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Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Jul 1965, p. 28

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LIEUT. GOVERNOR John Babbit McNair is the new Lieutenant - Governor of New Brunswick. He \s a former a' - general, premier and chief justice of the province. (CP Photo) Dollar Drain Halt Prompts' New Plan By ARCH MacKENZIE Canadian Press Staff Writer Progress in curbing the United States dollar drain has prompted President Johnson to move cautiously toward grap- pling with the complex problems afflicting the international mon- etary system. Reform of the system -- launched in 1944 after the Bret- ton Woods conference--with the U.S. dollar as the main lubri- cant for the world's industrial mations--has been in the talk- ing stage for more than two years, US. Treasury Secretary Henry Fowler proposed last Sat- urday, with Johnson's blessing, a world conference which must be preceded by adequate prep- aration. Britain speedily endorsed the suggestion and is being credited with putting pressure on the U.S, to make the proposal. r) Canada is expected to agree, mpeg CHARTIER MRS. BURTON plus Japan and other non-Com- munist industrial countries. But) less enthusiasm has been shown for bringing the problem to a lobal conference table by rance and her continental Eu- ropean colleagues, who have | preferred quieter and more| private disucssions. CHRONIC DEFICIT U.S. reluctance in the past has been based on her chronic deficit in gold and dollars, But the voluntary presidential cam- paign to check that deficit, which amounted to more than $3,000,000,000°in 1964, has shown a profit for April, May and) June for the first time in eight) years. Optimism about this turn of the tide is tempered by several factors, including recognition that American companies could speedily undo their accomplish- ments in trimming overseas in- vestment. They have also been repatri- ating cash assets from Cana- nadian and other subsidiaries abroad and bank loans to Ja- pan, Canada and other clients for American investment capital have been reduced. Considerable preliminary re-| search has been done by the so- called group.of 10 nations, which includes Canada, and the 102- nation - International Fund, which has played an in- creasing role in assisting Can- ada, Britain and other countries through international payments difficulties by extending for-| eign-currency credit, LARGE ROLE The fund is expected to have| a continuing large role in any! revamped system. The over-all problem for most nations has been to maintain adequate reserves to pay their way internationally. The supply of this money is known as in- ternational liquidity. The U.S. program to trim its) balance-of-payments deficit has) hit those reserves by making) dollars scarcer. There is considerable interna-| tional talk at present about} creating a sort of substitute in-/ ternational monetary unit to) help the dollar and the pound sterling in this work. One pro- posal is for a unit called the cru -- short for collective re- serve unit. The idea is to support the cru with large deposits in the cur- rencies of the U.S., Canada and other strong industrial nations. The U.S. has not been keen on the idea but now seems willing to have a good look at it and a special advisory group has been doing that. But before any world confer- ence is called, a lot more 'talk and consultation will go on. The next meeting of