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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jul 1965, p. 16

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ONE 16 THE COHAWA TIMES, Theredey, July 8, 1965 Ren BX Eee STENT POE ES "Times Action Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to F ---- BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Barristers Gardening and Supplies Money To Loan 725-9953. Seton URROW. fone Soy tg ome i Serm iP tinge CA; G. Ed ere ce. ing service. Bond |, Res, 773-7605, awe; [anal - mond Burrows, Complete Street West, |GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solici- tors, etc., 114 Kil Street a Dial 723-2278, ag, mid gr on ie Te or reer, 3 Terence yn, BA, LLB, JOSEPH P. MANGAN, GC, Solicitor. Money to' loan. Office, 144 King Street East, Oshawa, 728-8232. Building Trades "BUG KILLERS' Pomogreen Rose Dust Kolofruit Tree ant. Licensed Trustee, 17 Sond "Sireet East, Telephone 723-4833. Chai ee fg 4, Oshewa, b= Bg Telephone, Toe BEAI ae €O., Char- oe Financial Trade Build- $ T, Hop CA, 4 A y §. ap 7H, CA; E. Lukow, ae PRTaDLANDUR AND re ¢ Accountants, Licensed Tru' In_Bankruptcy. 52% Simcoe street North, Oshawa, 728-7371 HALL, PE AND Chartered Accountants, 'Wa King Street Bast, Osh- awe, 3; Davi Perkin, CA, Ki Street, Newcastle, 987-4240; Wiillam Hall, B.Comm, Barristers ing, 167 to HOME IMPROVEMENTS reliable Whitby builder Alterations, additions, all trades, carpentry, brick, repairs, roofing, plastering, wiring, etc. Telephone 668-3283 MeGIBBON AND BASTEDO, Barristers, Solicitors. Mortgages arranged. National Trust Building, 32 Simcoe Pe Sad South, 728-7336; 'Charlies C. Gibbon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC; Grant H. Arm- 1188; Residences: 725- Hesint 728-4326) 7255133. NHA and other rst mortgage funds avaliable. saa MACDONALD, a, Fg Bar- rister and Solicitor and Public, The Commercie! Buliding, Mek ing Wi PUB ang Ontario. Clinent Parking avall- ale. 725-4716 or 725-4717. EREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Bank of Commerce Buliding, 5 aineee si North, Oshawa, 723-3446; q E} r 1 OF Dryneri, QC; 728-8584) G. L. ac, 723-4768; J. C. Victor, Mortgages arranged. Murdoch, 985-7115, Classified Rates WORD ADS Insert! Mtign of 24 words, $1.08 ¢ each; 3 EAVESTROUGHING ? or CHIMNEY FLASHING ? Men, materials now available, Workmanship -- NG'S EAVESTROUGHING 728-9942 WELDING Acetylene @ Arc @ Heleare olso @ Torch Cutting 28 DEAN AVE. 723-6601 QUALITY CARPENTRY and GENERAL REPAIRS Roofing, Painting, Siding, Floor and Ceiling Tiles. Rec. Rooms, General home remod- el-ing. All work guoranteed. H. McKOY 725-8576 ¢on- "gpetsgg ry words $2.88 $2.88 additional wor ¢ eac secutive insertons ie 24 words $4.32, Sdaitlonel words 18¢ each. a mg per cent additional aid within 8 sob ~ than ba Less words words; each word, intel figure, @ 7 counts as one word; phone number counts two words, THE R. H. CABINET CO. 182 THISKSON RD. N 728-0232 Kitchen cabinets, Vanities. Custom built cabinets. BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- SOCIAL NOTICES .00 insertion with 23 gente ite ad- in cna shares if not. paid with-in ind S¢ ine of fret OF THANKS an fot Se tet 28 core os is po lB, Wh 26. edamonal charge if not coe within 7 days. i i 1.50 for the Fie or nc Sano) 1.30 te re ord Ads, A TON SALES $2.10 per inch per insertion DEADLINES FOUND em. oe et publication gue AND DEATHS 9 a.m, day ef publication CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1 column -- 4 p.m. day previous 2 column or larger -- 10 a.m. day previous CANCELLATIONS AND SoRnecr 1ONS 9 a.m, day of publication BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- = os While every endeavor will be made ROOFING, concrete floors, fiat roofing, Hd specialty. New work and HOME IMPROVEMENTS, roofing, eavestroughing, cai sidewalks, re-modelling, rec-rooms. oe eg c 728-471 Haignine CARPENTER. Custom kit-/ chen cabinets, rec, 724-733 prc idole nee rooting repairs and Sidewalk and concrete 668-2774, Gord May. | | | nd I) jobs. L. and +, Rooting Large and sma a ing 725-6937. and Construction, RR 3, HAVE YOUR HOME beautified with an rongee cae ieee All work guaranteed. Cedarbrae Construction, down r Ontario Street, 723-1891. ASP! Hdd work fully guaranteed. Terms oa FOR ROOFING, chimneys, sidewalks, all cement work, F bite Reasonable Ltd. ALT your driveway. Arnold Paving (Ontarto) of rank McCann, 3, Oshawa Brooklin 655-3061. and try work, painting and general PB a All work guaran. teed. P. Nellis, 336 Bruce