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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jul 1965, p. 3

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Rips Slum ' Landlords TORONTO (CP) -- Alderman June Marks said Wednesday that through the ignorance or connivance of public officials, families on welfare are being used as "'block-busters" for pri- vate developers. She appeared before board of control to substantiate charges} she made last month at a pub- lic meeting that the city and absentee landlords were delib- erately creating slums. She said developers would buy a few homes in a neighbor- hood and by offering low rents attract undesirable tenants. This would force neighbors to sell to the developer and when the process had thoroughly de- valued a residential area, it could be redeveloped at a profit to the developer. | 'WELCOME ABOARD'; PEARSON TO PENNELL Pennell Moves Up Quickly 'In The Sphere Of Politics | The board voted to tighten up) building imspection bylaws and approved the idea of a housing, standards committee composed) of three ratepayers and ap- pointed by the city council. Mayor Philip Givens ordered the statements and affidavits submitted by Mrs. Marks with 'her report made. public as soon! as possible, but said they would be privileged against libel ac- tion because of their submis- sion to the board. Three persons -- two univer- sity students and a laboratory assistant, who are aiding Mrs. Marks in preparation of her charges, were picked up by po- lice Wednesday and questioned for an hour before being re- leased. Mrs. Marks strongly tested the move by. police. By GERARD McNEIL OTTAWA (CP)--Larry Canada, may have to look for Brant-Haldimand.is expected to disappear under redistribution. But the genial Southern On- tario trial lawyer from Brant- ford is moving up fast in poli- tics and it is expected here he pro-|will be among the candidates lin the next campaign. Named to the cabinet Wed- nesday, he isn't a national fig- ure after only three years in politics, But he has gained a considerable reputation in Ot- tawa. Associates wonder just how far he might go. Variously described as well liked, level-headed and fair, he is a good speaker and skilful in handling himself. His political experience isn't expected to be Woman, 82. Kidnapped LADYSMITH, B.C. (CP)--An elderly woman, kidnapped from Pen-|Commons. They say nobody on nell, the new solicitor-general of|the bipartisan committee ob- another seat in the next general|though t election, His Ontario riding of|finance matters. .. Ihe her home and held for $4,000 ransom, was found alive Wed- nesday, bound and buried under debris in a run-down shed. Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Knight, $2, had been missing for more than 20 hours. Police said the woman, semi-invalid unable to walk un- a handicap. The 50-year-old lawyer ant man to meet. MADE STEADY PROGRESS | how well he is trusted in the jected to him holding both jobs, committee handles As parliamentary secretary, has been responsible to Mr. Gordon mainly on tariff mat- ters. Though Senator Macdon- ald brought him into politics, he looks upon Mr. Gordon as his "political father." WELCMES JOB Despite his record so far, he professes only "a sideline inter- est in economics." He _ wel- comes the solicitor - general's }pears to have su By STEWART MacLEOD OTTAWA (CP)--The immedi- ate reaction to Prime Minister Pearson's Wednesday cabinet realignment was that he care- fully avoided rocking the boat, \particularly on the ticklish side- issue involving the so-called "old-guard" and "new-guard"' in Quebec. In the new alignment, Guy Favreau, the former justice minister who resigned under the pressure of the Dorion re- port, appears to have clear sailing as the continuing leader of the Quebec wing. While his new portfoli o of Privy Council president does not traditionally carry the pres- tige of justice, Mr. Favreau has been given the added re- sponsibility of federal - provin- cial relations. RETAINS KEY POSITION The effect of this is htat the former justice minister, at this stage in Canada's development, remains in a key government slot beside the prime minister. And the new justice minister, Lucien Cardin, is unlikely to use the prestige of his new portfolio to grab off a bigger bite of influence in the party's Quebec organization. Mr. Cardin, quiet-spoken and seemingly indifferent to per- sonal ambitions, has always been seen as a neutral within PM Avoided 'Rocking Boat In His Shuffling Of Cabinet maintained the practice he established of having the influ- ential justice portfolio filled by a Quebec representative, while at the same time avoiding any undermining of Mr. Favreau's provincial leadership. This move was considered b observers to be the most signif- icant of the seven appoint- ments announced by Mr. Pearson. It had been widely