the Interna-| tional Monetary Fund in Septem- SOME MAJOR WINNERS ~™ FOR ONE WEEK ONLY SOOwnner HOOwwnner *SOQwiwner MRS. SELVAGGIO MRS. C. SCOTT. MRS. KULCHYCKE. -------- TORONTO CHATHAM HAMILTON $200 winner *2OOwnner s2@Owwner MRS. E.BRYAN MR. H. BOOT MRS. SMITHYMAN KINGSTON TORONTO KINGSTON sZOOwnnen *2OOwwnen s2ZOOwinner MRS. COURTNEY MRS, |. TREWIN MR. E. FRIESEN TORONTO TORONTO OSHAWA DO winneR s2Q@Qwinner *2QQwwnner *2OOwinner MRS. D. SIMPSON MRS. E, BOULTON KINGSTON SCARBORO WEST HILL TORONTO WINNER $2QQOwinner *#OOQwinner MRS. I. HIGTON ISLINGTON *2OOwwner *¢ MRS. CHAMBERS MRS. GRANVILLE MRS. I. CAQUETLE ST. THOMAS OTTAWA WINDSOR WOOwnner MOOwinner MRS, LANDRY _ MRS. F. SCHELL SARNIA COLLINGWOOD #9100 winner MRS. R. ROCHE SCARBORO MR, A, STREIB ST. THOMAS Monetary | aa WINS PONTIAC EDWARD LUBINSKI TORONTO SPECIAL! VAC PAC SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS . SPECIAL! SHOPSY'S ALL BEEF FRANKFURTERS ------- i: SPECIAL! PENNYWISE BEEF STEAKETTES THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, July 14, 1968 99 %G SO EASY TO WIN CASH ! PICK UP YOUR FREE "MAKE MONEY" ENVELOPE AT YOUR LOBLAW STORE TODAY. NO PURCHASE IN EACH SEALED "MAKE MONEY" ENVELOPE IS A % OF A "MAKE MONEY" GILL ~ EITHER $500-$200 $10-$5 OR $1.00. SAVE YOUR % BILLS, WHEN YOU COLLECT BOTH THE LEFT AND THE RIGHT HALF ONE OF THESE BILLS, YOU WIN THAT AMOUNT OF CASH. DETACH ENTRY FORM FROM "MAKE mower" 1N ENVELOPE FILL IN YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS AND DEPOSIT IN ENTRY BOX IN STORE, PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 14, 15, 16, 17 a1. a3 1-LB 1-LB, vremwes PKG. SPECIAL! CHOICE -$100 OF ANY SIL CHICKE 32: Ib SPECIAL! CHOICE LEGS «. BREAS MHOOwINNER - HOOwwner MOOwNNER MOOwnner MOOwnner MRS. J.M. GEAR MR. A, BOUREOIS MRS. A. MANICOM. MRS. P. HERBERT PORT HOPE ST. THOMAS INGERSOLL GEORGETOWN 4 ' $100 winner MR. B.E. COVERT PETERBOROUGH MHOOwNnneR MOOwnner MRS, E. BYERMAN MRS. BRAUNTON MILTON LINDSAY MRS, CLARK LONDON MOOwnner sOOwinner D WINNER 100 winner Aylmer PEACHES SPECIAL! FACELLE ROYALE--3 PLY FACE TISSUE SPECIAL! LUNCHEON MEAT SPAM .................--- on SPECIAL! YORK FANCY CREAM CORN or ASSORTED PEAS 3-FL. OZ. SIZE PKG. OF 12 SPECIAL! ASSORTED SPECIAL! Frozen--Available in Most Markets---McCain Fancy POPSICLES .. 49: CUT WAX BEANS. «31. 85: 12-02, TINS 10-FL, OZ. TINS HALVES or 20-FL. SLICES 59° 73: ua Be ve: BS 39: 39: SPECIAL! UID OZ. TINS MIR; DI ERGENT <a SPECIAL! HOSTESS BISCUITS PINEAPPLE TART SPECIAL! POSTS CEREAL CRISPY CRITTERS... SPECIAL! LOBLAWS KITCHEN PRIDE 24-02, | storrucevrerceserermm EACH SPECIAL! HOSTESS CANDIES ALPHABET SURES crit Pia: 24-FL, OZ. BTLS. 4? JULY IS SALAD MONTH! Top Quality, Ontario Grown, Solid Ingredients, Arriving Fresh Daily! Tender Cabbage «2 == 29: ior CUCUMBERS = 2 19: 3 ues, 19: RADISH and SERVE A SALAD EVERY DAY! SOLID HEADS LUSCIOUS CARDINAL VARIETY! BIG PLUMP BERRIES! cRAPES 245° SWEET, JUICE TREAT FROM CALIFORNIA! No. 1 GRADE) 35° QUART BOX Volume 8 Now on Sole Each GOLDEN TREASURY of GREEN ONION KNOWLEDGE ROSA Ney 7h | EXTRA WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF pave opoponany Lanes sue "JAR OR ROLLON DIODORANT @ant 'nt sorTue WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF AMY ONE 12] OZ. AERO TIN SUAVE, DUTRA HOLD or HORMAL WITH CouPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 6 OF, JAR of | | WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'TWO 48 FL. OF. TINS