THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 14, 1965 33 . BOSS REFEREE Tan (Scotty) Morrisson is' the referee-in-chief of the National Hockey League. He was appointed at the league's annual meeting in Montreal in June 1965. (CP Photo) Plans Ready For German Econo-Unity By IAN MacDOWALL BONN (Reuters)--The West German government has just published blueprints for the eco- nomic reunification of Germa- ny's divided halves--something many people believe must re-) main for years a castle in the) air. The plan envisages the mer-| ger of the industrial and agri-| cultural economies and finan-} cial and social systems of East) and West Germany, after reuni-| fication on a democratic basis. | It is contained in the fourth) report of the government's ad-| visory committee on reunifica-| tion. Its members -- politicians of all parties, economists, and in- dustrial and farming experts-- are not deterred by the fact that today, 20 years after Ger- many was carved up by the oc- cupying allied armies, reunifi- cation seems as far away as ever. CITES NEED The report says the two parts of. Germany have developed along euch different economic and social jines in the last two decades that detailed prepara- tions are necessary for the re- adjustment needed when reunl- fication occurs. The aim after reunification is to bring the East German peo- ple up to the economic level of their fellow countrymen in the prosperous West, to give them the same social benefits, and to make the country a single eco- nomic unit. But the report says this can- not be done overnight. A tran- sition period will be necessary, it says, and it makes detailed recommendations on what should be done in this period. The report says East Ger- many has failed to achieve its economic targets and the at- tempt to catch up to West Ger- many in per capita consump- tion of consumer goods has been abandoned. HERE'S A COOL WAY TO SELL THIS SUMMER . . . If you have no-longer needed articles around your home, get some cold cash from them, A fast - acting, low - cost, six time want ad will bring you quick results. FOR HELPFUL WANT AD SERVICE CALL 723-3492 Times Action Want Ads EATON'S | Economy Model Air Conditioners V | K | N G 5,000 B.T.U. Capacity Cools Rooms Up to 190 Sq. Ft. Prepare now to spend the whole Summer in comfort! You can | be cool, sleep well and feel fine during hot, humid weather if you have this efficient unit in your home, Cool air will circu- late to keep you comfortable and. relaxed throughout the. stickiest days and most airless nights. While they're offered at this low price, order one for your office, too - - and meet the heat with a grin this year. EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 259 EATON'S BUDGET CHARGE TERMS PHONE 725-7373 @ Cooling is thermostatically con- trolied - - 7 settings. Two speed fan is whisper quiet. Adjusteble louvres. Removes up to 1.6 pints of woter from the elr every hour. Washable filter guards against dirt, dust, and pollen. Centre mounting only. Easy-te install mounting kit included, Fits windows 21 to 41" wide. Aluminum cebinet approx. 19 Vg" wide, 15%" deep 1212" high. : Model 65-50 (115 Volts, 7.5 amps.) EACH 179° EATON'S 1965 MODEL VIKING -- DELUXE DEHUMIDIFIERS You can convert even the dampest area of your basement into a dry, comfortable room with this efficient VIKING and at the same time it should eliminate damp, musty odour, pro tect stored clothing and books from mildew and tools and pipes from rust. Note its convenient features: @ Removes up to 41 gals. moisture from the eir every 24 hours in ereos up te 18,000 cubic feet. a i it [ the comfort level you select. e Shuts off mechine when humidity reaches normal level, Signo! light turns on when weter contoiner is full. Con- tainer can d for ie water di 1). Metal cabinet is finished in beige end brown enemel with white grille. Approx, 18 x 12 x 26" high. 115 volts. Move it from room to room en smooth-rolling casters « and just plug it in. Model DE-T, each 119.95 PHONE 725-7373 -- 4 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 259 COMFORT-AIRE CENTRAL HOME COOLING UNIT MAY BE ARRANGED There are many advantages with Comfort-Aire. @ Utilization of your present heating systern! The blower of your furnace distributes the cool air throughout your home. @ Cooling units in your furnace dehumidifies