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Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Jul 1965, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, July 12, 1965 "Times Action Want Ads Take No Vacation - They Work All TheT Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. -- to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY|"""@" Accountants Barristers Gardening and Supplies Mortgages EONARD JAMES BROOKS, Cha: keenest "a te ite 205W, Oshawa Shopping 725-9953. mond Bui CA, 728- BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service. Complete Bookkeeping service, | 1et Bond Street West, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. NN aed 'Account JOSEPH GUTMANN, Char an. East, 2 rasta, : HOSMA! Chartered Account- ALBERT prince 'sireely Suite 4, Oshawa, Snterto. 723-1221. irtered| GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solici- tors, etc., 114 Ki Bib East. Dial 72-2278. Residence 3: J Greer, QC, 725-3368; Terence VK Vv. Kelly, BA, BCL, bt Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB, soEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Solici Money fo loan. Office, 14% King 'reat East, Oshawa. 728-6232, Building Trades HOME BEADLE AND CO., Chai tered: Acctunnts Financial Trade Build- ta, 187 Kil reet East, Oshawa, On- er rest Hopkins, CA; H. A. Beadle, CA; E. Lukow, CA. i anger at AND CO,, countants, Licensed Trus- rept. "ag Simcoe Street North, osnewes 7a Newcastle, 987-4240; William Hall, B.Comm, CA. Barristers McG! sppbherctca Barristers, an AND 8 reed' tations! Trust Building, 32 Simcoe Street South, 778-7336; Charles C. MecGibbon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC; Grant H. Arm- strong. MACDONALD, BA, ite, Bar- ier and. Sollettor. and Notary Public, The Commercial Building, 286 King West, Oshawa, Ontario. Clinent Parking aveil- ale. 725-4716 or 725-4717. |GHTON, DAVIN MURDOCH, and VicTOR, Barristers, Solictors, Notaries, Bank of Commerce Building, 5 Simcoe Street North, a, 723-3446; T. K. 3G L C. Victor, 985-7115. Classified Rates WORD ADS Cash--1 pochbig of se fe gig Bi $1.08 peyote Se ri 7) words, 288 88 ional words 12¢ each pa be restore of 24 words *54 £32, Sdditionel words 18¢ each. cent a gr * figure or 'abbreviation word, initial, dele anele counts as one word; counts two words. BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- SOCIAL NOTICES 2.00 insertion with 25 cents ad- Shes chores if not paid with-in 7 days. IN MEMORIAM: $2.00 for the first 35 words and 5c each thereafter, plus 12c per line of additional charge if not QmREARDS OF THANKS poeig for the first 35 gee and Se IMPROVEMENTS reliable Whitby builder Alterations, additions, all trades, carpentry, brick, repairs, roofing, plastering, wiring, etc. Telephone 668-3283 EAVESTROUGHING ? or CHIMNEY FLASHING ? Men, materials now available. ieesiatad << guaranteed. EAVESTROUGHING 728-9942 WELDING Acetylene @ Arc @ Heleare also @ Torch Cutting 28 DEAN AVE. 723-6601 "BUG KILLERS" Pomogreen Rose Dust Kolofruit Tree Gardenall Malathion D.D. Ti 3 Ornamental Tree Dust Multispra Ant and Grub Cygon 2E Atox Diazinon Spray King Bug Killer D.D.T. and Dithane Lawn Weed Killers Poison Ivy and Brush Kill Atlacide Milorganite Golfgreen 12-6-6 Evergreen 6-9-6 So Green 7-7-7 COOPER- SMITH CO. 16 CELINA ST. 723-1139 QUALITY CARPENTRY and GENERAL REPAIRS Roofing, Painting, Siding, Floor and Ceiling Tiles. Rec. Rooms, General home remod- el-ing. All work guaranteed. H. McKOY 725-8576 THE R. H. CABINET CO. 182 THISKSON RD. N. 728-0232 Kitchen cabinets, Vonities. Custom built cabinets. FOR LUSH GREEN LAWNS LAID AND DELIVERED .. ALSO CEDAR HEDGES PATIOS LAID AND DELIVERED. CALL "MAPLE LEAF" LANDSCAPING AND GARDEN SERVICE 725-0611 ROOFING, concrete floors, flat roofing, | our speciality. New work and repairs. Large and smali jobs. L. and H. Roofing and Construction, RR 3, 725-6937. HAVE YOUR HOME beautified with an asphalt driveway All work guaranteed, No money down Cedarbrae Construction, 11 Ontario Street. 