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Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Jul 1965, p. 17

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: Toronto 11 A.M, STOCKS " iy li Up j Ditton tT O' Ges' Bor 300 Si2% 12% lite + % / ; ining Oshawn, Genera rat Moni on Fri- Bays penal aad West Pacific 100 S16! 160 16le + te pe By | 9, 1965, Baby es Ae ale Toronto Stock Exchange--July 12 Zenith 100 350 350 350 + To - . bp il hth ight: oot stars Net By os gr Sh wnigan ; r Sy i Cemetery. (Stiliborn). from previous board-lot closing sale. Ang U Dev ae ie 108 we PP Ae ic M UPON : 158 158 i rae ' 'Wilbur es, the} Stock = Sales High Low a.m.Ch'ge! Dome Pete 100 $1 day captured the Ditton Chal- 'ate Mr..and Mrs.ira Cowles and brother 2 4000 108 08 . of Mrs. Arthur Constantineau (Lena), ree Fa 2 e G + ie lenge Cup, vit 7s a ichford; Mrs. Walter Hawkins 5 rom 'Game nd. rs," 'Rabert "Thaten D san wh " a . , senior event at the "Bleanor) of Oshawa; William, Wesley, 'Alum 44 pr 100 $40% 40% 40% Unispher 2000 13 mauntia. . With fang Snag fey the upros '5 5 5 Wednesday, uly 14, af p.m. inter- ment Mount Lawn Cemetery, 200 & oo | re, aughter of Mr. and Mrs. ES, Harold Wilbur Calvert Faas os 8 8 th t eh England (CP) -- A Vancouver Markstay; Mrs. 'Sterling Edmunds (Flor-| 'aia Gas w 737 $10 10 1 Robert, Whitby. Ia his "sath year Rest 14 200 $1 2 Be | Reem 1000 aaa Tih ae Ve t The Shawnigan Lake school gudoeniy a tin" Arthur n n er, 87 Sherwood Avenue, Osh- Quotations in cents uniess marked $ OILS Entered into rest.in the Oshawa General INDUSTRIALS gain on Sundev, July 11, 1965, Har- Toland pn fal 'eat a Ci beloved son of oe een Me alr Hanae 125 $044 BM oo 25 290 29 i {poe | Club of London in the junior-| $00 24 ry 4 Kingston je dl 'at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Osh- rg or 3) Ae Ve 14M son's residence, _ Montex pr a $7. W U Mining --1 | Also Ran in Order: Fiddier's Belle,|Gun Artist, Sunshine Blond, A-Larkfleld) Mon t Loco 100: 1234 12% a: vel U Asbestos +5 |Spinnerette, Lemartel and Chopparis. |and Twenty Francs. ss Moore 795 $69%4 6994 6934 | Un Buffad 7. 7 |Winner, dk b or br g, 3, by Danherst--|Late Scratch--Twilight Tango. lremark, quoted in a London|nists may read into it more out of Ottawa, describes with quiet -relish the 125-mile survey as snowing or hazy most of the time. GARDEN CITY RACEWAY man will conduct the service. MRS. ANNIE SIMONEAU Will Sell Outright or License b in four minutes, 45 sec- on the agp vonage yn furlong Thames course 1 Tennyson Avenue, Osha: $ 'auly M, ings Jom arin Gierman 6 a Bao ee ae) ae as west of London. husbond ol Helen Toms, ond Gear tether H aS aS aoe bey te / A second Shawnigan eight Mrs. A. Kanaan M 'wd j lost by six feet to Kingston $ 21 1 + Bralorne 200 520 520 j 'anch; Jack of Oshawa; P in the he 7 5 15 rammar school sem! Alax; William of Oakville 100 $654 re) 8 ; 'arthy. of Orillia, in his 7 4 finals of the Oldfield Challenge George R.Munro ;| CAE Cable 500 is 18 1 rge ui 3 Whitby Hor service Inthe 'chapel' Wed-| ¢ S°eW oe ore ee 'adamet = - 9000 10 Cup for school eights. Kingston ' AGE: nesday, July 14 at 1.30 p.m, Interment A A Bag Ma me ; was timed at 5:04, The appointment of George St, John's Cemetery, Port Whitby. $63%6 630 634 + Ye ' i A coxless four, chosen from R. Munro as Vice-President, C | Gas Ol 7263 $10% 10% 10% , LAVIS, Donald 0., val EPR toi tan a ie Yee the first Shawnigan eight,) Marketing, Molson's Brewery Pane MM, Foren ene Cdn Pet 225 $12 "296 12% heskirk i RS Bees i ' : reached the second heat of the} (Ontario) Limited is announced Ada Line, dear father of Mrs, K, White-| CWN Gilt 38 $2 tie 24 die | Chime 1200 1 E Wyfold fours competition before) hy P. T. Molson, Vice-Presi- head (Jean) of London; Rev. Allan of Syrrce $80V4 501% 50" being beaten 2% lengths by a y Unionville; and Or, William