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Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Jul 1965, p. 13

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ee -- ER BIE ES an my yn NEWS FROM THE a a oc cee a ' CHURCHES Bible Schools Feature Classes For Children is the season for Chil- Pin 5 dene Bible schools in several Oshawa churches. Northminster United Church held such classes this week Monday to Friday and will con- clude them next week under di- rection of Mrs, ,Ray Hartley. They are for primary class and junior children 6 to 17. The var- iety of subjects on the curricu- lum ineludes Bible Study, Han- dicrafts and Garphic [Illustra- tions of the Bible. Classes are usually held in the morning. Beth Zion Synagogue the first two weeks in August, Monday through -- with morning sessions. Grace Luthern Church began its annual Vacation Bible School this week. It will continue from Monday through Friday of next week from 9.00 to 11.30 a.m. There will be a special closing service for parents, pupils, teachers and congregation Thursday at 7.30 p.m. Rev. Phil- ip L. Fiess is General Superin- tendent of the School and vicar Stephen Stohlman is co-ordin- ator of the teaching staff. Music is under the direction of Mrs. Wray Hansel, choir direc- tor of the Grace Church. , Five young members of Grace Lutheran Church recently con- firmed will attend a _ special confirmants retreat this com- ing week at Camp Pioneer, An- gola, N.Y. w will be joined by 240 other teenagers from On- tario, New York and Michigan. The retreat is to help '"'their spiritual life' and to give them training in the organized youth program of the Luthern Church. Mrs. Wray Hansel, choir di- rector of Grace Lutheran Church has returned from a spe- cial course of study for church musicians at the Institute on Worship and Church Music at Waterloo Lutheran University. Heading the staff were mem- bers of the ~ Church Worship Church in America, the Amer- ican Lutheran Church and the|® Lutherna Church - Canada. Fac- ulty members were from the Music Department of the Lu- theran Church in New York and Chicago. The Institute was par- tiemarly directed in an effort to more closely co-ordinate the work of church choir director, church organist, and the parish in the music program in the local congregation. Santuaries of Roman Catho- He churches in Oshawa are undergoing major architectural changes. J. C. REYNOLDS Holy Cross Church on Simcoe street south, explained the new move this way: "The main altar will be 'the altar of sacrifice'. The side altar with the Blessed Sacrament .will be for private devotion of the church's founder and Roman Catholic representative on the Board of Education for more than 20 years. Father Darby was pastor of St. Bernadette's Church, Ajax, for 12 years before coming here. Rev. Patrick Darby, curate of St. Gertrude's Church on King street east is his nephew. people and for 'Communion of the sick'. The hosts can be re- moved for a sick call without distrubing the main altar." Father Darby is a member of special building committee in Toronto (composed of six Dio- cesan priests) which recom- mended the new changes in co- ee with a Liturgical Com- ted three years The Church of St. Gregory the Great on Simcoe north has al- ready made these changes. St. Gertrude's and Holy Cross will soon follow. The new St. Mary- of-the-People Church will not be completed until Fall. St. Gertrude's Church on King| street east is installing new stained glass windows from France. Father Darby took over as pastor of Holy Cross February 20, 1964. He succeeded the late Monsignor Philip Coffey, the J. C. Reynolds preached his first sermon today as pastor of the College Park Seventh-day Adventist Church. Mr. Reynolds, for the past two-and-a-half years pastor of the Seventh - day Adventist Church in Halifax, N.S., suc- ceeds E. E. Duncan who re- cently transferred to Memphis, Tennessee. He is a native of Indiana and Rey. N. Frank Swackhammer of the First Baptist Church as part of the Summer exchange plan whereby churches hold joint services during the sum- mer period. Mr. Swackhammer and his