723-1891, HOME IMPROVEMENTS, roofing, and: eavestroughing, carpentry work, painting and general repairs All work guaran- teed. P. Nellis, 336 Bruce Street, 728-2061 ALL KINDS of carpentry, kitchen cup- boards, rec rooms, remodelling, . Cor Aay, 1086 Somerville Street, 728-9300. each thereafter, with charge if not paid Mithia 7 days. COMING EVENTS 2.10 per inch h (display) | $1.50 for the Meo 50 wo words and 5¢ each there- (werd Ads. AUCTION SALES $2.10 per inch per insertion DEADLINES WORD ADS 5 p.m. day previous Lost AND FOUND 9 a.m. day of publication BIRTHS AND DEATHS 9 a.m. day of publication CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1 column -- 4 p.m. day. previous 2 column or larger -- 10 a.m. day previous CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 5 9 a.m. day of publication BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- 50c While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to thé advertisers as soon 1s possible we accept no liability in respect of loss .or damage alleged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies, however caused whether by negligence or otherwise. The Times will not be re- sponsible for replies uncalled for in 20 days REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be re- sponsible for errors, in advertise- ments submitted otherwise thon in writing not for more than one inser- tion of any advertisement, nor be- yond the price charge for a single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. _ The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising according to its proper classification. In the case of display advertisements The Times will not be held respon- sible for more space thon in which the .actual error occupies. [he pub- lishers vor to reproduce all pela Be matter correctly, but as- sume no liability of advertisement if any inaccuracies in any form ore contained therein. Any advertisement cancelled betore publication will be charged one day's insertion. (T'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direct 723-3492 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS 1--Women"s Column 2--Personal 's Column Que 5--Trailers Lr soaks Pie gy send soars te for «5 9--Market Basket 10--Farmer's Column }}--Pets and Livestock 12--Articies Wanted 13--Articles for Rent 14--Business Opportunities 15--Employment Wanted Wanted 20e--Summer Properties - 21---Farms for Sale 2---Lets tor 3--Real ers Wanted 24-----Stores, Offices and Storage 25--Houses for Rent 26----Apartments for Rent, 7--Rooms for Rent and Board 35--Lost and Found 36----Legal 37--Auctions 38---Coming Events 39-- Notices: NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco, sidewalks, re-modelling, rec-rooms. Free estimates. C. Woods, 728-3420 or 728-4717, FINISHING CARPEN + Custom kit chen cabinets, vanities, bar cabinets, NO. 1-TOP SOIL Hardsand Landscaping 55 Glover Road 725-1721 Evergreen Sale Nursery must be cleared. LOWEST PRICES EVER! rec. rooms. Phone 723-4145. No answer, | 173-7331--xw ALL TYPES building roofing repairs and remodeling, chimneys, new and repaired, sidewalk and concrete repairs. Whitby 668-2774, Gord May. EXPERT PAVING 22c. sq. ff. includes grading and fill, al guarantee. Ter- rano Paving, 723-5841 YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Chim- neys built and repaired; gas linings installed; roofs repaired, Free estimates. 723-2997, FOR ROOFING, < chimneys, _ sidewalks, all types of cement w ink McCann, RR 3, Oshawa. Brooklin 655-3061. Cartage JOHN'S MOVi Storage and Cartage Reasonable rates, fully insured. Call 728-3661, Ajax, 942-2020. Cleaning Service OSHAWA CLEANERS Rug ond Upholstery Clean- ing. At our plant or in your home. CALL 725-9961 94 BRUCE STREET CITY WIDE SHARPENING REEL. TYPE LAWN MOWERS Sharpening and_ Repairs. shears, scissors, 'knives, also lawn .cutting. Quick service. Pick-up and delivery. SHARPENING BY MACHINES 248 Quebec St.--725-0500 Wuldn't you like to have @ galvanized steel FENCE installed by A-ONE FENCE CO. For free estimates call 723-5377. PRIVATE -- Tree to cut or trim? For good rates and service cali Francis, Free estimate. 728-0995. ARMSTRONG sod and loam, nursery sod, soil. Ti MORTGAGE * LOANS Money for first mortgages Open. Mortgages Interest at 7% No Bonus No charge for vatuations Mortgages and Agreements purchased Money for second mortgages Fast service M. F. SWARTZ 26% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 90% SCRAP BOOK ras iW ° WAE pit hy ourto id ors " soulkwagt AFRICA FOR SLEEPING OYER THEIR, BOOKS, YOWHFUL SINS. ate ns Fees Syd. fs 143. Weld sha ed 8--Articles for Sale 11--Pets and Livestock {1 ime 7--Female Help Wanted a R J SCOTT BUY & SELL Fishing tackle, guns, tables chairs, chesterfields, carr- iages, beds, dressers, bicycles; TV's and appliances. New and Used, VALLEY CREEK 16 BOND WEST 728-4401 GERMAN. Shepherd be awh and ed A rahe : er fee App! erguson's. e