAN short is getting very ability that he stood to gain a! The eldest of seven children, But. the Se agente cont he geet hides Se ght best advantage? popular. Then there"s new 1 very substantial reward." |Guy Favreau had set out in Te acid Bee yg eee beni TOURS every adult penal institution.| At Chambers we guarantee || short shorts, twills, Terylene- Mrs. Laces Bivart, 3, br 2 Lsmiere . Beran ~ seg atl sioner G. B. McClellan were |. =Visiting hours at all institu-| ein ee ]_ cotton blends, slub weaves, pg = IS ether ; * Undoabs- put up may medical books 'and called in question. MARITIMES -- 16 days complete} ary will Resets standard] Mail saben fon for free seersuckers, Sizes include : edly conspired to vistruct thelread the whole damn Civil ee Devers spoken tour of New Brunswick, PE, Ce eee eee he new| illustrated booklet: explaining | 30 to 44, 4 - sak yes " ; Andrew Ww. 7 | ape Breton, an lova Scotia. oo... ae , : } Club, No obligation. | --_Setise of justice with Gignac,|Code." He once as trom taw|Wood) asked what steps. the| Osparting July 10th, ond sept.insttutions will be smaller, fo} S--- 3:3 to 12-5 5 A teas P , \government will take against) 18th. 200. ; Goat NAME... , cases ntpearcveneses Her evidence was a "tissue sarong Mr. bod en tied. ee. Goan. Ghose. erelve| - ate and deapeove relationships| ood ee hae f lies. jjoin the army bu bare ban ment in the Rivard affair' was|-AKEHEAD -- 8 doys to Manitou-|between staff and prisoners. | MAIL TO: CHAMBERS Eddy Lechasseur, 33, Mont.|because He na B sory cone described as reprehensible but,' cay ate Marie, Lake Mich-| First offenders older than 20] 933 RITSON RD. S. OSHAWA real "importer" and Rivard|"5Y- 'Inot criminal'in conflicting with) (99%, Chicago ond Detroit. De-isentenced to Guelph Reform-| --- ---- --~ --~ ---- The big mover is the henchman, commissioned by the prisoner to get him some politi- At 27, he became secretary of the Montreal Bar Associa- the normal course of justice. | : RESIGNATION ASKED parting July 31st. $100.!atory by. Northern Ontario |NEW ENGLAND STATES -- 14 courts will be considered for New 22 cu. ft. Freezers From 194.00 ! JAMAICA -- short -- looks dressy for barbecue par- : <¢go|tion. At the same time, in 1944 <i : ' sie ! ' S be "a yom es too/ es met Francoise Laflamme,| Mr. Chapdelaine demanded) doys to Lake Placid, Cape Cod; ees . ~~ William = ties, for town wear, etc. } tue @ aa lalso of Montreal, whom he mar.|{ he. resignation of Commis-| New York, Worlds Fair, Wash- sid Ate nM 0 fine cotton gabardine j Senator Louis P. Gelinas, 62.) 504 two years later. They have Sioner McClellan. Mr. Brewin| ington, Colonial Virginia, and short with ie di Liberal party treasurer in Que-|f. children. ' J said the report raises the ques-| Skyline Drive. Departs fume Ss. wi waist adjust- ment at side. Summer beige, black, taupe, sage green. JAMAICA shorts 14th, for information and complete | itineraries, phone or write MONEY TO INVEST? Earn the highest rate -- bec, who testified he cut off an ; ederal de-|tion of whether all is well in i unknown caller (presumably Be Bl gene dla aie ac-|higher RCMP echelons, adding] Masson) who wanted to talk|tigng Mr. Favreau came to Ot- that Mr. Favreau's resignation ee No comment awe. in 1951 as a member of wil not satisfy the country. yy Chief Justice Dorion. lthe restrictive trade practices Erik Nielsen (PC -- Yukon) | RE i |commission. Three years later Said on behalf of the official op-| TOURS 1 CORD INDICATED lhe became assistant deputy | Position that he imagines other; , 165 Colborne St. W. i : oe de fe Prelismin| minister of justice. goveramont me ve onl vith Lindsay, Ont. 324.5836 | j $ ate a record! jMr. s | | sale of Easter seals in the 1965) LOG WAS ALIVE parliamentary secretary to Mr.| j campaign on behalf of Canada's); TIMMINS, Ont. (CP)--James | crippled children, the National Laracey 11, and Michael Barry,) d i Easter Seals Committee re-|19, both from Saint John, N.B., THURSDAY, JULY Ist j ported at a weekend meeting|were about to go swimming | + here, Final figures, due injhere when they thought they OPEN .. . MORNING 10 A.M. to 1P.M. September, are expected to|saw a log in the water. Picking EVENING show sales. between $1,750,000|it up, James found himself at | and $2,000,000 compared with|the tail and Michael at the head 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. FRED DENURE Outstanding Value! hobby jeans If you work around the cot- tage, the home, or the car, here are your pants! Hard- wearing yet smart sateen fabric, fully Sanforized, elastic waist at back, gen- erous pockets, Beige, taupe, steel blue. Sizes S-M-L-XL. 3:98 per annum for 5 years (and up to 10 years) CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES are | | 1964's total of about $1,500,000.|of a five-pound, 28-inch trout. KINDERGARTEN CLASSES East Whitby Twp. The T. S. A. of East Whitby is undertaking to establish two Kindergarten closses (morning and afternoon) to be located in-Pereman's school -- Cor. Harmony Rd. and Con. 6, East Whitby. Twp. | Gueranteed -- os to Principal and Interest Flexible --- may be used os Collateral for loans Redeemable -- upon death Authorized -- os Trustee Act Investments ¢ These proposed 'classes are dependent on sufficient en- rolment, .and the Board's ability to hire @ qualified teocher etc. for the 1965-6 school year. Pupi's must be at least five years old by Dec 31, 1965. 5 Interested parents should register prospective pupils, in . i writing, to the undersigned, not later than June 30, 1965, 28 ond indicate, full name, birthplace, P.O. address, telephone a $202! 9593: porta, eD > i Ne. choice of AM. or PM. clases, gad: shee eas otter! i KING PHONE | SAVING HOURS: soy | eta Heed Office: fi w mode te @ child attend @ high percentage of EAST | en. Thurs. 9 te 6 Sz 19 Simeoe St. N. | : | sis rasen |p feo tes Be OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE } hese Board shall not provide transportation. Diy tity | if Seturdey 9t05 FOUNTAINHEAD Tel. 723-5221 : v orravenan H, PASCOR OF SERVICE Open to 9 p.m. Friday -- Open to 6 p.m. Saturday 'FREE CITY-WIDE DELIVERY CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION Sec.-Treas. OSHAWA, R.R, 2 iH

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