. PM Denies Eskimos Sell-Out Through Shift In Services OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Min-)province, ister Pearson at points in time north ern affairs department, : issued a lengthy|commensurate with develop-|Provided the Eskimos agreed. statement Friday night to deny| onts* charges that his government is guilty of a "sell-out"? to Quebec over the administration of|Minister Laing and iss services der Mr. statement stressed that no ad-jof federal responsibility or ~a In an apparent. reply to. crit- Drafted by Northern Affairs ued un- Pearson's name, the from ministrative services will be ia: x nk -- transferred to Quebec if the ter said federal involvement in\Eskimos affected oppose the Quebec will continue) Move. for a long time. The 1,200-word policy state- "It must be expected that|ment amplified Mr. Pearson's some federal Gane will con-|announcement Thursday that tinue for but that an extensive period,|he hoped the governments. of particular selena deb ee and Newfoundland be undertaken by the|would gradually take over ISN'T SELL-OUT "It is entirely inaccurate to refer to this development as federal abandonment or denial federal 'sell-out'." The only current discussions with Premier Jean Lesage of Quebec involved the transfer of, « surplus radar station at Great Whale River to Quebec. The provincial government also proposed to provide munt- cipal services such as power, water and sewage collections to} Great Whale residents--white, Roger: Normal 12-Year-Old Except He Survived 'Falls Roger Woodward is a typ- feal 12-year-old, a sturdy, athletic youngster with an engaging smile. But, untypi- cally, Roger harbors a memory of terror as the only person to: survive an unprotected plunge over Ni- agara Falls. His story is re- called here. By MARGARET HUSSEY LAKELAND, Fla. (AP)--A little steel pin no bigger than a match snapped and an after- noon boat ride on a bright sum- mer day became first a night- mare and then a miracle. ~ That day, five years ago Fri- day, will forever be impressed in the memories of Roger Wood- ward, his sister and their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood- ward. For on July 9, 1960, Roger, then seven, became the only person to plunge unprotected, over the Horseshoe cataract of} ROGER WOODWARD Indian and. Eskimo. . The statement said the new provincial services will have to be approved by the Eskimos and Indians of Great Whale. "One meeting with the Eskimo council has been held and another meeting is planned later this month." HAS RIGHT The statement added that there can be no question of Quebec's right to build a school for white and Eskimo children at Fort Chimo. | "This in no way limits the) right of Eskimo children to at- tend the federal school at Fort Chimo, which will continue to operate for as long as it may be required." The statement said some Eskimo services may 'be trans- ferred gradually to the prov- inces, if the Eskimos approve and if the province "can do that particular job as well or better than the federal govern- ment," "The opinions of the Eskimos on. this subject are of para- mount importance. This is a matter of fundamental human rights." Mr. Diefenbaker has bitterly assailed the Pearson - Lesage Carl Bowles, 24, left, and Wilfred Gray, right; are es- corted by FBI agents into the Federal Building at Sac- ramento today where 11./ were arraigned in a Fed- eral court. The two were CO IIE IO IIE DLE LE DLL LESLIE LILES LLL LL LAL LAL LATTES ? THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, July 10, 1963 3 New Algeria Rule walking along a southeastern caught highway in California early today after 'Dead' Man TORONTO (CP)--A_ 45-year- old heart patient who was pro- nounced clinically "dead" 11 times in the last three months left by plane' for his Halifax home Friday with the prospect explosion brought death Normal Life Planes-Bombers Given Back 3 Hanged In '49 MONTREAL (CP)--A mid-air| in September, 1949,) to 23 persons) lines plane and subsequent ex-| ecution by hanging to the blast. ground