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Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Jul 1965, p. 3

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Judy Lamarsh, minister of National Health and Wel- fare, is shown aboard the "C. D. Howe" with Captain Alfred Lavoie at a reception held aboard the vessel. Miss Lamarsh later returned to leaves today for a 24% month patrol of the eastern Arctic to pro- vide Canadian Eskimos with Ottawa. The . ship medical services. (CP Wirephoto) QUEBEC AND ONTARIO LEAD At least 70 persons died acci- dentally in Canada during the weekend, 42 of them in traffic. A Canadian Press survey of accidental deaths from 6 p.m. friday to midnight Sunday local times also included 19 drownings, three fire deaths and six fatalities from miscel- laneous causes. Quebec and Ontario led with 22 deaths each. Quebec had 11 deaths in traffic, eight drown- ings, a man run down hy an 'abandoned truck, a woman parachutist whose parachute failed to open and a man shot accidentally. Ontario reported 14 traffic deaths, five drownings, a fire death and two persons over- come by carbon monoxide pois- oning in a parked car. SIX DIE ON ROADS British Columbia had six road deaths, one drowning and Z\a baby smothered in her crib. On the Prairies, Alberta had three traffic fatalities and a fire death, while Saskatchewan reported two road deaths and Manitoba three drownings and a fire death. In the Atlantic provinces, Nova Scotia had six traffic deaths and two drownings. Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Newfoundland reported no accidental deaths. Th survey does not include 70 Die Accidentially - 42-Of Them In Traffic By THE CANADIAN PRESS | known suicides, slayings, indus-, James Sloan, 68, of Porta trial_or natural deaths. Ontario dead: SUNDAY Toronto. Batrice Wilmshurst, 56, of Belleville. northwest of Barrie. Dean White, 51, of Auss truck. Gatean Roy, 8, of St. Charles,|don, Ont. Ont., drowned while swimming) James Macklin, 64, of Arn- in Ratter Lake near Sudbury./prior of injuries suffered Fri- SATURDAY day night when his car missed Antonio DeSilva Ledo, 44, ofja curve and rolled into a ditch oronto when 'his small carjnear Arnprior, 42 miles west of crashed into a delivery truck in|Ottawa, Toronto. Gail McGaughy, 10 months, FRIDAY Marie, Ont. on by the unhitched trailer ofjnorhwest of Orillia. a transport on Highway 17, 25| Kenneth John Talbot, 19, of Hamilton drowned while swim- miles west of Sudbury. Francis Moore and Jack Ser-|ming with friends in'a pond a' down, Northern Ireland, when he darted in front of a car in Harold Sullivan, 32, and his Long Branch, Ont., drowned in|wife Barbara, 31, when their the Trent River near Camp-|motor scooter collided with a bellford, 25 miles northwest ofjcar at Wasaga Beach, 20 miles George H. Moore, 54, of Dun- Craig, Ont.,. when his light/gannon, Ont., when his car, truck collided with' a dumploverturned on Highway 4 near Clinton, 50 miles north of Lon- Tom Loucks, 54, and his when fire swept through the|daughter Marylyn, 28, of Horse- family home at Sault Ste.jshoe Lake, Ont., when their car was struck from behind and Jack Folz, of Spanish, Ont.,|collided with a truck going the and his daughter Jill Ellen, 6,)opposite direction on Highway when the car was struck head-/69 near Parry Sound, 70 miles DECEASED Veteran actor Ray Collins. who played Lietut. Tragg on television's "Perry Mason" series for eight years, died TORONTO (CP) -- T. C. ; (Tommy) Douglas, national ",\New Democratic Party leader, said Sunday that United States foreign policy is pushing the world closer to the brink of war. He said the U.S. is not inter- vening in nations like Viet Nam and the Dominican Re- public on behalf of freedom but in hope of maintaining puppet military governments in power to facilitate U.S. economic ex- ploitation of those areas. Mr. Douglas addressed about 100 delegates to the annual con- vention of the New Democratic' Youth meeting here during the weekend in conjunction with se- nior NDP national convention preparations. Riding resolutions to the se- nior party convention, which meets here all this week, so far have shown almost unanimous support for Mr. Douglas's stand on U.S. policy for Viet Nam. ' ~ "THE OSHAWA TIMES, Ménday, July 12, 1965 U.S. Pushes The World Nearer War -- Douglas ing delegates that President Johnson's contention that North Viet Nam was conducting a war of aggression against South Viet Nam and that the U.S, had Nam's request was misleading propaganda. CALLS IT PUPPET Viet Nam is a puppet govern- ment. of