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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Jul 1965, p. 20

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Royal genealogist Arnold McNaughton, a $5,000-a-year multilith operator in Mont- real, sits among some of his personages and their lives cans, long sensitive to the role STOC "K M ARKET rea oard played in hemisphere affairs by what they sometimes call the " " Vie @ Tr 200 $14, 14m 1am -- % colussus of the North. By The Oe La Pee Yoican 100 20 200 --10 A recent example carefully Toronto & = con oe tg we "ge Gi ou tu marked in Washington was the (Quatetions % costs vided nr : msi oi ow | European tour undertaken by lot, xf ar ip rights, xw---xewarrants, Net change | Btn 300 a tad bad Chilean President Eduardo from previous board-lot 'dosing. sale.) Weston A. {0200 $198 19% 1914 -- 1 Frei, The general tone of. his INDUSTRIALS Woodwd A S460 $23' 2 B 23% rah a e 0 a message was critical of what he Vasile sash ea called American paternalism Stock © Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge OILS land emphasized a need for Abitib! 700 $11% 11% 11%-- Ws] Ang U Dv 1010 9 6 #% +3 | The new regional planning Latin America to widen its Ate Os ee + Asemere $0 165 1465 165 --4 |board will have an "open-door"| |global contacts. ane ee ee Hah Food "v4 li hai D q| There was a strong implica- Aig Con 125 mm Colvert 2000 34 34 ant | policy, says chairman Desmon Al 4 864% 69% 6% + | CS Pete 700 230 225 Newman. tion of criticism for the Ameri- 4555 Me 28% + a HI ro . Mi e Almas pr 'i35 sale 20 FU! Ean BuecOn ia site 6 i8ve Asked today about a sugges-/°a" intervention in Pray ne sayer eB see ie Gk) Grete oe i e+ wiuon by Dr- Brian Doherty, an Oks Tt Cresident de Gaulle Aro ¢ P pr 200 $12% 12% 12% Gr Plains 250 $10% 10% 10% opponent of the "expressway" na Triste ' Aveo 400 $24 24% 242 --1 Gridoil $00 85 the Oshawa Creek Valley, that| mae Bank Mont "6 S61 61 6! -N Davies 2500 21 2) 2) +1 |e regional traffic study be con-|,, It said 'relations between na- Sok WE BO tl rem, He asa aa" 42 |ducted with the assistance of|tions must be based on the peu Rhone " a ve 7 T. W Decalta 1000 365 360 365 +5 |the Central Ontario Joint Plan-|Principles of non- r= os low k 4 Oe re internal affairs and the right o ning Board, Mr. Newman said: rani io uM ou os MINES ' The regional board ee re-(peoples to manage their own af- BA OW. 2g Se We +) ASvecate 900 So sae ap. «'|ceive delegations. Then it would fairs. Cc Phone =z) $67 6767 Akaltcho 1000 7 700 8 decide whether the matter came|FRIENDLY TO U.S. ca «ae oe hen A eae, ae oe ou sa within its jurisdiction and| He also said Cuba must re- CAE n WO $11% 11M 118 Ang Rovyn 300 205 205 aps | |whether it would deal with the} join - t cgge mg ae % . -- "| matter, ily, another sign a atin C8 20 2 A Arcadia 1000 19 19 19 i C Baim x Woo Sth, 14h 1h | Belleterre 400 2 27 2 +2 "If the matter is local, but er vw. fail to serpin cit $20% -- | Bethim 100 410 410 410 +8 |with area connotations, I per-jthe «deep "8. preoccupation PR $590 %| Camflo 700 315 315 315 , ' fan Pet 10 $120 12% ime + " Camp Chib. 100 430 ry 430 sonally feel that these matters|about threats of communism in tere BE ne | Srey Nig My Syma ueht beat be dealt with at the|the hemisphere Chrysler 225 847% 474: 47% Cdn Keeley 1500 132 13 13a-- va| request of a local group but with| Frei is friendly to the US., Col Cell 500 8% 8% 8% + Ve Cevslar 150 $12% 12% 12% the endorsement of the localjas well as being the architect 4y99 E , cae ee a a och wi $00 154 Isa 154 +4 | council," said Mr. Newman. _ [of last year's sharp election