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Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Jul 1965, p. 18

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Oo * . . 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, July 3, 1965 24--Stores, Offices, Storage|26---Apartments for Rent |2S--Wanted to Rent 30--Automobile for Sale |34---Automobile Repair |36--Legal THREE-BEDROOM house wanted with op- ' tion to buy in Osho. Possession August NOTICE OF APPLICA- 20--Reol Estate for Sale |21--Farms for Sale FOR RENT NONQUON © [istetetene's7 are tee Siac') CARS : SROOKLIN Three-bedroom a-| EXCELLENT z-acre farm on Leke Scu- svoRe MARAGER a family of five GOOD USED CARS TION TO THE ONTARIO J low, breadioom in. living and _dining| 90g, large, Taroom. farm home, Should IS or August 1, Telephone 726-4147 ater "Before You Buy PAINTED MUNICIPAL BOARD by mae ree paved. eee awnings, 00. For' full information, Blackstock) Approximately 1500 sq. TOWERS LTD 1. ar arate tera give Billo ty" The Copontion a' He covered barbeque, wi 986-4709. . : i . . large lot. Full' price $16,000. Tol i69 ACRE FARM, 5) workable clay, loam ft., building very central.. in Oshawa or within 10 mile radius. Pos- City of Oshawa for ap- call. Don Stradeski Real Estate. spring . ' . " session July 17. Telephone 7: T T wa Sie ek ee, orn Available immediately for | Northend Location - THREE-BEDROOM house or ar nish pr et ogg SPECIAL ... $55 proval of a by-law to re- Keer wnat ares, Eatra| Nesbitt, Neston sia, 7. ory, storage, light manufac- | © Featuring 1, 2 & 3 bed- [&¢.,2pertment, Whitby or vicinity, Ur. : APPLY gulate land use passed BOWMANVILLE are: turing or tradesman shop. spend sal SR a. 1250 DUNDAS fAST 83 RITSON RD. S. | pursuant to Section 30 HIGHLY promective farm included ; Reinforced Concrete Sound |two or threebedroom house for four RICAL are two 232-ft. double decker broiler Plenty of parking. Avail- Proof oenge ig Ea habe \ child. Reason- 668-5871 -- 72 ot rear of 'Texoco: Station of The Planning Act. cregatt C 5 . . | ti able price. Telephone 728-6985, - |house, barn, double oor om ' Oe Were: nal sd 2 OR 3 bedroom hovse 20 mile radius of)" 1965 FORD @ Collision Experts TAKE NOTICE that the Coun- CONTRACTORS ie SALE -- asia i |Neated service shop, 1. bushel granary Inter-Com System a on sorry hha _ 5 : cil of the Corporation of the. | ONTARIO TRAINING SCHOOL tar feels: Attaches : Me teas attest ralicate to rece Phone 725-34] ] Hi-Fi Radio vs ad hy Y- FAIRLANE @ Free Estimates City of Oshawa intends to ap- In bedrooms and living room. erty, located between Oshawa and Bow- Balconies STATIONWAGON ' ply to The Ontario Municipal SEALED TENDERS will be re- monk home. manville, Excellent investment. Substan ra Underground Parking. 30-- a eee for Sale Board goo ne provi- onee by the ueenees: " sions 0! ction of The unti p.m. 206--Suminer Properties |S. erin, Resor OFFICE SPACE Reserve Now ALL CASH cellgphcondition, standord | | ARWOOD Planning' Act for approval of | THURSDAY, JULY 29th, 1965 For Sale Rent 40 Ceiba with 1,047 frontage on No, 12 2400 . "a By-law number 97-65 passed for the Renovations and Al- or Of RAR - | highw location, Can be brok- Phone 728-9466 2 cors or trucks we r over $2,400. Can AUTO BODY - on the 21st day of June terations to the electrical sys- ' picid Belgien od up 'into 10 acre lots. Cali Dunbarton AVAILABLE 728-4014 deal up or down, Liens poid. en at 1965:.A copy of the by-law tem at the Ontario 'Training lggon rear Fetermore. Te e lisi is furnished herewith. A note hool, Bowmanville, Ontario, "Gnicate SPECIAL corsaaa, 1 at gg gen he i 'ius Niele penal yg oo ED 120 RUSSETT AVE. * peseg Rae Wark giving an explanation of the Plans, 'Specifications and Ten- 50 per week includes boat.' Write Box In Times Building OSHAWA ; Monday 8 a.m. to 4.30 p.m, © 'Trick Repels purpose ond effect of the by- der Documents may be ob- COTTAGE AND LOT 262 Tweed. Telephone 478-2239. s Across from Royal Hotel @ ' eh law is set out below. tained from, or viewed at EROW LAKE, Marmora,-- caffage CONTACT Whitby 668-3331 BUYING OR SELLING ~-- Room T704 (Tower), Deport S998 in 78 2 we ee S| REALTY crams arias aes] TED CAMPIN | NOU LoCATED ON,THe | Arya, merted may. | met of a etn : , i ; ; he within fourtee y: i ildi a grag Sis Geox 446 ust 28, a Ts is. WILSON Telephone 7252800." end lett meade Pi Perry ofter ay date of pigs Tommie s. Grauiie' re e' 22--tLots for Sale . (BOND ST.) LTD. 1962 PONTIAC Strato Chief four-door send