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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Jul 1965, p. 10

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ill 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, July 6, 1968 . Out of town guests attending, the Robinson -- Joyce wedding rray the bride; Mr. Murray Robin- son, Jackie, , Wen Cindy Robinson all of Phoenix, Arizona; Mrs. Irene Brunning, the bridegroom's grandmother, of Prince Albert Saskatchewan; and Mrs. Marie Christof, of Vyskov, Czechoslovakia, who is visiting for several months in Canada. Also attending from out of town were: Mrs. Joyce Mr. Harold Carrigan, Mr. Albert Mclnnes, Mr. Ber- nard Williams, and Mr. Arthur Wirth, all of Ajax, Ontario; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mason, Colling- ddy,|wood, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs, Wolfe Glende, Downsview, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs..J. W. Tierney, East- view, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ring, Shelbourne, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pulkinghorn, South Porcupine, Ont.; Mr, and Mrs. Richard McQueen, Staynor, Ont.; Mrs. Anne Payne, Miss Gail Dodsworth, Miss Violet Newhall, Mr. Paul Massicotte, Christof, and Master Gregorg of Weston, Ont.; and Miss Cyn- thia Joyce, Toronto, and Mr. , and Mrs. George Young, Oak- ville, Ontario. IT'S THE PRINCIPLE BOSTON, Mass. (CP) -- An ordinary parking tickt cost Mrs. Elizabeth Sakaris, 42, of Peabody, Mass., a $25 fine and fees for her lawyer in superior court. Mrs. Sakaris had ap- pealed the ticket 'for the prin- ciple of the thing" but was found guilty after a jury of 11 Arthur Griffin, Miss Vivian Grif-/men and one woman deliber- fin, Mr. and Mrs, Anthonylated for 30 minutes. se TEESE Announcement TO THE PUBLIC Mr. Jack Long, Miss Barbara Marcotte, and Mr. Albert Davis, all of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Chalmers, Miss Linda Wilcox, Miss Haroldine Wilcox, Mrs. Alice Bilcox, Miss Sharon SOCIAL & PERSONAL Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Telephone 723 « 3474 for Women's Department Bilcox, Miss Carol Bilcox, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Williamson, -- York. Mr, and Mrs, Harmer who travelled by air, visited the World's Fair and the United f Nations during their holiday. ei] Guests from out-of-town at- tending the Thomson - Williams wedding on Saturday were: Mr. and Mrs. John Peer and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs, David Thom- son, Mr, and Mrs, Orval Grif- fiths and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. Melville Griffiths, Mr. Court- ney Griffiths and Miss Gay Griffiths, all of Galt; Miss Sandra Lachance, Kitchener; Mr. Alex MacLean, Scotland; Miss Zena Clemens of Pasa- dena, California, is visiting her sister, Mrs. N. E, Wirsching and Mr. Wirsching, Roxbor- ough avenue. Before coming to Oshawa Miss Clemens attended for the past ten years. Mrs. dent of the Serve Our -- inspector at Raglan School ' Auld, centre, was the guest Auld is retiring after a long Club; ; | for eight years, now. with |Miss Mary Kennedy, Mr. Bruce ; nee of honor at an fouise. career in teaching. In the pnp goin, eas bl the Department of Educa- |Kennedy and Mrs. Florence|@ class reunion of nurses at Jer. The Board of Directors of the Oshawa Young Women's Christian tea at Raglan | where group from the left are Mrs. ' » O vite tion in Toronto; Mrs. Elmer |Knnedy, all of Glengarry, Mr./sey City and visited the World '| Mig : oe : the has been the principal © Glenn Smith, incoming presi %f Raglan School; Mrs. Layng, past president of the |and Mrs, John A. Kennedy,|Fair at New York, | Association cordially invites you to be present at the official --+--« Auld; Mr. T. H. Houghton, 808 Club. Ottawa; Mrs. Anna Meader and | Out-of-town guests at the Minacs-de Vere wedding includ- ed Mr. and Mrs, Gerard Bert- rand and family, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pelle and fam- ily, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. 8. Csubak and family of Newbury, New York; Mrs. J. Lovas of Great Neck, Long Island, N.Y.; Mre. Mae Spearman, Canandai- que, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Knopf, Holcomb, N,Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Jean Bouchard, the Misses Lise and Sylvia Bou- chard, Mr. and Mrs, Brian Shepherd, Mrs. Phyllis Pa- quette, Miss Suzanne Paquette, sod-turning ceremony by Col. R. $. McLaughlin for the new Recreation Building on Wednesday, July 14th, 1965 at 3:00 p.m, at Adelaide House, 199 Centre Street, Oshawa. Presentation At Raglan Honors Retiring School Principal (In case of rain, the ceremony will toke place on Monday, July 19th) Retiring after forty years of)Mrts. Géorge Solomon, pastjall of Montreal, Quebec; Mr. teaching, the last ten years at|presidents. and Mrs. Gerald Rushford and|Lt. Michael Lovas, Pensicola, Raglan' School as principal,| Mr.. Harvey Pascoe, secre-|family, Keeseville, N.Y.; Mr.