re- Con A 220 S41%% 41% 41% + n_Leke 3500 2% 2 2 +8 | Oshawa council has notified)" Con G 1100 $1 Me 2 Conia 1 4 , rpm t --sace Corina 'Se tin me aul C belles soe 9% % | lthe Metropolitan Toronto and| EXPECT SMALL, RETURNS ore 300 314% 14a 14+ & arewis = 2 27 27 ~| |Region Transportation Study} Mexico expects to get back Bi asee ho tree San does wl & Morrison 1800 184 152 184 |(Oshawa is at the east end ofjabout $8,000,000 in ticket sales sang A 4 Siivs % 26% + "% Bs ih Be) ng ns Ns the study area) that it will sub-|and film rights from the 1968 jase 4 4 4m Me 4 : : : 4 Dom Lime 100 $5l §4 Sts wi © Northid 1000 i i le mit a brief on the study this|Olympic Games, which it is Dom Stores 200 $23% 234 2310+ 4| © Rambler 1300 +4 | fall. spending $40,000,000 to promote. Dom Tar 45 819 19 19 Craigmt 100 si "vn 'iit Va | Dom Text 825 $30% 0% Croinor 1000 ? Ou Pont 200 $47% 472 47\2 Daering 2000 in 11% Vin + va | Exquisite 200 $11% 11% 11% D'Aragon 1000 14a. 14a 14M Falcon 205 $96'4 oe %%4-- Va) D'Eldona $0 12 12 «12 =I To a on Ford (US) 200 $56Ve 56a Sé'a+ Ye| Denison 425 $27 ul 2 Ford Cée 40.8135 ie 135 Discovery 570 325 nm 1044 Yon 104% Frncoeur 3000 iw} iA May va] 22% -- Ve "0 . 125 $11% 11% 11%-- %4| Goldrim 1000 39 39 iv iiss gem 222 2 ~|To Relive Gold Rush Da 700 $5% Ste 5% Granisie 00 290 285 340 $18 (17% 17% Gunnar 200 460 460 "a =] 250 300 300 Hangs » $277 7 we em ad Hol te oe va (Boy aan a Fi ite " By ATHOL RETALLACK atrical troupe from Vancouver 100 405 605 605 +30} | Kenvilie 7000 eR 'i Ito play through the season in Iso 1 DAWSON CITY, Y.T. (CP)-- 2100 352% 52% 57% 300 20 225 290 +9 jthe reconstructed Palace Grand 150 $14% 14% 14% + jockeus $000 p "Ove W0%@---- %/Three years after the much-|-pheatre, me ae Tee | Joule iwo 99 99 9 43 [touted Gold Rush festival, visit-| Financed by $100 contribu- 200 200 200 200 Kerr sag $3 yas 700 1700 19 jors are flocking to Dawson City |tions from each of the town's 20 "5! 1468. shite 9080 stig ve] LAB Min $3114 te aim *) [to Telive the days of '98 through businesses and a grant from the 0 SW BH WH T Prt 1s See 16 late informal, summer-long activi-territorial government, the ee ee 5 ties Dsteean S1p0 255 BS jtroupe is performing The Tend- fre sti Vite 180+ Ve Beri x i" i) A A ourists, --. coon jerfoot, wiitien Vancouver $174 17% 1M 4 4 \6% 17% + "i began arriving in June an \play' a ts. " i + Mantes ie We 7h woh +1 | foraebly fio cone into Sep-| eeedubeene Raymond _-- "a M+ V "a 4 11M #0 8184-154 Wat ee uh " 4 8. "+ witember. The town's permanent|GAMBLERS WELCOME iF sf ft lala Hd dag a" "population of 850 was swollen| Dawson City residents, 25 8 88 mene 1500 « oa «0 jby. nearly 50 per cent during dressed in turn-of-the-century y 1 \ \ . '4 | sits 15s Sie + Wa] her ath Ga Fog |the July 4 weekend. (Klondike garb, are staffing the 600 435 354s New Bid 100700 4 6 9 44 | Every available bed in town|tourist information booth, the}; 10 $M 11% st" A ytd gl ao a lt Ra +¢ |was taken,- and the 'camp-'theatre, old-time gaming tables "5 | N Hoseo 100 |grounds overflowed with cars| c i 2 # o. 9 By le 4 ms "5 5 Fs i files 3 and the Klondike museum 1% % M+% 2) jbearing licence plates from six|through the summer " ' iT . 240 slave lan lee + MA Noo 4 Hy on Uh. \2| provinces and 25 states of the! qhree nights a week the 100 $14 14a" V4) | Northcal 200-145 145145 U.S. 227 $a 2% Yad va; Norihgte 1940 725 715 725 4158| Through the beached sternwheeler, the SS he lr ee | Goake oie] ee summer CaMP-\Keno, is the scene of blackjack, 100 $13% 13% 1344 a) O'Brien 500 65 45 +) jers jog along Bonanza and El- O'Lea jace away, roulette and other Ta tis te Sut At Onemiske Bs aa" ata? + +\a\dorado creeks, where gold Was|qid-time gambling games. But $3 $4 7% + 4| Patino 440 840 84) §40 +io {first panned, stopping at every plastic Klondike chips have re- 489 $27%4 27% 37 + fen lees ea a8 |gravelly bend to try their luck.