Station, Ta Teuton Rd. East. fone POINTERS, to train, all needies, one male, le. Apply 1195 Wecker Drive. SEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for! training, see, ec (Pog Apply Mrs. T. Broad, 114 E BLACK PONY 9 one old, quiet, Telephone Bowmanville bea, 'CANARY CAGES -- show and breeding' cages, Call Port Perry, 985-2645. AFRICA BIRD FISHe 4H\S MANNER Janssen's Power Equipment Centre Toro, Moto-Mower Massey- Ferguson Riding Tractors, Service on-all power equip- ment. Licensed mechanic on duty. 843 King West 728-9429 LEGAL STENOGRAPHER For firm of Oshawa solicitors, 4% day week. Reply to Box 218, Oshawa Times stating qualifications. BORDER COLLIES and ie aye also a tiny Toy pls $15. Maa) 'S and ae CH horse, all have good conformation, tye and broken, Telephone Hampton, 263-2790, 12--Articles Wanted WANTED Dew worms, $6.00 thousand, from experienced pickers, Telephone Wall-| wort Bait, Peterboro, Rivérside 25263. R SIMILAR ° nn WiLL ANAL HEATED BEFORE DRIVING, BE. LESS APY 40 CRACK PLASTER, 2 Yes. 13--Articles for Rent ©@ Gravel @ Sand @ Stone 34" Much @ Building Materials TEXACO FUEL & STOVE OIL Free 24-hr, Burner Service Whitby's Only Local Texaco Dealer Call 668-3524 SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED 244 Brock St, South Residential Mortgages Modern second or combined first mortgages Liberal pre- payment privileges. No hid- den charges. Free brochures and. information. Write or telephone C.A.C. Realty Limited Oshawa Shopping Centre, Stevenson's. Rd. S. C2B VOR SUMMERLAND SECURITIES 112 Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ontario - 725-3568 Mortgage Money Available Low Interest Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association Optometrist TV--Radio Repai AERIALS © RON'S TV WwW E 12 Year's Experience All Work Guaranteed _|8--Articles for Sale BICYCLES Standard features include, chain guard, Perry Coaster F P wi ar have, Simcoe South, 725-66 DRESS fuli lengtn, white, dry | cleaned, Also hoop, size 11-12, $30. Tele- phone 723-1405, VACUUM Fr brushes, repairs, all makes, hoses, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213, leming Vacuum Service, Main Street, ickering. E BUY sed stoves, ashers and any good furniture you Ken's fs abt and Sports, 153 refrigerators, brakes and silver brazed frames and forks. HONDA MOTOR -- -- New and used, | 123 - 7521 RON BRIGHTLING 9 AM P.M R S TV SERVICE DAY_OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS Closed Saturdays during July FAST T.V. SERVICE Service Call only $2.50 DOMINION TELEVISION 728-5154 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. All. work guaranteed. handle. sewn-in floor, with awning. R: RICHARD BLACK, OD, 126 Simcoe Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa. Telephone 23-4191, Painting and Decorating PAINTING AND DECORATING INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Broadloom, Custom Draperies FREE ESTIMATES DODD & SOUTER 668-5862 8. C, PAINT Contractors, excellent work. Very reasonable prices. For estimates, telephone 728-5959, or 728-6010, Well Drilling--Digging | in 30-inch tile W. Ward, 204 Chestnut] Street West. Whitby, 668-2563 or 668-3809, 1--Women's Column From $34.95 Up LAWN MOWERS Light, dependable and power- ful. Adjustable cutting height from 1" to 3". Chrome plated From $39.95 Up TENTS Heavy waterproofed drill, reor with storm flap, dutch door From $39.95 Up- | DOMINION ch eere oem | "TIRE STORE 48 Bond St. Telephrone 725-6511 West $299. No down payment. Open evenings until 9 p.m, a Shop, 199 King West. Dial 728-4242: NEW -- USED -- vacuums polishers. Re- pairs to all makes. New hoses. Phone Jack Lees 728-6956, PIANO -- 53-inch upright, reconditioned, satin ebony finish, $285 Telephone 725- 7001 after 6 p. WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni- ture or anything you have. The City Trading Post Pivald 446 Simcoe Street South, 723-1671 WHY Ri RENT? Newt New Elina sewing ma. chine, interest free, trom $6. monthly by your Elna dealer, Oshawa Sewing Centre, 329 Simcoe South, 728-2391. RANGE "Chetmaster" 22" heavy duty electric §four-burner. Wringer washer, "Simplicity", both in good condition, $70 or best offers. 