Street, 728-2061 ALL. KINDS of carpentry, kitchen cup- boards, rec Aay, 1086 Somerville Street, 728-9300. pint LIE ete ahd nd iD ttt NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco, fooms, remodelling, Cor Gardenall Malathion BOT. S Ornamental Tree Dust Multispra Ant = 'Grub Diazinon Spray King Bug Killer D.D.T. and Dithane Lawn Weed Killers Poison Ivy and Brush Kill Atlacide Milorganite Golfgreen 12-6-6 Evergreen 6-9-6 So Green 7-7-7 COOPER- SMITH CO. 16 CELINA ST 723-1139 NO, 1 TOP SOIL Hardsand Landscaping 55 Glover Road 725-1721 Evergreen Sale Nursery must be cleared. LOWEST PRICES EVER! FOR LUSH GREEN LAWNS we, LAID AND DELIVERED +. ALSO CEDAR HEDGES PATIOS LAID AND DELIVERED CALL "MAPLE LEAF' LANDSCAPING AND GARDEN SERVICE 725-0611 Free A. Woods, 728-3420 or vanities, bar cabinets,| "tans Phone 723-4145, No answer, Imneys, new and repaired, repairs. Whitby | EXPERT PAVING dic. "sa acinaas| grading and fill, vee guarantee, Ter- rano Paving, 723-584) | YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Chim-| neys built and repaired; gas linings installed; roofs: repaired: Free estimates. 723-2997. to Sowand rele igBrony Tog bers to the ssible a pol we eccept no Wiabitity. i in respect of Cartage 4 JOHN'S MOVING, Storage and . Cartage.| Reasonable rates, fully Insured. 728-3661, Ajax, 942-2020 Dentistry ar by 9 | or otherwise, The Times will not be re- ible for replies lied for in 20 days REGULATIONS BIALEK, DR. C. B., Dental Surgeon,| 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. For appointment, 726-5842 or Res. 728-844) Drapery Service The Oshewa Times will not be re- for errors, odvertise- led otherwise than in writing not for more than one inser- tion of ony advertisement, nor be- yond the gg chorge for a single insertion of advertisement in which error mare The Oshawe Times reserves the right to classify advertising according to ite proper classification. In the case of di advertisemente Drapery Track Installation Free estimates & Consultation 10 Years' Experience Head installer for one of Tor- onto's largest drapery houses. ERIC FLOWERS 1010 Dundes St. E., Whitby. After5 p.m. phone 668-3734 isplay The Times will not be heid respon- sible for more space than in which the actual error occupies, fhe pub- lishers endeavor to reproduce all édvertising matter correctly, but as- sume no liability of advertisement if any inmeceurgcies in any form are contained therein. Any advertisement cancelled before publication will be charged one doy's Insertion. IT'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WAN® AD Call Classified Direct 723-3492 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS i--Women's Column | Dressmaking DRESSMAKING -- All Kinds of ladies'| wear. High quality work. Call Agnes Dresmaking, 668-6463 SMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses, alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a specialty. Mrs. Torns, Whitby, 668-2372. DRESSMAKING and alterations. Reason- able rates. Telephone Whitby, 668-5244. | |Gardening and Supplies aa ' Sand, gravel pit-run, sand fill excavating, grading. j--Articies for Rent ities 1S----Employment Wanted jutormobi! utomobile Repair and Found Hoatetions $B--Coming Events bP Notlcee a Leon leaves, etc. Take it easy DUTCH SAND & GRAVEL Call 728-2871 Grading & Power Rolling SHRUBS--TREES & HEDGES } For . . . Evergreens, Shode Call) ~ Wuldn't you like to have e galvanized steel FENCE instolied by A-ONE FENCE CO. For free estimates cal! 723-5377 JOHN' S LANDSCAPING SOD LAID . AND DELIVERED BROOKLIN 655-3866 CITY WIDE SHARPENING REEL TYPE LAWN MOWERS Sherpening and Repairs shears, scissors, knives, also lawn cutting. Quick service. Pick-up and delivery. SHARPENING BY MACHINES 248 Quebec St.--725-0500 1 WILL LOAN up to $5,000 at a rea- sonable rate interest to consolidate your bills Seat any tre, stony Purpose pi ing you are ly em ployed and have good credit, Telephone 723-4631. PAYMENTS HM? if you have good credit, 1'll tend you up to $5,000 to cut payments In half or less for consoll- dation of any worthwhile purposes, Tele- phone Toronto 481-5289, Mortgages MORTGAGE LOANS Money for first mortgoges Open Mortgages Interest ot 7% No Bonus 3 No charge for valuations Mortgages and Agreements purchased SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK or? , THE SHE DOWN 9,000 FEET But TNE LEAD DID 4ML BOTTOM. THE DEPTH OF THE SEA Af THE PoE. % SILL UNDETERMINED. ta) BUlLf BY ADMIRAL PEARY 1% 1909, OM OF THE NORTH POLE. OM Hi$ RETURN JOURNEY FIVE MILES FROM THE POLE, THE EXPLORER ATIEMPLED A SOUNDING AMROUGH A CRACK INTHE ICE. 115 APPARATUS WEXT 2 ing Fonrene yada fam, 18, Well igh permet 8--aArticles for Sale Want Ads Take No Vacation - They Work All The Time" iday. Saturday 8 to 12 14--Business Opportunities By R. J. SCOTT BUY & SELL Fishing tackle, guns, tables chairs, . chesterfields, carr- lages, beds, dressers, bicycles, TV's and appliances. New and Used, VALLEY CREEK 16 BOND WEST 728-4401 Janssen's Power BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture | appilances. One location only. Pretty, eorniine, 444 Simoce South. 