D. of To! Cont Eng aq $8015, 201%, 5002 dent and General Manager. Foner brother vam, and Alan of O8h-) CSavings Fibs Mogul Z rested Mortlake Boat Club crew oeeme eetPg St Ide ee MS 1 -% 'Mosher ¥ from England. P Chapel, Whitby, ft ice in the chapel i tesa, Boy. Sete Interment hd an ia 4 ie, Hours before the regatta London Boy Sets Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa, | Coronation "1405 400° 400 400. +20 i started, Shawnigan coach Joe S R rd TOWNSEND, George Alfred oe arn. Sn Grey had to seek special per- wimming eco See ve for reine He Com ty 80 1 16 18 +I j mission from the British Ama-| BRANTFORD (CP) -- Bill Home, Bowmanville, on Sunday, July Dale R 5 816% 16% 16) j "é iy George Alfred Townsend beloved! Pale Ross |. 76 $164 64 6m | Dickn gies Pee Be, ' ; ig teur Rowing A ion to al-|Kennely of the London, Ont., of Helen Gwendolyn Big98:/ D "Bridge agi East Sull 10 710 710. Hijuse low his first eight to step down/YMCA set a Canadian record and Donald of Oshawa, in his 76th year.) stad 2 orate 480 480 480 to the junior-senior class from/for 11- and 12-year-olds Satur- Resting wf the Armstrorig Funeral, Home| googie Goldale a senior men's event. day by swimming the 55-yard chapel, 'Tuesday, July 13, at 3.15. pum. 1150 $194 94 94 Cure 00 ST. PETER port is the westerly of the Channel Peter Port retains many when it was just a fishing~| Grey said in an interview he|backstroke in 33.1 seconds, offi- peice East ch tr 210 $0 a2 a2 Gunnar capital of Guernsey, the -- Islands. Now a modern and characteristic of the days village. was unfamiliar with English|cials said. LOCKE'S. FLORISTS Be ue "tres "ta m4 Haedway Ti _second largest and most popular holiday resort, St. --(CP Photo) |status rules when he entered ae record was not Funeral arrangements and Ford cua." ae ra tay 1a Int Helium rt oa rg gy oe Kennedy was the only double ig 2 1429 142" Sacto | Peed dn | Be NEW WOODBINE RESULTS Communists Are Rejoicing, icin" "is stnnte cat ces Sn ommunists. joicing : G Mack B 7100 st ° 13.13 50 800 790 800 giafter the draw Friday. ming championship meet. He OSHAWA SHOPPING G Bahama 290 290 290 +5 +4 also took the 55-yard butterfly. GL P. K 1 / |stoc P. NEW WOODBINE RESULTS +c is Miss, McComb 4.20 2.00 | The explanation was accepted anys CENTRE S wire 8 s og't L Dutauit $134 13 RinsT RACE = Purse. $2,300, Claim |1 "My Valentine Glasser ee wT. e Pest vowing thy Pero ag eel ig ip = re 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE | Hardee "| La Lor sh -- We TWhipin Beers, Ditach | 620'3.60°4.70|Doctor and: Bobby Weaver." aval ntario record for 13- an 728-6555 Hawker. $ Langs 3 Saratenge, Sevenen -- 10.80 ret (Winner 'b s. ha by Dar. 'Srutus--Four to ause ay or S in ome secretary and Fh program bacpign in the ye gens free me 'a vic! | Spice Bandit, Lebi 4 Fy smitn pr 22 $43 "3 macesse © 200 a "Riso Ronin Order: Zeesekite, Man |Pool $63,809, 'Quinella Pool $61,462. change was authorize style with a time of 231.2. .. i i 2! 1% ion Ta A tra, ' | . . : Rages moc He vat H B Ol G : 7 Madsen fs" Winer 'b oO. 2 by Hera Ridden--Judelle| SIXTH RACH -- Purse $5,000. "Sliver! By HAROLD MORRISON -- |relations with Saigon may be-| A Hur Erie 1994 7 500 68 68 , 6 n+ j i Bly Devtle 'Piel Wisse, iat Bb i age Moen at and Canadian Press Staff Writer come smoother. : OBITUARIES GERROW i $51% 51% 51% in : 7 +2. | diecast one hae ee ee ey Nevertheless, the necessity a 400 $14 1d 10a +1 Matetch Vs SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim-|7-York North, Leblanc 10.70 4,30 3.30 ists joicin an ambassadoria' FUNERAL CHAPEL Ind Accep 175 me 2% 21% + M4 Mattgmi 316% 16% ing, three-year-olds ind. Up: 1 1-16 Miles| 1A Gaerienes, comer 2.90 3.10); bad hegre o otion phe why this time is a blow HAROLD WILBUR COWLES ;Mcintosh - Anderson Funeral Ind Wire 300 210 210 210 Maybrun 12' 12% #1 | (7) |1A-Runadir, Dittfach 