by registered mail or de- phone No. 365-1079). monthly. Limited egret | At the Times * sedan 6 cylinder standard radio, | Good MOTORS (Fornerig! Whe: Ais beak liver to the Clerk of the City A $1,000 Bid Bond, a 100% pe round activi - r TROUT STREAM | Multiple Listing Service after 5:30 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA of Oshawa notice of his ob- Performonce Bond." and 4 Se ee oe FOR RENT : 196 MERCURY Meteor, four-door sedan,| _ Uust Eost of Wilson Road) 655-3621 jection to approval of the | 509, Payment Bond will be- toads, Hydro, Swimming, | AND MALA. GLEN automatic transmission. A-1 condi-| 4 va ERNE RA A es. said by-law together with a required as specified cellent fishing. Water skiing. Modern Store tion, One owner. Phone after 4 o'clock,| 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 | osHAWA TUNE-UP CENTRE offers ex: statement of the grounds of a pl gceail SS Boating, etc 35 ACRES 725-7200, ime 'pert carburetor and auto electric ser- bi Tenders will not be consider- mr sil Sereiba Sion 900 square foot floor space COURT i957 PONTIAC sedan, four new fires, | vice, 222 King Street West, 728-0817. such an objection. edyunless made on forms sup- MEET at Shell Service Station, ; downtown area, Simcoe St. LOCATED NEAR SOUTH {custom radio, mechanically good, needs| MORE CASH TRANSMISSION specialists, Transmis-| The Ontario Municip6! Board plied by the Department. Fowler's Corner, Junction Priced at $22,500. North. Immediate possession. TORS PLANT |S0me body work. Make an offer. 47 La-| sions are our only business. 1038 Simcoe # th id by- A Deposit of $15.00 MONEY Highways 7 and 7B on the Phond -Alleunvey: Real" Estate GENERAL MOTORS Salle eerie re rear end. Call Poid for Good clean cars. |North. Phone 728-7339, lar Bor before. dole ae tt ORDER, OR CERTIFIED CHE- Peterboro to Lindsay highway with Terms 7 RESERVE NOW MEE soll ___| Trade up or down, Liens paid. h P sah cae unis weakend ot | Lacationt Célumbus Ares Ltd, 728-7551 (Realtor). AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT| MOTORS -- $25. up. All car paris. Cou faba ait td as dis 35--Lost and Found may appoint a time and place se siege pec po a oe Sm | tice Auto Wreckers . Telephone 723- 3541 DODD MOTOR SALES when any objection to the by- reasurer OF Ontario, wi i youd CONTACT. 25--Houses for Rent eae nee | 1, 2 ond 3 Bedrooms dni en aoe nee | 314 PARK RD. SOUTH size), with Bowmanville tag. Lost in Osh- law will be considered. Notice required per set of tender doc- PITTS | 2 Bathrooms (in all 2 and '57 CADILLAC four-door hardtop, white-| Hs e. 3-942 wa. Reward. Telephone Bowmanville,| of any hearing that may be uments, which will be refuhd- HOMES AND COTTAGES LTD. BILL MILLAR GOVERNOR MANSIONS | 3 badreom suites) walls: clock, radio, back-up. lights, power 2 i oe is held will be given only to per- ed if documents are returned lent coniaihicn Wank runes eee wees "4 LOST -- is Head of heifers, vicinity ho have filed an objec- in good condition within thirty COBOURG, ONT. Elevators condition, $850. Telephone 723-4065. | : sons who have a i i , 725-1186 or 2 Bedroom Suite - ~ ' south of Port Perry, black and white. | days of above closing date Phone 416-372 3 Bedroom. Suite Balconies Ia PurHOUTH. cn wiomaic| KELLEY DISNEY [srymer Sonim" inte' Se) on." | vs of hove i ee ae i i x Perry, Heri ink, - : 725-2557 ADULTS ONLY i oe 22,800 original miles. Two new ee | | USED CAR LTD. iene ee . r gia The lowest or ony tender not dag watrora mat hoon. W. T. LAMSON Broadloom Halls |§200 or best offer. Apply 14 Orchard) _ 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST --|Lost <- Blond cocker spaniel (smail.| tions will be July 17th 1965. necessarily accepted. Pita igartgh ~~ spike Bets TELEPHONE |USED CAR PARTS spindies to make| WEY oo OG be?! Roed West of shop Sluctcene el meee is paroe J. D. Millar Eat what you like, when you R ' bd Cars bought and sold ae ares. inis)} OSHAWA THI ; f nll eal Estate Ltd. | 723-1712 728-2911 728-9466 trailers, also used ires 509 Bloor Stree! | } morning. Reward. Telephone 723-5434, Deputy Minister, like, in our beautiful Colon | For Appointment | jEast, after 4, 773-2281 Liens paid oft LOST -- Lady's Gruen wristwatch, Fri-| JULY 1965. Department of Public Works, ial dining room and coffee BUNGALOW LOT -- a7 fi. x 105 ft. on |OSHAWA and District Used Auto Parts | ' Trade up or down day noon vicinity K-Mart, inscription on shop. Private cabins where {wilson Road South, $4,800. Call 