|Florida; Mr. and Mrs, Benja-'Sem swipes 05 MR. AND MRS. LLOYD MacINALLY BE: Mrs, Florence Fallis Auld was honored by former and present pupils at an Open House Tea, at Raglan School. Mrs. Elmer Layng, past pres- ident of The Serve Our School Club, introduced Mr, Wiseman, the inspector, who presented Mrs, Auld with a letter from the Minister of Education. The events that had. taken place in the previous years on Houghton. The incoming president of the SOS Club, Mrs, Glenn Smith, spoke on behalf of past and pres- ent students. Mrs. Auld was asked to accept four pieces of luggage in avocado green which were presented by Mrs. John Bright, Mrs. Stewart Bray, and Mrs. Stewart Bell, Bailie- min Grieg of Scotland. tary of East Whitby School Board, presented an oil paint- ing on behalf of the students which is to be placed in Raglan School to commemorate Mrs. Auld's retirement. A student of forty years ago, Mr. Ernie Powell, Millbrook, told several amusing stories about Mrs. Auld's first years of teaching. "Jolly Good Fellow" was sung and Mrs. Auld responded with "For You are Jolly Good People." Miss Mary Bright and Miss Patricia Bray, former honof| students, were in charge of the guest book. a bere; Mr. and Mrs, Robert More, Cannington. Mrs. Albert Hoare, the former Gladys Beavis, was honored at several showers prior to her recent marriage. The Fellow- ship Group of the Salvation Army held a potluck supper and presented her with a handsome Mildred Carnochan and Mrs. Gerald Strong, Oshawa; Michael Anderson, Whitby, and Loyal True Blue Lodge, No. 55. Mrs. Leonard Hazelwood, Osh- awa, gave a personal shower Fred Stephenson, Hastings, was hostess at a cup nd = Mrs. nd saucer shower. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Harmer, Rossland road west, Mrs. have re- Mrs. Everett Elliott, William street east, was in Toronto yes- terday afternoon-a guest at the Kelly-Kirby kindergarten: piano method demonstation and recital in the concert hall of the Ed- ward Johnson Building, Univer- sity of Toronto. The demonstra- tion and recital was given by the winners of the Kelly-Kirby a teacher-inspector relationship| Mrs. Auld replied to thelgift. Miscellaneous showers|scholarships and Royal Conser- were related by Mr. T. H.|Speakers and thanked all those|were given by Mrs. Leonard|vatory of Music medals. | involved in her teaching career.|Hoare, St. Catharines; Mrs. | Mr, and Mrs. D. Morton Petre, Central Park boulevard north, returned last Friday from a three-week tour of the conti- nent. While in Berlin they went through the "wall" at Check- point Charlie and spent a few hours on a tour of East Berlin. They visited Vienna, Milan and Madrid and other cities and stayed several days in London taking excursions thence BiG DAYS FOR YOU TO DAVE Bubbling Hot Beef Stew Tastes Mighty Good Outdoors , Oshawa Couple Receive to Stratford - upon - Avon, Windsor| Stoke Poges and many centres of interest. turned from a two-week visit to their granddaughter, Mrs. Vic- tor Sands of Long Island, New Silver Wedding Honors A large number of friends and relatives gathered at Al-|Russell Shane, Mrs. Reginald|doors in the backyard, at a|2 tsp, salt bert Street United Church hall)Stephens and Mrs. Violet Knapp|picnic-spot in the park at a) %4 tsp. pepper e to honor Mr. and Mrs. Lioydlall of Oshawa, and Mrs. Wal- roadside camping site, or on a/8 cc, (2 qt.) boiling water S Is losing For Macinally on the occasion of|ter Ridley of Whitby poured tea.|boat, a good hot substantial|8 halved scraped small : their silver wedding anniversary, Mrs. Neil Berry, Mr. Robin)meat stew with suitable vege-| carrots G d S AT JULY 1 0 h last Tuesday. Nicholson and Mr. J. W. Barkerjtables is always welcome. 12 peeled small onions 0° 7 oy t Mrs. Lloyd Macinally is the/played the piano. Prepare it at home the day 3c. coarse-diced celery daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Er-| Aj arrangements for the cele-|before; refrigerate overnight,|6 coarse-diced peeled Betty Haydl Save now while these unbelievable prices on women's fashion nest Mepham of Oshawa, and he Lloyd Maclinally is the son 'the late Mr. and Mrs. Or-lGudgeon), Mrs. Ernest Mep-lers of newspaper to keep the/salt pork in cubelets. Put salt ville Macinally of Oshawa. {ham and Mrs. Edward Hawley.