728-0075. USED APPLIANCES, tnree refrigerators, one Easy washer. two heavy duty ranges, one GE 21-in. TV; one gas space heater, all-in good working condition, 723-1411. ADDING machine typewriters, cashiers, duplicators, chequewriters, files, desks, chairs. We buy, sell, rent, service and trade with budget terms. New and used. Low, fow prices, Bill Hamilton, Raglan. BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap- pliances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 or 263-2695. HONEST CAL'S Furniture and Appli- ances, Name brands at biggest discounts Fine Arts--Northumbria JULY SPECIAL -- Sterling, China, Crystal, Stainless Steel Mrs. Jean Whitney, 67 Hill Crescent, call collect, AM. 1-8514. NOW Scarboro or 32 King St. E. HAVE YOUR PAINTING done now! Interior and exterior All work guaran- teed. Call anytime 'or free PERMANENTS on special. Page Hair- dressing, 396 Pine Avenue, corner of| T 5363. 728-9876. Lloyd Simpson Painting and Decorating, if p.m. ee | 2--Personal Plumbing and Heating ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, new and used materials. Reasonabie| rates. Estimates free. 723-1191. J. Foley. ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, 225 Simcoe Street South. Rug-Upholstery Service RE-UPHOLSTERING by experts. Estab- lished 17 years. Compiete range of mate- rials, Workmanship guaranteed five years. Free estimates. Credit terms. Mattresses re-built. Furniture re-finished. Oshawa Uphoistering Company, 287 Dean Avenue, 725-0311. CHESTERFIELDS and oid chairs, re covered like new. Get the best for less at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe Street South, Call 728-6451. Free estimates. CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoistered and re- styled. Free estimate. See our material for recovering Dalton Uphoistering, 75 Charles Street 723-7212 LIVE 17 UP! Buy a home of your own from the great selection offered daily in the Real Estate For Sale column. Sales and Service gravel, stone and top 725-5864 NURSERY SOD ana top soll, ti Arm- CANVAS awnings, Complete service. Jelinek, 728-1993 anytime. curtains, canopies. strong, 345 Division Street. 725-5864, Dentistry BIALEK, DR. C. B., Dental Surgeon, 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. For appointment, 728-5842 or Res. 728-8441. Drapery Service Drapery Track Installation " Free estimates & Consultation 10 Years' Experience Head installer for one of Tor- onto's largest drapery houses. ERIC FLOWERS 1010 Dundas St. E., Whitby. Afte: 5 p.m. phone 668-3734 Dressmaking DORESSMAKING -- All kinds of ladies' wear. High quality work. Call Agnes Dresmaking, 668-8463 pee winged -- Suits, coats, dresses, ions, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372 DRESSMAKING. reasonable r ates. Telephone Whitby, 668-5244, : @ your childrens' dolls drsesed for Christmas. 'Teen-age' dolls a specialty, Call 725-8592. Gardening and Supplies Enc Sand, gravel pit-run, sand fill excavating, grading. DUTCH SAND & GRAVEL Call 728-2871 Grading & Power Rolling SHRUBS--TREES & HEDGES CEDAR TREES For hedges etc. Posts, poles, rails, All sizes. Smith's Tree Farm Newtonville -- 786-2283 NURSERY SOD and field sod. Prompt delivery. Free estimates. Telephone 28. 0875 or 723-9910. EXPERIENCED gardener will care for your garden and lawn, planting, spray- ing, pruning, hedge 'rimming, etc. Rea- sonable, 725-8614. ARE YOU TIRED of cutting grass, raking leaves, etc. Take it easy -- let some one else do it. For free estimates. Call Whitby, 468-5903 TREE TO TRIM? Call Slim. Or I'll cut them down. Free estimates. 725-5118 or 728-0610 MANURE -- Gravel, Stone, Fill. Any- time. Anywhere! Dial Hampton ) 263-2445 Instruction ee OSHAWA" DRIVING SCHOOL 10 years teaching driving automatic and standard cars. Professional instructors. 728-0091 ANYWHERE -- ANYTIME iG SCHOOL, new duel controlled cars. Personal, courteous serv- ice, fully licensed and nsured. 668-4176. Janitor Service a ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast, a omical ceiling, wall cleaning done jodern machine. Free estimates. work guaranteed. 728-7736. Money To Loan | WILL LOAN you up to $5,000 at a rea- sonable rate of interest to consolidate your bills or for any other worthwhile Purpose providing you are steadily em- Ployed and have good credit. Telephone 723-4631, PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? If you have good: credit, I'll lend you up to $5,000 to cut payments in half or less for consoli- dation of any worthwhile purposes. Tele- phone Toronto 481-5289 Septic Service agg TANKS cleaned, prompt service on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby. 668-2563. Surveyors DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, Ontario Land Surveyor. Commercial bive prints. 