| placed loaded gold pokes at the oa sn a Placer 220 io Po ae ca Small mining operations| cashiers' tables K 45910 10 0 + ah Vo00 9 4 634 =! |through the ravines and gulches The Vanc : : my YB a*} WI! probe Pad to #9 6§0 +10 |have muddied the water. But aj The Vancouver actors usually} -- Wolo $1010 | er 4400 1s 3 15 /$1,000,000 gold dredge sits silent ra ny alia i Pbaclg 200 250 250 20 <1 aoe 00 335 335 335 +5 lin a silty pool, idle after 20 nm Velie snow. Ot Que t m hi Rockwell 109 $5 3 3 $i Pha wi $1 107% uv +i seasons of digging out more board, while children from Rothman 180 $94 24. 2a Ragian 1400 180 179 179 --1 |than 26,000,000 cubic yards of Oklahoma or Georgia sit in the Royal Bank. 107 $73% 73% 73%-- Ve) Rayrock 12025 145 (138 «138 --7 lf captain's chair in the. wheel- Seven Arts 400 $10% 10% 10M + \e| Rio Algom $56 $16¥e 16% 160 4 ywistavel from the Bonanza bed- atte guinnine Ane wheel 4 Shell Can 120 $16¥a 16lh 16a + | Rockwin 1000 5454 l |Féok, scouring for gold. we, 8D g Mie whee an shel ' pr 225 $25. 2d%e_ 25 | Roman 1150 570 560 gazing down the Yukon River Shee ciy Meat | we wen S [WHERE IT ALL STARTED [as it starts its long course to Silverwd A 300 $15% 15% 15% Steep R 1400 615 615 615 45 | Visitors invariably pause Alaska and the Bering Sea. Si Sud © y pa ata Sere, © 100 SISK I 1 Al Te corp 908 8 se att Livtiragged rock slab i | Tourists can" al d mpsons 275 $26%e 26 261% Teck Corp 200 SIS SIS S18 +15 Be C Slab jutting up} Sts n also wander pyle pp ob 253 $18% 1834 18% baie 709 138. 138 138 +2 [from the valley a few miles| around a reconstructed trading Slater Bsa ei 2 2 | foun aaa farther along the creek, Here,| post hung with fox pelts, traps Slater Aw 355 740 1 1 +10 | Tribag 1000 214 213 a4. 4) |in August, 1896, George Carm-| and lanterns, or visit the mu- 3) hee | mew Vike See 7, Zi jacks staked the claim that/seum, housed in what was once Stee! Con 1348 $7024, 28% 2 + v4 Un Fort 6420020194 20 +2 started the Klondike gold rush|the, Yukon's. chief. administra- x yn 17S $284 28% 2814 | Upp Can 700 161 160 160 --s jand fame for Dawson City tion building. Here a 79-year- Tancord ? Viola' 2300 435 43 | Baas! tan ¥e bs Cetin AC Ton we ee werner mah a The town is also making use| ld Klondiker, Mrs. Katie Mc- ancord pr 100 250 280 250 West Mines 200 460 455 455 --5 |of the buildings and boat, re-| Lennan, tells tales of the old Tek ot ane ae ae oe gic NDE a |stored at an estimated 'cost of gold rush days cae Transair 200 330 330 330 +5 | Sales to 11:00 a.m.: 836,000 |$450,000 by the federal govern-! seems Tr Can PL 750 814M Ma 4 + FOREIGN TRADING ment for the 1962 festival Yroneiht 2m Gi lms Tew + Ya): Coen WIN 1a ay ass Ta ehtertiln ibe a MONTREAL RANKS HIGH 4 a &% r orn 45 5 priain we ; py Union Ace. 200 $8te 8% aie Gunnar 100: 40: 4, ae +19 ltourlats the Klondike Aa tani Next to Paris, Montreal is the Un Carbide 195 $27% 27% 2's Lorado 300 134. 