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Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Jul 1965, p. 21

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- sia kas he eee La SAS ca Sg Rl iG, BTC 3 a S Bac ak ei AN A li bet naegh Rete a temps ii pioigonigetsong : ses since "s : : "x = ers ° $ pei * : } i A ® meee 22 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, July 16, 1965 26--Apartment for Rent _|27--Rooms for Rent 30---Automobile for Sale |33--Automobiles Wanted f f teh LY. CARS WANTED : ; '200--Summer Proportion [a for Sale wie Sophisticated nines. poll : MORE -- Pyragliocitny off TO MAKE TH YOUR : « For Sole or Perry, running sri, frontage. Adult Living Available in private home, fo mas Poe tiger vid a Sell. your sed cbr to: Tad" ; : John Kulpers . Keith Peters Call between 5 and 7 p.m. ' ' Talk "Cash" to the New ' : . Pigeon Near Peterboro SeaNIe LOT seperately frree cies. * 82 PARK RD. N DODD MOTOR SALES Cor Dealer and 'Save' . ' WEEKEND SPECIAL located near Brooklin, beautiful view of C S MA ie ied 314 PARK RD. SOUTH TED CAMPIN MOTORS COTTAGE AND LOT nn toe oe A A NANA 728-8671 723-9421 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 vm " | COT 72 x Tis, with weil, for sale. Fifteen ; ANTED -- wrecking. Tele- " : : niece We Conlon a tome read | COURT FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen, wil ALL CASH phone 728-450 Robert Nichole ! : $2,995 jot 78° x 200° sure [Fee's rm soot Temonom TE] oe eRe STEREO] Fos dines ciccor eucks vo | SS SO OE ee P "3 . ¥ | |, parts sale. tron - tage erected. $2,995 cash or torn x it, "wih wal, Fifteen minutes preva Fo! Bice soap TWO. SEPARATE ora Tah aa deal up or down, Liens paid, bought, 89 Bloor Street East, 725-2311. : ; budget plan, $50 down, $46 from Oshawa, on paved see dawn. Tele. equipped' kitchens, vanities - ing rooms, close North plont. cen. NICOLS MOTORS 'LIMITED Saree Lee Se, -- pry Limited | number, phone 726-6976. with large mirrors in bath- May jemen preferred, Kooly me eee, 146 BROCK ST. NORTH 200 Wentworth East, 725-1181. : oa : round rooms, private balconies, - = OSHAWA "AUTO PARTS -- Wanted cars : tical for retirement. - Good 23--Real. Estate Wanted bieatlosiead:" cerilers" tain HOUSEKEEPING ROOM -- fui two two wil ee ee racking, Ties and, parts for ae roads, Hydro, 9 4 elevator service and intercom |General Motors. Parking. Telephone by Tihs" Nelson Street, Telephone. 725: ats ll SHOP AND SAVE AT THESE MERCHANTS Sire gee | WANTED | Servis tir (etna RRC, re tee J ed by Wilson's Furniture. - room inder Al ; MEET at Shel! Service Station, share or single. Apply " Strest|anically, body completely redone. bee i : . _ Junetion . or ieephone 2S finitely no rust) $650 or pest cash offer.| 34----Automobile Repair : : tree = ven he IM MEDI ATE an SUaNAD GG gS. SiNAWA TUNEUP CENTRE offen ox Take advantage of the merchandise and services rts hi Cl T y rooms, water, hydro and heat supplied.