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Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Jul 1965, p. 11

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CHILD GUIDANCE Creativity In A Child Develops As He Grows By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD The subject of creativity has been the topic of many articles _ and studies recently. However, not. much has been learned about creativity in the child from two to five. One may see good samples of creation by the youngster in the nursery school or kindergarten. But anybody may observe 'the widest variety of creation by this child at home in hundreds of his daily activities. Besides ~ we may have rich opportunities at home to stimulate creativity in this little child. It's fun to watch the baby when he begins to handle a rat- tle, spoon, or block. In merely handling such an object, he hits different things feeling the vi- brations in his hand and hear- ing the sounds, Gradually he experiments to discover new sounds he can make--he's cre- ating then. Sitting in his playpen, or on the floor with objects like a pan, spoon or wooden blocks, he soon may notice different sounds he can make with them. He may put one or several of the smaller objects into a con- tainer, take the objects out with his hands or dump them out, even inventing new activi- ties. NEW DISCOVERIES Given a, mailing tube and a few smaller objects, the child may choose to put these smaller things into the tube. Acciden- tally he may discover they move through the tube and come out. Then he may pur- posely put these small things into the tube and tip it just to see them coming out at the other end. With only a few small blocks beside him, the child may cre- ate with the blocks, putting two or more end to end, or one on top of the other to make a bridge. Before long the child may build a tower all alone with sev- eral blocks. By the time he is two, if given several pans different sizes, he may spend a-lot of time putting the smaller one into the larger, picking it)' out, or dumping it out, and re-|' peating the performance. Later with three or four pans] ' of different sizes the child may] fit all of them together or he may turn them upside down and learn to build a tower with them. When he is older, if you] -- give him a nest of cubical boxes} " which fit into one another, he may keep trying to put some or all of them together. If given a good set of blocks when he is 3, 4 ot 5 this child) . may choose to build in all sorts of ways with them. You may be impressed with the growth in the nature and variety of his building. If he has a few small toys like cars and trucks, he may incorporate them into his building. He may push a few blocks together and call them a train, or push the cars about imagining he is doing all sorts of things with them. He cer- tainly is creating then; and no- body needs to teach him to do} so. DRAWING PICTURES With a crayon which is safer than a pencil, he may at first) just scribble on paper when he is only two. Later on he may begin to draw, giving his pic- ture a name. Over the next sev- eral years you will see him growing at creating pictures. | At the age.of two or earlier,| he may begin to talk about things not present as if they) were present. How delightful to see his im- agination developing -- serving you imaginary tea in real or imagined containers, making up all sorts of yarns out of his} head. If you accept and enjoy| his fantasies and creations with) words and things he will go on creating. KEEP IN TRIM Critical Look In Mirror Shocked Her Into Action By IDA JEAN KAIN Why does it help to read that some other woman with your same weight woes has mustered the courage to take action? In the first place, it reduces your problem to life size, so to speak . . . you are not alone. The feeling of camaraderie that exists between dieters, even though they do not know one another, is most heartening. In a way, it's as if the will. pewer exerted by each one helps to, bolster the will of all. | Secondly, hearing of someone} else who is doing something about her weight, serves as a challenge. A challenge is stimu- lating. Here is just such a let-! ter, from a young lady: "I've been reading your col- umn for a long time. Every time I read it I get a lift and the incentive to stay with my slimming course. I am 20 years|- old and 5' 1" tall. } "Now here is the shocker. I} did weigh 180 pounds! One day} I stood in front of a long mir- ror and got a good look at my-| self. I said, 'You are one big} flat blob . . . and it's disgust- ing.' Well, that did it. At that movement I knew I was