wife returned recently from the lith annual Baptist World Alliance Conference in Miami, Florida, where the BWAC elect-| _ ed its first Negro president, Dr. W. R. Tolbert, Jr. of Morobia, Liberia. More than 20,000 regi- stered for the sessions held in the' Orange Bowl. They were representative of 85 countries, including Russia. The BWAC has an_ estimated 20,000,000 members in the United States. Other Oshawa delegates were Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Crome and Mr. and Mrs. Morley Chesh- ire. REV. DONALD M. WARNE of Whitby said this week that two groups in this district had met recently "in support" of the Students' Non-violent Co-ordin- ating Committee. SNCC is the _ international 'civil Rights group with head- quarters in Atlanta, Georgia. One of its projects is an educa- tion program for U.S. Negroes on proper voting procedures to be followed at municipal, state and Federal levels. These classes are conducted by volun- teer students. One of the Oshawa and dis- trict groups is composed of uni- Columbia, The closed-cir- cuit television, originated last fall by Mr. Shorter as a visual aid, has been refined and expanded with the addi- tion of videotape equipment allowing a teacher to record television programs and re- Larry Shorter, 34-year-old former radio, television and advertising man who now is an English and mathemat- ics teacher, gives a lesson before a television camera installed at North Kamloops Secondary School in British versity students; the other is an older group. | Mr. Warne is an assistant edi- tor with the Board of Christian Education, th ePresbyterian Church in Canada. He marched in Montgomery, Alabama, re- cently, with a group of clergy- men in a Civil Rights demon- stration. He was also chairman last week at a meeting in _ St. George's Anglican Church here when Pratia Hall, field secre- tary of SNCC, was guest speaker. Mr. Warne told of his Ala- bama experiences recently at Knox Presbyterian Church. He said that he went to Montgom- ery as "a private individual', not as a representative of his ichurch and that the trip was made during his vacation period THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST of th Latter Day Saints at the corner of Thornton's and Rossland roads will hold a strawberry festival supper to- night, Proceeds will be in aid of the church's welfare fund and the program will be under the sponsorship of the Church's re- lief society. THE NEW CURATE at the Church of St. Gregory the Great on Simcoe street north is Rev. John Markle. He formerly serv- ed at St. Ambrose Church, Etobicoke, St. Joseph's Church, Toronto, and St. Bernadette's in Ajax. Father Markle took a post- attended Columbus Union Col- lege, Washington, D.C. His first pastorate was in Pennsylvania, following which he served one year in the Lower Amazon Mis- sion in Brazil. % Mrs. Reynolds, the former Barbara Wood, is a native of Chatham, Ontario. She is a graduate of Kingsway College, and also attended Columbia Union College, Washington, D.C. graduate course in Philosophy at the Pontificial Institute, St. Michael's College, before his or- dination in 1955. He also at- tended St. Augustine's Seminary for four years. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mar-) kle of York Mills, Ont. | FORT WILLIAM (CP)--Mrs. |Eldon Keon of 8ryson, Que., CONSTRUCTION ON THE/|was elected president of the On- new $300,000 St. Mary-of-the tario council of the Catholic People Church on Stevenson's}Women's League at closing ses- road north is on schedule. sions of the annual convention. Official opening date of the; Other officers elected Thurs- 750-seat structure will be an- day were: nounced later, but it should not} Mrs. Ward Markle, Willow- be far off as interior decorating|dale, past president; Miss Mary. and painting is well advanced.|Dobell, Toronto, first vice-pres- Rev. Jules Masse of St. Annjident; Mrs. R. J. Ellinghausen, du la Pocatrere (near Quebec|Owen Sound, second vice-pres- City) will act as curate at thelident; Mrs. Robert Doyle, Cha- church for the summer months.