18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, July 6, 1955 - Serpe ROUND THE GLOBE IN A GLANCE Doug Bader Offers Solace To Fellow Double Amputee VANCOUVER (CP)--A man who achieved fame without his legs gave some encouragement Monday to a young man who 'has just lost his legs. Douglas Bader, famed Eng- lish air ace who downed more than 22 German planes in the Second World War, went to a -- hospital here to talk to Brian ~ McDonald, 22, of Vancouver. "McDonald still is recovering | from the shock of losing both his legs, at his thighs, in the whirling blades of a helicopter fn northern British Columbia last June 8. "The shocking thing is that many people give up trying af- ter some small mishap," said Bader, who lost his legs in an air crash in 131. "J wouldn't say my feats were anything out of the ordin- ary. Compared to the handi- caps some people I have met have .overcome, mine was only a slight inconvenience." Bader, here on a trip, said he had heard about McDonald's mishap and decided to visit m. "The boy has guts," said Ba- der, who told reporters he doesn't consider himself handi- capped. He then left to shoot a round of golf. RACCOONS ATTACK GRAVENHURST, Ont. (CP) Raccoons, believed to be in- fected with rabies, attacked two persons in the Muskoka area during the weekend. One coon) was. shot; the other is still at large. The victims are receiv-| ing anti-rabies treatment. PHILLIPS IN HOSPITAL | TORONTO (CP) -- Nathan} Phillips, 72, former mayor of| Toronto, is under observation in| charge of the company. Glen D.| hospital for a heart condition. But Mr. Phillips, who was mayor of the city for a record) eight years, says "I never felt) bettér in my life." | | SLIDE DOWN ANTENNA | BLENHEIM, Ont. (CP) -- A mother and two of her children) slid down a television antenna to safety Monday 'as fire de- stroyed their two-storey home in this town near Chatham. Mrs. Helen McNear aroused her son, Bob, 15, and daughter, Thelma, 13, who were sleeping upstairs when she discovered the fire between 3 and 4 a.m. With the stairway engulfed in flames, the three escaped down the an- tenna. DOUGLAS BADER HEADS BOARD OTTAWA (CP)--Mr. Justice Gerald Fauteux of the Supreme Court of Canada Monday night was elected chairman of the board of directors of the new University of Ottawa. Mr, Jus- |tice Fauteux, 65, becomes the \first chairman under the uni- \versity's new structure ap- | proved last month by the On- jtario legislature. | | SELL INSURANCE FIRM | REGINA (CP)--The sale of the government-owned insur- ance company, Saskatchewan Guarantee and Fidelity Co. Ltd., for $1,200,000 was an- nounced Monday by Welfare Minister Dave Boldt, minister in Turner of Saskatoon and asso-| ciates purchased the company. | Incorporated as a private com-) pany in 108, the firm was taken over by the CCF government in 148. WINS TECHNICAL AWARD SHEARWATER, N.S. (CP)--| Petty Officer Bud Chura, an} aircraft technician at the naval) air station here, was presented with a cheque by the depart- ment of national defence for his suggestion for improving stow-) age of part of the folding wings of RCN aircraft. The cheque! was handed over at a special] ceremony at HMCS Shearwater. | VOTE AGAINST RAISE | BRANTFORD (CP) -- City! council members voted 6 to 5) Monday night against increas-| ing their annual pay to $1,500) from $900. Mayor Richard Beck- ett cast the deciding vote. | INJURED IN FIRE | NORTH BAY (CP)--One man, was injured but 25 others es- caped safely Monday night when fire destroyed a 43-unit apartment block here. Gordon Andrews, about 56, was in saf- isfactory condition in hospital with undetermined injuries suf-| fered when he jumped from a second-storey window. Magistrate Sponsors "New Start' WINNIPEG (CP) -- Mazis- trate Isaac Rice set a prece- dent for Manitoba courts Mon- day when he announced he will sponsor a convicted criminal on a new start of life. He said he was moved by the genuine and sincere words of Robert MacDonald, 