|iggg EDSEL, Raw straint radio, scones, pert carburetor and auto electric ser- found h today and Fri You'll find Peterboro to Lindsay 4 Two gentlemen. or working couple. Ab-|etc., 1» Power operat vice, 222 King Street West, 728-0817. Md ere y every Friday. You'll fi ain and OCCUPANCY __ sing 25 Riteon North. Telesnane Se Siac comaimie rer Sih Bind TRANSMISSION spedalih Trapaie values for the whole family. pm. ny 2 ; ; SUBURBAN Call Rental Office ot ee erate ta Mosport |i tetra. #0 fully swiened. ae 'owner. 14,000 sions are our oy nee W038 Simcoe Oshawa. Special rates small | 1961 cHEVROUNT te ahem radio, heat- HOMES AND COTTAGES LTD. 723-6361 family. Call Orono T2R6. er, six cylinder, 'standard shift, $1,150.|36--Legal ya ORL ape Properties Fallow Park Rood North [Sten mere, sire, Sana| PLYMOUTH iat HR OR NGTON TOWNSHIP BRING HOME THE Phone 416-372- 'ollow Pa 00 ty same floor. Parki fo Problem. $8|fransmission, timing and mufflers, etc.| Running good. Sacrifice for cash. Tele e For over 30 years, we hove Anderson St., West on An- |weekly._ Telephone phone 723-7963. | Why be regimented on your served the People of this orea derson to Nipigon St, _ SINGLE rooms and oe Apply 25 Divi- ia panrananhit.-- two-saor wardiop, | PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD V A c A T | 0 N BIG ONES! OUR holidays regarding mec! hours. with. Pride and Dignity. We Open for your inspection 327 motor, wheel discs, deluxe RE UIRES Meee ; - Eat whot you like, when you take Pride and strive to Pro- from 2 to 9 p.m. daily Fos Uanitonsel, tach BO thoes See te streat,| Push-button radio, 'excellent ' condition. Q S p F C | A L Spin-fishing outfits, reels, ONE DAY like, in our beautiful Colon-" | tect our Integrity and Loyal Oshawa. a cnavaaens ---- rods, lines, bait and lures. DRY CLEANING ial dining room and coffee service as second-to-none. GUIDE HOUSEKEEPING rooms with refriger-|'57,, CHRYSLER hardtop, white walls, TENDERS "BEST PRICES IN TOWN" shop. Private cabins where Tired of waiting and hoping, sior and siece. Apply me King Street! vomical on oll and ges. Private, bes) offer % MINOR AND MAJOR SERVICE you can be assured of plenty listing with friends? We need hades FP ann Mi antane over $275. 725-3013. ; : of rest, mostly with three more property for @ reason, REALTY LTD. FURNISHED room 7 "Tent, i, (board it de. 1956 CHEVROLET coach, radio, stand- ENGINE TUNE-UP V ALLEY CREEK ce bath. Good fishing and we're out and we're out ae ee ie ard 6 clean inside and out. $180. Apply) To re-decorate two rooms in : : on cash and earry only at nt y sri ne 640-2550. Drive, Whitby, after 4. North Courtice Public School (Ali engines electrically boating, sondy beach, large for a reason. . . We SELL it. 723-1121 FURNISHED room for gentleman ina poaTen areniiossedanVi rth Courtice Public . cholahd: .. . SPEEDS recreation hall, sports direc- Call us for an expert evalua- use of kifchen and refrigerator if Garaa. SaeIehe. radia) sure TS rs con.