290 3.10jin the sudden resig Swit ' null Bt Harold Wilbur Cowles of 174|Home. The service was con- 390 KING STREET WEST Inglis 100 5% 5% SMe McAdam $00 100 100 100 +1 |2-Doddling, McComb 10.00 5,50 3.20] Also Ran in Order: Safety Man, Arc-\Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor as U.S.jagainst the American position.) © i d ft ducted by Rev. H. Dyck of TELEPHONE 728-6226 Inland c pr 235 517% 17% 17% Meken ee fe at 'Ramsay and, Werry 4,10 2.90 tic Swirl Winlsteo and Ky. miracle. |ambassador in Saigon simply/The Western world can only Mill st. died yesterday after a cao . iy A United ce la a $4 4" --) 'Vedas, Turc Lat itch--| di : ' <, i . IMC 710. $55¥6 | 55Ye fs| Merrill 200 55 55 2" | Also Ran in Order: Fabison, Battin, aa King, wv maion and Willow|because he leaves amid public|speculate on the real reasons short kas rs sa sie Lact ai alg Fo yes EVERLASTING Int Nickel 265 $902 90% 90) | Min-Ore ele Peter Pat and Dark Red. Downs Farm Entr bewilderment and _ confusion,/for the sudden switch amid this Born May 20, a ion, int Util 260 $30% 30% | Multi-M "7 DAILY DOUBLE, % and 'a, PAID $44.90|\winner, dk b or br c % by Count Clare--| Scabies + t the Communists|Stay, Ont., he was the son of the|try, Oshawa. MEMORIALIZATION inter PL 130 9 Nealon ecc8 --1¥s|Winner, ch g, 5, by Toulouse Lautrec-- Brown Rose, by Hannibal, with little indication of progress|bewiidermen e Communists late M d Mrs. Ira Cowles.|. Tho pallbearers were: Leon- is almost possible with the Int Stl P= 600 5a 4\ New Cal 0 70 Just Restin, by Khaled, Pool $123,634 in the U.S.-led battle to crush|possibly can reap the benefit ofjlate Mr. ani . MATTHEWS BRONZE MARKER | !¥ Gre A 100 Wa N Hosco 000 720,700, y, [Poel $7840. SEVENTH RACE -- Purse s10,000, aad-ithe Viet Cong offensive injthe doubt A Sudbury resident before com-jard Lorne, Raymond and con P ferson 2 Va-- Va i - . m ' that we supply and install; V4 1100 1% ( 2 ti2-- Va| THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,000, Claim|ed "Canadian Maturity. stakes," four-/South Viet Nam. The Soviet Union has lost nojing here, he lived in rp Martin, Edward and Alfre Please call 210 5% N Coldstrm ing, four-year-olds and up. 6 Furlongs (8).| year-olds, foaled in Canada, 1' Miles! phe { Taylor givesitime in firing a volley at Tay-|for four years. He worked at)Parker. 500 57 9) 87 Northgte 1A-Hurrahs, Werry 0 3.60 2.70/0n turf course (7). The argumen ents 3 fom i Mrs. Simonau was in her 76th MOUNT. LAWN x 0! P for|] t th h the So-|General Motors. iu 25 $19% 19% 19% Leary 500 2 A |6-Falsun, Potts 6.30 3.90] 2-LQANGCREST, McComb 7.00 3.50 2.\that he planned to serve forjlor, suggesting throug . H H i died af fi ke MEMORIAL PARK Ce Pamour 185 |4Dark Gem, Turcotte 3.70|3-Canadillis, Gomez 00 20/only one year and the year is|viet press that this was in| He is survived by five sisters,jyear and died after a five we 723+2633 LO Cem w 200 2 2 --5| Patino 850 860 +10 | Also Ran in Order: Keep A Thinking,|4tig Rocky, Leblanc jonty: One :'y' # 1 Taylor's\Mrs. Arthur Constantineaujlong illness. She formerly re- a iS a ane teas Pax int 3%» 3% 30 Peter Wrack, Dula Gail, Argo Bound and| "Also Ren in Ordert Avec Vous, Hay\uP is open .to question. Taylorjeffect the collapse of Taylor's f Markstay, Mrs, Ster-|sided at 326 Verdun rd S$ 24¥a 26¥s 36s --~ Ma) Gus, Man VERE lag too Lily, Fast Answer and Ciboulette, lis not the kind of man to leavelcareer and the collapse of the|(Lena) of Markstay, . 250 $20%4 20% 20% Radiore 41 4) 1 Late Scratch--A-Roy Jo |Winner, ch c, 4 by Nearctic -- Peerless! : Pega finished rJA "| sition in Viet Nam.