was being checked, In- yestigators found that her hus- band, Albert Guay, had been FBI GRABS SUSPECTED KIDNAPPERS TRODDING HIGHWAY releasing Mr. and Mrs, Hale Champion and daughter. OHC Intends To Continue Buying Plan By MICHAEL GOLDSMITH three-week-old military regime moderation into turbulent Af- rica. and Communist nations alike express relief that ex-president Ahmed Ben Bella is gone--de- Col. Houari Boumedienne. unpredictable," wrote a dispatch to my foreign ministry, I used to add a warn- ing day." ter throughout Ben Bella's re- gime. against Ben Bella's geria intends to continue Ben Bella's basic policies. In substance, this means a socialist economic system at jhome and neutralism abroad. The differences of detail are becoming more visible from day to day. Boumedienne has introduced a new style and new shades of emphasis, Some of the changes--though superficial | tion. Boumedienne's speeches, in- variably in Arabic, display A Relief To West : rule and has indicated that Al-licy. often unprepared pronounce- ALGIERS (AP) -- Algeria's|ments. $ The word "socialist" is heard" less frequently in relation to a, has brought a new element of orian affairs. When it is it is oftnn peapeitiog Bengt of 4 anki na . Many diplomats from Western mate jedtitbie must be re spected. The most striking is the elimination of Ben posed in an army coup led bY! communist mph eye ist theoreticians from "Ben Bella was erratic and|the United Arab Republic one _ WesterniChina who had gathered ambassador said. "Whenever I/him disappeared within hours of the army coup. - These men backed Ben Bel-_ ing that all it contained might\ia's more extravagant foreign" well be cancelled out by a Ben} policy ventures, such' as the of-_ Bella pronouncement the follow-|fer of "volunteers" to crush Is- rael, the shipment of arms to Boumedienne, 40, an ascetic|The Congo's Simba rebels and former teacher of Arabic, wasjthe training of Angolan guerril- army chief and defence minis-jlas to fight the Portuguese. -- Boumedienne's st at é ments He has said that thejseem to back away gradually army coup was directed only|from these positions rather than lone-man|indicate an abrupt change of pol- ' o INVENTION Canadian and U.S. Patent Enormous Potential --indicate the change of direc- Will Sell Outright or License aboard a Canadian Pacific Air-|arrested the previous June for) T 0 They|tario Housing Corp. will threatening a_ waitress. three|found too that Mrs. Guay wasj|regard criticism persons found guilty of causing|threatening to leave her hus- week and continue |band because of an alleged af-|low-income families The DC-3 twin - engined air-|fair he had had with the same sidized housing without consult-| TORONTO (CP) -- The On-|C@refully thought - out , phrases (FD 7 dis-|that contrast with Ben Bella's a received this to move into sub- --$--$------ For a fast start i : a fl i itress. ing or informing neighbors. ' . Niagara Falls and ite a boat toward shore, But the seditee entvises ee eee: of a normal life ahead of him./rim we a ah he th: aera was still another P. E. H. Brady penta man-| ° ° ll "rut Roger and his family sel-rent quickened. | He said. in a press state-| Delroy Outhouse, who ait watt at obec City, Sept. 9|woman in Guay's life, a Mrs.|aging director of the OHC, said| fly to Europe Vla London this F | dom tell about it now. They| "He told us to put on our lifejment Thursday Mr. Pearson's|been suffering from rages when its front left side was|Marguerite Pitre. Friday only the tenants need| o ; conditions, be informed. underwent a "You wouldn't notify anyone represents "ajferent heart |jackets,"' Roger says. "I remem-|announcement want to forget it. J 8 y sitlgetaalialiy WAL } ripped by the explosion. The Woodwards moved to this|ber crying, 'We're going to die.'