| For information contact Mr. | VACATION TAKE-OFFS tor, and many other features tion of your property ond we | |- eas AS if on Boe eee dition." $1075. Telephone 725-2483 | §. E, Phair. After 5 p.m. po % BRAKE SERVICE | 16 BOND W i j a i Hf ie fe | | -- your holiday enjoy. ill gr ser Ma MALA GLEN sage eet Loom, (or rere ce 1960 DONTIAc rs eeane| OL Use vg ee | 4 TIRES & BATTERIES | ameae) VADIANT a is Je ys mar |TWO BEDROOMS. | furnished, central, tad, White walls, power steering and| Enniskillen, Ont | 4 WHEEL ALIGNMENT -440 1 DER: . parking space. ly 720 Jam re rakes, tin windshield, One owner car, , 3 MS a ae WRITE FOR FOL! COURT [FURNISHED room fo co Apply 18 as --e Best offer. sla a ; | WHEEL BALANCE ae As CLEANERS White Pine Lodge | Call 723-2265 LOCATED NEAR SOUTH [ffir ,<tmucam! @ -Mlehene TAOIMIINS PORTIA, two, dior "herdiee_V3138--Coming Events L DON'T. . 6: | ean: canines 7 | GENERAL MOTORS PLANT ROGUE lac Gua ae a Mon, Can finance, best offer. Telephone SEE YOUR SERVICE IT Y BANCROFT, ONT. | RESERVE NOW |town and North GM. Apply 29 Elgin|728-1203. : | KINSMEN | emiran we | DO OUR CENTRE Street East or telephone 728-3643. METEOR, 1953 motor equipped with %"| | R. R. No. 3, ballad ---Sfuaad jAvoID DISAPPOINTMENT linarray'-- Two large tribes rooms |e ele, te wo saves ew eeeiad 3 | | Try Our Professional 725-1023 POW -WOW POINT | LIMITED $Y Bottreoms tn ail'S ond [meni aohee wir arin" |STATIONWAGON ne sicane wc) 2 | GENERAL TIRE | = °" "rons Gs Pas take yaar tout |G Retro te ATTRACTIVE tree - room unfurnished Ne yer clean congiton $1M#5. Tele) DRICE PASS | - GILLARD e xyes fi rv stove r ~ a J Ks | | resort in the heart of North NEEDED oes ig NE a Ng A Sg T | OF OSHAWA | ----~------ pt gi Piths ore aig - repent System eae. Telephone. 725-214 |e, back- up lights: whitewalls, discs. | | 0 the | CLEANIT wi * @ aus "oS mes . xcellent con ion roughou' elephone | * ONE large housekeep! eeping | room, * j rent see teins "Happy Vendors" * Broadloom Halls [Sire teehee Me cri oar POaTIAE Parisienne four-door dl FRIDAY, 534.RITSON RD. SOUTH Pratt ie fan VACATION. t HY, vita Guan We have to offer you, the ltop, 8, automatic, brak d| : | ry Cleaners an { > ae yi mmiong log i. people of de "~ Dis- 728-9466 |'28--Room and Board tsrng. Tenors rise ae | | JULY 16th | (2 blocks North of 401 Hwy.) | Shirt Launderers COSTS | SFE i 4 : trict, over 57 years of accu- } » six cylinder, auto-| J vent ieeiTe ee oid mulated experience" in the @} S H A W (SSO coe een oe ey oh matic, two-door, | radio, res KINSMEN Call 728-6221 | 725 3555 laicions ineoli 'Pirtoat 'eods Real Estate Field. | Telephone Whitby 668-49 roe ponTiAe-- s it Te. : | We Pick-Up and Deliver ; | 2. ' 4 abe arisienne wo ae | even fresh baking, courteous | Gio omtly Vand auccessflly REALTY [tn oars tor geteren a Bae marae, aueet eye mine! §-- SUPER CAR --------| US FIRST ? i ral esta bend ate Shite box 387, Huntavilie shad served the public and have e [to downtown. "Apply pts address. 1962 PONTIAC Laurentian hardtop, V-8, CUSTOM ~NEW and USED or eal! 705-789-4951. proven sales record which re- (BOND ST.) LTD, --_|LAR@E rooms, ood "meals, Tun che fan sien Coll Getarc's ten, WE OFFER: veols that "over 90% of our . "packed, parking, ule home, sult gente? Jnr seat, Best offer. Cali before 5 p.m., | UPHOLSTERY l Pj k | listings culminate in satisfoc- men. Telep! 