134 134 5 = ma da}tors le Fa Un Gas 100 $264 26a 26a -- | Siseoe 100 280 280 980 ©, 29 |A8S80ciation, a focal organiza- largest French-speaking city in Vanadium ss WO SS: HA | CSUs Cont 2000 85s jtion, hired a professional the-ithe world. GENEALOGIST AT WORK 11 albums picturing royal He is completing a 1,346 page study of the 15,000 descendants of George I. Peli. Photo E iof the "soft credit" program an By ARCH MacKENZIE Canadian Press Stall Writer Latin renga social and economic press achiev ments un ; the Alliance for Progress, launched in 1961 b President Kennedy, will be un- der careful scrutiny during the rest of this year. Washington on a country-by- basis and will cover 19 Latin, American countries, with Cuba excluded. Canada will keep an eye on the review and other nations, in- cluding Britain, Japan, West Germany and Italy, will have observers on hand at least part of the ume. Within the last year, Canada has taken two steps to increase) aid te Latin America, working) through the Inter - America| Bank, Last December, an initial] 4 $10,000,000 was allocated for pro- jects found by the bank to be worth recommending. The first money has gone to harbor im- provenient in El Salvador and further projects are pending. Last June, an agreement also was signed with the bank for joint financing of projects at higher rates of interest and for shorter lending terms than those nounced in December. These steps supplement ex- port credit financing for Cana- dian. companies which has pro- duced more than $90,000,000 worth of sales to Latin America. INCREASING RESTIVENESS The review begun Monday is a normal one, but it coincides with evidence of increasing restiveness in Latin America about its role with the U.S. American intervention in the Dominican Republic has stirred up this feeling, and there are numerous other reasons as well. Some observers say understand- ing between the U.S. and Latin since Kennedy's death and that the momentum is gone from Kennedy's strong initiative for better relations. There are more signs of na- |tionalism among Latin. Ameri- The review began Monday in}? Canada Eyes Re-Evaluation Of Latin-America Progress puff for the Chilean CommunistjOrganization of American States Washington|Canadian diplomats credentials are good, But at this|prospect has been pushed same time, he speaks muchifurther back than ever by the mote bluntly--and to a large|/Dominican affair. party, so his Tipatin American audience, ¥| The U.S, in the four years Of) America is the second postpone the Alliance for Progress, haSiment of the meeting originally) 4 contributed an average annualigcheduled May 20 to discuss re- 1,000,000,000, There is NO qUeS-| vision of the OAS. The Domini tion that the U.8., as President bay this MRS. Axpaay KURIANOWICZ Mrs. Andrew Kurianowiez of 140 Gibb st. died in the Oshawa General Hospital yesterday after a lengthy illness, Born ey land Oct 1922, she was the One more sign of flux in Latin can revolution and U.S. inter- Kennedy said in 1961, would wel-lyention and continuing inability come all the help it can. get from allies outside the hem' ere, jg.(three months later to find a so- lution has pushed the meeting er for Canada's entry vd thejinto late 1965, if then. Pyvaseys JULY 2 FIRST RACE -- 7 pwioge | (Trot) for maidens, eli ages. Purse Lightning Dates, West 5.90 '70 5-Miss Moray Comet, ingles 410 2.90 beng Bive A, Pritt Started: Worth y Me, Reaper Mc Killop, DQ-Fentabulous fidael, Fieming- ton's Van, and Ginger O. DQ--Finished 3rd, Se elitied ae placed 6th for an unrestrained break, SECOND RACE -- 7 Euconte (Pace) for two-year-olds, Purse $700 ( 4+Kino Herbert, Herbert DExpress Select, Holmes 5.90 Brother Noble, Varcoe Also Started: Brave poh Scottish Six Pence, Gam Mir, and Jeni Grattan, DAILY DOUBLE, 2 AND c PAID $12. 10 THIRD RACE -- 7 Furlongs (Pace) for four-year-olds and under, Purse $700 (8). 