going to do something. COMES DOWN SLOWLY I 'ILI 14310" Mou | Pue passed tere GD weve Tweet G HEAD NOISES AND GUN FIRE ing discharged from the Navy 1 began to h a constant ringing or hissing sound in my ears. Could this be due to ex- any treatment? or hearing nerve. no effective treatment either medical or surgical. However, | avoidance of further exposure | to loud noise, may result in improvement in the condition | with time. { CORNS AND CANCER. Q. Do corns or calluses ever turn into cancer? | A. Remember -- the diagnosis and treatment of disease is| the function of the patient's personal physician No. The personal interest we take in the health of those we serve is of equal importance | with the professional skill we put in the dispensing of pres- cribed medicine. i | | DRUGS King East Oshawa PHONE 723-4621 Open Evenings till. 9 P.M. Free City Wide Delivery Q. Several months ofter be-| A. Head noises following ex- | posure to excessive noise is| due to injury to the acoustic | There: is} | and I now weigh 171. I realize it is a slow process, but even so the result is rewarding. My trouble wasn't snacking be- tween meals, but 'overloading'| at mealtime. | "I find if I eat slower 1| don't eat so much. Every day that it is possible, I take a good walk. Also, I do a lot of other exercises, | "If I have someone to report to; it will help me to stay on this really needed diet and ex- ercise program. Here are my measurements: Bust 43, waist thigh 22, calf 14%. "In one month I will report} 32, hips 42, |my changes. Thanks for read- ing TAKE IT SLOWLY. Thank you for writing. Your attitude is wonderful. You have {doctor can encourage you dur- \not ask for an appetite depres- ¥ GIFT FOR A Here is a really luxurious gift for the girl graduate whose father is feeling af- fluent. The covered bracelet- watch combines turquoise, garnets and gold with one gained weight all over, and you| should take the weight off uni-) formly. Do not worry. about the Just continue in the direction \time element. lof your goal and one fine day|rounded by tins of you will be down to your) healthy, happy weight. You are| only 20 years old, so think of| all the years ahead that you) can enjoy being. ideal, weight. | Thanks to your daily exercise, you will not exchange fat for flabby muscles. Exercise plays a triple role. With regular ex- ercise, walking and calisthenics) will feel fine and look fit. There will be times when you will not lose, dieting and exer- cising to the contrary, Your ing these weight plateaus. Do sant. It gives only temporary help, then comes the letdown, followed by regaining. You are heading in the right direction| ~ by eating slowly, changing your food habits . . . and exercising. Bless you, honey, and we'll all be pulling for your success. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday. July 12, 1963 +h] THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW The advent of the full moon brings the usual warning against extremism of any kind. Be especially careful in per- sonal contacts since many will be unusually emotional and dif- ficult to deal with. -As usual, too, those engaged in creative pursuits should find this period a high inspirational one. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that, where occupational interests ANN LANDERS ~ May. Don't take what appears to be real romance during the first two weeks of August too seriously, however. Most aus- picious periods for travel: The next two weeks, all of Septem- ber (exceptionally good!), next January, April and June. If careful to avoid friction during late August and late September, you should enjoy happy domes- tic and social relationships for practically the entire year. A child born on this day will happily combine. the practical and the imaginative; would make an excellent scientist or -------------- ELECTROLYSIS ~ Unwanted hair permonently ree moved from face, arms [ legs. Medically Approved Met Private Business Not For Post Cards Dear Ann Landers: My mother-in-law doesn't like to write letters. She puts every- thing on postal cards and I do mean everything. Unfortu- nately, our mailman has a very big mouth. There is no such thing as a secret in this town. thod, " Over 15 Years' Experience . MARIE MURDUFF © will be in Oshawa a et the GENOSHA HOTEL ' July 12, 13, 14 PHONE 723-4641 * For appointment on these Pa brought home anything he could trap, shoot or hook. It was a whole winter's groceries. Women like you are ruining our civilization. I say we'd be better off if we all went back to the stream, the field and the a q % tree.