723-3271, TEN Maar Bon taalio te aiken, om In floor, Pri -five dollars. Tele- phone Port Perry, 985-7165, BLOND, oak dini small size, $75. Ti room suite, épieces, 1-710. Equipment Centre Toro, Moto-Mower Massey- Ferguson Riding Tractors. Service on all power equip- ment, Licensed mechanic on duty. 843 King West 728-9429 4 'WHAT PROVIDES THE SAME AMOUNT anp QuAuty OF PROTEIN AS AN AVERAGH Seeing OF MEAT 2 NOt SfRIKE : TWO LARGE EGGS. " Money for second mortgages Fast service M. F. SWARTZ 262 King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 ITV--Radio Repairs 7--Swap and Barter HOUSE CLEANING TIME T.V. CLEANING TIME by TRA, 0. SUMMERLAND SECURITIES 112 Simcoe St, North Oshawa, Ontario - 725-3568 Mortgage Money Available Low Interest | | | | Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association FIRST AND SECOND mortgages. Sale agreements purchased and sold. Hennick and Hennick, East, 723-7232, Barristers, 21 King Street PRIVATE and corporate monies for ali mortgages, Mortgages and agreements of sale purchased. Creighton, Drynan, Murdoch and Victor, (See "Barristers'"'.) Optometrist R. RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simcos Street North, Suite 4 Oshawa. Telephone. 723-419) Painting and Decorating PAINTING AND DECORATING INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Broadloom, Custom Draperies FREE ESTIMATES DODD & SOUTER 668-5862 HAVE YOUR PAINTING done now! interior and exterior All work guaran- teed. Call anytime 'or free estimates, ere Simpson Painting and Decorating, 18-9876. TELEVISION 728-5143 GATH TUBS, $10 and up; basins, $2.00; sinks, $4; cabinets; pressure system; repairs; houseboat; cruiser; trailers; motors, cars. H. Chinn, Hiliside and Park Road South, 723-7088. 8--Articles For Sale BICYCLES TV SERVICE DAY_OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS Closed Saturdays during July FAST T.V. SERVICE Service Call only $2.50 DOMINION TELEVISION 728-5154 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. All work guaranteed Standard features include, chain guard, Perry Coaster brakes and silver brazed frames and forks, From $34.95 Up LAWN MOWERS Light, dependable and power- ful, Adjustable cutting height from 1" to 3". Chrome plated handle. From $39.95 Up TENTS Heavy waterproofed drill, CITY TV TOWERS, antennas, pairs. All work guaranteed. Avenue, Telephone 725-0500. also si r e| Dean} sewn-in floor, rear window with storm flap, duteh door with awning Well Drilling--Digging WELL DIGGING by machine specializing! Ww. 204 Chestnut) Street West, Whitby. 668-2563 or 668-3809./ In 30-Inch file Ward, From $39.95 Up | | DOMINION 1--Women's Column Fine Arts--Northumbria JULY SPECIAL -- Sterling, China, Crystal, Stainless Steel Mrs. Jean Whitney, 67 Hill Crescent, Scarboro or collect, AM, 1-8514, call TIRE STORE 48 Bond St. West Telephrone 725-6511 | | @ Gravel @ Sand @ Stone @ %" Much @ Building Materials 9--Market Basket JANSSEN'S COMMERCIAL King St. W. -- Store With 5 room apt. above Vitrolite front store approx. 16 x 64', hot water oil heat- er, lovely apt. overhead, high dry basement, asking $32,- 000, with terms. Call be Jack Appleby -- 728-5123 or 723-3398. Bolahood Bros. "Ltd. COUNTRY DRIVE-IN 15--Employment Wanted FRUIT MARKET Open Daily RELIABLE experienced girl tga: Moe tke PR store or baby sitting. 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. 843 King West 728-9429 TEXACO FUEL & STOVE OIL Free 24-hr, Burner Service Whitby's Only Local Texaco Dealer Call 668-3524 SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED 244 Brock St, South WEDDING DRESS full length, white, dry Cleaned. Also hoop, size 11-12, $20. Tele phone 723-1405, VACUUM repairs, all makes, hoses, brushes, etc, Pick-up, aelivery, 942-0213. Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, Pickering WE BUY used stoves, refrigerators, Washers and any good furniture you have. Ken's Appiance and. Sports, 153 725-6611. Simcoe South, HONDA MOTOR BIKES --. New and used, $299. No down payment. Open evenings until 9 p.m, Honda Shop, 199 King West. Dial 728-4242 NEW -- USED -- vacuums polishers. Re- pairs to ail makes, New hoses. Phone Jack Lees 728-6956, PIANO -- 53-inch upright, reconditioned, satin ebony finish, $285 Telephone 725- 7001 after 6 p.m. WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni- ture or anything you have. The City Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street South, 723-1671. WHY RENT? New Elina sewing ma. chine, interest free, trom $6. monthly by your Elina dealer, Oshawa Sewing Centre, 329 Simcoe South, 728-2391. theme ane = ber § " Town- oo King A MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes fight sework, absteiner. Write Mrs. Rey, 445 Ontario Street, Toronto WORK WANTED -- Painting Interior and exterior, Papering cellings, Reason- able rates. Free estimates. No job too smail, Telephone Whitby, 668-5317. Call evenings, Brooklin, a 7 PEA. POTATOR: -- Té-lb, bag. | WAN 655-4983, oe MAN will do odd jobs, painting, etc. Tele 725-0878. STRAWBERRIES, hen picked. Everett Faber, Anderson Street, RR 2, Whitby, one mile north of Highway No. 2. FRESH STRAW Mcintosh apple: 1 50 up. Aigoma Orchards. North, Whitby. 10--Farmer's Column DEAD and crippled farm stock up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Telephone Collec' Hampton, Licence 389-C-65. " nachna NOT Me Ce EC PRY 1960 MASSEY FERGUSON, 35 diesel farm tractor, like new, Used only 600 hours. Priced for quick sale. Private own er, May be inspected at Sid. Lancaster's F ihplements, Newtonville, 786-2424, or 786-2933. 11--Pets and Livestock - COZY J Ranch Kennels, horses, German Shepherds, registered, trained, gh stock, Pups, stud service, boarding. A burn 655-4662, evenings. PONIES -- manageable and broken. Suitable for older children. Good healthy older horse colts. Telephone Hampton 263-2790 or 263-2733. GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, pure bred, for sale. Apply 304 Mitchell Ave- nue. per busi and Thickson's Road = 2721. RANGE "Chetmaster" 22" heavy electric four-burner. Wringer "Simplicity", both in good $70 or best offers. 728-0075. duty washer, condition, SIAMESE CATS, spayed, maie end Ag mae $25, each, After 5, telephone 725- 9748, ppies, 9 weeks old TV TOWERS SPECIAL --40 foot tower structure all-channe: antenna installed, $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, 361 Gibbons Street, 728-8180, GUNS ~- Bought, sold, traded, repaired at Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West, 28-9731. USED APPLIANCES, three refrigerators, one Easy washer. two heavy duty ranges, one GE 21-In. TV; one gas space sosiel? all in good working 723-1411. GERMAN Black and silver orev. Kiso one year old male pony ong'? Mecham BAA. Station, Teunton Rd. East. 17--Female Help Wanted Lady Canvasser Required to call on home owners, in Oshawa, Bowman- ville and Whitby district. 2 hours per day, 5 days a week. Salary and commission. Apply 933 Ritson Rd. S. Chambers Foods Ltd. LEGAL STENOGRAPHER For firm of Oshawa solicitors. 4% day week. Reply to Box 218, Oshawa Times stating qualifications. FULL TIME Salad Bar Girl FREE! Three kittens for good mixed color and sex. Telephone nba, POODLES, pure bred, two black, two brown, males. Telephone Whitby 668-5004, PERSIAN kittens for sale, bive-cream, golden ps Agel an purebred Siamese. Tele- phone REQUIRED 7 a.m, to 4 p.m ALSO WAITRESSES 11 p.m. to 7 am. ADDING machine typewriters, duplicators, chequewriters, files, desks, chairs. We buy, sell, rent, service and trade with pudeet terms. New and used. Low, low prices. Bill Hamilton, 'Raglan. BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap- pliances, Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 or 263-2695. It eneLiai POINTERS. 10 months old. Ready to train, all needles, one male, one female. Apply 1195 Wecker Drive. WANTED good home for small dog. Very jowey with children, Tele- phone 725-3016, male Agekells Gonuial pply Mr. Cam GENOSHA HOTEL three darker. HONEST CAL'S Furniture and Appil- lame brands at biggest discounts We carry Restonic and Bever- ae mattress furniture lines. Your author- TYPEWRITER SALE HOUSES PAINTED -- Choice of colors, exteriot and intertor, Reasonable estimates. Phone Mr. Wenzel, 668-4436. PERMANENTS on special. dressing, 396 Pine Avenue, i nae | 725-5363 corner 8. C. PAINT Contractors, excellent work. Very reasonable prices. For estimates, | telephone 728-5959, or 728-6010. | Page Halr- of | NOW ON W-& M BUSINESS EQUIPMENT 2--Personal 32 King