725-3560. | THREE- BEDROOM home Available rial OSHAWA |Wrecking Chevs, Fords, Chrysler Prod: | Always top quality pact Valuable' Sespeeke, Reward. Yale L. R. BARRAND, ESQ., Ontario. LOST -- Yellow female Collie (small you can be assured of plenty LOVELY LOT 101 ff. frontage, on pic- July, new, centrai. Call 728- 1093 jucts, etc. We buy any old wreck 725-5045. ARNIS id DE ROOTES CITY CLERK i h Allen Lake by depth of 209 ft. |1957 MERCURY, hardtop, radio, t ea au -- hres furesque Allen Lake by depth of, 209 ft 26--Apartments sf r "Rent RF ALTY | battery. licenced $200. Polat ae| 31--Compact Cars. for Sale 36--Legal ps penile ton Haliburton district. Exclusive to cottage; ------ 1957 CHEVROL fi boating, sandy beach, large owners. Guest cards. used by visitors. tor. Apply ier 6 Cyne ye wie * VOLVO & PEUGEOT recreation hall, sports direc- Good fishing. Asking only $2,000, 118 miles t Sophisticated 4 g | | : rth of Osh ff No. 500 Highway. 11959. PLYMOUTH Fury, four-door hard * MERCEDES BENZ | tor, and many other features |nor!h of Oshawa off No- 00 Highway. Ate Living : (BOND ST.) LTD. top, A-l. Sell for. best' offer Telephone! JAKE and BILL'S TENDER | BY-LAW NUMBER 97-65 to make your holiday enjoy- [5103, W. 0. Martin Realotr et | 728-9257 | able. RAVINE LOTS i an exclusive district [RouR: ROOM apartment, drapes, refrig-| 1955 CHEVROLET, four-door, Excellent! GARAGE Construction Of A OF Call now and e ir home built. Ren rator, stove. 68 Wayne Street, Northimechanically. Very clean; reliable car.| ~ | R TION OF WRITE FOR FOLDERS TO Stradeski Real Estate, 728-1275. lOshawa $160 ceth Pickering 942-1653. General Repair and | THE CORPORA aa 3: Auto-Electrie 'S 'Secondary School i : |KUSHOG LAKESHORE tors = a [MODERN | 'apartments "available, large|i954_ CHEVROLET four-door sedan" in j a yienl ervice econdary ocnoo THE CITY OF OSHAWA Wh t P e Lod @ | to: Hugh Morrison, RR 2, jen or} bedroom suites. Retrigera-|good condition, Telephone 723-7600 after| 49 Ritson Rd. South ite Fin QE [phone 28-118 COURT [tors and stoves swimming ool 728345. 830 pn Oshawa 728-0921 an Being. 6. by-law' to. Airther | [FURNISHED apartment, three rooms, |1952 'CHEVROLET, ars ' : vi S BANCROFT, ONT. pcb dengg ing COTE snd Toners i _ |private bath, private entrance. Telephone engine and aah eather ee | =) amend the Zoning By-law R. R. No. 3, Apply Frank Harvey Blackwater, On-| Snocious 2 and 3 bedroom after 5 p.m. 725-0851. $150. Telephone Ajax 942-2495 SABYAN ' Harmony Road North BE IT ENACTED AND IT IS WHITBY = (ere suites, featuring modern |THREE-ROOM apariment, one child wel-|1963 PONTIAC Laurentian, 8 cylinder, MOTOR SALES LTD. HEREBY ENACTED os o by- ROOFING ee "HA . |come. Share bathroom. Abstainers pre-| power sterring, automatic. trans | ' BEL-AIR RESORT |23--Real Estate Wanted equipped kitchens, vanities [ferred Telephone 728-1855 __ |radio, white wails, discs, backuhe tants, Pedveect eh Sealed tenders, on a stipulat- law of The Corporation of the CONTRACTORS with large mirrors in bath- | FoWNLINE North -- Available Immed- S22! belts. One owner. Telephone 723-9301 ales and Service | ed sum basis, oddrecsed 40 the City of Oshawa by the Coun- rooms, private balconies, _|iately, one-bedroom basement apartment, |INTERNATIONAL SCOUT. four New and Used Cars cil thereof as follows: ONTARIO HOSPITAL LAKE BAPTISTE OLD HOUSES, } four wheel 334 Ritson Rd. S. Oshowa Board of Education, ' broadioomed corridors, twin |unfurnished, share bath, private entrance, |drive, 13,000 miles. Full top and locking ' i Htelevision outlet, $60 monthly. Telephone/hub. $2100. Write Box 816 Oshawa Times shall be received by the Busi- 1, Section 32 of City of SEALED TENDERS will be NEW -- insulated house- elevator service and intercom -- | 795-3879 i964 FORD Gi ee 723-3461 | ness Administrator, Mr. J. R. ; i 415 i i ity [ANY CONDITION) system, Model suite' fumish- lrymse:noom--sarmen -- roma Sorat air ghee wt] Open Evening Bockus, 585 Roland Rood | Come Loris turer | Taat'atahY me arigarnenes keeping cottages, city Wilson' 4 screened ANY STYLE, ed by ilson's Furniture. Possession Telephone 728-7835. excellent condition inside and out. Tele-| -- West, Oshawa, Ontario, or the amended by cddine | ot: the TUESDAY, JULY 20th, 1965 | | ee SRE | | sshlh obbel Rerpalel |A COMPLETE upper floor, private en-/ Prone after 5 p.m., 942-5874 Architects, Jackson, Ypes & 5 porchers, good swimming, A IMMEDIATE |trance. Very quiet tenants' wanted. $40/1956 PONTIAC sedan, excellent mech: ZOLTAN - NICK Associates, Architects gets ere! thereot the following: for the Re-roofing of various booti id fis hi in ANY ARE . | monthly 1184 Cedar Street janical condition, good tires, needs paint, & DAN'S 5382 Y, St. Wil cottages with asphalt shin- ing an g. |TWO-BEDROOM apartment, quiet ~resi.