|scandalous perversion' of PP Speculation that a British Co- IDENTIFIED WOMAN Why London? Because BOAC and Air Canada < i. i -|Eskimos' © ri ive|series of major operations in , : i dri ho had drivenlelse if it sale t i- central Florida town from Ni-|Then a wave hit and Mr. Honey-|Eskimos' rights. The native|series 0 ; lumbia crash in which 52 per-|_A taxi driver who had drivenlelse if it was a sale to a pri offer up to 5 transatlantic flights daily agara Falls, N.Y., three years|cutt yelled, 'Hold on!. a, being treated like he pinta eer gga is(Sons died Thursday night may pont poh Al pa on a ae hid iad ig ty bg pial to L d And b London is the only Tielt co pub'! TOSSED OUT : = reat Bj to ee extent self- have been the result of a bomb iy in black." ee as Residents of suburban Etobi- city in all of Europe offering more than i ssn | A second wave flipped the| repaired. Doctors have inserted|¢*Plosion brought back memor-/") | iaelcokes' West Deane Park, where 200 flights a day to 63 different European : ies of the case involving the a man-made plastic valve to|n7 5 destinations. No customs or immigration formalities if you're in transit. Automatic baggage transfer. Coaches every 5 minutes to connecting flights. And if you wish, you may stopover in London at no additional fare. See your Travel Agent. > BOAC attempt, she told police of tak-|{he corporation is buying a 104- his, fed oie a pliner cane Carrying a number of top 7 ytd _ the rgd "ae ind al ray yt gers s , wl ; A ja favor for uay, who, she oe aera on se ine theory of he metal nd aed, tad et cond rie te, Te," eshy part 0 § . : ny ay pe statue. f ; d into a moun- i . uth lans to return|#rcraft plunge The OHC has declined to con- They were well above the/He said something to me and|High winds accompanied by Phy poored "ah es a tech-|'#inside. : ae A ye gs wei gra Figg firm or deny it has bought two falls, where the Niagara River/then I heard him say, 'I'm|thundershowers which spread|nician with a company supply-| Also among those obliterated hea hada wie a qlother developments--72 units in is broad and a powerboat canitired.' That's the last time I saw|spread across Ontario Fridayling television equipment. was Mrs. J. A. Guay, a pluUMp,|(Oooreux Ruest, a brother of{Suburban S irborough and 42 stay away from the tons of cas-|him." night overturned a cottage and 28 - year - old housewife from] 1°" Pit nga Teed ining units in suburban North York. cading water that drops t0 8) Honeycutt's body was recov-(crushed three unoccupied cars|IT'S REMARKABLE OO acre mechanism' for whatever was|COMPLETES PURCHASES low. i i , ' whirlpool 161 fee ered four days later a quarter|under a maple tree. Dr. Douglas Wigle, director SAW EXPLOSION in the "fragile" parcel. The. cotpieetion Savile 0 FOR RIDE boat and tossed the three into! S S h began when Roger and his|the torrent. | torm mas es sister, Deanne, 17, were taken) "He (Honeycutt) didn't have! for a boat ride by James Honey-|time to put his life jacket on,"| Cottage Autos cutte-40, their father's foreman)Roger says. "'He swam over to i at the Niagara Power Project.|me and he grabbed my hand.| BRACEBRIDGE, Ont. (CP)-- But then a shear pin snapped. "T knew something was wrong when the motor began to race," Roger recalls. Honeycutt began paddling frantically, trying to move the NONG Prexy mile below the falls. Deanne recalls that she clung to the capsized boat for a mo- ment, then was swept away. "7 thought this was it," she said. "Then I saw a hand reach- ing out and I grabbed it." The hand belonged to John R. Hayes, a vacationing policeman from Union Township, N.J. He Boats .on Lake Leonard near this Muskoka town were over- turned and cottage windows smashed in the storm. A cot- tage on an island in the middle of the lake was turned upside down and tossed to the waters' edge. No injuries were reported. Hydro and telephone lines were knocked out. of the hospital's cardiovascular' unit, described the case as "quite remarkable." t where a man has survived at! the same time three different heart conditions." Dr. Wigle said that judging by all meical criteria Mr. Out- house "'died". nine times in Hal- ifax's Victoria General Hospital "I know of no other case|®XPlosion before the plane dove almost all with the plane's functioning or its equipment as causes of the wreck. Ground observers told inves- igators of seeing signs of the '0 its death. A coroner's jury eliminated sources associated possible The point of the explosion parture on death-bound Flight Guay was brought to trial for|1,000 other units and has com- the murder of his wife--who he|pleted some of the purchases had equipped with a $10,000 life|/but Mr. Brady would not give insurance policy before her de-|their locations. BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION WITH AIR CANADA ? 