ex- pected that Mr. Favreau would move to the presidency of the Privy Council, and that the former president, George Mcll- raith, would be given a new portfolio. His move to public) works had been speculated on in advance. The appointment of former mines minister Benidickson to the Senate also was expected in view of his indifferent health. CLEARED PATH In bringing Larry Pennell, Brant-Haldimand, into the cab- inet as solicitor-general--a pro- motion that caused no surprise on Parliament Hill--the prime minister made room for him by automatically associated with the "new-guard" of Quebec. His portfolio was not affected by Wednesday's announce- ments. SIGNIFICANT MOVE What is idered signifi- from Quebec without ¢ any internal upheavals in the process. QUALIFIED EASILY new and young cabinet material THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, July 8, 1965 3 And. Mr. Pepin, as parliamen- tary secretary to Trade Minis- ter Sharp, has, in the eyes of some observers, easily qualified for the promotion. He is known as a crisp, clear thinker with a buoyant disposition. -- Both Mr. Pepin and Mr. Pen- any tendency to aggravate Op- position members with their re- plies to questions. Mr. Pennell is particularly popular with the Opposition. But Mr. Cardin could run into difficulty in this respect, Al- though, by nature, he is quiet, polite and almost withdrawn, he fired off a searing blast at then Prime Minister Diefenbaker in nell have had little difficulty in Parliament. They don't have 1962 that still hasn't been for- gotten by many Conservatives. Mr. Cardin will be far more vulnerable to attack in justice than he was in the relative sanctuary of public works. There are some members of Parliament who expect a far wider cabinet shuffle in the months ahead. "'Befpre the next general election," said one. member, "the prime minister will want to give a much greater indication of reform-- and this doesn't do it." cant is that the other Quebec| promotion went to Jean-Luc Pepin, the brilliant former uni-| versity professor who is cred-! ited with having all the reformation ambitions of Mr. Sauve. "The difference," says a Que-| bec member, "is that Mr. Pepin is, less impatient." As minister without portfolio, | with special responsibility . to! assist Transport Minister Pick-| ersgill, Mr. Pepin would ap-| pear to be on the threshold of! an important post when the government divides that. cm-| plex department under two min-| isters. Such a move is reported! to be well advanced. Again, this move by the prime minister was seen politically as a compromise method of getting, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO SCARBOROUGH COLLEGE EVENING COURSES In addition to a programme of evening courses leading to the B.A. degree, Scarborough College will offer, beginning in October, the following non-credit courses: transferring former solicitor- general J. Watson MacNaught to the mines department. | In the order of accepted prec- edence, both portfolios are rel- atively minor. By coincidence, Mr. MacNaught, from Prince Edward Island, represents the jthe Quebec factions. He is re- \garded as an able admini- strator, but not as a political plotter. MAINTAINS BALANCE With the appointment of Mr. Cardin, the prime minister ap- sfully post because it is a legal one. In 15 years before 1962, he} practically lived. in court,| Russ Police Seeking Trio In $3 Million Fraud Case only province that has no oper- ating mines, Among much of the advance |speculation were repeated sug- gestions that Forestry Minister |Sauve, often described as an impatient reformer waiting in |the Quebec wings, would move 'te a more senior post, He is BOOK NOW for JULY RENTALS of Camping. Trailers CANADA. OUTDOOR SUPPLY 1437 KING EAST Phone 728-1555 L Child Psychology Conversational French International Affairs Internattional Affairs Moral and Political Philosophy. A fifth course is to be announced shortly. For information about these courses write or telephone: THE DIRECTOR OF EXTENSION, SCARBOROUGH COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO, Toronto 5, Tel.: 928-2418 oncimainaneinaaasl handling mostly civil litigation) MOSCOW (AP)--Pravda pub-|gang manufactured knitted} but engaging in 10 murder cases. He is on record as favor- ing abolition of the death pen-\to the Soviet public to help|workshop, bribing other alty, with qualifications about) detention of convicted murder- re-jers. tains. an athletic build, has aj Like Opposition Leader Dief-|piggest. economic swindles in)gang pocketed all proceeds robust 'complexioh and silverjenbaker, Mr. Pennell was de-|the Soviet Union in a decade.|from sales, it was charged. hair, His relaxing manner andjfending an Indian accused of/A}i three have Jewish names.