|3250. And 1955 "Chevrolet, clean, $69 onene ia it eG (o.9.) dry cleaning plant gles and Built-up Roofs where Boats, and motors avail- OCCU PANCY dential district, adults only. Preferably |fUll, Price: also 1957 Ford, good motor, Y héei lowdale, Ontario, until 12:00 which is non Offensive ond bl $65 weekly. ALL CASH Call R | Off middle aged "Couple. Telephone 725-1713, | fadlo, $139. full price. 137 Harmony Road our authorized DATSUN specified at the Ontario Hos- able ' all Renta ice at | North o'clock noon, Daylight Saving which uses, only non-com- pital, Whitby, Ontario ; Time i i nt: ' ' |THREE-ROOM apariment,, private bath- 1960 MERCURY 4-door sedan black, red Volkswagen Service ; bustible: cleaning: solvents. H R ae |room, second floor, unfurnished. Avail- ' e Telephone 725-0267 IN 24 HOURS 723-6361 lose dienedtaiols, wit colpte Telephone) rim. This car must be seen to be appre 160 Simcoe South Wednesday. July 28, 1965| 2. Section 34 of City of amend aa = Minton es Oshawa Call Follow Park Road North to fo AS ~ apartment. Availabe 195", CHEVROLET. Four 'to choote trom Oshawa 728-0051 for the construction of a pro- Oshawa i pig ole from, or view " Room 6630, Anderson St., West on An- |,NO" bevel bldgga vellable/n. down payment with easy terms. Call an posed Secondary School to be as amended is hereby further 4 f a ' t 1: 299 Mont A » with! y terms. Call|i9s§ MERCEDES BENZ 180 diesel, black, : Department of Public Wo or Write M, MUELLER Chas. Ronkine 728-3682 | Gerson to Nigigon St. [rerigerator and 'stove. 'For information|" '0d2Y' Gus Brown Molors L1G. 7287375] 10 miles to gallon. Very good shape wili| constructed on Harmony Rd, | amended by adding at the | peporment of Public Works, Baptiste, Ont |. Bob Johnston 725-6788 Open for your inspection 371 Albert Street. | 1360 PONTIAC Parisienne, «door hardtop,| ake trade. Telephone 723-2573. North in the City of Oshawa. end thereof the following: ini Toronts '2. ature 9 from 2 to 9 p.m. dail ----------= | brown with matching interior. Easy terms.|19§9 VAUXHALL Cresta sedan, good rub- : d : : Steve Lehon 728-9326 | r p. aily \27--Rooms for Rent |Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375 ber, new brakes, clutch and battery radio,| Tenders for Mechanical and (o.0.) dry cleaning plant A $800.00 Bid Bond DRIFT INN CAMP Bill "Horner 728-2236 | GUIDE ---- |}98 OLDSMOBILE Dynamic 2door hard-| blue with white top. Phone 7250584. "| Electrical trades shall be de- which is non offensive and 'eet eee "On South Bay of Lake Nip- ATTRACTIVELY | Motors Lid Taerars SUS Brown) 1984 BLUE MGB, radio, windshield wash-| posited at the Oshawa Bid which: uses: chy. Kan-fnttt: da 50% P, , B 4 LET US SEE IT TO-NITE Bae srs: Wire 'Steels, seat bate, soft top, boot!" Danosit 80A Wolfe St bustible cleaning solvents, oe jayment Bond issing, fully equipped house- REALTY LTD | FURNISHED ROOMS 1962 PONTIAC convertible red wijh| 9p, In excellent conaition. Fer further we abcnkcas' £8 sayeth will be required as specified. keeping cottages, hot and cold VE "CASH" . | |matching trim. Fully power equipped.|information call 72-5163 after 5 p.m Oshawa, until 4:00 p.m., Day- ' ; 7 ; HAVE "CASH | Available in private "home, easy + ees. 1 3. No part of this by-law Tenders will not be consider- water, bath and shower, sofe 723- W210 | 1 f 795, erms. Gus Brown Motors Lid., 7 1964 VOLKESWAGEN deluxe, surroof, ight Soving Time holl into force without ed unless made on forms sandy beach, excellent fish- TOMORROW Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 5 every conceivable extra, cost over $2,300 ' shall come into force witnou : rm fT ae facilities ? \ seas OLDSMOBILE ?-door hardiop. This|Mew. Top condition, must sell, $1500 or |Wednesday, July at: 1965} the approval of The Ontario supplied by the Department, ing, all recreation facilities, | 82 PARK RD. N car has been completely recondiiioned.