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632, H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Surveyors, 113 Elgin Street East. Phone; 725-6881. | TV--Radio ) Repairs TV TOWERS ECONOMY AND DELUXE Priced to suit your budget. TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 361 GIBBONS ST. 728 - 8180 HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED TV TOWERS ARE THE BEST ! WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! TRA; 0. TELEVISION Corner Bond and Division Mortgages FIRST AND SECOND mortgages. Sale ;agreements purchased and sold. Hennick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street East, 723-7232. PRIVATE and corporate monies for all reortgages. Mortgages and agreements of sale purchased. Creighton, Orynan, Murdoch and Victor. (See "Barristers". GIVE YOUR PROBLEM aa iift Classitiea Ads fo sell, rent, hire, buy or sell. Phone 723-3492 for @ courteous ad- with writer, HOUSE CLEANING TIME T.V. CLEANING TIME b Th 16. TELEVISION 728-5143 CITY TV TOWERS, antennas, also re Sil Dean Cal's, 424 King West, TYPEWRITER SALE ON W & M BUSINESS EQUIPMENT -- Oshawa BRIDGESTONE MOTORBYKES -- - New jand used, No down payment. Open till 9 p.m. Ken's Appliances and Sports, |Simcoe Street South. 725-6611. Open till 9 |THREE ROOMS of furniture $298.50. No down payment. $15 monthly at Honest 128-9191, 153 anywhere. We carry Restonic and Bever- ly mattress furniture lines. Your author- ized GE dealer. Contact Honest Cal's at 424 King Street West, 728-9191. BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture and appliances. Goold's Furniture, 215 Duneas East, Whitby, 668-5481. DREDGE portable, 6" suction complete with 450 feet of pipe, floats, work boat and equipment trailer. All in good con- dition, Also several steel barges 8 feet by 30 feet. N. Mairs, Nestleton, Ont. Phone Blackstock 986-4492. BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture and appliances. One location only. Pretty Furniture, 444 Simoce South. 723-3271. ONE ONLY -- Singer re-possessed ma- Chine. Take over payments, $6. per month. Singer Sewing Centre, 16 Simcoe North. 725-5443. Removal of superfluous heir Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa July 12th, 13th, and NEW BOAT windshields and vinyl seats, reasonable. Old Victrola with horn and thick records. Phone 7: ONE ONLY -- Singer Slant-O-Matic con- sole model, fully guaranteed. Only|¢ $149.50. Singer Sewing Centre, 16 Simcoe Street North, 7$5-5443. Free estimates. Mel,/__ ---- jTENT TRAILER, | 14th. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appoint- ment. ELECTROLYSIS 723-464] CAR leaving for Moncton, New Bruns- wick area, July 29th. Passengers wel- come: Please telephone 723-9954, 5:--Trailers Cook's Trailer Sales Simcoe North TRAVEL & TENT TRAILER SALE--ALL TRAILERS PRIC- ED TO SELL, DRASTIC RE- DUCTION PARTS, HITCHES, AWNINGS, HOSES, ETC. Open every evening :30 p.m Closed on Sunday. Phone 723-9534 TRAILERS for sale or rent, cabin and camping trailers. Authorized service and accessories. Miller Trailers, © Harwood North, Ajax, 942-3491 INGLIS TRAILER for sale three rooms furnished. Telephone after 5 p.m, 728-9939 TENT TRAILER -- Woods; used one week only, sleeps four, $500. Telephone 725-3855. TRAVELLING trailer, General, 15-ft., with axle hitch. Excellent condition. Hol- iday special. Apply 708 Carnegie or 728- 4845, ONE APACHE Sleeps four to six Road South. tent trailer, like new. Apply 887 Ritson Canadian T its. used MOTORCYCLE 1951 Harley Davidson, good condition, windshield 'and saddle bags, new battery iires and motor job. Best offer, 725-8517, BELL uprights plano and bench, Nine piece walnut ene room suite. Telephone Whitby, 688-43: GO-CART for ae racing engine. Telephone John at 5008. FLOOR COVERING clearance of discon- tinued patterns from 27c per ft. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. BARGAINS IN BEDDING -- Smooth top N modified west-Bend 725- $i SAVAGE $45. Also box 738-1895, IEW 30" Kenmore range, all conveni- ences and accessories, reasonable. Tele- phone 728-8885. full set of attachments. Only $49.50. Sing- er orig Centre, 16 Simcoe North, Call 725-544. cea TABLE, four upholstered chairs to match, bun gray arborite "fop, $50., ik beds, $45,; spring-filled mattress, 8. Apply 330 Buena Vista Apt. 1. automatic shotgun for sale, trailer, $45. Telephone mattresses, $26; bunk beds, $57; conti tal beds, $29; spring filled mattresses, |$14; foam pillows, 99c. Wilson Furniture, {20 Church Street FURNITURE -- three + rooms, n new - qual- ity furniture, only' $299, inc. complete bedroom, living room, kitchen ensembies, Pay only $3 wkly Unbeatable value! Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe 30 72 mM y | ali South. 22" MOFFAT range, deluxe model, ful automatic, $50. Telephone 725-6238. TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 4 40-foot tower structure alli-channel antenna installed, $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, 361 Gibbons Street, 728-8180. pa wi "KOMIRAL" refrigerator. er; girl's bicycle large size, "and chil- dren's condition. Telephone 725-8643. DEEP FREEZER, 18 cubic feet; stove Reasonable for "MOFFATT" deluxe automatic gas dryer Lady's dress- clothing, size 5, all in good "; also portable television with stand. quick sale. Telephone 18-0293, (OVING! Household furniture, Frigid- ire refrigerator, automatic washer and dryer; bedroom suite, walnut; two-piece chesterfield suite; chrome set (red); rug x 10' floral, drapes to match. 725-6106. ith four fabric coboang like new! Take GUNS -- Bought, sold, traded, repaired at Aire Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street bite ee 728-9 gas compnay. Also over "Westinghouse" avionatic washer. Tele- Phone 728-5145. R wi gearty washing machine, good cs tion, $45 or best offer, Telephone Toso. ANGE 22' heavy duty four burner, plus ringer washer phe ently as in very good condition, OIL PAINTINGS -- Landscapes, portraits, figure work, custom. picture framing. Clark Studio, evenings and weekends. 668-4497, 325 Brock North, ,_Whitby. BAY RIDING HORSE, wesetrn saddle, bridle. Priced $250. Also two oil stoves, is galion tank plus pipes. Telephone 723-5729. PORTABLE typewriters, brand new, "Cole-Steele", $75. Telephone 725-7311 ex. --432, SWIMMING ee motor. phone 723-4457 PIANO, cea We deliver. and Call uipment for sale, Culligan, Whitby ¢ 668-2200. FLY KILLING system, completely auto- matic. Try for one month for only $3.50. Call Chilchem Chemicals, Whitby 668-2200. EVINRUDE, 51% horsepower, outboard Almost new. Asking $185. Tele- NO, t "Karn", Excellent Whitby, 668- 5a ELECTRIC GUITAR' Rea and mike, | 31 $125. T. once only.. ble price. Bowmanville, 623-3238. TWO-WHEEL TRAILER with steel | pick- up truck box with 710 x 15 tires. Tele- phone 725-5879. WANTED -- Used axle hitch for 1962 Pontiac. Will trade fwo aquaria or buy. Brooklin, 655-3107. HOUSE TRAILER, 1959 McGinnés, 13 foot propane stove and refrigerator, axle hitch. Apply 147 Cadillac Avenue South after 6 p.m. 6--Marine Equipment We Carry . @ Owens @ Crestliner Grew @ Evinrude See them at... OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN Harbor Road 723-1901 is FOOT N Nipissing Cedar strip boat with 1959 Evinrude 35 HP electric start Explorer trailer. Tejephone Ajax 942-1094 after 20 FOOT Day Cruiser with electric start, 65 HP Mercury motor, sleeps 4. Can' be seen at Lake Scugog Marina, Port edd Contact owner Scarborough, 444-1946, 1S foot Pace ship, 35 Johnson eleciric motor. Téeny trailer, two props, two on i structure; hot dipped galvanized 1" tower PeaTTaRt ae machines time clocks, new and rebuilt. One 42. 9--Market Basket ind guarantee. Outstanding good buys. kins Business Machine Sales and Serv 728-7783. Open evenings, Standard TYPEWRITER portable $30. $25. Electric $50. Adding machines, elec- tric two -- cash register $85, Calcula- tor, 5 GIRL'S 2 bicycle, man's strong 28- inch bicycle. Good condition. Phone 725- 1722. STONE -- Over miles. a gallon on a Bridgestone ScéBter or cycle. Ken's Appliances and Sports, by Pbgaed F Street South, 725-6611 Open 'til ONE LARGE bathroom basin, er chrome legs and towel rack. Ten sheets "Heritage" wallboard, 4 x 8. Telephone 725-8806, PIANO -- upright, no moths. Recondi tioned, concert pitch. Refinished '*Arti- san" walnut, open grain. $350. Also r Conditioned upright, Ebony finish $225. ay Sebastian Hohmann. 725-7001 after 6 PLM. ; N TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 40-11. included, single all channel! antenna|N complete, installed, tax included, guar- anteed one year, $50. See all towers at TRIO Television, corner Bond and Divi- sion, 728-5143-4, 1 NO, 2 P. Cail evenings, JANSSEN'S COUNTRY DRIYE-IN FRUIT MARKET Open Daily 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. 