on STAMPS COUPON EXPIRES JULY 21 af STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 4 OF, JAR PETROLEUM JELLY ANY TWO 5 Ox. O8 7 OZ. PRES, EXTRA _ ENCYCLOPEDIA VASELINE WtO COUPON ExPints JULY 21 'TRUMPET HAIR SPRAY INSTART COFFEE 4S COUPON EXPIRES JULY 21 BOIL-IN-BAG MEATS WH COUPON IxPiRES JULY 21 4 COUPON EXPIRES JULY 21 DEL MONTE DRINK 4? COUPON HKPIRES JULY 29 EXTRA STAMPS di 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA STAMPS STAMPS 2) 2) EXTRA EXTRA STAMPS STAMPS 2) 9 2) STAMPS Maal EXTRA 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS I EXTRA STAMPS 1) EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS ber may produce a date. Child, 2, Struck By Car, Killed 3 STAMPS SUDBURY (CP)--Gary Pel- tola, two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Peltola of Sudbury, was killed Monday when struck di a car just outside the city : 2) Bi Pm? ee = ' : : FIND TROUBLE ON LEVEL v : vd 2h NEW DELHI (AP) -- indian) SOQOWINNER shOQwinner WHOOwinner MOOwinner mountaineers who recently! MRS, D. BELLAMY MRS.O.HRYSKO MRS. C. CARTER MRS. L. MANOR topped Mount Everest four times) without injury had a close call NIAGARA FALLS WELLAND SIMCOE. OTTAWA minutes after their return here Their bus hit a light pole and crashed into a ditch. MR. S. CUMMING LONDON MRS. F. KAYUK OTTAWA | MRS: HAMILTON MISS M, STEELE CHIPPAWA BROCKVILLE WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'TWO 20 FL. OF. TINS WITH PORK ( TOMATO SAUCE VAN CAMP BEARS WIS COUPON HxPIRES JULY 21 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'ONE 15 FL. OZ. BOTTLE CLEANER: LESTOIL WIZ) COUPON EXPIRES JULY 21 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 10.3 PL. OZ. BOTTLE NEw WOODBURY SHAMPOO WI? COUPON ExPrent JULY 21 'WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 9 Fi. OF, JAR CROSSE & BLACKWELL GRANSTON PICKLE H16 COUPON EXPIRES JULY 21 MIP COUPON EXPIRES JULY 2) WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 9"-50's PKG. DUCHESS PAPER PLATES 24 COUPON EXPIRES JULY 29 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 6 OZ, PKG, JACKS CHEESE TWISTS Man COUPON ExPIRES JULY 2) WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'ONT 20 FL. OF, TIN WETHEY'S BLUEBERRY PIE FILLING WI COUPON EXPIRES JULY 21 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 7) OF. PKG. JACOR's CREAM CRACKERS 2 COUPON EXPIRES JULY 23 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE 8 FL. OZ, BOTTLE KRAFT CATALINA or CASING DRESSING 20 COUPON EXPIRES JULY 21 SCOTCH MINTS COUPON HxPIRES JULY 21 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'TWO HEADS LETTUCE M90 COUPON ExPines JULY 2? WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE HALF OR MORE FRESH WATERMELOR 'N32 COUPON EXPIRES JULY 29 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF OME 93 FL. OF, PLASTIC BOTTLE 2) > ie Se Fay H2® COUPON EXPIRES JULY 21 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONT 8 QUART PKG, PETER PAN PUFFED WHEAT Mas COUPON EXPIRES JULY a1 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY TWO PKGS, BETTY Crocker FROSTING MIX MIT COUPON EXPIRES JULY 29 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'TWO 6] PL. OZ. TINS JAPA FROZEN ORANGE JUICE '2p CoureN ExPIReS JULY 21 EXTRA STAMPS IT COUPON ExPiNes JULY 21 Shopping Centre Store Open Wed., Thurs. and Fri. Till 9:30 P.M, - Downtown Store Open Tnurs. and Fri; Till 9 P.M.

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