|offer. Whitby 668-4615 (evenings) private!! Plans specifications and. i Municipal! Board but subject recreation hall, main lodge os N N | ] Ira' $41 per month. Gus Brown Motors FOR SALE -- "64 Chevy Il, maroon finish,| ctructions b wien (es | thereto this by-law shall take The lowest or any tender not comfortable lounges, steam - 728-867 Ltd., 728-7375. = lvery low mileage. Like new. Must be| structions to bidders may be effect from the date: of lt necessarily accepted. both, boats and motors 1959 VOLKSWAGEN motor, only 45,000|80/d to seltle estate. May be seen at 99 obtained by General Contrac- miles, $50 or transmission and motor) Olive Avenue, tors, only after 4:00 p.m. on passing ; J.D. Millar, |RURNISHAD rooms tor gentiemen, wil! |.) H ' y : p.m. ; Phone 728-0808 Cy | VE TOWERS LTD. ling to share, single bed, accommodation,|Sircet whine, ov APPIY 134 Front|i9si" VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe, red, good| Tuesday, June 29, 1965 from By-law. read 6 first time this Deputy Minister, i " ith GM. After §.15 telephone i ___} condition. Telephone, Whitby 668-4: 494, ; EVENINGS OR WRITE (nse sou er PUES se RONFIAG Laurentian SOIGHOIE UIs Wo RILEY ib nery ewe 1 the office of the Architect on 21st doy of June 1965. Department of Public Works, NIPISSING, ONT. Northend Location Fees For ant Ran a aoe |eylinder, radio. Also oll space heater, ap-|hody, A-1 mechentcslly, ean inferior and : cence of . hl Hundred 'rooms and boar iv' tely 2x 3%; t t 8 FOR BROCHURES @ Featuring 1, 2 & 3 bed- sion Street Feld. suitable' "ear bpricicol me Sent 725-3219, er Cernig sreque. Pay this 21st day of June 1965. > ESTE TEED herve Sore ~-- | able to the Architect, which i OR SALE Lake Simcoe lots and new rooms. FURNISHED ROOM, board if desired, | 668-5993, |1958 AUSTIN, clean condition. Low mile-| , By-law reod a third time and n . y | : '. er fully winterized, lectric heat.| REALTY LIMITED @ Reinforced Concrete Sound | Telephone Whitby, 668-3550 1959 CHEVROLET iwodoor hardlop, Val ja9e. ns60ra. ree, Leephone aria 8) will be returned when the finally passed this 21st doy i By-law read oa second time Ontario. ing, three - bedrooms, four - piece bath, P _ a - | plans and specifications ore roof WANTED, clean gentleman for room.|avtomatic, radio, $695. Good condition, | eer URS of June 1965 sandy beach, less than one hour's drive Pacsis 1 docirad in chan, private home. | Telephone 725-0264 1958 MGA, good condition, $550 returned in good condition. LYMAN A, GIFFORD y : or from Oshawa T.elephone 942-6497. : pe Heating Iie citer Guests, "Telenhoon Jaesiae 325 DOWN1 $8.50 weekly buys "SB Meteor |COSt. offer. Telephone Chris at Whitby) Plans and specifications will : telty Cone one Tanita, boats, or, berg Cam, Sister |FURNISHED room suifable for two|stationwagon. Cash, trade or terms at Ss tod ee bean view eC the" Toroate MAYOR. R paid ATRO crecenerahdea. Cole's Point Heer Rear vy |brothers or two. friends. Housekeeping | Nicols Motors Whitby 668-3331 a Kid 'ANGLIA' FORD, two-door. This cor Construction Association and Lek, eer) Resort, Box 268 Campbeliford. 653-1227 Bok jit desired. No excessive drinking. Tele-|1960 POiTIAC Parisienne, four - door | pun 00s awe elephone Alex) The Oshawa Builders' Ex- CLEAFK saippineneartinanneinon ------ jaiconies phone sedan, automatic, radio. Good clean car --_ - manifestations tats bs Tasee mone ton nie CHYY Underground Parking. ROOM to share Tor one genlleman,single|$1350. Telephone Wayne 725-4849, 1963 "VALIANT 200 sedan, automatic,| change. B | N G @} 000 to $11,000. Worth seeing. It has every: beds. Immediate possession. $7 weekly./199§ DODGE, rebuilt motor, new eluich| menovany brown. 20,500 miles, balance off 11) Oo, reserves ihe right | EXPLANATION OF PUR- thing. Blackstock 986-4870 and Reserve Now Apply 136 Brock East, 723-9348 and brakes, new springs, excellent tires, | warranty. Extras. $1995, Alax 942-0721 ef e $ righ FAMILY HOLIDAY -- Book now for : HOUSEKEEPING ROOM -- Suit two will-wo. extra fires and wheel, Telephone | 1958 FORD Fairlane, 6 cylinder auto-| © reject any or all tenders POSE AND EFFECT OF Over $500 in Prizes Beth 3 t t August 14 bedroom cottages. Spacious Phone 728-9466 ing to share, single beds, Close te north| 725-2 all th Rha Bi anc Osha wel Board pi Rddeatibn BY-LAW NUMBER 97-65 modern, Excellent swimming, Fishing SU BURBAN General Motors, Parking. Telephone 'i9§3 CHEVROLET, automatic, motor and|1955 NASH, good condition, only 8178. or : : Children's playground. Boats inclitied a 728-297 transmission perfect condition, radio. |best offer. Telephone 725-8439. : EA - Write or phone silver Birches Resort, s NICE furnished room for rent. Very cen-| Needs some body work and license plates.