the United States, That's like saying Edgar Ber- gen was invited to dinner by Charlie McCarthy." He said there. can be no effective peace talks on Viet to negotiate with the Viet Cong, until all foreign troops are withdrawn from the country and the Vietnamese govern- ment turned over to freely- elected representatives of the people. The NDP leader also warned that Canada had her own prob- lems, problems that were part Mr. Douglas told the laud. f what he called a triple revo- yesterday after a prol d illness. He was 75. (AP Wirephoto) t son, both 19 and of Seeley's|Copetown, 16 miles southwest of Police Quiz Bay, Ont, in a one-car accident|Hamilton. in Morton, 35 miles north of| Victoria Bolduc, 79, after she Kingston. was struck by a car in down- D F Wit Murray Pridham, 26, and Jo-jtown Ottawa: ue or 1 e anne Oostenbrug, 19, both of} Wayne Ault, 12, and Gary St. Marys, Ont., of carbon mon-|Aumell, 11, of <Ingleside, Ont. oxide poisoning in a car parkedjdrowned after their homemade in bush 13 miles southwest of|punt sank in a quarry at Ingle- Stratford. side, 20 miles west of Cornwall Eskimo Reading, Writing pump cuppep BY POLO BALL Soviet Communists Seeking LONDON (Reuters) -- The *|missing wife of escaped train robber Ronald Biggs has made contact with police and told them she is willing to be ques- tioned, it was learned today. Mrs. Renee Biggs, 26, made the contact through a lawyer. The police, who had been try- ing to trace her since her hus- band broke out of jail last week, TEL AVIV (Reuters) -- For- mer premier David Ben Gurion, founder of Israel's Mapai Labor party, faced automatic expul- sion from its ranks under a res- olution passed at a stormy central committee meeting here early today. Many supporters of the 78- year-old Ben Gurion walked out of the meeting before the vote. Former Premier Ben Gurion Faces Expulsion From Mapai passed by 203 votes to nine with 29 abstentions, said "any member who helps in the prep- aration of a separate list or its establishment or supports it in any way... excludes himself thereby from the party and its institutions . . . and will not bear the party's name in any intervened 'only at South Viet ; "The 'government of South © Nam until the U.S. is prepared| lution brought about by the new technology and by racial and social upheavals. Canada's treatment of her In- dians is one of the darkest pages in her history, he said. Mr. Douglas said the separ- atist movement in Quebec is in reality a crisis for English- speaking Canadians. "It is a test of whether or not English Canada will legitimate aspirations of French Canada and adapt to Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With Little Worry Eat, talk, laugh or sneeze without insecure false teeth ing or wobbling. F. firmer and more com- eer powae anne gooey, pasty taste or feeling. cause nausea. It's alkaline ion-acid). Chec' "plate odor" (denture breath). Get FASTEETH at erywhere. form." Useless, Doctor Claims By LINDA CRAWFORD because they have "nothing to MONTREAL (CP) --_ Eski-|do after such training." mos who learn to read and write} 'They can complete Grade 4 are useless to their own racejor 5, for instance, but then and to the white man as well,/there are no jobs for them," he an English doctor who has been|said. 'The white men offer serving in Frobisher Bay saidjthem nothing and only a very Sunday night. few have an opportunity to Dr, Roger West, one of the|learn any trade." medical men who will spend the] "So many of them, in Fro- next 24% months treating Eski-|bisher Bay for example, hang WINDSOR, England (AP) He and some of his support- Polo-playing Prince Philip was hit in the back of the neck with a ball Sunday. The prince, 44, cried "ouch" and slumpd _for- were arranging an interview. s More, Faster Information , Biggs, a member of the gang ers recently decided to go to the MOSCOW (AP) -- The Sovietlevents as seen from the Soviet : P electorate a separate list Communist party is demanding|side. akon ies yore an wa of candidates in next Novem- more and faster information on serving a 30-year sentence at ber's general election. ue, world events to offset the im-/SOMETIMES LAG the time of his escape. He is| But Ben Gurion has re-| % ward over his pony's neck. |pact here of Western. news| "One cannot but acknowledge] .1ij) at large, despite a massive|Peatedly said he still regards * As the 3,000 spectators |media. that bourgeois news agencies international search. ; himself as a Mapai member. | 2 gasped, other players gath- | "In our times, when there are|have achieved a high