5-widew Killean, W'wood 23,50 10.60 7.80 4-Valleycreek Je, S ae 6.20 Pee) 1-Donas Champ; W: Also Brende. Herbert, Dean, Miss Cerolene Ann, Miss Spencer, and Valdor Gratien. Argyet Trudy FOURTH RACE -- 6/2 Furlongs (Pace) for three-year-olds and up, Purse $600 (8) 4+5tormy bag MeLean 32.90 Vy 40 6.10 1-Shoshone, Hi 7.0 vy 40 T-Girlie Dillon, "arthur 4,60 Also Bob, Lochinver Judy, Lusty Lynn. FIFTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace) for three-year-olds and up. Purse et (8). 2Drisco Hal, Hill 39.20 12.30 6.30 jarted: Miracle Miss, Brown Bear, Meadow and ny "00 ri GREENWOOD RACEWAY $-Patsy G 2nd, Campbell 7" | Armbro Erin, McKinley Also Sterted: Glendale Indian, re) ios, Omodean, Homestead irish Fergie, 2.80 'and Jimmy Direct. SIXTH RACE -- 1 Miel (Pace) for three-yearvids and up, Purse $800 (8). 4Kathy H. Chief, Law'ce To 10 6.40 4.30 &-Jimmie Atom, Campbell 13.20 4, 5-Miss Angela Mery, Feagan Also Started: Skip, Annie Royal, Arthur Lady, and = DNF-Minor Helen, INF---Did not finish -- QUINELLA, 4 AND 3 PAID $715.00 SEVENTH RACE--7 Furiongs (Pace) for three-year-olds and up. Purse $800 (6). 4Big Chief C, Norris 18.70 ny ay Ben Corey, Somreth TLouvie G, Holm Sam, Stewrat's Dillard, Glendale Joe, pol mony. Senator. so Started: Sootiand's Van, Ai revel EIGHTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Poce)" for three-year-olds and up. Purse $1,200 (7). @Ed Lester, Coke 25.10 7.30 4.20 3Armbro Electra, McKinley 4.590 3.60 1G J McGregor, Habkirk 5.0 Also Started: Sandy Demon, Maud's Boy, Margaret Herbert, Mighty Bachelor. Armbro Caesar, NINTH RACE = 1 Mile (Pace) for three-year-olds and up. Purse $1,000 a. T-Country Mite, Feagan 10.20 4.20 3,00 éJerry Canuck, Fillion 3.60 3,20 8-Sister Harmony C, Gilmour 4,00 Also Started: May Scott, May Trust, Minor Joe, Star Johnston, and Crystal Duke, Attendance 6,927 Total Pool $362,246, THURSDAY, JULY 29 FIRST RACE -- OPurse $2,000 maiden three and four year olds fillies 6% furs America has deteriorated ever) (}>' Miss Boyd Duran $4.30 3,00 2.40 Peterry Dittfach 3.50 2.40 Response Hernandez Time 118 4-5 Cloudy and Fast Also ran in order: Myall, Davids Chic, Jay Flight, Too Kuhl, Smart Tiger, Can- seen Rebel, Berne Jerry and Signori- neti winner, bf, 3, by Amaruiiah -- Mrs, KL Errard. Pool $24,007. Dally Double Pool $47,141. SECOND RACE -- OPurse $2,000 claim: ing three year olds 6 furs (11). Also ran in order: Biue Week, A-Roman Warrior, Easy Ella, Harvonian, Zeesekite, Jiveoll, A-Valecrest Lady and Fabulous Ster Late Scratch--Brothers Keeper. A--Valecrest Farm end J G Farintosh entry The Daily Doulbe Miss Boyd (6) and Ringer Flinger (5) paid 13.20 Winner, Dk & or Br ¢, 3, by Dark Star-- Dizzy Dora by Black Tarquin. THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,000 maiden (12). North Woods Turcotte 96.4 3.60 2.70 Arctic Lake Kornblum 40 3. Pure tron Gordon 2.70 Time 120 3-5 Also ran in order: yeerrtio, Smart end Lucky, Bonanza Babe, Fabrue, Wee Lass, le Gables, Gale, Shaded Ster and Play y H. Winner, Ch f, 3, by Barbizon--Beauchene pi Coldstream. $46, FOURTH RACE -- GPurse $2,500 claim: Ing two year olds S¥a Furs (12). Fabulad Gomez $6.70 3.80 2.90 Jubliance Maxwell 430 3.10 Bellothefieet Melion 4.80 A. Boy, Time 106 4 Also ran in order: Mariscal, $. Sliver Un, Valley Town, Sweetly Packed, Righteous, Lasting Love, Peace Lilian and Asisee it three end four year olds fillies 6a furs), FORT ERIE RESULTS Winner, b ¢, 2, by Fabius -- Bold Lass by Bold Gallant. Pool $52,734. FIFTH RACE = Purse $2,600, Claim- 2.70} (6) Ing, three-year-olds. and up. 6 Furlongs 6). 1A-Traffic Siren, Werry 5.70 3.60 2.10 5-Garden King, Turcotte 660 2.60 2Warriors Day, Harris 2.0 Also Ran in Order: Sub Ginrnaner, Raff's Pride and A-Fayette Queen. THE QUINELLA, 1A AND 5, PAID $44.00 A--Gardiner Farms and R L Victor entry Winner, CH ¢, 4, by --e 4 Siren Suit by Blenheim Pool $25,066, Quinella Pool $28,207, 90] SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,600, Allow- Sua ot 'donee, nth i salted my} bry rine sye-yes Toate foaled in Canada. 