|ling Edmunds (Florence) of Sud-} The deceased was the former Lau Fin 63w 100 510 510 S10 --I5 | Raglan 180 180 --3 |A--F Junger and Dane Hill Acres Entry| Mary, by Challenger 2nd, the field in an unfinished war,|American posit le Mrs. John French (Mar-l|Annie Martin, daughter of the Levy B pr 2100 $19 9 Rio Algom oy 16% ig Winner, ch g, 3, by Roman Patrol --/Pool $136,936, unless, of course, he finds him-|In Taylor's period of tenureship|bury, Ss. U Lite Iny 200. Sy Salem: 100 1. 15 15 [Mary Mack, by Ariel 'Toy. | EIGHTH 'RACE -- Purse $2,700, ai.(Self exasperated by a situation/the war had escalated far be- ion) of Latchford, Mrs. wae late a, ad Margaret be ig Lob 100 $91 y p 0 ee § p Lob ine 100 $74 "M4 Y | Sit Miller Va 15a -- Val 4 lowances , three-vear-ol filles, foaled in|beyond his control. yond what might have been Hawkins (Joyce) of ge na se and was born at Janetville, MB and PR 185 $29% 29% 29% + %4| Siscoe --1 | FOURTH RACE--Purse $2,300, Claim-|Canada, 1 Mile on Marshall turf course) 'Taylor may not have found itjanticipated a year ago. Still, Mrs. Robert Tkatch (Eleanor))Ont. M Leaf Mill 100 $14% 14% 14% + %4| Sud Cont 26 jing, three-year-olds. 6% Furlongs (7). | (8). y ' h Si 1 of Oshawa; and five brothers} For a number of years she Mass-F 575 $29% 29% 29% Teck Corp 300 |6Ki-D-Ka, Leblanc 9.30 4.70 3.50|4Tie Pilot, Gomez 4.103.409 290/easy to get zlong with the newjvictory for the U-S. is no closer./0 Wesl Frank andllived on the family farm.in Kast Met Stores P 100, $21% ai" an | Texmont 130 4Great Promise, Gordon 6.50. 4.30|7-Wally Wallace, Leblanc 6.10 3.90 Saigon administration, headed| DANGER IN SWITCH William, esley, . y 4 Dene ie oS 37) Ue = [Also Ren inc 460i, Ran Ih Grd Sone of Victory by the youthful Air' Marshall The danger in the switch, at\Henry of Bowmanville and Rob-/Whitby Township with her frst Pala 3! thy. usband, Ernest E. Parker. Mr. |Nguyen Cao Ky whose reckless|this time, is that the Commu-jert of Whi Pastor J. C. Renolds of .the|/Parker predeceased his wife in --1 |r , by Revoked, A---Windfl | ' : Net 'Orug 100 aise 196 Pool s118887, |Winnery bf 21 by et Plot -- Rainbowinewspaper, that he admired|than the U.S. intended. An emis-|Seventh' Day Adventist Church}1942, meus ee ee 200 SO sie eau cc os BF bth MAL ap mins Hitler may not have enhanced|sary of the British government|will conduct the service in the] Mrs. Simoneau lived-in Osh- NON pr bo 3 ling, three paras pod ape tik intl himaaaten Wee Poo Labial world respect for a government|/now is in Hanoi trying to per- chapel of the Armstrong Fu- i ~ a number of years Pac Pete © 225 P five gy Ra, ; aie Hl Siinlh a sae Ph od Pb e ped ae eta tk 'aua,\that has no broad link with the|suade North Viet Nam to re-|nral Home veneer = Fb . was pond Reet 7 le: ni 2-Breconing, i \y , * : pow Elser i ; Wie i j s % - 'econing 'ac 2.90\Total Mutuel Handle, 30 days, i by 44 Vietnamese people. ceive the Commonwealth peace pape ba be in oun' rau Pe Bb usban ri Bros 4 Ml } 1 st we . . Revelstoke Ye Bear 100 140 140 149 SMOOTHER OPERATOR 'The pressure for peace seems She was an adherent of the. sos 23. site 11% 11% -- Ye] Zulapa 700 32 3 22 NEW W DBINE ENTRIES Henry Cabot Lodge, the newjto be pouring almost entirely ties anh cemea contend ia ei 74 $15% 15% 15% -- ambassador, is a smoother dip-/from the West. There is almost le fs rs, Si is survived by Shell | 200 $2434 24% 24% Sales to 11:00 456,000. TUESDAY. July 13 : ' yi Shell W100. $10 $10 S10. 20 --__--. FIRST RACE -- Purse $2100 ($3000) |Kingusto, - Glassner_ 117 lomatic operator and. theja touch of hysteria in Western ae te at the hare of his 7, a_son, Ernest Roy Parker of Shop City 225 470 470. Add Toronto 11:00 a.m. stocks Claiming Maiedn Three and four-year-|Albertarama, Harris X112 Saigon regime will probably|diplomatic manoeuvring, 764 Tennyson ave., awa, Whitby, and seven - grand- A cree a ee ie ice ee rele) cet omenaye find him more co-operative and| It could be easy, therefore,|John. Arthur Gierman, of " children. Five brothers"also sur- CRIT SENATOR Slater Steel 300 $1388 13/2 1% +. M6 wo |Tony's Count, Turcotte X110 | FITH RACE ..