|tham, third vice - president; Rev. Norbert Gignac is the pas-|Mrs. W. Hytonen, Sault Ste. tor. Marie, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Burke McInerney, Ottawa, recording secretary; Miss Mil- dred Cleary, Cornwall, treas- rer. Ontario CWL New Officers |} RABBI M. KUTZINER of |Beth- Zion Synagogue on King street east will be on | PUSH BUTTON EDUCATION run them during school hours. Videotape equipment will be used at the start of the next school year. Ath- letes will also be able to see run-throughs of their action to locate mistakes. (cP Photo) NEWS 'IN BRIEF PLAN FERRY LINK ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP) hree new ferries to supple- ment service between New- foundland and the mainland and $13,000,000 worth of docking fa- cilities at Port aux Basques, Nfld., and North Sydney, N.S., are to be provided by the fed- eral government, it was an- mounced Friday. ENDORSE UNION SAINT JOHN, N.B. (CP) -- The Alliance of the Reformed Baptist Church of Canada, end- ing a meeting at nearby Brown's Flat, decided Friday that the 1966 alliance will vote on proposed union with the Wes- leyan Methodist Church of America. The principle of church union was endorsed. EDMONTON (CP) -- Young- sters. with emotional or physi- cal handicaps in Edmonton's public schools can look for help to a special division of the school board. The board's department of pupil personnel services has psychologists, social workers and welfare workers who swing into action to ensure that handi- capped students overcome their problems as much as possible and obtain maximum benefit from their schoolwork. The department has worked up to the point where it handles 400 cases a month--most of them spotted by teachers, health workers and others who Special School Division' For Handicapped Children « THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, July 10, 1965 13, UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH se Se, Hi -723-6325 The Whole Gospel to the Whole World Sunday: 10 A.M.--Sunday School 11 A.M.--Morning Worship 7:30 P.M.--Evangelistie Wed. 8:00 P.M.--Bible Study © and Prayer Sat. 8:00 P.M.--Young People action of shock--who actually are psychologists, social work- ers and welfare workers. Working from referrals by teachers and others, the visit- ing teachers first get in touch with the students themselves. Often they must then consult with parents, occasionally rec- ommending such help as mar- riage counselling. Sometimes the 'student is switched to another classroom. Special courses may be given to a group of students with sim- ilar problems. Opportunity classes are held for mentally handicapped per- sons. EVERYONE WELCOM® come in close contact with the children. In order to be able to tackle problems earlier in each case, the department has doubled its staff. One youngster who was helped by the department stop- ped talking the day he entered Grade 1. A counsellor-psycholo- gist visited the child about four months later at the re- quest of his teacher. Group therapy was applied| and eventually the youngster overcame his fear, opened up and began talking in class. VISIT HOMES matic, however, and that makes, many of them tough to spot. The department has eight/ "visiting teachers' -- a term --|{used when parents are visited at home to avoid an initial re- Most cases aren't that dra-) ey THE SEVENTH | DAY SABBATH Is It Still In Operation? A comprehensive survey of this great question. COPY FREE BULK SUPPLIES, TWO ibe mai (Australian) each, Write:--The Gospel Publicity League P.O. BOX 14, EPPING, N.S.W. AUSTRALIA THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA ae nacre KNOX SIMCOE ST. NORTH (Four blocks from King) Minister Rev. G. W. C. Brett, B.A, 454 Bader Ave. 728-6122 Musical Director Mr. Matthew Gouldburn, A.L:C.M. 11:00 A.M. PUBLIC WORSHIP "My Church" Come and Worship With Us MORE for the next three weeks. He came here from St. John' ,| Newfoundland, five years ago. Following is the Christian} Science Bible Lesson - Sermon(|nce textbook will include these rs. Mel was election chairman. Waters of London|« ST. LUKE'S Rossiand Rd. W. et Nipigon Minister REV. D. R, SINCLAIR, B.A. 492 Masson Street --- 728-9178 ST. PAUL'S Wilson Rd. N. at King St. £. Rev, Walter Jackson Minister Mr, Frank Welter Musical Direetor 9:30 A.M, PUBLIC WORSHIP REV. G. W. C. BRETT, OF KNOX CHURCH will preach. All Cerdianty Invited 11.00 A.M: CHURCH SERVICE Jesus said: | am eome thet they might have life end thet they might heve Ht more ebundantly--John 10, | FREE TIC KETS AT THE TO SEE THESE POPULAR PICTURES for Sunday, July 11: lines: 'In the quiet sanctuary "The record of Jesus' last supper and his meetings with the disciples after his resurrec- tion will be reviewed in the Bible Lesson-Sermon to be heard in all Christian Science churches tomorrow. The subject is "Sacrament', and the Golden Text is from I Corinthians: 'Let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, nei- ther with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth." | One of the related passages to jof earnest longings, we must deny sin and plead God's all ness. We must resolve to take up the cross, and go forth with honest hearts to work and watch for wisdom, Truth and Love" (Science and Health with Key to Eddy, p.15). EACH WEEK 12 PEOPLE RECEIVE TICKETS FREE fach week for 26 weeks there will appear in the edvertisements on this page the names end eddresses of 12 lucky people in this erea, if your name should appear en? you locate it, ell you ere asked te de ic elip the The CORNER PIZZA SPECIALIZING IN... the Scriptures by Mary Baker, @ PIZZA e SPAGHETTI @ BAR-B-Q CHICKEN @ SPARERIBS HOME DELIVERY 668-8807 CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH (Anglican) be read from the Christian Sci- WE TRAIL ARABS NEW YORK. (AP)--The tiny oil-rich Arab country of Kuwait has the highest per-capita in- | come in the world, says cur- Mary and Hillcroft Streets SERVICES 8:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M, NURSERY CARE--11:00 A.M. (Open 7 days « week) 107 COLBORNE 8T. W, Grig Rivers, 511 Stewart Whitby for Matchless Living.. GO ELECTRIC aide eased REPAIRS ed end present it You will then receive your guest tickets to the Brock T! at the Oshewe Times Office in cee er Oshewe. BROCK THEATRE, WHITBY, WEEK OF JULY 12th MONDAY -- TUESDAY -- WEDNESDAY One cones Li babragls al Evening OPERATION PETTICOAT -- In Color Starrin RY GRANT - TONY CURTIS LUS 2nd Feature Attraction DIE! DIE! MY DARLING! ---- Stouing---=TALLULAH BANKHEAD - STEFANI POWERS THURREAY ~---- FRIDAY van api nah rt at GET YOURSELF A COLLEGE GIRL--In Color Steering EREGDIE BELL - ncaa Mg LINN 2nd Feoture Attra DAY OF THE BADMAN -- In Color Starring--FRED MACMURRAY - JOAN WELDON -- BROCK THEATRE | VIC'S SPUR SERVICE STATION MURPHY OIL CO. LIMITED 668-3644 501 Brock N. Whitby Keith Wright, 218 Glidden FOR EVERY OCCASION Make It... PHONE 668-8522 @ COLLISION CUSTOM BODY WORK @ 24 HR. ROAD SERVICE e SATISFACTION GUARANTEED KONRAD _ CSER---OWNER L. Valks, nee Fue Oshaw: 324 ASH ST., WHITBY - - - PHONE 668-3208 RS estimates fe Me EAGUE (JIM) ELECTRIC LTD. H. N, Pascoe, 91 Gladstone The Reynolds have two chil- dren: Mark, eight, and Julie, five. They will reside at 1037 |Baufort. rency expert Franz Pick. The| U.S. and Canada are second and third, he said. weno COMMUNION FLOWERS by DEAN 131 eck 6. Whats Garnet Crawford, 801 Athel Whitby REV. M. J. DARBY ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH BAGOT AND CENTRE STS. The Reverend Canon F..G. Ongley, M.A.--Rector The Reverend R. G, Brooks $.Th.--Assistant --_ REV. HARRY A. MELLOW, minister at Northminster Unit- ed Church, will be overseas from July 27 to August 16 with his wife. The trip was made possible by the congregation in appre- ciation of his recent honorary degree-award from Queen's Uni- versity (which made him a Doc- tor of Divinity). His place will be taken by* GOSPEL HALL 40 NASSAU STREET DRIVE-IN GOSPEL SERVICE at New Dominion Store KING and JOHN STREETS SUNDAY -- 7:00 P.M. ERIC VETTERS OF LONDON, ONTARIO, ALL WELCOME CHRISTIAN SCIENCE| FIRST CHURCH --_64 COLBORNE $T, EAST Bronch of The Mother Church, The First ee A Christ Scientist in Boston, M SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY SERVICE 11:00 A.M. "SACRAMENT" Wed. Service (includes testimonies) 8 P.M, READING ROOM--CORNER ONTARIO AND BOND STS. Monday to Thursday--11:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Friday 11:00 a:m, - 9:00 p Listen to; The Bible Speaks To You CKLB ig AM, 'tery Sunday ZION CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Temporary Place ot Worship> DR. S. J. PHILLIPS SCHOOL (Corner Rossland and Simcoe. Sts.) PASTOR: REV. D. N. HABERMEHL, B.A., M.Th. 10:00 A. M..