26, who pleaded guilty to a charge of at- tempted breaking and entering! last week and was remanded to Monday for sentencing. MacDonald told the court: 'I steal because I have no home no job and nobody to turn to. | know how to live in jail but | don't know how to live in the world." The charge was laid when he tried to break into a service) station two days after being re- leased from Stony Mountain Penitentiary. Court was told he had spent about 12 years of his life in jails. | Magistrate Rice remanded) Macdonald for 'six months, re-| leasing him on his own recogni-| zance of $1,000. The magistrate said he and John Kean, provincial proba- tion officer, found a home for MacDonald away from the pla- ces he previously frequented. A businessman offered MacDon- ald a job and he was to start 'work today. | OSHAWA DRIVE-IN THEATRE I WORK HERE, AND YOU, SIR? ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) -- Busily at work cutting open the night depository vault at a bank Monday, a holi- day burglar was confronted suddenly by Assistant Cash- ier E, Herndon Adams, who has a habit of checking the bank on his off-days. "'What,"' asked the start- led burglar, "'are you doing here?" "I work here," replied an equally startled Adams. The burglar fled, leaving CHURCHES GET TOGETHER LONDON, Ont. (CP)-- Churches in London, Ont., have founded a London Ecumenical Commission, at which the Ro- man Catholic, Anglican, Pres- byterian, Baptist, United Church, Lutheran and Greek Orthodox. denominations are represented. The 25 ministers} behind his acetylene torch vl the commission think other} and other tools--and an un- iscussion groups and Windsor aad Chathim will follow suit. \Penee Menk veult. BUILD OWN CART WINN-~EG (CP)--A replica of the Red River cart, complete down to the squeak in the wheels, has been sold for $350 to the Red River Exhibition by the Winnipeg Workshop for the Handicapped. It took four months to make, using no glue, nails or metal, and with only a hatchet and an axe as tools. When a Red River cart was used in the city's 1949 anniver- sary parade, it had to be bor- rowed from a_ Saskatchewan museum. | | and THE MIDNIGHTS Wed. Night 9:00 P.M. GREENHURST | PAVILION Thurstonia Park | 1 | MEL KRUGER REPRESENTATIVE SUN LIFE Assurance Company | of Canada a» ET OCC ee Le eealy nauepear 3 EXCITING NEW IDEA! FREE-STANDING, PORTABLE ALUMINUM PRIVACY PANELS Co- Starring Trevor Howard TECHNICOLOR,g FOR ADDED PLEASURE youve met the rat, pack" 5 nts TOW meab 4 > HONS pee ' OW) Fraguction el ADVANCE THE REAR GERARD ELA SER ME CES BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8:00 FIRST SHOW AT DUSK Due to construction on Thorn- ton Rd. use Stevenson Rd. and Service Rd. She gave men a taste of life that made Q AOMISTANCE cene ELIZABETH TAYLOR - "ems BIMANTINRANSOHOFF'S ° PRODUCTION Lg MGM an FILMWAYS reeset BURTON EVA MARIE SAINT a nount Bowe Regt ! FEATURE AT:--1:30 - 3:35 - 5:30-7:35 - 9:40 | © STARTS WEDNESDAY e Durable And Attractive Long-lasting, baked-on enamel finish comes in your choice of 21 sparkling colours. j Two Styles A. Straight rectangular panel. 16 es @ 18.95 Approx. 3 ft. wide by 5 ft. 6 in. high. PHONE 725-7373 TN ee See B. Rectangular panel with curved top. Approx. 3 ft. by 5 ft. 10 in. high, Each ana ee ey eeee ] HOME: BUSINESS: By 'Shully' Dunsford, Ont. 723-7900 725-4563 é ? | || Use Two Ways 1. As wind screens for your barbecue. 2. As privacy panels for screening off sun-bathing areas in your K back yard or at the summer cottage. RIDCES ® Lightweight, Easy To Set Up Jo Each panel weighs only 7 Ibs. To set up--just drive the two metal stakes (included with every panel) into the ground and slip the panel over them . . . simple as that! They can be moved, ' dismantled and stored away just as easily. Hwy. Ne. 2 os EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 453 Block East of Liverpool Rood SHOW STARTS AT DUSK e Ph. 668-2692 e ' BOB HOPE and TUESDAY WELD i ' , bh : FRANKIE AVALON and DIANA MERRILL 1/, OFF! Bathi --. sys " H "I'LL TAKE SWEDEN 3 =] Bathing Suits be 2 ; Exclusive With EATON'S ° Second Comedy Hit | : se fe Reg. 16.98 and 19.98 ! 