90/52 Furlongs (8 ld Fi Merrie - 4-Bye and Near, Harrison 9.50 4,50 3.20 7-The Hangman, Maxwell 420 ee 5-Lady Kasha, Harris Also Ran in Order: Warm hevustns Angus Glen, Har-Den, Nearetic Myth and Second Wonder. Winner, Ch ¢ 2 by Nearctic -- Bye Bye Bunty by Bunty Lawless. Pool $55,118, SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $3,100, Al- lowances, four-year-olds and up, foaled in Canada, 1 1-16 Miles (6). 2-Canadillis, Gornez 590 ie 2.30 Speedy Lament, Dittfech 2.60 1-Big Rocky, Inouye 2.30 Also Ran in Order: King Gorm, Hay WOlLily and Royal Map! Winner, b c, 4 ong Sutin Champ -- Killis by ae Pool $60,23: EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,700. Allow- ances, three. and four-year-olds. About 1 1-16 Miles turf (10), \A-Champlain, Inouye 6.70 9.90 2.70 SHello Babee, Dittfach 4.50 4.40 2Last Stand, Gomez 4.10 Also Ran in Order: Spondee, Caledon Colonel, Rip Van Jive, Market Bid, Spicy Favor, A-Fiaming Triumph and Ad Astra A~Windflelds Farm entry Winner, 6 ¢, 3, by Nearctic -- Canadiana by Chop Chop. Pool $64,338. Total Pool $436,750. Attendance yr 73). SATURDAY, JULY 31 CLEAR AND FAST FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,000 ($3000) pla three-year-olds and up, 6 Fur- long: Fu Honors, Turcotte X109 By Command, Tingley 117 Bea Barger, Nedeav All? Susie's Roman, No Boy 10? Big Boots, No Boy Bil4 Jessie B. Good, Dittfach 109 Brief Wind, Harrison 109 Silver Beau, Parnell 117 Roy Jo, No Boy 117 Woodcote Park, No Boy B114 Artista, Hernandez 109 Li'l Eddy, No Boy 117 Also Eligible: Rye 'n Ginger, Gordon A112; Hustlin' Harry, No Boy 117; Fred- Lb Harris C-X112; Sheree, Harris C-X- 107; Dula Gall, Dittfach yal Yancy, Shuk D114, A-Carene Stable, L and G. W. Bryson entry; B- jenderson and 'eh Bs Reed entry; C-W."Moldowan and Morrisore entry; D-Mrs, A, H. Trade and R. H. New entry. SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,700 Aliow- ances. Three and four-year-olds, 1 Mile on Turf Course Prince Guard, Buttigieg X103 Cymeen, Werry X1l4 King Legend, Ferro A-X106 Chopparis, No Boy Al03 Shining Sun, No Boy 106 Bench Warrant, Werry X105 Tuffus, Sicchia X106 For Wyn, McCMomb 105 Sassy Sarah, No Boy 106 Poacher's Pocket, No Boy 113 Arnmart, Inoye 108 Cap Ferrat, Turcotte X114 Also Eligible: Greek Tar, Harris 103; Red Purse, Steve X103; Cipiiner, Harrison 105; Wild Fabius, Maxwell 111; Blue Mel, Dittfach 108; Bedford Park, Turcotte X105; A-D, Knight and H. A. Grant entry. THIRD RACE ---Purse $2,100 ($4000) Hl three-year-olds and up. 62 Fur- Fate Way, Potts 116 Choppy River, McCMomb 113 Skip Over, Werry X106 Hannibra, Remillard 111 Come Back Way, Cuthbertson X11) Briefsin, Harris X106 Bay Flight, No Boy 108 Mount Market, curentte xi Joey Mac, Dittfach 119 FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,500 ($6500) rts ge three-yéar- sein 1 Mile and 70 yards er Reetwait, No Boy 118 FORT ERIE ENTRIES Gay Bride, Harris X10! Freedom's Hope, Turcotte X11! Fast Jay, No Boy 120 FIFTH RACE -- Purse $3,000. Allow- ances, two-year-olds. 5¥a Furlongs (6). Bersandal, Harris A-X114 Mr, Mascot, No Boy 112 Holy Hannah, Shuk 114 Titled Hero, Gomez 114 Grand Roman ,, Duran A-118 Astro Gem, Inouye 115 A--G M Holtsinger, D ug Davis Jr end Mrs J Hundley entr (QUINELLA WAGERING) 2 SIXTH RACE -- Purse $3,000, Allow- ances, three-year-olds and up. 62 Fur- fongs (12). Forest Rover, No Boy 116 Belarctic, Dittfach 109 Radar Site, Werry X107 