--Sign Me Sam Dear Sam: .0.K. Go back to the tree, but don't try to take the whole world with you. are concerned, it would be well|°ducator. to step up efforts now -- even though results may not be im- mediate. Stars promise, how- Just for fun, stopover in Lond i ever, that the imagination for which the Cancerian is noted, H applied practically to your en- before visiting Europe! i deavors, cotild "attract the at- tention of-those in authority and put you in the way of future 7 Fly BOAC across the Atlantic this fall and it won't cost a penny extra in fares to visit London en route to Europe. A few weeks ago my mother- in-law wrote the following mes- sage on a card: "'It's too bad the bank turned down your loan. I wish I could send you the money but I can't right now. If you would like me to speak to your Uncle Leonard I will. You did pay back the Dear Ann Landers: To be honest I don't know if I am justified in being upset with my mother or, if I am_ being "adolescent" as she says. é BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION WITH AIR CANADA Oshawa's Authorized Agent FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL | (OSHAWA) LIMITED 57 King St. East 728-6201-2-3 po hig et yee I am almost 17 years old and|promotion -- with your best : 1 Walled the weuaks over Wek have been going with a won-|months September, December, ° '|derful fellow who is now in the|next January and March. Cre- pa A husband said I was)fast taking summer courses atlative workers, who will have an . la university. He writes mejall-around good year, can ex- i i : This morning I received altwice a week. Ron (not his real/pect ectiantine Uirtida of ac- -- cgi ee ee ~. \card from = which ~ "If/name) is a 'poet. He has written|complishment for the balance See next year's Broadway hits this year. you aren't having any success|some romantic poems just forjof this month, in late Septem- isi GRADUATE getting pregnant, Atice,~why not! me. I think they are the most/ber, and throughout November, Viet te eer ee ee ee talk to Martha? Maybe = will|sensitive and exquisite words I!January, March and May. Stay a week or a month--then Z ae ass along some secret hints." have ever 'read. | Best periods gradi diamond as an added fillip. i What a you think about this,| I learned this afternoon thatl your financial Ganson an on saaagpcad pH 0405 sighted 4 any The little timepiece is re- |ann? Any suggestions to cure)my mother read several ofjcur between Aug. 15 and Sept to 63 European cities. er Fcc the cover 1S |her?--Just Burning |Ron's poems to her Ladies Aid|8, between Sept. 20 and Nov. ait the 'sia ig "igaldoes | Dear Just; Personal business|when they met at our home last/16 (a truly .otable cycle, with motif of stones and gold, |sbould not be written on postal| week. __.|Jupiter, the planet of opportun- ne Gane ARRIAN leards, even if your mailman) When I told Mother I wasjity transiting your Sun-Sign), is 4 : --Bs tACY ADRIAN [has a small mouth. shocked she said, '"'I thought /and between Jan. 15 and April | Send your mother-in-law a the poems were so beautiful 1/15. Do avoid extravagance and-| Ci . C did t box of self-addressed stamped|wanted the ladies to hear them. jor speculation between now and 1V1C andl a © | cnvelopes with cards inside and|Beautiful things should bejAug. 15th, and between mid- 4 tall her you'd appreciate it ifshared. They belong to the|November and early January, In Delicatessen she'd use them. world." I cannot be objective) however. | | about my feelings but I am; Generous influences will also NEW YORK (AP) -- Sur- Dear Ann Landers: Just keep| disappointed, angry and resent-/govern your personal life for] tuna andup your nutty advice and you|ful. Comment please.--J. the next 12 months, with em-| with the atmosphere smelling] Will be responsible for breaking} _Dear J.: Your mother had no|phasis on sentimental interests | of corned beef, a trim woman|UP 10,000 more homes in WAAYN|right to invade your privacy. between now and Aug.' 1, from) announced her' candidacy Fri-|County. |The poetry was written for you)Aug. 15 through Oct. 4; also} day for mayor of New York., What do you mean by tellingjand not for the world, or the/during enxt February, April and| The woman, 36 - year - ola;women they shouldn't have to|Ladis Aid. : Peggy Hoenig, made her state-|Clean the fish and fowl their) You realize, of coor that ment in a tiny delicatessen and|husbands bring home --unless|your mother wat showing 72 restaurant in Greenwic' i].