728-48 ~ S @ Pick up service MP tory sales." |ROom AND RD Simone Stra Street warn, cHEVROLET Togels Far dat B C Y C L E '@ Tune-u s \ DRIFT INN CA Now we require additional |$18_weekly. Telephone 728-6485 ; aa| Bower Steering, power brakes, like new at THE Pp hee "On Sais Sa of Lake Nip- meapertins mel . sole wee [mens neo North 'Plant, Te ie, pete Elmited, 30" Dundes Sireet 'Bast, Whioy, PETERBOROUGH e i sd nal e rene and Tail Pipe issing, equipped se- "an ' nie or Summer Fun keeping cottages, hot and cold | - SOLD OUT! TOWERS LTD ROOM and board In clean, quiet h lor -- hi Chevrolet, four-door, V8, au-| BOATS @ Specialized washi water, bath and shower, sofe If you are thinking of selling . Barking space, home erivileuee. Five 'ays tomatic, win $850, @ good 'one.| MEMORIAL CENTRE e nd Polishi ng sandy beach, excellent. fish- your home call us for an ex- " ly y al Wanted. a olisning rn Ht gg tsp gy rd ee ae ae hich mea gre bed. 'nr ar toe nn ps Fl al sa OVER $8 200 Seats, Covers, Used 2o @ Trucks - Vans - Autos A pe uring ; - weekly. \7 ge 7 ' i ' M q 'comfortable lounges, steam ae rts pred Mi rooms. ROOM AND BOARD availabe iv siniry Han, 0.88 Plymouin, real seed ce, F Tents, Chairs A Good Selection of @ oe q j cn he: § 725-2932 . * eee maak | ecm we | ° troupes Cone Sound itt tity Sia" lim coaster ema gael © in Prizes FISHING. ~ | Ser 'teva: gine aes ey can make your property avail- F ' | motor, bodyworker's chance. $375. Tele-| ; ; DON'T TOY AROUND WITH Phone 728-0808 able for sole t0 over 175 pro- ' Secece! Monting ROOM ond beard, close, to GM north Tene Alnx Pars, : including TRUCKS YOUR CAR EVENINGS OR WRITE fessional M.L.S, sale: rson- |725-9843. 'Apply 57 Brock Street East. |1964 CHEVY II, automatic, radio, alt) fj 1965 ified C ate om Tie La NIPISSING, ONT. 2 s person @ Inter-Com System extras, spotless, 13,700 mileage. Warran- ew specine: or a BROCHURES ' nel. CALL e HI-FI Radio |siNoLe ene eee Whitby. datas. ty, $2,300. 942-1736. from dealer of your Seats, Tarp CALL; @ Balconies : ge eo eae ' 1935 HUDSON Teraplane, good antique) choice or $2,000, Cash. : : SAMILY, (WOLTOAT -- 1 = nek noi for 728 6286 @ Underground Parking. ws ee eee for gentleman. 10 condition, Sacrifice price, "Don, Boyd's $1,000 7 os Repair, Rebuild | In Stock i] modern. Excellent Merino Fiening, rt pe ee Se Telephone 725-7622. $1,600 Big Snowball (57 Nos.) | e Children's playground, Boats included Reserve Now 29--Wanted to Rent -- ----- : 1.600 Small ball (52 Nos.) @ South eg i ata me Ph 728-9466 | WANTED small, clean bungalow with bed eit yn suena aa Joris jbo $600 Et heat ! sg SucKNGRN LAKE onstwotires veo) O° > pres Se sene Fein ee ut (11 BEAUMONT two-door nardion, Vit.| $480 Special games WILSON YCLE oreo see! §6REAL ESTATE 728-4014 LITE GamcGncee esas GRRL IRS ee wn any ee]. Don't forget. to: buy the ee Hee Se ne one, Ceeven Oshawa, by adult family. Telephonelald Limited, 300 Dundas Street East,| economy pack for value and fA > gal la LIMITED 725-6721 ____|Whitby 668-3304, . sove money BATTERY ENTRE p RICH LAKE -- Private Sale, furnished as a OSHAWA TWO- to four-bedroom home wanted Inj19% PONTIAC 6 cylinder automatic, Plus 4 Early Bird Games 41 CROMWEL s pier Be vil ola. For futher inform: | algpsl or rottey. ail Anew Pet ration wale walls, one ewnet good or (Share the Wealth) 6 L SERVICE STATION 4 ation telephone 7202173. sfer_3_p.m. | NEED [peace 0 hn MM at 7:30 ot Bloor W. 204 BOND ST, E. ' EOTTAGE for rent on Haliburton Scans = 245 WENTWORTH S Betacam seme! | OCDER TYPE HOME REALTY gran oe o> Gs mw FPGA EGR Many Free and Voluoble 723-3512 725-6344 yours iy Penge Tire weeks NOW |! 