|i9g9 ENVOY in fap: Gonlifion,. Rac Wier: : Bassett, The purpose of By-law num- T ted tral, Phone 728-9632 Good working mans car. Apply Clints! mation 725-8019. Chairman. ber 97-65 is to permit a dry- 7 r South Lake, Minden, Ont Pro erties : ere | Texaco Stat! , Cedi d Went ai ; ' FOR RENT -- Rainbow housekeeping p OSHAWA FURNISHED room. Suitable for lady,|caii 728- 879, a RN ar ace MGB, radio, windshield wash- +R, Backia cleaning plant which is non- cottages. Completely furnished. sand S tclean and quiet on Dean avenue. Phone - hy "i ; i beach, Inside drinking water, liner sup For over 30 years, we have | 728-4597, |WRECKING 1958 Oldsmobile standard he le Fe Seuilant conmticn fe fur Business Administrator and er ne ot AT 8 P.M, piled. Reasonable rates, Contact Mrs served the People of this area | - |transmission. Four new tires. Motor po0d. | th : i " er information call 723-5163 after 5 p.m. Secretory-Treasurer. ; E@ith REALTY TWO single housekeeping rooms, with) | 3 ry eine seta areca) erat Mieke. : ae Apply 584 Ha R th after i Bad Condie, 260 McKay, Stree, Perm) with Pride and Dignity. We lrefrigerators and stoves. Apply 200 King| npr." CY TNS ee MN Saar AGRTINT ANS; ROeRUAICAIIT ALA; Te broke, Ontario. Telephone Pembroke 732-| I¢ "! Q } mait : 2099, take Pride and strive to Pro- Street West or telephone 723-5804. ese PONTIAC two-door hard top. Avie Ne" tires, $150. Telephone 728-4175 'after | R tained in ary Commercial dis- ST. GREGORY'S BOBCAYGEON -- Two bedroom <siaas | tect our Integrity and Loyal (BOND ST.) LTD. THREE furnished rooms, all _incilitiess| maic, radio, new brakes, $800. Whitby| 7 p.m. . . trict in the City of Oshawa, Two boats available, conveniences. Avail-| service as second-to-none Rio children. Telephone. 7264187, lors plant, | 549.2814 132 Sacks for Sale A The effect of the By-law will AUDITORIU J a tember Telephone Alex" 10a48. ser Tired of waiting and hoping, | Multiple Listing Service _ Sao rent apay pa | CHEVROLET Bel Air 6 standard, SHERIFF S be that such plants can be M a | FURNISHED room for rent. Apply Radio, good condition. Telephone 668-4565|1963 FORD Econoline Van, 16,000 miles, constructed in any Commer- listing with friends? We need Nassau St. or phone 725-2198 Whitby. Alax : <a 2 Beige | more property for a reason, | ---- | = eben niterawr af cial use district provided that SIMCOE ST. NORTH a RENT two four room cottages with property { |NEW completely furnished, modern bed- |1956 CHVROLET, both body and | 242-2924. SALE Tei ona en B Way conveniences, near park and swimming.| we're out . . . and we're out RENTAL sitfing room, available immediately, in| | bh ES SSRI ASE | " A ' jotor in excellent condition, This car| 1948 GMC half-ton. Need: diator, Best ; 3 edie a fpnbadls ee | for a reason... We SELL it. INFORMATION jgood home, Residential, east end area.|muyst be seen to be appreciated, 'Asking lofler over. $50. Welechahe Bessie : f ; as not to' cause interference etree corre 12 Colltus farce expert ewaluo- {frivate entrance. , Kitchen privileges, s4so, Telephone: Whitby 668-3501. | iss CHEVROLET, hall ton pickup Wet! CY..virtue of A Writ of | with. the normal enjoyment ADMISSION ied Late betes. tr x 150" Good} tion of your property and we. | IMMEDIATE | Sind NGC f reg |CONVERTIBLE 1958 Dodge, custom|coast mirror and' radio, $825. Hampton| FIERI FACIAS issued out and use of other lands in the sand beach, good fishing, hydro runs by | will immediately make 12 faut tr tepeatiy. oe date ane fot auemalc EM, ase, Powe 2 eee. of. the County Court, Commercial district. 50 CENTS lots. Percy Wakeford, RR No. 1, Lit a i Isingle. Ci fo North G | Motor: 6101, PIAS - ' y : : Britain, Ontario. ph ap tnd mek valle J OCCUPANCY eee vem ne NO Ronn, sandare ie AT orale nae oa biles W County of Ontario and di- Bhi pony Baca) a coTrrTaGee 2 5 i a rT =~ nds COTTAGES AND LOTS -- Black River |WHITBY, single furnished bed va body $400. Owner going abroad. Bay ri : ' Summer Homes situated on the Black) The CAVALIER APTS. [RA Nar'e: close to hiorway number 2. | Ridges 839-595. ees CARS WANTED rected to the Sheriff of the City of Oshawa. All Prizes Doubled on River, only % hour drive from Oshawa Call 723-2265 | The VISCOUNT-APTS, | Telephone Whitby 668-8376, |1962 CHEVROLET Bel Air écylinder the County of Ontario DATED AT OSHAWA THIS Admission Ticket Choose one of our modern cottages or! |standars, radio, whitewalls, discs, low - : > Hee pole Tpke gia ig Cet swe The DIPLOMAT APTS. te A En AGN Citak oe tee mileage. "A-1 condition $1,450 or best offer. Buying a New iene ie against the Goods and 3RD DAY OF JULY, 1965. Sell your used car to "Te L. R. BARRAND, ESQ. | Children under 16 Not Admitted ty Uitetame on Higtwrey 12 ond 7 ard 0, 725-9934.