-- Purse $2,200 (35000) |less demanding. But that does|for the Communists to milsiadge any dligedeg ue ike ok e- ve, bg goa - orn Wil- ecard bs jChump, Cuthbertson X10 |Claiming Two-year-olds, Foaled in Can-/not mean the United States has|the situation. The Viet Cong are|¢ * jliam -- an ugene, rono, 111! CXN 11:00 a.m, stock in -Dixi ; : ; ; ; Sen., John B. Aird, of Tor-bom BK sito Sane dove Geet tel Fem Play x10 25. 25 [Music Reativeh Ne Boy 130 lAtot 'Teliker Citttach 119 |suddenly switched its Vietna-|reported already convinced they| A son of the late Mr. and Mrsjarthur, Bowmanville and : Lash arbi Fin A 1156 13% -- %| Inglis 100 $5% 5% 5% -- | Royal Bunny, Glassner' 115 |The Four R's, Harris X117 |mese policy. It just means U.S.'are winning the war. William Gierman, the deceased/Charles of New Westminster, Toronto was appointed to tr Can PL (63 , Jockey © 710 $5% 5% 5% David's Chick, Maxwell 110 |Tinikins, Maxwell 119 was born Aug. 23, 1889, at Clom-/p .¢ : . the Upper House in Novem- | Trans PPL 200 s#% Loot Com 100 ON EY _|Chop: Turkey, Ferra. Xi10 Hietordeny -recris A117 tarf, Ont, A Sommaissionaire and] 5 ; earl Challenge, Lebi: us tsfordem, Harris A) ee 3 Sars" Reset OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS [grits tage cj smonce a. nomssexp o s , nips ong, Gordon ings Intent, Ferro Poranth and Whitby. He a . i 'Cold Draw,.No Boy 115 TQUINELLA WAGERING) Aird and Berl," ne was Snow Cave Life On Yukon Glacier '32.3023 ju so 26 | - Toronto and Whitby. He 4! George Altred Townsend, of Aird.and Berlis, 'he was |310; Smart and Lucky, Ferro X108;|_ SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,600 ($9000) During the First World War,|?85 King st. e., died yesterday active in the National |Terry's Tadpole, Sorensen 120; J.D.'s|Claiming, Three-vear-olds and up. One bh the in Strathaven Nursing Home, ; 4 ; t |Honey, Harris X115; Jet. Attack, Mc-|and.one 16th Miles (7) Mr. Gierman served wit e ' a a ae ae a 0. or e0. ogis Comb 115 Reap the Wind, No Boy 117 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles -- after a lengthy number of years before his Peter's Sister, No Boy 109 Pi $ ness, east SECOND RACE -- P. $4000) |Carrier, Maxwell 117 and was wounded in action in pes Mt nage ; He By FRITS ROOS <1 gue they had the longes!| [claiming, | F rraolieenbtchgdrectay Phy a] [Tricky Scamp, Robinson 108 France. He 'was a member of nee ie Lene, England, June Navy from ' stretch of good weather in_the| Furlong: (12) [Theodore C., No Boy the Royal Canadian Legion and . 1942 to 1945 with the rank | OTTAWA (CP) -- "Sometimes|area this spring," said Mr. Far-|2ls Wey: fotts 116, hg Fh rg A : of All Tints' Anglican Church, years ago. He married the for- of lieutenant. jwhen I realized I was day-lley, who arrived on the job)Skip Over, Cuthbertson X106 A-W. T. Mason and F. Junger entry aan. A : Whitby. mer Helen Gwendolyn Biggs in (CP Photo) |dreaming again about a nice.) aprjj 16--after the widely pub-|snining Wings: No Boy Jil | SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $3,000 Al- a " d é |warm, dry room, I wondered)jcized Kennedy climb. Briefsin, Maxwe {} 111 lowances, Four-year-olds and up. 6 Fur- the former Lily Driscoll, at New|0ct- 28, 1916. He was associa- interes, Turcotte X11 | 'Warrlers Day, No Boy 114 Toronto. in 1949, Mr. Gierman is|ted with his son Donald at Town- ruce TEWET snow cave_ business." clouds bugged us all the time|Hardnead, Harris X111 |Windkin, Gomez 118 survived by his wife, the former|send Electric Ltd. Don W. Farley, a federal gov-land our stay there turned out/Gandio. Robinson 116 Shook 2nd, Remillard 121 : : jernment field surveyor, was re-|much longer than expected." --[Dooating, McComb 119 | reckton Boy, Shuk 116 A. Kennedy (Eleanor) of Long|@ daughter, Mrs. H. M.. Cran- ps y. wylde calling his isolated, seven-day] Clear skies are essential for bitin chow hide wie aes ie Lady Briar, Buttigieg 104 Branch and four sons, Jack of|field (Joan) of Oshawa; son i - Pur ebon err f * cave life on a Yukon glacier inja geodetic survey. led in Canada, 5 Furlongs (10) | i tis scene Oshawa, Ruggies of Ajax, Wil-|Donald of Oshawa and: two _ urse ) " vasn' ors : Ruler, No Boy All7 up. : q ee me ; Rev. F. G. Ongley will con- Brewer of Whitevale. Ont. 1 wasn't the worst off,|two high points on a traverse--|Ao!