| easy smile make him a pleas-|murder when he was elected to|Sso does |Parliament. As an MP he wasn't able to jcollect the fee paid through the! for aided, was found in a shed 30 Ever since Senator W. Ross|jystice department for such de- lished Wednesday pictures of goods using the labor of mental three wanted men and appealed|patient's in a rehabilitation) track them down. The Communist party mews- paper linked them to one of the was caught after playing hide- and-seek in Moscow apartments more than a year. offi- |cials and police to get supplies jstolen from. state warehouses jand to keep things quiet. The The case drew international jopher Bertrand Russell and oth- lers protested to former premier Khrushchey over the number another suspect wh6jgiiention when British philos-| Enjoy a Fun- filled Summer with a SUMMER OTTAGE The swindle was reported to) oz i he cat-|have involved a black micthatlcicucete mines" 2 the Indian was/ring in knitted goods that the| ee | lgovernment said made more| Pravda identified the three than $3,000,000 in a seven-year|** Hee A. Yevgenev, -- pero at ot, recat ae > Boris V. ' si The case was reported), director, and Aron Kozlov- yards from her home. A search party found old building mater- jals piled over her. Her husband, J. A. Knight, 85, told police his wife was not home when he arrived from! He was the first Liberal to be| When he can, he gets away the store at noon Tuesday. elected to Brant-Haldimand, ajto the red brick ranch style : | Shortly after he reachedlriding created in 1952. The oldjhome in his native Brantford,|>roken in February, 1694. The) | Voce, at the factory. home, he received a telephone/riding of Haldimand hadn't/where his wife Anne, a native| alleged gang leader, a man 'Phere ta no doubt that with call and was told by a male/gone Liberal in the previous 60)of Grimsby in the Niagara fruit/named Shakerman, and eight the hel f Soviet bli | voice: years. belt, cares for their 18-year-oldiothers, most with Jewish eg wil sion nee PRA evil "Have $4,000 ready by four| In 1963 he became chairmanjson and 14-year-old daughter. "@™es, were sentenced to dreasesi® Pravda said o'clock." of the Commons committee on| Mr. Pennell was an RCAF) death. Pravda said the acreated man Mr. Knight called police. banking and commerce and\navigator during the Second|: The government charged aaah iG. Shcherber, _ m4 ye pereand of thejheld ag post Bd appoint- eo ~~ He took arts at Mc- hi | It 'printed . picture of stacks CMP said an 80-man search|ment in June, 1964, as parlia-|Master niversity, Hamilton, . i dee party was raised. jmentary secretary to Financejand law at Osgoode Hall, Tor-} Invitation Pace 6 ee a Be a Insp. Mackay said the woman|Minister Gordon. jonto. He was appointed a r Sch '¢ hidi 1 had no serious injuries but suf-| Associates say this indicates|Queen's Counsel in 1957. | To 'Rocky Herbert a soe Oe eens ae % various new apartments in ST. CATHARINES (CP) Pepin Wanted "To Get Up' wx... si nr el ant shock. She was unable to tell police regained his| with money, jewelry and furni- 11964 championship: form Wed-|ture. Most of those identified as Macdonald, Liberal power in|fences. But fee or not the Brantford area, asked him|rieqd on and | to run in Brant-Haldimand in/acquitted. been! 1962, Larry Pennell has making progress. LIKES HOME LIFE A SHORT DRIVE TO.... VIEW LAKE ON LAKE SCUGOG RELAX and PLAY WHILE YOU PAY! NO DOWN PAYMENT COTTAGE what happened. C d on sp 50' x 100° lot Knight is a hardware mer- chant who has been in business in this Vancouver Island centre since 1904 Mr. and Mrs. Knight cele- brated their 60th wedding anni- In The World: Now Hels | nesday night as he easily won the $2,000 Thorpe Hanover jun-; ior invitation pace at Garden| City Raceway. Co-owner Bill Herbert of Lon- harboring Shcharber have jew- ish names, 7 ot View Lake on Lake Scugog. Fully winterized; contains flush-o-matic toilet and septic tank; Johns-Mansville asbestos siding keeps painting chore te @ mini Hydro | Hed versary last March. By BENOIT HOULE | The law degree came to the don reined the four-year-old to Luc Pepin, ,promotion to the federal cabinet comes as no |surprise--that's what he's been | working for all these years. "T entered politics to get up 'No Licence, OTTAWA (CP) -- For Jean-|French - speaking cabinet re-|a clocking of 2:04 3-5 over a cruit only two months ago. Mr. Pepin is considered a \"new - guard' Liberal. He| jspeaks fluent English, which PRESENTS muddy track listed as being in good condition. A 5-to-1 pick, Rocky Herbert won by 1% lengths over Eagle Armbro, Hl TERMS - Ov er 10 Years . .. and if you have a good credit rating we can defer initial monthly NOW ONLY owned by the Eagle Stable of Kitchener. Angelic |Wick, owned by George Boyce \of Ottawa, finished third. Herbert also reined another For him bilingualism and bi-|winner in the next race as Sis ; the|culturalism are not simply top-|H ' ' ' -|Herbert wi sev will recommend that a sub- 40-year-old