-- 728-A2Bs\e [sa CHEVROLET sedan, low mileage,| Tclk "Cash" to the New Chattels of JOSEPH LO- then north 10 miles to Udora, turn west - : LARGE front bedroom, twin beds, sult larey and. white, original owner. Re Car Desk d Save" VAS he Suit of NAGY CITY CLERK ite. Our sales staff will be on hand : two willing fo sharé,.$7 each weekly, TWO! cently installed new whitewall fires. Also or Dealer and "Save , at the Suit o of all times Pienic facilities available TWO-BEDROOM apartments in modern|blocks north of hospital Telephone 728-!/39 Ford, excellent condition, 723-2933 TED CAMPIN MOTORS IMITE 50 CENTRE STREET Telephone Uxbridge, 852-6331 days, - or LIMITED building heat, water, drapes included in| 2758 . : 4 MOTORS LIMITED and OSHAWA, ONTARIO WOODVIEW COMMUNITY : a oF lent. Elevator service Occupancy. July 1 |A TIP for that tript 1962 Chevrolel Im | 723.4494 Res. 725-5574 | ' 952-6836 evenings. Black River Securities ;--------________. letras CLEAN centrally located bedroom and | ala converitble, power brakes, power BARBARA NAGY and | PE CENTRE i Apply Superii dent, 321 Marland Ave.,|viteh, Fully furnished. Business lad foe sien - - - a | . Limited, Uxbridge, Ontario fag as aay Ay velentione VERIO ety |windows, the works. Call "Ken" AlK/O OS auen pants c wanted cars] FRANK NAGY, doing \38--Coming Events for wrecking. Tires and parts for sale. 4 boating, fishing, re hea les dress. 668-4712. po tbelnane dBt tlbs e j Jeph 5-191 BIRCH BEND -- Lakefront | | NEED [GENTLEMAN egedi8with 'arnaied| FURNISHED = : aes pesto B | N G @} i Boeing emong, two and three room for ren' ing tola Mt. 19 ii fs : - Sedroomas July 3 to 10 and for month ot, OLDER TYPE HOME _ |2partment willing to share with another| share or single. Apply 4? Drew Street or |mrsitie oat eons, Paritianne eon, 1175 Nelson Street. Telephone 725-2162 | business under the firm MONDAY mo, 70565) 8565 or RR 1, Lakefield NOW ! Igoertrnent Peta 223 Athol street east, telephone 723-5537. white interior, Call "Ken'? Ajax 942-6300. WANTED: Cate vr wrecking. Telephone name ond style of NAGY. a oie iapisibinicgucisicagicipsemteaiiadl relator, z f er ichols. lly ag A ig [SPECIAL Paral amar ger |28--Room and Board 8.8 "Way cas, / "ince ger yen SHAW AUTO "WRECKING €O.--cinl MOTOR SALES and 8:00 P.M MON., JULY Sth ee re. Coraraeh.. boathouse, For Cash Buyer Call |bathroom, ail private. Stove and. frig, {108 MILL ST. Room and board for gentie-|gine. We really shod this baby with Olds. |bought, parts for sale. Iron and metals She. Call Marvin Nesbitt, Nestleton [plenty of parking space. $80 monthly.|men five day week single and to share. | mobite tires, Ajax 942-6300 meee nent eee | NAGY "MOTOR GALE, i i i 986-4894, T. Murphy Broker. | BILL JOHNSTON hig ORI di le cat onty, pe NE ey ee =p rr AUTO WRECKERS want 1 hg fail i Admission Ticket Gives You ie ae 3 om rt dons BRED RN 2 > : | VACATIONER'S AMI 19 1964 ; Chevrolet ki Hi t pri i} av. i n ; Ny caivetiancen bor cate. ioe oot |SINGLE ROOM fo let well furnished|QUIET, delignified non-profit home for|Impala convertible. Excellent. condition. 2 Wernworth Eatt, rasta. Aso testes ty 6, Sr een, Mpen Free Chance On Door Prize. lake front 2-foot dock. Good fishing good meals, lunches packed. Also onelretired persons. Abstainers only. Sixty/Call "Ken" Ajax 942-600. settee st -- | in execution One 1960 Ga haneih eG, GM. Terms, Toronse| Schofield-Aker Ltd. [foo to share, Available now. 728-9147. dollars per month, Includes room and) -- rererecagsiaes STUDEBAKER h j 2--$250 Jackpot Nos. - Tate 2 | -~|board. -Please write Box 915, Oshawa S3=L ranger, two-door hardtop, | Sheen di 728-1066 ph plig Ee Nig ocloc baht |Excellent Conaition, white and tive, clean TIMES "neeaion' | ST. GERTRUDE'S if Bg oe A BUCKHORN CARS. atwo-thres bed: veniencse. Phone Whitby 668-8560. WHITBY -- Room and board for gentle. | in510®- NEW PAID. RES Offer. PHONG (720: Serial No. 60SC4192, . Sagan: ap Double in 52 room epee for 3 : men, single and double rooms, lunches uF = CSM a OI . OF Less ee ee ae ae coer 1 BACHELOR basement apariment. Com-|Oxckeq, laundry. Seven-dey, week. Tele: 1957 BUICK Stationwagon, 4-door hardtop. Classified Motor Number 1549218. 