¢ x12 d \sth Miles (16) ' : . Carthy of Orillia. gley scored a 2 and 1 victory over|though," he said in the slow, la-jysually about 30 to 40 miles |sundernia,Werry. X12 Grey Beau, Ne Boy 120 t ; , pe surviving are a_ sister,|duct the service in the chapel Stu Hamilton of Brampton to|Conic way of geologists wh6/apart--is measured with telluro- Ar, Goon, Robinson | )7 |Popey, McComb 114 rs, Mrs. F. Kosnack (Adline) of|9f the Armstrong Funral Home, win the 18th Idylwylde Invita-|Work lonely and long periods in/meters, electronic instruments|Valiey 'Town, Cuthbertson X109 Sun Hash, Hale 115 od Cormac, Ont.; two brothers,|Tuesday at 3:15 p.m. Burial will te golf tournament rig e field. which establish the transit-time/ Danish Dancer, Cuthbertson X112 tee oar tin won nT pee Herman and Alfred Gierman, of|be in Mount Lawn Cemetery. rewer -was one o i + Bigs were stuck 13 days in 20-below-|Time readings between the two| A-willow Downs Farm and J. C. Meyer|Tullo, Maxwell 117 : a : children: = on the youthful Hamilton. zero temperatures and 100-\points are converted to dis-|°""Y Terie Rieter, Marte xtis :. 3 ae S Mr. Gierman was predeceased Both finalists had a tough miles-per-hour snowstorms. Ajtance measurements and then! FourTH RACE = Purse $2,000 ($5000) | Black Coral, Sorensen ei, We : by a sister, Mrs. Lena Howlitt pe i j > "i » yi " 7 i {Claim Mai F " , 7 % : . time of it in earlier match|screen of ice bricks they built/corrected with meteorological/Claming, Malden Tworyear-clds: cate oe Eligisie: 'Bonnie' Flare, No Boy 4 : of New Toronto and a brother, to. the second flight last year,|S°me of their tents,' me A problem is that in pazy ere eee 7 Lear Ge Re Sherivoh. aoe as: : : : , The funeral service will be Canadian and eliminated defending champion|, Mr. Farley, a 28-year-old six-|weather the two distant parties!poya)paui, No Boy 117 ICarmichael' entry . ; held at the W. C. Town Funeral US. P Bob Ptashnik of Toronto 4 and footer from Kindersley, Sask.,Jcannot get their instruments in|Fidikus, No Boy 117 5. Patent oronto 4 and |Gary Lee, Ferro X112 X-$ Ibs AAC. Post Time 2 p.m. wilt ba in BL doha's Cote ment will be ; - low qualifier Sandy McAndrew|tional Boundaries Commission | During the Yukon survey it tery, Port Whitby. Rev, H. New- Enormous Potential of the host club 2 up: Bill Morland of North Bay onto to take home the cham-jnear the Alaska Highway to Ya-/high mountain ridges by heli-/,,FIRST RACE -- 1 Mile (Trol) foriLong, Distance, Clemente 120 ote & pionship f11ght consolation/ "tat Bay on the Pacific Coast. /copters. Often, clouds and snow iciement Hanover, Welker: 4.40 3.8 EéslAlanendce. ile oi JUMBO KNIT Saber, Kingst 3.20|!ard, Rodger Hal, Postal Chief, Graci day at the Oshawa Gneral Hos- Bruce Castator took first\veat-old Grant L. Fraser, a fel-|helicopters couldn't get them|"Atse Started' Miss Fly Ball, vansiByrd. By ALICE BROOKS 4861 pital, was held today st the flight honors by winning over low Canadian of the federaljout again. In such cases, the|Pride C., Dictator, Pick, Big WayC., , x three- Ne cd P. $1,290 (8)) North Bay, in the final. match,|*iX, Colleagues of the U.S. Coast/for the next break in the clouds,| SECOND Race 1 Mile (Pace) for Lean Almer, Webster 16 Pi 2.60\this mesh-like Top -- knitted, y o*-Jand Geodetic Survey will open| Mr. Farley's week - long)!hreeyear-olds and up. Purse $1,000 (8) ettlich 450 2.40/in no time. Has frog-like clos: SLIM PLEATS Derek Witchell of London, Ont.,|YP 2 15,000-square-mile section/snowed-in vigil on Mount Mar-|shaay Valley,' Findley 6.20 5.36), Alaa started: i i 5;jof the southwest Yukon for pre-/ble glacier east of Mount Ken-|4arrigan, Arthur 4.60|G., Timber Hal, Two Lumps, Tepid Yan-/ Use rug cotton, large needles: fro eee Oe time Belen 0 Aly srertee. Harrigan, Hickory, BOSE ee ae easy - to - remember. stitch.