843 King West 728-9429 FLSA PEREINS picked daily on Town- line, Street mile and a half north of King 1. POTATOES -- 75 ib, bag. Brooklin, 655-4983. RESH STRAWBERRIES daily; C. A. Mcintosh apples, $150 per bushel and up. Aigoma Orchards. Thickson's Road orth, Whitby. FOR SALE -- Cauliflower, red and green cabbage plants. O. C. Van Belle, Bowmanville, RR 4 Ya mile east of Bowman- ile, _Highway No. 2. No § sale on Sunday. EW POTATOES -- irish Cobblers, Martin Van Dyke, Ashburn, 655-4753. O--Farmer's Column 1965 HONDA Super Hawk, 305 cc, best |O' offer. Telephone Dwayne, 723-3309, 5.30 to 8 p.m. L tanks. Complete outfit. Perfect Best offer. Private. 668-5152 7--Swap and Barter BATH TUBS, $10 and up; basins, $2.00; sinks, $4;. cabinets; pressure system; repairs; houseboat; cruiser; trailers; motors, cars. H. Chinn, Hillside and Park Road South, 723-7088, Want-Ads Don't Cost -They Pay pairs. All work guaranteed, 725-0500, jAvenve. Telephone SCRAP HARI ) one-foot lengths. Excellent for firep! $7.75 single cord. Dial 723-228) after p.m. TELEVISIONS and sewing machines, We rent a? reasanable rates. Hones? C. 42 King Wes' 728-9191 DINING-SUITE, B-piece, Good condition, $95. Electric heater, $15, fa or 1960 MASSEY FERGUSON, 3: er. 'S|Farm thplements, EAD and crippled farm stock picked up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrohe, Telephone coe Hampton, 263-2721. icence 389-C- 35 diesel rm tractor, like new. Used only 600 hours. Priced for quick sale. Private et RENTALS OF ALL KINDS SANDING MACHINES Oscillating sanders, disc sand- / ers, belt sanders, floor sand- ers. PLUMBER'S TOOLS Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tripod, pipe wrenches, pipe cutters, pipe threading dies, toilet auger. PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT Stepladders, aluminum ex- tension ladders, ladder jacks, steel scaffolding, compres- sors, spray guns, wallpaper steamers, tarpaulins, blow torches, propane torches, Hi F F T H qualified WOMAN fo care for two FULL TIME Salad Bar Girl REQUIRED 7 a.m, uteo 4 p.m. WAITRESSES 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. Full or part time Apply Mr. Campbell GENOSHA HOTEL OUsR WIVES. parttime, $55. uiler Brush Route, Basic vant Rod full time. Wr' ox 611, weekly -- a a Experience not pel UE ae _ wars aaa 2 aunt Car essential, 'or interview write, giving phone ir in write, P.O. Box 86 Postal 'oronto 14, Ontario. nuoe Stetien Mt. children, 15 p.m.» apt week. Cail afer 7 hone 728-9257. Telepho IRL FRIDAY te Scarborough apai ment office, experience necessary. "Tele. Phone Ajaf 942-0130, LADIES 10 free hours can earn you $30 to Le gid hte as 8 part-time Fuller. rep- resentative in your Be a hborhood. Lg og telephone 725- " between 8 RELIABLE lady fo take charge of three children and light household duties. Lake ise area. Monday to Friday, 7.30 toe . Telephone 725-8959. WELDING EQUIPMENT 1 8--Male Help Wanted Acetylene welding outfits, 200 amp. electric welders. BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT Cement mixers, finishing trowels, wheel barrows, elec- tric virator, air compressor, jack hammers, hand trowels, water pumps, portable heat- ers, steel scaffolding, electric generator, ramset, power rol- lers, electric hammers, mas- onry saw, building jacks, mortar mixers, mortar boxes, chain hoist, miter saws, elec- tric plane, tarpaulins, 14' band saw, 4" joiner, sand blaster, power tamper, power post hole auger, STAN'S Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. 223 King St. West, Oshawa PHONE 723-3224 Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal- Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, reducing machines, sick room supplies. Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, CHAIRS, card and oanquet tables, church aisle runners, Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 Simcoe Street North. Call 723-2414, ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to one-hundred people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban- quets, parties, weddings, anniversaries. Facilities, bar een parking. Reason- able rates. 