4 jences, excellent fishing, sandy. beach. STOP DON'T | pletely furnished including _ television: oP. By } 1 Whitby 668-8332. PB counsel L ee Centrally located. Parking, heat and Drone Whitby 46-4957 |Fully equipped. Private sale. Telephone : ' h --$150 Jackpot a I OT er ETP POTE lo it yourse et us help hydro supplied. -immediate possession. |ROOM with or without board for a nice| Bowmanville 623-5045 All of which will be sold $20 a line BANCROFT, jakefront housekeeping cot-| BUY « po is you. BUY or SELL your next One adult only. $50. monthly, 728-8418. lyoung man. Centrally located. Call 723 orn aclilies, cate nalees | "property. SECOND - FLOOR, one-bedroom apart-| 26 [Peo eamor its lied ak T by Public Auction, on | 690 King St. Eost at Forewell Sidhe cig swimming. $55° weekly. Telephone G.| |ment, unfurnished, near East GM plant,|ROOM and BOARD for gentleman day 20 Games at $20 Hood, 668-4444 728-9466 |hear bus, near hospital, easy walk: tojday worker preferred, {tunches packed. |1962 CHEVROLET impala, hardtop, 300 FREE 55S ial Ga MODERN HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES |town.. Call 728-5020 between 8 p.m. and|After 5 telephone 728-0843 |norsepower, four-speed, extras Telephone | ' MONDAY -- pecia mes at $30 | 10 pm s after 6 p.m. 723-4396. As for --Buckhorn Lake, quiet, picturesque area, pia |COLBORNE STREET, EAST, 57-- tgs eat f r i eetnien fabing. Weel for chitdren| OSHAWA IMMEDIATE possession ---- two, three/and board for gentiemen, 'willing t0l19§8 PONTIAC Strato-chief, v8 automatic ue the 5th day of July 1965, ADMISSION Regular gomes pay double in Vacancies June, July, campsite, boats. | REALTY (Bond St.) LTD, and four - bedroom maisonettes from|share, single beds, close to north GM.! four-door, radia, body and. interior in RESULTS : 17 Nos, or Less Wood-Whart Point, RR}, Lakefield. Tele 25 Bond West $95.50, Facing water; private beach,|Central to downtown, Apply above ad-lexcollent condition, $180. Phone Whitby at Two o'clock p.m. at : $100.00 Door Prize Mone Buckhorn 657-0682. jcommunity activities, free parking | sae ANDY NAGY'S BODY ~~ PREE Early Bird Game at 7:45 |r YOU. have bn older house end CUnSEe room, board if desired. Ap Admission. $1.00 Frame hoot ioe ong, | Bhong Mr, N. Richard "sean Bay 226 Evlalie. Avenue or telephone |1958 PONTIAC " Stationwagon Safara, Telephone no . * ee ee se een ete | nee Cae ' * | aulomatic, néwer brakes, power wera SHOP, 344 Durham st., | 20 Reg, Games--Total $300 Extra Buses condition, Private 728-7009, 723-3492 (off Stevenson's .Road | SNOWBALL--$230 in 56 nos. jin 24 hours, Active Realty Lid, room apartment, located on 345 Oshawa optional. Telephone: 725-1032 | : RED BARN People for rural residence. Must have trees, be|THREE-ROOM apariment | Telephone Whitby 668-2368, Iphone 728-1892 ate entrance, newly decorated, drive in 67 Nos, $20 Con Ch i | ildren under 16 not: admitted of Oshowo three-bedroom, executive dwelling in MO"ihly: i e.ephor Sheriff's Office, Whitby, ARE YOU TIRED of tutting grass, |728-5187 now. We'll get you a cash offer FOUR-ROOM apariment; also three- | FURNISHED room for young lady, doardliaie Condition. Private 728-7909 Business Boulevard South. Apply 57 Colborne | oe i i ---|1958 CADILLAC Goupe de Ville. N ) shawa, Dated | Plus $10 each horizontal line It WANT §e purchase one to five ecrea\Siree! East SINGLE room and board for youn Tedy.| some body work. For Informaten. Tele} for all other departments South Bx t | Regular Jackpot '$100 NORTH OSHAWA reasonable and. quiet. Phone West Hill!) i Ra See Beh a ' 723-3474 this 24th day of June | Sing the Praises 82-5272. ' Way, ON Rifther Biaal Cant' Gane ; y FORD stationwagon, é:cvlinder stan-| 1965. } 7 area king couple preferred. $100 custom radio, financing arranaed, | ase rents ot -- WILL EXCHANGE $19,900. twoyearcoia, "70%, working couple preterr Want-Ads Don't Will accept trade. Apply 212 King Sireei| Open Mon, - Fri, 8:00 a.m. SHARE THE WEALTH Ottawa for same or commercial or farm/ FURNISHED self-contained, small, four-| | Good Parking raking leaves, etc. T ~ Times Clossified |property in Oshawa, Whitby, Bowman-|room apartment, upstairs, 445 monthly, Cost - The Pa |1984 PONTIAC, good condition, new tires to 5:00 p.m. MORLEY BAIN Extra Bus Service tome one else do. it. For treo evtimaton ville district, Write Box 710, Oshawaladults or two girls, No children, Tele- [rae iretor lob, $175, Telephone Whitby ' : Call Whitby, 668-5903, Ade Timea, phone 728-3770, Sot, 8:00 @.m, to 12:00°p.m, Sheriff, C.O. No Childtren, Please ' ) '

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