|stew cold. AS as tenn adh Ae FURNITURE HIS is 1 Mr. and Mrs. MacInally were/yrs, William Huxtable was re- pore er eer DRAPERIES a : ADDITIONAL PAPERS Fry until: fat runs freely. BROADLOOM married at Albert Street Unit- ed Church, by the Rev. T. H. R. Anderson. A turkey dinner was served to guests from Colborne, Cress- well, Oshawa and Toronto. Mr. Neil Berry said grace rs, turn the stew into the and Mr. Robin Nicholson acted| couple. bectle, place it on the grill and|cover. Simmer 2 hrs, At the NOW REGU LARLY 9.99 as master of ceremonies. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Macinal-|nea¢ yntil bubbling. end of 1 hr., add carrots, A "Come and Go" tea was arranged gor the evening. Mrs. bration. ly have three grandchildren. bration were planned by their daughter Carol Ann (Mrs. Grant sponsible for the floral decora- tions, while Mr. Huxtable took many photographs of the cele- Many beautiful gifts, flowers and money were received by the Whether you are eating out-| then pack in glass canning jars, and wrap in several lay- Set the jars in the stew ket- tle. Cover them with more newspapers. When you arrive at the camp- site, start the fire. Unwrap the However, if you will not have % \this time to retain the heat. YOUNG LOVE There's a youthful, imp- hues in the stripes. The ' nas {sh look about this outfit, sleeveless overblouse ts and see! * waarpina which has great appeal for girls in their teens. The two-piece costume consists of & vertically - striped top and a solid - colored skirt which picks up one of the comfortably full and tailor- ed with a little mandarin stand-up collar. With it, is an <A line wrap-around skirt. --By Tracy Adrian '\the canning jars,,and wrap in 4 2 or 3 hrs. 4 \woodsmen;: facilities to heat the stew at the eating site, before leaving home, pour it, boiling hot, into) several layers of newspapers, Pack into a stout newspaper- '\lined carton, and last, wrap up the carton with more news- papers. It's surprising how warm the stew will keep up to Any kind of stew is suitable. Take your choice: Irish stew, Hungarian Goulash, French Ragout -- or the following sub- stantial specialty of Maine Measurements level; recipes for 6 BEEF STEW STATE OF MAIN (An unusual stew the way) campers and sailing enthusiasts like it.) 2-lb. lean stewing beef 2 oz. salt pork, sliced 1 tbsp. dark brown sugar medium potatoes Dice beef in 1" pieces; dice Mix together: brown sugar, salt and pepper and rub all over the diced beef. Add beef to salt pork and fat and slowly cara- melize and brown it -- do not burn. Add boiling water and onions, celery and 1 extra c. boiling water, if necessary. Add potatoes the last 30 min. The dark brown sugar added to the beef when making Beef Stew State of Maine does not) _ INTERIOR DECORATOR 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 make it taste sweet, b e| the sugar caramelizes, creating) a richer flavor, | QUEEN IS PHILOSOPHER BUENOS AIRES (CP)--Bru-! nette Mabel Caffarone, 22, will] represent Argentina at the world beauty competition at) Miami, Fla. She is a qualified | school teacher and is currently studying for a degree in philos- ophy, as well as looking after| the modelling chores required of) her as Miss Argentina, | WOMAN IS AMBASSADOR LONDON (CP) -- Morocco's new ambassador to Britain, Princess Lalla isha, is believed to be ttfe first woman to repre- sent a Moslem country in this capacity. © Rental Information ® IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY | The Cavalier Apts. The Viscount Apts. The Diplomat Apts. | 725-9934 -or- 728-4283 | HAMPTON 7 miles East of the Open Daily CLEANING In Your Home .. . or Our Plant PHONE 725-9961 SHAY, 94 BRUCE STREET Li "RUG & UPHOLSTE RY - DIVISION OF CLEANING CONTRACTORS EANERS OSHAWA * Special Price Foods 4 Scugog Roads, 4 miles north of Bowmanville. offering the district's finest FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES Phone 263-2193 GARDENS 5 points corner Taunton and || 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. s On Freezer @ In Quantities "BUY THE BEST AT _ BUDGET PRICES" | l "Free Pick-Up and Delivery" -- "JUST ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL" "Over 80 Years Experience" BAKER ( "SAY, THEY LOOK GREAT !" Our "Baker-Cleaned" rugs.! mean. They have my folks just "a-beaming" with pleasure. Me too! You'll know why when you phone Ross Mills and have them pick up your rugs for the best cleaning of them all... "Baker Cleaning" Your living room will sparkle like new with "'Baker-Cleaned" rugs. Try Baker For "BAKER SERVICE" -- call your local agent ROSS E. MILLS Co. Lid. - ARPE | Cleaning Co. 80 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 728-6218 FIXTURES FOR SALE @ CASH REGISTER @ Chandeliers @ SHOE RACKS e@ SHOE SHELVING on Ladies' SHOES footwear last ! Actually far below cost. Fall colors included, All Women's HEELS, HIGH, MID, and STACK -- SATINS INCLUDED All Teen's FLATTIES Regular 5.99 - 6.99. MONIQUE FASHION .SHOES a, Oshawa

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