St. E. -- Oshawa ed GE dealer, Contact ee Cal's at 2 4 King Street West, 72 BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture and appliances. Goold's Furniture, 215 jDuneas East, Whitby, 668-5481. CHURCH PEWS, 28 pews, 19 feet long; 16 pews, pine 8 feet long (approximately). Telephone Millbrook, Ontario 932-2186. POLAROID land camera, carrying leath- er case, wink-light, and other accesso- ries. Telephone 725-4205 after 6 p.m. femi lond, P ease apply a Carnegie Avenue. BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. Te Broad, 114 Elgin East. ENGLISH Toy Terrier, good with chil dren; male, black-white, Telephone Whit- by, 668-3001 12--Articles Wanted from experienced pickers. Telephone Wall- wort Balt, Peterboro, Riverside 25263. 13--Articles for Rent DRESS -- matching head- Plumbing and Heating ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, new and used materials. Reasonable rates. Estimates free. 723-1191. J. Foley. ALL PLUMBING and heating | supplies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark Ltd., rata Heoring and mente: 225 Simcoe Stree! Rug-Upholstery Service OSHAWA LEANERS Rug and Upholstery Clean- ing. At our plant or In your home CALL 725-9961 94 BRUCE STREET RE-UPHOLSTERING by experts, Estab- lished 17 years, Complete range of mate rials. Workmanship gua 'eed five years, Free estimates. Credit 'ms. Mattresses re-built. Furniture re-finished. Oshawa pease ng Company, 287 Dean Avenue, 725-0311 CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs, re covered like new. Get the best for less at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe Street South. Cail 728-6451, Free estimates. CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and re styled. Free estimate. See our material for recovering Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles Street 723-7212 | CEDAR TREES For hedges etc. Posts, poles, rails, All sizes Smith's Tree Farm Newtonville -- 786-2283 PRIVATE -- Tree to cut or trim? For pee rates and service call Francis. Free it 5 ERY SOD ena top soil. L. 345 Division Street. iL. Arne strong, 725-5864, ARMSTRONG sod and loam, nursery sod, gravel, stone and top soil. Telephone 725-5864 TREE TO TRIM? Cail Slim. Or ill cut them down, Free'estimates. 725-5118 or 728-0610. MANURE -- Gravet, Stone, Fill. Any- time. Anywhere! |_Diat Hampton 263-2 263-2445, NURSERY $OD and field sod, Pror Prompt delivery. Free estimates. Telephone Tm 0875 or 723-9910. Instruction WHITBY DRIVING SCHOOL, new dual controled cars. Personal, courteous ser- vice, fully licensed and insured. 668-4176 QUALIFIED feacher will tutor grades 2 to 6, afternoons. Telephone 725-0250. EXPERIENCED high school French and conversations! French teacher offers tutoring at convenient times. Telephone 723-5054, In poorer subjects fo prepare success next September. 773-6859. him . for Please phone Trees, flowering shrubs, fer- tilizer, ete. Visit your loco! garden centre. J. A. Janssen ond Sons Ltd. 843 KING ST. W: 728-9429 "GARDEN CENTRE and LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS" EXPERIENCED gardener will youn garden and lawn, planting, ng. pruning, hedge trimming, etc. } sonable, -- 725-8614. |ARE You TIRED of ca | Spray Rea- cutting jing grass, -- 46 ene else do It. For free estimates, call' Waitoy, 448-5002. > ne weil ci@aning done by ree estimates. Work Instruction OSHAWA DRIVING SCHOOL 10. years teaching. driving automatic and standard cars Professional instructors 728-0091 ANYWHERE -- ANYTIME Telephone} PUBLIC SCHOOL teacher will tutor child| Sales and Service CANVAS awnings. curtains, canopies. Complete service. Free estimates. Mel Jelinek, 728-1993 anytime, Septic Service SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompt on, calls, Walter Ward, 204 Street West, Whitby. 668-2563. "service Chestnut | Surveyors DONEVAN AND | FLEISCHMANN, Ontario prints tand Surveyor. Commerciat 1] Ontario Street, 725-5632 ;accessories. Removal of superfluous hair Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa July 12th, 13th, and 14th, Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appoint- ment ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 'ictus BRIDGESTONE MOTORBYKES -- New . No down payment. Open till 9 p.m, Ken's Appilances and Sports, 153 Simooe Street South. 