Ky. Miracle, Harris X109 C,| Mississippi Mama, Harrison 107 Mitzi's Folly, No Boy 113 Pierlou, Remillard 113 Muskeg, Walsh A-114 Balligally, Gomez 117 Gay Pan, Harris X104 Winlsteo, Turcotte X10? Choperion, No Boy A-114 A--C Taylor and Windfields Farm entry SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $10,000 add- ed. "Fair Play Stakes", three-year-olds and up. One Mile on turf course (13), Gasmegas, No Boy A-119 Pocholi, Walsh 117 Runadir, No Boy A-117 Belfort, Tingley 119 Bive Sol, Turcotte 117 Langcrest, McComb 118 Well To Do, No Boy 121 Royal Spirit, Inouye 112 Shook 2nd, No Boy 119 Glamor Role, Mellon 121 Mornins' Mornin, Remillard. 114 Green Goddess, Harris 112 Beavante, No Boy A-114 Farm and Dane Hill Acres entry EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,400 (5000) Claiming, four-year-olds and up, 1 1-16 Miles on turf course (11), Dance Man, Walsh 116 Baffin, Ferro X11 Miss Shepperton, Gordon 108 Arthur H., Gomez 113 Dark Red, Cuthbertson X103 Tavy Blue, Potts 113 Barleycorn, No Boy 113 Bimini Bill,, Harris X111 Dandier, Dittfach 113 Sarosu, X----5 ibs A POST TIME 2 PM 60|wig's Church tomorrow at 10 A-~-T E King, W T Mason, Willow Downs | daughter of Bernice and the late] queted Stephan Kurek. ada 16 years ago. She had been}, an Oshawa resident for 14 years. he was. a member of H Cross Church, She 'is survived by lied" band; her mother in Pola daughter "Irene; two sons, Steven and Stanley, all of Osh: awa; three sisters, Mrs. Michael Paluck (Janet) of To ronto, Mrs. Leon Slonkoski (Christine) of Hamden, Conn., and Mrs. Eugene Hale (Gladys) of Washington, D.C. Rev. A. Bagsik will conduct high requiem mass in St. a.m. Prayers will be offered in the Armstrong Funeral Home this evening at 8 p.m. Burial will be in Resurrection Ceme- tery. JEAN ANDERSON MARGYN Jean Anderson Margyn died yesterday from injuries received in an auto accident at Elmvale, /Ont, | The former Jean Anderson Parker is survived by her hus- |band Marl; a daughter, Mrs. John Lake (Marion) of Oak- wood; a son Bruce of Port Perry and one grand-daughter. Funeral services will be con- ducted from the Prince Albert United Church Monday at 2 p.m. The McDermott-Panabaker Fu- neral Home in Port Perry made anie Kurek in Po-| Rey, R. She married|o¢ the Andrew Kurianowicz in Gef-inerai Home at many in 1946 and came to Can- wd + oe wg si OBITUARIES Funeral perveees held Harold ag og | Bog st., who died July Lm Oh ie hooped at Magog, Que. C, ay hs of George's Anges Ee i eh --_ meien TWenty, ink, Ross and Bruce, The Corinthian number 61 also held a in the chapel Wednesday" at ra pm. . MRS. MONICA 8ST. THOMAS Mrs. Monica Josephine 8&t. 'Thomas, 57 Warren ave., died 'Thursday at the Princess Mar- ret Hospital, Toronto, In her th year, she '|seriously ill for the past month. The former Monica Josephine Fountain was born Nov, 23, She was the daughter of the late Adeline and John Fountain. 'The late Mrs. St. Thomas has been a resident of Oshawa for the last 25 years coming here from Lindsay. She was a mém- ber of Holy Cross Church. She was predeceased by her' first husband Joseph Teatro in 1925 and by her second husband Joseph St. Thomas in 1959. She was also predeceased a peer Mildred Growden in Surviving are two sons: Joseph Teatro of Oshawa and Vincent Teatro of Haliburton; one sister Mrs. Florence Drury of Ajax; two brothers; Farley Fountain of Toronto and Her- arrangements. Burial will be in Pine Grove Cemetery. bert Fountain of Maple Lake, Ont. Twelve grandchildren and Favorite Doilies By ALICE BROOKS Favorites with crochet fans -- pineapple doilies are so pretty and simple to crochet. Circles