725-5003 before 3.30 or after 8.30. |lagher, 531 Mary Street, | Door Prizes : ne 728-581 ] d left. apg ap ret " ig ae! = : (BOND ST.) LTD. NURSE wants "unfurnished | bachelor 1957 METEOR 6, Standard, new clutch | KINSMEN Te na gnaet Orca oe REE We Serviee All Bicycles u August 2 tember 4. For Cash Buyer Call Multiple Listi Se apartment near hospital. Possession Aug- |g res, le rus or .neares | eee 9ni6. ng Service ust-1 to 1§.Telephone after 4 p.m.,| offer. 728-3046. iasvcnin ied pine r Corraee FOR RENT. Three-bedrooms, BILL JOHNSTON iCERBCAR Mun sraanmeae eascnaags =< |i964 CHEVROLET Impala Convertible, KEEP INFORMED month of st, 40 miles from Oshawa EXECUTIVE TYPE three or four-bed-|V-8, automatic, power steering, po on Trent System, Small boet, $150. Tele "GOVERNOR MANSIONS |room home, preferably: with garage, in}brakes, radio, whitewalls. and aise. Whit M e) N S 7 F R (OF HAPPENINGS WE SELL FUN -- nn -- turnished summer Schofield-Aker Ltd, 2 Bedroom Suite loses oeatiaka: Yorerencia cwntlatia, c/a Dundes Streat East. waitby. 668-3304 home, lences, . 100 fi - i cupancy December 1, 1965. Write Box 134,| ' Take feomteger SOteot deck, Good. fishing | 728-1066 3 Bedroom 'Suite |extone Times. Weekley: mame eee "ah sewer BACK HOME... FOR YOUR and hunting. $7,900. Terms, Toronto, -- SPR SA REE een sca ADULTS ONLY |TWO- or three-bedroom house in Whitby|Because of minor body repairs, going B | N G O GA 1-4986 after 6. | or Oshawa area, couple with two small cheap, $750. Apply 849 Sylvia Street.| . WAGGA BEACH caina o- cfagen | "STOP! DON'T. } TELEPHONE children. Guaranteed care, 728-3862. {725-254 With an CAREFREE VACATION rent, al TAH! De. it yourself. Let ty iF 723-1712 728-2911 | THREE: 10 four-bedroom home wanted | 1958 Pour Stratochief sedan, auto- ; i | CAKE scUGe ioabe seattigs enitage, five My va ep For A intment immediately, in Oshawa or outskirts./matic, $500 or best offer. Can be seen Over $500 n Prizes | en eto Pinleted, wo piece bath, you, rani or SELL your next ppointme: Telephone 723-3230. after 6.30 p.m. Telephone 723-5923 OSHAWA | fireplace large verandah, boathouse,| Proper WHITBY -- Furnished bachelor apart -|1988 PONTIAC Laurentian, two-tone, four | EVINRUDE OUTBOARD MOTORS $6,000. Call Marvin Nesbitt, Nestleton | "798.9466 | ment. Private, clean and central. Suitable | FILL SPARE ROOMS with paying guests.) |door hardtop, 6 cylinder automatic, | : 986-4894, T. Murphy Broker. | for business lady. Abstainer, Telephone| pial 723-3492 now for an ad-writer to/POwer steering, radio, whitewalls, After . t | (with @ 2 year guerantee) NINE-ROOM home on Bey of Quinte, OSHAWA presse ltl help you phrase