level of| Detectives, searching desper-|He claimed he could not be ex: ered and helped massage radio receivers in every home,|efticiency and quickly react to ately for clues to Biggs' where- pelled without his consent--or his bruises. : ; : abouts i deprived of party rights and After two minutes, the |fo be silent about this or that everything that occurs in the the. 16 gh aypoades se pe : privileges. prince took his place in the jevent or not to deal with it)world while we sometimes lag|prison. rap However, today's resolution, mos in the eastern Arctic onjaround the poolroom--their ed-| came again and steered his from the positions of socialist|behind," it says. MONEY TO INVEST? a ee De Hone, madelthey have wot had time to leary] Windsor Park team to vic lideology means giving freedom] The Communist article is the Earn the highest rate -- icebreaker C. D. Howe, madejthey have not had time to learn tory over Chequers: Manur, of action to the falsifications of|latest in a series of Soviet ad- the comment during a press re-|the means by which their own) ¢.3° bourgeois propagandists," the|missions of concern about the per annum D>) ""* HOLIDAY -- ALONG THE SHORES OF HISTORY ception on the ship. It leaves|.people make a living." Polo experts said the be Ale a nt oti _ "It's quite a skill to learn to) prince had tried a shot and |top Communist party theoret-limpact of Western news and bd ighly live off the land, to hunt seals,|' missed, and left himself in |jcai K ist ments. and camp out in winter," liel the line of fire when a |, o", ommunist, S&yS.)propaganda here and abroad. About 3,000 Eskimos will re-|aid "These fellows can't do it] teammate, the Maharaja of Kommunist complains that Since jamming of Western ceive full medical examinations,|__ they'ye lost touch -- They'd| Jaipur, followed through. Soviet news and propaganda/Russian - language broadcasts organs are reacting too slowly|t0 the Soviet ge Me ve in in "the struggle with the: pen- 1963, the number of listeners to/ immunization and dental care|starye." on the ship. Those living in iso-| pr West said those who have : ee foreign stations has soared. etration of bourgeois ideology Soviet news wietla since then into the Soviet Union." lated villages will be flown ina, opportunity to complete S ili . by helicopter, and any requit-iGrade 10 or 11 often work for terl ization have been forced on several ing hospital treatment will beline government, but secure taken to the nearest hospital. [only menial jobs such as truck Plan Backed The journal says it is vitaljoccasions to publish news re- The service has been pro-ldriving and garbage collecting. that Soviet propaganda outlets|ports and comiments that would vided yearly by medical serv-\can LIVE BETTER SMETHWICK, England (AP)|provide speedy and comprehen-|never have reached print in ices of the department of na-| "sq most Eskimos don't|A Church of England minister|sive 'elucidation' of new sithe past. tional health and welfare since|,enq their children to school|said Sunday sterilization should = 1922, Judy LaMarsh, minister-of\pecayse they can make a bet-|be encouraged for couples with the department, was on handtey jiying selling seal skins.|large families. for the reception. _ When Hudson Bay is offering) Rev. John Rossington, But Dr. West indicated thatigo9 a skin, things are good, but|year-old father of two, problems arising from educat-jit can be pretty pushed when|suggested that bridal couples ing the Eskimos were becom-|there's a cut in price. There's|should sign a declaration that ing greater than providing them) starvation now, but many|they understand means of con- with adequate medical care. are close to it. I visited one|traception and are prepared to IS BIG PROBLEM camp this winter where their|use them. Eskimo education is one Of|qogs died of hunger." He put forward his views in the biggest problems the de-} pr West said most.Eskimos|a local Church of England partment of northern affairs|in the eastern Arctic area now|newspaper as a means of curb- has had to handle, and so far,)jive in tents year around. Heling the population explosion in ao one has come up with an|said the tents average 15 feet|Smetiwick. his town of 80,000 answer," he said. by 10 feet and consist of canvas|has received a large intake of Dr. West. explained that ba-|with a layer of moss and news-\colored immigrant .familes in sic ducational facilities are! janer. recent years. | available to many Eskimos, but that few take advantage of them) Thief Slain By Police LONDON, Ont. (CP)--A flee- ing thief was shot and killed early Sunday by a city police- man who had surprised him in the act of looting a men's wear store in downtown London: Ronald Gordon Drake, 23, of Belle River, Ont., listed by po- lice as an active criminal, was shot once in the neck by Const.