725-6611. Open m9 p.m, dress, veil, At length dress, size 12 to 14, $75. Telephone 725-8723. TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 40-ft. structure, hot dipped gaivanized 1" tower pevicet pit single all channei antenna THREE ROOMS of furniture $298.50. No down. payment. $15 mony. at Honest Cal's, 424 King West. 7: N AT windshie! id vinyl seats, jreasonable. Old Victrola with horn and |thick records, Phone plete, installed, tax included, guar- anteed one year, $50. See all towers at TRIO Television, corner Bond and Divi- sion, 728-5143-4, 19%65 HONDA Super Hawk, 305 cc, best offer. Telephone Dwayne, 723-3309, 5.30 to 8 p.m, RENTALS OF ALL KINDS SANDING MACHINES Oscillating sanders, disc sand- ers, belt sanders, floor sand- ers, | oi PAINTINGS -- L figure work, custom picture Clark Studio evenings and weekends. 668-4497. 325 Brock North, 'Whitby. portraits, framing. BUDDY TRAILERS Port Hope, Ont 885-4245 @ SALES @ RENTALS @ HITCHES. ETC. on display at: 401 & 28 HIGHWAYS Open every Saturday and Sunday afternoon. MOTORCYCLE 1951 Harley Davidson, good condition, windshield and saddie bags, new battery ilres and motor lob. Best offer, 725-8517. |FLOOR COVERING clearance of discon-| |tinued patterns from 27c per ft, Wiison Furniture, 20 Church Street. BARGAINS IN BEDDING -- Smooth top mattresses, $26; bunk beds, $577 continen: tal beds, $29; spring filled mattresses, $14; foam pillows, 99c.. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. WHITE LEATHER divan, three months old. Price was $69., selling for $48. Tele- phone 726-3124. FURNITURE -- three rooms, hew qual- ity furniture, only $299, inc. complete bedroom, living room, soba ensembies, Sewn-in 633 TENT -- Woods, x 15 feet. floor with kitchen, "aly be seen at Drew Street. GOOD QUALITY fu broken home. Reasonabie. Kea rec-room furniture suitable for cottage. Telephone |728-2797 after 4 | HYDROPLANE equipped -- also Gendron |baby carriage 6 way, Maize color, good condition, Apply 1239 Meadowvale street. COTTAGE SPECIALS Two-piece chester- field bed combination (new), $139.95; used beds, complete, $15; used refriger- ators, $29.95; chrome sets, new, Special, $34.95; used washers, $18.95; heavy duty Stoves, $33; rangettes, $18.95; coffee tables, (new), $9.95; trunks, $2.95. Valley Creek, 16 Bond West, 728-4401. ELECTRIC handsaw | by | Skil, 62 inches, complete with case, rip fence and 2 blades, nearly new. Apply 687 Carnegie. Phone 723-5498. Pay only $3 wkly value! Cook's Trailer Sales Simcoe North TRAVEL & TENT TRAILER SALE--ALL TRAILERS PRIC- ED TO SELL; DRASTIC RE- DUCTION PARTS, HITCHES, AWNINGS, HOSES, ETC Open every evening 6 - 9:30 p.m. Closed on Sunday Phone 723-9534 TRAILERS Yor | sale or. rent, Miller Tratlers, North, Alax, 942-3491. cabin and camping trailers. Authorized service and Harwood oe Home Furnishings 424 Simcoe jouth, nae: Westinghouse, four - burn heavy duty electric, excellent condition, Apply 673 King Street W: SHOWCASE REFRIGERATOR -- 6 ft., for meat display, new_motor. Apply 292 Annapolis Avenue or Telephone 723-3351. TYPEWRITERS, adding machines and time clocks, new and rebulit. One year guarantee, Outstanding good buys. Jen- kins Business Machine Sales and Service. 728-7783, Open evenings. TYPEWRITER portable $30, Standard $25. Electric $50, Adding machines, elec- tric two total cash register $85, Caicula- tor, 723- 4434 GIRL'S 26" inch bicycie, 1722. *~ bieycle, man's Strong 3- Good condition. Phone 725- CHESTERFIELD and chair set, Dunlop H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land ols Saad 113 Elgin Street East. Phone 2 TV--Radio Repairs TV TOWERS ECONOMY AND DELUXE Priced to suit your budget. TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 361 GIBBONS ST. 728 - 8180 "HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED TV TOWERS ARE THE BEST ! WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! T.R.1.0. TELEVISION Corner Bond ond_ Division 728-514 TY TOWER SPECIAL: 4 ft. tower structor, ig channel antenna, Installed Aerials » Retera, Ren's TV, 723-7421, INGLIS TRAILER for sale three rooms turnished, Telephone after 5 p.m. 728-9939 iliow construction, modern _ styling, beige, new 00, y-|over payments 14 FOOT Eastern pine boat with 12 horse- power motor, $300 cash. Telephone 723- 5908, GAS STOVE apartment nid 5 viNine like new, $25, Telephone 668-54 ACETYLENE, welding outfit, gauges and forch. "Mec American make, $75. Six mi MOVING! rigid- aire refrigerator, automatic washer and dryer; bedroom sulte, wainut; two-piece chesterfield suite; chrome set (red); rug 7 x 10° floral, drapes to match. 