|they want to? joff. Understanding her motives} lage that doubles re i poise Most women are downright|should make you less angry and paign headquarters. lazy today, thanks to the new resentful, but what she did was | She said she was "perfectly|inventions. They are fat as/WfOn8 Wrong wong: a - }you will turn more stored cal-|serious'" and was running as an COWS and just as energetic. lories back into energy, and you! independent. They don't even hang out the) TRY TEA FOR SUNBURN what with ma-| An: old-fashioned remedy for by, the water shortage in New) Chines that blow everything} sunburn which still works is to York and her opinion that the dry. |pour lukewarm tea on the city needs a woman to run My mother was happy when'burned parts and let it dry. things. --enaeeremer emt -- on There are four Democrats, re A 2) - one conservative Republican} V4j4 A. and one Liberal already seek-| S47 ye Sis ing the mayor's office, but Peggy is the first woman. Her decision was prompted wash anymore Super Bakery Specials BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR KITCHEN! Delicious FRESH STRAWBERRY Your Favourite HONEY DIPPED j Johnny had been warned by his | ' teacher. about being ~ late for LUNCH BAFFLES BANDIT | MIDDLESBROUGH, England (CP)--When an unkempt youth came into Mrs. Bridget Foster's little shop one Sunday morning and threatened to shoot her if she didn't hand over the cash, her first thought was for Sunday lunch cooking in the oven, so she threw him out. Said 65-year- old Mrs. Foster, 'It was only school too often. So this morning os he hurried along he kept pray- ing: "Please God, don't let me be late . . « please don't let me be late!" Then as he stumbled over a rock he looked up and said, 'Well, you don't have to push!" STORES © 92 WOLFE Special This Week Sponge Roll 63: Special This D DONUTS Week OZ. Two or three tier wedding cakes -- Order One Week Ahead BAKERY ORDERS. PHONE 725-3421 @ 170% MARY ST. @ 12 BOND E. @ 924 SIMCOE N. later that I realized that he could have shot me, and [! WIFE PRESERVER Use a nutcracker to open screwtop bottles. Its jaws. are trembled like a leaf." -- -- AGENTS @ United Taxi, 143 King St. East @ Roxy Variety, Rosslynn Ploza Small Appliances REPAIR Free Pick-up and Delivery 725-8915 BOB EAKINS War clear SERV) 4: 725-3555 G ST. E. OSHAWA generally larger than pliers. | posure to gunfire? Is there! | | | PARK Harwood Ave. S. - See Also, Armstrong Homes in Beautiful SOUTHWOOD rmstrong l--E===--; "Your Design For Modern Living At Its Very Best" IN CONVENIENTLY LOCATED | ROLLING HILLS ESTATE 728-4658 or 9 'til 9:30 p.m. MON. - FRI. SAT. te 6 P.M, Homes Heated By Clean DEPENDABLE (Gonsumers' ('jas IS AT IT AGAIN! DON'T MISS THESE BARGAINS. WHOLE FAMILY With Your Purchase of A Lovely Armstrong Home in ROLLING HILLS ESTATES - OSHAWA l- ALL ARMSTRONG HOMES INCLUDE THESE FEATURES AT NO EXTRA COST « Copper tone hooded exhaust fan in kitchen. Stainless steel . Colored ceramic, wall tile for bath- room and col: Kitchen cupbe « tural stained custom built) ; Double laundr . Forced air ga Ajax {Phone Pickering 947-3310 of Oshaw Yalance boxes in living room air oil heating -- ; . All electric light fixtures TEFLON FRY PAN 1.94 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Ist Quoli 4.91 99: CANNED SOFT DRINKS PEPSI 10 ix" TINS 1.59 Sena em WIENERS Ib. 19¢ 2 LBS. PER ADULT BUNS pkg. 14 2 PKGS. PER ADULT GARDEN HOSE 50 ft. Plastic, com- plete with couplings. 5 Ib. bag 24: YEAR FAMILY MEMBERSHIP Grandview Golf & Country Club Membership includes Father, Mother, And All Children 18 years and Under BEACH BALLS Large Size 19: el BAZOOKA GUNS 97' WILKINSON'S SWORDS STAINLESS STEEL BLADES Pkg. of 5 ¢ LOE ol ' Sizes. 9. 100-Amp. heavy duty electric wir- ing installed. Divided basements with recreation facilities All services included, paved road, sanitary, and storm sewers, in- dividuol water connections, curbs, Front and side yards sodded Sidewalks installed. from front to drivewoy and side door to drive- way. Fancy ceiling in living room and dining room. Oak floors throughout where As- béstos Vinyl tile is not installed. . Metal iron railing installed on front 10. porch where there are three steps i. kitchen sink; SUN GLASSES 34: pair NYLONS -- Ist Quality Seamless 4 PAIRS or more. . Copper toned built in. triple pdper towel rack. Clay brick. Built-in kleenex dispenser . Poured concrete. basement (with lifetime guarantee), Mahogany trim. . Built in range and oven. Electric heating installed os an extra lored fixtures, doors na- y yards and 1 mahogany 1 imported y tubs is heating extra or forced 14, OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT PER GALLON 15. SOME PLANS PROVIDE FOR WALKOUT BASEMENTS MANY OPTIONAL EXTRAS AVAILABLE TO YOUR TASTE

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