108. He was found guilty and was sentenced to be hanged, but as he awaited the hangman, he made out a statement incrim- NOTICE 1965 Canadian Coin Sets -- 4.00 Per Set Minimum Order, 5 Sets Per Person, Oshawe's Authorized Agent FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL (OSHAWA) LIMITED * Leaves Jail ee companion pulled her to)"'storms also hit southwestern while waiting to be sent. to\%25 found to be the luggagelinating Mrs. Pitre and her Certified Cheque or Money. Order 57 King St. East 728-6201-2-3 ! But there was no. hand for|Ontario. Wingham and districtlrg panto for treatment. He\omPattment. brother in the murder. siilatate ! TORONTO (CP) -- Ralph K.\poger hospital operated on emergency|.ieq" twice more in Toronto|, Jt 98° Was found that what) The sister and brother were ROYAL COIN CO, : ' Farris, former president of : power for three hours Friday|pefore surgeons were able to|US&3s¢ the doomed plane wasiduly tried, found guilty and met Post Office Box 323, Northern Ontario Natural Gas|KNEW WHEN when electrical power was ctl -eniace a partially - blocked carrying had been put aboardithe same fate as the executed Mantvenl 40: Renuas ° : Co. Ltd., has been released) "I knew when I went over theloff. injturing a stop-over at Quebec|Guay, ore Bo Ss ond Girls ' ; : ; valve in his aorta, the mainjqjt, during the trip from Mont eee from Guelph reformatory and/falls," he says. "I felt like 1 was} A barn and silo on a farm artery leading from the heart. y . g ip from Mont | now is in his Vancouver home.|hitting rocks every minute. Alljnorth of Markdale were flat-\" 7." Guin ite for i real to 'Sept - Iles, 450 miles | You Can Ea During Y | j Farris was sentenced to ninelof a sudden there was a big|tened. Roofs were blown off aj Mt. Ou gue ice ng 'a his\northeast. PO was aw ries aide s wii | ou Gan Earn Money uring Your | i months definite and three|bump and everything was dark.|shed and a cottage. A main|Wife to get ee gid egy on Investigators had been told of| y SAIL * WATER-SKI ... Summer Vacation as a } months indeterminate on a per-|Then I saw light." hydro transmission line between|"0sPital here, told sage V-la smell like gun-powder waft- OU... jury charge arising from his| Ona small steamer that takes|Hanover and Walkerton was|ims' was "'just like fainting." ling up from the wreckage. They testimony before a judicial in-|tourists around the base of the|/blown down. "T would feel a tightening|were satisfied with all the bag- Can ovance- PLAY LAWN-BOWLING quiry into distribution of NONG}falls, Capt. Clifford Keetch, who} In Fort Erie, lightning which|sensation that started in my|8age except a parcel addressed Vou Spent Cue R DEMOLISH stock. had seen the drama unfold,Jaccompanied heavy rainstorms|head and worked down myjto what turned out to be a non- eee Farris has cancer of the pan-|watched as the 55-pound boy|was blamed for a fire which face. During some ot » -- et Bacel destination Do Y. MOUTH.WATERING FOOD. CONTINENTAL creas and had served only six|bobbed to the surface. burned out Niagara Lumber and/there was a sensation of being)a! : 'O YOU ELEGANCE + IMPECCABLE SERVICE Sturdy are the, shoulders months of his' sentence when| He turned the craft around|Hardware Ltd, Damage was es-|warm. It had been delivered to the Pnia GRA COMPANY vOULe Ge cua ee af he, f released. * |manoeuvred toward the boy. timated at $20,000. "Then I would feel dizzy and|#rport by a woman dressed in JOY.