Mr. Pepin, formerly|jes for a commission to pi oe a - bi first | ? anover won e firs urban York Township. man,|\trade Minister Sharp's parli , & Sha arlia- ; convicted of dangerous driving,|mentary secretary, e fs Nba over race and Kenland Lass the sec- never again be issued a driv-\cabinet as a minister without|...2¢Y have real domestic sig-jond for a daily-double payoff of er's licence in Canada. portfolio jnificance, since he has been|$29.10. | Magistrate S. Tupper' Bigelow, « : married for 13 years to Mary' The qui ' . One day or other, it had tole ca: quinella of Rocky Her-| sentenced Werner Otto Winster,|come," said the former journal-|Prock ~ Smith of Winnipeg, bert and Eagle Armbro also re-| 24, to 30 days in jail and can-|ig¢ ang TV commentator who | Whose native language is Eng-|turned $29.10. --- his driving licence for)represents the Quebec constitu-| : Pi years. ; ___lency of Drummondville-Artha-| He met her in a true French} Loe ee said a Rd baska in the Commons. jsetting, Paris, and they now| eae es Weel ac 0 nig ee er ee or is like « »main four months. firearm in the hands of a four- ace an MP -- Ya year-old. : iiigind Winster was convicted of WON IN 1963 swerving his car at two mem- Mr. Pepin won election to the bers of a survey crew March House in 1963, the year of vwic- : 7, forcing them to jump aside.|tory for Mr. Pearson and the|! Second World War bomb) siiee ere nek iniiced: iLiberais fragments stuck in the lead roof | He admitted niné previous) "Mr. Pearson got me on the " years after the war ended. convictions for driving offences|te le phone Tuesday afternoon scien in the last three years. and asked me if I'd accept the ----|cabinet post. As if I'd ever re- |Luc Pepin taught. political sci- ence at the University of Ot- |tawa for eight years and spent to build a 1,066-foot tower on!master's degrees j ri i- the site of Expo 67. lenses 'aud oi 8 ance! eck Within hours of the announce-} issued from city hall, said it) ,appears to be impossible to) limit the cost of building the ' The tower was to have been «a joint project of the cities of 'Montreal and Paris, with each spaying |fuse it.'" Expo Tower |1956-1958 in London as_ repre- ment, Andrew Kniewasser, gen- dower to the $20,000,000 origin- half of the cost. lin the world,' 'he said, "and 1|!@S allowed him. to score palt- wasn't as surprised as all that|form hits with English - speak- to hear of my appointment,'|i98 audiences. Ever Again' TORONTO (CP)--A Toronto nounced Wednesday by Prime magistrate said Tuesday he|Minister Pearson. It sent $4,965 FREE! FIRE INSURANCE for first 3 years under our monthly payment plan 5 eo rks Rit payment for 6 months, A Flavoured Wine Soe |i | TOPICS SIGNIFICANT FAVOURITE MIX" - A CN A: MONEY TO INVEST? Earn the highest rate -- WINTERIZED COTTAGE Large family size 20 x 30' cottage on spacious lot conveniently located at View Lake on Lake Seugog. Johns-Mansville siding keeps painting chore to a minimum ... hydro installed. NOW ONLY DOME WAS PEPPERED The staff of St. Paul's Cathe- dral, London, found more than FREE! Life Insurance for the duration of this mortgage ! HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS PAYROLL CLERK (Male) City of Oshawa Treasury Department SALARY RANGE ~-- $79.00 to $90.00 per week, Must be able to type and learn book h Required for September Ist, 1965. ' r Reporting to Payroil Supervisor with the responsibility for assisting In the administration, preparation and control of oll departmental bat i pd be ge aa in government regulations and union r nts, and: al to answe: - fs sb ober del rf queries concerning payroll ad per ennum for 5 years (and up to 10 years) CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST | § GUARANTEED | g ' Oshawa Wood Products CERTIFICATES are ¥ COURTICE LIMITED Guaranteed -- as to Principal and Interest & 728-1611 "ALLONT -- THE NAME TO BUILD ON" Come in today ... let us show you how easy it is to own your own cottage ! Redeemable -- upon death Authorized -- os Trustee Act. Investments SHOPPING CENTRE 728-1617 = FS) Rox » Head Office: S$SS505983 a | Born in one of the communi- ities that now make up his dis-| jtrict -- Victoriaville --, J ean- jsentative for the Nati 'i MONTREAL (CP) -- Mayor|Roard. e National Fm Jan Drapeau announced can-|, He took his B.A. at the Uni- cellation Wednesday of a plan|versity of Ottawa and later hig ,eral manager of Expo 67, said he will seek to salvage the plan. Mr. Drapeau, in a statement! ally estimated as the outside figure. The over-all cost would come to about $25,000,000, he| said. SAVING HOURS: Mon.-Thurs. 9t06 19 Simcoe St. N. Fridey 9009 Oshawa Seturd 90S | urdey yo eg Tel, 723-5221 | SS ee ee Applications close 5:00 p.m., July. 14th, 1965 CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION Personne! Officer, City Hall, Oshawe

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