of elegance! doilies individually or as lunch- eon set. Ideal for Summer tables. Pattern 7428: directions for two doilies. THIRTY-FIVE cents (coins) for each pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, gneedle- craft Dept., 60 Front Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario. On- tario residents add ic. sales tax, Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. NEW !GIANT 1966 NEEDLE- CRAFT CATALOG stars knit, crochet fashions! Hundreds more designs -- embroidery, afghans, quilts, toys, every- thing! Three free printed in Catalog. Send 25c. Send for 'Decorate . with Needlecraft!" 25 complete patterns -- applique, pictures pillows, more! Only 60c. Value! Deluxe Quilt Book -- 16 complete patterns, 60c. Use patterns| OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS Travel Twosome By ANNE ADAMS DON'T LEAVE HOME with- out a little coverage -- the cape- let tops off this slimmin; cotton, linen. Printed Pattern 4645; izes 12, 14%, 16%, 18%, 20%, 22%. Size 16% dress 25% yards 35-inch; cape 1% yards. FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins (no stamps, please) for each pattern. Ontario residents add 2c sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pat- tern Dept., 60 Front Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario. BE ALERT to What's New! Send for excitement - packed Fall/Winter Pattern Catalog. 350 design views -- school, career, glamor styles. Plus coupon for free pattern -- choose it from Catalog. 50c. Bay has been tarvey 1897 in Victoria County, Ontario.|, sheath to perfection, Choose shantung, Half = Er won dan m8 sae aorta as wie Ne ged fn the ton Me evel He aay sr ele vt yd vg 'he le. former Lillian sl Jan. He is survived by two sons, of Taunton and Lioyd of "dion; mita wil. lena Wilbur three be pein Thomas ane of Darlington and Job of and three Riee A sister, Mrs. ?. "Ashton, predeceased Rev. Charles Catto of Hamp- ton will conduct services ih the chapel of the Armstrong Funeral Home tomorrow at 2 p.m. Burial will be in Zion Cemetery, BLAST KILIS ONE BOGOTA (AP)--A bomb ex- ploded near the U.S. military mission in Colombia's War Ministry Building Tuesday, kill- ine one woman and injuring five other persons, The dead lwoman and the injured were all Colombians. "We're seeing the country by car thanks to a "Every trip we make in our car WHI Latest Augus For Trans-Canada Pipelines C meer Oshawa and Number 1 Builder's Exchange. 'SUB-TRADE AND MATERIAL PRICES REQUIRED t 2, 1965 by: MARWELL CONSTRUCTION LTD. 1500 WEST GEORGIA STREET, VANCOUVER 5, B.C. Telex Number 04-5722 'ompressor Stations Number 134 39 near Belleville. One set of Drawings, Bills of material and Specificotion available at the MARWELL CONSTRUCTION LTD. Maturies PRICE GAIRDNER Call Collect EM6- PUBLIC OFFERING TBY Separate School Board 6% Debentures 1972 - 1980 $100. TO YIELD 6% Available in Denominations of $1,000 & (0. LID. - Toronto Contact Mr. Paul P. Nolan 6833 is a lot more fun because we know our Trans Canada Credit Man made it possible for us to get our car repaired and made safe for travelling. He 'was the one.who suggested a "SpecialOccasion™ Loantopay for the repairs. With the help of a "Special Occasion" Loan we have our car in perfect shape and we can finance the from our i SP Whatever your reason for needing money your Trans Canada Credit Man would like to help you with your special occasion, See him soon about your financial needs. He can arrange loans from $100 to $2500 or more. TRANS CANADACREDIT CORPORATION LTD. 48 King Street West OSHAWA Tetephone 728-4808 ~~

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