++ TO.KEEP... je newspaper boy for { I could tell that-I was going. a : H on them rests the respon- } Everything would go black." |_ Meantime, Mrs. Guay's back- @VE CHILDREN. WE HAVE... A SUPERVISED sibility of bridging the | Mr. Outhouse said he felt = You... , Se Prose. gop between newspaper pain, saw no visions and exper- s s : F i et, ee | Mimic, Actress LOW, LOW OFF-SEASON RATES! aid Gun vane Tis aaa: | Dr. ag said a Patient al You're missing the fun at paper they deliver repre- | OTM Ally Beaumed .cunicary My sents the combined labour | dead when there is no pulse, Plan Marriage Honan amygy the heart has stopped beating o' usands of people q and the patient has ceased to) TORONTO CP)--Ottawa both here and abroad, --_ as polmie are ie rans he i plus production costs that is assumed the brain isjto marry Toronto actress Jean lovite, Quebec, Canada or phone: St. dovite 425-2771 ; irreparably. damaged if blood|Christopher later this year if me me gi run into the thousands of circulation ceases for longer|her divorce 'proceedings be- You won't miss anything if you write for brochures dollars, It is: therefore a jthan four minutes, come final. aa job that cannot be taken The 26-year-old impersonator} jand satirist said he and the 24- jyear-old actress, until recently MONEY TO INVEST ? ja star performer on CBC-TY's |Nighteap, hope to move to Los | Earn the highest rate -- | Angeles. j "Miss Christopher will cer- tainly continue with her career | after we're married," Mr.| Little said in an interview. Miss Christopher, currently| filming a movie in Montreal called Montage, was in the news recently when Ralph! Liberal member of| Parliament, charged she and five other CBC employees had) taken part in the production of} what he termed a_ sex-orgy| | = | CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST | lightly, the success or fail- ure of the route depends | entirely on a keen sense | of detail and strong inter- } est in business, Both strong prerequisites in to- day's world of business, But few people have such an inbred instinct and the | corrier's job affords an | excellent opportunity for a young boy or girl to learn these skills, PARLIAMENT BURNS A BIT OTTAWA (CP) -- Fire broke out in fresh tar on a small roof of the Parlia- ment-B-uwildings Friday night, but it was put out quickly by a member of the Commons protective _ staff with a fire extinguisher. A wide column of black smoke began rising from the. roof about 7:30 p.m. and attracted several hun- dred spectators, including Opposition Leader Diefen- baker who soon was busy | | signing autographs for chil- || NEED A NEW per annum for 5 years (and up to 10 years) ' aren. utbreak was located |u, LOPNACE? | GUARANTEED (pm emerer cero eee on the roof of a one-storey ||" Osemter--een I INVESTMENT | OSHAWA TIMES CARRIER 4 extension tehind the Senate | : | wing of the Centre Block. | . PERRY | CERTIFICATES are APPLICATION A Dey or Night . . . 723-3443 Ss | G d --- as to Principal and Interest | Naene iad > ua As wes us Callttaral ov Soules | | then teceeceeverseetesesueeneessesen ease em ATTENTION FARMERS ! Redeemable --. upon death Hille ikenivesvesauncs Ma doulas ce } Authorized -- as Trustee Act Investments | POAIOM hivee see icens WOE Oe oededis MON e ae eae Ghted . +» Why Pay More IWAN . . -~ 1 | ci: Premium Quality fauliat SOM: vip beniinevesvedhes si ciuibay ssa Glee 4 J ; ; BW nas 2 ee eee ar ae ee ; sili OF. fir GASOLINE - DIESEL & MOTOR OILS | 8 savine nours: ESE EMA -- Hood otis: 1, Tat Aan We Gnins PAINFUL RETURN FROM THE FRONT Foam: Toute-Avelipble a ie Te ee eae ae ae | | Friday 9t0o9 ae Oshawa | : Marvin C. Runyon, right, | yon was one of an esti- -- Australian and Vietnamese | Saturday 9teS SOUNTAINHEAD Tel, 723-5221 Bh ),) hat: Gime ein is tat _, asd mated 50 American casual- took part in the four-day | CALL TODAY ! : ssiweidiin --_ ' e 8 am 3 cies U4. serviceuiah to an __ ties suffered in the "D" -- operation against the Viet | 668-3341 i CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT evacuation helicopter. Run- zone. in Viet Nam. U.&., Cong. (AP) |