725-6106, LAWNMOWER, also doll carriage, both in excellent condition, Telephone 725-0153. "MOFFATT" deluxe automatic gas dryer with four fabric controls, like new! Take to gas compnay. Also "Westinghouse" automatic washer. Tele- phone 728-5145. RANGE 72" heavy duty four burner, plus wringer washer with pump. Both In very good condition. Telephone 728-1742, 725-2893, TRAILER hitches made and Smail or lerge. Telephone Whit 668-5993. Installed. b SELLING less then half-price! 8 mm Y|Zoom movie camera with 1.8 Angenlieux lens, Five speeds, Priced reasonably. TENT TRAILER -- Woods, week only, sleeps four, 3855, used one $500, Telephone Telephone 728-5057. TUBE CADDY, Set of TV servicing books including color, lewn table and umbrella, car seat belts, dehumidifier, TV tower kits; used aerial heads, Tele phone 723-7521. OIL space heater, chesterfield, deluxe car top carrier. Telephone Whitby 668-5993 AVELLING trailer, General, 15-ft.. with axle hitch, Excellent condition. Hol- iday. special, Apply 708 Carnegie or 7286- 4845. VIKING washing machine, six months] old, compact vacuum cleaner, youth's bed, stroller. Apply 712 Burns Street, West Whitby, 668-4843, 6--Marine Equipment BRIDGESTONE ~-- Over 200 miles @ eis on a Brid ce gpg i or cycle. 53 'Simcoe We Carry... @ Owens @ Crestliner @ Grew @ Evinrude See them ot... OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN Harbor Road 723-1901 CAR TOP BOAT fil fiberglass $69; Also buying used motors. What have you Valley Creek 16 Bond West ind Sports, Sr South, 725 6611 Open "in . p.m. CONE LARGE bathroom basin, cage ll chrome legs and towei rack. Ten s "Heritage" wallboard, 4 x 8. Telsonone 725-8806, PIANO -- upright, no moths, Recondl- tioned, concert pitch. Refinished ""Arti- san' walnut, open grain, $350. Also re- Conditioned upright, Ebony finish $225. Call Sebastian Hohmann. 725-7001 after 6 P.M CHROME TABLE, gray arborite top, four upholstered chairs to match, $50., bunk beds, $45.) spring-filled mattress, $18. Apply 330 Buena Vista Apt. 1. REFRIGERATOR, trailer hitch, to fit, '63 - '64 Chevrolet - Pontiac. Three pairs shortle curtains, also drew is, new condition, Boy's clothes, 1-2 years; girl's winter coat, size 9. 725 4356. bea pd $45, Also 728-1895, TIRES, 700 x 17, and 750 x 17. Bowman ville 623-5756. automatic Hh shotgun for sale, box Telephone trailer, $45. PLUMBER'S TOOLS Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tripod, pipe wrenches, pipe cutters, pipe threading dies, toilet auger. PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT Stepladders, aluminum ex- tension ladders, ladder jacks, steel. scaffolding, compres- sors, spray guns, wallpaper steamers, tarpaulins, -- blow torches, propane torches, WELDING EQUIPMENT Acetylene welding outfits, 200 amp. electric welders. BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT Cement mixers, finishing trowels, wheel barrows, elec- tric virator, air compressor, jack hammers, hand trowels, water pumps, portable heat- ers, steel scaffolding, electric generator, ramset, power rol- lers, electric: hammers, mas- onry saw, building jacks, mortar mixers, mortar boxes, chain hoist, miter saws, elec- tric plane, tarpaulins, 14° band saw, 4" joiner, sand blaster, power tamper, power post hole auger. STAN'S Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. 223 King St. West, Oshawa PHONE 723-3224 Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles, SARGEANT'S. RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd. S, 725-3338 WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, Auer machines, sick room supplies. Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, j-| USEO TWO-WAY radios -- Courier Citl- zen's Band set, complete with crystals, $ meter, variable tuning, six months old. CHAIRS, cord and o@ tables, church aisle runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 Simcoe Street North. Call 723-2414, Reason for selling -- commer- cial equipment. Brignall Ambulance Service, Port Perry, 985-7365. GO-CART for sale, modified west-Béend t 2iracing engine, Telephone John at 725- 5008. SYLVANIA clothes dryer, excellent con- dition; also Beatty. washing machine, good condition, Telephone 728-0469. 18 FOOT paceship 40 horsepower rude electric. Best offer. T Even- 7%} dition. Telephone 728-3380. ani. 15 FOOT Nipissing Cedar strip boat with on 1959 Evinrude 35 HP electric start Explorer trailer. after 6. Telephone Ajax 942-1094 ROTARY LAWN MOWER "Teco", 2" cut, Briggs and Stratton motor, in new condition, Price $45. Telephone 723-6909. TRAILER -- Steel box, one wheel, $90; Woods tent 9 x 12' Price $45. Both yet 20 FOOT Day Cruiser with electric, start, an seen at Lake Scugog Marina, at! Perry. 