-- MORNING WORSHIP Nursery core provided during morning worship 7:00 P.M. -- EVENING SERVICE Tune in to CKLB at tl A.M. on alternating Sundoys This is being done to conform) with liturgical decrees which are the result of the Ecumenical movement, or, as one priest ex- plained this week: 'to make the Mass more meaningful to the) worshippers'. The main altars are being re- modelled so that the celebrant at the Mass may face the peo- ple without obstruction. The main altars will be re-| located, together with their plat- form, much closer to the altar rail as part of the Liturgical reform. The Blessed Sacrament will) be placed in a side altar in- stead of in the main altar as -- Rev. OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE COMMERCIAL -- INDUSTRIAL AND RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES 515 BROCK S$. -- 668-5853 Buying -- Renting -- Selling teen ee TIMES ACTION WANT ADS SUNDAY, JULY. 11th -- TRINITY IV SERVICES: 9 A.M. -- 11:AM. - 7 P.M. THURSDAY, JULY 15th--Hsly Communion -- 10:00 a.m, FAITH -- LUTHERAN CHURCH (Eastern Canada Synod) THE. REV, HENRY FISCHER 725-2755 REV. DONALD WARNE SCUGOG CLEANERS LAGNDER ERS aie QuEAni FIRST WITH THE NEWS IN OSHAWA & DISTRICT THE OSHAWA TIMES ond STORAGE WHITBY OFFICE 130 Brock W. 668-4341 524 CROMWELL, OSHAWA Geo. Forrester, 144 Ash Whitby . J. Darby, pastor ot GRACE LUTHERAN PARK ROAD & HIGHWAY 401 Rev. Philip Fiess, Minister Vicar Stephen Stohiman Pastor; COPPING ERATE? SERVICE @ COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS @ 'N YOUR HOME OR IN OUR PLANT @ CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING @ GUARANTEED & INSURED, FREE ESTIMATES G. R, Ebel, 708 Dunlop W. Whitby 942-0535 i SUNDAY, JULY 11th 11:00 A.M.--The Service MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING 91 Centre St. at Metcalf St. You Are Invited to Worship With Us "WE OPERATE OUR OWN PLANT" SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. DIVINE WORSHIP 7:00 -P.M.--WED. CHURCH SCHOOL 7:30 P.M, DIVINE WORSHIP HARRY'S COMPLETE JANITOR SERVICE 668-8873 ° pobtoonhanedl 5 Quantity ef Good Used Cars" e ABNER'S @ COMPLETE JANITORIAL ESSO SERVICE SERVICE 668-5391 668-8873 1003 Breck 5. Whitby 609 HARRIET : - C. Oke, 301 Courcelette Oshawa A&T MOTORS @ 2 Licensed Mechanics @ Automatic Transmissions See Our Display Of New '65 RAMBLERS BOND ST. EAST @ Complete Tune-ups 668-2893 701 Dundas E. Whitby €. Menzel, 311 Frances Whitby A , WHITBY AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION REBUILDERS 405 MARY ST. EAST G. H. pau ou Simcoe St. N. BAHA'I WORLD FAITH WHITBY REV. RICHARD J, BARKER, Minister 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School WHITBY AUTO WRECKERS @ RE-CHROMING @ GRILLES -@ BUMPERS @ NEW AND USED PARTS NEW FIBRE GLASS FENDERS 'LATE MODEL WRECKS BOUGHT AND SOLD N, .OF WHITBY BEAVER LUMBER CO. LTD. "HOME IMPROVEMENT HEADQUARTERS" 668-5818 419 DUNDAS ST. £. E, Stein, 16 Lloyd, Oshawe Teaches: "Religion and 'Science Must Go Hand-in-Hand" For information re: weekly meetings or literature Write Box A5 Oshawa Times 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP 6:30 P.M. PRAYER FELLOWSHIP | oe 7:00 P.M. SUPERIOR PROPANE 'SALES & SERVICE' EVENING SERVICE oi soe 8:00 P.M. WED., PRAYER SERVICE WHITBY NO. 12 HWY.--1). MILE 668-3223 BUD'S ORNAMENTAL RAILINGS @ CUSTOM WORK © INTERIOR & EXTERIOR RAILINGS (OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE) 5-YEAR WORKMANSHIP GUARANTES R.R. NO. 1 PICKERING -- 942-0720 (Services of Chr. Ref. Churches in the Oshawa-orea) and at 9:15 P.M, (Back to God Hour, each Sunday) VICTORIA ST. E. --- WHITBY D. W. Hurley, 807 Annes Whitby

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