an ad. hrauks bah ' TIMES | rie tin Mtereartie aah Ban' Mreaen| REALTY (Bond St.) LTD; ee san oe og TS -|31--Compact Cars for Sale AT 8P.M | | & CRESTLINER ALUMINUM AND Real Estate, 723-4651. |__» __ 25 Bond West ators and stoves swimming pool. 728-3465. | 30--Automobile for Sale | ae Fl BREGLASS BOATS b= age Bg es Tg Xo ee : > ir ae ee Ue ie % VOLVO & PEUGEOT | ! HOLIDAY Mey, send beach SELLING? [So cea ete' atta sina! THE HOME OF MERCEDES BENZ | ST. GREGORY'S * GREW WOOD LAPSTRAKE BOATS CAKE SCUGOG: Three-bedroom cotta; ONE-BEDROOM $115, in private | r | area ae eh omit poh Bree auias ne ant wares. tee) GOOD USED CARS he eae AUDITORIUM | cHBecpIDTy ON fey Ss phone ] ae wetON tes seat vain ea! 8-7576 THREE-ROOM apartment, available yr "Before You Buy General Repair and | LONGER WEEKENDS insula! | gus in third floor, stove, refrigera- " @ ij | : TH 2 Newly | ' aw ' : give Bill @ try Auto-Electric Service SIMCOE ST. NOR Raabe, dcorted nade and out 'ca S | B B bs S ice Aen A tin sen BILL WHITTICK rae pion, i * LAWN BOY POWER MOWERS ree-piece as shawa - water. Good fishing. 728-8105, j__REAL ESTATE LTD. | seGacasom-esenmentwim aa | | ADMISSION Get The PARTS DISTRIBUTORS and SERVICE SPECIALISTS CAKE MUSKOKA -- Cottage for rent or|!F YOU have an older. house and you room. Private entrance and bathroom.) MOTORS. LTD. " sale, sandy beach, hot and cold water, |are renting it out, sell it for "CASH" |No children. Available August 1. 498. Dun: | SABYAN | 50' CENTS | Oshawa Times boats, Telephone Bowmanville 6232448.|now, while the market Is "Hot". CalllKirk Avenue, 728-2276. | 1250 DUNDAS EAST MOTOR SALES LTD. OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN LTD modern collage and bost-house for in 24 hours. Active "Realty ett" OF TWO-BEDROOM apartments in modern VOLKSWAGEN Mailed to your vacation ' 'ae amit. trom Colborne. on |t > tive acres em, Elevator service, Occupancy JUV | 668-5871 - 72 Sales and Service All Prizes Doubled HARBOUR ROAD ne ren levator service. - as ° | bath, Ua Apply" choris 'Teal, Col. Re AH niko Marg Rdg Wraghed Or Superintendent, st Martin "hve, 5 Lie eek New and Used Cars ee: eur led on address at the regular bourne, 355-271 _|reasonable and quiet. Phone West Hill" phone 723-4368 es, 334 Ritson Rd. S. | Admission Ticket ; (off Simeoe St. South) EARTAREA eines, covraea "gen [lene i poten building. call 'after $| BUYING OR SELLING 723-3461 | carrier rate.of SOc per ik i ir A | Augus' in modern all after = an pb eng window facing lake. | croft ae wanted, "Haliburton or Ba " e|P.m. Adult children only, mca 725-| Open Evenings Children under 16 Not Admitted 723-1901 week Bio Opan Yo resonate Blk tie" Telephone iene" on : i963 ACADIAN oe ; r ' dates. Wes ; ; Sock 986-4870 for full particulars. 0 joe ee tree S20: __|THRER-ROOM Spartinent, private. an. MOTORS standard: iranemlnsion clea wih oe PAPINGAU LAKE, furnished cottage tor|24----Stores, Qfiices, Storage|vioc: sou of King Street. Phone das Street Euitr Witty Gee BINGO : , Whitby, rent, one to-three bedrooms. July 17 to ---------------- 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA of season. Safe sandy beach. Tele men : 1963. VOLKSWAGEN 1500, lent ° Phone 725-2280. OFFICE SPACE Eg arg, weed Mecich canvensincas | Uust East of Wilson Road) eg radio and extras. "74.000 mites} HOLY-CROSS. { EATON'S J GOLDEN LAKE -- Pembroke area. Cot- Inciuding swimming pool and elevator.