728-6315. aner,|14--~Business Opportunities FOR SALE Beauty Salon Complete in every detail, tastefully decorated and fur- nished with the best of equip- ment. An established clientelle all ready for a new owner to take over the business, as the present owner wishes to re- tire. Immediate possession can be arranged with good terms, All details available, call Maible Boudreau at SCHOFIELD - AKER LTD. at 723-2265 or 728-2233 anytime from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 15--Employment Wanted WORK WANTED -- Ff Painting interior and exterior. Papering ceilings. Reason- able rates. Free estimates. No job too small, Telephone Whitby, 668-5317. MAN will do odd jobs, painting, etc. Tele phone 725-0878, EFFICIENT and reliable workman avail- able for painting, construction, gardening 0 rany similiar work. Paying $2 or more per hour. Telephone 728-0194 after 5, PRACTICAL nurse desires home nursing. Experienced care of elderly person only. Telephone 728-7084. 17--Female Help Wanted 6 CLEAN CUT NEAT APPEARING MEN with fine PERSONALITY GUARANTEED SALARY TO START $425. MONTHLY No experience necessary te work with Oshawa City rep- resentative of a large home, maintenance ond commercial electric manufacturing com- pany. We will train those men selected by a significant ap- titude test. Those hired must be able to start work immed- iately. Must have own trans- portation, FOR APPOINTMENT CALL Ne SUPERVISOR MR. CAMPBELL BEFORE 9 P.M. MONDAY, JULY, | 12th 668-8864 PART: TIME MALE OFFICE CLEANER 25-40 years with car approximately 7 hours weekly--26 weeks 20 hours weekly--26 weeks 7 P.M.--9 P.M, (4) nights 7 P.M, -- 10:30 P.M. (1) night plus Saturdays approx. 5 hours equipment ond material sup- plied plus specific methods and work assignments. Excel- lent steady supplement to regular weekly wages. Ap- prox $1,440 per annum. Written applications by re- sponsible alert and present- able men stating full partic- ulars, age, marital status, em- ployment history for past 10 years, to BOX 227, Oshawa Times SALESMAN Tired of being paid what the job is worth? Try getting paid what you ore worth! A large Canadian Interna- tional Company offers a guar- anteed salary plus excellent commissions. This opportunity holds a re- markable future for the man selected. Ages 25 to .35 preferably married will have priority. | State experience and educo- ional background. Triflers need not apply as this is a prestige organiz- ation, Write Box 425 Oshawa Times MANAGEMENT EXCITING opportunities avail- able qualified women in new branch 'position with Sarah Coventry of Canada Ltd. This tremendous field 'offers un- limited top level income, En- joy hearing the complete Story through a confidential interview. Lee Briand, Pro- vincial manager, 252 Princess Avehue, Willowdale, Ontario, 223-2424, URGENTLY REQUIRED -- good home for two children. 'Telephone between 5 and 7 p.m.,. 728-3763. r WOMAN to take e charge of store. Drug experieice necessary Write Mrs. M. Glasser, 1194 Caledonia Road, Toronto 19. FEMALE kitchen help wanted, No Sun BRANCH MANAGER Required: by one of Canada's Largest accident and health companies to establish a permanent. office in this area, Experience in accident/health business preferred . but ex- perience in building an ag- gressive sales organization more essential. Salary or financing open to discussion. * Write a short resume of your background to Box 326, Osh- awa Times which will be held in the strictest confidence. day work, evenings only. Apply Lakas Coffee | Shop, 53 King Street East. May be at Sid. L Newtonville, 786-2424, 786-2933, HAY -- 1,600 bales, good quality, in the field. M. L. Clemens, Hampton, 263-2026. Solid wainut. One hostess chair, $5. Double bed, $15. 728-7207. RUGS -- Just atrived from quality and = incomparible- Handwoven woolen rugs, size 9 feet by 12 feet. Inspection at 1141 King Street East, Oshawa, after 5 p.m. HONDA cs 1964 mint "condition, "Will take 7ag-0620, India, top best offer. Telephone POODLES, pure bred, brown, males. Telephone Whitby 668-5004, Cairns, CIA, 286 King Street Wer, 11--Pets and Livestock EXP ENCED ; Stenographer required for law office. Legal « experience pre- ferred but will train suitable person. Shorthand essential. Phone Whitby, 668- 5838 for interview PRACTICAL nurse for nursing home. Steady employment. Write Box 529, Oshawa Times COZY J Ranch Kennels, horses, bop ale Shepherds, Stock. Pups, stud service, boarding. Ash. burn 655-4662, evenin: registered, trained, grow two black, two EXPERIENCED hairdresser wanted im- inimediately. Apply 621 King St. East, Peggy's Hairstyling. Ask for "Peggy" Teiephone 728-2641, (ONE senior Dragonist. / Apply to Mr. S. SALESMEN For progressive Real Estate firm in. the city of Oshawa, All leads and training supp- lied. For a lifetime career in a well paid profession CALL ; OSHAWA REALTY BOND ST. LTD, 728-9466

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