65 HP Mercury motor, sieeps 4. Contact owner Scarborough, 444-1946. 2033. BICYCLE -- girl's 28 inch. Excellent con-|"A -|robe and weekend, \DMIRAL" refrigerator. Lady's dress- er; girl's bicycie large size, and chil- dren's clothing, size 5 all in good condition. Telephone 725-8643. COLDSPOT air-conditioner, condition. Telephone 723-6072. DOMINION luggage, two cases, 1» good condition, Apply 258 Burk Street. in. good ward- $20. SET OF men's Golf Clubs, MacGregor never been used $60. Boy's 3-speed bi-/30 15 foot Pace ship, motor. Teeny trailer, tanks. Complete outfit Best offer. Private. 668-515 5152, MID-SEASON bargain 1 18-foot two props, cruiser, with 35 horsepower Johnson, con- 725-4218 even- trols, canvas top. etc. ings, 35 Johnson electric two Perfect condition. Gravette cycle $30, rug for cottage II' X 9, $30. After six phone 725-8512. SCRAP HARDWOOD one-foot lengths. Excellent for fireplace. $7.75 simgie cord. Dia! 723-228) after 4 p.m. da FREEZER, 18 cubic feet; stove iso fable television with' stand. Reasonable for quick sale. . Telephone 728-0293. Lea bbot hf nag -- Fifty to one-hundred opie? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban- qu uets, parties, weddings, anniversaries, Facilities, bar kitchen, parking. Reason- able rates. 728-6315. 14--Business Opportunities TAKE IT EASY -- and count your cash. Apartment building with five separate apartments, all rented includes a com- mercial laundermat business. Close to Oshawa. Try your low down payment, easy monthly. terms to suit. Will put you in a business with @ profit, Call 263-2298 or Blackstock 986-4869. W. Crawford, H. Keith Limited Realtors. UNLOAD UN-NEEDABLES with Times Action Want Ads. Like to sell something? Telephone 723-3492 heavy duty, $30 ELECTRIC RANGE 24", automatic, very good condition, Telephone 728-6705. TELEVISIONS and sewing cabchinee: We FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator super (large rent st reasonable rates, Honest Cal's, 424 King West, 726-9191, size), push button defrost, good condition, L875. Telephone Whitby, 468-2078 after 4 Want-Ads Don't Paige i Five blag 6 weeks old. ae for WANTED Dew worms, $6.00 per thousand, Cost - They Pay | "WANTED Girl for general office duties. Must be able to drive. APPLY IN PERSON Bill Whittick Motors Ltd. 1250 Dundas East WHITBY -- 668-5871-2 EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY 1 am now interviewing ladies with 15 hours a week avail- oble time to train in their own territories. Big Demand for Avon's Christmas line of mer- chandise. High hourly earn- ings. A few territories now open. PHONE 725- re HOUSEWIVES, part-time, $55. weekly, Fuller Brush Route. Basic guerantee qualified applicant, also full time. Write Box 611, Oshawa Times. PART-TIME -- approximately 20 hours weekly -- collect active monthly accounts, Experience not needed. Car reggae For hoje se write, giving phone 86 Postel Station 4 Toronfo 14, Ontario. WOMAN fo care for two children, 9.00 6.15 p.m., five-day week. Call after 7.00, Telephone 728-9257. WHITBY -- Woman wanted for Ironing one afternoon per week. Phone 668-5067. TYPIST -- Permanent position. Speed and. accuracé essential, IBM _ electric. Knowledge of basic office routine desir- able. Shorthand not required. Commence July 19. Apply PO Box 157, Oshawa. GIRL FRIDAY for Scarborough apart ment office, experience necessary. Tele phone Afaf 942-0130, EXPERIENCED hairdresser wanted Im- mediately, Apply 621 King St. bol Peggy's sit eg Ask for Telephone 728-264 LADY to care o teacher's year-old baby in Beau Valley, four afternoons weekly. September to June. Write Box 523, Oshawa Times, stating references. LADY fo take care of four-year-old girl, in your home, 9 to 5 dally. Vicinity Gind- stone Avenue to Queen's Hotel. 728-4890) evenings. CAPABLE woman for housecleaning, Sat- urday mornings. Apply 411 Anderson St, | Whitby. Telephone 668-4496, | LADIES 10 free hours can earn to $40 a week as @ part-time Fuller rep- resentative in your own neighborhood, Interested telephone 725-5097 between & WOUSEKEEPER for elderly lady, five te Eoieeione required. Please telephone 18--Male Help Wanted EXPERIENCED PAINTERS Steady work, $2.40 per hr. Telephone UPTON'S PAINTING 723-2977 WANTED Experienced MEAT MANAGER PHONE: PICKERING 942-4191. Salesman -- Sanitation Required to open and mon- age Oshawa area. Must have Industrial experience, To ar- range write tull particulars to Moyer's Indust- rial Sanitation Supplies, 4823 Sherbrooke Street' West, Montreal 6. P.O. interview,

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