| 723.4494 R 725- 5574 jest offer telephone /28-7850 i é She vias ertaronce "avatan| [aleenane setine Sa ee ei, VURAL evinces oe ri U OOF O GENT! 5 ith f hi |radio, good ti running condition, $85 -- AVAILABLE sokeinet wine te thiee. wn anoter| KELLY DISNEY or beat' offer. Bowmanville. ¢23-2074 : 7:45 P.M. In OSHAWA 623-2003 jgeatioman, 4 Apply 223 Athol street east,| USED CAR LTD. PRIVATE 1964 Volkeswagen 1200 series,, __ Jackpots 56 and 51 21--Farms for Sale Gi MONTHLY bach spartinen,"waw| 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST [Sie8\nn candi, Apoly after ¢ am. o ae o d EXCELLENT Sacre tarm on eke sa; IM Times Building bedroom, plus combination. living 7 WHITBY ~~ 668-5891 1984 CHEVROLET Bel Air, new exhaust, Bs SUNS Tie Som Gerh Seer | inte | ee | ee, en | BINGO make i f | insurance check) $85, Telephone 725- 7970) ' ' ' 000, full information, Blackstock CONTACT | [WHITBY -- Threeroom ~self-conieined| Hed ub es down |i964 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, 13,000 miles.' Every Fri. at 7:45 Here's where you will find the BIG SELECTION of . oreo | jbachelor apartment, central. Telephone | Always top uolit radio, gas heater, A-1 condition. Tele- y i ' eM, This -- Ta0 acre term "with | ge WILSON | 46-3476 before 6 or 668-3714 after 6.30 y: quality Prva ll Coa Biocr ot. Sikes ear hig A plete oat Mlaa if ition.| . 20 Games $10 -and $15 fulfilment of a city dwelier's dream. tn-| APARTMENT to rent. Thi " seit-| MOTORS -- $35, up. All car "parts. Cour-|1963 VOLKSWAGEN 1500, good condition mes an clus se gianna eoy hat dt At the Times contained, furnished. fe 208 Green or nights no eee sil eats th eed aban seat er 8 on ee dh aia = TENTS, CAMPING EQUIPMENT a | Street evenings or Saturday. ackpo jos, " rge eight-room brick home, | ~|USED CAR PARTS, spindies to make| 194 ANGLIA SUPER, AN-FM fadio, all al souaneae tine 80nd LARGE STORE VERSO seen ase galore ed, tees 0 Slr Sree [etions._ Very clean and ecomical|: Two exive gemes ot $25. AND ACCESSORIES ' % +175. Cai ye Cooke, Ajax 942- 5 Ly iT th - bs ef tedety Hogan, Brookiin 655-3663, a dd Ww Was fe |Svafiae ginny siicerhe. $118 monthly. | isa | CONVERTIBLE Parisienne, 9 evlin. Lag lel F Monza convertible, <four-| You Are One of the é PP ~ ~~ ler, automatic, radio, ick-up lights, wi ig' Performance engine, 100 ACRE FARM, 50 Workable clay, loam |TWO - BEDROOM apariment on main hitewalls, wheel . window loaded with, ext Red with red int SO acres pasture with soring creek; 00d | 2 months rent free to reliable | toor, "duplex: stove and retrigerator,| block heater, $0750 or best aie Tae rior. Harry Donald Limited, 300 g. inte-| Thousands @ BARBECUES, ACCESSORIES, CHARCOAL ai tight-room house, _ fair' barn laundry facilities. Adults. Telephone | ph, Whit 5701, Street East, Whith 668-3304 | Nestletom