} Brian Postans. The shooting climaxed a foot chase through alleys and lane- ways behind the Camelot Shoppe on Richmond Street after about $11,000 worth of hh aug without 25% OFF! 1 clothing had been stolen from the store, police said. $4g-00 3360 $36-°° $24.00 ecm anata SAMPLE ONE-WAY ECONOMY FARESTO HALIFAX the store. He gave chase, fir- ing several warning shots. FROM TORONTO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT WASN'T ARMED Drake, who was not armed, was shot as he fled through a laneway carrying sweaters. The. second man escaped. Two women one identified as Drake's wife, were found in the area and detained by police for questioning. A car, owned by Drake, also was found there. Police said that Drake, who had a record of convictions for breaking, entering: an] theft, recently had been placed on the active criminal list for obeerva-| tion by police departments | across southwestern Ontario. | He was pronounced dead at} the scene' of the shooting. An for 5 years (and up to 10 years) CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES are Guaranteed -- os to Principal and Interest Flexible --- may be used os Collateral for loans Redeemable ---- upon death Authorized -- os Trustee Act Investments SENIOR AUDIT CLERK $4410 -- $4860 Unemployment Insurance Commission PETERBOROUGH, Ontario For full perticulers as to id duties, fi i and epplice- tion forms, see posters on displey at Post Offices and National Employ- ment Service Offices. Apply before July 20, 1965 te the Civil Service Commission, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, TORONTO 7, Ontarie. Quote Competition 65-T-951. Cet Te | iD oD BP) 3: i om ic Rasasnee Head Office: 19 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa FOUNTAINHEAD Tel, 723-5221 OF SERVICE SAVING HOURS: Mon.-Thurs, 9t06 Friday 9to9 Saturday 9toS FLY AIR CANADA ON YOUR HOLIDAYS AND SAVE 25% OR MORE ON FAMILY FARE DISCOUNTS! RRR COME AND REVEL in the glorious natural beauty of Ontario outdoors this summer. From Adolphustown, on the Bay of Quinte, to the Quebec border, there are sites of recreational and historic interest unmatched in scope and diversity in North America. Every summer pastime is catered for within the Commission's fourteen parks, There are ample facilities for swimming, boating, riding, picnicking and fishing. Between charming towns and villages along the St. Lawrence are attractively-situated, well-equipped camping sites in parks such as Adolphustown, Ivy Lea, Brown's Bay and the Long Sault Parkway. Crysler Farm Battlefield Park, near Morrisburg, has one of the most modern marinas on the St. Lawrence waterway. Two highlights of the Park's attractions are the new 9-hole championship golf course and the min- iature railroad which transports visitors from Upper Canada Village to Crysler Beach. Nature trails, a waterfowl sanctuary, boat tours, paddle boats (for rent on the Long Sault), scenic drives, historic sites such as Old Fort Henry in Kingston and Upper Canada Village provide interest for young and old alike. There's a world of enjoyment for all the family along Ontario's historic shores. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION TUESDAY AND ALL DAY WEDNESDAY SPECIALS Fresh CHICKEN WINGS 4 Ibs. s] HINDQUARTERS OF BEEF CUT AND a WRAPPED FREE LB. 59° / BUEHLER § | THE ST. LAWRENCE PARKS COMMISSION MORRISBURG, ONTARIO o> 1 2 KI NG ST. EAST aia 723-3633 , st Hon. John P. Robarts, Q.C., Prime Minister of Ontario & 32 ' , AR Infants (under 2) not occupying a seat and with an adult, fly FREE! FREE Mother saves 25% ... but pays full fare when she Children (2 to 11) travel for 50% OFFI Dad always pays full fare! Accompanying children (12 to 21) go along for FAMILY FARE DISCOUNTS apply any time, anywhere on Air Canada flights in North America ar details, see your Travel Agent or write Air Canada in Toronto et AIR CANADA (@&) DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE WHITBY 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST PHONE 668-3304 For Travel Information Call or See FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL 57 KING ST. E. 728-6201 Call Now for. Complete Travel Arrangements MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 25 KING ST. E. PHONE 723-9441 or 723-7001

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