| WATERFALL OF PLEATS/§ Predeceased by his first wife,|St. George's Anglican Church, |how I ever got mixed up in this) "pag weather, snow, ice and Brillie, Maxwell 116 longs (7) Well Oiled, Leblanc 116 Royal Piper, Harris X114 Helen Toms; a daughter, Mrs. He is survived by his wife; Foa ry SUDBURY (CP) -- Bruce|® Snowstorm. The exact distance between|pig Jive, No Boy All7 cRIOUTH RACE -- Purse #2 00) liam of Oakville and Donald Mc-(gtandchildren, Around, 'Leblanc 117 Drifted Walsh A112 "The boys on Mount Kennedyjof high-frequency radio waves. |Mighty Striker, Turcotte X12 |Dandier, No Boy 112 eg Clomtarf, Ont.; and 10 grand- turn and gained another hole play. Brewer, who made it only|¥5 blown over and crushed) readings. |Vital Mahn, Gomez 117 |A109; Choreography, _ Sutcliffe i : y s : Charles of Renfrew. | (Jockey on Crystal Fire is Walsh) 3 : 3 Chapel, Whitb Jul: 14. Inter- 3 while Hamilton knocked of who works with the Tnterna- the mutually - proper angles. E Pog eae pel, vy, Mf defeated Tom Woodall of Tor-|ttis spring from Kluane Lake| The surveyors were landed on| The funeral service for Mrs. Call 623-5453 Th k Mr. Farl 37- Riddell Gold, Gordon 15.70 5.10} Also Started: Dean Sultan B. 2nd, Dil Annie Simoneau, who died Fri- trophy. e work of Mr. Farley, jmoved in so quickly that the 30) jordo! i F Morland's brother Dave, also of/S°0detic surveys branch, andjsurveyors had to wait patiently|**!? "?™ be Fiery RACH -- 1 Mile (Pace) for! You will look so smart. in SIZES 10-18 Second flight winner was ry C » Fill .30 3.30 : shady Valley, Vy Bae 'Rober! McGregor, Laay|ing, By ANNE ADAMS oronto. Jac "Kni jcise mapping. _ .{nedy, in 15-degree temperatures}. Direct, Star Johnston, May. Trust, ! ieucybery, Gat." duaiped tono The surveyors' six-week job/and winds as high as 70. miles! lFuturity Chie. SIXTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace) for/Wear at beach, with shorts,/from yoke to hem -- no stop for ' * ' be ap stahiic i. three-year-olds and up, Purse $900 (8)) 014, atte 979+ siy 34° ist ! Isn't it delightful? | Sykes of Sudbury for third) ¥@S to establish the exact _ an hour, was the result of ane| tyro race -- 1 Mile (Pace) for|Brother Bob, Feagan 21.80 8.80 5.90| Slacks, Pattern 7272; sizes 32-34; hai ge vor sn't it --~ ful , : % tude and latitude of severallof the weather's fickle ti | three. lds and P $600 (8) |Glendale Joe, 8.00 6.70/36-38: 40-42. such simple seaming brings| 7% i ean "control points" to complete a te 'The second da 7" an t [Brother Jim, Feagan' 460 3.90 2.0) Seatland's Van, 10.30! Thirty-five cents (coins) forjyou so much fashion and flat-/s§ vo tun naery cunts eLaseTW Bill Seatt beat Bd Tones foro work for later aerial pho-|was torn to shrele rf th : ind! Chm Mit cae ee We Lee Jon any fade, Ambroseleach pattern (no stamps,|tery. Sew it now! 5 uae Goea cee $ > 8 -] tal. Hal, Cok: ay " ie johns: i" 0 jee, mbrose "i a - . Jv: & . Roth are Idylwylde golfers. Roy '0stabhy land 1 had to dig @ snow cave aise Stared Born, a, Loui c., Ken | Abbe. \pleaSe) to Alice Brooks, care of| Printed Pattern 4861: Misses' |S&¥ ee ae "4 ' . : FB re risco, Pembrow Bill, Solon Memory. i " show: n. . Si 10, 12, 14, 16, 18.. Size > Wil One control point was Mount/The main thing then was to} SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile (Pace)/The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft|Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, "77 fifth flight over Mon Gavel ot Kennedy, named earlier this|keep an air hole open so that I, ie yeas cite erd-ae. Pine et tor ee inammwiend,. Feagan 620 3.99 2.99|DePt., 60 Front st. w., Toronto}16 takes 3% yds. 30-inch, ER segs ic Toronto and Mac Lawson of St year after the late president|wouldn't suffocate. Roeereer sored up Furae 90) 0) Gages Siena Guason 3.30 290|1, Ontario. Ontario residents! FIFTY CENTS (50 cents) in "THE BEST IN THE HOUSE" Catharines defeated Roy. Col-\John F. Kennedy. "I couldn't move around very Armbro Guy, MeKiniey 6.30|add 1. cent sales tax. Prinit|coins (no stamps, please) for ville of Toronto in the sixth) The geodetig survey was|much because visibility in the|kind of glad when the- pilot told| _2%° fSrwelt Light Artie Dares, Croe|Plainly PATTERN NUMBER, |each pattern. Ontario residents Zi) flight made earlier than planned to tie/storm was little more than 30/me to get in and come.down--ler Herbert, Mr, Clark Volo. NAME, ADDRESS. add two cents sales tax. Print |&@ A Seventh flight rs went to it with the detailed mapping of/feet. The worst was a 20-hour|my radio batteries. had gone| eieury Race 1 1965 NEEDLECRAFT CAT-|plainly SIZE, NAME, AD-|p% er ight honors went to the mountain by a group of the|stretch when I had to get out/dead." Two-year-olds. Purse sansso ee) ALOG -- 200 designs, 3 free|/DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. ay j Ta Tom Ratchford Sud aT . 1 atchford of Sudbury ptr National Georgraphic Society,'and shovel every half hour." That week, Grant Fraser mh Mir, Dostie oo 339|patterns! Newest knit, crochet} Send order to ANNE ADAMS, by HIRAM WALKER Harry Fostey of Orillia ane Tango Lobell, THE Lohtiil WHISKY IN THE WORLD the fourth flight championship. 6. smn ctmamenapyteree Bill Dun. of the host club beat/"¢aded by Dr. H. Bradford| Food, mainly dehydrated, and|Ottawa stuck it out five days|meadow Bud, Cot 310|fashions, embroidery. 25 cents.|care of The Oshawa Times, Pat:|g Jerry Burns of Toronto in the| Washburn, director of the Sci-|a small. stove kept Mr. Farley) jon Point Latouche, about 20) Be gy fon Mhaghy ve Now! Send for elegant, new|tern Dept., 60 Front st, w., To-|>% eighth h flight. jence Museum at Boston, Mass.,/in good condition. Every day he|miles off Yakutat Bay. He and|jaren'" Ensign Frost, Peak Pick (DNF).| Decorate with Needlecraft!" |ronto 1, Ontario. x _--jand a well-known alpinist. ,|had five minutes' radio contact|jan American encountered oe 5 beautiful room settings, 25) COMPLETE FASHION RE-|% COLLECTORS PRINT MUCH | It was this expedition thal|with somebody "from below." |most snow, mainly wet. wit at Oo ton he complete patterns for decora-|PORT in our new Spring-Sum- : |provided U.S. Senator Robert F./The closest road was 28 miles} They were constantly "'dig-/Magic Millie, Pacey 1100 3.90 3.0|tive accessories in one book! |mer Pattern Catalog plus cou- Officials of the Royal Ontario Kennedy .with the chance to away. ' ging and keeping 'open. seven- pry Hedge 3.50. 2.0 Pillows, wall -hangings, cur-|pon for ONE FREE PATTERN! Museum published 62 articles in|climb Mount Kennedy and place} On the eighth day, one of the|'oot-deep trenches to the instru-| Also Started: Tempe McKylo, Armbro| tains, appliques, more! 60 cents.|Everything. you need for the scholarly and popular maga-/flags and his brother's inaugu- expedition's two helicopters res-|ments and drying clothes, often scraten Favonian Grattan, Leny Boy --| Value! Deluxe Quilt Book --|life' you lead -- © 350 design sines during 1964. jral speech on its peak, _ jeued him unexpectedly, 'I was|soaking wet after half an hour. Nanaeed Attendance 5,510, Total Pool $228,586, l16 complete patterns, 60 cents.jideass Send 50 cents now,

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