and helps clear the air, helps remove that damp muggy sensation so often felt on hot, humid Summer days. @ Cooling unit is located in the plenum of your furnace -- For 5-6 Room houses complete with "'H" Coil, 15-ft. tubing and room thermostat. s COMPLETE Including Installation WITH NO DOWN A Central Cooling Unit adapted to your present forced warm air heat- ing system offers you the con- venience of maintaining year 'round comfort. PAYMENT od Installation includes: @ Modification of your present furnace plenum. @ Installation of coil in furnace @ Installation of wiring from your. hydre panel to air conditioner. @ Installation and wiring of thermostat In. order to install this unit you must have a minimum of 100. ampere hydro panel service. If any alteration is needed to this service the cost of such service is the res- ponsibility of the home owner. If your pre- sent blower unit requires modification to ensure satisfactory operation to this cooling unit, such modification will be made at an additional cost, either "A" Coil or "H" Coil is supplied to give maximum performance, @ Cooling unit is controlled by comfort' control thermostat located in your living area, @ Tecumseh compressar and operating controls are enclosed on remote unit which is located outside the home and connected to cooling unit in your furnace, @ One year warranty on all parts and service. 895.00 For 6-8 Room homes complete with "H" Coil, 15-ft. tubing and room thermostat. COMPLETE Including Insteddation | Larger Sizes Available for Restaurants, Beauty Parlours, Etc. This Offer Applies to Oshawa and Area Only. EATON'S BUDGET - CHARGE TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED WITH NO DOWN PAYMENT EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 556 PHONE 725-7373 . This Year's Popular New Style ! eS ne ene ch datas Atl de oa ade acne ES pet eye ye ena ny acpi aang MOTOR-CYCLE STYLE BIKE -- Reg. 49.95 | FEATURING BANANA SADDLE AND STEERHORN HANDLEBARS @ Detachable top bor makes it convert- ible for boys. or girls, @ 14" frame and adjustable saddle... one size for all ages. Strong tubular steel frame in gleaming black enamel with white trim. Banana-type saddle in attractive white vinyl with matching handlebar grips. Complete Spin-Cast ROD AND REEL SET Includes Canadian-made rod, sturdy metal reel and 8-lb. monofilament line with practice plug. ROD: 51% ft. length, 2-piece solid glass gonstruction, with 3 chromium-plated stainless steel guides and tip. Lightweight die cast aluminum handle with cork grip and polystyrene plastic butt cap, With handy polyethylene carrying-case. REEL: Dark biue with anodized copper trim and gold-color case. Black plastic push-button, handy torpedo-type handle knob and smooth - working drag, 80-yard capacity. SPECIAL, 8.88 rod, reel, line and plug ........ @ Chromium-plated chain guards and wheels. 20" x 1.75 balloon tires. @ Boall-bearing construction; foot-operat- ed coaster brakes. @ Tires and replacement parts easily available, SALE, each Spinning Rod and Reel Combination GARCIA MITCHELL 300 SPINNING REEL Acknowledged to be one of the best in the world. Features adjustable built-in drag, precision-cut gears and positive anti-reverse full-bail pick-up, convenient push-button spool release. eek hetero rcp a ALGONQUIN BLANCHARD SPINNING ROD Made in Canada. Two-piece tubular glass fibre. Overall length 7 feet. With metal caps, long-lasting neoprene plastic grip and slip-resistant, positive locking reel set. Five guides with carbide. Special, EACH 12.88 Save even more! Buy the Mitchell 300 reel and Blanchard rod together. SPECIAL, BOR 5 55 CAG ay we eres EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 261 PHONE 725-7373 CHARCOAL and BRIQUETS Specially Low Priced ! @ Here's an excellent opprtunity to stock up on charcoal or briquets ..» or both. SR ec Cae LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIALS On Sale at 7:00 p.m. Thursday and only while quantities last PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY EATON'S LQWER LEVEL, DEPT, 254 THERMAL TUMBLERS ; WITH CADDY @ Six attractive, double wall tumblers with approx, 10-oz, capacity. © Brass-ploted metal coddy. @ Beige or turquoise, cpa tiisi an STORE HOURS: 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. MONDAY TO SATURDAY. OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9! }