18 ENSIGN PULVER PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY ia? ROBERT eoagye pope IVES To brighten your Summer days, these lively and lovely bathing | > Gcuisiuccmss cc Gaae Wikia an suits set the pace. Come in stylish patterns and smooth solid : colours. Predominant shades of red, blue, green, yellow and 0 OOOO OOS 0000000000000 0000' black. Sizes 32 to 38. in the group. aN (La ee SPECIAL, o2 d 32 ee af ¥ ia Rahs OGCN ae an . A cel THE BEAUTY JUNGLE" (Adult) 'Sronicht __& "DOCTOR IN DISTRESS" -- "Coton" EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 246 -- SPORTSWEAR Imported T-Shirts: PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY Chic sleeveless T-shirts to complement your favourite slacks and shorts. Lightweight, ribbed cotton knit in a wide range of Summer shades. Sizes small, medium or large in the group. Shop early for best selection! SPECIAL, . mor 99 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 246 -- SPORTSWEAR VY PRICE! Reg. 3.98! DAZZLING RIVIERA! omg] FABULOUS PARTIES ! YACHTS ! CLOTHES! RACING CARS! "LOVE IS A BALL" in COLOR with RICARDO MONTABAN TELLY SAVALAS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT -- 1ST RUN! -- THE FUN STARTS WHEN THEY TAKE | THEIR CLOAKS AND DAGGERS OFF! "Masquerade" in COLOR with LLL CLIFF ROBERTSON JACK HAWKINS MARISA MELL PPAAAA>APAP | {DooRS aa ? 36:30" L K9 SUNDAY} :30 P.M. : ; PHONE 725-5833 1:30 P.M. 4) THE TRAIN WILL CARRY YOU TO THE PEAK OF ADVENTURE! WULES BRICKEN presents in JOHN FRANKENHEIMER'S | PAUL SCOFIELD saasgs.un guns roy |\CGe® row Playing | SHOW TIMES--2:07 - 4:25 - 6:45 - 9:15 Paereenecen 2-Gal. Gasoline Can Sturdy metal construction with red finish. Features a flexible spout for easy manipulation. Approx. 2 gal. capacity. 1 5 EACH acne . Garden Accessories Bamboo Rakes Lightweight . . . yet sturdy rakes for general garden and lawn use, ot ae 2.49 Hose Reel Cart Sturdy metal construction. Easy to operate on metal wheels for easy moving. Woll hold approx. 100-ft. of rubber or approx. 200-ft. of plastic hose. 4.69 . Each PHONE 725-7373 Approx. 18" wide, COON ce eas ea 6 pe r08 6 6 0 berets ee EATON'S OUTDOOR SHOP, DEPT. 253 FERTILIZERS, PLANT FOODS FERTILIZERS RX-30 (30-10-10) feeds plants and shrubs"through the roots and leaves. RX-20 (20-24-14) rose food -- for most types of roses. RX-15 (15-30-15) an all purpose fertilizer for most flowers, shrubs and vegetables. All three fertilizers are water soluble. Approx. 1/2 Ib. 2? 44 2 Pero eee ae ete Ue ile Heres wae vege ta .. BOB set... SM "SHUR-GAIN" BLOOD & BONE MEAL For general enrichment of soil in gardens, flower beds and potted plants. ADDrOn. 4D. BOK iis a Cccw ewe as ce eoeeees RX-15 'MIRACLE MIXER' A handy applicator for use with the above fertilizers. 2 98 Been als eee Viney PRUNE Es eb he eee at EATON'S OUTDOOR SHOP, DEPT. 280 PHONE 725-7373 ing aids available only at EATON'S. "Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded", EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, HEARING AID & OPTICAL CENTRE EATON'S HEARING AID CENTRE VIKING HEARING AIDS with A.V.C. A.V.C. means Automatic Volume Control or Automatic Gain Control. Loud speaking, shouting, street noises and other noises are automatically reduced, yet you can hear softer sounds without difficulty. It also enables you to distinguish speech and music from surrounding noises which results ih clear understanding and pleasant listening. Phone and make an appointment to see the complete line of "VIKING" hear- All purchases covered by EATON'S Guarantee PHONE 725-7373 EATON'S RECORD-BREAKING DAY SALE... A SMASHING ONE-DAY OFFERING OF SPECIAL VALUES THROUGHOUT THE STORE! DON'T MISS IT!" THURS., JULY 8th. 9:30a.m. TO 9 p.m. Open 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. -- Thursday and Friday to » p.m.