district. $11,000. Call' Marvin) POY: | 724-3597. ysl Mitel ML oibthaldbaid Who Read Neepitt, Nestieton 986-4894. T. Murphy, Call 728-4646 \canvii = Heebteak aie ae IMT PONTIAC Parisienne, two door hard-| 30 recs tae Sale sas | TIMES AND OTHER PATIO NEEDS 57 A a \nished apartment, separate weg i} walls, discs. "Whitby, 668-845 | HALE-TON | international | Bell Tele i--Lots ~ [SMALL STORE" or office for rent, very|"ollet. Available August 1. Garage 1958 BUICK" convertible, good condition,|phone truck,' good running order. $375 0 +f: : 22--Let for. Sale central location. 4 Prince Street. Tele-/*b!e. Adults preferred Telephone 728-8093 $795. Apply. 109 Bloor Street" east ition, best cash offer. Call Ron 723.7821. | phone 728-817: at noon only. @ wearviowe 0 r sa gee a --_---_____ | FW - BEDROOM apariment. close "to| rons 1963 GM halt-ton truck, 15,000 miles, one! 4 é z 1963 cHeveoLey Bel Air t two-door, & she} 'owner. Telephone Hampton 263-2619. | SF antes ST clse aeet|acaenaee for Rent" iter Sere, tere rivet (pine etn Men ae tee lear ance mere re| ACTION ADS EVERYTHING FOR FUN AFLOAT tor...74 'Bond Street East. 7232819. oF Laughiin Boulevard. Wall te wer breee rear, iteration irene onal Limited, 300 Dundas Street East zoe between (ial peta teceis es tink EVERY DAY rine nee. {100M in living-dining rooms. tmmediate|--------»-- e | Whitby, 3304. Sun@ALoW Ta LOT -- 47 fi. x 105 f. on|possession. $125, monthly. 725-4311 after |1957 FIVE-TON Mercury | ump truck $800 TO PLACE A D SE eel Innere, iedp ong stecmnaty|or bet ter Anoiy"Bv"Mrnaysiet| TO PLACE AN A @ GYMSETS, SLIDES AND OTHER ARTICLES KUSHOG LAKESHORE LOTS write| FIVE - ROOM bungalow rent, for ESui very good. Must sell $300. Telephone) 1445 ; CHEVROLET anlek ae ra Te ephone ' to: Huge Morrieen, RR 2% Minden. or cusple, Avaliable inumedtetety, Apply 451) RESULTS | 728-782, aa With Boer emon ston bre . : { ; ohene 720-118). ato no Oe i U | 1958 STRATO-CHIEF station wagon, sliver | Ideal Yor service station. Telephone 723-3492 OF FUN FOR THE SANDBOX Sel. oi LOTS and Toscre lots me Clack. a i ROHEDALEB Drive se jarey 'and black. Good condition. through-| 723-5387 we on ays. se, recres' room, stove, refri 'elephone a a " . Apply' Frank Harvey: Blackwater On: [ator and dryer. $125 monthly. Call Mr] TIMES ee MERCURY Frontenac wagon. Ex-lwanr ans reach th + int 8:00. A.M. and 5:00 P.M. ria, 'ox, Torontn, 465-7981 after 4 | | reac jousands of interested e ' = i ie ' assiti cellent condition deluxe, four-door mode! . ' SUILDING lots on Taunton Road East,|NEW three-bedroom ~ buhgalow | in Hamp- Classitied Asking $950 or best offer. Phone 725-4371 |/Prospects @ ery day. Take advantage' of Saturday till 12:00 P.M. First to EATON'S Then Outdoors for Fun in the Sun ! Wo' x 200: tots mx * 652° atiton, washer and dryer, bulltin atove,,| ACTION ADS jatter 4. - |the vast audience by telephoning 723-3492 f i oder a 0. Financed win 6100 down. Harry [ob oe gg A ve sag me Ma 723-3492 |i qhaveoLey, Swodeor, automatic.jand place your ad before them now, | mw. eke gangs & '

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